Whitby Chronicle, 18 Oct 1895, p. 8

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'thONCe ma~ en Q el oadedei. ~O S M o4ern ho 0eiri omati nd andnd M s S l in B reu p rt S ,ia i Cl O.se.to o f A t tash w yed e nCowe ieb st T A fo'he jl t I~ i lr i e n d s h e r e.7 W r o u g h t S t e elà o f J A PAiJ o h n ,E A.b.li ,Wd tb a Oeaw aict . 8 dig, uprs tcec.Aso.1hid o ia yli erdwobsafor silue urn *h~u ookig forftowru. a bee vis i rind and relanin rd aly ,,la g 0. AW BOcp cTOREtuli lida Mr.bwOereBgflalo and Rohester animrledeogbile borne Mis statJof Rou~.n a no oo i . . g ers h r l Masi e . . r n i * s n y w T oril o . .to o. D n h b s o h h D. mreDrg.BUn.sa se. o Bjj,&gebiiq e- Mrison, wbea o ais for soie timec dnoS H p7L e re.- ec.,it . seh & U st Of been e sld ing ien e anouse lopp o nsit ine erbrrhr.M rgAbIW els O u r achoki n gteoc ....M iss Gllroys .w et ornrnMI "TMa ry .ap e rlb.ro rd b o ni' fro « Pertimer, Leaes Oeawa a 8 a n s bdoPs, Buffaloi, asd moces trrteune elY Jg t â Be od.B . oespstnaireh , 50C Tes onins of the ast wer. otntto i ay ay. ahtb t 10 a m and 4 p mn. pied by Mt'.J icet is engageci to teacb at Utica next year. -T Toilt Reuisiies o«ao»m, rmanufactulrer of!fiue oirTiaesS, The council members partooc of dinner* Mr. E. Frise bas masons ai present erect- « Toiletaiig eecaly with their worthy clerk, Mr. Spence onl eo ngnwcieyadotews Tolt-Sas loighis ar aday hast. Accordlng ta bis'custOmn, Mr. liiisbop. JONBRBwXERpoitte? end decora.tor. Deaer Snene bas evel' ince he came to tliîs place M ar rao onvle pn J O R N g e n y y e r. T e rm e m - MW . w a n t B u tte r , C h e efle , p e gi b ere w ith his fath ers M r.in ciJam esionslsolh is vC O h eL aIL p ay e ehigherthps Cice . ci,4<ithns rbb!, <l4wEse, t.b r ail enjoyed themselves immenselyv,an ud y h r wi isft eM .J m s A o J94aSPSpectaclsIr u toes, , urnacei, tin- did nflt fail to give great praise to their hs rfd JÀMS >'LLW--fi(iUtiOV1M rs, S. Sleep accompanieci by ber brother, anGAS TO E A.ytin n he vr. 00.Lig tok ep onstantl on and hostess,an A TV 44byh n i h aret. Job ig a e tci&ISY. Sim oO ireet Mr. J. à-iitchel, is in Michigan at present ý9 b nd . obb ng a BPO " tY -T he P rince A lbert d ivision of the Sons of visiing friends. Drug. UTN .A aritr oîîoTemperance intend giving an open divson OBeaton'8 can, r.Thmpon ir-Ro Dr g LineLK.MBOBA- arseslct, concert In the town here on Friday week. OrpplrmrhnM.ropo.i R M POIEpS FI 'sar PuliankacO, 0 Mn tO Their reason for coming bere to give their In Case City, Michigan, at present, visiîing lend. Office over Dominion Bakrsm o grs is due to tbere being no accornoda- Iriends. 1-e is accompanieci by bis daughter isStreet, Oshawa. .'-- Am MissOlv.i uttngnLit Inuracetieor ubicmeetings in Prince Albert. A Ou poe. .0 t Wben cooflmpla~~ uting nitSesrLnte'g o ropi Dam consiting of wngs, recitations, Ou rseous village has two black- 550 to $ 5.0 me UNEot h ntdataet ive. n pagooc gvn I shoe ia r M. E. MT-Oi'in Oarele'- F Dobson bast CLARKE & Ddup H Ltbrget garanean.corn, s veli recommendeci andi he will iikely B. ,&.