Whitby Chronicle, 18 Oct 1895, p. 4

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1444ôj Düg store PàfrDru gsaiIo heias bziuineP attmedicines. '2r$oriptiousmand Roceipte carefully and, acenrately prepared. lié Et .WILL C hemstif Dru ggist, Medical Hall, Brock Street, Whitby WEIITBY, OCT. 18, 1895. Mhort Notes. Those who have observed the CitRoN- ICLE'5 adrive for years past, to take good~ cae .of thein fruit trecs, will b. welI repaicf this season. Ib sin mauy a year aince there wus such a yicld of apples, sud j ust now thc -prspect of a fairly good rclurn is very fair. Il would b. too much luck t10 have a very large crop snd a very high price the sanie -year. Thi world doesn't run that way very otie. Agood many buyczs have hcld ik for thc past six weelca, lest they might gel mlpped, but there ia a hcalthy mevement just now in the. direction o! purchaslng. Scott repairea al kind o!fpumps. -Waîch re$aring a specially. Connor. Apple bayera are flylog around the coun- if pou vant a good watch chesp.- go le For disesscesof the kidneys use, Dr. Bright'a English Lues' and, idncy Pilla. The. United States: Ufç , uracg Ceai.1 Payepsted by EZJ.Diugaa,, Isue mobt, ib«*l ontat llb.th surket -Ail 8~la gOIbepoucyhp$dowe ofth -Î h ant.obl' mtr1but** tht hola datîy dtspenfg gnàSWee' toi férvent payrMercilfutl- 4 wlteii sasU 1 tee the. dtwn ofeéterlà al day iau beholdthe saviour's1ifce in .righteoune? W he C i i<'11 ys oui shako, off. ti s mortod côti. aed btr upon plulnIke 1 a dove to the t'ealmii 'of- ltght1where 1 saatienjoy the beat:lac vision oU mmnmo rtal glory ln a world wltbout end? Lord, grant my solema r.- x uest for Thy Son, my Saviour's sake. Wanted. 1000 people to buy boots and shoes at a reduction of 25 per cent, for the next 3o days at the. west aide boot and shoe store. Grain, Seeda and Fit Stock. Mesura. T. G. Colwill & Son have opened out business here as buyers of ail kinds ofl grain. seeds, fat atocl a nd meats. Their office is opposite Woodruff's hotel. Hait ? Belon. huying a spray pumnp, be r-ure and see the Anderson double action force spray pump. T.beihthwrd.Tno hmbuhbythe govennment for tle experimnental farm OnlY '> *3.50 each. L. Fairbanks, Whltby. agent. ) Guy Brothers Saturday The well known Minstrels, Guy Bros., wiIl be here Saturday nighî. It lu need ess for us t o logise their performances In this town, as they have paid US Many annUal visite 10 Whitby, and alWaVS gave the best of satisfaction. We doubt not that tht:y will have a good house. To whoni it may concera I cari, highly recommmend \W. H. Piper as a first clasa workmnan at repairlng pumps. H-e bas doue some work ror me in thlat line aud It has proved ever) wa y saîisfactory. 1 cau also highly recommen his new pumps t ayr,4?on wanting the same. Wtt cord ot1 btth:,besTr *ah~b.. stitution bàd- been, thatter.d by asuccesl ofbei-reavemtents In bis tamily. wlthiîi se year's six oit bis ebidten, ali or w homn attained manhood - 8d womanl;ood, h dled. Hîs own death niaks the seventi the. famlly ln elght years. A stcciety bas, been fornied ln*tbe State pnt down klssîng, and lias lssued a spectus settlng forth ft eabons. The c ones given are that lb epreade dîsease, le b. ail sorts of indiscretiona, and is apt cause, on the spur of the moment, entani ments whlcb were better flot madc 'Th are very weighliy reasons and doubt] correct. But the great question la wboi underbake the contract of poundlng lb 1 the heads of pretby girls that the. riak is great. If thie task can ha perfornied soci ety as hope to enroilioblier than qq mad n dyspeptic gentlemen inte ranks. Plokering Couuicu The Pickering township COutncil beli short session Monday last. Tlmnothy C., complaitned that waler runs on hi. land fr that of the estate of the late Timoi O'Leary. The counicil enquired into1 matter and found that it was a private off bel ween the two parties, andthat the bot 1 "'WnioV. 