Whitby Chronicle, 1 Nov 1895, p. 8

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Tolet Reqy18dt1es Tôilet 13oqps, F'anoy' Good8i, spèct&o1es, A nything ini the .~~sDrug Line, WtL oUX, » s, one o sud Oinotarlo D. .1. Olrfor Balle, Asembiie@4 Wed- ~I»gs8tipOTq, e . .Aise a&U kincda et OIKAWÂ BooxsTzO-ffll in111 ci0fbooke, statiener(r and lune, goode. E RE ogOrS, wvauwth&wà s ai 8 n d aBp I, &14 Wbitby tst an d,&Pmll lOuPE OCas, manufatcturer of flue carnageS,1 catwagons, sud at ilnds cf cuiter.Sd aljgs »aplrLng 0 bpeclly. JOHN Baawîm, painter aud decoraier. Dealer 1hk wail psperc.ilng dsecratiB, Peinte, 01, varulshlues. brushes, winaeow shades, etc. JAES PaLziow, deaer in stoves, furuaces, Un- VU"e, etc. Large stock kept constant!y on hand. Jobblng a specîaltY, aimOce street nortb, 411i>sg'L. K. Mus iB . armS?.Sicto B OY8. Drzug Soe Nota&ry AuI c.ovoy ank, Moet U~~f k> VVIV, l~~Steet, Offceaeao.io aliSmo Simcoe St. eouth, Oshawa. OSHAWA, NOV. 1,e 1895. 011111PAGE Wben coniemplating puttig on Lite Inourance, se. W D Ilwrrn, o?.The Untc d States Lite. Their polioles are the mont attractive. Largest gnsi'suies. M. E. Mer.-Dealer la Groceriei. Faucy China, Crockery, Tinwsro, ud Fancy Gooda. Pure Teas and Coffees. Bolys' rsady made suits a speialiy-Very chesp. AUCTIon SALa-Tii. subscriber vili b. lu 0mb twa, .1t the Central Rote], Fiday cf each weee t one te 8 o'olock pm., toinake ar- angements wih parti ou wiahltg tô have sales. L -zlmuelxsauctdoueer. F.LâXEET & tiloir-The lebding tailoring Cud g cul' turiahlug. house cf Oshawa. Sloudd ssmortment et tweeds, wôrsteds, tiowporlngs, sirts, collars. etc, alwabys kept lu 'stock. fHLT Bacs - Watohmakerusud .ewelsrs. Dudrnstu vatches, elodu, jewelery, silver- varfiptciles, etc. SEngaviug, gold and murer plating, sud old geld rng made over. Flue watcixblock, aud jewelery repaling a speeialy. E i il s c v I i Mr eoXkq* Ml- , N4 111is.ý V- Saîurdey Mr. Norman i Mk T so aut8. day bu iewn. MrFrauk Btuîed hua ssred aaltu*loulT G Ryley's drug store. MIss Walkrof etBowmaillis, la visting MS. e, eos. Wal1ker, Qedar Dais. The MimsesSepet t WIndsor, lW viating Mm, i Henry Adams. King et. CUtL Miss Ellict, oet hi » wa vlsituni Mms Harris, Albert strect, "hi WOIC4 Mr. Hezziewood preached bu Brookilutbo-c 4iL, church lut buaday, carlag and evenurg. Dr. T,. W. Morris ef Butler, Misala is Lhlngi bissiliers, M s. Geos. Lûâr and Mmu Carulobadl. Ii. BaIl Fsmily appàW in the. Met=Ust chas-ch lasi 'lnsdey eveing IQ as«,bwied IXOUSPL Rev. Father Ryaueof Tes-cute wlU delver a-le- tus-e lu St. Qregery's church next Tûeaday even- lug. Rev. Mr. Loggotaf Breeblin, î ccsuII pied the Simoco st. methodisi chus-ch pulpîtet MSuday' beub morubug sud ovening. Mr. F. S. Mes-ces- la lu chamgof Dr. M. Y Qouesss dental parlors ville the dociris enjoy. log a huuîing trip te M ushoka. MmKRues lou onutnesday ove!ng4 on ithe sldewaik in front .fet ur houa ou Kin g su-st ffetai d broke lber 10< lu îwo places. Mm Fred Manuel, ahi.ruànng abes sud dik ai theMcLaugbha Cardage <Jo, haî we fiugers tokken eft rom bis riglal baud. Que night ibis wekqme ee im bu aa key * tbat fits the lock S 1JH Bler>s stome otered tii atman d teek away ,élth themu a bora. A main vithout a bat attrected qui#e acrwd ofo! us apeople on tIi. fo=rcorners lut:Sin- 4ayevttig.H. -au labcouag lu tevulu Lb. bniseais of île sivation asmy. Blut'ga T Methe iiH Mrpî âGe hi- FiseyRI e, -F mengh andA hiwok fSr a dssnut. Fsrank Rgp, abo was se seroutlyburtgles in klu <e Pedia Mag«l folag Cea sbo, t' ~ ~ ~ *f ,sku o Ivable progre u md imoor. sdotiibg ufârseou ppeulg le ahiMa le lotob oui a9a". Mir. jeuklnsoa, wo bu bu theoinploy of T G Ryley, bas lofehspouUionte to acet a ai w it ~bh Mr. MAà by, <le aou<bend 4mugý Signr T»em oite .Toronto WColbofe gvUEsO & ilâwKnr - Importers sud dealers lu farmners', manufacturers' sud housefunilh- g In auUeéM uactrer oftiwre. E&V-e a" vi;Dfd tbrOt contctg doue. iFur- race, etudersand lampe. A stock of bicycles kept on hsud. OREENBANK. Mr. Fred I#ove bas finished the sioe work a large uew stable, Mr. James Blaiu Sen is away on his aun- iai round as collecter for Dr. Warren of Whitby.