Whitby Chronicle, 18 Oct 1895, p. 7

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B Resuits Astonish MEN --0F SCIENCE. AVERSI Sarsa- Parilla A MEDICINE WJTIIOUT AN EQUAL. Stateineut of a Well l<nowya Doctor A ver's Sargaparl -ïîîNwitlhot incqu ii ru; a t'Iood-;.uritlt.r anîd Springrudc îI uhave Juieenough. I ltu e %WdIC! I iîfi t ct ln cIronic cases, here ot!icr trvntii (lit Waî <(if no avaîl, and have bi n atnî.i i t :t 1e resui!s. N.~o other blood nie'dli '.. k ii t 1 have ev-g used, andi 1 have tiihom :s so i ithorougjh ln Its action, li t cl,,t,; o ia ypermanntcures as s l.F.a IIL Ayer's ' - e Sarsa parilla Achntted at the World', Fai. Ayer'a PEilla for tii er anad bowels. THE PEaOPLE MÂRVELLED. AT TIIE RESCUE 0F MR. METCALF 0F MORNING MLLLS. Ladly Crippled With Sciatica and an In- tense Sufferer for year-For Two Years Was Not Able to do any Work -Dr. Williams' Pink Pille Restiorea Hum to Healtib. Froni the Sheiburne Economist. The completion o1 tihe local telephone service between Sheiburne and Horning's Mille by Messrs. John Meticalfe and W. H. Marlalit, referred to in tibese columne recently, wae tihe means of bringing to the notice of a reporter of the Econornist the facti of the remnarkable reetoratiion to hea]th soine ime ago of Mr. Meticaif, the chief promoter of tho lino. For abouti two years Mr. Meticalfe was a terrible sufferer from aciatica, and unable to work. While not altogetiher bedfastî, he wua 80 badly crippled that bis bent formi as he occasionally hobbled abouti the streete of Horning's Mille, excited universel syni- -nauthy. The trouble was in one cf bis f bîps and be could noti stand or walk erect. Hie farniliar attitude, as the rosi- dents of Horning'e Mille can voucb, was -W1,a/ked in a StooPed Position. " n atiooped over position, with one hand on hie knee. bMr. Meticalfe aya:-. "For about tiwo years I waa flot able te do any work. Local phyaîcîano failed to do me any good, and I went to Toronto for treatiment witib e ually unsaatsfaetory ireanl'ts. I ala-i tried electrical appliancea wi(bout avail. 'l returned homo from Toronto dincouraged, anad aaid that I would take no more mediolue, that it eeemed as if I had te die anyway. My systier waa very mach run down and the pain& at timea wu exoruofating. I ad. bered for several meontira te my dêtermi- nation te tiake no more mediole, but finali'i oonaent4td te a tria] of Dr. Wil- liama' Fink Pilla atrougly reoommeuded by a friend. Before I had taken them very long I felti a great deal botter, mny1 appetite returneti, and the pain damia' 'iabed. Ater uaing the pilla for smre turne longer I ual oetn n ù eroot snd reaume wy work, In thre fuflon. joyment of bealhh and atrengt. Pepl who knew nme marvelied Kt thre hane, and on my prsonal recommv-iendai C many bave used Pink Pilla. Thi l!hor firat Lime, bowever, that I have givenltire facta for publication." On beiug uked if thre siatia bad eve retrne, M. Mtoalf istated t", onoet or twlce, as thre resalt of un an0 bde hadoexperienomd ught atteoka t ho* always kept Smre of the pllsu> thond-to, use on sob ec *Aula - ne,ý à fafl edlx him UP ailu gbIh cate vrei.52 yenof. etÈ. à 'i t-t Mr. and- Mrs. 15ernard spent a f ew days last week in Toronto. Mr. Taylor, from Victoria Road, drove from Mid.land on Sunday te the village, when his horse took sick and died before it could be taken from tihe rig. The long drive caused inflamma- tion, which is supposed tcr be the cause of the accident. Mr. Walle, who met with an-a<dcident, in the horse ring on fair day, is able to be up and around the hâuse. A large amount of grain. is cozuing into the elevator, *but the pie r 10w. The 6irst snow flue ~rof the MSeas (cil thi morning in ou- vdIlage. Mr-. Andy Santimo left for Siùqd&r lust evening, where lie îWa positioniin' a mil Mr. Kenne4 of Uxbrl4ge,. ris, isit- ing his brothier, he-barber, -in tôwn.