Whitby Chronicle, 1 Nov 1895, p. 1

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/ VOL. 'XXXIX. WHJTBY, ONTARLO, FR IDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 18954 ~~Tko hyiris The people will be surprised wheri they1 find out we are selling Sticky Fly Paper at Two double sheets for 5 cents. j1 Fresh dalmation lnRect Powder Sc an oz. or 4 oz. for 15 cents. Shoe Fly Poison Paiiïr for .............. Sc. Wilsons Poison Pads for. .o ............ loc. Just arrived a fine assortment of Hanging Lamps, HIii Lamps, Bouquet Lamps, Vase L-amps and Stand Lamps. The prices wili surprise you. *AW- Cali and See. 9:iÈW . R. HOWSE'S STAND. THIE CORNER DRUG STORE, MUCH HEA T, A t Littie 008 t, Is what yon will get by burning our Well Screened, Oarefully Delivered, Bright and Hard, Free of Blate, No Cinkere. are points we dlaim for our Coai. _ir,-GIiVE US A TRIAL.,, J. He DOWNEY & CO@ OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. C ho/ce farm to lot. The underslgn wisbes to rent for a tertn of years, lot 4, con. 2, Pickering, containing 200 acres. The farm la one of the best in the township, weIl watered, fenced and dralned, good and convenlent buildings; beautifully located on Kingston road, winding between Whitby town and the village of Pickering, For particulars apply on the premises or to A. A. POST, Whitby. Sept. 26th, '95.-43-31nl. DOlIT FoRD!l H ayward --has got in his- FAL and WINTER GOOOSI piles ai t' em. Beatiful ta look at. Lovely te handie. Desirable <o have. Easy ta alitais. Becauso wonderfuity ciscap. Yoar inspection invited. B&rgaim rn Drns Goods Wide vale Serges, alilvool, 44 havis, 45 Ct.., regalar 65 cas. Esîsmere Seres, al V00t, 44 Iuh, 371 cts.,' regart 30ct5. up. IHcnrietta erge, a&t vool, 40 4eci, su cents, TffeglBr 30 cts. uP. 25 eHarettBSo M , Biak Brocode Dram. God, 44 lmcis, i*, Coran Clous, ail Mi, ' luth,6ocl, rog ôC Maelien Serges 44 P., ms, reg 30pC. I M I LOCAL NEWS LETTERS. CEOoNIcLB OMMSPONISNCE. IMANORESTECR Miss Frankie Spance, teacher Peterbaro coliegiate instituts, sud Miss Nellie Spence, af Parkdale colieglate lustitute, speut Satur- day sud Sundàqy wlth their parents bers. On account of the amail atteudaucs at tlis S. of T. lodge on Saturday eveuiug the de- bats wae nat taken, but was postponed anc week. It le boped s larger number may be presect <bis week. Mr. R. W. Ewers spent Sunday et bIs home here. He telle <bat whiie lu North Victoria aset week, he erjayed a sleigli ride. <bers being about îS luches af enow. Ws have been gettlng aur saa t<is week. Swansp fit-es bave of late beau waglng uortb of <is place. Mr. Thos. Bsrrett la grestly improvlng the appearance ai bis fat-m by cieanlug up the abrulbe sud burulng <hem off. The cartil is so dry <bat fit-e wiil hoid lu it for a long time, sud iu <is way 1< is dan- gerous ta set out fires. Mr. Thos. Grahams bad ta break the Sabbstis last week in arder ta subdue tbe fiend sud nave bis feuces. Horses are marketing Bt fait- prîces Bt the Srasent. Mauy af <hem st-s ou <ha move as uysrs arc coutlnualiy among us. Mér. Sim Barrett, Myrtie la makiug up a car-iaad for England, aud hIs already collected a nuni- ber ai good one. Out- (armet-s would do well ta fit up sanie of their beary bat-ses for the markret, as botter sud large sales may be made in <ha seat- future. The average welgist wsnted 15 1400 sud upwsrd. Iu con- versing with s friend tbe ather day lie tcIls us <bat le ie îseif intendu rnaking up a few loada soan for England. We hope the fat-m- et-s msy benefit by selllng ta sanie ai <bese gentlemen. On Frlday evening asat <bers u-*as a large samber piesent at <be revival services. The Rev. Mr. Wllmott