Whitby Chronicle, 20 Dec 1895, p. 7

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,19. ove' 0. ' e cndent turns out 'to be merelyth bidsi asvryapr. another warning that unless the Grand Hoard. tolteidns weas$~ w ap ro ITrunk places gates on this crossing the don. Elgad.kn dyŠ,M lives and property of men are not safe.frsd -f. ah Joe JezRette now a Count. TaVistorn; Mr and Mis> LId scoe w en the Many Orillians will remember Jos. J. Thopan;n, ~ap aonad Macle before Justice f th. ec for the. Oounty of Ontario, fianam$ttedbJij Office of the Clerk of the Peace, Dec. 10th, 1895. r<#;iten 4unt and weal t CReåe ß Seatres atèe: Wen te ng inan, îeft Orillié ue R oolor to th. eÎair wentto Bvetand for along tirfle sand also preyents kept te Ns-.Letter and its readers --- W.Pn~k i~&iewsMissMcra, avey pp - 'Dgb,>. e~ ars - lar' Beaverton young lady, who wdill ~ "A lttle more hereafter be knowni as the Countess. ~ yar rap' What the Count intends to-do with his 0 ~ ~ ~ h a ir title and wealth irotknwatpres- g r a ythe Countess will journey to France to and v»i arrange a few things. Although Mr. t out. A f- Jennette neyer spoke of bis distinguish- t 4 9 " 77ter tho ed relatives, bis intimnate friends knew g one ot leof ye% H i i r0 o that hie expected to comne into consider- o Surw as res tored t o its originia able property some day. He regularly c col]or anid coased falling out. An received letters from France which ail b occasional application has since kept bore the crest of a Frenchi peer.b t.eFhar n goo condition.'-Mrs. A Revolver in thia case., Il F r~i~, hgby JY S.Justice is swift nowadays. Monday Gr wt niglit Donald Buchan, of Portage la i.OwLIIPrairie, Man., was a guest at the Or.. T illia House. Early ini the evening lhe O air. and ayoung man Hughi Reid became OU unfriendly. Both hdbeen drinking. flt e"ars ago, Iha ievario- Constable Wright also had occasion to TI I . 6 was uitany a a . hi pei drop into the Orillia House, and while n varet y of >rep)arations, but withî- there somebody told him that Buchan U o ait ;nee i a~ resiult, tw i I bgan to was carrying a concealed weapon and ly f.ar .s muld b>e perraanien i. hald. had benheard to make the threat that Aiî m'~ionti s a, J sd cos woudhshoot. Reid. The officer ac- fr liai \ , a rtIbe . t one to hand over the Wepn, if he had it. A gi b. u i ape a nr t nmy hi revolver with five loaded chambers was e wry prospect of' a wth withdrawni from the overcoat pocket ofe a u h fo Buchan, and he was forthwith arrested. yt ~ i i , i ~ t, Žtq w O n th e da to s polce headqu are rs le j him yet." Reid was also placed under j A YE 'S A~ VGOR arrest charged with assault and being PREPflE~ ~trate Lafferty and pleaded guilty t DR. J. C. AVER & CO., LOELL ?NESA r'S. A. every charge. For carrying concealed weapons Buchan was fined $ro and Ayuei"a Pila cure sLck Headache. costs. Reid paid $x5 into the corpor- pl ate treasury, $î o for assault and $5 for - being drunk and disorderly. The con-T OEILLIA. victions mark the opposing scenes in v Drianila Georgina Rtoan the career of the newly appointed police o Is the name of a young woman who magistrate, Mr. T. B. Lafferty• After P has been running a land office and for- the docket had been disposed of the ' tune telling business in Midland, with spectators discussed among themselves ge- headquarters (as usual) at Orillia. Herth manrnwictey adjs 4 chosen calling was denounced by pulpit witnessed one man's way of dispensing g and press and she was also threatened justice. It was noticeable tliat every with legal proceedings if she did not comment was tavorable. The court leave the town. She chose, however, -only sat half an hour.-News-.Letter. 9- to take the chances and on Thiursday ENNIBEULE.N roI- last Detective Beardsley interviewed Kw atire,--krng iiedhe' hier with the result that she Mp. d r.hr Mrin F.e Pioer g viitd 3is before Midland's mayor on iaye mther M. VFt . o .frm orr3- Pleading guilty to the charge, the moe s.Vituhoo omlfo.Prt mayor sent her upi for trial. On Satur- Hope modeloshoo.ion day she appeared before Judge Ardagh Mr. F. Moasre han Potke ao pition xg and was remanded until Thursday for inas dra ode. str2nPr Hp0o h - sentence. The offence is a serious one Xa rd'•s and cornes under Sec. 396 of the crim- Mr. G. Rogers and family are moving er inal code.