Whitby Chronicle, 13 Dec 1895, p. 6

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-PATRON. 1400r) AF- moîavLuSSED. THE BIET'RING.-ANNUAL 'rARD.-TrHE PATRO-N IrER IICUSSION. hcid their annual div night in their île)s. Ennett presid- il was called upon te .e«igandi Secretary rvadi the' minutes of the tmig wi ' had îlot beeri held. ,rrI askcd Iliow it was tiîat the 1, Ihl le lrad <rfercîl deminru- tt.-;.t<stamup', te tariners lbac r ritic minutes. Sec- i. * t '.î rer ir b t lit iîl iri- t b i ren ill ri-lit, bit thuit r lî r t til ti-t i, ~rt it'- rî t' ' mi- ri.i r,rlurs t! 1' -a t ~ ' t.l' " tr Hi't ' of .ti i 1rr rt . iL4l "'1 1:1 -lr -r. t a e III'- hi ~ ' h .î t - î ii rît ; .~î t liii il I hit~ tli'l. t t k '-'I t t t"' i ni' t i i i !tt ir tItrai iii'- I lii'~ "it t lit' .ti*'r il'. t' l,.t't i I ~'~it tir-t - M i<î,r~ r. t . . ' -..î ' t 't tir i t! t ;:', ' t I liî.t:il. t .r itirÀ tpii - t ' t ',irk ît. .r -t-n (inui t -lt rrtelIl l a fiivc1 Ï.1IL iB t Il il t tv i lit r ' -- u ri( ..i~' ilrI 1 tîtk"I'i c rj burt: ii 't'cr - îi ti t t i t .:~:ttl .\t\a tr t '1 s ir handHrugthý¶oq04, viz. hi , prcent, Thekik u l ýfâorof # pr cet. thougif somne were wil lirig to go on and a half. Mr. .'Oke said thereêwe.re two sidesà to the question. Supposc he handies 10 lbs. of ten cent, tea ih iamounts to a dollar, -and at three petý cent. he only-- gets a third of a cent a 1U. for his work and wrapping paper. Even Patrons could flot ask more th-an 7th is; but fancy "a man buying and re- tailing out a hun 'dred lbs. of tel for ten cents, which. would be one per cent. He does flot want to mnake any money out of the store, and would flot mind iosing a littie for the hiieur of handiing the goods. but te work ail day for io cerîts_, and board himself and furnish a -tore and taxes free is piling it on too harri. Ed. Storey said the farmers all have te work for nothing. Jno. Mc- CulIough said that since people have t)Ccn in the habit of goi ngto tie Patron store for goods the memibers do flot at- tend lodge as formcrly. As a resuit [lîcre arce no- more good programmes. [le likes to see a littie en.ioyment with the ladies. Wing Brown said it was iii very weil for young fellows like Mr. \ic.uieuhwlio are struck on the ,.iris, te advocatc uI show\s, but fam- lv ruen like hiniseif iooked upofl tlh i,(rs cnt irciy lu the liiht of their in- tritisîc value. The. point about this PaýtrOn store us ictr or flot people ire rCtti1ng thingrs thecre at whoIcsale priccsZ. If NIr. ( ke did(1net feel that lîcre was, su IFcient hiouer in devoting ii, t i ruete ruanagung the lodge store i)rr1.rv ýi ulîîd cIsc would take it. Ilie did i nol l( iceen îlolovng for pos- r. in-g pape! a ind the lu1ke. l)ish îîst as the tewn store-keepers i1re tIioeý,n c\ er spe.îk et( suchli lttie iIii . l hls t1îu ru nNI r. ( ke Il e il1<1 sel ge d ut ir voie 1ric<s. \Vrui. Kcup i)saiui tiit the gencral sen- * i 1rit .r ! the rucruliel)rs wvas agaunst div ~ NIr. ( kc auything for his o r litic iriiiertai expenses, ai'- * litM1 îl lic %wruiîib ý11,11119 nte st.uinda 1 ai rarý,i n. Tho,,. (Osbo rnie saui h e v1 xS il wd1\ S rpeedt having a store, r"I the r cas tu that it t ciids te k111 the !1idý,e, as statedlb\- NI r. NcCuiieughi. llv lia(ia a[ idV)cýltCii that the sec- rutarv de the bvn and seiiing, and a iiiiove, seci u ld by MIr. K emp, badt titis be the course pursued in fu- IL Fi t. \Ir. ( )ke saii<I tlie nmain cini- rýiarut that had cinie t hlim was tlat hic s ii g ed te outsiders at tihe sanie jîrîce as te menibers of tl,,e ledge. Wr tier his motioni tassed or net bu rYeuiiicolitinue te aici asliras 1) enihis 1s r b. i l i< bavvsieen eut ef ay th te storc. 