Whitby Chronicle, 20 Dec 1895, p. 8

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lji when looking4 for.lbo pi"' p "Pare -Drugeg, "Perfumory, "Toiet Requi'sities "Toilet Soaýps, '"Fan'oy Goode, " Fe>Atacles. %» ' . 's di ki' Ii ai got sal, a ed to F r Court anxd i lie e. i USI141 t el to a o.. is air doge Wat 18' g The rg lu the a o(il ItL 'n the I helr. Ryley's Dr Simcoe St. sou, «,t (Ë#1 OSHAWA, DE( *vuage v*,S coreM. b e l o M o d y D o t f o et 6 n tn a lo 3th faste , On Mady vnlg gadi* ttto ot o an oyster supper was Ravl t ta osecl and obhers st thelfrep's houe. Miss G. R4ghland, of Blacksock, 'but se attendant of Pott PerÏr'iodel choal,-spept Sunclay wkthé mimes Tandt A Holtbe, Considerable boise trading lias beed -doùe,-l this vicivity durlng the Iset fow daon Matters are b*.z1ouing 10100k up. MW Jas Bardudisgoîý, ything in the a dandy new driver. mewspuatbelds aid socWal bld st the tosideao-of Mis, J, R Drùg ineHoard,Qtiaker St.. on Thurs4AY' eveniag luti. 1)r' jg L nel herewas a large number present. Prooeedt. neadly$7. Thc cisozns of tbis place bave a special invita- tion to attend -the open division concert te ho given b y the Epsom Division SO0T at Epsom (t0. n igh î)Friday. I t le hoped there may ho a large 4representaucu (rom here. ruçj 'Store, Schocl closes Tuesday. The atondauce is uow rapidly incroasing, We are pleasod b lie able to statetitat the pussent teachot, Mr. W. 1. Boyaton, bas been hired for another year. Hib. * services bore iu the past have beon pleasing aud th, Oshawa. undoubtedly ho will givo satisfaction in the nexi vear. We art sorry le see th at the sleigbing le gettîug alniost no good at ail. Iu this localîy we have neyer had so unucb as lu other places sud con- suetl, the warm tl,îhr this week lias taken from us uearly allu cnonversation wlth an old IUII~ e. grey haired weather prophet wo learued bis mind of the coing weatber sud perliaps the saine mayblecf interestto0our mauy readers. Ho tols -_____________us that the hardest sud most evere part of the weather is now speut sud that we may have pou O. 2,1895. weather al Ibrosigl the romalulug part. Hlow C. 20)true the staternt le we cannot say, lime will tell. ______________Perhaps our rezular prophet is now awake and cas enlîgliten us on the malter, p.. 1 t 1? 8 C 1. 1: t n S 13 b s b b I il abc'~ an w p 'J ai If IL~ ]kit k JoaN Biazwgx, painter and decorator. DaMer Out. in wali apers, ceil.tng decoratlons, pint., -ritxnioU, varnishines, brushes, window ashedes etc. 'l gWO'AMZE3 PRLLOW, dealer in stoves, turnacos,t5n- le k ,fare. etc. Large stock kept oontsntly ou2 band- Jobbing a specialty. 81n:t seet0 -M40U K. MURToN, B. A. - Barrister, Solicitor, li e liad Public, Oonveyanoer, &o. Miney to .y p end7- f ce over Dominion gBank, 81=0o0 -le beatnstrOOte qh&s.wm ,A)s8ed alon8ben conte 9 a aing puttlna on Lite Insurance, bu~es, ,,.uee WD Hu of ,etThe United Sta. tesW. iea Their pelleta are th. mont attractive. whjoeb Ls.r ugarantees. and ta, parat . M. M. MÂky.-BeBlttin u oi@eciei. nY Chia, A Crookery, Tfnwareo, and = -c God.Pure show. Tese and Coffees.' Boys' ready, made suis s brig3 ý, epeoilty-very ebeap., WO AlcTox SÂLE-Tbe uburier will lie la 0mb two .