assisted by tise Rcv. Mr. Lelcis, oi Greesbank, couducted <lie meet- ing. They did sot fa it u ir work, for mucli gacd aeed wa saows. We at-e mucb please ta note tlie grand eteps wbich a snsm- ae o ur young ladies sud gestlemen ara taklng. Mr. Wllmott bas workd dillgently for faut- wecks and et Isat bis efforts are lie- ing crawsed wlth succe-s. As tise revival services wilil proliably close <has week, aud Su nday cvenisg set-vice wlll lu tbe future lie discontinued, what le ta bluder tise organîza- ion ai a Young Peeple's Society ai Christisn Es.deavor ? Ifi aur respected p aster can make arrangements for preacb ng iset-slu tise eveninga <bat would lie suffieieut, but if na-t we hope smre kiud ai service may ha beld, Sunday. Thse services bere were taketi by Mr. Wm. Bond lun<the mornlng and by Mr. O Hezzlewood, af Oshawa, In the çvening. The rais et night prsvented mauy fram attendluig who wouid have been glad ta have had the opportunlty af bearing Mr. H-ezzle- wood. 1cid On Wednesdsy evening a speclalci- rents service was beld lun<lhe %chool rooliloa the Preabyterlan church. The W55 a good «tendance afieblîdren, parente and teach- ers. The chldren's day service, ptepartd by the gencrai assembly'e Si'bbRth school commîttes was used. Short addresses were given by Rer. J. B. McLaren aud Mr-. John M. Burns. The programme as csarried out was bath interesting and instructive. Lest Suuday afternoou, while returntiflg irorn church, a lady tripped on a bansc platik lun <bat mîserable *piece af sldewalk <bat 1 drew attention ta îwo weeks ago, aud Ssii beadiong ista the road. Fortunately ahe re- ceived no set-loue injury but her dress was almost ruined. A elmilar accident occut-red about twa weeks a go at almost the same spot. We canuea ford ta leave out- wslks lu <is condition. Evetybody should be interested lu thse blrthday party ta be held in the masonic hall thi,% (Fr1 day) eveuiug under the auspices of thse E. L. af C. E. Tt is a decided novelty sud wiii no doubt attract a large company. Rsfreshments will be served sud a fit-st clame programme bas been arranged for, lu wbich local talent wlll lie assisted by friende irons -Oshawa sud Whitby. The members ai the league are working bard la maire thie enter. tainnient s a succesesud we hope <bey will lis rcwarded as <bey deserve. Tllere are etili corne apples hanging ou thse treea, but itaenms hardly passible tbat tlhe bard frosta have ual ruined <hem. Sanie ai thie buyers are reiusiug <base <bat were out lu thse fit-st frost of tes dsys ago. T< seeme <too bad <bat a fat-mer wba contracta witb a bayer ta, taire bis fruit sbould have ta stand the loas by f rost resultlng irom the late arrivai af tise picirers.There le aarely smre hatter Way af mannging <bis appie business <bat wauld ha mors satieiactot-y ta bath bay- er sud seller. Last - Salilath afiernoon Rev. J. B. Mc,- Lares comnienccd wbat promises <o lie a very interestiug erles af sermons on the " Holy Spirit." Tisera s a large congre- gatlon prement, al af whomn fully appreciatcd tise carefully pt-epared discout-se. This ad- dress was largely intj-oductary, but was nase thse lesa interestlng. Tise peraosality sud dlvlulty of tbe spirit were discaased snd the- speaker clearly ahowed <bat tise .Trinlty- pesesses bath tbese attributea. Tise sali Ject for sext Sunday's et-mon wll i drectly foliow <bat already treated. Thse cheest factot-y closed fart-htiseasses. after six months' fflr&~ttion nSaturday1 Erea ything seensed <o go rigit th laver the t les. £The 5e5QILltR5 UUL UeU as s5Uer Prisce Albert division S. aof T., lunise glvlng Itrya wuexpevted, frotna finauclal star af <heit- draina, "Tise Social Giasi." bers P>î«owilog o tise deprse odto last Frîday eveuing. Tis e aher was al -tie Ac,,uirket ;but.a» wiso arei4.te <bat couldble deslred, asu<Wsrge numbers cf ëdlu hItefactory bave becs tioroaglfrut people ftem <is vlisiity sud sufreundiug le It ie nov proprietor. Mr, J.