-eaerinGrceie. anc ;Chine, Mr. Thos. Dbo a posted bis for a get a cair share or' patronage. Crockery, TLnws.re, and Fanoy Goo ý. Pure ut ae of 2o acres of gooci standing ïerc Siee St. South, Oshawa. Teas and Ooffees. Boys' ready masuite a hrwo ibr- ieadahl nrho ti ithreetw noc heda i spcaitOTO Â-TL5suycrbe ull e i.Ohbere, on Thursday, Novemh&r 7th. Tbis Toronto of Miss Lizzie Grifin, only daugbter ava, aNSÀ B@s Cet sralHoeJr wlYofeainoh timber will be sold in half-acre lots, and of Mr. Samuel Griffin, of tbis place, of con- al yan 8t wek !rom one eS9 o'olock .m * 5teniake ar- should brng good piices, as wo'ld grown in gestion ctebai.Alia lvn ad agmnswlth parties wi Wg tu have sales. this îocaîiîy en fertile soil is vastly superior and the besi medical ikili coulci do was of bave been transferreto h onf VL~~~Ij~~~, ~L FÂflSBNxa&utionise. that mpo ted (romn the barren townships no aval. and on Friday itb of Octobet she RAIL WA Y CO.,wbsofieara copato Lnd . g F.nd gon.ti'&furnisig os e sh.o eov iber and one to psy for it. were conveyed home Friday evening andi bsnsweeb îlb r rdt ebni h acsie Splendid assortment 1 tweeds, werstedi8, inîerred in Shaws burying grounds Sunday ./~~r1v'vÂ~~v-'ra ~trowsritig, shirts, " ec, ulwayî kept Our sdewalki stili neeci repair. Net be- Oct. u3th.. Her parents have the sympatby supply ail requiredRawaanSta- MrniladHndnl UbtL&VYt~., 18 1895. in stock. ing content with.mUIçh lois of valuable prop- of the entire comfliunity. 4 bip Tickets st rates urnec ob sAdSvnaadta eTt PELT Aios OCT.n218, 1895.eweers. erty sucb as eye gfasses, eggs and almosi Roxv. lunes onthe lnticaerprsne. ABUBacUEWtcN.es ndJwe nS te ailwaatesaegvni o-* e OHW _______________________________ Dealers in vatches. clocha, Jswehery, silver- total destrpctioti of our first deputy Reeve, ware, spectacles, etc. Engraving, gohd and our noble headquartet'6let it still continue nSBR.Seca io withStrago n nemdaeJ .CAK. - W e sîlver~latingand eldgo] a rings made over. wb- our firit deputY est too mucb of Mr. RvM. cLriroklin, favere'th Tcktio ihS te Fins watich, edock., ànd ewelery repairina a, Spinie. goose at dinner or net being useci to congregioil here w ith tw o eloquent discourses Tickets.____________ O SIIlu W A k i speciahty. the swaylflg or perpetual motion Our' on Sunday. TruhRtla i qis dwà BLrectied Se fr ed con f ,5rmew ewlk ec osaid qutcker ds g nrai Miss Drumnlofld. Presbyterian presidet of points in the United tts ac a a a dailyebisiecuitom we m ehope tbdat the nexi sume be the Womreri's Foreign Missionary Society, gave uncludingîthe CanadinNrhet difleuy i aada, sohd by a&B firit-01l55 iscso ehpthdrstehebahhr nMnly grces a hibyan Ohai. ad S ucornes the walks rnay be un better condition, an ades1tebandi bers on Monda3 t ___in________andOshawa,_and__tOur___ etnooe OSE W Amis. OampbeUl & White. R a.ch c uc On Wednesday ei'enng of lasi week tbreeai pons BUSxwzssNoTîca- Oshawa subsriberi EvvssôN & HÂWKIN - Imperters and dealers Council met on Monday. AIl members lootpads beld up a drumin& about a half mile Passerîgel's for the UnitcSats ayhv orwl eth i ser M ayLE ra mca y b in e ssa ifg supple. m aua catmerl's ln oa fr Ea - e represent Mr. jas. Munro, reeve in the (rom Asbb nuian d wo ld ave taiken