Whitby Chronicle, 22 Nov 1895, p. 2

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'A ittie more on, hotl&of aye' Walr VlMgo hait as r~toro to mls eni çob>~ ~d cesotfaîugan.fan Grerwth . o......asero ha t a r Sgo, tItad ieivaise- çulr nd aunaot. Int offua tation ss but vtr Ahebuaix ent iirao m heb lro w.g t m btl ! &e' liar igtrem ad I bea hat o t slo.ind osyhr tinevir wean te ape a und teried ilvaey rospectcfasti butroth of air slbeore rmney l1lne.- -AbusixA. Wntha aPoyas.,ncw mleaILs4nLasottm, ar of araLs CIU'ore S liesalae, OORREBPONDENOE Mnà. Heap bas retunne W te homne in Rochester, N. Y. W. 0. Ljount vas absent lust vee on -a business trip te London. B~ . A. Thoruten et Toronto, spont Sun- dby vith bis parents bone. R"usetTaber, of Toronto, visitoti at xiple ave. oven Sunday. Mr. anti Mnr. T. Phernilj, of Scarboro,' setSuûday viti r tieuda hors. MX». Bruela, cf Ringvocti, is visiting lberdauirter, -Mn. Tires. Whrite. RobL. Jackson -and vite, et Biovu's tOorners, viaiteti W. S. Major laut veek. e.Biasbas returned. te Peterboro, lastFse with fri*ands. un. Lapp', of PoutypooI. Viuiesti th Mia3 .Thomson bau gOos teth olty to0 roudofor.theii. roSout. Mise eLUIt.Taylor,, of North Bay, vWas bore over $qýPduy with friendu. Mn.. Josph Turney, oft Cobourne, is now thý guest of Mr. and Mns. Jeibua Bundy.4 Joseph White, of Âshburnt wau here On. Wednesdy plaing croquet. He s quite an enthusiat. BEagh snd John Gregg returned - from tbe hontipg rmounde up north the other day. They did net have much encoobe. John Barry hâa purchaud tbe BOU farma short istance eoat of hore. The. ~lace centaine 110 acres andi brought The creditors of Jno. McPheron's es tate met hore on Tuesday to file thiri claime with the ssignee, Duncan Mac- nab. Mr. andi Mu. Hotigina, of Obterville, were haro Sanday witb friends. Tbey are on thoir wedding trip. The bride wvU 4bo tter knevn in Claremont as Kra. Lay. We extend congratulationl te the. happy couple. The uiarket'on Taesdayvas perhapu botter attendoti than of &Oo ewoeeks put. W. are sorry toesay that W.-A. Fuller was net present, owing to tn accident wbioh reulte i n -aasprained ankie Prioes ver. same as lut week, butter 17 oentsé andetieg 18 otas. The prevalence of turnipy butter rather lmits the. snpply of the. gàootarticle. The. B.Y.P.U. long service Mouday evening was a huge suocoss in evory par ticular. Tii. cburch wus filled te its ut- Moat eapaaiIyt there boing trient. promet fri htovale anti other places. ' 1lem- bons of the Epworth League anti Christian Endeavor were present W eonjoy the. pro- gramme. It woold bo usolesé for ms te dvell on the ,differeut numbers on the. program as aiR ver. welI reoeret. W. undenstauit that Thomas Mantel, of Uxbnidge townihip), is vsry ill in the. county jail st Whitby..i Ho zs an çld aud feeble man, and becus ehohad ne Via. ibis means of support was of course coin mitteti as a vagrant. A corporation cf muci importance as Uxbnidge shoulti be aahamed te sent a poor crippled, upîôld man te the county jail for ne otiier crime than pvety.Reoba.s&pont noanl ail ei lf in that townshaip. Should Pick erini township do auéh a thing t hoir tame old Oout abixad hrogout al l ii land. Tho niemibert o cf tii. Ubridge tocL'hip council sheuld b. aahamed oc themselves. have roturt thrs l2th o Mr. e- r a t»n g01 enalt i ifs andt Lo ous, eine fren tiroir farm on 3pson lea apending a te of aul fo hJUII 5tu Wean %ISd to report t Iý à ra. suad, who m see .,0FvoryI omre e is recorovn. Mr. ollopublic sohool lnIspeot4Or# was ini the vlaeMnq Mr. Thos. Uadeokwant rd von» ,nadned i l u »ibËitge lut Wodu"n O e, metW-oadthe *.- tion hors for nxghit tr4nwhlob tbey teck fer thoir future h omo lm Vatorfi subor, suid hvn-O issud Muuto, on the 'bagppf tihdby Il Sutler- land. The cul a ws hu A VAST DIFFLI?- ENCE. How to Di8tingui8h The Genuine From The Imita tionsR at a Glance. PA1i'S CELERY M011 M AKEÈS PEOPLE WELLs Other Preparations Mislead And Deceive. Thon. e tnuy a vonderful w2ornce Tire gonvine coti tepasset itir- oonft'. douc nSrom c?0ee persban tcôanctirn;aU people belie mluIt. -Eov lu it vitii Lb. rurtato-thàt epuntous coin madies'at tmaeti by dank and crcniinai haut. ?t te mat i 4xrk- place; it te isoaedet st4b yto dtieroandofraut ; andi pll viro a"Oconne.Od vith,'tbe vork of 40 copto n reOvor foarful c-f tirelbads of Tire enui eçlid cominbsmnuas ud erui»uomsrin eg th bae coin us*U4q demisand te Le o t e. -r imlatan iferoo asteM eoài s, thr a- wonla c f- tiferelnse bwSà piüeý wofigafcv miles out -cf town. Mr. Joh~n',H«nbrought intoihe, News-Letter office,> on, Mçuday a pe- tôes groing onthOtôp, It.had also a large crop growing ou ire ro iots. Titi ctùidlsi' was grv tý Ceylon Island in Lk Smccc. tis Soules, of B%, Bay, Point, vwas fined $2o sud,-costeon Tuesday for tak- ing saumon trout wklr a- net. The cf- fence wau conmm-itted about- a montir ago. Bert" Harris and John Reid' coft- tnibuted tire sanie amounqt. Tire cases isere heard by Flshery Officer George Mr. Sain Whips, a sectionnianon thée G. T. R., picked a oun* o f -ripe straw. berries between Hawkstone and, Ol'illîa one day laut week. He s8y that thre week before tis he could hve gatirer- ed, a two quart pail cf thre fruit without difficulty. There are several cases cf scarlet fever in town. A littie daugirter cf Mrs. J. B. Thompeon, and- Miss Cousins. cf tire West ward scirool, are a ê«t hé- a ...*. a Miss V.nner ha At the court on- Thursday, of l w eek the'. unloadine, ,o6 coal. at the' Franklin- bouse s astyd Hie Hon that bce threatened te take the court t 'tJnionVllle if thre council did not sec that such annoyances were donc away wlth. The» majority cf thre cases wît- a lghbouhood f Stotff ville and it gcesi àiteut sayiig that there;wasconsîderý- able hard swearing. a police magistrate for thre southeru portion cf the county .cf York may be, made>by thre Lieut. (overner.dnfgý the neat few days.' The mattet ý*95 brouglit up by Deputy-reeve Lucas, an4 tiere lu a strcng feeling- eat c Yonige street that the position: siould go te an East York man, as the ^major- ity cf appointinents, ik le claitnret, bave latey gone te residents céf West Yôk, ircluding the registrarship,-anti a po lice 'aIn tat. Tire position fi worti .Of or. is'tire fees pertatniigte tire Mr. Fred. *R. Hock, vire irasbecëen u business here for several yeare as baket andi grocer, disposed cf hie, stock >y auction last veek anti Moved te mb- awa, vlere ve viii engae in tre saine linc cf business. 1Mr.Hoknthi estimnable wife -have proved.i ez.urplary citizens, and while their depafture !É te be regretteti. ve joln their many, friends ixn wishing tireu every succes lutheIr new home, Feusr Iron tbnoe; shree Wie n. sciioci board, received yesterday a let- Mr. Win. Moore, vire lîves on Te- ter frourJas. Webster, assistant au.Per- cumeti stee alngmdetire Midianti intendent cf tire G. T. P,,, statingthat riIw.ay track, huit four lins up tili last ou' and .after Monday nezt., the z8tir, Saturday. .-Tiat negit a inu who ýtire foilowtng changes vouid ptoôbably suroke a lay- pipe, virecae frein tire take -place In tire tinre table. at'9ark-ý soutir an4&departed te tire nortir stop- iran. Tire mail, train f rom Toronte peoi lonnugir. at Mr. Moore's heu will arive irere at -8. 50 a.r., anthir bhouse t e eviat lie couit see. Onl0ùy mixèd trains in tire Ïfternoon viii croâs tiree cf tir le ns evsbe , tie irereat 4.13. Shuld, tlieebeany, fourtir, a :very sal naiee beingleft by p ostponement or change frein theabove tire mau' iti tireé"pe. M pMore notice I111 be given at tire- higir scirool. suggeots that tire. ovner ef thr e" -Ecôoemist *i11 pleas cati, prove property anti take kt away. A tlK m twafmmraae.JUDICIAL, SALE 0F Iis justrible that tire Lova vili AB -:b N Y threwUp aiit ireinsutànce policies and un&dertalce te doiswniurg. At thre specia metngcftirecouacil itIST> fZtWbby last Tiurday, eveningMessri.-Gilîplu, Miler, Uolittie aud ene ere >.Punnmt uodiotb il ,fo poiuted a cenmittee te 100k UP tire, -Adastk, d te mettzoli ,ie,~er ks c,. arrlsAlwthe . towa.and alt mat-, Rlehard a i uatst:R bt5 t awllbe F ~ .,/ Amarvelous IMedicine Whsn,éVerGve a Fair Trial ilood's Prôos Its Mert. TrW fjlwiflg. le sttlf rour er. si. AlCIde 1 lOf&olrabut sjim=ths aand amn g9W N@@d'5 ~p~~i* çuro n billeuuuoaulaUMiOOSlcK r t~ - nia. Hero4s, Union Ianti e.Of * &Sobono, ve vîitriadnt.s inthe. Val.h l*et waek. vo Idia.J. L. Spink antinoies, Mma 1" X Skint ~of Toronto, upentat &M k *Ir I horo trient. bone. 114emar. J. Lankin,4 D. Turner and Throtbas Wht n u Wblb tb Liiwvok servingau ai >Tbes. Oator a,»aiM op for àsdew dayis ýh*,1 frou _bg-ugkiceoiby Irispeu. %WO.me .-I plesmetteo m arà ouud ugwl., , eh Davit Anns whepinng apl *tnon, oua Gsi î,re i, te ber' dâ bore Coi.A ib tie Menot thse ouahoIl bil reie li m imure ià cf ork sn yroWsieti injurias of à --uavf, - lna Iaua for the»sa neAft»&qam>»CI ro naure viile vorking lu geL just wi lt ay our ce.. id. l.tweu tvo-sicàsc Iat"idy lut h. liae n. OaIO iutly ~ ~ ~ ~ M ic ot IXI lr isLigzzj Sirae ias returuedt 1 route.,ý->, -nue, uu' Mîlin to had Wra. GIibS-hias returneti trom ~naualr1. -~ I oetP, I4rkin, en>ootoate as irere

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