Whitby Chronicle, 27 Dec 1895, p. 8

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,4 ~)7) il 'i i I j Pure Drugs;, "Perfumery, Lt tiToilet Requie Toilet Soapa, .Fancy GoodE sities y, tg Anything in the~ ~~Drug Line, 's Ryfley's Drug Store, Simcoe St. South, OSIIAWAe DEC. ~1S Oshawa. 27) 1895.1 OSHAWA PAGE y'BUSINE&SS NOTIC.- Oshawa subscribers or advertisers may transact any business with the CHRONICLE, or may obtain extra copies at any time, from E. E. Rogers. Farmers will do welI to cali at M. E. May>s for boys' ready made clothing. If you wish a fics French china dinner or tea set, or anything in fancy china, or glass- wars, go to E B Morgan & Son. It will pay any parties conteînpîating buy- ing an engagement or wedding ring to see the large stock of Feit Bras., Oshawa as they will sell this month vsry chsap fot cash. Genuine diamond 14K. only $5. Tbey are also rnaking some special offers in Gents', Ladies' and Boys' gold and silver watches. Ses them. Feit Bros. zoo D ;ix=put1I itea L1J s prel Ls, -Tbeir pollaies- M 'hO - 1e Inosa -stWsotlv8 Larest egttsral* -M. 1. Me~.-Dealer in roàerlos. EIuo Cbina, roaot, -Tinwsre, aud FaunOy oliPure' Toms aud O »b* 3ys' roa4y > maile mitsa ÂuOTioi; 8A.ieS-Tbe s'ubcdber will b. lu Ouh m.wsa etiho central Bote), itriday et esofr week tram oue to a '1ck .i, os*ar-' angeifeni it 11 parties wihbiUg ta ha##eslls. L AB5 uxeat140t50). and gonts' trntshlug house 0o1OsbȈwos. Bplandid. assortment 'qt tweeds, ,worstode, trows.rzigs, shirts, eociar,e'oi, alwsyo'kept in utook. U'ULT Biaos - Wstobmnakers sud Jowelers. Dealers tu wstoes, elocks, Jowolery, silver- ware, spectacles, etc. Engr11Z g, go san silvor platlng. uand d gold rIngs =&de oyerï. Flue watoh, cltjck, sud jow.lory repairiugoý speota'Ity.1 Eviausox * HÂwmo s- Importera sud dealers iu farmers', manufacturors' sud housoturnhah- ing supplies. àmaufsoturrs etInDWMr& 5V.e troughiug sud otIzor ooutracting doue. Par- uasoshansdeliers *nd Ilamps. À stoak of btoyoïiss kept on baud. tKb@nttflU Oorurs. Friday aiternoon was a gala day for the tice folks af Tborntin's CorueFrs echool. 'he occasion being the closing exorcises. 'he schooi room wns very prettily decorated îtb evengreens, sud the mottosIlUpward nd Ouward," " Merry Christmas,", sud Ws delight lu aur Schoel," occupied con- ?Icuous places on thu walls. Mr. G. E. owbray was called ta the chair wben s )ng an d varied programme was admlrably ndered consisting ai choruses, solos, duets, ialogues, readingu and recitations. At the [se ai the programme the toacher, Miss Jhite was caliod forward sud Miss Vasta aimer read the iallawing address sud Miss iirtie Mowbray, on behaif et the echool, resnted ber witb a beautifuldresslng case. Esteemcd teacher : We the pupils af Union S. No. 5, E-st Whîtby, upon thîs eve af our departurs couid not shlow the present >portunity te pass witbout tsudering ta you me expression of the uincers regard we ave ever isît for you. Into your new fild fiabor you will carry aur warmcst wlsbes r your succesu. And wbile we are grateful r your mauy kinduesses ws assure yen hat we wll encleavor ta be wortby et thein y adding ta youn careful Instructions those comiugoyears, sud trust that the nobiest ame f your gceduess may be reflected n our lîves. We trust yen wii acccpt sud egard this token cf aur esteeni as s souvenir ýthe irvaluable days we bave spent tagetb- ýwhicb wiii evenrormain bright lu aur nenioies as we recail the kindiy and patient iforts you, bave so cousiantly made iu aur Shalf, and we hope it may renew lu your nid the happy friendsbîps that bave besu ormed durnug the timeofaiyour tuiorsbi mer us. Signed on behaif ai the schoa , ;ertie Mowbray, Vaste Palmer, Fanuis