bis wealth their baggage exa îe i in T r no C Oi aW tli x mLas*< or .May o gt ies. t r i tig as. uad th ers ctn of n sa . F u-& c ai. i uts f r vi us m e tng were bac net a traction e gine appeared and frigbten' thus mavtig afly i c n e i e a h Capet t y tme. fom]$.Z oges. naces, chandelier aone- -lmpa.  stock et rend andi adopted. The followiflg letiers ed away the desperftdoes. The commercial man frontier. Foçb>r a gedr e thuag. ___-MM,__E._bicycles_________onebarend-Frein the clerk of the towfnship then mrounted bis wbeel. tbanked bis lucky star If711W4I4l11P'0Cbetndnnror 1~~DL09 YO. of Scott, notifying this counCîl that Mr. j. and rode quickly te more genia cuittcs i nomUo heflygvn ~ g ~ Mr.Geo Frseris ale e b arund mittee te arrange as to expeniue te Wben Mr. Charry and Mr. lames Davidson write 5 tpcalono A - $ etB lon c h a rd , e x -re e v efita sWagp oinee M ra c o m F r a s e rw a y a c c idtn t. aW h e n clnne m p iati ngta ware, gOh. two municipalities on the town neinterecmn oefo htyMna v 0t gi.future. Frorn tbe clerk of Brock, statinlg îng. the front arlc brolce, the herse becamne un-_ .O A TR itOH W . It illpayanýPÈLd«CmitempiatIng by- Mn. Howsam u s sortie better, but is itili ibat the Brock council would pay baîf the manageabie, and both occupants were thrownR.).3A E t lng an engagement or weddlng ring te see the large stock of Felt Bras.. Oshawa as very weak. cost of rnaintanilng one Patrick Thonipsen, liiavily on the greund. Mr. Robt, Spencer, Sept. 255h, 1895. tbey will seli ibis rnonth very cbeap foi cash. The Rev. Dr. Sbaw is tb preacb the annuel an indigent ; (rom the cierk of the pence wha bappened to b. iheir quicl drove Mr. aeimmk one spcii ffrsinGets,14Krep.asdo ea tatMis$set. selected frorn the township of Rescb for the rigbi leg. was broken. However Dr. Warren Genumin orid eiam a4.olyeffetbn ent, re ane erasemober the rMisgvinn t henmbroauosrequyired ht be p Davidsô ct abiiby aislcatin fte ae i Ladies' and Boys' gold and silver wsîcbes. -Sonley ls împroving. andi we hope she wîîî year 185; fromn the sainie cert itgthtbeponuee aSriu dsoceie f b See tbem. Faeit Bras. seuin regain ber usual health. had received the report of the jurors Of and stated lie would b. kepi troni work possîbiy RicardSoney s a Pot PnnyReach ; frorn Mn. James Hay, asking the for a couple or month. Mr. Ciarry escaped Mrs- ihr olyisa otPryceuncil 50 notify D. J. Adams to moe. bis wIth a lew bruises. lNis ebv lsssgnrladvre ,Mr. H. H. Lang. et Montreai. was in tewn attenditig ber aiter, Mns. Crowle, wbe ts fence te the eassern boundry efthske centre 1UIS ehv la Tbursday. sick witb malaria feve. road, 7' con. A circular froni tbe Ontaio BOUTE »A.RINGTON stock te select rn-aetdsgaO TD O RAP Mr. H. Sanderson et Wbitby, spent Sunday We underîtanci there is te be a meetg ai Sewar Pipe Ce., in refenence te curnishing andi finishes.Prcsigt in town. Layton on Tuesday nigbt te organize a beef the counicil witb pnice liste if required. Mr. Fred Truil is lu Chicago, trylug 10 secure *. *I o ontbyyr Mr. M. Hoîrnes of Broekiin public sebool, syndicate for 2&»6. From Higgins and Douglas, banisters, Ton- a situation. setSnaintw.Masters Edward andi Walter Howsarn onto, enquii'ifg the amount of arreans of Ruiner sas sthere- t- eci, sawe'dginUnd sbanrli codnl aet - nghO upIsl i Mr. andi Miss Rogers of Torono, are visiting ivbie attending Pont Perry fair, purchasec a taes, If any, on 5.nrbhaif of 5h. nortb ourwraiîtng in und emn eatretflysoc- teto âgradPbi Mrs- Fielding, <Lbet st. bandieffle new buggy. Tbey are bard hall and the soutbhal fltî zobCf. àirs. Albert Manning. of Clarke, bas beeanlid.-ivteeUYSbOS't Mr. working boys and we hope they will enjol township af Reach. Fr0ountyClark giv- viaiting ber parents. a ri yPorter, ef Porter and Ce,, dry -!, Sg lit o pesg suoldngRxerdsian god rrhnz svr l nTrno.auctieneerslcese o i ,c oy'f On- Mn' and Mis. H. W. Burc ewsvl, Pitîe travailgpoitvsdsls. edl ietpc odaecnthvery aI ed Tro nou.W mayav leafist drive. aNow girls wha % i ing s hist onf persans holding pedlae The juniors of Raglan detaeis jrura aeStefrtdie arlo, witb date of expirainaIinsswreclngafrets Oshawa in a football match plsi'eti on the ad We understand the trustees have nof Fo h ura fIdstis oono eu-ifi n auhe nweevstn cricket grouns last Saturay. Th e-score vas ggedateer ye for 1&)6 . nThreI the Bureau o dties, leToronteIl, M. GniffnVantiCap. rUi eevsiigfcoiydue OE 8 00 T 'r ~ ~~tace abachiv er efor xs"t lb. " aud sking for staîtidfontecîet's'îîM.Th.Va mpOadorottofp bas ive geni'S satsfa the Thelb.clerb submitted te the counil tefol-' The farmer$ ae-,busy cutig bukhSt ci. - O h w .OSA A Pa k r. e ow a Vla p e ch d~ salary eny to be tii. only obstacl L ulu tirn s Pp.C. Preo omnie rahdi lowing as the. anoutit placed on the tollect- whicb there seeme ta lie a verY heavy yield. -EEL theSîcoeSi mtheis cbrc lt Srnayway of a re-engageiflent. rs olfo olection for 1&5; Cauntyrte, Mesrs. Jesse TrulIsud Levi VanCamp a- >"" ý nnfg. lu te eveing a sag 1Service wasS W. are continuall! being reuidded shat $39893; Townshlip. $88 07' speclialifgant tended a meeting of the directori cf the Mutual_________________________________ givel. we are montai. About four weeks aga a son tu achoals, $172537; PeOO; -Ïa~; CiODI Pire Instrance Ca. 'at Londen. wi undertafld that Mr. L. Fairbanks, the oMr. J ams Mosier, a young man about 17 sections $421.46; Nonqpon drain' deben" Ses alk af a new teacher. M. Martin -îill - autjne.Ju.ns oig.Îo wib t erso ge a hre hr.an nTus urs$«.7 ran5h,6han t én e eymuhmsof Mteshoasan h Oshawa as soon àà bec ati dispose cf bis pro- day of lait week Mn. Mesier himnself was i-» debentul'Cs $194 o6 ; Manchester' drain $107 ; y>un peopie. perty in tht îown. - enreti in the same lot. Bqtb were victime statute labor $7425; doe anti bitches 366; of ypoii.arnears of taxes $4 .-i:i; total $12985. Sei On e«Coing. Tcmehli'Macharge of the painting the cnurch i ung uu - gaw... chritan a v uccessliimeoftngesoieTtindy WiJOHN-- C.'B'; - --.