Whitby Chronicle, 22 Nov 1895, p. 8

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te 4< "s ý(Qt 4e- q # u i iv a s, " oflât Sops Ânyig in the oopifrung Line, RVZjV? Pr&gStore, O~flWÂ, 40V.22p 1895. Bv8noes$ NOTIC.- Oshawa subseribers or advCrtUm ay transact any business vitir the CKRoNICLE or may obtafn extra 0*pe. tuy urne, from IL.IL Rogers Fariners will do well to cail at M. E. Maya foW boys' ready made clothang. If yoawlsh, a nice Frencli china dinner or tea *et. or anytblnig ln (ancy china, or glass ware, go to E 8 Morgan & Son. Xi Wi pAy auy parties contemplatlug buy- lng an engagement or wedding ring to see the large stociç of FeIt Brus., Oshawa as tbey wll seii ibis montb very cheap for cash. Gesuine diamond z4K. only $1. Tliey are also anaklng me -speclal offers lu Gents', Ladies' and Boya' gold aud silver watches. Se. em. Feit Brus. Mr. Y D Scott lias returned to Montresi. -Miss Edluh Beit cf Burlingtinlavlsiing frlends lu tava. Mins Maggie Gordon as speading a tew-'dys vîhh reltives la Oshawa. LeU Col. N. F. Pateuuon, Q. C., bas Iccaed at Uxbhdg and al enter apon the pràctice of bis &hiR iommbau b.m ve l111of cougenucn iiounce that the la improvingr. Miss. Veal, wbo bas been tpeadiag the suin. m w o shavabaw, starued, 'wh o bave *à ep.owuu.ir t yhoid *averjue trpsovlag after a l=g auge of ilet Uri Fmrow, ubo bua hotu sllmà e dn ter. Um s Olugat, lu Plc4 u.for Soin mnoubsu atretunqdhctc l ixt"tbneitt b l'he obbuge. 3Mor f Ch I:: ege. l, s',u"ùl.,ng liiicousin, '-4m~ ohnBeles.Mr mort* a sudMrs Balles Weugeu e lera b3r. H Maw Iil vy ovy.Hl& m uMi Wmu MaueIL. Vasine' 4mph<4 for Msa rnve fao«nthe estoualmiI MUbert Coai. vlio nlcded abar tle labo hast in the Si enS yoa whichh 0 e bad only puld ou *t>remrnn beplcyl able to, his legai reslusseaglve sathéemo wul epid t i0at» 'ta. Ti. ey luà o It he bus of dWý mW ndD;er, te lok=i a'e-,»wlok c"o i lr 3S"m resrI, __sLa lao1--_niSi1.oce m.nl 14 P,11.1 ont of the b1ùee- hi ' ,ýIWon ouW loc alusers.The Ite= practiçaily says to thie unwtformied, that Baton sils goods 'o muec ceaper than Oshuva mrohnautu1 that If the1 were placed 'ompètîtion 'wlth Min, ', i iardi to «aY whit the resuit wMi be. I It lias been demonstrated time and again that t.he sae i nes of goode have been sold in Oshiawa by elfflmer chants* at lms cost to the p=Archser than the purcb.aser'who went to Toronto could buy thera for.-Vindlcator.a ITi fhunting partv, composed of A. J. Sykes, M. D. Campbell, R. J. Maclile4 L. R. Luke, Dr. Cross, Ira Trahi, Tom Hastings, and J.. Flnney, returned horne on Saturday wlth 16 deer, haif the number belng buclis., The remaricable Mature cf tue hunt la the number cf deer shot rlght through the heart. That was where thç bachlueor members of the Party bit theru. A coupleof samal ories bauglng lni Weeks' shop, have tht appear- suce of beluug shot by a gatllng gun, but sach %vas not the case, ouly six or seveu of the r y had ten or twelve shots aplece at It. The only bit of bad luck they had was the Ios of saliound which helonged to Mr. S ydes. H. got after a deer snd neyer came back. Mr. Caeupbell'a two hoande were gone tbre daya sud three nlghms and whexu they got bacli they were pretty well used up. 08"W&ava uasDlrm.o. EL. VIOKSRY, barber. Simca. uirssi. BROOKS' LIVER, SimoS sitreet, nouih. WU BROLPE. harems maker. imoos uiresi. T. B. KOTEEESILL, buioher, Ring St,. Weet. Du. PàTrvunso, Detisi; o0oie ove REovsésu stome L. J. BaaLeua-Domlulon pianos and organu. Biosairci. A. 0. Wauwsx, Vt orla: Burgoon d Detal, line eireoei-vt, Oshava, Oui. Wluim 3.. Duà.x, Domiio sud Ontaro Land turveyor. Civi lhEngneer. Box 87, Osh- OOoxx IAoLu, EDT-4. O. Woon, P»o .or. modem hoslry. unsai and, o= lfotbly squipped. 