Whitby Chronicle, 25 Oct 1895, p. 2

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A. Lui>?.,' Resuit of a Neglected DISEASED LU WhlehDootoru F]?au" tel CURED BY T»I AYFjRç Se Icentraced a severe cold, wa eu un y luuuus, and I dld whiit is 11, suc h clues, ueglected It hinlki foi is ' IL cimne; but I foii _I'. %vle, that t e ssitghtem paillied mçi. I thon who found, on examtning my luri u tpe prt of the IefL one was bai f p ive nme smrnedeie whi ..vc.but it did flot seeni te d I i:ately. T happelnedti rea, A 'nanac, of theceftect that Ay 1'te ,Loral liad on otherm, and T de [U ve It a trial. A fier takfng a fe trouible was relleved, anid befori iîdthe bottle 1 was ed."'-, watelimaker, Orangeville, Ont~ Cthm1 wmdm &t WorIc .Ver'. Pile. C.w. Ind TI b ti ti Cold. NUS (INQ ctoral. 11ch settied ;often dole ln ,af ter sL exertion gcto" ' VIPt th lICI, toc' i de any g,041. ad ii In ers eterinl11 ew dost v re I h't$ fflý ALEFLAR, ectoral d,@ Fmr. wRfgcatfon. UKBRIDOM. E. Derusha muid-famihy have moved to Clarernont. Mi. sud Mns. Bennett were ln Rocheet- or lait Week. Miss Olive Williams bu been visiting lu Pont Perry. We are giad ce learu LhaL Mn. Walter Gould i. recovering froni hie receut attack of the fever. Mise Thompeon bias movod ber millin- ory establihment te ti.k building lately oocupied by Smith & Oldham. We understaud John Weldon or. bas bought the farrn latloy owned by John t Monrae near Zephyr. Mrs. T. F . Thomnpeon spent a fow daye wiLii Rev. Mr. Westney's fs.rity at Allan ducie. We are pleased Le hear that Mr, Westuey bas futly necovered is ealth. A. W. MeCarthy, cf Oilitia, former), or thie town, bas taken the Simoce Heu.t cf that place, and le reported as doiugi lourishing business. Uxbnidgo peopfi viitiug Orillia will hie sure teomtoà o hlm. Mr. Ed. Rysu, cf Toronto, beughti car load cf potatoos bboe thi8 week froir Mr. F. Kennedy of Uxbridgo township Tiie pries, was eometbing like 15o per bai Tihis shows how cheap tii. tubera are. A few days age Wm. Laeeh brouei suit against Josephi Gra.haUui for wageE A Torontoe ban compauy ha.d goibi Mr. Graham'& crope te eatisfy their clain sud notlîingz waa left for- Mr. Leeci Judgmont bad te b. given azainst Graba but the oomps.ny may do Lii. decent hiii and pay thie man hie wages. The cu was tried befone P. M. Campbell. Accident. While Miss Nellile Gray was dnivim the. mouver on hon father's farm nei Leaskdale, on Tuesday cf lumt weok, ti herses teck fnlgbt sud rau away. H, dreas caugit lu Lhe geaning sud se.w thirouvu ta the grcnnd, the machine Pi Bing over hber aud dragging ber amre di tance. Hor brother Altan stopped t tearn, but wblle doing so the teauu back the machine over ber &gpin. Aitheni badly crnshed abe la recovoriug slow] would in al probability have been added To bis beautiful eouch in the. west, Compl'ication cf 4iseaseS terrnuatitg-nheicesnbauctu, ha-h rgis la-te uasenene.