0 gs declined to meddle in the malter. C. A. Oh, for. e.4bry-whére Annis sent in a letter obJectiug ta renting -0', for cheap-tît.kMtts and from Eng- rond allowance near Port Union t0 Thos. lanîd. Scotland, Irciand, British Columbhia. Chester. The council decided thàt the com. Matltoba, California, ail United States auid plaint had core ne ao0]ate, the lease hav. Catiadian pointa, anyvvhere, everywhere, tng been cornpleted Second Depuby Mow. boat, rail, or ocean, and ail the boat lines bray read a report from the committee on Rates guarauteed riglit. Through tickets contingencies recommendlng payment or from Pickering, Toronto, Myrtle, Brooklin, the followiug accounts: W J1 Clark, printî and WhIiîbv. Sec E. Stephenson, WVhitby,, iug, $5 ; ) R Beaton, salary and convey_ hefore travelling. anciug, $40 50 ; jas. Hubbard 84 ; Reeve Young Mens L C A Gerow, Assessor Mowbray aind Cierk Bea- ton, selecting jurors, $5 each. Iu regard to The X'ounig Men's Liberal Consesvabive a board bill sent lu by Miss Lisicombe, Association, of Whitby, is called to meet on Greeuwood, for keep of one Mary Jolly, an W\ednesday evening next at 8 o'clock, for indigetit of limited mental caj>acity, the coin- purposes of reorganization for the winter mittce expressed a whole lot of sympathy mronthis. AIl youuig men of the Conservabive but no desire to psy suybhiug. Coun. iparty in town wili be gladly welcomed ai Richards prescnted thç month'u motion his and ail subsequent meetings, wheîher bill, showing that the worthless gang et huil- he) become members of the association or gry dogs kept in the township have destroy- not. Large number should b. out on Wed- cd about $5o wortb of shcep 4during tbc nesday eveuing, so -s ta become thoroughly mouîh, for which the township iýas ta pay well orgsnized for wintcr. ncarly $35, as follOwa : jas King $3.3.3, B Chronicle clubs Burk $4.66, Jas White $8, Henry Ellhott $4, CHRONICLE taoJan. tI, 1897. 81 R Medd $13.33. yid Depuîy Hilts read thc CHRO ICE an wekly lob ta an stpoor committee's report, showing tbat$ 25. MEadwekyGlb oJn. 1 abeen allowed. Dr. J. H. Easbwz ~7 $125.Pickering. in fu of an account of mucli C'HRoNICLE and weekly mail to jan. t, larger dimensions, for attending indigents, *97 < 1.25. the doctor havingscnt in word that he would ('r RONICLE sud \Worid 82 So a year. be satisfied with the amount grantcd, bcbng ('riRONICLE and family Herald sud week. the bare cost of medicines supplied. $12 $1.tar, a year. wass llowcd ta H. Spencer. zut Depuby Poucher reported for tbe ronds commîîîee CH RONICLE sud Monîreal Wituess 81-6o as follows : P. Marks. gravel J2 20; Wilfrid ;l.tr a1II nom. Badgerow. rcpairing culverbu. $3; D Russell, IIIRIîNICLE and Toronto Morning Star or gtonework ou road, Sir: A. Birreil, repair. News $1 75 s year. iug cuivert on t con., opposite lot 22, .5oc; Tlie abashRailra- sy King, repairiug culvert on 8th, $i ; E The abas RairoadW. Evans, repairing culvert On 8th, 40c.;R Is uow ackuowledged by travelers ta be F'orsyth, repairi!ig culvert on 9th, 5oc; Sithb :e shortest, quickcst and best lhue from Cochrane. hauling planir, $1 ; losiah'Evanu, ' inada to Chicago, St. Louise, Kansas City, cedar, $5.28 ; Charles Petty, tii., #22.12 ;jno 'ilif- .