- .1etlbheCentral Hotel, Friday of ea iand> froin one 10 S o'olook p.m., -to make oz- andto . t wt prtmwiiXng to bav, sale. Women 'le 1l)' Y. LàXIiET & doNs--The leading t.llrbWa and gent.' turnishing house o si,wa. o fi Splendid assortinent of tweeds, worsteds, 4xPha trowaeringe, îhirts, collars, etc, always kept any fi.. iu etocir. a ma FELT Biaes - Watchmakerusud Jevelers DeMners in watchos, dlocks, jewelery, aîiver- long t ware, spectacles, etc. Engravlng, gold and rare silver platîng, aqd 14 gcld rings made over. priciFine watch, oit, * s"d jewalery repalring a We, specialty. EvBRBNso & HÂwKns - Izuportors and dealers ýkin larinera', manntsoturers sd ouefa"sh 1 iVUWAVI IAJWâa. un troughing and other 6onhraot4ug d0»e. Pur- fSces, chanldeliers -Sad lampa, . 'took 0 bicycles kept on haud, Don't forget the Chrlstums ve entortai nment under the. auspices of Erskiuie pres- byterlan cburcb. - Look out for the great Ne* Vms Dinuer in cotinection wîtb our Meéthoist frledo. Pariculars uoxt week. Miss Jessie Alexander bau "orl-wl4o fame and the Stmder quarteut Ofe aïble-to fi11 a whole programméu.Ppurple. The A O U W lode IWtid boIdIug tbeïr annual oyster supper eme tlime linJautiay. It Io te ho a prilvte one tbis 1 tUrneso those. wbo wlsh to attend should send li tieir applications at once be«ore the. ne* kiteal. arrive. The oerme=meniemmiexrbe- la com» tien wlth 'the Vavrham 1>, gh ia a -~ Accordiug to, your scribes prophesy I luts issue, the municipal Inatters are goiug 10 ho very quiet. Very few know auylblng about the ien. tions cf ihe couricîlors, and il is more by miracle than otheiwise that wo were able te find out auy- thiug. A luth. caucus meeting was held after the session was over sud aillhave decided to ding te eue another and asp ire for the same offices for i8g6. 0f course lhey have now for îwo torms and some thiuk il le lime' te drop eut and shlow others 10 take their places, but lesvlug out ibis exception we canuot seS anythiug lu their way or te bar theni freinagaîu gaiuing the day, It is thbiught by some that certaiuly there will ho a coubest, but ibis wil ho boiter kuown ou nomination. Reach council. Council met on Mouday. AUl members wore proseut. rhe following commanications were read by the clerk : Prom A. T. Horu, wxsbîng to ho refnnded $x for dog tax, ho haviug killed his dog ; Frein las. A. Roms, ro purchase ef a stone barumer lu bis road division ; From. W. E. Reynolds, statiug liat ho wsuted $8 for that portion of hi. land talion for road purposes lu 7tb con. ; Prom secretary of Scngog Game Preserve Co., enclosing choque of $20 for tout on lande, and statiug that h. bad forwarded ainouat ef taxes due (irom suid compauy te tie collecter; Frein Messrs.. Higgius & Douglas, barristers, Toronto, lu reference 10 taxes ou lot xg lu zoîh con. Orders were passed ou treasurer for the foliowîng, hoîng two-thirds sworu value of sheep kifled by dogs: Md Roe, $3- 33 ; Chas. Rennie, 83.33 ; Levi Barber, $466; Robt. Baird jr., $6 ; John Armstrong, 44; Richard .Loy. $2 66. Other orders were also passed for thc following amounits:. Wm. Quinn, for cedar at 5e N. Claùgbton. fiUling wsout on.Boo Sih con., $3 ; Jas. Lampkin, werk onNuquo Road) [SI. cou.. $3 ; Wm, P. Watson, rirng cuivert opposite lot 6, con. 8, $z ; D FPHagor mnu, goods supplied to indigents $z8.68; D Hagerman. supplies for town hall etc., $5 ; Marshall Oalwell. removiug cloue snd repairs 'to gravel pit 6th con,, lot z8, $5. Tho&~ Trlpp, te- aing culvert in Seagrave, #3.&o0 Wiu. NcGiiI or land takon for road purposes on lot zo, con. 7. $110.95 ; Sampson M artîn, -for cntinug ou zeth con., lot 9, 'Sm. ; Jerome Sutliif, idi- gent ski ou accouût of sickuess. $zo ; jas. Munro, reeve, salary and covor disbursements, $50; J M Reil, services for zst doputy reeve, $4o Wm M j Weir, ser vices as second deputy reeve, $4o; Wm. Stovéns, services as councilor, $4o; David Reese, baLanc of salary as caretak- or, $8 ; E 1 Wheeir unperformed stitqte labor, $3,75, which said aml ws col1ected frein Uic Stftigog Game Preserve Ce. ' <ta- Stone; for werk perfoymed lu lubis 1rosad 'vWsou, $9-; H Parsons, balance èontrmt for jPrlntlng, advertis- iiig. etc., $-0*, Tos t4tibnaataerfor1niieclitatut labor, charged agminst norti part of 'lot 2, 9h con., $4..5o. - A PetioR-Was- Presfleaîdfrei the owners çj.ieîeasî laalf and nortb-west quarter cf lot 8, àn 'con.. askitug toe ewithdrewnhem 'cbool section No. i tud anp*xed te obool Ùsec. tien No. s. 'Ds*id Adiams Eq. came before the-. cou'nlurôerouace te the puuihasei of the allo*-1 suce forthe. ràad bet*eenfu itaz smd -z3 lu the4 7h ont., gud tffordat the .tecof $25 per acre,1 whlch on m on f Mr. Weir was. acceptied. tht couacirpserulug ailthe"gmveI, md > ,etc. On motion of Mi. Weirt*e'ceri was instrucied te il procure six nor&s'=u mcliarac& mccci foruse1 cf towu hall.-,tteadvertie -fortenipd= l pr1 supplymg th corporatioifor thelio suryciar UtmbMe, fideg6. but flot exceedingg tbeamoua i Lurtbased flu z89ý Mr. Rel i ludco - subuit tuc mare for the' - val et the ellcçtors mt the Ouncipal election> Pt Aebvrlaw suifer.-1 eci defeS, couumîttee idalg -witaout, a eo i fie r&eve sud trosaurer subitted the finance statem entwhieb uis carefully exarsined btt anncl ud fohiailto'eb. S ocst. hl st motion cf Mi. ItoU.the ,rk wuas amute4 te; baive tbe. ucessaqycopies plated'for dlattlJ îudlogr' (Your scribe as iuuale,'tu give, Ibo ifmtett ammnts tha evwbavin un us i1laed In, " aftthtystrs OU Id est'sud theik alougpro- «purs *1-vomial Ud IntrUMentaI jpnstc et. *ud, aIl fôr'twentylve cents. #"' ýpiepaMtioUS are- beiug mide for the social that sto coe 0e cil ext uMondp, vlgWaee h chturcheÇbolr in b%41,a 5Q00niw o kssfor ther use. Ligbtrefreebments at loýbesçmedduring. the eveffiig n#,d-one of the sure ways to find oui whth*r .te <unalprogrammùe wl bé. num ber ue ;or bot wl . to corse snd paà i" en ent and moe snd bear aIl you msa, lu connoction with the raislug of ïrsoney for the Suaday achool liv a froe will offerdg. thé Rev. Mr. Allen of Colunibus, us Io preach ;ext Sday mnorning Lt 10. 