Whitby Chronicle, 20 Dec 1895, p. 1

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VOL. XXXX. TOPI IF YOU WANT A NICE ~...Xmas Prenasnt * at a LOW PRICE, do net (ail *to go the -m CORNER DRUG STORE. *1 1 YERID k)M il wlhîch is "ading Life L'abii:y G u îr dian, etri Bank, DYER. unOSuTmu In tbe matter of CHAS. ADAM CONNER, of the Tovn of Whitby, iu ah. Couot>' of On- tario, Jeweler, etc. Notice le herçby given ce, that the abpove uamed debtor bas muacde an *ýTARIO. assigument te mc lun pursuance of tii. On- tarie Act, 48 Vic. respcctiug assigument for tbe benefit o!Cràitors. A meetigo!credit- ors for the appoluamena of inssecors snd the giving of directionis for the. rsoa n ft estae. viii be held at my o-ffice, in ah. Court Hous., ln tii. Town-of WhIaby, o1%n MON- aDADEC q&h A D., :8g, at thé' her o! turc. ln thc a4ternoo.n. Créditors are e- 'N.uesaed te, file their dlaimrs agains: the. state %qlth me, or my solicitors, vith affidavit aatachcd ; aise nature sud value of securit>', if an>' held, on or before ah. day of such meeting.. Messrs. Dow & McGILLIVRAY, Whitby, solicitors for sssignc&. J. F. PAXTON. v Shenliff C. O., Assiguce. ,oirytýiy ioiammo AN IMPORTANTi CLL4AN S WRBlP.1 Pli-ices talk for Cash : Good Wire Mattrasa, ortË $2.50 foi $1.75. Good Mixed Mattnas, worth $4 for 1. . irst-clasa Extension Table worth $65o for $5. Bedroom Set worth $14 for $:o.go. Bedroon: Set vorth $16 for $13. We have nothing but first-cias worknien iu our Up. hoistering Departmeýnt. Lea.ding Undertaker,- E. j. JOHN[]SONgt BROOK ST., WHITBY. A good crowd la expected at the sohool examination here on Thursday afternoon4 Miss AlIiq MoGregor, Mesura.'Ed. ifýll aud T. N. Davey e .xpecied home for Xmas holi- dayt J Miss MaryMçGregor accompanled by -Misa Wills of of Whl:tby, dld the city ou Saturday lut. A free ride te Almonds church Frid&>' ught fur al who wlsh to attend the S. S. entertalu- ment there. Rips leave the tabernacle at seven p. M. The soecial féatwes of the S. S. entertsanment at Almonde :o.utight (Frida>'> viii be music by the Misses Holliday of Brooklinth te Law famiiy of Pickoerng. Miss Harper, of *hitby, sud Miss Llck of Oshaw; récitations b>' Misses Holden, Yates snd Martin, aud Mr. W. H. Greeuwood, of Whitby ; two Yankee dlogiyes by the adulta of the achools ; good-nlght drilli b> the -lttle girl;ý choruses, recitatlons, dialogues, by the children of the school, This promises te Le the beut eutertainmeu: ever given here. Everybody come. Admission aoc.. children of thc uchool fiée. On Tuesday eveuing Misa Annie Rowe was surprised b>' the inombers and adhereut cf Al- moudse church,,snd presented witb an appropriste address and a purs. contalnlng a tolcen cf their appreciatfon et her servlces as orgaulat for the past four years. Mr. Carruthers, called the gsthering te order aud Mr. cSm Kempthornanad îMlc MGregor woie cslicd upon to read the ad- dresaud mae te présentation. M r. F. Rowe respoudcd on behaif of bis sister, after whlch )gr, Wray reed a short poem expressing hie senti-~ ments. A ver euble dînie vas spcnt for thé remaluder of thce e * g. Your humble ;ew who for the past few years bas pushed th. quilli for the CHRoNIicLE lu this vlelnl:y, mua: nov- give place te another. Wulting, as w. do from a country