'l'le imotion wazt :aýrr ued. several sboutîrîg .\N .NIr. ( ke theri brougliri rp the ques- ion of the heef ring. lie said if he rias te keep) store for rtii ting and. board imself WhIV ShOwid NIr. Davcv ire paid for butcher'ing. 1it, tee, shouid be re- Y'arded as a labor of ev.J ne. Giiniet isked wiîv net have tire secnc-ta!y kili l ie Iheef as weil as (Io the buvi ng and -ý.ci1 of e goo(is. 'l'le saine pair of iales %veuid do for.theý whoie business. it 1 cou!d kteep a wile in do ver, And lîrevre chasing me ai-I over, E c.bounid lu change 10 HeniryWilson's The girls of Audlev watit me, Andi the girls of Wlirby hauîît me, And le'r dyiirg Lu accept me at the col- The Biîtoklin girls are jealous, Anrd the Clarerni tni people tell us I'r, 1 i nithie beau of kwenty to their know- ltedge. '\t Oshuawa last week dunie kissed mie on the cheek AId rit-clant d site wouid die if 1 left lier ( )iît ai Raglan one went mad vAnud ten more %vere verv glad rTfla loi-e for nue of reason had bereft lier. N )tnmalter where 1I'go lus Lthe samt sad tale of woe, lu breaks tlîem u p Le think 1 wiil net marry; 1 lia ', e tbbite nîy Longue As 1 tell îhem I'întoo young nt'sucli resprurisibilities te carry. t s.iarvNi . 1 kîow their heants will grieve usk cr unç) wliere they don't know me quite so Ml bccoi 'rfIîev"e chased me quilo enough, Ilit 1) ît'rIIISO Aîud Lhough it rnay seem tougli, rc. i r 1rî Nr. li going up Le York a little spell. is-tort n. Upon resuniing his seat the poet was r.î',lasalfavored with three cheers and,,atiger. - ti tigit il has. Kempthorn rose to nove a vote. t i .l f thainks. He said it gave hini.pïea- t1iti îai,~ sure and Joy wi-hout measure, tVo isten Itl)1ues Li t iis poem much enjoyed; -but fe Sî1 i d hioped the poet's heart would be pierved bîut-îî bv cupid's dart, and his life prove ful o f joy unalhoyed. Mr. Geo. Coakwve11 sec onded the motion. He had listenedý ruanv the urne Vo a merry - tovers, rvhî ne, but the like of this le îie'r be.- ne lhad heard: k tmakes uneYon n te hiear this sweet refrain, as in )r ryhme Young Il-enryîs a bbrd.' *'tse the poet said it was w41th dread he had puzzled his head, hbe verses lie had read. H -ely say ln a very iluiet 1M, -st rýiny day lhe w4mldi44ùý ,!av. ehser bmugl ic ub Cnezt C lie bad- hegrd- 6#., that point electors had urged ËUmt to -aKàfîn whom lie miglit«mention ' W Commodore- Jackson, Van nuff and J. 'H. Gale of Whitby, and D. Hol-, liday of Brooklin. He would. 0erly' say that he le in the hands- of his friends, and that if considereàdt ez,'. sary he wiii take the field an~d ffgbt tun- iii the iast ballot is counted, win or ]ose. He believes Mr. Long wili with- di aw in favQr of the Patron candidate if one is nominated. Chairman lim- mett said he is not a patron so far as memnbership is concerned, but is orie at heart, and wouid support a Patron'can- didate both in work and purse. 