30 and at 7 in thoe ,VenI At 2.30 Iu thie afternoon Mr. Allen wII ler a short adclress, tc> ho, followed by -mrne select pieces of music by sme 5ut, or mix eiaumea of the school. ol lection at oaçli service for the school fund. AU»LE'., Miss T'hompson Sundayed bere. Commencement exorcises to-day. Miss Thomnson of Pickering paid a flylng vîsit. Mesmr. Puckerin speut Monday lu To- ronto. Mrs. lfcQuay of Pickering, visit-ed Mrs. Chapman receutly. Mr. and Mis. Robt. Pardon visiîed ln Kinsale on Sunday. Miles Chapman has recovered fronu bis collego-sleigbiug-upset.. Oui teacher bas the school decked out magnificently for the closing exorcise. Our gonlal post-mastor Mi Chas. Lynde Is busily engaged chopping grain these days. What about organiziug a checker club bore? We uudoubtly have the talent. Lot us stait. Thomas Browu's old brindie is no more. The butcher's unrelenting baud bas doue ils work. Ira Lawrence lu now a full fledged pod., bavlug passed wltb fiying colore. Congratu- lations. Mr. Rida Puekîlu le with bis .brother Thon. this week. We hope 10 500 hlm bore oie long. The echool holde forth ils annual closing to-day. A moriy Xmas. la exteuded ho ail, for ln a few days that glad day wll h upen US. The cheppers are busy laying low the Baily woed. In tie course of a few years the first growtb of wood will have been ail hown down. Thon. inteîosted lu our educatlonsi aifairs wlll do well'te ho preseut at the year- 1>' meeting on Tiursday. Coque early and gel acquainted with lie way tÉun ts are bein g doue. The Salvation army from Whi.lby wore bore ou Friday eveuing. It was eurprieing te sec who were proeut, a pity il -le9Ibese specical ciurch gomr can net make il con- veulent to corne eut on Suudays. After cerne few days illuess Mie."Rainey. bîeatied ber last Thursdsy morning. The, old lady was ofa loyal -dispositionand- wift' ho greatly missed. by botb eold.,and.,vàung.; The funoural took place. on Salorday .to the, R. C. buryfng greuud asud1w as- -tt.endod hyl nuluber of fiends wbo wr iin te psy lbheIlut tribut. e tbedptd~ Itiseoui sad duty to write'tlieobttuty o a mutual friond, oui old, ne1ghbor ai-d ' Ind- spirit Mia. J. Ralney, coonlyiaonn.as Kitty Raiuey. To many yet tlis, wiil b ïïs surpise, but ne -gretr.sprlse.thau tbean- neuncomeut of ber dëatlï te the, neigbor., hood. The young folkaheére _baýéVe grcwU p witb the famfliaritiy oftKitty'proence, and, nie soemed as part o auetueIsl -was she a part of oui b>eing.- Now ebe lé gene sund new >the . void le achin'.No grester loas could bave been foulthe bas05 oeh i hesî social, funtlonazýy. Boru lu. tie yeàr 1829 sud married inlu lb. parisb of fliamul, Couuty Ântîm, l1reland, wiere thiee 'of her clai4crçA were.born,,,s1eétmî- gratod te her pres'eonî tiiity in-lie ytai 'z8S4 fllowiug ber, bushalndï,wbojiad pré-. ceeded:ber que year. The. od setirhave passed wasI eavingber to fol owtbelrxe- m=ainsd iddle-aged have-passed away arun er, .nsudae wastber t a 'lItr iu' -anogel.Heu, êenial T risith umor. h« We rt Orr toj* gierietde of M' M.T, m ; nl Ied f rthe 0 d Sod, on- M d- r4ffowtlrepend a-- boit tirse there Và~ttas~mto lit the rage bore juît tiQw. 01!yongî -people kuow bowý tW .ezijgy-.l ý%_iýWaî4)ethIrty of lb. parents andfrMende of the acboo1tbutidrïii turnIedout.Iaý t Fiday to tue public exinmlnat1on ii t.he achool houue. 