--Barrie Gazette. A number to Hampton. They will b. greatiy mDiss- 23- of the ladies and gentlemen who had ed lier.2 their fortunes " told, " had to go to W. congratulate Miss E. A. W.sDavey 24.- Barrie to give evidenee.---imes. on taking a very thigh stand on gradu. 2- a smashnarrowy as . eing from Bellevue Bospital' Sekool of27- A Sashnarowy ver.• Nurses in October· last. Mies Davey is28 A young man named Fred Steele, not yet satisfied with hier attainments 39- from Mara, son of Alex. Steele. niar- and is now a student at the Woman's 3! rowly escaped serious injury if no Medical College, New York.3- death on the Front street railway cros- Ail are expecting a treat in the lecture 33 sing on Wednesday of Iast week. He on "Influence", Priday, Dec. 2'Ith, by34 was returning to his home in the coun- Rev. C. O. Johinston, Toronto. Refreash- 3- try on a pair of bob-sleighs. A freight ments will be served at the close of the. train was shiunting in the yards near the lecture. M crossing. A light snow fall the nighit The. presbyterian tea will b. held onM previously ained in deadening the sound New Year's day as usual. of a quickly approaching box car which OI.Az was being sidetracked into the staye LylO'sdr hieastesu factory yard. The car caughit the enyal nmrusaders' hristaa te~ and sleigh fairly between the bobs aud threw eanteromenaondmaeing Dec. A28rd. it and younig Steele into the ditch. He BahngPooed for upplie etc. Acrns- nan. ws uninjurdhbeyod a fw bris. ar. Il attend. fo Oppie fr r1 broke the harness and thus separated vRev. as . Thompsn, Newarke naS gun. $ the sleighs from the horses, which spzf- eac atteAts 0uc etSn J fered no more injury than their master. aa ro nigsd evQniing. 11c Don't be i~"'3ua e~I' &~ 0CC Scott & SoWa, 8olibyilI.. *~It I at Port 4er. A -doo Enusicoaid liteiyE.?ç promised ih the metuhodist h mas eve, 'when members of the fa ox Bowmnanville methodist church and oth. own and popular talet wlll assimt IM~ al nt l a w îI b e a re l h g h 1 ast ò . ramme for only 15 cents 1OhIidreni 10 enta. Doors opent st.7 program~ . ibat 7 80sharp. ont mIsshi et. nu Sundsy De., 29, specialsermon wf e preahed and, a thank offeru of $100 sk, for on behalf of the trust fands Mrs. Walter 0k, je being treated in oronato hospital for caturact of .the ey.es Mr. P. G. Trull hiem returnedl fron Oh- gRo, Misa Nettie W ither•g jeh• ri oronto, indisposedl.erdeshoefm Miss Ouille,. Freemont, Wash'nsn .S., visited at Mr. L. Buttey', ecnt Mr u i.Tos. Pter ,eet. iende in Oshaa recently oe istd aTi.7.E. service Fiday nighit now be- Our Sunday school ent>ertainment tlhis ar is tobe held on Mody e.2r 7.0 Ae re.ret clase programme isb. W. are pleased to learn that Mrs. W. .Foley is much improved ini health. North Ontario EIection. FIGUnEs 0F THE VO'TE. Beaverton, Dec. 18.-( • )aî....co. ete returns f ye8tr aeleodon l orth Ontaio have ué øyve1 mey show a plurality for Mr. MoGIlli' ay of 757. The returns in detail are- McGIHII- Glilles Bran- ling sub-divislou. vray. pie. don. -Cannington village r29 2~ -Beavet n vlae 1r9 27 -Thorah townsbip ~ 7~ -Thorah township 6r î7 de -Brock townzship 6a 67 -rcrtwnshp r9 r 4 -Brock townûiMp '7 9 -Brock townzshp z5 9 r -Brock towrnship 49 6 ~ -Brock township 7! 15 1 -Sctttoeip 42 5o 35 -Scott townsbip r4 4 25 -Scott townsbi pg ~Sott township 642o 7 Maot twnehi Mara township 6 8 Mara township 36 47 Mara townshi. 34 124 Rama townhp •0 j8 Rama tonshp 50o 368 Morrison townsfiip .~ 3 53 Bracebridge town 78 8 Bracebridge town- ra 6z $ Macauley townshlp 35 9 srj Mcauey townsIzp 26 5 2 Ridout twnsMPj 54 26 xo Draper t w sb 71 6 7 Oakley township ** 2 15 e;towns ~ 62 I 30 to P 83 26 *49 jority for Mcilirr 1,14 r,4rr atf Ier IYransa Border8 to AT' bOWEST : - PUåfMAilm Name of Prosecutor. Wm. Hainan'• •... Wm 'HaIa• •. . Wm Hslean.,. . Namne -of Defendant, PWan coxy..* WiakMer . , gdard ta. gauge AND PIN WORM$. No $1. Natui~iiu w-... vqaacy.. e. .1 q. g*, ;-~ ~.' .. .'

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