ýnuis. Miss White tbanked ber pupils for isinr kind nemnembrauce but deep feelings rsveuted ber from making a lengtby repiy. rbers was a lai gs attendauce ai parents sud isitors, among others Mr. Walter McLaren, who will have charge of the school for i8g6, nade somne remarku suitabie totbe occasion. rho exorcises closed by the school siugiug ,uid Lang Syne. Sella. Mr. W. Chimie, ai Bowmauviile, is a gueut it Mn. H. Argue's..1 Mr. Herbent Reynolds, tram the west, lu visiting bis parents bore. Th Th w'l ani SPI Mc lot rer dia CIO wi Pai prt S. yci soi h& far for ti of i rl e' be mi fci G, Ai i)jMiss L, King is visitiug in Hamilton. p We Miss Blamey, who has been in Uxbridge, TI lfr is home again. vi Miss C Oifferd, of Campbeliiand, is home wi -e for the holidays. fn ko ~Fred Wigg.2r,1 We are able ta state, who I' liasbeenIII ttéto luabout again. Ai Misses N and S Holiand, ai Toronto and New Ver> re lu town visitiug their Ut Arthur Beck, of the Standard bank, at ed ý*t-ttohborise, was iu tawn for Xmas visiting ik hWparents. V Rev MeCal sud Rev Whitlack, of Osh- gaaand Port Perny, exchauged pulpits ou sj f Strday lest. Mesura jas Morris, Norman Parewehh, W si *1 Laughhaud sud Arthur Mcnzihiau are in tawn for the halidays. LThe ladies- ot the chnistian church held s h tes last Pniday eveniug ai the resîdeuce cf b f Mr sud Mrs Pravan. A very enjoyabWetime 'was apeut by ihose preseut. A tht. The wite of an laind esteemed' cm- phoyee in thre laie josephr Hall ILIk, en t namiehy Mn OGea Chapinan, died in Toronto oi on Sundsy snd was buried hors tis week. t r rak E Hawkins sud Misn I<ous ^ Seberi bath of Oshawa, were married on* P IL e kh ai Brighton. Mr aud Mrs IIaw- nsa wllhreside ai Oshswa. Congratula-~ "opg tions. itz~ Sincot street methodiat Sunday acheol 'Li îbr*4Ytreated the priflhiSy claies te a Xums tree on _t, dr. ony afternoou. Sauta -Caus was pro- 4m 1Z,êsent and ail weut away carryiug something lHarmony division Na. 53 S. O.T. at tiri j ast meeting drafted a etter cf condolence Mrp jýA 1 Parewell aud famiy in their 1 mil bereavement by i-he death cf hlusbanda snd father. Thre remnits are out for the public acheel0 promotions and are very plestur ldeed te ahi concerned, sud spicWahpraiels due to jh ece o h satsfactory sbowlng in ti the terni mai ended.e Mr I,-R Hainan bas svered hie coûnec- tion with Htarmnny publie chcocl where ho' ~ bls been teschlug for sorne rime, to ursue hi.s tudie. Thre pu #s remnt~ Wthaunaddress as a o eoetueestocmin l - .viicir ho was heid. Thre officiais ai Simcoe street methodist charcir have receeved several - plicaouis for thre position of omgauW for c cbrch. - f P>rof. Hunt, Who lmasperforme ln e pleas- ing mauner at thre argan fo«-saie turne, The hritimworkers' Xmisate n 'vs1 concert on Monday Dnlht w«Ma srly well.±' imroua~ tended cons'inxn .e eyufavorable there qi eather. The chulidren &U receive4 saine- part>' (a thig fo ait li The pn<ugrarte tt dcuIsted of SOUP ndreha '5éotty by ci Anks ti.he blamAUl who afttueid4west Sl&p wels.I~d Thre CinoMCtti~t -àconneP04ent la, Oshawa co h a C" wmitIe to v toiaàuft - C oeueprz' k.ne e* t OUMMe f -"f ~ Stee1 of this vilgge and lita obe ýoped that oe ottihemat'least.,Wil bp electè11i us w. bc- 11ve .tbs it wciuld Ibe linthé 'best intsr 'ests, of'aîl concerned ýtbat we should have-one., mejüber an the board. -Saineof > the aspi: rant$ are' already ýengaged In s vigorous Ur. Bditor i e wlsh you the -compliments of the sêasen. ThÉe fanilllar face of Mr.' B. Cryderman pasedthrcugb the village asat week.; Mrs. Cawpbeil's illuess la apparently the saine.