'Her beiieved if one is put in the field an ef- fort sbouid be made ta render bis elec- tisn sure, and votes shouid be bought in such numbers as wouid place the rnatter beyond doubt. The subject ivas then laid over tili the next meet- r ng. L). Brown said that in moving bis motion at hast meeting for free postage stamps he had forgotten abouît postal i:ards. He would înove, seconded i)y Mr. Rowe, that this be added. James Truil suggestcd te add free drinks and cigars, but the chairmanl explained that the postmaster-general liad ne control oýver barroomns. Besides, hie said, a .rood many strict tenîperance mcn of today had adopted that faith because rthey ieved rnoney better than liquor. and no dotubt thiey wouid ail break out again if drinks werc free. WNe ail1 kiiuw, said he, that nmen wiii take cv>%,erything thcy can get for nothing. A\s te Mr. ilrown's motion about pos;tal t'arris, he dild net sce that it %vtîuid serve Ltn1y pur'pose. If we have frec stamips ý'hîat do v.'e want with prostal cards Mr. Brown said one cotrld eft('n save the cost cf paper and envelopes hy usinig cards. Hlenry Wilson said lue couîd write 75,000 words on a postai carul; but that for bis correspondence, it being mainiy wuth ladies, and hreing full of dehicate allusions te affairs cf the uecart, be generalîy uses paper. lie asuaIiv posts bis ietteî's unseaicd and tie prtstmasters neyer know but tiîat it is a circular. The motion was finalv 'rut and deciared carried on division. R. T. Oke gave notice that at next :nîeeting he wiii movea motion in favor ()f biaving a tavern iicense for the Town Li1rie. 1-1c said it is customary te have twt) tavcrns whcrever there is achurch, .Xibereas we have a cburch and ne hotel. Wm. OJke said this wouid help the rade at bis store, but there was ne suitabie location for it. A hotel was aiways given the best place in Vown. 'f hos. Osborne said tbey couid nieve tlie schooi bouse back te the other 'end ()f tbe grounids, and build a hotel where' inow is. The chairman ruled the dis- cussion out of order until the motion is brouglit up inu-a regular way at next meeting. E. Storey rnoved that the Town Line nomrinate a candidate for the Whitby o.wnship ceunicil, and Wm. Gold sec- 'rnded tbe motion. Alex. Jefllrey said the Town Line is a more Important place than either Corbettfs Point, Nlyrthe or Kinsale, each of which had a ienber. He would nominate Edward Storey for the position, a gentleman weii quaiified in every way. Carried amidst great entbusiasm. A -commit- tee was appointed te put Mu-. Storey's niame in nomination. On motion the meeting adjourned te meet again at the cchIl of the president. TAUNTON. Mr. Luther Lick who bas recontly l'e- nurned from a journey Vo theNorth.West r'eportrs a pieanut and profitable tiip., Mr. Goo. Armstrong la ùnproving hie residence by building a kitchen and wood shed. He hag. now one of the best in- 'proved lot~s in the villagre. Mr. Jos. Jeffry has aise ereçtecd a couple 0. stables. A number of the neiglibors hère àre as- rive. Our enterprising haruesssmaker,, U1. Walter hart sorne b.alf dozn sets -of single harness orderod Vo be made Îiiiiodiat.-ely. His e3kili in the business seemns to be speaking for itself as he gets a large sbire of good custom., B.".. Dr. Marvîn of EbeniezerOcpid the pulpit at Zion ia$i .un4ay 'jplg, 'Mr. Howard haviî ' taken- bis ~k~ the day. Mr. Charles.' Âdafr bes aîeué& -É monyfsohool for-18,89'W. ~ f4* of hie sucesa.- Several frOm here.attenu4êÇt "ýcùyer givern at Ebenezr one-TM -d-,A-h e3 t t'-"" a5rnegetat W~WO~ 1êWe. lave, tayý about 100 dollar for moving thé, Heou .li f0rêý0t te teiliius ih'e-r 'Pýtrwas ait brOkeiý . aùd h4-tO 'be LOI. qerhuled Oosting -#15.00 and .that Me- Qlivayemplyed t de and a dgivée a4rvice ithbe maLter. Hie bih hMb'" lot- become public sasyet. But sa hewas ~éyfaithfin disehà'ârgiUg hie anUtieg, killjing two birds with one atone, we ex pecttit lo to be forth comning In due time. f he trustees were asked by the Inspector te get a medical health officer report on lhe sianuuary condition of the- grounda.' This raised their indignation se thbe tewnship officer waa sent for and of course a glowing repi' rt was sent in. But the Inspecter very wisely would not accept such a report frein the fact that tube mnu was flot a medical offleer as roatd for. His bill bas to be paid ail the same. A OtIucus deputatuion wns8 sent te a mail- -c'al heaitb officer i Cauninaton by aome of thbe trustees and thbe famiiy Compact party but it had no effeet on that gentle- mari. Ho came dowvu and practricaily condemecd tube site sîtio£otuher This raii- ed thieir indignation stili .uore declaring tihmt bie bill of $10.00 was outrageouaiy iîigh.. The department at Toronto thon risked te bave bis report sent in during ýhe wet seaoons of the fail and spring freshets which wili be 8$20 'noie. So ;Duel) for the whistie. But that jenet the hiaif yet. RIANPTON. Miss Rosa Robbins is home frorn a 1.Ieasant visit ai Woodstock. Mrs. F. 3. Groat gave an At Hý?me te the Inembers of the Woman's Missignary A-uxiîîary on Tinesday evening. An unknown middle aged mani wa.s tori i yina on thbe eidewalk outside of the sulvation arny barraclii on Mili St. on 1 1ridriy aod was takeui Vo the home Of WIr. G. Parish wbhen nivdiciil aid was sllurnmonei îand brouglit hlm round. A concert, wili be heid li metlrodist, el'tnreh 0onChristmas ove. INr. T. J. Malcu bas hrourvnt home witli hîm iis bride. Congratulations. Miss Velmee Tyler, Maple Grove, is visitîng friends bore. Irs, S. Asrhtoni is stihi nder the doctors (lare. The Liberal ConservaVives had a grand raiiy at their axinual meeting Friday. Miss An 1nie Gibson is vigiting friends rit Brîrketon. The methodist choir le busily er'gaget] practicing cbristmas anthems. Recent visitors:-Mr. Howard Toronto, ait 11ev. E E. Hlowards; Mr. I. Tru'1, Oshawa, at Mr-. Robbiti't4; Miss Z. GaY, town, at Mr. W. H. Miercer's; Miss 13. Mnartin, Bethesda, at Mr. A. Penning- tox's ; Missîilly McLean, town, at Mr. J. T. Colo's. TT'î1 th and streng'th cr"i' us through dangers and inake us safe u inte pues.. ence of peril. is- ease gerinis do 110 bau-m tia ,eih body. A gerîn js ànCi't a big thinz, anid it jI' 01113 physical weazk- ues-s t1!aýt nînkes, 1V piJt- L.gereus. A peu- 1' fectiv strong mari lie uuayberiu the baciil of cc,, sumtrTtiori\'li Sto t1irc.w Gc-ffnvii S'io0t r-u-the v'cr+ nîav fiuîd antcr-;'~ ' the tisstuesI. tieril t1e geruxs P!v'gr Once un the biood, hvY quil l IHte ~'o le rod Te Oxiy wav te g TiÉ-o ii.ii S tok aiTi- t.issl'a-r gexrmt4 d 1l y ol -ut tha iSet d- gitstion ôf foc,'rd ý _4 ýi é&4 - :or gans in a p erfect'ùeý siz'lë these--rtof dug igi hlor.'d ftuiI f4eiit red ï " - lé. 1t JA~MS tUTL.JGB$ Uàriiste, et. Oe f ormeriy occupled. FyParewell,&-"utledge, next RoyalHcel A&ttoriiey-aàt-Law, solicitor- in Chancery, 'louveyanicer, etc. Offi ce - In teOfc south 01 the Poest Office, in Mcuillazu's Block, Brook Street, Whitby. G. YOUNG SMITH. LLO B., L1arigter etc.,'-Money to Loan. Issuer of Marrl'a e Licenses. Office - Smith's Blocli, SOof Market, B- ock St., Whitby. DOW & Mv(GILLIV1RAY, Barristers,' Solicitor's in Chancery, etc. Office in Mathison & Hawken's new block l3rock St., Whitby, sonth of Ontario bank. Drs W1arren c Moore# .J. Moore, M. D. Brooklin.