place, bar notiutos have ucsarl'been meagreasud, insigulfipant, but we have endesvored tw giv. those of your readers-and tbcy src not a few-î interea:ed lu the events transplriug lu. tuis elgh- borhôod, ail thc newa cf the place. W. can < Cafélir a>' that we havýe îudulged rielther lu gagsW, goi p mot-iuainuations. sud altbough eur opin- lons a n> ot have met witb the approvalfot u nclegbbors, yet we féecl ure, tbat b>' our oonuec- tien wth your valuabie journal, *e have made no enemnies. We wlah the CasoNîcLu readers, sud thc entie staff, -publishers, correpondents,. foreman, compositors,, bookkreeper aud dcvii, a ver>' merry Christmnausudas happy New Year. To the editor himaft vesa>' "May the Chitor- ICLE long continus w béât local paper la tbe provluve, sud may your shadow ncver grow leu. Thé. following lu the report of tIip standing -of the pupes of U. S. No. :, Pickerlng sud Whtbýy for the. terni endlng Dtec. aoth, :89p l mior classs the weekly examnations fou tii. b.ii of niarkingsud Uic jutor classes are marked aergmtl.Pourrib ci-ma.75.st e UcCli% h Tqor7inJefftreY 443o, Net- tic Carruthers 434 nce MoGregor 434,. Lys Carruther3,5, Mabel -Rowe3si. Mead Btovi, 330, Art Mackey 305, Arthur Rove :xo Sr. aird-clasa, max. 685. George Gold439~, .WaIte Rodd 4ZO. Richard Coûvielli 332. Jt., third - claim. Max. 636. Aunie- Carruthera-358, Lizsie Fethergil ,Devar Carruthers 31 .Dcll Brovu a.MsyRodd 2%h M"be 95. a W 19 Archie Coakwell236, Edmund Bradley' 235, W1 Robertson z6s. Second cimes, max. 4i10. Rus- sl Carruaers 257. Hart>' Coakwell 2o1. Part II (lu order of ierit) Mons Taylor. Niche! Rob. erton, ltdua Shiptuan. Deunis O'Coninor, Rile Kemp, George Patheritili, LiII>' Robertson. Fars: dais. Edgar Austin, Earl Bradley, Art Wilson, lue. O'Counor, Walter Truli,Percy Wilson, May' Bradley, Goldie Truil. ?rank Van« stone. Thi. folovîug have beau promoted duriug- the term. Il to III. Lizzie Fothergl 1, Mx' Rodd, blab e aey. Archie Coalcwell and Ed. Bradley.. JNo.Gw4asi. teachet. Mrs. Payue, Of Ç01borne, la visiting ber" slswer,- Mr. A.. Robent. Wili Ant A baptism tbcik place attbe baptist-church in conectl on *ltbhthe.evenlng àèeke Iset Sabbath.-,The-churcývasÇamnmed (routii pulpi:ta the domeand num'beys could ne: get, in., Thosedtawn hither by curlposly, sud those wbo- vent 1Iôm_ better mnotivest, listeued b eo ue - of Rer. J, C., Scmr' eart limpreuslv, sermons vhith would llkely d0goéd te both classes. Atthi. co-ý clusion several boys and girls (rom the -Sun- day achool vere iumehned.. The quarteenly ,cýommunio srvceo!th Presbyteriau éoburch 7 1va-htld ou Sabliti aftèrnoon, Tii.-sermon -'"as--'prceàéid by the pastor, jRr J, B. mcLaren$ (rom tufe text, Ecc. Wi8-,,"",Let tby ; garfments, be e visys white ; sud let thy head lIack ne oint- meut." Frôm. this thei peaker iblei ta in order to, enJoy. truc happineus, Ithere muât firat be purit>' o! ift, sud 1Impressed on lii', hearers tue greaimportance 'of havlnz the garuients alvitys vibilte In othier words te, live as chnistiaus 'sboufd,- at ail times. lu, conuectlon wlth tis -service four young la- dies were rccelved igto muem.ber-sllp on pro- fession of laithy axd ou. Young insU, by cer-, tificat.. the membcfa of the women'a aurllar>' lu thé church of England mission of 'Brockliu. sud Columbiis bave -the satisfaction of"an: nounciug to their frienda tua: the taslr M4, dertatei l>y themIn Ap ril, :8aâ, cf dlscharg., lug the balance cf d.t (21) on the et,- souage, Brooktil, ha* bet-u accompliiied, sWud that Ou Dep. :3tb i uit. ahey made the fiuai payment, thus releaslnç sald mêsten, fromn its oui y remaiuiug llabîllty on ,churcli roperty. Tbey,, have -beeh eusblcd, under G.dto do tuis by the. aid cf conaributlous receired ln response todirect appeai O! the. members of the auxiliary or tbeir friendu, sud b y iouey earned by, the memb.eé, whlcb latter has proved au important factor lu clearing off the, debt. Tii. third anaiWmeeting cf thi.Brocklln cheese factory vas beld, om Tuesday aft.- noou. There vas a large atteudance. cf the. patrons cfthe or. The season hasbe a dlsa 1pintgoue, owing tii.h lowpr. at Whiàc b to, tl beaold, aud forts manlfested as the, bl ave ben--iad- matters been, difte j4 lptuis respect. But our factor>' h.ld --it*s ovin wlth the beut-O! them nsd wl, more favorable umark.t con- ditious next year (sud 'there li, good reason te, expeca abat there vi!! b. a inptovenit) everybody viii be lu gÈod 0 art agan. Dunu asésn 6 o 6. !mI er. dé!ivëred ýat the taç,cWo-y, froua 'whicW 9 cheemç ee. o made,. we!ighlng- sefl. Thê Yslue'f tistheesetwben ýMa*eted wSî 4742.88,cf lecb$329&-40 ves dhA e a#Monif the '72 nattons. Mr. Y ST tnâ-., Mr."$mlth, of Dakotai u Io ~ ren .dscontenus, "", au îwo rd ývillage, idenè Tat 8hOUId MIa4 &st, cf S$cot, a to andI * SX!eVert o1M b R. SoirviU. ôn uawi. wlt1b kentl*'nesu. L.ef, t Yhe-*àl, hldb tb tine'even Ifthé>b do, Tb.~poWheld lvdteLals'MAd on Thuru.$iie-atwu daevoniug aS not éil attçnded. ois b diGc0vflj tiâ eha Anu,Îiber of meMbers of Pidale aud Epsom il bj. oche, < g othef divisIàu pald, "t;dIision a visitouStda evenicgýand asulu-ted la the programme. thergaffiîâ, their * àweetiùëÏ Ut.,'kennedy, pf 'D'ndat, lai petidlug a few I àhtm,à dinner. 'Let thé.' le da vis'tithMr. G. D. MoMIllan. They, wero and forbearneotull., i VfIi f"euOwstudeflw at; Guelph, Âgtkcultural coleîç. 'IfChtlitmas must be mriÀre Mr. J; Leauk aud wife of -Port, Pcriy, spent quarrdllîng, 'petUfshness, .,atd&à 6undai la. our. midit. *We uûiderntand that hW lty aud- dýot veneu. It -w;i lutends glving up blskmlîh[ngsud wl , thaevychd;ou&le farrnIug~~agaIn. ~~ plan Bre t.ur~a o rrcoiS b gav au exhibition of, his< tbrpeTC u td for tlëPepmnts andi trane ," ogues ou riday eveuing _las )b4D«. 'eitbifamily. To aImost everj Bruâh bas inadîe à nunber cf trips through these bold is known moinoe -legs foi p rs.b -u"thisIS iii b. bis lat-as hi m le ata Clans willi flot, A. ~ ~ il udclcnetvi beld on - <jPr Ct4aflis many titue h pîI noon. beglnlg ab'2 30 'io. u h ldrn fthe more favred chitdr*r of thé qachool, soulated b>' the S. of T.ochsra h n i aire t4i day al py have a ýýprgramiNe prepared fo« the'~ not o- happily favord.W. ton. god time lu expected. A octlo Jatcmwhat, day Chist w wIll be ta en to' psy for some gamet for the uncertainty need net,..n4 d d scholow& - out ànjoyment'of the day thai Dont fý'orge: the annivermiar>'M oilnt nal Chrlàtiau outrcucelébii vith ~ s th uîoichurch here New Years OnU a o nectber ucdÏ ýSunday a4th of Dc-, the, servicer will be co. Savlour religne