1fr P.Cromanassste bybis noighbors rnoved tote be fam ,ho ha roe d ea AsIiIurn. Hia pleas"~t ' fce Wii11b4 mlased ,Mr, Forsytb sud. famUly bave moved (rom the Model Farm and talion up their abode Ja the tewn of Whitby, wbere ho has lecured a position. At the o'ystor supper and concert at Myrtle last Tbursday evouing. Somoe froni bOre aSSlsted lu the programme. Tbey re- pot ,baving a good time. Ali expressed tbemselves as well pleased with the progresorthoepuplîs. A iengtby prograhnime was given and thon Xmas carde and prizes were distributed by the teacher Mr. C. Mackey. Our famous brass band, under the leader- ship of Prcifessor Hurlbut,. înteud giviug a grand concert bore sbortly, and aiso 'at Blackstôck. Look out for it 1 It will h. a grand success. We expect to see Eufieldphotographed ln the Saturday Globe or Mail aud Empr sborîly. Ail the principle places were takonr by Mr. Taylor, of Bowmauville, last week. The glass was birokea tbree or fouir limes. UTIOA. Mr. Chas. Rahanu, of Toronto, bas been spendiug a few days with bis brother Geo. The concert wblch was to bave talcen place ln Mr. Defoe's hall wss a (allure on account of the evening being se storniy. We are going to bave a lady teacher lu our school for lhe comiug year as Mr McLintock is going to go to echool for a term. Mr. Brown bad a sale on the 4th line sol- ing timber in hall acre lots wbich reacbed the bigb figure of one bundred dollars per We are glad. to learn that Mr. Thomas Smith's childron who bad a very severe attack of the measies are greatly improvîng. We heRr that smre of our noighboring sehools have been closed on account of the disease. Alex has put his dog out to board. Miss L. Beer is at home. "'Mr. Jewel has bought a horse. Those on the sick list are improving. Mrs. Crow's brother John is visi*ting a few days here. W. J. Bodeil and son were in the city last week. Teachers meeting was changed to Tuesday instéý& of Friday evening, It will be held at M)rs. Geo. Young. Xcuse Me XtolIing The Xcellence of My Xceptior>ally Xquisite Xmas. Xhibits, ac Xtort Xorbitant Xces " Thereby Xhaustiug or Xterminating Yot is I don't Xchequer, For Low Pis: JEWELRY STORE, W.st, Merlu Bide. SEAWÂ- .~ "'~1 ôu Hsnàk hère inthel t C ûCt Prices' LW rièk bere of bayl LLI STO 1îCK.-ï .il tbat b.ý- no naeetiag w» aiseinsu Centre Rcad 8, pravel pltr anc Thompsoaa, au acjowiued. 1 àb *Wrough t teel -AT- d> .O Aise hiii(X>ÂL OIL and GÂS STOYES -FROM- $P5.50 to, Ç$25.OO. ~~1 Raiway and Bteam8hlp Agenoiâ8 bave been transferred tb te .OSHAW#A' RAIL WA Y CO., whÃ"se offices are a feéw doors south of bis former place of~ business, wbere be iwlll be prepared to aupply ail required Rallway and Steam- sblp Tickets at rates guaranteed to be as low as the lowest. The beet steamsbilp linos on the Atlantic aire represented. Special railway rates are given lu cou- nection, with Steerago and Interinediate Tickets. Tbrougb Railway Tickets are sold' to all points In the United States and Canada, includrng the Canadîan Northwest. Baggage le checked througb from Oshaweto ail points. Pasisengers for the United St.ates may have tbeir baggage examined in Toronto, thus savlng any inconvenience at the frontder. Ali infonnawn cheerfully given. For tickets and ail information cali and see -W. P. STERICKER,- at