1). M. To. -Oaisrsr for Ball., &sssmbileu, Wed. dingo, Suppus, etc., *e.' '4lsoau i lds of OivA Booxsroa-P'Ul , e lof hs, eti#.nerr miltanoy 90014 . R .EgRqmt MIL. R3oULDE - Whitby.Osbsvastage Ibo. Leaves00"W&vaeai8 a M sud Sp in, aud Wbiiby at 10 am and 4pram Iosmpx CEAemauu 09iur ne uecanrisaes. eattt,Yr*clmu=an &Ukinds of cutiersîSd JOUR Bupuza poainier sud4eeoror. »aler vlavshades, ste. j&ms Parzow, eeeiasi MslunOsstn. *eze e. Large alook 1.91 eonstatl haun&Jbluaspelly.Smoos t L. K. Muawai, B. A. - Iauristsr, Solleitor. Noiary Public. Oouvqysuesr, lu. Xouey te ieud. Office ever DbmInioafBsuk, Simoos ainsi, Oshava. Wheu~~i.u5plsUugyuetIu~en Lite Xssurauee, Miv ur . WO*boà ta:North Oco. i iJ Re.-È. EB IIy, B. A., B. D., of ~* CoIumbla will -preach u a t vil mmrsJno. Hellyar wu, tled tô -]pteboro' lut week to attend tue fanerai of ber brother Mr, thos. Brentoaà. Rev, C E. KcIntyre now"of Chtam ad ltev. 19. N. Bak er. os Beleville are hikeiy to, exchange pastoratte if, 'transfens ýnn b., aftectei. Bey. 3Mr. Mcltyre w*a#,a'former, succesaful pastor of the metliodlt, cbuehof this town. The meeting of the, Bible Scljety lu st. Paul's church Thutisday i*aning Wa--fali well attended b y memobera of the, presby. terlan, ,Methodistï Cangregational and Disciple cogregalosM f, , J"o. Higu.ý bottons, President, ocçupied tue "chairts"d Rev. R. 1). Fraser M. A.-coduct;j the devotional experci>mes, Short a4eresses were made by Revu. Parker' snd Bïrrisa. Rev. W. G. Hauria B. A., of uxbrldge Who is a pleslngjspeaker, *gave à*. véry btruet. ive addresson tuewvof 'o ê -BrltlMan ad Foreign, Bible sodetydarag epatyr în ail partsof the wortd. The Pw cor elected are ; President, Mu. jas. Gtwlila. A bee was hld at the manse On Moaiay to stralghtsn up diffs ater the builig of the stable. A fair aumbezr rurned ont ta ib.ak, and thé grouda preseut a much tidiér pésr. Soiime îne 90vo stated tuat prepqtaaàs, wers belug made to bulî a novw wrehonse and a grist mil ai Blachuwter Juneden., 4This véeli we are pleasssd osamy that s blacksaulth shogp As te be added to these other iuiproveezentu of this prosperous burgh. If theso ýbusiessPlaces a» materlalire and lu locks m If tbey arili, the ware, bouse la to e mrised uamorrow, Theiwxengi ceeded wUAlbcea stome Lit week-westâted t%%t WM r&aiidon. tht Patron osud1date, lied wltldidrvufrein the 6ud, but sduce this en e aver seen.iliathiis isa ims tale Mr. Brandoo vas dotra Ibis êaeq', mt)n- ds>,,aaud he sud .3fr. Lyonsà. o! Bigechwser. were out elecdoueering for tue pairOn cause. Thet n -onssf teeeto enstb*-Stiag out tht poltlcaus.adnd vttiey Wililose no Urie dMI tue election OM 3fr. jas. LepatotgIabout tôtOpea sgener- ai store.Joeepnt-bWsiess ilu Me. MeChlyWs store lu tis place.-Hîs goods bavesntied and he Ixet o have tehiegsgoîin ua, ev days The' s orl f a store litre viii b. a- ' gt conen eue to tht ep A1sudaie hp ît elven our sometimesdlm ob posters are eut aunuccg au ounlversary sud -m ueeing lu connec$ioa vltb- the preutuyterian churcl in ta is place on Decem rst asud sud.- On Saunday, Deotinher ut, snfverýa7y sermons wili bo preacbed morul nsd eremlug by Rev. W. O McDonald, of anud in the afierooon by Bev. 3r.W etcë f Gieenbauk. On Monday, DecemÜber âSud. a stu viilb. hWd snd au enteriain[ment vi» ue give coumsuing of addMsseiýby prmnineut clergueus. and amie renderd by the Pori Pevtr rbyterlm choir Au excellen t me may h epw ud Tho po~ !BR be. at Mn,. Pugb's vas a gren: Mr. Picketvas surprised by a liide vishtor o0 Nov. rgtu1 'We i*e vvry sony a ounr tacher. Mflu 1~ Axiont for. sr* 'Aurg WhIti7 lteust ,1019 6.3 . Uxbuid#e tpi 4070 5 1Brock tap~ ~857 Maatp870 76 r £ u tp 5 00o o Osawa Tern Iog -it Town 893 78 Po rr Vllîage 100066 =0 Ca"ne ýVf4f 98444 g16 a verton village 5:,800 ay 00 $1938 6z 1597 6 Titaltalcen la connecton 'wietb tfi a* Uistios for 1806, abovequoted', shows clearlythag'ài there wlll annuatly be required a vey large-ex, penditurel fr the s-upport of the Indfgeqt clua Wéare please to find that boômes for tese unt0Trunate pe8pte have heen etabllshed lun thë counuléiof Et tWtetloo, Vl'érk. ULncoîn Mliddiesex,, ?4,bïf0&l, Weilllgoi ratOxrd Hu=e nWellind-apd Perthý. We'trost ibargli uettnvOindlug a _sultable bm o u eurving poor vii ri'celve more gtten:lon in the futurethau n te ,lsa at the- disaciu prac*o f cotu the an-Ïd =funfo âte, e*cily when Aýed and ln6irm, to . -ssoclue witb edminlua1swhlch. basu100ongcontmnued in ths couuty, willi be dîýIsooutued. We lfdthat qged aùd rserb *romen have frequently been detained luàuV»,sam wid Wlth common proSttîe a stace of Mili b-g ih us alsfraoe toa aciniadan communnky. We joan wlîh tour Lardbip lu congraiùiatînàg tht peopleý of tht COWty upcm the facrt ther ae11 elnia cases for their oonsdtel*iou.'o i bas been Preuened té, usia the libe matter -referrgd' to in YOur Ltdsblpvs chstge. We alto pressait thai theyfounýd the *xm Ând, ., n da u tidy couddldu, and t>uY- recomrnend thai a better t oeuif 1 auI theoui rot= be adopted Wgei= -WSl or' Imosiip for your instructive csdered. snd slioas'o thdagelteta respectiug, ttaCoropoution-cf Grand ,lades, sud-' as to the un Serof 10jme Mpm a verdict la civil cases.: re Tom SË*IPE, iPoesnAP.'ý In relhia. 1ot&shlp stated duat thià vus tbe- nm alepttseunint ever preseated te> hlm by- la grand jury. Me wou.ld direct that. ope topy of' it b. ent ta gie AtcweY-Geeand 514 eto chb W.zde 'of the Ïcontai1îy1a _b ppeê.,thatjits publication wotild resié mc odh d -'AT--. ~5O.00. £80lo MoeCOAL OIL ana GÂÀS BTOYE"S 1&RO1 $5.50to $25.000 Tickets 'for above*'wiVll be issued froin * the Oshawa %Rilway Company's # Offices at Singéle, First- Cass Fard. Gong Dates, *Ail trains Novemnber .2oth and 21St, 1895. LIMT. *Ail tickets good to return ieav;- *inir destination flot later than *Nôvember 25th, 1895. For tickets and ail Information. eail. sud see W > STÈRICKER, at RaJUwyay Ticket Ofice Thomas' blocki, Oshawa, & O. GÂRTERAet, p H& A Nov. 14 1,5-w Wè have swy 'eea u stock to selectfot-aete sud- inlslis. >Prlcerlghi. e,ia miï T~hif snd- psy Oshawp ~ontalh CLARKE & DYE San Lfe A ssurane ýC04. of Canada wlic to.%ay !nq aestonably 11e -lMdini; Couauv Canda Ac iptsd -Employer.' LabI C rp rat"ioua , L o u E g A ubg tu e'Fre sud ?PlteGlass 'Côrmpu w e h u le th e L u IIe G ç a ýi Mcantlh and Iîàtd-in-Hand. Aid Savinga and Lan-Voý., Totonto. OFFICE just' nertl cf the WeerBi JS. CLARKE. - W ., DY, lb.- o b . f r $ . G e n 1 x elifpt b a rgr l n. a1n*td Iffple snd try lu. wânt Butte, Cheese,-E49N. aer .armc, p rodaoe, for wbicli ve- A :1 e e .FUR7 .: 6APF Âuoe~uo ,Utoli w &m.e muoved lutc utan street. ail housed' suplowiR ni ou' r.T. Sallerof Greow*kspent Sun a>' ai -home. 'Mies ~ ~ bi» Gvrsd iaLyl. bvehe ve«S at Mr. Tbos.etillt n Ie -le notic Vc Pu t If yoî and y( For 0 Try ru .ai THe mi~ Isi Wei ST. J' OMMU -FROX- Me C3

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