- A few frein bere atteuded the S.of T. con- cert at Manchester ou Friday uigbt lest and were well pleased witb il. William. Charles. I#redrlck, aud Sizueeu Love are away N4ortb on a buutiug expedit- ion. 11>5 deer tbey are after. Bath oet-, ubiec eool, teachers bave been reengsgofostmyer. 'rbey bave givén g*edsidamfi=andthe trustees could net Tiiàbepr= tum~p sud cabbsge, stor- lebave ,e= "d anid retold, but where is be mwltb ** bgJiiapknh is it net abu Ume i*0= from. wb¶t. tht -vesybad-,weatber the soug eamiSïn the Methodisi cburch ou Sanday evCe1U waa fDot so e e atiended as il otber- wis. wo I& have been, the choir did viell anmd wus ably asaisted iiy Mr. Croxaflef Lixbridge. The followlng hava been visiting iu this Iocality dru hi~ few.days; Mr. and lira. ~ iè Jh ru uMtand Mrs e.Hornue c f Uxbaidge, »Miss Leask. Toronto, Ms-s. A. Leask, Canulugton, Mr. H. Hall, PerI Pes-yý and Theactore $ltor,Taxunten. M J. Mtt isu zcepted tbu -agency tor Lb. tanh 1 âof Rach saud Nqrth Ont- ario, of the; Ontario Mutuel Lite Asurance Ce.,. Those thiniking of investlug iiu -this ite weuld, do wÏU ta see hlm -and leatu bts tsluse claimnsto beable io de as wefl oerbs then mos àef similai companies. :JasL. Sadier la not improving lu bealtl. , Werner Brown bas quite recovered fromu lis recent llseas vo are ploased te stie- Ms-s. 8alley vilhanbubeen vising, ai ber rtlers, s-Mm ? s-ýyen, bas rétumned td Many frein bore utiended the pleugbing matchlutas week. Good workr was dose asl admittodtÏ aul. Ms-. sud .,M-. (o. Agers are visîiùag enst cru fiendu ai, preseùuL They *will reniain away soen.fcwv eeks. Mauy are ps-etîy vel ibrough bousing theis- turnip csop. The yield isa gopd aver- a&go, as.-utar as vre con ascertain. -- Lawrence and Son have been engaggd re- ,nodelling and building for P. L2 >Grecs., ef Greenwogd, for severel weeks pasi. Sunday evening service bore vas conduct- cd by thc pester, Rer. Jno. Harr-la, but owing te the- incleaient vicather the congregation was exceptionaily sma il. J., N. lies-top bas been caîlisg ou Dr. 140rc's ustoaneruof laie collecubng accounts fer 'g-, Ht says the Dr. bas -àvos-y large practico, but moncy: is sorlonsly unplentituI., J. W.! Satton bas it lier gene or la, geing aimait bmnidtely toa-Bdileville ta attend coliege. I ge le a saPtepsratory cours e for i. istry. Jae.. la net large but' he bas quite. large aspirations.,'W. trust 1he may meet aih success., TIi. àpplr crop bah ýn 4 ni or yea.t. 11080at1 lf the- Oc. béen secUtly barellda ,4-d oijettlng the real valueofbI. s otefiret: buy.r 'lë--liÈi -ýýW mnaklng et em sreunt*ol tbpe otl sk té efruit groee.rê",fgêabuùi,' I farmerscoUld, place conifdenp',-tu' h t one anôther to6ptlI togetiihefi&4üfk> thir own- apples, thèy could putdowtê à tieir dIp tIi.satue haudmome profit$ the pfile msdo, but À6 long aà,they AêàI5dt provide the frulit, do ae greater purt of tÈe bard work, 'and e*Il t abot half the real valuce, cf course the %bippers w 111 n êt; r*wt Now, wbes we ccnsider, the firmer fed.tlhe world surely It le only ýwïsdoin tÃ"lexpîcI, hlm* to have a utile ta say, &bout'I theiiost, etc., but what doed the-fartierSay - laiedo?Why they say these niea do just ast4tby lke wvltb them, and they have contitnuebusly told tiges lamnentable storýy fer the lasthiMf _Century. Our teachers are both taking la the con- vention beld ai Whitby, yesterday and to- day.A Rev. MeAuiey, cf presbyterias churcb, Pickering, speaks here ibis evenliig, at 7.30 o'clock. Mr. A. G. Huntiy bas a plowing bec short. ly, wben lie Intends to have as tnany teams as his farai wilL.hold. workotnu lenced W mm -oui best ef 'i wahing1 and exS. i ly al ci si Mr. Thos.