Whitby Chronicle, 18 Oct 1895, p. 2

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coor to tus liafr and Siso reents St ubir out. Xrs, ".A littie more thanÎ two years ago ~tofl ter the use of bcOttIe o1 A yor's Hair Vigor m y r wu' restorod to its original D>r and ceased failing out. An isional applicatton lias since kept 1 godcondton. -Mrs. xowth of Hair. l"J.Ig t Tr ago, 1 had tie varie- iý .lut ost mny juair, whichi previý ly ivas quite abundant. I tried 'riety of, preparations, bt wi th- tb21eicla1 resuit, tili I1 began to Sl i ould be perma.nently bald.. ou 1 iininth:s a go imy husband wg!ît homue a botile of Ayer'is kr 'YIgýr, and 1 began at once te 3 IL n-a 8liort-ti me, new hair ýanW t appear and tlbero Ila now ~ry r 'epct ol' fatfit'arot haT~e as bfore niy illniess." - WD'PAIý£D BY J,O0. AWI 00.1 LQJYELL, MA$$., U -S. A. Ouroe ? ossr Bck ReAWUk Worse wrebeught ai Ibis point & go, ~ icbeing f rom n $B.0 ta 1 ly alf a ozen animal #4e., Mr. Katois vas the boyer. !thoi Tl*4ntp Sunday sebool )104 U«s On Iur ef visitation te vhpprépara. cndtO f éffi- jpd work the siate- b ,us thai Wlscn ofbCarles Dcidgé, lbolcf Potatoos in 41r fhem Up. aubtingparties are seen- daily tIek, way towards thé différent s,*Ï,bb4 *bwa, whenoe the super- iei 1tieis oason le convey- ý te*p . 4 liberai Irai! of shellp è1 homeward and ppýpg placesou Lthe street. flk we have the champion big f the co'unty. [t wsgrowu in D1wnship b Albert Hockley ohe 2* lbo.. r, Hookley bas 'th Journal offce fer iL. curious et. - hii lu a gréât year for IL an 'canada vo canu>î- toueh luet of Colorado, if the report t11a pla e tn. Tho report lu ondt et that state bas rowa s ulghlug 80, [bo. t b. opgs ta qy ku'own asu "maggie Murphy" 0m or taise, this lus astory ibsi Woold trouble oven loi Wrk- Sandy' Uookt t e o.* Uou or subsorption liaI wae cir- a town on Tusada by AIouze seigh bor, ln basit etofW=. Ar- who 'vS lrniue4 out roceutly, I~ê*gIs4o e.ee e.vmninge te [e: as uthe lasers notto let giad .th.«prporty remainunu w1i~inuie1O u se ,hosap. t ed tat it.Arbokle thr.siened le of the machieMsd enle, UIm lî,%hle ,fer tIhe damage, but lon wlll prebboba akme h. psOs ion. - Mr.- Hasi u a iseb ft. estent o*Ibis bbresher.--Jour- 47 .Raînes and D. Whte- Pe s d in W itsuons»,have goes monhpiptise uev logal furus te à ualdm Rans qd Wlàteule. m. moumiter4un«<AdRIe s0 vat, te Whitby h<rm ha@l obealilàg ng paiM ,wee ucod on y lutby TJfud uisaus. a jt tresmuut,#tWbitby suMdý m»aouis lu*seCentraL lis. As will b. romeibered the Y9arllng ans of 0. O. Moivoy. of Pickering town, sLip, -lut year made a noble rebord. againut the b est cf ber cîsas in thoero vince. She wa sagain shcwn ibis estr at Ottawa, Montroal sud sîeed BrutUw r. evor she"wu, îakinu the geld modale. In Moutreal she wsa sbcwu against the bout importod stock sud carried off the gold modal. In tact in tbe lydesdale class ber suponien is net te be fonnd ou the coutinent of Aixeica sud she weuld make the Scotch breeders hustie te seurseue toeocel ber. She liPs the beam aI 1550 lbe. and is in the iealthiost conditiou. Mn. McAvcy je te be ccugratulated cn bhis skill snd pu8b iu putting bis filly mbt sucli admirable condition as te coeeout A 1. in the principal exhibitions cf the province. The case ef W. Stoven, Josephus Stever and Mr. l3nten, et Markbam, fer furicusly driviug en Wednesday evon- ing of last woek sud -unning int the nîg cf Gec. Piphen cf Lemonvillo, on the tewuline at Joseph Nigbswarider's wa@ board ou Satunday aset. The accused had that day hired a livery rig frein Mr. Michael, cf Mark han' village, sud drove te Slcuffville, imbibimg genenally on their pereginatiens. The priseners sdmitted runuiug jute Pipher's rig but claimcd that thein herse Lail becomo uninanage- able. Hewever, after examiniug several wi tuesses Magisînates Sauders aud Dough - erty adjudged them te pay each 65 sud cotte, whioh ameunted te 99.45 each. This sbeuid prove s sslutory lesscu te Ibese who are in the habit ci nacing be- tweou towu sud the swamp. The prac tice cf racing bas beceme se prevalent thero lately ttuat pereens desiing a quiet drive lu that directiou in the eveuing consider il unsafe. The inhabitauts ef the western limita cf tewn ceruplain &as cf the noise frequently made by perseus et couvivial preclivities. Our authenities should deal firmly lu the tnalter and by way cf fine instruot the effenders lu the statutes gcveruing cases cf Ibis kind.- Tribune. Lt is rumered that tLe body et thé labo James Birob, wbo il is said, committed suicide by sbocting hin'self near Bailan- irae about tbree weeks ago, ta 10 be ex. humed aud a poeut mcniem éxamination sud au inquosi te b. Léld. Soe mrer- bers et thé fsmily are net satisfied witb thé manner lu wbich thé malter vas dropped. We preaume Ibère is ne sus- picion et foui play, but merely te doter mine whelher il vas au accident er oui- cde.-Free Press. UTICA We are extromely sorry to hean that the Rev. R. B. Smnitih is shently to leave ihia fer another field cf laber. Mn Smith will beave behiud hum a record for plain dealing that unfoniunately ia seldein earn- éd by thé ministers cf thé présent day. A giréat déal cf the willinnnes ahirk tellig thé wholé troîh me the fault cf thé people. They are vol! satisfied as long as thé minisler bits semebcdy élse, but as accu as hie senrncn contain a rebuke in il Ihat film Ihéin they bocorne 50 indignant Ihat ILoy lbave thé chureh and alIlbh secietilea ounneoted îherevlth, simply Le- cause somebody bas told theuff thé IruIL. 0f coursesuch au action lu a rand mnu- ifetâtion of cf the chanît7 that"I suffer- siL long, snd in kind.'. Perhape the ministor will have acf i soap enough te, srnoih lthe vay tb heaveq l u scb a mnner that ail clusses of respectable siu- nera rnay suid. there vlthcut their feel- ings beiug hurt cne bit. enEENWOOn. Miss E. B. Teefy bus returnéd te To- renta again. mina Alice Meen, cf Wbitby, lu visil-. inq at B. Meeu'a juat nov. Wm. Pengelly, of thé BIh condession, is visltiug bis mother hère this week. Mr. Bushby lu moviug luîc A. John etbu'u bouse lately vacated by Mr. Plumb- ire.. Shes & Son, cooper, are sending eut dsily nov about Swo hundred apple ban- relu. Sucb fruit soom o e b.asgeed orop &round bore juat nov. lu oun lait week's conreupondence vo ermod .semewhai lu oun report et the Catherwood Taylor ismuit. Iustead et readiug "fines vwemo impeod as follove," lu sheuâû have read "ceeu vwer. about as foUlow 'I: Outberwood about $5.00, Taylor about $1,00, a fine ot 01.00 belug izupesed ou TasYf»r. Pauallyetesam min away ou Monday fromJa& u Bos u.'tai. Upon strik- ing the read the wagon upset sud titis oîsSyuerved le fighteu the animaIs Lb. more. Thsy rau dowu put tse peut office sud ve.net csptured uni!il bn o*oeuugthe bridge.121., O. Barclay sud nd u Mia lcay oftBrenghaus, Whoe vere drling wwoot, mLmerhe mway jSut eueS611h brdge, sud W>sd ont d 'WfepM teebcpe oidisug vitis the oscpe. '1~. dnaaiamSomto Mr. Luiur m e 14t wu 40cided te bold heLb. h on-m. JohnII Lawrie's farin, one -nda ý iùiles oa of Maivorn, on*TT~s 81u1t, The oommitteo te o 0100-,41i roporsd tat umotbiW o OO 1 gooaïd c w sh had lrea4y bo'n pro- misedt &ad.-tbey lheped te inoresie that G. W. Docker teck second place witl1 his driving team at Markhafli fai Friday. As the firet prizo wss8 eiglit gallons cf coal cil, lho prêtera the cash that aoc- paulea the second ticket. W. E. Vastone's herse attacbod to the butcher oart ran away from the shop ou Menday afternoon aud went at ful spoed ever the bridge, cleariug the gate upou reaciug th e trin at the west eud cf the village. The bus mot the roua- way 'ust after cossing the mrou bridge aud dad a uarrow eiwape. The herse and cart were somowhat iujured by the hasty trip. Whilo Richard Barretaud wife were driving west ou King streot Satnrday afternecn, their berse teck fright at a passing rig sud upset the buggy iute the ditch opposite J. H. Bu ndy's residenco. Bo suddeu was tho turuover that the herse wazalais turned over. Mn. aud Mns. Barrett wore both thrown out, but escapcd with a severe sbakinu up. The baruessansd buggy was slîghtly damag- ed, while tie herse escaped injury. Master Jobu, the ton 'year eid sou ef N. J. B3rown cf King street, met with a very serions accident ou Mouday moru- ing aud fer a lime bis people wcre fear ful lest lie should neyer regain cousojous uess. 1It happeued tbis way : The bey xnonuted the herse te ride ilte wate r 'wheu the animal kicked thrcwing the lad coù, aud hie bead stnnck opon a stone, aud ho feil prestralo sat if doad. Mcdi 1cal aid was called, aud we are happy te etate that the bey is impreving niceiy - News. EPBODE Laut week Mn. John Ackuey et thia place fioid hie 100 acre tarin in the vicin mly of Bnoekdale Treut Preserve to that ccrnpany. lb is rumored thé Trout cein- pauy intend makiug aà park on thé p lace, sud bLeue who the kucw the farin that it is quito possible as il could ho doue, ai amali ceai. Thé Conipauy's main objeot was ne doubt to, sécuro coutrol of- the stréam that nons througb Ihe tanin. Narrow emeape. One day last week Eber Bysins, the mail carrier betweon lJxbridge sud Port Perny sud intermediate points, had an expérience Ihal ho fervently hopés may net ho repeated. Ho wus driving tcwards Ibis place frein Utica when a tesin cf non- away herses carne teaning op the rcad ho. hind hum, the road being very nsrrew, thé herses were upon hiru, The tongue, et théin wagon came againat a trunk thal was sîrapped on the back cf hi& buggy sud et course put a hele throgh i, but ai thé same turne il lifted the rig int thé ditch snd bf i rocin for the team, to gel by. Thé runaways were caught, cr steppeci ascénding tho eu e hili. Mr. Byasa as able to résume his journey wibhoui much délay, thankfulnione oubt that somebody's Irunk vas plsced ho- Iweon hlm sud the wagon tongue. Hi. stage hs nov cailed the trunk lino. Lîko the Tolloh of !agie Desperte Itchigs of th. Skin Aflyod by 8kim Spoc» It la only a few menthe "mc Dr. Chse's Olutment ws biru;t rominently before the rublie pyftt4 cures of st6bornsa onir u cass cu of Itchin' Piles thatba deffed ail eter treatment.utb. dy i lerecog* nized from tOesu ocean eau intailble cure tor Itng PlsEmmtc Eutoesd lahi b8ifl.Ita oure.4 ave rendere iLt@saes Iretsthoseeofsau other prepsrs- Muoue for suceaiente combine&. People use Dr. ChWAse011tMont with confidence, csuee In ee~ community somecue bas been belle- It.ted11k Mr.filnpson, Berlin Ont..wko, under date ci. eb 8 16 wmites thai fer a number of y=eh wti'oubl.d with Itehiug Pile -tley ls.o n ese sufferlug, aud although dosei et adv#rtsed remedies wero used0nofe ithsm dld ay good mthough soins .ethemn h"alon »id Uierotagh triais. Bore are his own u F quoted froin hin letter. - Lasî fal 1 got a box etChasew Oltment frein Mr. Landreth's.driq store, Beilin. 1 ¶l aordlnt to dIrectioes ,and mon fowid fI wauwhat I wanted. Ouly uge prt f ueboxwheu I wsu weIl asever tMylt.Once tu a wbWilh scs I baye fton ft tamtom ofits returu but ome sapUc- oin f the ObAt nud ail ts rtght egaz" eh expressIons aa bisfreon thmouswê Obsse'ssaoout for ft4 popularlt7. Messrs ' Andrew and Thomas Devitt took ini b'c Behan* faw Lut weck, Each was &cconpanied bLy a ýCattwright faîr. lhe. prizes awarded them are flot yet known. Mr. Frank ?ower à'S eiouty think- in fgoÎig ino portseraip É itiPat. tenon (not thý biscuit'firm),, :It Wrèp0fied Jhat a Vat any -of Our citizens are cnt agivoyage . Wtti as open ed ab>ac etore in thie Stai1e§ a biack, lu Ciktield., The enormotie crop of potatoes lui :this section bas cauzçd them -to, take'a ,drop In price, 20oc. *a bag being the market price. As Mrs. W. H. Hoyle was reachià~g for a stovepipe from, an upper shelf on Satutday morning last, desiring te gel higher she stepped on, wbat she sup-- posed te be a woodeu box, the box was covered with cloth and instead cf being wooid was pasteboard cousequently on stepping upen it she fell striking on ber side on the edge of a barrel fracturing twe riba It is marvellous that the in- jury was net even more serieus. We are pleased te know that Mrs. Hoyle is likely te recover although it will be many weeks betere she will be able te get around. The Epwortb League gave a social entertainment in the churcb on Friday evening lasîte enabie them tt pay off the instalment of their subscription te the new cburcb. The Harris family cf Beaverton contributed a goodly share of the programme wbicb was well rend- ered. The choir under the leadership of Mr. T. Vallentyne, sang sorne two or tbree -antbems wbicb were well rend- ered. Mr. J..- B. Pollard and Miss Sadie Gillespie gave a couple cf cornet and organ solos. The Rev. Mr. Greatrix acted as chairman. We are pieased to see the Rev. Mn. Rix among us again. Mr. Rix bas been occupying the puipit ot the chu rch ot the Epiphany, Toronto for tbe past mion tb. Mr. Neil Clark bas been sick for the past few days. We hope he may soon recover. The citizens' band sereuaded Mr. Geo. McCar on the occasion cf his marriage. Upon the boys surpnisiug George he came te the front aud made a veny neat address at the came lime passing a cigar box around." Afxer the usual congratulations and corne music the beys gave"three cheers and left the hxappy couple t6 -go'on lif e's jcurney. 19r. Th 1os. Sitb, cf Mariposa, sayç he owns aturkey heu which has laid 1 Î6egg and is net yetired, for she h , Ulyg -and doesn~t want te sit. 1 wonder ,where we can find ber equal, 3if any oue bas it Mr. Smnith would likî te hear from the owner.-Express. Indiationas te îLof e chratr et Le winter we wiii have some cold weather betore next spning. The trees are burdened down with îhem in tact. Butternuts are aIso very plentitul. Messrs. N. McPhadden and T. H. Gleudinniug, of Sunderland, were in towu on Saturday tact. We cougratolated Mr. Robt. Holmes, son ot MrP. Holines of îIfis îowu. on hi&. appointuient te the position cf second teacher*in Upper Canada Col- lege, Toronto. Much' symnpatby le felt for the Moshier tamily ai Manilla. Aboust a fortuight ago ýone ef the boys died from an atîack oftîyphoid fever, and on Monday merning last the father, Mn. James Moshier, died tnom the carne disease. A daughter is also danger eusly ill, and very little hopes are entertained for ber recovery. The de- ceased Saines MosLier was, an old and honored resident et Manilla anmd Lis death is deeply regretted. Hic ne- mains were interred in Pinedale c,'met- eny on Tuesday afternoon and werc tollowed te their last restiug Flazze by a- large concourse et tiends.--Gl !aaeî We regret te. learn efthtie death on Tuesday, Oct. suIt, of I'ih-. Gibson, rel- ict of the lhte HarryGibeoci h e patted ibîs lite, somne îW menthe ao -We mv&t',chrbui cie the 'detli of Asnie, fteen yeax eld daugbter et Mr,. Robt, Phsips*.- The aeceased' basbeen aii~for nome lime,. but , assed a.wa y quite suddeiy on Friday -'l et Our îown -was aWaknd very e-ëarIy~ one uieruing lut, week to hear- oeýýthéi mariago f Miss PLHoeyteMi$4 WôOde B laçketck must* àinupbti6s.- ",AIl paxtics -having iatcly partaIcéeo ouiont- ,are barred front usln g thé' teiephonef' We--are Oplesd *o -notice,tisat, ]Dn Fiait earried ituzeith his z ý*ia teant, front the .Clàrkel'"'epsipn ýoù 4etýé1 if e da Iokp, olà-i "W i Re VI Mdean and *lie.a re with Tco- rot rleudg this week"- ekwihMrs. Patterson. Mrs. Peter _McNab is with fl'ends ini Hamilton foi -a tortnight. Joh MadilI and wite, et StouffNille, is with Fred Farmer tl4s week. Miss Harding, et Toronto, is here with Thomnas Gibbons and famiiy. J. C. Bundy and bride, et Sîouffvilie, spent Sunday here with friends. Mrs. B. S. Palmer and Mrs. George Gerow were at Whitby Saturday. W. Dowswell and Fred, aise George Grahami are picking apples this week. John Graham, seuth of here, get first on his carniage mare and first on bis hackney celt at Markham fair. Ira Boyer secured first prize en bis colt at Markham fair, and in conse- quence struts aronnd like a millienaire. Robert and John Hubbard are pro- gressing favorably. Rebert expects te, be able te go about the house in a few days. Robert Ward bas about completed the sale of hîs chopper te Bcrt Mantle. The machine will be removed froni the foundry very soon now. Arnold Pugb, ef Chatham, is here just now 9fl business. He has decided te work bis father's farm east of here next season. The place adjoins that of Alex. Waddle. The baptist choir bas been furnisbed with new anthem bocks. Under the able iead of Mr. Gibbons and Miss Evans, the choir sbould make rapid strides te efficiebcy. H. Pilkey farm for a number of years bas leased the Alger farmn on the 6th con., and will take possession this taîl. There is some t.alk of Mr. Pilkey werk- ing the farm himself. Andrew Linton has sub-let bis con- tract on the sideline between lotà 6 and 7, in the 9tb con., te, Abijah Forsyth, who will push the work te completio n without delay. Andrew found hic time se taken up iu the store that Le could net pnoperly look atter bis men. