Whitby Chronicle, 15 Nov 1895, p. 1

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'p Gi VOL, XXYXX WH1TBY, ONTAIý,OFRÏI)'-AY, NOVEMBI,ýB ] 1895 Iu ni l If you have a COLI) or GOUGE try on, HARTMAN'S OOUGH and you wlll be convinced I s a gaod thlng. For Coughs, Coldu and Cold iln the Head, IT 13 UNEQUALLED. T,'; our Wltoh h'azel Oream for Chapped Hands, etc. Softens the ronghest skmn. Does flot leave the hands sticky or greasy. For sale oniy at the THE CORNER DRUG STORE, 9ý-W. R. HOWBFYS STAND. MUiCH H#EA Tg A t L ittie Cout, la what you will get, by burning our C;O.(A..L Well Soroened, Garefully Delivered, Bright and IHard, Free of Blate, No Clinkere. are pointe we. olsi for our 'Coul.t XMGVE US A4 ?RIAL.-lk Je He. OOWIEY & 00 OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. t 119.779 LU»1 1 ILnIiU TrOWN LINE Mr. Ed. Pbllp returuoti from Manitoba lasi 'veek. Mm. Sandfand Brown le able ta 5e ont again aller an Iliness oai 6v. veoke. Sacrament of the Lord's supper was adi. minîstereti at Almand's an Sunday aller- noon. lins. Furey, formeriy Mise Huggins of Oshawa, epent s fe'v daye wlth friendu bore Patrons af Industry seem ta have gene asleep, 'vo heur nuthlng af thein now ? What's tb. malter whîh anoîhor oyster sup. per ? Meussn. W. MeGregor, Geo. Coakweli, W. J. Dave>', Chas, Mackey sud R. J. Bradley are the members af the A. O. U. W. fain ibis burg. The weekly prayer services beld ovey Wetinesday ove ning are being 'voit attended. Miss Annie Rowe iook charge af tbe meet- ing this 'veek. Mr. Har Plasirett, af Toronto, bas been re-raofing is bouse ai the towu-lîne corner. Ho used second baud galvantzeti Iran roof- lig, sud mati. a vory respectable iooklng job. Word camnes fain the huntemen that W. S. Goid bas abattwo 'veor sud Jna.Gmlffin one. Mr. Wallons af Audloy and Dr. Wal- tors af Lîttie York, bave also been succese- fui lu the chas.. We have Jateiy bearti several porsons in thin neighborhood cammending tu e CIiRoN- ICLE for thee higi order of its oditonlals sud for its excellent budget af local uewus. W. tbluk the publiebere aiof tus journal, iu visit- lug the jnblic Institutions ai tii. iowuant Init 91,111, ilr readers an accouanfthi b, 1are pursuingscourse tirai leaiigrl> copumenti- able. If1 es o l am!lsmission propéri>' moultplUbllc oPinion, anti divert buibu utao per chiatiels, w'voaw ai no boiter place te, begin thau vitIs aur pub> lic Institutions. -'ho cmniemn-of _1o0r unfotunaies lu the cont>' juil alan g'ith critunlua is usurol>' not ln keeplu it b a.ur adivancedi civilisation. Thre sentiment ex- pmessed lu that article au tire'countyjail lu 1 woek so concides witb aur awn feinson1 the subject,,ut tvo feei 'varrante inhisagain camlus attention tail.- Mru. licLeanai the Rayal Oak burg:ir "4 serionsiy iii belug ithe resuli of injuria. ans-- talueti by a severe fail. 11 atîw M Xwa i# Ha vfùnm ta% . -im r5. &-'L they marched to the tuethodlit -churcb wheà;hIn, wndow Ore not made for a target for their annuel sermon was delivered by Rêv. tns H. 1. AllUn, of Columbus. The Mpeaker. *We woffid repectfuîîy oeil te attention of te opened his remaike with a ýbrlefoutlIe*of OnfRtlô GO*eftmeneta thel advlsabiuey af op- the aime and objects of the Chosew Friedspl ng u lmer of marg lioen M luaur and then preached a m at im preuiv user. ew , n ifr m ap era o tirrwllb mon from tut Timoth'Y. rut chap sud 5d-th 1"I di lthis 'vinter. verse. The sesting capaclty of tfe churcb -à . 