- Office heurs 9. a. nm. j,&0 Prvae TeZep hon e Communicafo,,. Physicaû, Surgeon and Accoucher, etc. Office and Residence niext to Ail Sainat'i, Church, Dundas *Street, Whitby. N. B.- Dental Surgery in ail its branches promrtly attended Vo. Dr. H. Wig ghtman D9EN TZS T. Over Gross & Granger's. Whitby. I'Opon every Saturday niRht. W.tE. Y A WNULD, D. L.S.. 'ouiity Surveyer and Drainage Engineer, ?ort k'erry, Ont. 4-AAPOSI-, Architect, late with Langley, Langley& Burke, Toronto. DesiÉns for Churches, Villas and Cottages a specialty. Dra.wings _prepared for remodeling existing structures. O)ffice--First flat over W. R. Howse's du store. Lr-P O Box 202, Whitby. W.1- CALVERLEY, HAR2NESS MARER, WHITBY. Having .znoved into our new prenises, we are prepared to extend the range of business Ail work pertaining to tic- harness-making and saddiery business will be done to satis- faction. Collars a speciaity. Cali and see- my shop and stock. W. CALVERLEY, Second -door west of ol d shop. Dundas Street, Whitby JNO. NOBLE, -DEALER IN ALL KINUS 0F- Lun2ber, Shin'gles, Sash, Doors and BlindP, Turning a.nd Fret-Sawing. F. Warren, M. D. Whitby. Office heurs 11 amur te 2 p.. _e-Ail crders or information obutained fromn JOHN NOBLE, Street, Whitby, opposite Mr. A. son 's residence. Wbitby, April 4tb, 1894. cari be Dundas C. Wii-1 ~Iper an'um.-in advanCe ,OthèriÊa-e the office 'Of publicWtÏi . Te puhliaherr "do une ieta-ke'to deliver thê paper M, su ot mebut Whitby,.- nyp apet, 'trpent i Juane 4; july4j'î ep V~;8 (vi4 Dec. , Clerk,---Jan 4; Mairghb; May 4; July '9'; sep.&;N 6, . PoRtT PREBY - J. W. Ëurit.hàw Port ierry, Clerk-Jan. 29; 'March .'9; 'ay 9; Juiy Il; sep. 28; Nôv.ý 18, UxBBrDez,-Joeeph B. Gould,' Uxbdidge,~ Cierk-Jau. 80; March 18; May 15tuh Juiy 12; Oct14 ; Dec. 17i, Jan-81; March 14; Mayl16; JuiyI18; lt 15; Dec. 18. BEÂTERnToN-Gee. P. Bruce, Beavertofrl Cierk-Msrch 15; May 17; Oct. 16; Dec> 19' UpTEEGoRov-F J Gillespie, Uptergrove, CIerk,-March 16; May 18; Oct. 17; Dee-20. -" By order, J. E. FAREWELL, <3erk ofthe Peace. O ctober lSth, 1894. New Livery and Sale Stab!eo Dundas St., Whitby, J. T. NEWPORT, Proprietor. Commercial men liberallyv deait with Teaming done at reasonable prices. Freiglit and Baggage hbauled at reason- able prices. A cal1 solicited. LAFE INSURANCE. -:0:- Manufacturers' Life & Accident Insurance Go., Toronto. t.argeet Capital ý5zock Lif e Inaurarnce Co. 013 the continent. Nivety per cent, o all accoululations feti~erpJus is returned te the policy holdie i. Ail ciain.s are puid withont delay or dn5'ràunt on proof of death or niaturity of endcwnment Feb. lot, 93. JB. POWELL# Agent. Whitby. Io.. Cor. King & Yonge St. Toronto. For the next three znontha I amn giving special attention te patients frein a dis- tance. Amn stili making plates ini rubber, $8, celluloid 410. GoId and sflver fRiing - work crowning hy first-clasa oýperators i tihe most reasonable rates iuý the City. 'When in the City ealu iniand let -me exur- mne yonz teeth .ý I mnake no extra C. H. RIQGS, Dentiste SouithL asjinrý_- * ov th-,1892. _~ " DEALEB IN OGAL, LÂ?H, -in Whitbj ed" ?L Office -ari-d Y Uptowu St, >ie bodcy andt tùe food , they ealthv' fesb ani,( t.r DENTIST. . 1 1 i ', 1 ,, 11 !,ý , -) ý

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