ý Ail sympathtze witb ber Iu ber ex. tsedconfinement.' Mn. J. McCullough is speudiug-bis bolldays under the parental rooL Heo Iok'beantY aud>,robust ater his yeat's teachIng. The great coutest between the sisters and brothers lu I'n-te division has9'been draWu te a clos é, the sisters being on the victonlous side The pnext thing la the oysteýrs. Atthe meting lu the Interests of ths Sons ai Zugland bers Wednesday evening a socety was crganlzed, having eleven memb- crs te start with aud many more llkely ta follow. Gweoubak. Miss Nebtie McMillan was visiting lu roronto Iass week, Miss Mariah Akburst is hoilidaying about Brookllu aud Columbus. Mr. John MoLfan, oi Columbuis, was visiting his frisnds lu Egypt the first of the week. lames and Maggie Carnegie wha have spent the iass year i Ili-nois are home for tbe holidays Çommx nmon wlll b. obsenved iu the jkresbyter- ian church on the finit Sunday iu Ianuary, tbe service comiDncigjat ii a, mi. The expeuses iu counection wlth our public svhoal for the year uow chosing was $763.20, a siight decreas on the procediug. year. One cf aur farmers bas been taking ad- vautage of the mild weather during the last few days, te finish up bis fali plow ing. James Stone and family have recuoved ta the place formely occupied by tbem on the irthi concession East af the railway trâck. Our crnzatio voumpoy gave the 1 «Last Loaf" at Sundexiand ou Woduesday sud ut Epsbxn on Frdyevemnugof 1a week In connevaton with the S of T dlivision uat bath plavs They repart havtng a gopd time. espeviaUly at Epsom,' The only trouble was te very dark ulghts andnuddy roads, go* would lt do ta give lb beré agamn scinstixue before the wiuter Is over? L. Barrtt bas moved tata is usw dweling. Vour scribe dld not get au Invitation ta thé bouse warmiug (if thero was oe) so bas flot bad an opporbuuity of a close inspevtion, but Irom a distance it certaîuly bas a fiue iappearacd. la is builtotLthis ighest poiut on the tari n sd van be seen for many miles in svery direction. May Mr. Barrett aud family live long ta sujoy ths coiptonts cf their new home, If baîf the stories that are goiug be true, there wili be au unusual numben cf aur young people entering the matrimonial state, during the holiday season. It As ne- ported that one ai aur leading trallemen haviug ibis chesriug prospect lu viçýw that ho bas fer nome time bad a bouse secured where ho intends ta prove for blmieif the felicity.-o wedded lite. Ing of the clock tUéebridai pawtir eetred ibeë 9paXclois> bhall. 'Th-e',Iaodingý.-ooys -leadiginto6 the drawlug room, were tlirow» b.ck, 5fl4 evçr,,ý greeua. i eteneàuinthe upper corners jor;ied a perfent arcIb. ,ndrneath t.he peDdao branchesý the Party 3 s:ood, -hus ¶iving xbc.gnssts'the bne-, M -t r i~ rm bt ocIIs The -'oet Àny waspoformed"byRer:.HOo iWioae brother.iniw -cf the bride. The,,brIde wasaitrsd Ina gaw n, af orçao ju1ua rme4 ltb brovaded sanséu=»d 'creail1 .Shé was À"l4ted by ï he oG, isE a bornie,ai Bowwan- ville, who wsdressed lu a dimilar costume. Thé groom wam supptted -by Mr. ýBlake Cour- tice. son cf Mr. t. M. Courues, deputy-seçve. and ýcotuin of, the forner. -Thé ladies, wpre bmets of emnutions and'1 the gentleman wers decorated With buttonaires. After'a'nmonE umpri- ous repast a program!meof speeches,- recitations, solos, etc,, was arraaged by Mr. R. E, Osbc*ue who carried it to a very succSsini issue. Mr. and.-M rs. CoUt.ic* leit for their new home, No,. z Concession St.. West, accompanled by a 'numb- ei of young péople aud folloWed. by the faireît wishes cl ai. 