4. Mr. Srîh fTrno cuie was ta&edt mositin to a=ccomdàtethe tebl ipgyo -the mcthoriisî church on Swiday Lcongregation ýnd al were most favorably., o , e Mte0ftepiaîr Ho mpressed by Mr. Alliun's discourse. dlii -od a Put« of th prn:chrctive lld'o The tweifth annlversary of the organràisa ng 'as -O@ed, mény years aga. tion or Brooklin coucil, R. T. oi T., was ht and S1w Love bave returned from &"trng celebrated on Sunday afternoon by etsf hut, they managed to cepture one the holding of be. snnai, chUrcb service.' deer Lve 5 fot home yet, butpbssn Between thirty and fory of the niembprs of anud expefs more. las. Ashton 'vas the council met ln their coutncl roonù iln not s< umnate ce returned me add went frointhere tathe* Presbyterlan church. ýGerge e dld a litie .better, baving baged This 'vas not the full number proment as îwopldgs probably a score or more bad gone directly Tbe Wrin met on Thnwiy een1g ta the church. There was a large -congrcga- r&nranIu o etsaon h h oi~ lion present ta Iliten ta the spl eii emon, e>icrs i'rident, John Beare.sr. se., from the pator orthe church, ev. j. B. Mc-c. Lee; 1iecos G. Real and R. FPewel; Lae.'ehad for bis text Proverbs XXIV,, but.che,1 ,sone. The verybest of satisfaction ixi - 1, using the revlsed version whleh reada 'bas b«iý the result af this seasns operatlons as folaows :-11Deliver theni that are carrled and thesame mies aretgenni er away unto deatti and tbose that are rond v ta h ýv Mr. Crwtepoica ertr b. siain se. that thou hold back. 'f thou of effth lv es, w tue prvicith e taryip sayest, Behoid 'vo know ual ibis ; dotb not ' Suça 41b olangues, iadren fS the methes be that welgbetb the bearts cansider ih? and 4 ne uHeool n h aeo Snayeethe l he Ihat keepetîtysloh ntbc o nu heeop n h flown Itand l ot b. reuder to every man ac-rnasd&Y evning. There is na -doubt bust be cordlug ta bis worîh ?" The speaker, as wiil bo."veiI wortb boariug sud ail who caà wouid naturaliy b. lnferred, appited the text 5hÃŽuId aî theinaeîves of te- oppareunîty. dlreçtiy ta the victime of intemperance. He CWesicwtth xrdeoua= - read oxtracts froin seeces delivered by pon ent h e r b. Ubne Jura làrrs saome of the most br i, members of the h:a for hudb aeta. varions profesiions--poftical, meif l s i Pooe eeti ahwyt crei tiic, etc., wblcb I , ve ln, part. Glad tm_'a. tov a a ii.mrune ta gei Thre lilq or trafficlua natnrai cr« cla- n ,tby afl eeexistlug ialway Unes, mi- it an &=dl. -14on Geo, 4ae ramdedby t em. wonld ityndscada. -Ho. Ga.E. Foster- b. im ta the isteresi af eh. raliwaycm *Dy qbreeetrousand deatha per year drectly Wre- UI1 àPlai. lite this wbere iber woudbe sult ("omthe traffic lut intoxlcailoï iquors *n0 coméko hnpaces whereîthereà lt ieqdy lu Canada. Warden Massie, of the Central lima j. ion. Wbo0 vili matir a ml prison-lu 1892 tbe Intie of 'the prison tcmntU . * cotissted cf xo8 who were temperate and 8 4- tm goa asulisorptiowu mas se t a 498 intempersce. Prom r874 ta :89o uhere wevl t bjectaiofereotiug :anov methodist ,were g88a mes et intomperate habits, là the cirrcir aurvillage, andi for a time1ýit ttnot priso, as comped viii a.5&jwho 'vere ot ee<II h tai rpcOSS liat 'vas 4eW flor È, and addlcted -te the use otf lir Dr. Watson, ~ a eit bteepeain~ a&tre supelueuda a anInsne sylno lu Scot-w d be ina great saobstacle ta overýDe,, anti lad-.