Whitby Chronicle, 25 Oct 1895, p. 5

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A%. CREBTS, INSCRIPTIONS, Sx B4RIARIDv, JEWELER & ENGRAVER, ,WIITBYZ. Offiia County Orga.-Largft Circulai. tieo f BUy 10081 pape la Canada FRIDAY, LCT. 25, 1895 LOCAL LÂOONIOS. Conner for aIl kinds of jewe!lery. Hardwood dining tables, 4 leaves, only $5, at W. Til's. The rifle matches ai the range here corne off to day,, Friday. -J. J. Baldwin'a 4-Ply bec hive fingering, at $1.3,5 lb., at W, G. Walter's The Inciement weather lately bas donc ne damage te the roads. They are sil in cap- ital order. Dr. Wlghtmuan, dentist, has decided te keep bis room open for business on Satur- day nights in future. We give it as our legai opinion that tati woather bas set ini. The leaves are coming down ai any rate. Dr. Henry Brlght's English Liver and Ktdney Pilla, are now belng introduced in Canada. Can be had -of ail dealers ia mcdi- cine. wear la al11 islat W. G. Waltrn-s. Get vour ire-pots, gstes, tron ;or bçk Uininge >for ail kinds of stoves, ranae or furnaces, fkomi ,?Mchfityre. Rev'da Fathers Jegcott and Mc1ntee drove over freonOshawa on Tuesday. The latter ta new pariah priet of St. Josepb's church, Toronto. Mr. and Mra. Theodore A. McGilivray returned on Tuesday mornlng from a three month'a vîsit to Europe. During their trip abroad they visited ail the piaces of note inu the British IlIes and hpent a we. k In France They arrlvedi home in caplt;e 'lth, \Ir Mcilvahaving gaineul fi!' ) VuWi.;; wegtdurQn the t rip. Pitteen niontha for $x mS The CrmL.a:, .Wýctkit Globe firom now to jan. 1-4t, 1ZS97, lut $1.25. Tell your friends aitout t. Waiata. I arn now maklng up ladies' waists in latest styles, fine material, well lined, nlcely made, from sÏ.5o up. See them and encour- age home Industrie. E. R. B. Hayward. Grain, Seeda and Fat Stock. Messrs. T. G. Coiwiil & Son have opened out business bere as buycrs of ail kinda of grain. sceds, fat stock and meats. Their office la opposite Woodruff's hotel. Bankrupt Stock Sale. Messrs. Hegg Bros., of Oakwood, the Purchasèe of %,-. H. Warren'. stock of goods, have decided to open out here and slaughter Il until the whole outfit has been run off. [t ls a clean stock of ail new gooda. Bar gain day prices will b. the cule ovet y day in the week. See large adv. tbis week. Lecture and Sacred Concert. On the evening of Nov. Gîh, Rev. Father Rysn, rector of St. Michaela cathedral, To ronto, wlll lecture Ini St. John's R. C. church hitre. Father Ryan is one of the most popu- lar speakers in Toronto, and those who heair hlm miay expect a rare treat. Musical ves- pers will be sung also. The. proceeds will be in aid of the new organ whîch was lately put in the churcli. A cbild mndexplouive. joseph Taylor, clerk and treasurer of Bande i's barn, pald -bis brother Dan a visit ini Locktown, north waid, on Sunday asat, bis object belng to securo a tewsabolis te load for thie shootlngmatch at thei.* ionon Mondav. Whilat rumaging bis boxes he came upen a few charges ef dynamite which he laid c-n a chair, and proceeded with bis aearch. Dan's lîttie boy ot threc years old at once took charge ofet ii ynamite.and g t a hammer, with which he started pounÏng one charge. Pretty aoon It ex ploded, blow- ing off smre of the poor littie chap's fingures and tearlng hi. face badly. W.., or Peso. [t'sanmlthe ane. ti v1 7c- sIawer i ti. e dc yti o Sc-O a 'irighttï.gtïjillsh Li'vs and KidneY Plits. ~rOwt4aW~ ~d grey frieze lulmtett. itorncOiarOni~D.O, t W. G. Walter a. 6 plece éolid walnut parlor suite, Plush with silk plush bands, for $32, wOrth 9$5, al W. Villa. It i5 unneessàry to say to people who live Lii Canada or the United States5 that thit weather during the past week or so bas beet' rather woollv. There wi.! a litulted attendance shoOterp at the j. , i oit Monday obae ay for rku - n ,.eese. Theweather wabitter -11 i,,i