-S. V, country, took advantageofthier good chance, %ud tu ~a Iiît ftsycas sud sttended tise meeting. Front 7 e'Clcto f Il t<leoat. W ou tisee ocs. vas dewit PO large ioads (rom Port Perry, Prince Albsert, fut loy prit..,areteayn. Ã"*of twu"ý i Greeubink, , Myrtle sud, otiser pias fut f<h-sre '4414of<10 continaally boxirig l b-.oc4kê'W bOb(,W bfhttl tcwu hall vas packcd ,ta tihe deans. Àà iISUtoeas Ld thé,t t iseaiylb. Wth ssariy everybedy waspresent, 1< leneediese »lkhag f ailSnerned. for us ta, endeavar ta give our readers a de- W.A.Il acriptios ai tise play. We noted a short I ~ ~ synopsis afit1 lest wecis, sud ail vas carrled out <o the ticket. Ail onjoyed theinscîves 'GUY&i CO., grain buyema immensely. Total proveedsamaueated te EPoueuDuit t$ic*s-l uearly $32. IIa husaeviry mouth. P. C GRAAM. BUAZ L "loB. Is 01 f Kss'age 1idu ManheaerBuRIEMoaDtrootory. ames=«oppwoe TSe Sa%- Bi<dokliis iza. B. B. Pâsas, Msuehesterï repia - oax-H.m's'owem navates or re-auhions a&l orte cf u , o-orsi s , çiusiýo derlng them iu mont case as Eganad ioft lv~ ie ebredo*nnOm o faihionable as vies nev. Orders aalloited. priaYor csaab. (èth.,s t ho chespu Nov lu tube <Ine to look oser your tutu for Pt. 8!a;use. tubair safety, aud ta bave emn renevated.. - Tnz UNITED STATUa 1.17E IamumsosCa. iw A KcVauy 1 . ti.!ratuae cf 'the isues thbe t-sat libi ral poioy in tube mart-h. i<raVtrsayCleeTrne oo P C Gaut&lè4 .agent foi the oouutles af Ou- meusher of <îh. ý-OuS*< Kdo Sa tarie sud Victoria. Licol agents wanted lu Trests -ail 4.iueei of tboetdontotlc every town sud bametu. Te snob agentsa vi sunis ptoved sssetulsod. ps frda&-eo t ar yentractt. uddettsr.. ay sasoou pa artied rs easaton;otrat m. Wr"e fo p tiu AtetioiglsOua pru4l etteuded ta. Office snd resIdoe rooli BROOKIN. Ontario.- Mr. Henry Llddie je kept vsry liusy lu hie eider miii <base days, aud <bey do' t let hlm t-est 8< ulgisa ometintes.I The townsship coancil wiii meet lu regular sesion seat -Mouday. 1< le expected <bey t wili bave te deal witis a number of dlaims for sbeep watt-led by dogs.1 Mr. F. Scottt sud fsntiiy have ntoved iuto <beir IS ernoe, sudbiMr. Jonathsan Bray, of Raglan,. viii Uow take up bis resideare i the bouse juat vacated by Mri. Scot. - I Next Salibatis <bore villi ha sacramentail -service lu bath tise baptist sud instiodiat chut-chas, te lbe eouducted by tisepostons, Ras. C. E. Seott sud Ras. T. W. Leggftt respecti*ely. Savrlai cf tho Btooiln-mewbors cfe No. 6 eossp<y dlstlngulused themmsives . t tise battalion rifle ma"ch eld at Whiltby last Fldy. Wm McKBries won. $5sud James ,Res, J. .. cLoan vlllpreacli the Rqye, md- est- 18j. tisa 1,000EA Direct (rix Jopan', . !fpCiallY len- portcd fur ouîseliiC8, has juat ar- lved. Price,' 25 tentB per lb. or 4,36Ibo. for PO7 r.oo CASZ-IM It 1* the finest n lu the.*Iand W. -baïve ÃŽ16 àdelidèüus -nack Tea *ai saine iirke, Thre pedfaiblends of Ce$lon Teaa% "BEN- Ha n, "MAAý WATTS&, -a "d " itADA"!,alwys un bau.