îia, and 811 wcst and southwestern Gegg, riglit of way to gravel pît, $io ; J A i- -, ltb train equipmeîît is supcrlatively Jones, repairs on to wn lin. Opp. 8tb $2.50; the fincst.in Anenca. It iâ the great trunk M Orvis, breaking stane south of Audley, 1 ie, passiug through six States ofthe Union so 0; W J GoulId gravel $22.50 ; W D Gor- 3 1 d makiug direct connections witb one don, lumber accoont $19 o5; -Henry Byer. h1undred and ninetecu other railways. The gravel, $22.64 ; Wmi Lawton, $12; W G onily direct liue to old Mexico, the Egypt- of Barnes, gravel $23 14; WM Pengrally, gravel- Amnerica. Time-t.ablcs aud fuît particulars ing on sidcroad in 6th, $30. A deputation from any railroad agent, or J. A. Richardson was heard froni bhc board of directors of the Canada Passenger agent, N. E. Corner Ontario and Durhamn exhibition, consistin- Kinrg & Youug street Torouto of Geo. Davidson, Robt. Dcell and R. Teachera' Instifte Miller, jr., asking this council to appropriate '8200 to sssist bhe directors of that show in The Ontario Co. Teachers' Insîltate will paying off its debts incurred this year, there 1 etnWiyo hrdysdFi y beiug s large deficit to meet. The vairious 9 i.o;st atnd Nov. îsb Dr. McLllIau, prîn- councillors expressed themeselves vigorous.t cipal of the School of Pedagogy, will take Iv, some doubîing whether such a grant charge and introduce subjects for discussion.wodbeeglsuotrsbecigtsci Hewil elve apublic lecture lu the e yen- grants. The requcat was refused, but bhec ing Principal Tamblyn of bbc collegiate members of council offered ta put up $5 each t -will speak ou readiug;- Principal Smith, of if allier mtunicipal councilors in Ibisý part of t Princialhg choo raMr u the cou uîy would do the samne, sud aiso6 Prnia cBride, of Port Ferry high school each oUblie directors of the fair. The catin- or, Literature. Mr. Kelly, of Manilla, wil il hnajuud ake up cutrauce sud Public Schoont Tl .,...,.rne. r OU1 clon Dven, ,ive s9 to ads tto igle- âese les wili Into too the our Its Id ain thy the rair1 wn. H Istory. Vertical Writing will also core u for discussion.creu War or Peac-e its ail the saine. The war in Corea le.:Ow over sud the Mlaniu*oz -Ftrug-!e is on, as well as bhc British elections. Murderîng is stilIlu vogue and on the lucrease. The man who thinkg he kuows a solution <>f bbc Manitoba uchoal question, doesn't know bow muvb lic doesn't know. How lb will be dealt with la a vezed question for politicans. The British, elections Jarc sure t(, go Conservative, sud conserva. ¶tismn as carnied on to-day menus real reform. IWe can stop mîîrdering to some extent if we tiail every blood-stained meusIen ta bbc mast pathy aud oubragcd justice Readers are favorcd wlîh these phîlosqphical observations purelywith a view ta remiudiug iheni that E Hart silhl sella bbc New Wiliam. sewlng machine, which is ahead of thein all. Sçliool Notes. George Bewcll, the sou of Mr. W. H. Bewell, la nicely rcovcnlng frorn a sevene lever. Miss Ad a Slccp began work iu tbc second division of bhc Henry st. sehool on Monday, tasaubstîgute for Miss Bowerman. Alex. M. Smith, alter teachiug succssfülly1 for more than a month at thc Henry eti cet1 