'Among the guests'were - Mr. and Mm,. W. Squires aua Mis Courtice, Brooklin; Mr. and Mrs. W. L Courtice. Newtonbrook: Mr. Ed. and Miss Eva and Violette Osborne, Mr. Art Hon', Mr. Mark and Miss Winona Osborne, Bowmauville; 'Mr. Allun and Miss Ashton, Newcastle; M1r. snd Mrs. W. Courtice, Town; Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Courtic, Mr. -andi Mns. Jas. Courtice. Mr. and Ms. iR. Courtice, Mr. and Mrs. J. Littlejohns, Miss Littlejohns, Mr. and John Worden, Miss P. Woraen, Mr. and Mrs. Elî Osborne, Mrs. Squires Oshawa; %Ir. and Miss Adai, MVaqwei1's; Miss Martin, Enniskillen; Mr. t, G. B. Courtice. Miss F. A. Courtice, sieter of the groom. was unavoidably absent being iun.TCngland at present. UT. ZION. Dressmaking.1 Miss S. Ward has started dresstnaking at the resideuce of Mr. W. F. Jones, sud wil be glad to receive aud execute ail orders there at very thoderate rates. To THE PUB LIC.-We are lnformed that other nswspapers are oftsring to supply the Weekly Globe ia clubs with their jjurnals. Ai1 parties are hereby notified that we bold the sole agency for the county of Ontario for the Weekly Globe. Any person van verify tbisby writing ta the Globe, Toronto. Our canvassers will be around in good time. and chose who want the best paper and the best prives van have both bhrcugh us. We shall talcs steps ta prevent the filling of orders for the Weekly Globe sxcept througb us. Henderson & Graham,. publishers of the CHRON ICLE. Xcuse Me Xtolhing The Xcellence of My Xceptioialhy Xquisite Xmas. Xhibits, as Xtort Xorbitant Xces Thereby Xhausting or Xterminating Yen ti Ldon't .1 $p50-00. Also his COAL OZl and -GAS STOVES -FROM-- $ 5.50ý to $2-5.OO0. Rallway and 8teamahlp Agenoies have been txansferred to the OSHA WA RAIL WA Y CO., wbose oifices are a' few doors sobuth of 'bis former place -of business, wbere he will be prepared to supply ail requlred Railway and Steain- ship Tickets at rates guaranteed to be as Iow as the lowest. The best steamship lines on the Atlantic are représented. Special rallway rates are given ini con- nection with Steerage and Intermediate Tickets. Tbrough Railway Tickets are sold to ail points in the United States and Canada, including the Canadian Northwest.4 Baggage is checked through from Oshawa to ail points. Passengers fot the United States mnay have their baggage examined in Toronto, thus saving any inconvenience at the frontier. - AU! information cheerfully given. For tickets and al Information cali and ses -W. P. STERICRER,- at Railway Ticket Office, Thomas' block, Oshawa. R. 0. CARTER, Agt.9 OSHAWA. Nov. th, 895 We bave ahways s general sud varied stock te select from-iatest designs sud finishes. Prices rigbt. Undertacing departient fuily stock- ed, sud embahxning according ta latest [ o 25c. ~p ojus ]>purcbasr) Ml~eea ouse, .25 pack js>asTea at very Clor--e sý ý-qus l J. qgaJity toarad -hé markeçt to 4y. We art the very low prtce cf ,or 5-b.for$1I get asàamplèsrid'try it. We war>it - Butter, Cheese, Eggs, and otheir -arin produce,' ,for which wE pay hlgbest pilces. Beaftnr' -Grocery, OPP'PSIT POSt OFF!CE, Oshawa, Ontartoa. CLARKE & DYER-s IZf'eJL4CE "ND COlM- Sun LifeAssuranceCo. of C*nada, which. ii to-ay unqueitlonably the Leadoig Lift coin, y. corporation cfL60don. Eng. Amongijie Pire atÏd- Plate Glass Compante! we handle thue LaneéshIre Guardian -Mercantile ,and -and-in-Hand. Aid Savtngs -and Loan Ce- .--Toronte. OFFIrce ut nr ftbe- W estern Bank 0.- . Ã"eK, WA e0 S Â LETTERLOS,£ OUT OP TOUR APHBT If you do not buy yon- r Schcl Beol from, us. We carry -the largeut assai meutnt f Hgb anduPublic Scbool Bool and school suppios'uthe county. 'W * * Scribbiug snd Exorcise books. W bave thre besi hluesilà thre market. V Picture framing prompthv and satis- e<iniWtPTCS tactoriiy doue.ROEB 0KTRE n OS One doer nentir cf Posi Office, Luke, '08o., uraa OHAWAS - - ONTARI< TheConeiSoe. Store. Ubkwo* DYER Xchequer,

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