Whitby Chronicle, 1 Nov 1895, p. 7

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armtorn' rom hms body; y , s elt.On Monday -afteirnoon as 'Mr. J. ritma- golng to "the.. station, he fell off the, wagon, and ýstruck on his head, ss talning a slight concussio'n*.of thebrain, He is, however, able to be about again. Whule picking apples last week, Mr. Geo. Close.liad the mlshap to fait from a trée and broke séveral of his rlbs. George seema te be perticularly unfor- tunate, as he has had several faits within the past three yearF. (rom oiic of which lie sustained a l.u.e. News, 0?»IPPL1ED BY iiliEUMAbTIBM.' A RLNG'S 00. N. S.. MAN SUFRRS BOR LONG WEARY MONTUIS. Rlad Readhed a Stage When ho Was Un able to Tnru in B.d Without Aid- Hundreds of Dollars Spent in the Searoh for Relief-Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla Again Prove Thair Wond fui Health Giving Power. 1 buinssfl~S orn~uuem&i , "à&'.. rente, wbere he is vety hïghly so~ of, and will nodoubt -carry 011 O a, suc-, cessful business.here., -Water Sinclair and William-,Heýdet- son, îwot'ramipe. Who weré arretýc>r A.resentig a 1pistoI at a b-kéý,0 r IloàI thisj v W. hive the P1nestý -sole.- BEAU TIFUL AERCA WALLPAPR8 Bordor8 to »dMateh *lho fIoi - e-nv) N",' Tor( f akii hv ti duri fitat i5 sâ of 0 elus amc No preE libit fing nut, geti 6'isco vered àéhetn on'bis wayto the ' 1.1Several sportsmien. wiîth à atC gooqç,arrlved. oiî -the sceýne o<f acI- ito<olate.- McGaw had ,his i. 1 a «ing inifront of bis store- al 4on- and many an eye shed' téars of aboU Tiuansd PlkPookets. larkham was infested with a gang of crnto pickpockets and nutshiell irs on Satu rday, no doubt attracted the large crowd whic-h attended the i-1 emnonstratiofi. The nutshell il hung about the Tremont House Ïng the noon hour and did a prc- )ke business. One youn fariner, it aid. invested the price of two loadsj :ats in a vain attenipt to find the sive pea, and several others lost >uflts ranging from $2 to $ io eaci. ,matter how ofteri warned by the es flot to try and beat a fakir at his n game, there are always somne gui- le ones willing to, try. The ninbie' gered pickpocket, probiabiy the sanIe tsheil man, seems to, have plied bis vocation also with great success. A nber of ladies iost their purses while tting off the special train on its ar- ,a here, and others lost theirs, in the nselY packed hall. Among the vic- ns were Mrs. Frankland and her corn- nion Mrs. Abbott, and Mrs. A. R. eurY of Stoufiville, who fortunately Tried small amnounts; Miss Mairs Iost :OUt $25, and Mrs. Jacob Lunau $2o. rs. Fleury's purse was afterwards cked up in the ring in front of the und- stand, and three other empty irses were Iikewise found on the fair cunds. Mrs. Fleury was the first to kport lier loss, and the town constables ere notified te be on the lookout, but ey did flot succeed in making any ar- >sts.--Economist. A SUFFERING ARUY. Borne Ikwa by a R.clenalociFoe* The great army of sufferers from vani- ,s rheâmatic conditions joyfully wel- ome Chase's K. & L. Pis because the oster parents of their aches and pains re thé Kidneys. which, on accourit of -a liseased condition, are unable to relieve he blood of unic acid poison, which is ePo!ited ini the joints, producing on the Ir 0 povcati n irritating aches. and ains in te bonés, jointà and muscles. rhe reason that Chase' Pis rejieve and ,ure:is theýIr wonderf ut power ini restor-- ig de eate Kidneys to a perfect anid ÏMICndition. without whiçh Uthesys- ;m is supplied with blood teemingwth 'olision that adds f u e1o the =ie otrhieu- zatc complaits~ rjzn he Qoi~wa1Bs T~ans&ote~ -0 tnt4rest aIlcwo4 i Woacliec o! wllbd.m '824~ _________________________________ tors wno îrescribed for mne. but to Froin the Keniville, N S., Chronicle. aUex no