-.' for'ni itin W conoss frtue_____________ lot *gve1ZZBNK 4. On motion o! Mr. Reil, tfi dnees-Ans arule they do net travel haud- There ls.a smliyralgdadfrts<cdIi hbi su Mr. Siemon, vho lbas charge a!ftis le.gv REBN-ode a rue fvno!Jas. MaMila ai tic-Spiit.", Nent Thursday e mciug leunder Tb e firt snow f he snasen feli on Tues- fan tic starof $6.5, beiiig for' 321 loatis of ini hand, but they ,do ^t the C e tifsuga ta atsala tbe missien deparmett.oehwhiciMiss Ho$irk day mordliig. gavel furished -Ibis corporation. On t Missions la Lever Canada. " Ptte pmo5iticli i at e as itiio ofN. Lamob,,tic refeas order vas ~ ~ A'FkN~tr~li iste eaer Te m sc vl1 b. "th e enh ishesBtba Soe ays been an Site sick for thc vintet's vork le in tie banso! tic eseyRosb bas movedtotebis fatiers l9" avoeigtwoAlexdar vae f t7>1 1 fL ~or hbe èiIhiStuiesM eueIsnt kllt bfto ontigalnknwneYe ra sae yom*InO ai aovng il lsee5muofaap$*-ii 1111e4 asfnq9e 1 h rvest home services conducte d by R M . Mu . an ti M iss .jack, Of Uxb idge, sp nt n oti n oCala epBnave2 w sgran ae McC 'all in the Mei ale schurc itlai OdnSnia wt fia d iart le . n for tp uslig1up agralg fu' 0<onE R QAe. d cl~*a h a.. wasvel ttedei ntiuccoieclOliamantti Mn. James mulit as iunproved bis tva»- nioing niaerial, on Brck roati, nortb of buuineu sa . ABREONLY, sud pueis e sh.BlgyuGIt le Grenville P. Kîsise. the reater aniper-ing by sie erection o! a nei chiintey. Usica..On motion M. Wi t 1conli we 4orst tucuoi o -or iffi eued. - ad a t tic rate o! pet ate for tie landi taken 401 r1 l caeois s sr pt ti The ~ aê l soatr apertil tta iusc al at nlty M i'. asp nnti ars. Wrd igi t ! orntr iv epe ic o'- $ r5 Pen. Wm. M.GiB,1aif evenng ta a siall but ity no meansu naps'0ensp Wg c dy ro l o veu trpase on con. 1, anti -ýwat Six muO408 f or Psy- tyoi ave bee ubùl it~ lative audience. M. Klelsen appetred tasà dis- icre. kdWuatage uéua !111 c thel ti ltai.t l ie, o n JmsMK tri Adiast arktha iônstute 0enoiyD.'91,tru$s OS RIE Haeva lwu v 1 anchunoretb> tc tidd eparteda t weeklaeCuRoNIcLita 'leciuclwl iPoseof te luo' 3.wtsgaiyd JWOVICIILISoo! Mi. moni - -èl -S- ' deat ou Wedssds evnisdowt feer.thre saune prce, travle% the gravai pit, for v mre Mn.W.Wige dt! ouait, n oeilie tha townsiShl'a use. Ou motimo fMr. Rail an~ c t gl0pco0*n .MrasîdeMt of ibis locatity, ws caling oo »M tir ti vs- i e onPrk o 1ann t o!hi fniodelaitW«.outt bu.t sorltiuo! eMniestet dite tiror asociaion togothr la Conacerts. sad tb. Mr. sudUlins.Alan Gore d@t tMis.S. ehasgeibleto lbe toiwnship --,0(ktteir, v h *boc"S Mauy greal iii M. ICiaw. HoeveDusty Jr. look adysuilq 0< lb. 1?usiu . Praitw IIaimuad P-y for fi" e làamissd at b. b«»emm e ace eçvemdin iis tajOLb)lmelat weak lu>riailt irerlations la Orulil. ont streep ikiled by to P. -He. valuethti e m sleft bIsa gd bire toeys¶ owd wb M t h a <). d a tic Sr ba eexpeclat au IB bs t $4 , cach, 'sud the ib ap at 1 . B ult vapsTeile fIW s -n ibo t be a wt O s ufi elIÙ*RIevide nea to to eii oL obi M.but a b gZ.~ oôUaicil,, On ntion council ad- fw U D Y - - .,ogIvSfl S0tfeO' ïâ etdf orrte ba dsa o a iewI. b soivs114oe t O ' u~' -- -. b.~sf~mwOTheW -i -hog ne bk- W , je- 4---- you do. o get ,the 25 _pgk- 04r> close -- iy to and sof Cail and e,Ege wbmci we cery, N. YERO a, irbichiusT eatiig LifeT-t -, F Cempaliies Guardian,- S nIa- v stem k, LOSI Scbool Books, e county. We market. W. Mili ee fodder fS milch the je wïew ma, letbebèÏf

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