- D<~'tbe dcceived by- ped, -- Sli . w iU gtvç bc*ter Teas and dloser pr1cm t an anyéfteW ï tTyus g-b » - sarutet PORT PEUT'R. Mr. Bert IZutchison spe tS*na tBw W.M. jones is nioving into hie new home on Mary et. It le rumored we are to have another bar- ber in town. A -ecIssors grin der lias been doiug the town the pat week ReV. Mr. Carneron, of Uxbridge, occfipied thebaptit churcli pulpit last Sunday. WMi. Quackenbush of Lindsay was lu tows onmSunday vlsiting hie family. I. W. Isaacs and . friend froni Parkdale, had good sucCSss duck shootlng last week. Jbbneon Goudy le laid aiside wlth a badly sprained ankie and lias to use a cane to get around. ?'he evaporating works were closeWtor a few days on account of thue scareflY of apples. I àin pleased to hear Magter Frank jam- leson and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith are con valescent. Heapy Dick Lucas le building cutters for hector ,cDougall at Sonys. Haw 1 haw 1 1 .Miss Alma Whitney bas returned from a visit to frieude in Whitby, Toronto sud other tawne. Constable Powell likes ta keep order ini a court room - liseoff!1liste oif, please !HI say, hats oý I i Mr. James Armstrong, who bas bees en- jaying hie holldayesud visiting h is country cousins, returned last Monday. R. J. Williamon, piano agent ha moved froin the avenue to the WortbLnigton resi- dence on Cochirane et. Mr.. Sidney.MeMechan la doing. a thriv- ing tftde taikîng arders for a handy spoon. Sce it aud order one., Thre G T. R. agent eays they shlpped, more appiIes last week from thie station thban was ever knowu before. A large nutuber front town attended the S. 0. T. drama nt Mauchester iest lFriday. sud &Il reported a pleasant tinte. Mt Arthur Hardy denles the tatentent lu the Mancliester uews He saym. he wauts two'cbaws of tobacco instead of one for dig- glng tUe drains. TOber Bros. liad a successful barn raseing on the ix9th mest. They have also bulit a large sil. Messrs. Poote aud Grilffu are the Ontractors. 0«, new. merchant taller, Mr. Geo. YfW%, was fortunate in eecurlug ôrders for fifteénsuite (rom Guy k3os. company This speaka weU for Mr. Wallis. 'w, aeXely has been confiued ta bis smre trne- past. Ou - Sstarday a t fr<>m .Torouto was called lu sud d hie9 îlues ta lie cancer, sud <bat on earth wes short. V. oncs & Ca.ý have' secured, the sest- Dir. $-_Balfour sud are tiaw runiin fea yiuWg the hlghest price lu cash for rig tit onw cs the r e ny mrezudelua frproduce of ail kln4si and 1h every lu- directio xeitewpg giI Ls stance the farmers or their wives have the churcli of to-day" is, goad enugl"1art4 àdtor- option of cash or trade as suite thein best. Iot the Standard-wirose'ideas crl4cutýly èhange 1 know for a positive fact that thie firm's to suit bis pur-oie, and wbosê -longuage ls 0 trade since the mnarket wss giveu- up has choice (?) in condemgzation of <hase who do not- been considerably in advance of former please him-is tbat any tresson bat. Itl a 1obd seasons. By comparison it will be found enougli for those wbo atm at a hig ber at4snld tbat the prie a i n ort Perry f'or pro. and wbo do belleve tbat tbers oas bCrnoies5made duce la as hljh snd ilu mauy instances hîgli- In the right direction even by a churclih whicb ils er thgn pald in enrroundicg towna. As au! ail riglit and gaad at one dtne, -but epea, evidence 0f <hie Jones & Co. have had but- 1mrores in the rîght direction, at anmother, I ldo ter dellvered of recent date <bat lias for. sot know Mr. Not:'s idéal churcb. Fauit findera merly gone ta Lindsay, Whitby Sunder- sbould have a higli standard àf excellenc*e nS land, Bowmianville, Uxbridge sud Oshiawa. if îbey find it extrentely difficul-when opoe They have handled in the past season a far by thé cburch of *to-day "-ta, tollow. -"em, larger qusntity of butter and eggs than at ie au aid saying 1"If vou-bave no ceabusenm any former season. Wliat was practically opponent," sud I thlnk the editor of etire Stand- an impýossi bility on tlie market lias been ard bas not shows bîmseif capable of- dWectIugý carriedf out by joues & Co. on a proper sys- thougbî into better ciraunels by attempting Jo tein; that le, buttei le bouglit according ta vlilifv Mr, Nott'e charafîor by abusive sudvlgt qualîty, sud a farnier's wife wlio makeg a language. 