purpose; te cancer began te r ai .Crum fSt' a i Eat into the Flesbpa *Road, i. the owner of one of the beet l mnrendtd o my ohIn, and 1 suffered lu farme ini Rings Go., N. S., and in one of F i;,,y foir %ev.n long yelirs. J.lmlly.I 1 ba .onfamr , a i ..u knAyer% sSarsaper&U teba nw mr& iia. ectonaf ar< a t.tek out vu n ot.tced a the county Re ia naturally a bard work-ab Decided Imiprovenient, ing n nd whn strong ia always to be M Preoilrr,td hy thti re.iwîlt, 1 Perqe- spent the whole season in the lutaber gr2 i'icl, , til iin înth oi 8<) thée 50 uii,ni, vchiti egia to lite.M. iii trv woods, wau strong and hoalthy and work- PU: juinil-s ùy Hllwgean to hf-al, and, aller ed a.eliard as any one. But it hau fot al- 9T( usgthie S uarsofth ancel fr dsâx fllflflt ways been no. In facL it in the wonder of rel Uicii~L nc o!Lie cncr dsaPe&eI -the neighborhood that ho isi able to work we ____ a at atIL Beore rnoving to SceLla BBay thi ______ sparll Read, Mr. Corkuin iivod at Cheater, re ~ Sasapaili Lunenburg Co., N. S., and whilo there Admitted at the Worid's Fair. waa a great suffor from rheumnatism, ÂY1'SPILLS Rogulato t/to Bow.Se. which affeoted hlm in sucb a way that ho was unable to do manual labor of auy kind. About thia lime ho moved te bis ~ proeut home, but ho couid net get a PINE DALEC. momnt eusapito from the offecta of hi. Ou Co Mr. Geo. Cunningham lias sold his diease. Feeling that hé' muet gel welI fo farm. at any ceaI ho had his old doctor brouuhl a Prof. Kent gave one (if îis trne worn f rom Chester te bis relief, but-ho wa. un- d lecctues liere on Thursday night. ai od uîigfrhm o th mauy kinds of medicine heping te receive di A few members from the division benofiî but te no avail. Being delermin-, fil here went over to Sunderland on Fri- ed flot te die withôut n etrugglo ho had day niglit t e lep put new lif e in the doctora summoned from Halifax, but stili. division there.- continued te gel worse. About tht.. ci If the weathcr is favorable raising years ago ho teck 10 his bed and liii case ixi l:urnips, will engage the attention of the developed it bon. and muscle rheuma- nu farmers this week. With the exception tisa of the worst type. It spread thirouih t< of a few fields they- are a ight crop in ail has bouies, up into bis neck and imb P ths ecio.b is arme causiug particai paralysie of that r limb, rendering iL utterly uselema ince bi, C Quite a number from the league here couic lot lift it above bis a & Al-thb» are intendiihLy te go to the epworth strength left hie imuscles, aud ho ws un- m league convention which is te be held abi, te turn iu bcd -without aid . 'Ho w in Sunderland on the ist of Nov. wus-able te stand upon his fot , but coudc On acc ount of the quarterlv meeting not walk. Stii the doct.rs. waled uponil being held in Sunderland there will be hifli and etiîl h. took their medicinos bt'el no service here ou Sunday. with ne beneficii W ul..Drgti i à time Mr. Corkumn paid out severs hiÙ- L No one attend ing the services her e dred dollars in bad cash fer dOcters bis c f(rom week te week cari.(ail te appreci- and medician all of which did hlm net b, aie the excellent singing of the choir. one partice. of good. . After livigînbed Considering the length of ime some of for Ïfteen months hi. casewu. proueufl c- thrn have been in the choir, they' sing ed hopeless and h. was given,up bf ail. breinarkabiy weli. Wu behieve they, for About this time ho heard of l:. W liama <0 their numbers. are second te ne country Pink Plla, sund îas. lust rWurco ho r.