Whitby Chronicle, 20 Dec 1895, p. 4

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V L VV9 »AL.1 Jy utinbul0md muans -ua nsn e di ng a 1Gw .kI uv a.. ~I 11, uctoablses ays in the<cfty pïmbung uewgoods., PartiGsnts I Og loand seemethe grted Partes ishng t emloyme t atend Mr. James Renaie haî alain poved hlm- _______ KdGoe eaeso ig Chemist ~~ Dru ggis t i saes a~7<n marnaragemets s el-f to be the chanmpo: feet er or theDomin. _ _ _ _I_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ e i c ai H a l l i , t H ig hla n d a tsclu b.C ai a fi c . j Ï f o th e g r o u u d . a t ue as o n e lp amo rel l i o o T e , C l l r n L. FAIRBANKS. catred the grand sweepstakes for the best XrA s rd. At the meeting on Monda y eveniag, nez: stock show. Brock Street, - Whitby the manner of celebrating the coming Burns A social was held after the anniversary ta Anniversar)y will be. decided upon. A fuil dispose of a large amount of provisions Ieft __________attendance af menibers is requested. bver froni the tea. It was well attended and H W'sti for a ea P? an enjoyable ue was urent. The proceeds . ....AF W 5 ' C &uaL GI S he C ROICLEandWeely Gobeandof this was $27t which taises the total recelpts ~II ~e (~t~rnîc e. Canada Farmer froni now to Jan. lut, 1897, a8 thirnnfversary taor.... for $1.2S, payable at New Vears. Sena a Now that ô9r big election la over attention 8pi fBao o . . . .$ 0 fJ 2 d xr ev __________postal card and papers w1" be forwarded at is being turned tao o- smaller but not i ess 7 par of Wooi ioiFBlanke.... once.. impirtant one, the municipal election. From Pa*oxfoO0pi Two best Papers intheovinc present indications it looks as if tbere will 5 aroIBy'lit o ........ WH IT 3Y, DEC. 20, 1895. Taking the Toronto Weekly Globe a a be opposition ail round for next yearls ______________________ _________________ saud Tim Cirioxi= as cil, tb g w a n s yet say 'definitely a local paper, we do flot stretch matters by who will be the aspirants for the va rlous i l os Short Notes. saying that tbey have no equal when com- offices. Redyma O lothing Deparmn-sig bind.Wegie athfo nityer or There wil 'ha no service in the cburch per pair. Boy ' u for 'a 75 A Alerry Christmnas to al! We have tried $1. 25. We have the sole rightof the county here an Sunday night, as Mr. ,Cameron gooy' es ~ to make our readers merr during the rest for the Weekly Globe. over ta Saintfield to preach tbifanniversry "A .M-ERRY XMAS. TO Fo A L. of the year, ani they must depend upon Shohld ha"ve s3875. Services there. The Saintfield tes to be held______________________________ theuiselv'e5 for one day. Dr. McGilvray snd Mr. John Ball Do>w peotleeok hou tehell aitedpledb h were out in North Ontario stumping for theoeoWik steSitedpope1- The election in North Ontario' being Toisdrn h ledntïpio terally patronized aur tea meeting -bers. setted he gng ave oneto Crdwllfeu ta their lot ta ppeak at Sandford lu Sot A young rma froni Sunderland-we dou't where there ie a slight change in the pro- which had al jone Patrons according tao w i Il-w donbe1wl 4bi ,_i _ graimme. There ie no~ Patron candidate rumour. The resuit ai their meeting was a ans tO the socia and met with anuaayitgÏ there, but the want of one is more than majority af 6o for McGiflivary wbile all the and costly accident an bis wair home _______________ supplied by a McCartyite who ie ridli the reat af Scott wus isat ta Patroniani. Accord- drove a fiery baose, and when a littîs nartii Protestant horse. Instead of goingrmingt hsrsi eieknta ad the Dr. af Wlck the. nmal tok rj: rk h H T ytLJa fl!fd s school house to achool house telling people ad Mr. Dow' stumped al ai North Ontario cte n ciprdaaevn h c that bý' squeezing and screwing everyody the Conservative majorlty would have bee capants ont on the road.