achool, bas returncd te his stud les at the 1 'Varsity. He and WUil Richardson are - roomiag together. T.NM Davey là attcending the. Toronto Uni- véraiy. I hissupplemental exanis. b. re so close te the mark liat ho vas offcred bis iSnd year's standing, but chose te 14ee Up the bunor work lu moderne and EnglisbIth iâyer Thur,day afternoon, our Inene kindly1 tîeektbe pupN sor thi e urth fora, of t1W Henry strcet fchool eut on a befthbuttint emersion to Tweediels woode, about three Miles out or(town. W. .tartsed et-the scboot house, ttklug euh iwus s. Itluch, We ýen Ioyed out tInontaimanj,, '., ýs.. Mr. and Mrs John Welbourne are home from Edmonton. The farmers are busv picking their appies for the packers. Mr. James Fewster, of Oshawa, visited tbe division here on Saturday evening. The time for services here on Sunday evening has been cbanged frorn 7 o'clock te' 6:30.i John Moffatt is home fromn the city on a visit. He seems tb be well satisfied with bis new situation. Myron Martin intenda trying bis luck at the East & West Whitby plowing match which will b>e held on Ur. Jc4bn Bartlett's far», Oshawa, on the 23rd. The brother. of the division bere were er geeably srisd ovea treat of re- frsientsgven bth itr.after which a hearty vote of thanka wus enered thein. En. CHRONICLC: As your correspon-. dent here does flot attend our meetings we wish to report a very good gaine of pedro on Saturday oight last. There was a good attendanoe, and -the project of forniig a pedro club was dlscussed and - 'il b. car- ried out at next meeting. It le ouir inten-, tion as soon as organized to chalenge; the pedro players of Whltby toivu ta play us a home and hôme game whenthe, nighta grow loner. As wehear that ,you a'eIa SkIled 46os.Mfi. Editor, we trust2 b have yeU as one of our -cbn'testanjs hlutiiese - metches. W. ho e to be able to aig'u et ctwt "The nsl, edro Club," inistad of Tàuc POURnPEDRtO, LANERB.,] 4xtOct. I4, 18e- ite «asoowsto lu WaWeyis 'uesday nC K wlhb th. Thetire TIOw g~ oftr *~~~~~~ ,eêeofM nDR t>DS tt.Fail, infatt.~e ifl.Zt~' owwegot them, you rceie thebefijt whon IO# ..ilDRESS GOODS... Blaok and Colored Serges at 25e., 85e. and 60e. Black and Coiored Artillery Cords at 50e., worth 75c. *.GRAY FLANNELS.... Unions at 100., l2ie anda 15e. BLANKETS ........... Unions at si.50, $2.25, $8.00. Aise something new: Shaker *.FURS.................... Bllg No e thze Black and Oolored'Soliels at 500., worth 75c, Ail wooi at 15e, 20e, 25o and 80c. Ail Wool at $2 .50, $2.75, $850. Flannel Blankets at 90 cents a pair. We are showing a large variety in Caps, Capes and CoIIar .... UNDERWEAR ........ Men'8 Extra Heavy Shirts at 85c. Drawers te matoli. and $1.00. Ladies' Vests at 15e, 20e, 25c, 80e, '60c, TAILORING DEPARTMENT, Military, ail prices. rs. Al st extremely low pricea. Men's Ail Wool Shirts at 50c, 60e, 75c. arid $1.00. The verdict alwaYs bas been that we have earried nobby goods for young men and City trade ina order clothing, and thia (ail we are making up Suite for $18, $18.60j $14, $159 g16, $17 and up. Be sure and see thle grand selection we have. ....STAPLE GQODS.... Do not forget wo have more of that Cheap Factory Cotton left tlxa& everybody is after at 5 ots. per yard, worth 8 cents. In Boys, Children and Mon%' SUITS and OVERCOATS. týîWe invite everybody in the Town and County te eall in and inspect oiVr stoêk. m-aANDREW MCOLUMBUS No Charge. p Miss A. McLean, of Oshawa, spent Sun. day at home. Miss M. Hambly, &t Oshawa, visited at Mr. J. Luke s on Sndy. Mr. N. Tlnk spent Sundny at E. Tink'a. Pobatoce are an abundant crop around here, and very large, one pobato furnishing a incal for a family of clgbî. On sabbath. morning, Rev. F. B. Stratton preached an excellent sermon in the metho- dist cliunch to a large audience. He was aiso present at bbc social on Monday even- ing, and gave an addness on "Saine kindu cf men," desvnibing in a vcry striking man- uer soin. kinda that are lu the. world ibat are not necessany, and also the men that are not picatiful enough. He bas a bearty in- vitation from the pastor and, others 10 corne back again at Christmas and talle about the. women, as be said lic bad not lime then. The programme cousisted of recitations, quarte 'tts and choruses, given by tbc follow- ing persous : Misse- S. Hugo, of Toronto, E. Luke, G. McLen, E. Bllght, E. Hairper, sud Pearl Harper. sud Messrs. Beckett, Dyer, Tiuk, Ashton -ind Gco. Harper. Pro- TIM MAREETS Fail wheat 58c te, 6ov, spriug 58c 10 6oc, goose 5ov to 52, barîey 6 rowed 30C 10 40c, banley z rowcd 30C t1035cr.yc 40c 10 00. oass 22 ta 23C, blackeyed peas 53Cto 55, mlinmmy 53c a 55, amaîll48C ta .5o, buckwheat 35C ta 3î, beaus 75c to $J.oo, alsike clover 84.00 to 4.6o, rcd $5.o<> 10 #5.5o, grass seed $x.7s .0 $2.5o, corn 40C te 5o>, sheepukins 40o j 6oc, wool i8c te 2o, bides 5c taooc, becf s,.ooj to o.oo, pork $5.o0, to 5,5, turkeys ioc 10 00. lucks 8c 10 00, chickrens <>8v îo o, geese 8c to 0e, butter î1 z IC, eggs 12C 10 ooc, lard 12 tO 13C. potabes îoc ta ooc, apples per >USh 20C te 3ov., had wood $4.00 te *4.50, soft wood 82.0010o $2.5o. The United States Life* InISUàance Co00 Head ofioe-In L. A. Stewart, - Canadian Manageps, New Insuranoe- Written.., In 1882............. In 1887... ... Local Agents wa=ýed in ail, -Aê4r ditù& ddes R. De STAPEY, Inspeotorèa bat ROQms 6 anîd 7, Quebeo Bank Buil1,ding, Trit' .JUST RECEl VED~. atcîPDon't buy-'before oaling and ýexamîig h ~I8TT~Iof Pure, New Made MNTAple Syrup. China GIassw-&i-e and Coue ]inner and W'ca eihap Choie Fruiy &rcereTeas,. Ooffée Chti/or Cash. or Trade.- tc s Fali wbcat, :6oc ; spriuig wbcab, 57 1c o ats ncw 25 10 30, old 3-5: potatots pet bai 40c; pesa umall 6o c; cIa ier Alsike $3-50 10 04.50; hayOr0 o $11;, butter 18 ta 20. TII. Vkudivatc>r sasys-Net much grain ls asyeî offerlng on lour local mprret. Follow- 'Dg are bbc quQtatiens : barlcy, No. x, 4oc ; No. 2, 35c; CalS;, 25c tw 26c; pcasr small, Smv; mun ies, 5S; ,black-eyes, -55C; fiax, 5oc 10 5me; rire, 40e; alsilce, $400 ';te $0. Apples arm lu &maildeinwei tevPOi'I paying e per zoo ilbï. On Satzrday bMr. Fok adb. couldq not g et an acceptLance Of 40 vIs. vegr, zooIM. fera lot, OfAlU apple LutI ' ibî~ey sçld vit$z. UT G v PC bi, Done pon p tiola of FRI] LC Hardwoo at W. Till'i Get you linings for furnaces, fi A specia'. be beld nei ing room a eopresent. Miss Nel Kean of tI C',lapp Shc received--u votes in t Mns. A. monday te lier many, hear-ef the, the. prOper for a wpqrtli E-legant su Gurney J heater, as low price. New Song "A Ver. ýOwn Swee Street. Y fifled, at h holdingtü -Andrew's .21st, at 8 Laren, M. 4etopcouve the sameh The Suita *ProC.W t kindred i e atry f 1 .. otheO01 coame to tI plication i éipat-. -tf~ -Good Orct *merry, ii -in their oia V INZ s 1 i-« ýl a Il me City. RAGIO" Wldtby. (L#t STAPLE GOODS ROSSO NEW YORK

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