> Clerk ay V. y 1.rt oeumlly tik.1the Pl&"ê o! DL ,Wilim Pink Pill, aut 8bosewho are in ieed a medic1no ehould lasiet, upon R.tting 81 Igenuine, whieh are always put up ý box.', bearing the words I'Dr. William Plink Pille for Pale People." Dr. William.'-Pink Pilla ire sold oni in boxes bearing the firm's trade mai and wrapper,(printed in red ink). Beî in mmmd tatr. Williams' Pink Pille ai neyer sold in bulh or by the dozen ( hundred, anad any dealer who offeïs But stitutes in tiiatortu, le tryirsg to defran you and should be avoided. The publi are also oautioned again8t ail other s oalled blood builders and nerve tonici puti np in similar form intended t~o d( ceive. They are ail imitations whos makers hope to reap a pecui1 rv a(l% i r tage fromn the wondv-t Uit..t HI( achieved by Dr. Wiflin, i k i. Ask your dealer for i i These liY4 . . dby tb Dr Wi 1an 's M icîn C Gwpany Erock ville, O1 a lo, illiciSclîen~ct.ady, N. Y. and art- bolu unly in boxes bearing th firm's tirade mark and wrapper, at 51 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50 They may be baca rrow any dealer, o: will be sent by mail on receipt of price. Dr. Williamis' Pink Pille may be bac of ail druggsta or direct by mail froix Dr. Willia.ms' Medicine Company fron- oitiher address. The price at which thE pille are sold make a course of treat. ment comparatively inexpensive a coxnpared with otuier remedies or mnedia] treatruent. The residcnce of Mr. Malconi Mc- Nabb was the scene of a very happy nuptial event on WVedncsday last, when his eldest daughter, Mary, was united in marriage to Mr. Arthur Butcher, in the presence of a number of the inti- mate friends of the respective parties. The cerernony was performed by the Rev. M. N. Bethune of Beaverton;the bride and groom were asisted respect- îvely by Miss Maggie McNabb, sister of the bride, and Mr. A. Snellgrove, cousin of the groom. The bride was the recipient of a large number of beau- tif ul and costly presents. The happy couple left for, their future homne in Thorah, at 10.30. We join in wishing them every future joy and prosperity, and trust they may have a long and happy wedded life. Mr. D. McDougall, teacher in the public school, was unable to attend bis duties last week on account of sickness. 'Ne were pleased to see hirn report for work Monday morning. Mr. D. Waddell, who has been work- ing in the village for some time, left for Orillia Thursday last. Miss Basset, Kirkfield, spent a few days last week visiting her aunt, Mrs. Thos Sheridan. Mrs. Gaudrie and her daughter, Mrs. Thompson, formerly of this place, but now of Toronto, are visitingold friends in t.he village and vicinity. Dr. Gilpin had the misfortune to lose a very valuable horse Friday nigbt last, foundered from drinking water being the cause. Mr. John Keys, late of the drug store here, spent Thursday in town. Miss Bella McPhee took part in the v .ForThOitrn Chilre ae awa~ tinand pale when they do not ass1ilae~nughfat Ths seems stranget perhaps, but it -is iterafly true. Unless tiiere is a he4ithy as- siiation of fat food the blood becomes depleted, tissues waste away, vitality -becomes iow and the body languisiies for the need of poe nourialiment Scot's EuLsion is useful to children, especially in two ways. It is (?od. live O1 emusloîzed ths bing ê'asily assimilated and rendered palatable, wîth the Hypophospbites of Lime and Soda added to tone up the nervous system and nourish the bones.