île marksmiefl held backr for M4 t a the same place on1 NOV. -t>i) nU 21bt. Elegant Stove for Sale Gurney Art Countess, Iargest sjze, double heater, as good as newv, for sale at a very low price. J. S. BARNA RD, Whitby. Qulck workt. Mr. J. Mclntyt e came tby' requeat to this office on Friday, put up mur stove made hih charge of fifty cents, and went awaV leavung ail happy inslde of five minuets' urne. "A Very Pretty Little Mlaidel," "MY Own Sweet.Heart," '"The Childreti on the Street. " AUl orders for iuic P!otnptly filled, at Mrs. Allin'a book and mUusic store. Crowded Out A rush of advertisitig -iatterlia.s compl led us to leave out aboot twvo columii of In- teresting locals and correspondence. It is but seldorn that we do tiot have a fuit lune ef readiing. Look out for the great sale. tri dol to rec Pol sb 1< Gi Ti Mr. A. W. Till, Toronto, wa5 bore on The war In Cerea la new over -and the Sunday te visit bis parents. A friend, Mr. Maniltoba struggle la on, as weil as the of W. G. Mitchell, accompanied him. Mr. and British cloctions. Murderng Iostli in vogue tî Mrs. Wm. Tillihave beconie settied in their and on the increase. The mian whe thînko yv old home again. ho knows a solution of tth. Manitoba school do Mr.R. . Lrud, nartustow, sld isquestion doesn't know bow much lie doesn't farm by auctuon on Tuesday at the Royal kquestio orpoitil b e ritih l a vexe W hotel. Mr. jno. Tweedie was the buy-erat aq uetngeoetcns. vthve and iseoa $oprarthe only other stiff bidder teing areustg Cnevtvsu oara $6 pr cr.tism as carnied on to-day meana real reotin. i M r. Robt. Pardon. We can stop mucderlng te soute extent If we p Sous as p ail every biood-stained monster te the MontM Liberty Bell rnarch ioc., Manhattan Beach instead etfnaking thern reciplents cf aym- muarch ioc., at Mrs. Allins, Whitby. book patby anid outraged justice Readers are and nuusic store. favored wlth thoso philosophical observations Boy Wa.nted purely with a view te reminding then tint e A good strong boy wanted to lean the E Hart stili sella the *New Williams sewing hardare usinss.Gross & Granger. machine, which teabead -of tbem ail. hrdwaret.bu,1iness.urierat Markhamu. WitbyandOvct. , Amnst others from Ontario county w>io Utene thetmetin ait overceants.u Fawn ulters, ail wooi, well lined, extra datnea te m eetngatleadrHonuSatur-0 mode, $7,50. QUiers got $xo and $12 for fday ter ar he>Ueraeaer, HonW . hppl:,- thern. Gray and brown $5, worth $7; $6.50fi ace pa wr r .W hpl wort $85o.Walingcoats $750, regular M P P, Uxbridge* Mr. Loonard ,Bunett, t wrch $8o. W.R B aiking Greenbank, thc LiIeral candidate fer uoutbt pric $î. E R.B. aywrd.Ontario Mr F Howard Aunes, president et Witr Wmterthe Whttby Young Lib. Club; Principati Saturday and Sunday the Qîerinometer Tamblyn, Mr John Davic'son, Mr F L Green., took a dip far down beiow where it usuêlly Mr John Phillips, Mr Levi Mackey, Mr S B goes su early in the seosen. The reat bas Lynd ~poidont Clareniont Liberals' club. injured ail outstandingý vegetation, including The a man et the -meeting, Mr. D. ýB. enormôtis quantities 01 apples thttt are ytt Nigiiswander, whe is presîdent ou the Mark-t unhoused. The finit 500w of the season fell ham Young Liberals, undor whosc auspices Sunday. the meeting wus held, ls a - eident of On- tarie county, ait Locust Hill. Hockey. AIl those who are interested ln this fascinai-. Ontario Counfy Teacher.' Institut.. ing game, and want Whitby's toexecell The annual mneeting otftthe Ontario County1 in this sport, ai'e earnestly requested te sas.