-atbinu.Ant seddu~a wrmenlnsu hlodrop:y, diabetes4 or i3riugbtýs 'diseamsC.A t,,ubu h cLe aebecôe oalive k' plof ibere Plîls of t, teeÏneceflity of layingin large su pplies te unom conipamrt inae'sreliieves n curè 1b a vale lupréetvin heaLh vlch azi le rly. peu 3 se et mmd >vOB-oth A few years a man belougîug t h malvation arnmy boe who iL wamgaid bad one turne gene thnougb a threshiugt machine. lio booked like it. LutL Sun day John W. Klrnmenly foît&As if he had lied a similar oxpenieno. Ho vas on- agd iu a bush in the kindly attof ask- Î09 downu bcuntsfor others tc gather, bismmoduuoperadi bohsg -to stnd on one 11mb wlbolmain i ~th ide anad<16l * e.other andsb nteundr limb~i histfeot. Alese thi fet pp..!, desé or limb abore broke, W&d Wilmott de. scended rapldly, ten»fées t.brogb hei branches a -u.!teIytwenty ftest farter to ,~ ~ the bard asuuyiedhcnground. IL us a vôude hoewu not kU$d,b t »& *veua boue wu.asbrokeaà. Hwers, 11k th. mente o11 wjMlKigaidforvedt ho bdt tbt e uW$ MIa. McBrady, cf- -Auidley, la viaitiug fnieuda st this place.- Misa Green vlsiwîod wiLh ber rny friends lu Scarboro on u"edy. MmIss Lttie Laughi in lu lowhy necovor- iug frorn honrocent iliheus. Msa Jackson vas the guest of our bloackmith, fi. Pointerlhat week. is Palme, of Pickering, bhas been &pouding a. fw daysa with Mm. Garlandl. The. Measm Green, of Scarboro, vWmt- ýed wth their brother, John Green, on 'tiunsdaylait. biMr. Davidmon and vife attended thie ýWoodviU. taIn lait week, George, beîÎg chfsen fS-orO.of!thbe juges. Jat. Olaytoui, of Br**Wns Cornmrs, -hma bom v,âh lus for a week gatheri»g thiu- mmes eop et apples. Ob ime-àM lm.: A lare nober are' loohing *"ar to he bg âm c0uug, at Zioi, .Ibure1,4 Cedm G oes o te lii.lind Cane ta uehom erl etoh s heirbret Cwamte a msge it Aarandt er brat Wbom unertls naine trerbîngly-Deatb. He ealled nel, non asked beave ce enter, But ouward unerrigly se, To che rocun viere a plecbhd waa lyiug. Then paused by ch. ittîs oe's b.d. And thus ute ber did. he mur ;- "Uer httle one, lms hast thon ain, Thy suffelaug with te tude bearng ; Bu mliii ve I sil ctake yýu freinpain." And o'èr the pale featums-esh breathed. And bis band sofihy lad on, ber heat; She ieoeled-but no wordspoke lu amswer, Oh b 1 zlY= rdear oee ladead. The away fat away soared'b. augel, And toithe sA tmouruera .one; Theofle on the. cbildsfaee mc lihngered, S mweep 1 -yet oh 1_ pareuswho loved ber., If tg yon ch. POM ewer guven, Weuld vs ryi.refscea the ffl t hread Tiat =-,s holym"gel hau ri vu? AbAhino, Wcroemvc is but sorrowp, To th* Repor #.S bc& in smiubSien, VoeGoisWn tsevor athe besL. And eo'r tbe o aiïÎound itb çhureh yard ilu uearty'ail- nbeumatlc attackà there exists constIpatIon of the bouvets whidi is easihy ,over-conie b y ChaýSs' iney.