to-day thtôtig due", by Rev. S. MeAuiey, of Oakwood, ad dom of the earth, as the an! ou N»w Year'e day a tes vu1 be held after l'IiGlory to God luW the,,'bIgli therewll b. a good programme glvèn censlsting i>eace snd good wIll tone. of siuglng, speeches, etc, readers of this_-,'oluwn;1 a* At the meeting of the Mission Baud, on Satur. Christms ud"Mauy'Joyoue day bgk ta <uhlAvAn hwiruneh m au bgaM-AnU day the> 1* rasedduring the year b> each, using a peny te star: vilai The amount Riron out vu 0 teutsvJiIover $12' va rascd fIoi tus. eWsgiven during the ycar toethen, vith th u'givè a total of over 8:8. ýW. aInir. that tiiose wbo are evereelg thievwork, are$6, bW oengnati4ated cix tii sesuulresulou sud v. hce.tht then. ma be numanuev aliembers snd y.: botter work d4 gthe. coming Yeau., W.*.Clarki s i l ie i. ld for councllor. GuoiBrathvalte yetumued frozn Torou te on. Mouday la"a. 1fr. beive, et Canuington, vas ilu tovu on à uay, on s business erraud. Juei. Bowermaan bas tbe' contract cf rawsig th. bull o! the yacht Ses GuI!. Wîp. Psrnisb, of th. Coiiege of Pearmay Tr<itto, la homne fhs oays. Tho Webllug sfstMr, conicer t, va god, and-f*.re favored by a good audience. Mon4retal, lin. orth. Xmasýholldayé.. -WiherpaïentorWnd',mrs D.Cm H3choeu freinth#egromeus 8supper I vas M plesu.d toýe astat theý fl per lait w eek th ,. compliaientarý te, #4r,,,jôsephBigelcie b ev 8%r. W., M. jèoes cfbée f tue "commenciâl suid: '<tfii.Scugag sund Caîtwnl hdoue tmore for. Port.rt wveçl flan-i mate - d a y.'> - the tu! venir c poncs o, lu Aitgusa »tien leît thc quait ed tbat la te make c vbich salI atta onext year GUY a cc au c0yster sufflr hy Reeve Caldero te Sebeft housoem ià unnecçuaty te -say ahat fiu justice waudonc tthe yepsst. Mr. J. S. Valwee *ipped lie <uriur.j, thli *eek Àadý,',ft_ mo.rn, i sàý For Delicate Childre.n, Invalida and ,do L the Aged, Nutritive Wine..,, Thia palatible aud RIGRLYNUIBG l Prepmdwth Cod Liver 0OU. la illy reteine diraedbythemont.delleate 01 st iutrU,ve ist &duit&ansd Children. À uark.d iMýlncre u.8~1mtosegot~ oapftalAiihrfd *1OO BOARD 0F DilkECTQRS. ofix Coww, Esq9,preuIet TE~E . f3Up For b. sur iloin éda luât' very CI W 7 Ilty te fo ' We ar' ýe of r $1.10.1 Ciii! and se, Eggs, whîch we; LOC AL -ýN EWS LE17 They have the choicest stock of PIZR- FUMERY and TOILET GOQUS ever shown in Whitby, with PRicEs to suit EVERYBODY. They have a beautiful line of LéAMPS which they are offering at a Cut Price. They'are bUnd to please the people both in GOODSand PRicES. Cail and see their XMAS. OQOUS before you buy. T/aev uisli a Merry Xrna.s and a Happy NVew'ear Io all. THE CORNER DRUG STORE, AUCTION SALE The undersigned has received instruc- tions from MR. A. SIDSWORTH, Lot 18, Con. 4, of WbitbV township, to sel! by pub- lic auction on TUESDAY, JAN. 7tIi, 1896, 20 acres of Standing Timber, ln haif acre lots. Sale at i o'clock, p. m, Terms-Three months credit given on ap- proved joint notes. Two winters allowed to remove wood. Purchasera to pile brush. 1- FAIRBANKS, Dec. i2th, 1892. Auctioneer. NOTICE TO CREDITORS# ET oiol Books St assort- )01 Books nty. We ,pect Our uks. '.e ket. W. vn.riety. SýOCKS popular y wear. Liglts. mers. iere ear. iii lati ['Wbl 1 jý4F'

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