Whitby Chronicle, 8 Nov 1895, p. 1

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VOL.*XXX WH1T.BY, ONTAR1O9 NOVEMBER s, 1895. -, NO. - M I Pu t aonq, If you have a OOLD 'or OOUQH try OR. HARTMAN'S QOUGH CURE. and youa will bc convluced Ilta a good tbing. For Couagis, Colds and Cold lu the Head, IT IS UNEQUALLICI. Try our W/toh Hazel Cream for Cbapped flands, etc. Softens the rouglucat akin. Doosn oi louve the bauds stlcky or greasy. For suie only ai lte THE CORNER DRUG STORE, ~W. I~. HOWSE'S STAND.1 MUCH HEA T, A t Littie Co8t, Id what you, will. gel by burning our Well Soreenoci, Carefully Delivered, ~BrigUx t mIdHardy V'ree of Siate, No Clinkers. are points we di for our Coal. A*-GIVE UA 4TRIAL.la ie He DOfWIEY-&-GO OPPOSITE ISOST OFFICE. !~ DON'! FORGE? to lsten to o aucl, l'-Make au example oet %)e7or lwo anad tt e others may profit by l. i g o lltu e ý g ai fualte the m any ë r n e s 7 an 9raaragos rniendsan ac Éqiantauces who have in ibe ý,Iasffft'Tw woespersènaiilly and, by letton, as- gured me cttf ukleid feelings le kludly ex- preuissio f godwli and sympat.hy. Tluey act very di4ent te ibhe few narrow-mind- ed pensons lu tewn who have trled tem best to.elILtie.ty éMorts as à correspondent. Sb cuauy persans In town and vlcinlîy, and muny front a distance, wbe wene almo;si on- lire strangers te me, have givon- me' en- corgmnt, <bat il id an lecenive te do even botterl lte future titan I bave donc in lte pasi. I ibanle ibose .who have assisted mie in sécurlng news items; tbose.wlio bave given tue counnel and vuluablo suggestions ; and <boa. wbo have, unsollcited, givelu me temr offers to bacl e meIf occasion nequires ht. *And vcry ,pîcasant iras the good mi and encouragement cf se many strangens lu saying ty -bumlceflts. wne appncctsid. What 1 i pasing.s'ýtrsngÈe la titInluaIlthe-ad- verse cntcismi ,itve éecélved'on nead not a single ote came trom poncesa living outside jof Port Penny. I<aik.ws'*a f fks that lu ail likelibood Slnc ing letters o?'fotriato and argnfntg, jôlit' bu front Sebert to rdle si the latter gnlltyoI ple Ur loue misdeed/.Thiabr. a-series cf cnPlilat resultlnigiant only :tdie tionj, wltnesseg.- and evg himtself, getilng utterly s toi bring -alytblng out of necessary -to i.tara the lence meeting, wlth-the r ers. .Brother Perguson, first.- He state4 1nhls-o had been led to makce in Brother Sebori, but. hist ed and bel ,onàldý now. si ,gatne of £onspiracy % astray. -Hé hôped to bn use bi.'influnce , . that be té> have, theC' .îhe nextLýwOrld If, hotil ibIs lIfeecspeciialy l found ta .be unréblabie. ,roseê,and-said that>uint wvôuld neter -,forgive'ti cbargèrd hlm' wit bélù Ilaw# an act wbicth lïà Torpu 1 tlsh those ivbobhi hléu ho wouid.-spend ,ai dîmes. He isatdoni lily bad I te Jue. tne~, nasa, ce dec hed Ha aywvar d -hias got in his- FALI and WIIEBGogos# Piles of ilcm. o pualou 1ok ai. Lo ely te handie. Desitable te have. Easy te obtalu. Becauso wenderfully cheap. ZUI LMOjJrtnertin LIniU I'KC _________________for tte bwrgaius in Dresa Goodt. te'x Wid Waleas Serges, ail wol, 44 incht, 45 cIa., the pni .vegular 65 cta. the ge: Iglamere Serges, ail wpl# 44 lnch, 37& cta.0 tsgilar So e. up. Me*ileta iiu erg, ail woolu 40 Inch, 20 Cents, n "Il oc~.U. aUiel «lcSun". Cli., esIan 3 Up. SundA, SokBrocadid Dreu Good$s,44 Inch, 37ir, H-.PR9 ffluat,5 cWOur egaClii, a&Uwool, 44 Inchi. 6c, rengo0equleto ;IdiÏ$er«,44-tu., 2SCp eegl= bei. T inc4luh, 75 eclirg ,5sc Iemgine sud tnimminegax$ percent..1 r -A - bonh 5sud àso. woe~ Convention. Mn. and Mrs. A. L CourtneyI Up bousekeepiog bere for the, pi C. itaving goeetom es. iratben.nç and Mn. C. la acting as -an ag Maccabees lu trylng -te organise otiter villages. Someo f lte triensf romt hoe firiends fi-cm Ianilli inear Ragi.