- Liver PUs; iiiîn - ym=r ait efea cure f or constipation-. Ths sedos by Eduvard .yrt _rdi0Yand proietor of the Bradford,-Ol, Wedcy i't M88P and thousànas f others. One pilla dms. 25 cents a& box. T,,,èchÇa estMeicuie ou carth. ,,ýSold by alte[Y5. m son, Bàtèea& Co.,OToron 1 b la* bo sipe il#à sbug@ e ,Wbîg97m ,rohrwhlob were takeil froin thiba mMas' Eam, ofkB3 ~roDt eO whibo n êl h? r. *OI9IU4Bmpu6 1ti %I49Ig f orf.FathofRho matî Suferrs. Dr. . CiHuohu owh ni. amily ttwfrheim bi1, erac L i.cen soe tin nofe miv U.fnceou brg ba r e now ôcn oftiugte oli r oi O nrdyltJ . ntU ht- ean cau edR by the anailua cfdeo l., oaéd by poa m st lal., e ctut a ccidnto whichdnePol h. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I firebel, bt o Tbueda evflilA *n Uco hl hi.11f. 4p boe,Mr. ta ogr w2 nBoeacire n,. Es4h d nw hor to n - d i i~ a l Ve110Mesdmes6W andH.,H.10eoz. ater cohr ioidaeapamn u' ast, about 9atip.Dr.nC.Huttbburn tt forthamon White sirnigtai, êndngathrllodtrr d c re espodn oul fwek iOfied L n d lut ne is.flfl0 t M.on o overy bfsarblazew othu auna 1he bougeilaeL îeek lt hià noretien c ur *eiry g t ~u. Jq. L15 mavd ite rs. c m1et itn achie edety bcadlyH ['o ir w sungrui ro igre notwes . of ene'R reileocanâd Lii pos a st c or m s..r ginu e ibr otedr ieMr eol arrived u L kb ute a a fw mn nem r nti l oainm c e aan i h eIwn ae re anloa - ib ut.onThue cause o enugBtle atisfactin cf ou citizn. geneally. dcation >~8 te fon thI h e u tîiu fhi ff s M e and MisW.andieÉ . H ele f tefr A a h to , A h ,si iret abu t9P.po l-d te b spenta ofneouS o r ,,nllng a cLuple.ofFor UUIIW IJ'8IIe Mrs. C anad i n me h er t e r tel 1,2uiht a rH amuga t 8l , te n ed oten b r h o m et in o rpl cet o r 12 R . W . M t rd m l a o he BS the Wlll u fitueereiiePatinhey b a esl2O ; Joen te seldon afor 115, ý0 thewlth theot ethe gdodiwishemUrof 8h entiro std Peter tn ewaofAtuu, ba d.H Mrw. Thuy Mezee eaboerf onifiy on iuefrafe os~ MA plaed o ba einlbuthes sprinqandre-andSuferrs reomstWound .1 e a y la boe wa oM rsmad e - a doug a erîy as cin b ever c te . at hfànorh ed o th G.T. . bsatM aetrone ing re1 ln e a nth e st ffice-dai. os greonrt rn 0d Pi* The ire a8 i gret prgres wheonemo r. irehe rsesloatife u cute the Mr.ni t C oupof loestareHilI, aDu- ts L iigu wonerfulTyed wcan Hae an Tuesay noruinga youg ian ~und --waMr.and MAlthouuch et omnpeeloftsurb L ianpopr buteav r ef ths t yf l ler, po tnortbe sw ard, had oina- nred emFori atrs bu ha u auda veig Ot Sh or bady lcortod by owîg u coît.cui Mr Wiluan M Wuliam, o Brdfod. e a in ome udaer of b icdrwnnlac do $1 heR. h&W. Ml r s ld th hsso ~iLha brbe wie fuac, oer lîiii . O t., h:ee afolD bot ase:- remabsrin uune, aîîdea allhy eresued who Is l good iroumatne and la1el Ng tunbed 1eLIDSAY. bsbu na ' sctd ewad tî ed o-wihte hcniealo dfficul f eet ireadPt erolgtema mof ney ei o u b a, ban d ne Moen y. 0 ofrne alavLerevau ooaiesCley Cern unsTrt ourcivda atycL ae fiure home a nd eos epy hMritban ceTlh aveytian,41Michaelsudyarsood aanwllu y eraad a ngthe head eeay laantothek, ldth hya ate ere . a1rb. W e M .On reised asîwneekfor ate td; crîian oyalce lbreuuuts. Ipr lwugsu shatanwuh odd c uh as epofLoegatl , àtored-adme asasult on a Marîpoaa lady, was sent- cluased ~ade Hased sixdboto oungediOnego Mrwaa pas g hrough. litoheaetpdof thwh .1katftea cieautr uw2efclywll a e iu nd hiu u gnte aon, ith sbthe a pot s lae uce fthst ,lf euedRyW oinda ynOfug byen yn e rheunutisfl eftresut m inied iThewau oln a nd eqiedI A surnray eei .Of .the p fize w nner Wale, ofathenr Darballasbad MrW tem c sixa mentheo luews nsoedagr fben doniglad wee ewdueeie ih i sno Ceadl pcrisn.T he senmtegn coentuI act . e lo abnord isarycae- a hmal dzen tio s ten brs iug the prse- Markminauu fair suppli esmond v ey i eno, ~ ~ ~ ce as rei a acouns hi a n e ueOfnt.e rote at crefpepe ur i gth cierandwll confine Mr. Torso e t ei g nrmati mon Tii. largestw in iri asb r ie f e iud t h ie l g pu n evr O tebousena for a few days. ur ths est mo - e leM r o he n d Mill f he lOLh con. f ba n g uitm y s o of. etma Pfre n d.Le a w o pi rdaaof wag onthe hamemersip oft. Y.>uu g utm eral M rk am, b en lhu pr.es oup.2 ne ueThe n tr n fes sthtc rn- ailwofel 0dth e a t iease uI Cur- bligua iein ea ing,a ladwe d t ohe ext on tii. Iist la Gra a ndBr Is Lb. I k o~~~~~cb s ie a n sery ai boteofurdn. mrrg. n B eaongth ute Tmet g a it b 4.0t hi rdt a ar plainlt weon ado ofis o ualduyt whieset-niaTe. ata uo pret s encfL. yha e lnd on Saturay niteght. The club e at jr. Mongli. saveygo tidw thr e ,nEk avmige isCon nrew itlu us; thee'eeneesit esulendthe iLuier dTemwondrtin A 46 sa remotebrncineofMrkham Ou. dstay lDaetek oi e, tho inve Tenla e ipondi e ant. Cblli inar@ , Mt- arba. on saihtu r lufueipfre.the fMrair f19.air ongpleher winery are Centalopdison. ef M se.n.ten e n, am el t heau p we ate u d e o i pler nisatm e o ers cfd wL.cubineare. Ho1rentto Kueigt i&fosbmain . TBowmanve i ne, wb ouitb an fomac cidntL unigteailyDt he . aaveerycou îLo. of he o. e Jo ryfwdenad . sM. EgrJ1$0 on M erbitepesed on.o tire c al. l cibn nt m t eyasesuefu9rer rTh;Pesid erh ftent .B Y ong iePrels pury. a s. Brig on intoonsndtebl Eyta fwwrsofwr gI rihlblt57-d cfai thensoutwio f. tean iu b r avWh e, de ag o ds e nt Cu s JameDl navi n, adIs H oer and utheony n tel isBe fLGaam rne$25 thîed athcondrfe infIgti~or eu hibea d -in slb tcoagieryandvctmerbe uma- flug Pug nh; oc -Sec J.W. n c a h; $50 ter l o i rakef proJas ing M paudt ebomdesof ebis ancwe t b LTh. I e n h ave failed witi ofct oers ClonSo., W. S Beese Tro cu., aes. Brewns eiits on Lix.gred thati he - gbreuu a bout eesix eet. an lih n pckd a nd the erina ;tr e sodiclu es f tedyTho ruddthen auie did net r t 4860 as.teefri.Anc potea ont une the la weensens gibe the bc fiee mer e n h ave Chlnet yet guven The foniug u trd nfulfrtce. sThne farnr fr10Aoudwsdn ote lut y.are he bed s b rised H.aud h o nas ete dain e CeeryanCompotimP a ti. This in of the pcllub .H. rîou lssdens ef My&sbor A. Howal , WTnhou allyshd uptl. It was sevon era roaosbf-marilcsed bielue hna.. unadere Pe s., N . BPickeriug, for Aug. and 24.5,aIs rw, Le meTnernas won ofor Geeh e s wbio tsfatgain. li bea ve.o dcehosndtwoweeprg s., Jamesb ar. 4Lhn Averageopercendut- I l y 2.an i g he oftealle $20-5er Ti.i ow ndfeiigur t ic nbitaos hare nouncdIouraebl y v iciaus.of l cmi a-Hgl ting egvRo -e, oJheW.are nr eely wa somxhb er th 28f oentin r.e n a sehu ens T he dstacentsperbu he- and wi f o u hav. s a ieod w i ork f r o . Cord.rSe f., rW tS aud ese ; r oris., J es r w ' exi té nth g ou d ha be l a u n c a s n a u t y s f a r e e t a d e n ee ad t heri f ç r nr y ma d n e soy u e df r a . o t o e f în . î o w 5 f j p e c e t S u r a p i e . t e f u t r n t e uthe pradtis eme.eba ofeetbaed aiou her e icin bThan, 2; G ingiswaue rpo9t oN hoesn.sMer and Mrs Wooimd hav erturIe biwsl cobed bre adtiue wuteir entpaiue8 Ceiery Compound awhiip. d 8; EThis ladS thW ahoisom ther&.eyoA. Hit fTnu prie bfer eping W.bav herd f. lcterlus t eerypeit, ivig hm a of Lthpfoit n te HaermosassesoJ eI for erie lu Uxidsl g a owi pwonwadbta ie ton f ,lo r4t.-aN.m Lykrnde , foereh gan d rSd re B os. and Mr. D onM i nar bas ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n decidedf te bave the crep lu theOG Lep.mn, L Gsrrow' ndera Wilscn M.Ltst-o gn a uktu Teroundfrate adt hipoaud s are for Âdinurale y. yicas.I 9usandinRgw B ie Jr. iiioame 3 - as been25.emovged omrnit Faitsd 15lng 2 c ents a buenshepr prie aandhicii.tiey thea Holinger, Pore fSipleUBeatice nMr.hSinison of Pe 28roro has take are~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i benoodlrhtLwsipcdil.O usaalag uea ~lwdHaernau ichtad nrepFort e Whate.bspae The waf."MLes" tue cugogoriverl ty L. r. mains cfleoCaOeLer te iivisao -nni clm Beanhrile7 ;L om-untLaoc tiwa pr et e e ow tiat fra o the top Roma faholi bryig roud i eker-bt Mary2--- T hern an D dend e, Ma NTh mieTsngsrieonteMehds r commairnd bride on. eu ee diatint ig. s eerl weks oU, wh wa taen W8 M erd Part 48; Sr nnie MaloEdthMhrch aswei atWeodedhasrtSurnd aI thie branby rnk e cfate eatr d o-vcon ibtpoifoew spdlyonon, CarisTod, lo Whte eei. nymX lgfon c e rails. Halle ownhgaLwoes, ndevbeotinro iflammation ci fLb. 1111gB Iuan "bLne SR MlaL cSr-azeh MSane Bkind ndhbr.D. Mt wear- ~. lismty beerboes pIa.nd cataybaroseme. adsu raud usepca.Oe ad0 AsrugioeuMoriWtroy. vassed thpes fowrship akîg id Y run th ah e rbethere d otie s n e lfor yas ooh e sa u gi isaetatb, alinMwhe , rdi isina Dege ar. Jr. n' Wm. oey. r. o oeyith' wFll bnd 16 15pontsearbs oe Leime s bkIL asa etid ueiyuonafamsld clmet a loerW'hie1r nk HssBetuga. e Me.SmpsedonsfPt ilsbaru han crop a stady eaer forbathrs, auy f w O n sha e y day ' es, a ref n d Sunèlod a D man Rot inchar amitix, FArie Whitug h durlacgeo. o h ra lhn Thue wtc ihow hoffcby ta iv erdisve; i hefmainshofyieied. Theru.g h e is ln. -ews- stn Carie u torsi etm e. W r id nqlwa Lh ey i niy o owu Liiefrme towadlmesane word cf cemin ons Peape ayd bis knenyne Mmi Th ow tatthseriensheremeting survey ii. botoni tbe eau sehwhat ipsssudhie genaingeodnature ud tii a pont thioy bavde