- Puckrin leaves Saturday mors- ing for tbe noî th, where he intends te take in a deer bunt. â à Turnips are raidly belng housed, I&bls neigbborbood, and we belleve the crop la such as te satisfy the coolest. Several will be attending the epworth lengue convention in Kinsale, on Monday afte7rncon and evening next. Mr. Saunders bas decided to, remain on bis fartai, as tbe prospective tenant bas re- linguisbed bis lease tbere t.o. Mrs. Dunn. cf Chatham', is vlslitbng ber parents here, Mr. and Mrs. D. McBrady. She seems well pleased in ber new homne. TOWS LINEC Mr. W. Oke iost- bis driver this week, Apple packers are sill on the warpatb. Miss Jennie MeKenzie l isistlug Mt Mr. Jeffrey's. Mr. Lee wili have nearly fifteen huudred barrels of apples. Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Brown bas left for their home ai Brantford. W. are glad te report that the sick ef our neighborhood are ai i around agaia Our school Is ciosed for Tbursday and Friday on accounicf the meeting ot the Teachers assocatien. Our trusicees bave.aiready received quite a few applications for the position of, teacher, but we bave net heard oft ieir making a selectioli as yet. Mr-. W. S. Gold bas genie te Madec, for the purpose of taking a fortnîghts deer bunt- ingin that vieinity., He'la accotnpaniodby Messrs Haicb, Grifli and JRoss; ef Whtby. We wisb tbem*luck iii the chase. 'ý A ihank ofterÃŽing Iu aid etftthe organfaud cf Almonds churcb was takea up on Sutiday tast, ameunting to, $5. The, oifc. bearers wish te îbank the mnemberýs -nd adberents fir the liberal iayluwhicb they responded, Mi. Barnar ffhtby'-will ràke -charge et ths-serviceb eon 5S.'nday ufteramoon neit i theeabseûce of Rev. -Mr, Mannlûg wbo>-Is tttlking a few holidays In Muskoka. '<She carried 60 ffucb and slh.cati4besêfhst. She cbulà carry po more iie waçarrIed et îFor the. grain uaý lie ate beirg tUe m ucb -* for one,, She couldinet carry ff-sa she's natiw Cam.i on."t TIi. tutip -crop i s.movi bciilg dugiu d ilagon- es-uhUy poor. lInsomt places- k - la- gond butilu nileet places il iras sowied the- secondÃŽlime and la poor. -Tum-aps mmîl ho scarçe ti MessrsBmaiorn and Loasemeh sold a.herse te Bars-iet fMauchester, te -whom bey deliver- e-c thont îat Mys-Uc on bMondéy. The. prcos obtained lu -Octale-fo'r the lest vo os- ihS-e yeam- A patine bee vies ieId uatAtIi.bous or Mr. Win' Hodgson on Tuesdy crniaig.Padlng jappit s iot aeol alnen nth îe hflarity iras ke, i il a -very loto, or rouler an A number'otocattie ia ibis uclghborhood are Affected wuih s ýdisease of the, eynas. The oye. ms-us red, ier and scua n ss s-m i aud even-' ruai.y Ie he éset becomes blind, sud lu some c ifslureoains for. ivo orftbreo weeks lu ibis condition before it rocorers. Tihis diseese-cai- Éed -piuk-eye by spme-ýappeam îe o ntagions, .%od whea ia uls n a .ird cf Cktzi a emoan serdous set back, A congrogaional meeting van beîd on Tues- day oeetg and the docision was arrlved &:t t hold lie a=Ïaversay services On Sundav and M.osday--Decembcr the firstu Imd-secod. An- niversaqyaert»ouk viii b.