Whitby Chronicle, 20 Dec 1895, p. 6

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wii- im-r s eveioa m K-my very comtrtaMeb" t d wss ,nie heau tiful peut-office building, sud mseop te wak. Up it t.mrngst Har- LM, ý.assed along through smne of.tilt.best vichinlaaerÊy, Engiau4, againta Naut foa business treeta t -e.b, Hotel. de Ville," week vitlayour kiud pern.uualota -~No whicb vas the palace ef Lb. cid kingp, niait Windsor CaiLle sud LIon. sud in the courtyard of Lb, palace pre- ________ patations vote going on fer a floyer.Fu show. There vaé a splendid show cf Popular Nuruen aestorou'atmm. what 1 bright floyers. As eur ime wv a hiuied Hi gglo tagcd. yblack hmn; Yn we ceuld net valk fartiier, se engaged shlelmy c-gsor genenac., says hg Ivo carniages aud drove te oses other nov Seïneiuus ansd nmeduae tid and interesting .igbts. W. wero alaown HiggtdIF, pigledy, m'nebWsk ben. 'ReH iute a lace factory viacre at leant tvonty . __ -the ba 'women sud girls were at vork making Dickey, dlckoy, then 'lie lace by baud, for wbhioh Bru"elsa7 '1' mmKla r npin he ir."e. î 0 lamons. W. had al the mysteriees' im bTO n »,wn xplaioed us but could net carr away Re -U- any secrets. for the. making of the lace e lu .n' * . a maLter of dexterity that cerne frein __ ing a long practice. Wo vote shovu lues <of Ca tumwuniod'Wn - it ,-are patterns and at mont expensive And aikoalthe wýMy to olh prices, sud eujeyed eut niait very zrnch. The Meut Inthe Soudatoi We finishedeour ty in Brussels vith a He bumnt'bisaUmth wat ik at the Parliamt ii ngsj~ , Md,asm d4PIwco D plamor cg. UP? CI ,%tered, met two Prnhe who y<>rdC passengers with no on tii. boat, Âin ie.U0u I% L aconossthe AtIntie. Wc ver. 1boom,,s- k i round by a very handsome bang HIOm-~ . ,vc sud uaw viiere the. parlianti *,sud I1aaked poaiselotoelgu ybfimang , preu3idelit"s chair; wiiich wu: granted, « O A- a4*ùt (<1er. The Ohazpb.r of Doputi.s, *Whib The'PP trroupends teo ua- snate, fa Uxider tl* .... e_ iue roof, and à lu extrenily rica iii ï. d ., a e .* i 0 Ii "Nrations and pçaaeyUaoetd h.I 4 .01 .took the tïxà lep, t-g1~ WhbI iacit a au eut, W "0*" .0" We an 00ûtbleispedoleaeepd te audpaysd bu 9#o3oea.$ baUont tu 4h. fialde at work. Ous.of rlobndIwm m in.Thi gll lb. oblof onopa aeezned te b. rys, the.-Mon aing fiasod sMd"st1i -hider rolled, sd weecutldng it wath the oid fashloned thb. x agne~e intd orrant,, r.aiiplg nme h»Pn ocka, the. womn were helpinst omewhat of home. It wao one of their tohIid the isheaveis, and wemen aid national fêté imes la Âutwe*p, gsud as chilreu oregieanlng after the reapers on the foflo0wiug morug, ve vited The asawua beiuag gathoed in cart@, their famons cathedrali t wa. orcwdd usually drawn dy oxen, and very often a with worshippers. The bclIà vers china vemnan wonld be seen driving. W. pas- ing anad as v. entered, vsfol& afraid te sed by somue of the finest flelde ef red moo about. but e coouraged by osihers, clever 1 bave ever seen; it was in boom, wc movcd around amongat tii. thousandu aid perfmnod Lthe air. who were engaged ini devotioî, but seem. At Mois ont train stepped, and the ing Le take ne notice of us, and veç customeo fficer came in Le se. eur bag. Lb. wondrotis deorations and picturts. gage, for we wer.eout cf France and into We geL a good look at Rubens, fanaous Belgiu. IL vas net long before we "Descent fronu the Cross." ILï is a rare were travelling again, and at twe o'elock painýting, ef immense size, aud Lith oor wo puled rip at Lb. largo station at Brus. ing 10 as bright as if it was but reoentiy sels. W. foiiowed the crowd and sc>on painted. pioked rip with a runner wbo oould speak Our viait te Antwerp as ef special in- English, anid were comfortabhy placed in terest, but I do net wieh te impose tee a good hotel. mtach on your readers wiLla what te thern Brusselis is a city cf about 500,000 peo mnay b. iresoina details. At 8.14 pM., pie, is the dapital