* The driver thggp to death in business the world can be made 3,87S, b., the sanie mare or les&borrawed anather rig 'ýta get bomne and net happy, Bro. Stubbs is bowling that Te- ents f theamaken utter. Il yid/tw T7 ES. ligon ha beablisedin urscloos. r~day be came back and gatbered up the frag- -R F i rAllye He ie like most of. the people who cham- Apemniofee 1 nue epta g cmhlm $g5 ta repair it.0In pion religion. Their real object is ta do buy a newspaBer la always a gattdy hng,$ uIJ.00-in rz . away with it. Give us a stalwart Ramantat whleh looks7 s ck for the momentb s i iIJAM. thousand times over, who bas the cata- no further use ta martal=an. Did any of The mild weather bas nat impraved aur - N ovelt n ra- chism taught st home sud st school, in ar eaer eerr _ple r^umi4wlthba seihng-qajN u sD Y,,kw a ie y ference to the assutned champion ai ho- aewspaper, and fiad that eier premtium or Mr. Earnest Marris Inteads taking lu tbe r jG testantisin who cries for no religion 'in newspaper turned out »ta be any goad. AuNe ar àltWhby scoasan ia nuei he Om.edito r who knows that Ie paer muet sell NOttearsR.il1t8W0tbe We nto nd sato ek hatu tson nbômenwilsetat he l1 s Mis. Brtsh and bMrs Birchell were the aiusOss t.i ei1i.~»es Wemnindls ekta nesoea journal worth its pnice. O e o ahas ta gueste af Mrs. Wilkin on Sunday lIsat. hfoownPizsaeffrdf cmeo:Baa, a4Ons P,.,et,-nl o- cli ,he other changed its tactica, war ie the bolier plate sheet pnniited for hiin Somte We are pleased ta see Mr. William Bals- Tkes--best tmikeysi. 500; pair tirkeyt ,x.q.- u tn. AhTas any~ha~l on y curs taGrat ritin nd htfoun d y,.and wblch he wants to pawn OIT Ou dom la aur midst again -aller a loing ilineas. o 5; wtrt.os, 2, 1 i on I oed opaens. P ret BCleveland tenth prmublies g ine pe~ladig t ie We understand there was a hop at Mr. Dmoka-Bes&isd t $x, and sSe: pair ducks Thss ae avs nsu!..vreyo* less.âgt-taoengress on Tuesday of this they won't huy anesehb dy fraud be must James Hortap's, Baisai, an Fuiday eveala»g p duoks , z. -u k which added mucli fuel ta the fi-e. try and induce theta ta buy1 two for the l2.t r.t g o 0c; Pr getar 1, 50ce i., 5aBU 9".o nt, poses the appointmnent of a commis- money. Mr. Richârd Wilson's bouse is.campleted Rckea. r. grit varety.P5ci*SWck;, a vou fin.-c3- enquire into the éip he etwten Wabasà'Monteza ma &Land it improves the looks ai thinga araund eubZ# ,S-anclkes70 0; bc-LIUgSn u @iotu ane8irBa ii and Venezuela, and ta go to war un- .Every morning at x11.03 this supenîativeîy bers. Collection, of poultry, ont Pr ech af tnrkeys, Dili ýi.findinge ai that commission are car- equipped train leaves Dearban station, Mr. Arbuckile had the mistartune ta tipset geese, dueks. chiekens. a. r. prit 'nyBreo i.B~iot~ faaa tEngland does flot recognize the Chicago, and stanes on ber flight towsrd the'bis englue intothe ditch a short turne ago, Hasdr1e hog c'ver 300 -Ils, 2. r; 3 hogs i... liv U n ited States ta Interfere in auy land of the setting Sun, arriving at St Louis but fortuuately escaped without any serions not over 20,o -.eacb, 2.z; out do, nai ov.-r 15.2%.cuSnd~',~ ..s~ ' ,-gard ta its dealings with ather sanie evenwag, givlpg passengera ont haur damage. V* ~< ,QT~,4im.~r ... and beyond doubt as soon as thet t vewtht ns, depot tht largeat dfnei W. undersiand that Mn.. E. Disnet Ssp-des lau nz carcasa mton, us 56, 1lB trbetigt otmltbtthen beads due soutb, arniviug at H et feed 'buisuess la Uzbnidge. J E la bound t6 be Btter-5 Ilii butter in fpauds 75r-, 5=; ro alpie.X a.PprMns. luno, 1enTce Of the United Statts in assm Springs, Ark., next morning. Texarkaua oun t wan path. Ibïdoý.Ze, soc; lb, crock 75cç, 5o; za lb crack al ppea. poll cecaed ow r as he reafter noon, San -Antanial'follÃ"wing morniniz, sud Laredo sanie evening, wbere ,direct eau- We are told tha theiltbas heeofarnerdaga Z9 50e sL asatone trhoThe raelingtLadncta smaewtoftrng rinfr~ warnying sheep and we