- preiched on Suuday oeil Monday a toisu'd- -ouîertainmeuî viSibe giron. -Wbat tanu o i for,',, te concert la net ignovis but. Jie Alexander- la iaîked cf sud no doiabt thebeau mi ho sSeril.Tht. iii b.the tea-inoedng o e I s- G« Satur4ay hast tle ropabuis et Uic laie Davis LBçabaoonves-e iptered iu'lb' cerebe-y lhem-e Die y ma- singulas-ly -derer sudambl BI yosUP mai).- Thb h mi.l 1eightoenî fy.àr-lhe ba$ pased hi-souiedycsr exemination ipUTcMOsutoiiiveiiht, abiol.ho hew05attouding ~u 4 obua a xlw MstuylAg a liv-liti Jws article.,. &oîilng but the. willl be Usie4 hruu&btow, These hage casnt do botter than ite eal M<r. William Hearwas on the slck liât last Mr. and Mrm. Janes Faitburu, of Toronto, tere ai Mr. James 1C.lLty's the early part ef is week. Mrs. F. Briggs WeS coniiidered dangerous. rIll last w4eek. but at the trne of our w ritlng is very rmuch'better. Quite a nut»bet of Our temperance people îîtended the entertaainent ai Manchester, nu Friday nighti of lait week. r Mr. W. Batetuafl wuaS aToronto last week attending the Previnelâtl Sunday scbool con- vention, as a delegate froUI ibis school. 1Messrs. Ledlngbsll and Taylor were sbip- >ing by Viîe C. P. R., tis week sme five or six bundred barrels et appies to the aid land.. Mr. Sim Barrett started for Montreal on ['uesday, cf ibis week, wlîhý some fificen homies. Somne were beavy worklsg homses and a few were drivers. Mrs. H. E. Derby and Miss Stella Hodges stere at Pickering village on Sunday iast, visitlng Mr. and Mrs. Murker. Mr. Murker was our scbool teacher hear lest year. The quarterly meeting services ln connec- ion with ibis circuit -are te be beld lu the cburch at tbis place on Sunday, next, corn- mencing at 10.30 a.m. married. BEIGG.STEPHi ENS-At the residence of the bricles mother, Oct. 23, by the uncle of the bride Rev J. Harris, Mr. John Begg to Emma Tryphena only daughter of Mrs. E. G. Stephens, of Seymour East. Bale AU.glt TavURsDAY, Nov. 7tb, 1895-AuctionsBale of good bardwood tituber, ln hait-acre lots, et Lot No. zo, ln the rear of 5th couf. cf the Tp. of Reach, the property of Thos. Dobson. Two years to remnove tituber. No reserve. Sale ati o'ciock. L. Fairbanks, auctioneteL. WsbtizSDAY, Nov. 6th.-Chattel mortgage sale at lot 9. ln the. gth concession Pick- erîng. See posters. THE ARCDE FUIC PEBE 4y do stthe, ana se- a te -À Aise hie OOÂL LT- $ 0 -0O OIL and GÂS -STOVES -FROM- $p5.50 to $25-000 -~- u~uioi ! GOING DATES- Oct. 28thi 29th, SOth, 311, Nov. lot and 2nLd -l8D5. LIMIT.-AlI tickete good to return lesv- ing destinatien net later than Dec. î3th,, 189.5. or until close cf navigation,' if earler, to points reacbed by Muskoka Navigation Ce. FARE.-Siugie Fare, accordlng te, route travelled. DISTRICT-Penetang, Midland, ail points. Severn to North Bay, inclusive. Argyle to Coboconk, Inclusive. Cameron te Haliburton, inclusive. Ail points on Muekoka lakes (via Muskoka Naviga- tion Co.,) and ail points on Canadian Pacific Ry. Mattawea te Nipigon, and Spanish, inclusive, (via North. Bay) and reLuru. For tickets and ail Information cali and see -W. P. STERICKER,,- at. Railway Ticket Office, Thomas' block, Oshawa., o. O. RTER, Agt., UA We have aiways a generaî sud vosied stock te select ftron-latest dosigns sud flambhes. Prices rlgbt. e0 Undertaklng departmenît flly itook-. ed, and embalming accerding te latesi theihods. Picture framing promptiy and satis-, factoriiy doue. L ukeï Bro8., s - TheCw09r vo' 1---- -E ON c" Sun Lite Asgu te-day Un<ý Canida -Accide Arnongtbé-Firt w. Ihandlg Aid Sàvings ai Puni v Co m ýËNCFI Cgnla, wbich is th-e Leading Life Bank> If you ha and you Wl For Cough. Try aur for Ch roughe bands' at the TIFE C( MUCsi lo Iwhat~ C ar, Jr Hes and Aive - fi 4 's vi 'i - I k i ý*-- - - - e ý10 Ar_

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