onkieau cpe d. if lyinsmîîe wbwibeago ieways tad en, with mucPartuccees. Lt is Mr. Hooey's nl bothe rnc ero ta gtoa gipe, at fe stod hlm in goood tead i ho hedleur f lSUFdRIGWhRi. turu ruowg, i a eaypesnsn r' sotey wocde r ly ake mon e s e veaflctio infelammatiseond oftelngaL. I rm Wie.o Sr b7 a eet = 8 Foe Ths so itdnio tgive lat euek a ftUp . es t ererbote Lb.andbbisiat oncae. l a e ira i n dtb OL eary, bo tie.wbreO kTe gra A tn c suf ere ro va 15vryed t beton ahyp people. id cr uyt at v th bple out fr fe w miutes . y Arecuno lu Lb.erimtiess ho arred mcaoneMhases K. &ie. PlUs beause tr. s, crHoedi. Mr oei wl b_ s. mac y e name cf Ce B urke wuad Milesa Jam es, ho a n h l ouir sos tes e aets cf-bte r ha.n as ________________s a:r ad, ad jueat ro foivd aetene cf 80 anyslu he aknd one dgiter, ah cf nd whem Dan e nt on, Perl e it ic, ouAcrt Iut f ag oe h get il use break f o ffberty Ba ui ek ep i et uu mrving licn le bu t w o uint 1 hbem . th e wlood cf usc acid poions wbicbareBrantford n te move ho flo oedontae reevesandteecup od on bis rteas ca sn elutejispdcugoteWr rmKota another of de tsitrovocaion irrltating achesing îg bt Caril clng e bi tnn. ud son an' mcratiy ad th ned o pur nans u th boes, oins ad mucle. Ged Mnin Prspecs .fr te Yer -a-?l Chr'e scr alOf Rome, b., al ie.e pont andiven ter, le dead l in 64 >f1 ". p11W4 t.UogNew Brunswit After the Orip o0 strorigth, No Ambition Iood'Bs faSUPaYlIa CaVO PerfOct 4ath. The fellcwiug ktterle frouulawclkiW erchaut taller cf St. George, N. B.: C. 1. Jioct & CO., Lowell, Mass.:* &G entlem en _j arn glad t o ay rluat I oed" srsarM lI~andi Heod'5 1Fille have done me a reoat deal cf good. 1 luat a severe attack ni h. grlp ln theo wlnter, and atter gettIng aver the» iver 1 diti net gseuntegather streugth, andliuad jo ambnbftIi ood'5 Sarsapaill Ipr Ove! Ito e e ust whist 1 needeti. The rosulta were very latlsfaetOry, sud I receonfd t1ils meicine te tu Who are sofi0wd with rIueuliatstu or other ufficiontouia sedi by pIol su.ad poor bleui. 1 alwayolk.ep Hood'8 Sjarspau in ml ry lieusc nd use I ieu hoI neegatOute. W.aise keep IiocdIs pillUc onad dthink htglily of tbv-n. J. W. DVKKi. , 4tGeorge, N'ew lBrunswick. CMt purge, pain or gripe. Sold Dy ail drnggl"t 4 o Yo'aretalDrmoO Dv. . J~W'»Li .4 i1~ I 'lbegari pockeV' liqi lad -W: i4 Fi au acquaiul a pocket," Bellefiel te be vel would be f: as far. Yeast-] Crirnsonbe thought tb a fortune. I wili t, but wîhl it strucribl- will wear i llohbs- late hour sb ouId n't about eve, How ar house 'in t rate at thý borrowed Young in the ref hotel is Banker Ves I'm Nîrs. A things' his he wa i magun ai> behieve tn Whatî corne of plîed the tion, de corne of 1 wom burst ofi ed. Da dress. said, ait 1Iiarc orflot.' is li th mouey "There Count. "éAh, * seen bel the da -'Howuý emptyl "ihavi Gad2 bane td style. ber wc giviflg they t ingtoi speec: I sh< green dropç affahl Sitdý ea E. I 14 a

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