- choir in the couuty. We sometimes soived te give lhem' a - rW~. The finIt think the services of a good choir are four boxes preduoed ne noticahe effeot, not valued as they should be. To get b>ut at the fifth ho began ,'te notice a up a difficuit antliem besides other change. Feocliug enu oouragtd ho kept, on b singing -every week moans hours of and frein hat lime hoe Tapidjly improved b practice while others are comfortabiy and af ter usîng Pink Pilla fer a peried of snoozing in .bed. smre tweive weeke ho wua restored te b JOHN C. BOTT. perfect heali. Such vus the wonderf ul stery teid a represeetative of th. West-ý VICTOE.Ié. ORUES. eonuChronicle by Mr. orkum la new 89 a Some of the farmers are about years of mgo sud perfecely healtby sand t through with their (als werk. foots yeungor sud botter Chan ho ha. for A number of the farmers attended YearUsud attributs bie recovery to;ely te the sale of joseph Henderson on the tb. use ef Dr. Williams' Pilla, and hoe à 25th. Fair prices was paid for every- williig te prov e brînth oftes. nIaI. thing. monta te auj eue who may cail uponý Cottage prayer meeting will be held hlm. on Wdnesay a Mr.Doti'sDr. Wiliamie P~ink Filla are soid. Only on Wdnesay a Mr.Doueil boxes bea.riug the firm'a trade mark The huniers are ready for the seasOn and wrapper, (printed iu red ih).' Bear to open. They inîend going to Head lu mind that Dr. Williams' Pink Pille are lake. nover sold' in bulk or by tbe 4ozcn or We are glad to lcarn that Mr. Mc- bundred, and any dealor whe offora* sub- Geoch is rccovening [rom a severe at atitutes iu Ibis ferm la tiyiùg te dofraud îack of rheumnatics. yen sud shoutd b. avoided. Tho public are aise cautionodginat al "otber 80 Johin Marquis attended the plougli- clld od ulsdnrvtee, irig uiairh hetd at Woodvilie on the aldbo uidran-ev wes, witi frs prze erput np in similar ferm int..nded te de- 24tii, aud returned wt is rz o celvo. Thoy are ail imitations whoe .sweepstakes, amounting te $23. He makera hope te r.ap s pecuuiary-,advAn-ý 'inends taking in the match te be held &age from Ibhe wonderfuL r»,pttoi at Saintfield on November 5th. He is achieved by Dr. William, Pin. Ia-ý1, a hard man te get ever. Ask yoer doaier fS r;n Walter Tradkett bas returned from Thea. Pllaare .ms.naact4lt. by ste a trip to Eugland.' Dr Wi-lama.-Madim.o Eompany 1QBro- -owujvu.Muville, Onýtarie , è*dschut.oly, 1.. wlhen theq ordiiÂycoigh syr=ps, aaiidLspe1flca entirely ail. 5lhe -cough tht 1xgers af ter the ri and Pneu- Iloniawill be s6ftexledaud curedbyU..thle basiknl aI i»odunedicî-nevam yScott,, xutasinofCdlve Oi1 aud Hýky-pophosphâit-es of ,Lime and Soda. Refuse subsUïtutes. They are neyer as good. Scott & wnveo ýBellýVilee Ail Drýuglstis. SOc.and $10 LowEST rnlm - 111 v. WF,! Jromse . im <w Almost passes Bel lel Xr. Jas.. E. Nioholson.,Iow.noevine, . ..Btrugle tor $*viLon rg Years with CANCER ON THE LiP, AN~D 10 OUR=ED3«Y blr.NIcýholsoin says: ' I c.onsuted doo- Corne early end gt au, oo~. P., B. WARAM, H. SCO TT? (Successor fto H. 27tOrPson.) The Subcriber bas again opeUO4 buipéè5a bere. 'Hie office will b. at E.-.. 3 lowB telegraph office, factory at Mre, Nèwbéiy'l- bOci OR i,»rock. Street, mouh.Nwfup manufaciurel and old Pumpi -rcpaire4.ý Fifst c1ussmaterial1 usedaàd'wor4 warrant- e&. WUg dqg or cleiud outïlOt4e1ý. H SCBOTT,ïi Feb. 14, *.95- Whitby and obbawa. Ga pi ald 4up, 15OiO~ PRICÉ87e, 1 r reps>', oîaoetI!u lIeasant feature rhil*e 4uost Kidr onsiptin~Ch [n *nearly ail r xsts constipati àeasily over- co Liver ]Pulls; in f zur fer constipi <y Edward Gort , the BradfOn and thou.sandso'l 5S C~ents a box. Dneartit. Sold son, Bates& Co. Derve, mentalan ecauso it par,ie blood. Plie Princes c bave retutocdIt ,. Chrenlo et E,îver aud Blomd active ptitiplê cd bhe ôonipbiot 'h... PliL t op gmps, strnuiatlig spd rcln4wing 115 las tbis les the gr Psinseles Vee A Younk-. IIî uet b. nogeem tbing more ltas -the iseoer it in std sjure te cure burpod to dealli, The uup-edet triaL hi

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