-4»er cnt. oaUte ca ses ècamlng under te iWt-O dleasset iiaoiefor 'a p m oui bis notiewere -due ti>drink. T he experi- Bu w ae l oç t lnilaI rt l atelv iîýba encêeof thre Temperance and Genera Life tga ýfmhseartq snd duriai the lam' fýu Assuran-c V.. of.Great Brluàl-DIurlng *7 the $Uinvpre bas roUsi up la mxcii, 'ay ia years, 'viren tire. vas an exeêncyOf 'tiekw -bor t etigo ond av 704, deatbe ln tire abstaIner& sseaîo t vee lug 4edoded at tbeyvee vrranteti lu a gù ac1ai1y'vreouy cm.-I ti.Sni ite nwiê etirs 'vomi, us er.i' ultile donlb ai lnt tire îoSrt dfke' c the expec, nDotse mmie ' l se theerecef on f, a buiding taie> -8049 an th ièdeath ir àst'7 ; srOw tirai 'il! hO a credit th e.congregadton au con- i sdiffoetce lhi favor oftbe abstainers of mity -n per cent.- -lie Sclentiflc'- Atneiçan, ti. 'vend'. Ieadlug acientiic journal,, candemits Uic -drinkiniýoe fbe h W. aetwv ejrnîad ~ 'Ta ýrwE. . . A few evenings mgo Vickory!s plsining pondent diti fot wiite it; otiiers, tbat the milse, on Perry streti, caugtt âme lu tIse ediior coulti not write lna tîi è4lotaiers. engiue roons. Portunaey lb 'vas discovereti that bath bbe editor sud We. could noî do ItL ln gooti ure befare munir damage Irat been Some tisought Archie Siclai'm uslhbave- doue. forgeti lb; stlotheathtugi.ttÏrat n Ante- Several emaîl ciladren 'in town have msus Wmrd, a Josb Billinge, a BÃ"b Burdette wboplug caugir. Parents of tiras. children or a Max 0)>Rell bad wnltteu the article lnt waulclbetioing an act af-justice by koeping question. Suice i e a ewas vlco tiras. cildren off tire streets as whoo*plng snd that there. are more abats lunthiekieker caugi lucantaglaus. wbere Ihat article camie (ram. Liveyia Rev. Mr. H. una,'ai Uxbridge, and Rev Shier'm finît impression aller roading h it , Mr. Whiîeman, of Ibis îown, exchanged t1 whetbor a.- humble,.bep 'vas îlckling iris I1 pulpits tast Sunday. The churcb goens or esi or-the -cork-end -of i baille 'vas pokîàw- S.Johns' proabyterian churcb 'vere 'veli 'hlm under -the ribs. A. K. Sinclair aller oleascd with the discourues given by Mr.;Ç h 'vas wotidetla ilbl herBïtodicer-rgusm Mnna.bad hlm beimnt the "Orientai bar(s) ortbe: Thre proubyterlaus iutend having an aid- iat she bas afthiuibr ". - ÃŽt hlY tateA. tirne social nexi Tuesda>' evening, Tire 1thinuielsi bv in BohrSbm ladies of St. Johrn's churcir always proparethnsaleharg hezeincitn' s firet clame sup&or. Thue meeting is ta be- moud thât bis experience lsaiof a lively kmIZ sddnessed by rn. John Dryden sud Mr. He Save bis e-xponlence i-îbî -eu canIt tell W. Smithr M. P., anti neçeral nmînîsters: fwbo >rout friends are Dow tisys ; . ud bis. ex-. Qive tirenta crowded hanse on tuesday reienefr fi ture ilg b. Uiathis bar' mvii De close-uU i t je u1Wsome 0f nuicgir ti. f bbecaiet-utelIweii.rqîujî"jn mmd. In a few weekssasubliéc mting vil! ire 'dloa irold l iretowu iha 1for tire purpose, af tsk. 'vien lgmeasuros to buy tire fait grountis sud Demi buildings for tire fait assaciation. It le ta si b. iropedti tiral-fnleuds oainaur Émculturaisl eu soclet>' viii b. -preect sud give -sairelplng îàt irsutita socure tirai fine prapemty. - muth Mina Dore McGilI, daugbter .of anr ne- boa. specieti townsnsan, Mr,- Wm. McGUI ofa the isýn1 Western bnnIc, lId on, Thuraday, monning tue i for Petenm>urg,Vlrginia h e itetis -o il .sendng the 'vntr wlbler uncle anti am- tis$ 1iv' MissMcG!Ill 'iiihomssedias organist biiy-a aS.Jhuschurci, as 'volias Ilusomal o yn- cincles, as she i3 a- favorie amoug aur young ihilu people. y u A gootifanîliyiros. 