of Belginm, sud ià said vo took train fer Reterdam, in H*ollnd, te be a second or rainature Paris. It which w. rerchedat 5.30. bas a lower t.own sud aise an upper owi, O the way vo veto privileged t see. that i8, it is buiît partly on a bill and the flat country for which Holland is partly in a belew. On a clear day ther, noted. The absence of hisais rver? ne ý1 are nom. fine nieye toe b had froua orne ticeable, snd Lhe land la nearly aIl in of the numerorua eievat>ors in the city. pastures, divided by great ditches, which W. wished to see the batilefield cf Water- were ful of vater, snd thousanda cf black hec, but bad rot timue. W. were Lold, sud white Dutcia cattie vere grazing in bowever, that it oould b. seen from Lthe th field&. toweofet d'palis of Justice." I did The littielie uses had ateep thatched flot, in rny eagernees le view th e bistoric roofs, sud vind mil. vwere everyviiere, spot, count the cost. Dr. Capon aid indeed,- they are used for pumping the myself were tb. only oies of eut party water off the land. IL as ne vondergtht brave enougli te a4.end. The. building Holland is noted fer its beef aid butter. stands on the bigiiest point of ground in Roterdais à quaint old.city cf about theLb city and the tower is about 400 feet 160,000 people snd -the lieuses are buiiî higb. Accompaî:ed by two guides, vo on piles drore into tii. of t vet grouud. bîwgan t e limb, for ther. are ne elevators. As a censequence the buildings in the. Dr. Capon being lighter than I vent up streets lean eut sud in and look very in good style. Wbeu i had asoended queer. W. empioyed s gunide and car- about 300 stops I had te take off my coat riage sud dre.ve for' a couple ef houa'.. I and by Lb. ime 1 got rip the 600 stops, I seated ina front viLla the oid Dutcia driver vas almost piayed eut, and I gues my taking notes, (flot bank notes.) iltvas a p ulse beat aL leset 200 te Lb. minuite. holiday snd at vhat they calli'ftiotain" Hovever, ve vere uÉewaded, for it van Lthe streets vere orovded vitia people, an elegant laudmeape, and avay off about W. sav the quaint Dutoli vemen vith 15 miles couild b. seen the pyramid that jevefled head dressansd ithe plain oid marks the. spot viiere, va fougbt the fashioued country girls, aise the mcninh battie of Waterloo. their holiday attire sud vilth thevooden The firet afternoeu vas speut iu van- shoes ona their feet. Thousansda vre en- 1 doring around th. city. W. visited Lbe joying themnseives at al manner ef games IE churcb cf Ave Marie, the art gallery, Lb. dancing, riding the, merry-go rounds, and kiug's palace, snd in end out anuengst erery conceivabie kind ef amusomenta. Lb. shope seeing the lace-makers at vork We passedLia. great atone- windmilis B aid viewiug the gioves aid diamonda for vwhere the railler lires and grands the which thus city i. famous. Of course vo grain, through their business streets aid geL lest, but there is oie language or at aieng.ide the. canais wbich mun threugh least oie word (money) which us univer unany cf their stréets, vhere Lhey have. sa], sud by judicieus use of it v. returu ferry beats instead of street croasingn, ed teo ou- hotel. and aieng through the .éhrming boule. French le tb. langiaage used by the . rdu viLla fine old trees, inte the-Park court, and ducated people in Brussehs; with ite zoo. and iîded I ara toid that iL lu possible to W. laid net e. anything like the var- travel aiment any place on Lb. continent iety in eut travels Liait ve uav iu that ,)f Europe il yenoa speak French. W. ride iu Roterdanu. joere very riizch amused at the doge. We drore alongaide, and amonget the. h. country people corne in te market docks vhich are vqry extensive sud iL Ai I carto dravu by doge, aid iL is net appeared strange to se. the ahipa lyilg in aàiàtii,.1 to ses as many as six doge bitch- the vater riglit in the midd e ef broad ed te a eau-t ioaded vith vegetables. Milk treets witia liuses ou citiier side. is aise d.hivered froua carta drawu by Dutch as the ]an~ug spoken sund it dogs, aid it seemed very strange. We wouid asimoat - break eues java ýte pro- watched them, and the. moment the. word neunce seme efthLe long names th.at ve is given to stop tii. dog lies dowu, sud at read cnet some of the buaUaes heuse. ;% word he le ready again, sud trots off That reni- gvo-tec triaite-t. 