- daý' of ibis weekto buiry,-the lx William ?-Ranons irto had died at cru village. Mr. Rations .vil1 ho cd hy noise cf the ÇHRoIan<LE one of the local pré,euhoinuthelD on titis ircuit for man r yeàa. - câerespoaent Io'tbê mrci give a morO detailed accoun of th Oely a veryfeikW t>eesoneiafte<u bonliod atne te4te % rÉbn" n. tIiideii sud Wm wa wlih1 IL Bauli, ,,, 11,11 4.- lu j LOCAL N EWS LETTERSI EOXI.tGtUUW - Mr. Lorne Campbell, of Lindsay, was here Samt DUsîyIs able <o7 hoat work again. on Saturo ay ait. ; eAshton'l w aY'north ou a doe huant, CmOIow I c oaEIEpONDEC14, The sehool children enjoyed a holiday laSt r Ms. Robert Waison bas beèn on thue slck 1Thursday and ?riday, the teachers beitig inirlt i attendance ai the county convention i WM.RawavlhgbsreavsluSuo Mr. ~Whîb. Kr n 4iyaeioigit h thedir day.p Mrs Farrow of Oshawa has beeen vlsitlag tMer. Wonnernd il l lly eoiiiinto wL#efynShier's cream driver was out ou lis friends here during the past week. teehue uMâ t. aeyocpe y~ knwn trip on Sunaay. We understand that Mr. Jno Grayer Mle. J. . erhal, ein the m maUYhome.Mt- and Mes. 1. Tlroop have boss visltlng baeasant ycatselu theîr Rechhome.nthor friends in Peterbono, han easd te JshuaRicardon arm Patrons of the cheese factory are receiving again. ibeir moncy tlhis week. The puy sheet Quarerly services weïe held in lte methodiat Mr. jas Cockwell, of Markham village, amountcd to very nearly $i,ooo.- The Octob- CIuIrch ou Sunday. There was a good attend- vlslted hie brother Mr. George Coakwell on er make of cheese bas not yet been sold. 'ace Saturdy laT.emc ain put an effectuai damper on any the Rev. Mr. Leltoit was ai Manchester on SaturdaMoudat There hua been an American buye r hallowe'en pranka that muy have been con-_ Mo sa venlng asslsîlg ai the revival services around this week offeing sixty cents a bar- icniplated and there were not any of the 'tow betng heM Itbeve. rel for-sweet apples. usutal evidences of the celebration to be TbomaU GiaIY ba brlgbtened uap bis boüse by Mr. J. S. Barnard of Whiiby preachcd seen the nexti mornlng. ~a coul of paint. G.' Renyald wetlded te bruSit very acceptably to a large cougregation ai The aid cooper shop bas resumed its aC- mid made a good lob.lui AlnMonds on Sunday afternoon. customed quietuess. Messrs Edward Bros kOui boys -do not appeSr4o bel t-wbes h Mn. Frank DeHart is laid up wlth typhoid have eeased making barrels for the seasou. emlapowgmacN nsrotbe feveirý, ai the home of his geandmother, Br - Thcy have donc a very satisfactory business hncourage10 lace tbe muâle. on street Whltby. According to latent fe- and expect to rcturn next sutnmer.EdaCagbsgoeoihessthco- port he la doing well. Mr. Jas. McLeod, having repted a fat= Eyl .dga raggbas on akortamlosS hengue. -i Hallowe'en was duly celebrated iu Our 'Jutiwcst of Whitby barbor, bas retnoved .ba somne iMou-of >îalclng ap land, If ho lukes the burg by the boys playing a few pranke but there witb his tamuily ibis we-ek. We rgrt' -1uouohe- ioplace. annoyitig no person. This is one of <s. bis departure (roi our district but wish him- .aac omstha srve t lik tth prset wtht much succes in his new undertakiiig. The foliowlng front a distance -were wlîh tbelx oms hut ervs tolin Uicpresnt ith tc frcnds in ibis loualliy on Suriday:- Robent Bo11 past. tRcv W G Hannalu, cf Uxbidge ; Rev'ds .ebvM adUs1tesHLak ea- Miss Murker, of Pickering, the Messrs H Harris and T W Lcggoti, Hon John ofve; Mr ndmiMxs Chane ýM*Loan, Sonys; Miller of Greenbank and Mn. Tjas Underbil.t ryden and Mr "Wm Smith, M P, are to be - u n oMc]Pbali, Uxbeidge; Jobs of Port Perry, visiied frienda lucre wbile in thc speakers ai the missionary ne-union to .Aud Miss G McLean, Columbus», Miss ion. uttendance ut ihe meet~~~~~~ing of the Ontario be beld i the presityteelan cburcb