- Teachers' Association wM lb. beld in thec enble in the parloir of the Woodrufbouse at Whltby icollogate Institute on Thursday and1 eight oucieck sharp on Wednesday ovening Friday, Oct. 31st and Nov. rat, Tii. regula- October 3oth, 1895, for the purpose of re- tiens etftthe Departmont inake lit absolutely organizulte hty oky Clu . c.5. necessary for evory teacher lu the o enty te Esw. seeWiryhceycu attend titis meeting, If fifty or more single Eastw secrear.tare ralway tickets are purchasod, teachers Wedding at R L Hnggrda. wîîî b. <ien return tickets at one thiyd sin- There was a very pi eity little weddln< ln gle tar; bt every teacber mua e i al ihe south ward on WOednesday aftemoon~, way certificae filed by the, Tickt Agett Oct. 23rd, at thc residence ef Mr. jR. L. the rtin oitSdbeol truotees and Huggard, on which occasion bis daughtor barsof <catdon aretaes'aéuest e4 Loule was united ln the holy bonds of mat- teapoitdelegatea te attend làrequete rlmonyth r ee Rayl f Xrd tien. Teachers wiii plese 1uotlfy trustees. A great many finonds were proeet, neit 011y E. R. Eddy, ý Presldout$, Claremont -A. G. from Whltby, but aIse trom Uzbridgo, ASh- HendeT-muî, jSertaryt Whltby. Pregrauli- burn and Darllqgton. Thebridenover lok-me--.Thuud9a>' OCt, 31st, t'.30 te pn.- cd better than she did lu ber weddlng dr«sAuditers'eport and Report of Conamitte. of white cashmere, rttl rlFedwt Vriavrtuz 2 t03,puL-Readhlg, whito.silk, and tho nsaa i widding Veil and W. W. Twâbîî,ïM.A., WfftbY '. tO 4!.m wreatb. Site was accompanied by tWiO -1llstory-I'ubllk Scho)ol Leavlug and Eu- brldesmulida dresscdln white dOtted' UntiSlus ce, Ur. K.ly,MIdanila- 8p.u."Teml- white the groom wau ably mUPPOrted by two mon on thc WQUISU Question", Wm._'iious- gre rirneii. Rev. Thos. Mnnin#éd the. ton MÀ., Toronto. Fri4ay, Nov. rat-eto knot dexterously aud sel.>.Wiiii ti.ro a.u-LItftf,1,Urd,..~T ceremony was over and -the *woe '0=y 9utgpcry; 10oteu 1.,30a. .-MKr. Houston ; x.30 couple hsd r"ccieCâ the. vaf w coUgftuIý t> ULUgj.-EieëUoofOficemrs to - tions et al prffeut, a mQve Waa niade for the e --pi. ramr..4(ood@4 . C. Suthe B., breakfast roon,Whe lsa' iretyu 4Osia; . e. H-r.MusIen..Mr mosi suniptuous ,,eddlgio5kf= thadbe m oumwill$ n um alowe t , tdi- spread. Tii. young people left by tiielghit am glthe'1= uCt -t-ur.1tuntence-lu o'clock train for ithe west, felOioed byIW 0latont O psii -red t hesiec hilarieus shouts o! 900d will Of yffl Ddof lagltand *the tudy of luherature old. 1 he pnesnt$ te the bride vr lt numorous and haudeome. cwwm ~ Nigbt with Diekeui. -1K0U,, vecca Ail Saints' achool houaS vas -f8irlY ill.4~o aiçâ 01I~ Wednesday night te hear Rev.. M. SyMutd, vô 1'bI« Of ThUYMU of Aahburqhstatu, Ont., lcui.on .Char w 1;,0 "*e 0èi réi, Dickens. Tii. incumb*t, t, RoiJ-. ' R -«;,hrc, l .& lBreughulîl, the. chalcain Intoddt,,nth~j*e-AU;ëcit eal retrred -MrSymonds~e&acoe pié i frlend and clsamate. and lnrSIerenS tO tlaO suboct f lis lecture recêIled IMv ! t o*u-ue, staneeît lie <rose fn yvIil aisPS' cyuar tharacteré and of bis-.ffims- omtntwrl. u tO», e *r aplicatieut therefrern t]*1,wo esret, eS wrmr n a p" Wple.Th et 'ak u iton of utoe li. c 0f boots and shocs, rut)bers, overshoes, mnke and valices. over seveil thousand oliars .worth of the finest goods in Canada )be sold'at auctuon prices. Commenclng turday, Oct. 26, at Ml. W. Collins, new ed shoe store, east side, Whitby. >rt Whltby. The larmers are bus>' getting ini their root rOps. Wm. Daws has upened a barber shop in acon's barn.- Mr. Dan Cameon had the good luck to hoot four wild geese last week. Miss Mary Saunders of Toronto la vialting ýr parents at Whitby junction. Mr. Sbutham w111 conduct the services at he church here next Sunday. Mr. Scymuour Whitney of Port Perry visit- d his friends here on Sunday and Mouday. Mc. W. McAilan et Toronto is here this reek calling on old friends. Billy la look- I' ig Weil. Messrs Farewell, Dr. McGillivary and lrahani visited our achool on Monday. rhey were well pleased with the showing îade. The atone hookers are taking advantage )f every fine dsy new asit is drawing near ieend.of their season.' Tii.schooner Clara p. etuoli tobk shelter here for thcee or four - lavaewtt. for smooth