hope thât the owners _-laaoe il am. of dayofar hnf niigyu np~oao u ag u sre top saisfhactione fruot.the r je at eeli ting amdei s ud piampfo hesoaithese dogs wlilsee all'er thisand- nat alléw tahibits amnst -bic No outraceor ad- Thenka oualfr~mliu~ Salisbury, a stu rdy Briton and able sttee Ciy a Mzic. Te tblsouss.n Ws mar, i atthehetuandthe tes-a n aMexieo and this.great rallway frarn any te t1uaat.JRu lde .King, - Thos peverel snpstfvoa fear, but the hetan d t en edeoe railroad agent or J. A. Richardson, Ca nadian An epwarth league bas beeti orgnnizýed in - onteL . .r. ChimnWimyoai .Omp int b-eau se fasue eeujs h cos htîonspassengen agent, N. E. con. King and Youge connection witb the MtL Von methodîst lo.-1ýE , erétary. patli. streete, Taronto.. W.urcbl, wtar - eh Mr J.10 WI The conviction of Chris. Mann, of Wash- davnCamîpteiî died o ud m Mn. Will Draper bas strved, bis tiuse with .BOOK ago, here last week before a jury, for wound- aged 8o years snd 9 imantha. 'Ht was tu-;I. Bircheliýnd-we uuderstandithat ej#i go- ing Ingersoil, the Indian, will have a god last sunvivor aif 'fôùr, brotiiersw ho for ysai gtàoot botNoer t aep~- cflect in many ways. Mann got drunk and played a prominenf t inthe affaira-af this A Position as bostler at the Blscký1Ira cotanty. Tht 1Ce4e'ffl arniîy ,ern fro hatel. 4~~4 hred wth hîs rifle at a iacklight with wbich lht County af Addington -or Frontenac, -snd cMi. William Ed sgkIes -M-pying the highes#t thv red man was spearing fish. He d id flot settled ait Brooklil ia tht township ai Wbit- no,' fully emtplered' suad '1n9 o the Priof' é i id ri~ clrewhether thî-~ bullet hit t:ý Indiau or nat. by. soori ater >thé rebellibn of 18e. Tht most beautiful bouse,, ia these p arts,. WC ,--, - must be understood. that an Indian bas as brothers were John,, Robent,. Aaron and hop that he niay ho long- sparý"t ta110>' y -, - rther, that the connivance afi magietrates for this cauâty.- Joi Campbell was a m- Mr.sud -Mm- .s . - umetfr r a '_&tumiOU ;11 lot sufice to screen a reckless criminal ber aI tht- Provincial Panliamit about the uéidents ofaisneihborhod, ftéi -au ýab.h0l ti"t oil rc& Hjust punishrnent. When tht shoaltlng tirneoifftbe nebellion, tfor siter Fzroatenec Or anetenytioy *-havetor*nd ta rue S ingersoll wae reported ta Caunty-Attorney Addington, apd'uponý1he separa±tion f thts spend theo-wunter 4mnonk frienda.--Alec Mi.r;O> oi.; iewe 1 he went ta Washaga, and conduct- cotant>' froni York . "d Péel, -the. Reipin 1V P., McAvay lias rêtusr'e(l-ao'spend ~sd a,2 r - wo-day enquury before Magistrate Mc- Party favared his ap i'_tment as shenlif,,but' wiuter under the- parental r(o f. --W. wel, x - -tbtfailed tO canvince that lirnb of fée goveraen t te sace ai -the HOn- cotne the-tb oa ur, midut. Atq' hat even a prima facie case bad Johbn RSS m t the iste N.- G. Rey- D wie M1rade out, so Matn was discharged. tëbMdseoftat:t VI 'Cali 5W~H YW ~ ' ~ (lence tra t e gae ur t se curtî e a-re b h na e a p a s i o'h r i i n Agi t a e u a r v l a e e b a M r a e ~ , , and plce thtfellowunder ail. T is.Ctapbnedll tt ia cmIissonofth ît 1- of the on- oct- me rks lng assortmÉent of Linaed ,Ouffe egpeoially for o......, i00 à Pants onIy 4,5 cts 97 C/i hrizstmas. r obBruàhoeJewel ~7 o~ ~nqe~Duttou's cIE*:Ut&Uy~ .okain (I~Uanou#Bek, ue- ~m#!~..êsoâü&sud 1w ~ell 9 .à'- IT. .,xc .y. -sc . '-. ... t, and their corn- ons itw as alost la ÇeMantbM*40t Cjýr1 'ire quite a (ew Camipbell wus onsof thebtmt e-WTueayatloi4 struck oùf tht moved froi Brtôo1tlU ,to the toliwblp o -Mr&Ru le these per- Plckerlnnuer Duqbtt P cooetedm=q ke à note ai an d sude «- t' -imes dots ti'on wbich to lu palitcs b. isa legomer s d 'kp 1* "aofpendent ouesat tuat, «t ttlplug'tJtên ai bis ami snd e OL" .l" day bolduesi snd f . Mew Wt 1 si Air,- T-Iklm>ratpimlpl%$rllsm.

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