O~0i ?E0OEV.--OLA~L xY A -4-- isae edicifle -air Trial ia il vil t Il1 tu Che In iin wb REIEDY ROT. esi blhsoea Il CURE@ uf "UrHoe Me Huam an 5à Em il.Os 0. bo M W afl ~om '0[ A, Led 1d.r EUns d ............ , INI 9TFIN M CANDA -z IL ON'S 9,IN PRMPSU we for w .rs acitoba. 5~- ou. day ab IDoon w.strolledump le Wam&vitwj.êa. A k...hea li.&LIà .. _ -là 1.a rsoroos pciixirÃ"è, wltil two *Qimmense mque levwers peling sway heavenvard. Ieï peat sue ai once impres.ovCet,buxt al- thougl it appesis Massive frein the et. side, sud liaigrestbtsuuy oftarchiteture ias cio gorylateasiton ouo- th wib b.contents. Tii. poster par t et the proeot buildings dates frein the. reigu of- Heury III, ovor six ooulurle ago, but the rosi tounder ofthle Abb.y was Edward the Oonféesor. He erected a moasteiy tW St. Peter, about 1050, wiih vauto be noue other tima the Houe. et God t.d the galte ot heaven, sud thi. la uaid te l*avo 1Ueen the firet ohur9h in t lie eihape 'of a cross iu Eug. laud. 'Williaw uthé COenquoror, wbo îuceeeded Edws.rd, wtà ià cowned in the. Abbey, and iL wae in 1220 that lHenry III laid thbe tond tious of the preseut building. t lia lu beautltied aud adernd by mue- cossvaoveroigus, sud as woii as boing a churcl i s a veritable gravoyard. W. onhéred by the north tranloopt sud ut once were busy with oui oye., gaziug up te the lofty-srolied oeillng or admirlng the. boautifiil smialud gises windows. Oui ses accu el otsîomod te thé religions daikuosi of thé place sud as w. vander- ed throngh, ils besuly began to improis ns. But besidesmthe attraictious of its beau- ty of -architecture, ibère aie buried lu gresi atone Coffins Most cf Engiaudia aC Beverinssund beneti thecooid agi o e l on sud cloister-wslks, re- pose the bodiesetfmscres of Euglsud's noted de%&. sud sr'ouud ie vw" are busteaudvîstbieîs ho the memory of Eugý landm pamaica,oripairie,., sat"en, p oets, scientisls, inventers sud theelog- ans. I canet begid ho enumerahe lbe lisi o! moumoents but there are soen which ve oould -net overleok. -Thore as 8fr Roobert Peel sud Benjamin Disaeli, meministi-m, Wm. Pitt, Warren 4bape ansd amougit the explorera David Livingstone, John Wesley, abce Charles Westey, Major John Audre, Dar- vin, sud Wîlberforoe, lu the posté' corner are sncb usmes- as Oliaucer, Dryden, Milieu, Gray, Ben. Johinson, Oampbell, Shakespesie, Borns, Goldsith, Southey, etc., sud John Gay, vlth the epitaph wriiteu by'blmslf 9 9Lite la a jeat, sud ail things show i; 1 tbeught so once, but xow l know i." sud lu tlie buston-hole of the bnst cf the Arneriosu poli;* Longfellow, some adroit- ing kminlan had pisced a freeli noue- gsy. W. waudered îhiougii theobapeis, sud ie lb. beautiful Henry VII chapeL wlth ita elegant fan-shapod roof, sud aiong te Edwsrd tho Coafessor's chapel, viiere are the Corouation chaire oftosrvodl Oak Boneat.h tiieolder e'ue lu liei tamous atoneofetScone, on vhicii lb. Kinge of Scctland sud Ireland uat vien hiiéy voie crowned, ad su a id ho be the. véîy atone on whach Jaoob pilovod 3*ý hoad, whon ho uaw tb. vision oft Tse angols sud thé laddr. Edward kg&, biouuht it ho Eugland lu 1M9, sud .iiiW then 1h hua been benestb the chair e' whioh overy overoigu o! Englaid lias beenesated whaws 06 lb. heorovu. etate o! reM. lb. hemonuments BULl ipiside Se le s arecumbent fire of 1FWI Cc of, srl et otr, his h% *te lalyhuur baside 1dm ou the righi t, ,1thé place ton hie second vif., whreh vas on hiie left, is"raoant, ah. bar. iug refused ho o buri.4 boude hlm if mli. could not . e rigit side.. *umu at a Immensescous orfgooas sud- soin -of t e4à Jsye ïabom ZAff ~l y the oit.y. W. visiîed Pete.r Bobuson'oi Marhai ~8ùelgrves s ait ' but not T[bis .rsluiny a department store li eares. i.tgr adesirk, Io both bemi' apheres, over one William, aud' the' other, Wbitley, snd underneatli the. firet the word, nivendsan d bolew tth. second "provider" sud soe ornomes te b. the universal provider, j 1.4 occupies fourteen stores on Westborue Grove, oyec Ott Que.uwo a11 dfour ou Reà sing' ton square. H0 houri of tbusiness aw~ frorn 8.80 &.m., te 7 .m., aud on Satur- days 8.80. sm0, to p M. I bave bis oataloeue before me. It le iprlntedby ihnelf, snd is a book of 2200 pages, tel ling &Ui&.bout bis business. ni Company with M"e. Young, Misses Grâse.snd bMinnie Young I speut hait a day sudthen dîd flot begin to -eu it ail., Âll gooiasre sold for cash or as hoé cls it Ilresdy mouey," snd lhe demireo tW iu. formn bis eustomers iu bis catalopue that b. wiiI procure themrauythiug they May desire at th. loveot possible raie. They, have a bauk, th.y miii meat, flab, peultry, oooked ineats, fruit sud vegetables of bis owu growiog, wlues, ïpitis, cils, fiowers, tobacco, couf.ctionery, dry goodo of every description, hardware, crockery, sud J caunuot bein te enumhrste tih. articles' for saie. They have a "«zo"'Iwbeîe you eau buy parrots, Inities, doge. sud i1aid to ou. of the attendauts, where are your aléphants ? mid ho, vo do't 1eep them lu stock air but if yen wili leave youî order w.eau have eue foly u a tew days, or any kind cf a-w4beast you Muay, doilre. You eaun bue a servant, engage a dochor, bu yb tonrist ticket, sud il is ssid if abmoj.tely noeiiary y.pu eau get s wife, but I guets ho dravi the lin. ât maklug matches. Thoe. tann. î tated deliveries daily, within "a radius, of tbre@ miles, about 5M0 people are employed about thie mimes sud takeu ail together it s prt te me siwo nderfuI;ýtMr ou, pi.auywhere from £5 t'>o . H selse tombetoues, ftuniture, phOo'osup- plies, baud sud musical instrument@, dinge aud druggists supplies, booka, Wl!! furuish a houso comploe, sud an enter- tajumeut of auy kind éitiier musical or, dramaticai suid lu tactyen only hav e 1 sai and Il will b. given von, aud the pro- priehor requeute that amy inoifly or in- attentioÛ n thebpart ef the, employee b. reported te hlm sud marked '41prvat.." But we leave thé torps sud Loudon toc, Dot wlhhout regret. ?I ulit!! ned t ao back tW London asdd&y a s-metito se. i$ properly il lias s'>many attractions sud à snob sa large city. One cf the lu. ipretwouucof Londlon laite s aes , sud lu U said ha hey-are adding Ao- it 04'tb., or about fifty minles Of uew streete y Ir Zéltor noue but tb. sttrdy fi0tî4_-1 à - 114.Itoelhérluicalre Piokening Council. MiMonday at, Brouçbm oin. plslnt vMaslrord f romni Tsmotby 0a" re drains opposite lot 16, con. 1. H. pre. sonteda report frein Tow"mhip Engineer eloquqentlaI"guage sud ab «rosi lengîi.' Héla prepared, os e b.usnlewrite &a., th ye té Xntreal msu mmon lb. cief 4i4b1néof th. grand tiunk raflway te Gem sudn&take a hand linitheafa1Ã. 'The reevo sbotied hlmfrom tb. township emn,*ue'm report Liai lb. valer, vii be taklÃawayl sud. Tîmoîhy vent avay hapD'Y. A1o froth MI-Là LWdav, Green- wý eMary Joliy, tn indigent.- Pirsi Dépgtîy ùdhOriot rsd liereport o! tiie roada su rdges commîlte. muoomumendingzt l efolowing accoute for Paym et-. ýN. -Burkbôldetr, vo t ule linoè Markbam $42;0-J. ]W.»OUnor grading lot ona. lots e8sud 24,$18; dittocon 2ud 094. lot 80 #10.7b- do , li, obu. cpp 3 sud 831 175; J. Mayorfile, #12 42; W. Badgerow, srpairing enlvient'opp ibt'*15, iou 4 $L-bÃ"; L Kestér, ôrt iroad boivmW ilots 88 sud 8b-#îÈÉ ,ýo 0, thé Côuneil isud calmed ,damnages'-for two ewcs sud one ram kilicd by, doge, On- motion of Court. Edwsrds, sec-. ortded liy Deputy Brethour, Wesley Jackson vas- paid $9.66,--7beiug two.." thirds value of sheep kiiled by doge. Mr. Doble appeared lbefort thé council and, Ukéd liat honorable -body to do something wIth the gully opposite lot 6, con. z, Brock. Wîea oe Second,, Deputy ehrlmvO seconded by Coui, McCuly, thal the report o!fUic commitîce on monies'ei-ý pended and st.aîute labor performed on, the townine between Brock and, Mari- posbe referred back te the commitie, whî Instructions for them to gather furtier information and to report egaix au next regular meeting. --Carried. A 1>y law appoiuuing, Iling placcé and 'dcpuuy-returning o cers for the approýaching municipal elections was lnuroducedsud passed, the blanks beiug filled in as follows.: x-School house, Pinedale, W Patuerson; i-Town hall, Sunderland. T H Walshe; 3-Orange hall, Vroonianton, Soi Vrooman; 4- Hall, Derryville, -Edward Edwards; 5- ElIlis' school house, Wm Arney; 6- Temprance hall, Wilfrid, W J Hfunter; 7-School, Ruddy's, John Farrow; 8- School. Manilla, )oseph Thompson. The nominations will take place on Dec. 3oth, at noon. On motion the council adjourned un- ail the LSth o! December. sud Obtidren. I1ote"nutherOuzu,Ë4i oUhrw arcotlo ul lisce. 1*1.a ià leà u *mý It i ssanO.i, gurn. l hry v, e by, xmilons OfXIotikers. Vatolsuhryo*.4D fevelhneso.Cutasnspironts vopdting, our Cew4. curs Darnoeasud WIu4 Colle. »Cstoria r.31vo~ to*bn lrubles, cures ctipX 'ostiW i, Mdy Castorla ausIllMteo thé food, re«ulas tIbJ stpsaoh sud bowels, givheg healthy sud natur4! iloey». <as- torts la the OiUd»We sPanacena-the xoihoes!lu4 brio s luMg t issud. îü fcti ars grow b-ýei * gmwsv oldr. %r C. james, write# laWrestiuglyeo! -,"The. hop«fOi * B..f'Oattie" 1ý p 8 % a d lm oum éon "T , A d.l -v&Iitages et 8Si. aig; ýo.H S. Dià nde"wl -tbat live déiry subjeot, TIii. lVat4aion 0of Kllk-tor hestemak. rig"; >Ir. takes ,up IlSue- ,"99 OaCtten Isdlouuaed by F; Parm im etmbe -"la well handled; ÊUI"ne-t"Meidowm," "The. OlasifcaU CwiGrseéQtti. aZ shows,"I the lt,. Stock TM#ade,,-sad a.lot of ogei oush, tpicjorday farmers, bee-keep- ors, oulttâl sutaon iers. Tii. ilaus- adra le . ïeL a-S nd b.Departmont"Il i admrale Bide, 8afie Shropshire frC11ý0"*ïwe g two ta-ýbe&utiful en- r vIPps p Manitolb Bousza Threshing ce4t ud t OCP. R.'Sto<ôk Yards si Winuipej W. cougrâalste the, Âdvo- ýcat onthegood -service' it, lereudering4 tiie famer, sud ,do, not Wonder st ite h4ses. T. R. Dancaster sud N. J William., Who for %he past menu hbave bee#,in tuhi e exal hosalai, Tovonto, rettued home ou B&Ùatuds.oth ei theui are much imiproed in .a!tb. it à a re rted ubats ob-Goverumeut De- tectwve iru ra.ookiug into &moepostal irregularities aloug the. Une between boe. sud.Lludmy.Of late sev*ral letters, oou<aliîg mouey, -ha"e faied le reacli the[# destination. lous.tlru three mouilla a¶0otwu Our sadjudd alfotl -dU7ty - rouiie , t4i deatU i o'C>. Walter B. Gillespi. ud this 1week w.e caû.d pon to record the--death -of hI. ouly ldr hr - Isblaed ouya sud fiée-mntu Shé d"ed i , ustsgul.eueou rday fren thi.e ocf crup; sud 'nouon da1 -ouu ,rein eabroub hessdlaid to,,,reistouehoeor ftler lu leorboni.'i.brs 'zMeerand'relative, bave the. boas iou syà xsuhy~ .se stire o ommuuity 4s FRIDAY, Nov. 22.--Standing, timberi lot ~ erof 3r6 Con,t Whitby. pro0perty of VWm. Bailey, at 1 p.rn MQNDAYf NOV. 25.--Chanceiy- salie' lAande at :Columbuso, t zPdf.I Se advertlsement. Oa8tor~s mSs bavse ol= Ngbw:,et j ince ma UN& lcuffls P=at$M wu mi ~ ~ b à 1bu~v Oi~bi t . elgtins kn lb on Ieatiets lu 'w if heyoudont-i you db çint a'ood odr jjiL thst Henry VIII causedtire oommpuuou eeesto b. taken th se, ?icl'i cà de. raboeu c amë thre shg m be 1 'inst tâ 1-eêtïà "rl l the tue X lu ~ ~ 9 ww t , . t«s sud v weswr loJ~owbt je zrcturés ,$ 0* 4f~ >1 sud mue rkets snd diesm rd Cstoria. aOaoelaiuxeletmd f.for cau- tmn.tbEiSSI5ieTOPsud,', telâmeo &godoupsbarbas