Railway Ticket Office, Thomas' block, Oshawa. L 0. CARTER, Agt, O8HAWA. Nov. I4th, 18n5 We bave always a goueral sud varied stock te select fronu-lateat designs' and fluishes. Prices rigil. Uudertaking depariment fully stockr- ed, sud eMbalrsing accerding le, latesl metieds. Picture framing premptly sud sa9s faclorily doue. Luke Bro., - Oshàwa jA.P tne )ack- dlose and 25c, pet lbý:,- ô5Ibid-fr $.10. Tits isu x~llot brgrn.CaU. and get a sample aüdc try -it E'We warît Butter, Cheese, Emgs, snd ot'her -farti- produce, eSbtwblcb.-we psy highest Pricos. I3eaton' OPPOSITE POSTl O.k CLARKE.;&IY-YER. SIN-SURANCE AND COM Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada, which is to-dgy iuùque»tlonably tbe"Leadîng Life Among tePr and Plate Glass Companies weadi the Lancashire, Guardian, Mercatile andf Hand-in..Hand. Aid Savlngs and Loan Co., Toronto. 0rocerye r OFFICE,,~ OFFIcE maut 'north cf the S0*OS0 W A LETT-R LOST -Western Bankr, 0 0 OUT -'0r YOU.U ALPKA3T If yen do net buy1 yo ur Sebool Books fictus. . Mcary le largest assoit- ment-of Higb aind'Pu#buIc .Scbl Bookes sud -sebool-supplied iu the Cèunty. We invite -every Sebù-o a eiselOui Scribblng audi Exorcis*bo=s.We 'bae ie ee lnés-lu b t ahkt. We led ulowest pcs ROOèEI?8' 80OK S OIE. One door nofh t onýt Ofiée, OSHRAWA, P NA.O t t r 1~ ( OSIIAWA PAGE OSHAWA. BUSINEss NOTICE-.- Oshawa subscribers or advertisers may transact any business with the CHRONICLE or xnay obtain extra copies at any turne, hroxu E. E. Rogers. Farmers wiil do well to eall at M. E. May's for boys' ready made ciothing. If you wish a nice French china dinnter or tea set, or anythning in fancy china, or glass- ware, go to E B Morgan & Son. .It will pay any parties conteinplating buy- ing an engagement or wedding ring to see the large stock of Feit Bros., Oshawa as they wiii seil this month very cheap for cash. Genuine diamond 14K. only $5. They are aiso making some speciai offers in Gents', Ladies' and Boys> gold and silver watches. See thern. Feit Bros. Oshawa Business DIreetory. E L. VICKERY, barber. Sirnoe Street. BROOKS' LIVERY, girncoe Street, north. WM. BOLPH, barnosa maher, Simcoo utreet. T. B. MOTHER8ILL, bntcher, Ring St,_West. DR. PATTERION, Dentist; oflce over: itowse's @tore. A. J. STÂLTERx-Domînion pianos and organe, Sirnooe Street. A. C. W&ANI, Veterinary Surgeon and Dentiat, King Stybet weet, Oshawa, OnL1 WxLU" J. Dx&.xq, Dominion and- Ontario -Lea:d gurveyor, Civil Engineer, Box 57, 0mb awB. CoMmitcIAx..HOTuLJ. C.Woon, proprietor. Modern hostelry, neat and oomlortably equipped.9 D. M. Tou. -Caterer for Balle, Âssemblîee, Wed- .dir>gs, Suj'pers, etc., etc. Also ail kinds of flo wers. OisHAwA Boous'rOBE-FnIll Une of books, statiox2ery and tancy goods. E. E. Rogers, simoe Street, JOS. HOt!LDEN - Whitby-Oshaws stage Ilfe. Leaves Oshawa at 8 a rn and 2 p za, a.nd Whitby at 10anm and 4p m. JOSE'PE CRAIG, manufacturer o!fneories carte, wagons, and ai lUnds o!otes u Bleighs, Repairing a apeciaity. Th onrSoe&oe a *.~-~".'e ~YA1ILY YO IR PU-R SE OB TH ~ ~N~PRIOE, CASH -8TOF0 der ie 'qe CI Iargo e it iii I .................... 1 )Ur

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