'estri ~Lke-bcs~veever wish b i c y l e , a li?-,1y W f 1 1 would rather wa1l a4otthan Idy-Theregoes,,Grabw-elj. - He$s [calI aseif-niade mana. -bndd1.~ 'cope wo kaow l timaele, te îs e self. Mrfthýjr'won .ie roi st tninth at cards. lie',baràn, skeJa1uafor hëtband? nebedî'd -tbe iar .lft.lI1t wl e e i on ': b d su nbed. o i Maud-Do you r eally lýove 'Tý Madge--Ohano; flot ita Lite le Maud-Then, ,Wh Yare: you goina miarryhlm? àlad-Oh he'suc good fellow I couidn't thunk of loéti -Mi611wernt crn Tebridge 't owdo The bridge tmta dwn And tbey,41 itlin .Tho doemie T on aIl, 1yoab1e mine?, y Shah not wash dishes SNor feed Ibo wine; ,But sit Out a ctahio And sew up a seam And feed uponsrawb6sm, Sugan d, ra Thene vMa a i Our town, And ho was wondrous- wlse; He Jwnped into a bramble bush Abd scmtebed out. both bis eyes 1 And wheén ho saw bis eyes were eut, Wit ail bis might and main He jumped iet another bush And ucratched them in mg-min I Simple Simon met a piemnan Going te the fait Said Simple Simon to the pieman: ddJ-,t me taste your ware." Says the pieman to Simple Simon; "Show me first your penny." Sayu Simpit Simon to the pieman: "Indeed 1 haven't any." Simple Simon weît a-fisbing For. e catch a wbale ; AUi the water he had gel Was in bis mother's pail. Simple Simon wentte hook If plums grew on a thistle, He"rfcked his flîgers very mucb, Whicb made Poor Simnon whistle. There was a crooked mnan And lie went a crooked mile He found a crooked sixpeice Against a crooked utile. He beught a crooed cat. Which caught a crooked mouse, And th% ali l hvcd together la a ltûie crookcd bouse. Taffy was a Wclchman, Taffy was a thiof ; Tafty came te my bouse And stole a picc of heef, 1 wenî to Taffy s bouse, Tafty wasn' home; Tafîy came to my bouse SAid atele a marrow bne. 1 weîîteoTaffy's bouse, Taffy was in .bed. 1 took the marrow banc And bit himi on the bead. Tom was a jelly pipcu9s soi, He learned to play wben be was Young; But %Il the tune that ho could play Waa 'Over the billesmand far away." But with his pipe Tom madc sncb a noise ['bat be pieased both the girl3 aid beys, So thcy ail stoppcd to hear him play; 'Over tbe bols aid far away." Whben good King Arthur rulcd bis land- He was a goechly king. He bougbî îbroe packs ef barley meal To malte a hmg-pnddlng. Abag-puddiig the king did malte, Aid stfted it well waîb pluma, Lnd in it put gromi lumps ef fat As big as my two thumbs. 17be ki% anud qtxeen did cat thereof, Auno lemneti bode, %ud what lhey did net cat that negt The king next mornng fricd. Wben I vas a bachelor 1 livcd by myself. And ail the bread and cheese I g-et -I put upen the shelf. cm? }Iov to Cure Hoedaohe.-Some people suifer untold misery day maiter daywvith Headacbe. Thoms farrt nither dy or night until the nerveeare all unstrung. The cause la general1- Iy a dlsordsned istomac, sd a cure cunb et- fected by' usmng Parueléelis Vetable PflIs, co nt ioin M a n ra k e su d D aud elion . M r. B'fn ay W rk, ysnd r. IQV,* rite ; l fid p a r e e e u P l l i n t c h i r t c e f o r f l hli c u s The pitelum or si of the' ougue lU, being constntly remoed snd reewed. Whmm Baby vus mk, w gac ebSn Corf a Whshewua Cid, W4qoeiefor CItofs Whd seow tà ho cssgto ela. It lsid byagatomisbt licbe a tact that people bmw r-bette, wltb their mothe open., Oltc:ïà f tarn]ketBi Brook 8$i.,Whltby, soutlaoft0O Watren .J.Moore, M. D., Brooklin. Olfflo hours 9. a. m. -JMPrivale Telephone Communicaiu< _____.g4D Baouzoe.- M.GisaîZ .enod in' e PORT P2mnat _J. W. BUxabamport la Molil~PftyOU-JS,. 