on Uth e'nePiit:udc isMg an County icachers' institute held in Whltby evenlng of Thanksgiving day.' îeg last week.j The executive of the Brooklin brandi of, »I aUe CX=ele novlo a ett The menubers of ihe Terento Bicycle club thc bible soclcty met ai the methodist i r- ~lno oU onv lvhbaiconesson were along the Kingston road on Seturday sonoage on Tuursday cvcning of lasi Week to 'r. nlemlbu à nas<onAthernacle5 aad Suila setting up mile posta. These wilU be a make arrangements for thc annual me effl ed rmvlgihterl sfw,ïm. o convenlence to the travelling public as wcîl f which will be beld in the methodisi ch 4rci s foYngut I O'ýtllnew buole aed <i,11 as to the wbeelman and it is to be bhoeid 'Ott Uic evepng ofThuuvsday, Nov. 2Sih. Anu ètb c . ggemriu levelîla-16-be gouud they will not be pulled ap or defacd. eflirt willlho made te have Rev. H C Dili ~j~, tra nl tr uu.ng - Dr. George and Mm. Emmeti of Morris- cf Tonontos te addness Uic meeting burganient a few d-ays ai Uic home etfUice fThc mauy fiendsa f Mn. R H. Walks e, A B.plcdnuel.peayea doctirs father this wcek. We fttderstand A., now a membon of Uic teachiniq star of 'ý'rch aedswh hwilibe S grea- onvebne be is dolng wcll in Morrlsburg, and a i the Lindsay collelate institute, watt t o se h1150laving Occasion ioï use thent ondan ready a a-ood practice. Hie many (iends to e Iaruthat he le oonfined to bis *àere d ilabe o b-more abltet wt4 mor*hi g v bwl eplae ohxo i ouse by an aitack, cf pleurisy. I eHk la 1k 111. ne pn , to 1. wlt ps saty. lutacer IDepeaei hunc.i succosIn thaï ho wi corne home this week to ema nomsd .gtibag ito the nrog- ngs, al tint_ castru twn.the the luth. Fruit growers iluUils localùy arec h for a short Urne >fèr-r ect ad euperatlbii - , ea- b- i-e for<ina Wc trust thatWiwlon m o e rsiored C te- abe heodrfo h u dissatified oven Uic ouicomne et thein con.. health. ' Aà Mil e ~Mllez tract wiih Uic buycrs. 'fluy complain tof vryoblestppajica raonocd. ib e.cue yUcapPles faflhtg off snd Zî,eUc Coieauu f he~e1f being injured by Uic fa-st befleUc c onsm lnetwbe tatewa. cmploytd by tire buyers aevdt ik Serosidm a e e ietteýdae¶w Fackithem. lunthis lcith UicDm1 à as the I9thP..WkoIulvniI a uuay.F arecignf peero1perdat~e la the Ilâkhnt Sunday. îeys ae omig l fr a lionsahneof ~ h emn sure. Our ewn opinion, la thatUic ro herermon té té j the M Royal IY wcre vcry slack in maklng theym bas-gus. - __ "et lb.j. B.Qciby " If tic seller in bound not to sli to anothernlx 1 1SIas' after receiving mont y on Uic bargam- . thfan -> urai-l..~ ~arzraW i buyer ough also to ne bouud to hav~ilcs e &U A n, insebe . fruit packed and nemoved by a tti date, ,mth or (ortei l ah daim tte c fttas wellas etiothrie m Lvi dt NIS1OI1fSI» mony païd down. thoe çon- nýd Iaheir sevon n déy tBtibizrflêjt EAL.duct44'>, 14,Olt an, Sè v'ii sMasesIiey, toito, -!: Mn. and Mrs. Murkenf roo PickÎige i- b--a 4r ReithS ia, t M.- lage, were visiiing fienus-beno noan the endxt gt à-W, m. x cuOh tà ot lai week. _rB;ooGa Ttc boys ot thîis section. did admirably pese wcli tlie nighti of cabbago thr<>wing by -ntt a1 " inîcnferlng witb other peopWes PTOperY.- - tÙ1 fra Notwllbsiandieg..tbc nain là«i Thursday Snlght, a gang of you!ng lads and overgrnom boys, leacledbtece san u mo, get togee n e -lue eanly "part cf -,the evening rand îreangedof ,their p <grammÏe.- They carrnlciIt out as ftan as ihe could,-.tntîimmoin f tié~<~wr augit lef thelr 'acté,, and thén i ' m t e con- jcluasion thatiIf ttc ýwiÈèîlupbWfë tby bcdbetbfdpeý o tV.1 tcn ~ v4Vhe oWnIe may bave by AG t it ria ernt tp i. aiehe, ro sod ald re-c e t--ttn brea livlng outnt ttylrcatcalia. I their pandèrutinýt e , au noug tan thn1 .treets, wltb thé Sflagflyle eh m-the uno proubb, ý,,,

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