1 do uat thîsk tirat aven.tii*t gilt-Pged article in butter gets thse higbest cotuld beat hlm as its eppouent. V pie s. This firusys under no circunt- Standard a letter, sud aima <be stances would they go back again ta the aid the abject of getting editors snd their - systei <at was ln Vague for yem aS at, as dents ta discuts principles instead oi Peojple,1 bat it lias% been a curse ta every merchaut ,lu bath were declined publication, the latterwt1. town, aud they believe thse experieuce of asd <the former without tbankf.fl WMt *iO1 every merchant wouldl verify this atate-, to-day la ibat cburch whose living princi le Mdt ment The Standard had better came In 'law la"- thou shalt lave thy us ghbÃ"r goy 1f contact wlth aur merchauts sud tradesmen and whiclý finds fulfilment of thelaw of à slt a~ aud fiud ont liow much <bey wauld desire ta 'lieartng oz ntb~sb S.s" ilu ,ud return tg the<lead plan of a markiet. Messrs. meaisure au any churcis (mod4nraorsuaent> fiu A. Rose& Souswould rather we had a' <shl short of so-da;ng ta stub. 'Wsu etnt fais <o market sud psy cash for. what tlie reqaîre, bring alunera of Chrlat <hau n thbeysteni lately prevailg r od<c,0f .a. b W. Rase thinks it wouid brlng a firent-clIasen article of butter ta market, sud custamnere lI r Ferry' Ewsuws Dwe59 the sud wouid be far better satiefied. HeG . bbenu-<pcmose ea tisinks be bas tlie right when be bas au iis-S o. order for butter front abroad ta be able ta go on the nmarket sud'buy for cash what he MrLruL-zeTuaaoeSeir as reed ar,~e requires, He aiea believes the systent of new 1611 stack af m1itoot7, ud le pared t« due bille là wron y lu bavlng farmere nidieltu= outfizst-olas -diMucryInutho e aai their due bille a u ver tawn, as tise tanner styl ept.d o pth. StaPig - në sliaald <rade out lits owu due bills.. Mr. Rois was very ntplatic la aaying the mat- WY z.a " isu he uiftme throgood secon ket lu thse past lias lies a howling farce." an prebsSera itis ovons, WhioIb haWU Messrs T. C. Formas & Sou thitsk we ouglit mcli qh etfo cash. ala4 s St teu ta have a markiet If conducted loplày ;apr fobr gls cash basis, bitt fot such a market as ws lad sente tinte ago. Meuers Fermas appose thse -principle of bayera going on tise Srkstand W@ PA RRISH, paying two or three ceuts m*re pet pousd for butter or pet dozes foregga-lu trade. This ie wlat ruinea sge n rket lu t14 - e) RD ARE'ý tawu. They say they a=rývwiliing te have a market and psy cesh for what, the reqahe_- if al ather btsyersWill c6nslstcn<tl,.-4ethse saie. But, if tlie systent offtracèkand'trsde We hate a large toko0 perevalils they think It la better su ïâ'it Lu sat_ present wlien ail butter qud'other pr duce will be bought according ta -grade sud quai- ' AND SHELLS, - ity. Mr.Z .H.Pua-dy agreed with evsry- thiug said. by Meuers. Potmer, 1Mr> W.ý Brock dos not. care wbether we bUseai<M fact everythîng rg<dste w> mar-ket or set. aul ud eas well satisfied uew, ucces,#fWd 8hosot ai the: Ioïoe as wlien we had a msssket., 1 (cutul Mr. i Brock very nton-comlttali. .,Mx. w.Wii- MaretPrices 1lard believei la ' , a vs*h %iaS,1 sudthatSearsako oz ssa&z~ fe ahaccprdngtu, sity and bsssd< bfre mkn ~u UCn -I. ...h.bef haïes, t~ People setsua Principes.' your aubçribers ~t sigaa Port, Pert-vStààdamd.. - rAÉ B'eat :America& au Port et cn~»of ýcassing qaiitelbat Mécaws ii55y c buha.baàppy fs% the pubicî - ne one vasmore position NO* .4-- k 1; g. r-

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