Whitby Chronicle, 8 Nov 1895, p. 7

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J p I r case rath wBs end infoi he R acuil ao t end' ciné andi dot sOUW -1ytheprv a, ýhÏte8,an g'nf »ý nied irito perfet ~itI D nge or lose isitgiy 'Eniui810nts great àti.cesÉ,. ioni of feesh-giingstegtw their Perfect xn giving Liio )nsumption, whereiu it arre îte the *xnost concentrated fOur-, 'and Serofula it enriches anid ct, in everY-p hase of. wasting i.r doctor -wiIl confirin ail we suaded to acceÉt a substituteI bunatatandatiyàei, j ratIon. G,-(ave es8 f-hom "ô kY àttto i hi frI 9,r'in o of'u ' ibrough. Ibeev Iéhulitop, _Py'- r0Giya4,l~ Ylanabuae Vd d T' ye 01th sI wilU stop. 01 8Q ýthýat îifïite tz as.oatW.daigt&Il - ail , .o Thedlo înover thig Paperwasjar- ~T'hsl6 te t~e f~c oaIed blood build5ft ' a 'ticipatecd in by Mess sGraham., le, 1i a;m st pi put l a iMfoirain IDtid4dté de. detson, Brown' aàd Undtë n-i1l. Thcre o eei,9e. They are ail imitatins wliôewe some slight pyrotechnicsbeweneniing and'heaiig 1 tè nuhes oe o e p Peouniary advap. Messrs. 'Gra-ham and Underhill, bi~t. no- them2 rem rkalge valbe'11n fonthe WO~IdeOrful reDutaîLl Oone was 'hurt. w e sv Db :r. Williams' Pink éls perhaps, Onne of thVmostinteesdJ sk yu r dile ï for fat. r1 and novel it emls on theprogramme was Thea Pile ae manfaMr<. byi)'ot~ elport of the cornmittee on veria Dr WîiI'amle Medicinec~',; 'o'wii~ it was'not'areport. Mr. A. Henicetts gr' vaueinC Villot Ontario, and Se)i':2 " N Y., Glenderson gave his views concern. _the w sig ysppy9 Mnd are sold only ii - 'tiring tiie ing thé tmatter. lie thought it w 9 contelU a bo. or ixkLId p t 6 0 better systern tlian the Spencertan and net adli neu CêThe bx ~~"for *.5.had, lntroduced it into h ie oimo i izes th-e-b 1lod. l f Th MA.11hii liati troni any dealer, oroth isfrmfvi4elu u 'a.se, wili e sont l'y mail on reoeipt of ' he oiegiate Institute. Its chief itf motefetveio I2 oeess.Cth Coya ot beéti e r. Werrible Dr. Willi&sna' Pink Pille may point of excellencywas In its legibility. sy bout it -Don'*tbtes c!!ýuwf? ignit be hl' Along with this, its individuality and Î Tir b1Oo%. h tS t * h of all druggi6ta or direct by nm ail from u io m t ee p i t n is f v r c t o s o e l 1 e » bv.iim i1 .oi.. Dr. Williams' Medicine Oompany fri H t eeponsi t fvr wi, elvle A LIFE AV Detber addrese. Tih: price Bt which the eexbie pcescfvrca ED ill ar sld akeacourse o .ra-writing done by chiren flot more than mWTKEGnent coopfIratively inexpensîve as ie years of age, which were wonder-imu oomnpared with other remedies or twedioal fIIy legible. He thought there were ~RRY treattuent. hygienic reasons why vertical writing should be adopted. Would flot the YEýR_1eye-sight be lesa effected ? Where you YERSII~T RA do: onudcfrmsïtÀ~e would find one god:fierof the older N D tSvul 18.oêimght a SOYM cold (rom the fresh wound.'the word 'fresh' system, you would4find fine who were A tten<~d wtth El terble oough tha: aUloweàdoe n express asaeet Ont u nti ytmeeyn a era ne ortu lthr 'n tor gthe dtof- that is pig-headedness! " whispered be- a good writer, because àîî write the orka bt, Bi te worktng ver M e cae he best et hind us a fair lady teacher t a er seat- sam e. NEs mT em [e r a S e n4 «W dtey 00111 do no more for e. m t . W hen w : had recovered o r Inspectefl IcBrieathoughtiitth, frl d ec 7èieen thoughpr ai nn .4ty itlop e sLe e N oon., " Vrt, afbtlendoernkg01 MY trouble, sent me grvity, Mr. Smith. had sat down. wise ta be cautious. If a pu il wrate More St I. Imos ie ii k~OteO yer's Cherry Pa.toraî, whtch 1 Mr. McBrien said Mr. Houston al- the Spencerian system well e wou durlahlD scratch«, belea aed, wyformcovetineoo, eee otaive t cane.Inormyti wu 00ithet Y MM 1s4 bvwoe ne got us 'out of the net of dependent visions the vertical shoud e hoesery. u e a ad cl rc e a COUgh since Ibat Urne, and I thought and provoked discussion. He Mr. Smîith spoke in favor cf vertical ied» sardiy eley hat ÂEL W.herr Petoral moved a hearty vote of thanks ta Mr. writing, having tried it successfully in u hMoisture. Ave, fLiy ll."w . H Waiu Quniy Houston for his efforts. Mr. Mc- Oshawa. 