299- Marh ; ~9 Juyi;80.28; Nov. 18. Uxrka e i-ejph ;Gud t>nde 12; Oct 14 ;Dc 7 lice - Bmlth's Jan .81; Mar'oh 1lé M Oct. à Ste, Whitby. 15; Dec. 18. i1;Jl18 nRAY, BE&vERToN-GO. F. Bruce evé tn Clerk-March 15; May 17; 0,0Z 16; Deo, 19, Ihancery, etc. Up=zzoaoyu-F j Wlei, tptroe By order, J. E. FÂBE-WELL October 15th, 1894. er ofthe ïeaoe. Nsw LIv&y and' Sale, Stables More F. Warren, M. Whitby. Physican, Surgeon .asd Accoucher etc. Of0ioe and Besidence next to Ail gainé's Church, Dundas Street, Whitby. N. B.- Dental Surgery in ail Its branches preznrtly attended te. Dr. H. Wightman. e.,, D. 6M, DEPl-- . Given up tLe Dia-Usa sDodd'n KfdnsyF11 aud là Ouncd 1w Efght..Boxu. Xzuwugw (BpeoIaiDuc. 2.-Mn. Duneai MêKentie, Millor and umberman cof thifi Pla had relunned fîcanKanaaslately1 Iid taillai in hemlth mBd trebgtb, hdli it ud fi vigiat. Wae given PP bi. phýys ius weil esb y speca"lua t uTenan'. by hlmn o it a id tticud s., No v c ern. a o hm n e. ays-lu m letton Le D Qdd 'n M o Icina Ci. WA l, commencng wih your Dodd'n Kldnoy Pilla,]1 otfé nsde citvo eeks, I tok it boxea invgtwoe, am acumplstely curait net a syuptem loft eneral heahhgeai!. *avc e- g aiued My qd belth sud welght.- Had becs btheredvwith boaut »ia hiver, botb have tac. inhed vith Lb. diaibeten. I cm valt brlnkly fou- miles lustead ef orawling as before, Am -a brother cf the. Presîdent of the Toronto Street Raiivay Co. ad veil kovu or." Diabetes le st down au incurable-But Dodd 'n Kidney Pilleaslwsyn cure. The fillferun papilise cf the longue have a close resemblance te the "pile" or fur of relvet. Tee'ait-caler han ho teeth. Anti do net îeed tLe b. chewed.- In 1820 thons veto, 100 puactisng dentistn fi Lb. United State. Cousterfets. A few yearu mgo a gu-sat disco ry vas ruade. Unpu-hncspied peu-nu are tu-ying te proy unàn and dupe people vhc arc led te ask onrbld- ne ytroatment. 8cm. cf the methoe adoptai! by f mitatenu mu-o as follovs: Fir@Lt-To imitate te ize, clr sd shape f Ddd'a YKduey Pille and eli tbeun by comut. Second :-Ta put theun up te appean very nesly Lb. same and Le be fféred a: te. agme Theird -:-To 'book ou the word "kidnc"I lu naming catharîlo plls se as tLe increase uales et mou-e physie. Fouu-îh:-Te g-jvc a naine se near te Dodd's that unvnry people may be deoived sud thinb Lb.y arc getlung Dodd's. Look ut for uch dodges. Whm o yenat kidny medicino yu .at the bat. Ad oght net ta be the subjeot et any trick. W. 2. YARROLD9 D. Lws* Oou~ SrveerA D naePO.$Tf e Architect late , wlth Langley, Langley à Burke, 1foronto. Deuigna for Churches 'Villas aud cottages' a specialty. ýDrawing prepared for remodéelizki e- str ture r, k 1, s wue. du are raed to extend tii range of bujines. sud ~ ~ ~ if ~adeybsns ibe done, OrstiW Maotion. Ooni-n4a peciltyy O als s el' rny shop and istick. . NOLE7y, -DNALR NOLE,, I O;- 8«14e, os lngiog, ;me»AU1t orders -or -info'rmation cit 'b. obane roaJOHIN: NOBLE" DUO aï, Street,, Whlty, opposite Mr. A,. C. Wl. ý"so'residence. Whitbye APril 4th, r894. ~Vq V Frelght oadBagso se fit remuera LIFE INSURAN.,E. Manujactureris' Life, & Accident Largest Capital - stck Lr . *-luhurane Go. onthe Continent, Nipçty -ipar -out. -o ael accumulatons 0,t.surp lu»turim. M th b olcy holdens.Ai &iàïs are pai vihou dayor disooint on' proof, of â,ath or mat.nB.,of endowznen Feb. King ron ge nt, WhToronto c Fmur the next. Iree rnonths I arn givlng specal attention to psUents -fiorn, s dis Mince. Amn stili MaknDplat"s in mubbe Go 4 sil &ver fllin the mazot resnable , -'r.tçs z .la .o W. L WRNEROI i r ~f J' Il 1' Proprietor. Ovet 1 il Open every Bainrdsy night. In the herbiverous animais the luinor CuttiàKgtet, ad molars. arethe bet develop*' ed. Wen the corner. of a mouth turm own the indioatiop is of a pettisb jealous dispoui- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 c 17 t i I j I I t L

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