- This combination of these potent nutrients is just what tin children need to give them fie&"icolor and vitality., Almost ail cbildren like it. Don 't be .,bersuc,,rJd to accept a substitute ~4t& Bowne, Belleville* Ail Drugglsts. soc. and $1I. T h t o tram ps ir p i .ted lun-auý.be 1t urimta,, et ing the btaltom n & i',. ýR.trini1 his dutieils uad -w hjo w r o n n e o w . ,app ea" p 4 in co rt, b re T h irrady A w m arrested ,t ht ot er day i pn Sio before aPFolie .Magistrate H iaines. Â fter OOnfuOSd-teIo P4s hiI"en hergtihe eviifeno. -0f thecouducto du* ritoiugA %a Ie . baue nn.sud - freman.. thaÜ;LZ I I We have the iiest i Seso tion in tiewn ef those Mr., and Mea. tD. B#. Doveruüd fm ày, of Trentonwere i town tisi week, 0residence at Berlin, 'where Mr. .',Dover bas heen appointed as G. T. R. station agent. Frank MadilI, MW P., wbo bas been iundergoing medica treatment in To- Dr ed on Monday' last, flot much bette; b* for his visit. Id Another lawyer has located in town, cin the person of Mr. Miller, of Picker- Oing. ~'The Brechin basebaîl club, which was to bhv ,turned the match played i,,U, .i iv 1h -I3eaverton, have flot -~.* onie time after the garne in (-Ileon of thieir players waxed in- dignant in the papers over an error in 0the score, which did fot credit Brechin with enough majority of ruIns, but did flot rneritidnh anything about the broken e bahl used by Brechin, nor of the fine 0 substitutes put on during the garne at - different tirnes bv the same side. Yet r our boys were willing to let the decid- ing issue be settled on the return 1 Brechin has flot corne to Beaverton iaIs ayet, showing sorne doubt on Brechin s ýiPart of their ability to win, notwith- Bstanding their many boasts. * The Beaverton basebaîl club went to Woodviîîe fair diy to play that tearn, but at tirne of writing result bas flot been heard. Mr. K. [)avidson, wbo is at present living in Gravenhurst, bas been here du ring the progress of the local fairs. F. S. King bas put in an electric motor to run bis sausage machine. Mr, jas. Chalmers, who was laid up- with tyvhoid fever at bis borne in (;eor- gifla, is back to work again tbis week. ht is reported that Rev. M. N. Beth- une, of Knox church, will resign his charge here iriside of a month or two, on account of ilI healtb. A stone gutter is being laid on the nortb side of Simcoe street, in front of A. Murray's and F. S. King's. Mr. John Batten and family left town Wednesday for Hawkstone, where Mr. Batten bas secured a good blacksmith busines3. SOUGOG. Dor't forget the Patrons' meeting. Mrs. C. Stephensoni is under the doctor's care. Mr. Jos. Gerrow and son have pur- chased a pure bred improved Chester White pig. Any person wishing to see a first prize animal can do so by calling at Mr. Gerrow's at any time. Mr. and Mrs, Sayles Geýow spent Sunday last at the'ý latters parents, Osaca. Q uite a number went fromn around here to see the Michigan lands that was advertised some time ago. They have ail come back again saying they could flot hold the land when it was i their hands. Farmers around bei-e are harvesting the greatest crop of potatoes they have had for years. The prices ranging al the way fron i oç to i 5c. per l>tjejhçI, Borders to Match, Corne early and getfirat choice, P. B. WARAM., Brmasold Sad BrZook 8t., Wib H. SCOT7T, PUMPMAKER,.WHBY (Sucwcessor to H 2m7ornpsn.> The Subscriber has again opened busns here. Hie office wiil be at E.R.lo' telegraph office, factory at. Mrs. Newbys bouse on Brock Street, south. New Pump manufactured and old Pampa repazr:e. Firet clasw material used and work warrant- ed. Wells dug or cleaned out. Ordera solicited. Feb. 14, 189,5. Whitby sud 0ObaWI4 DOMINION BANK@ Capital1 Paid up, o 81,50000 Genr~lBauking Bans Intereut aflowed aihtgotigbe m <rrnt -rtas. No notice of wlthdraWialIrequfr.6 E. 3. THOINT crneStommch and bowel truble.ý DsPE lent 5fr I f g , hNie cap17- Thre f ence wai BEAUIFU AMERA THE TURNINU POINT TO HOMK COM74FORT A»D 5UCCE58 18 GAJNED E Utsa OF, vi e 1 dis, b ber, fiin g le et City> 15111- arge. Mer LomEST WALL P'RIC'ESO- 1 MICROBE

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