'Mr.-Richardson of Sunder- - Bride seconded the motion, earnestly, land took the vertical side. Mr. Un- BIjD Pecora vention, vigorausly applauding. Mr. about it. , &G~ WARD AT ORLD' FAR. Houston, in accepting the vote of Mr. -5mit1i. B. A., of Oshawa at 3 - thanks, said that he did not take his o'clock begun hi: address upon rnoods. yer' ao« the w m 0at PhygLo. views second hand. He was confident lie took, up twa systelis. One agreed ____________________ that after seriausly and studiously with the: H. S. grammar, the other and thinking aver what he had said the the preferable agreed witk Mason's sys.. ÂLMOST DEAD. teachers would agree with him. He tem. According toei:modI was flot speaking5ior the present gener- was a method of usir -forms."p wo IALCODTO OFAYUGation, but rather for pasterity. His According te, the oth-, Mood de- ~JobfPieb, [TBL CNDTIONT0 O N main bject was ta- make hitsef un- 'pends n the point Of view ironi which we s aine t~ derstood. If he succeeded in that, he th mind views the statemnent. maie halaSno didn't car: whet.her a persan agreed Maods were classified according tot n M1ysteriona Illness-Doctors \Vere Un. with him or no He was satisfied that these definitions. "Every statement inst n Newrmket-j4. T l able to Give Rer Any Relief-ller they wauld all have ta came around ta is viewed by the: mmd either as a fact, Reielutton-IMr. mhep*ýý U noie'8 Story of the Case. hus position at iast. a Relief.yora ecssîy" e ntel f_Q' (rthle Toi'onto News. MIR. TAMNBLYN ON READING. cized this statement, and took excep- Bat. eolsb D r. mex , rmmr b6xcveyo oaGa ion te piacing the imperative mood The urnqmAonth 8mila e maa rtmakbl.roveyofGaaGry W. W. Tamblyn, M. A., was next under the: head of a possibility. To opç.Inel or ttuystorious ilinesa hit 5afilOd intraduced and gave a short, spriedh: mditws hesauemnta afat ite best kuown physeicians of West prtdhsîn twstesaeeto at LLO fias been Uthje i t a &god address upa& Reading. He deposed Similarly b: ciaimed that the obliga- otalk aunong the residents inth that he had as strong Convictions as tory and indicative moods clashed. ii borhaod of Bloor street and Bruns- Mr. Houston, te which Mr. Houston He would acknewledg.3 ne Cubjunctive is a flax miii at Harriâton -and a good avenue. As it wae expresgively said, 'I know you have." There was mood nnless it was undérstood as an- deal ef flax seens te be raised ai-ound- ba neighbor, " he waila but dead, fno reward ta, the teicherof reading ex- other foi-m of the: conditionai. Ther: there. John Kidd"s monxument1 and i suddenly she begau te, regain cept fi-rn hi: own conscience, for no was ne potential mood.HepitdvntwriUpcdatM oMii.n agU, nd iia hor lnewa@ ouit <en matter liow liard a teacher might werk ont that there was a mistake in the: p. order te, see. the country Mi-. Vernon ;tre'etkith the o'ior restor.d te ber With his ciass, he was 'invariablyjudged S. grammar in that the past tense of recemmendsa di-iving -tnp. ks and the brightness te ber eye by the resuit ef the examination, net the: subjunctive mood of the verb, wli1sor où VISeeR arning of the case a News reporter by the Influence he had exerted upon « h ave" was mis-printed. There A well dressed young ah ~t 1 on -'her uncle, Aipheus 'Ramnsay, the chai-acter of tie pupil.. The man, ,~ on ~dtin atospn s Uc ronito o te lor treet cess ef a pupil in, reading depènded person singua. r.mtiscdes u atico mam4I~ store, at tii, corner of Br'unswick upon the thoroughness ef hi: first wsa be ot nwashgl p-' n r a li,,tti ched .nu ma e, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h an ihweaebslvdtahns i:great majority of nead- preciated. The convenltion ý broke ilüp Te mare ws Mot'playcvo, ôtbut t snc ifacy. OnIernng ha es idnt ea ti:first book weII. quietly after singing God Save- the the fool in the: bu g plîed the whip Lor wua a reporter ho was s0=e. How could Lhey b: expected te read Queen. -anddveaun osmkigaex 4%.. a.i aof the case.d rv ouot l aignex enrbd ~bil4ee nw fthe i:second boek ? Inaelementary read- iiii~<1hisi n opn~,l E v e od i a. "and, r ow e lad the ing, the ch id w as flt sufficiently w el- amug u n d t ei h y e I i 8.11aV>ut i,1b t woudrdilled upon the sounds 'of letters, tUBIDU avaiofy n une oad any sufferer aiý)u tbtý lo l e hm amso etesKslg a haiatin: armya. e rned tmeotrs> aer not lbve it pub>ished.' lo he.Nmsofltescut ne mn a"!et 1e1amvçr d Thon Lb. reporteripoinîed ont that lie figure, The great fault among pupils The followiog local sports- it seemus i order te- pas butthe "duk pulled. in a position t10 et thbusande know was that they ead wed,nt ideas. every maxi is a 4,s4port" these dâys wýhô tpt.1sid'thi tentdu~'dnt probabiy be Lbe'ieano; ef gving tiiem Readig was on:etf'thi e: m poîînn- ge hoigde)aeoft ~ ~n~t rv notei ncm 'S~~~~ athatWhc ¶ nkgh:'li e i Itbng 'rit reqo, rn,,e leop. Otniesulqa u n~os 0 the parts u Ofenîhoya e sours >- .,s n u1 o silf unbearablh1irrj"1j0n and tu'ub .ef.mem nyart'ot itshng MiS bene.)E uwt~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ÏI, Mi ha. i alUo."LQ.D c rqei 60 celî. RUimiired B Mbuimentby a QanadianWj% racb-jla Albany, N Y., certain. â'm aginst tbh Uh tàwie àtSin uqale rstIîIafýiag A.04. *h v & IBEAu OItIFLMERIOÀNt aLL APER8" de - ïO, 1, 0order8 to Match (jome early and gotfiïýst ckom P. B. WARAMI Bry*' aui's 04SA Brook gt*., Whàiby H. SCO 7T P'UMPMÂKp oWHiTBy. (Successor (0 H. 2ThomsOOn.) Tii: Subscriber bas airain oper.od busines bore. Hia office- will be at F., R. Blow's teiegraph office, factory et Mms Newbery's bouse on Brocis Street soutW' New Puama manfactured and old Pumps rcpazred. Firat t1ase mnaterial used and work warant- ed. Wells dug or cleano-d out. Orders Feb. 14, 895. Witby and Ohava. DOMINIýlON' -BAN-K!- Çapitaî 'Paid up, J.$1,50,00 Surplus, - Ç 1,0 0 Wiby Aeuy Genâeg B" B ünin à uines TranSated. Eneront alIqwod a oî 2 est Iiuet. t ADwAMSq~r crt'y aiasxiety a mancm ean nti~o i:institute. nnakn asTi niWi as ie u ta, dry delvering pa muphlet. and ho1 fewgeneri aI efarks 11pOn tiaciiingý lihoShipp dc'.ad T19 ip ol i eene-Ti P j,,.wiê > *o n e in t eo y h o p . 1 p i ok e d i u p s a id , li e, ha d a e c i r e r e i n e d r m e ' i l l u p h i s e t n n u c z l t i t ç 9O, p d~ E~ * a d aia x a ct d o sc iptio et ii, u. I c o n si p ra b o. o p o si io n, u t i c ai e T i : si e e p wbee , u g h fr<s !i4an ,," b u t0 h e hTh e s a b k lier 7. ; "àNhW hieb m y noiea e w u fferi . ciiiefty from , trusees. M . T m n e, . $ e e br eo m h thé-, r..-zhèb0e1 wý C1tà 1 fO!é r.am dy ,pýeerbed for thé . o . f wu sroundly applaud d fr bh s add ess. us a: 1Èý seuii:ý uaadY deOsc bed vas Dr. W illiam.'Dunning tus mornnngà se&sib , e n o i 2. au ttQ - d- o Ïý, r-sus. . so n$ zo a box sud <Jou took'tiemlei aMeobaial knd of a wv4. WeI1l a@à, vien e.had f"okn thena touar days a olëigs cameO cvrer. 8h. Ob., Kanuto ,es.,wltii a relus, and evus'y day eh@ sewh&atro un ifflh. adse 5h. direotjons the tock four bons.. By that time thé rome ba retuv!ea o rcheeh and te.'Vu ident ceCa. al &il la the v j out kth or Ail Druggîsts. SOc. and $1. I s QN, 48, Iiw* rrîott. ~AoL Yarm I'8 ~Ic ER. /11 1 LowFST«

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