water In order te >ad traIeyit Oahawa. Vfedneaday afternoou at- tic rosidence of our .steemned townsmen Mc. R. L. Mnggard bo- àg the. marriageof-hia daugbter Loùie te Mr. Peter RusaofetUkbridge. Rev. thos. Nitaning tied le .knot dexteroumly sud secure there being a bousefgl- of frlendly wltnesses. The iiappy couple-left for the. west by the S. o train in the eveniàg, sud were bambard- ed with slce and other cereals. South Wmrd Scbool VWsted. Trustees.Dr. McGillilvray pmd.Major Fare- well spent Ilonday atterneon at the soùti ward school, and w. agalu lad the pleasure, of t,>ii iunn uthe Inspecion. Tii. 'choo1 house tliere taa àcounfotabte ooking briçk, Cottage wli an extensIon, sud constasoe twc rooms. Followtng' the plan adopîed ,op a provieuis occasion we vaUked in attbk leist door we canïë to, sud found ourielvet» in miss Weodhonsos tiacadomy. Thii teacher bas had. mucit experionce, atd las ber mild fùlly takod ini indling about- fifty pupils,. whe art grded fions th. tablets te, theisenior second rrSealr. This in îlesê- coud sciiol building, thec cMnmttelas vis- ited In whic the- c taclees have had bard werk te fiud chairs eougit for, the. tIri of us.- It le evidçnttMatnet, wany viior are oxpcctéd te visttI c cos for tle î>iatd, bas -net peo'vided .cmnodatlen in that line. Miss Woodlctise hâd> splendid- order, sud ciamsalter clsm et bright leoklng chlld- ren waa.lincd.up 'fer Inspection,-8ýthe work cffrid bing velry.-good. The only read- g.w altiffie for was'a tablet cdais, which gave-evidence of efficient teacbinàg, which wasrentaikçd lvor9bly * gpon byr the trus- teqe. The wrltiug of'-;every 'schôlar bas carefullycrutlnited'4Ud pronouoçcd 'very -good .11. round. Miss - Wopdbodse bas a czy btlgbt moisi, i-ut deficlent -la *equiP. metand the comttetook notes otur. get eede o1tleâiàCC and'-wIll emfbod i l ail thuei e p 0telud eldt carre env clars 't gh làtimiePrînia muer third 2te a -tIers ar made- ~-~rt~ >t~ Il r I I I i t Lit. .1 The above Cut is the patterni of one of our Ladies'$lMantles which we cut and make. 1i8 omuplote wfth al Pthé lateatatIs u Cloth) Frezes 1~oigh ixiihed'Goode, -eto.,te mos, Pou/rieand Pfash Fi abei3hingsfor aet Mandepla dfs. Wihae te er¶' NWg8tPotrn w-i . cuWyu hoavther yo Ere of Chage, r mg ifort your i t foryVe r>LaeSt. We gOraute satisfaction ithis Department. tgree our When ,4 --11'Ii-and prieed ail the Mantlê SbO~ in town v i i'il find the one you wantright hr, Qjý /11e prices are always lower than e/sewluî You say thiat's putting it strong. Well, Our. a istock. isse td to baok up strongstemns ,-TertIt THE~ fRRSGOODS~ mre going out on the jump. Pices, colore, riglit Borts. "SIC£TMZla NEW THINOS IN MLLLINEBY, ËTO0. arrivinq dmily. Trfimned Sailors, the "lLillian Rtussel," only $1 encli, ini black, bine and cordial. 831 TRIE. very newti8~ bv--"-eWhen you want satisfaction in shopping, you get it mut 0. STE W~A~RT TABLE TALK! no use fishing s unlese the hait is right. No hope of a* . groù tAUCOoes.i unioes the Goo, ,1h. Prices, mnd 1h. methods Wtre1AiUng- re Prices, mnd Methods for the past eight yOars n Biuios in.Whiibyliam stemudil.y inorease cuir irmue. samuavmgoýéompl-etedalor'BiI> last mudîmnco in -priesé, 'w. féel that our positiott les uoli as te guaran net only fair mnd lowest values, but fréquent EAG IO1u$mm -DRESS GOODS*- 4Odin all wool Serge in black, brown, c"~dinýa, navy, only ý25e. a yard. »-nMetimun loh ini blaok, brown, 4,2,mnUlnionZIaideS mt 25e., 80e. anau Pri siysMetimun Olothu -nd serges 'Bi"; Boliele, Sergesý, F iguo4l W-é S5- àhowi*ng a complote, o iteloo1f Drýss Goode. K $5 te $120 Goal,sad vea A.ok t ee .our, Uenxieti1k Clolli ai-500e 'Wi- Go. A I ~ tIQ4e / Done in a laste/ul way, prompt/y, and al lowest prices, 6>' ~' 4/ J x Ulster Cle4h ai 25 't#ntS dI 0. (- f'adies, :F. it- AS ýts, ti a 1 Jb J6à6d&O

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