1B Fanrmie, 6 -years aid, ti j-bauds bîgi' ' re quiet, ta dravre, can b. driven by a 'vaman oi 'vol!1 chl i ; aima pan1 four Yeasm aid nei>14 v. bauds high, brokenfo bannedsanti satitl,ir andi la veryg eutl.. The6 yeun aid is a gelti- ~l l1ng, tIeotien#pa fil!>. JcssopunfmnîrCop. '<f - ,J.N>Tr Mngr. * ,, - the e: One of the,- iestigbe, of lýlunblng 'ever Yq secs Wtieti on, liasre -Ibeu doue Slît tppalnulng',vhit tbe-Pi ni sA-luiSeberV'.. iîanes experlence li If ire can kocpw wek)iri.utee cmh holmeaue i.WalIy McKeil ia irmuti ar'a bo4 ,bi solle bcbind hijp ln à aihotti eiperte ~l04~5 ou lç voit al H I' Ivoryba~y val..,, \~NAN IMPORTANT CLLBAN SWEEP. Picstamk for. Cah Goed Wlre Siattraus woru >.,so fai $1.75. Goti Mized Matt**,s. rth $4 for $ insi-clasa 8xtenitson Table vor$6, 50 for e Bedrbam Sets wortir $14 for $M0. Bedroom Set vor$t6 for $13. We have motblug but firstclass varken inu our Up- bolstering Deparlm4ent. Leading Undertakr,-s L J. JOHNKSON BIROOE ST.9 HTY Town of W)hltby,,Vters' List: 88.by fRis Hpoe, iho eJudge of the l Corof the Coem cO marlos t =IÃŽ2i Wbily, oo FRUU> teamas.4 4yofNOV., ~--- :1 ai s oel _Z _*o __. de rin. hVoteLut of te . u*Wpsliy ortbe Town of Whitby few 5*54. Au~pooa~al#il u "~im d p1oe. Dated ibits ohdy Nbbe.p Mn J. . cTaggamt necivedt t s'str,,d t intelligence lait weok tisai bis sier. vhs 5veuUp ié lives in Lindsay vas tylpgat the point cf againssi -deati .frap ttse IN Mt.Gh1op1v~Mraîircàdîatseectd 'Od 7 to teprescu hRe x-patý,W No th- t4 Ontario -at ch. neït electein v as =aVasu p aur village to-day., teemoti pamtmaater, mr. Aloi Black, ias sirovo, on gone ta tire Qucon cii7 to try ths>exasiaa- tioset, 'tir bon:' We untiersianti ilu aaliylng bhlm- ludeetis'É seg for the mail service Succes John. qtiier side Mn. Duncan Mcui(hli, -has miit àver>' theBiep,o'pan fiue addition ta iisbhase asdtihtrmie 1ItI4 renovatlug tire.'viole affi#, viscucompletîéd eut. lt lu viii compare, favarabl i>' 'vusan>' an tire th. closisaS aicigirbarbooti as a comintable frrbîtuse. forttbse t Quit., a, nmber frein bore- aitendeti irs eednoft ' plk n~îub et a auiet u tek. scerely'b .ý WIn, MiLtb, bld at tebtàiv'blv Ill We presnme tir.>' snrpy d~~-Qs'il m~- as 'v. t, a iso ear of tise.'vwdinlg> ardls on tire catesi for best plewlng.,Xéyfotnl -Tire 1ev P. A. McLèod IL A. Ji.'D pre ced tvery loquoent erm<>.sn Sun., day. "là the avenlng, bimi sposiibe of the. crtpturefroviathre tuit christ the Physician <SGuy h OO vas a powemful dlsOçtase ful! ai pathos 'à d. Da. PÂÈI.JME vmas much appreclateti byý-hie cougregsto. Isiiu The sectioàn' ,Wl -no tiubt, so pleasea t a AU, 5 khow that Miss Maude Savmgp vhoia a s a5dassu acceptabi>' tangiru tir. "Union scirooll" mince tire siîdammer holiday. 'ilu nail piroba. huit>' nemý:a anibeyemr, Thee-trustees BS are ta b. cougraulatedeon tiroir dlscreieoris tapon rtalsingsanas ffcient teaciser. ".-r A few Ofoury aptoe atethe W'OK it a 1ý id of 1tisé -eki au Pîtîdal e sM ndaycrot ah"geà Apptle Dut NOv. 7th, 4s. jing te Liabl y 3 nardi, di. rn 0 DVER. Corners. but sud tatout tir. purpose off . .'% %.ýP 0 fj'L Daniftis :4 WOCAI NFW.R IFTT.Irpq_ 1 1 i 1

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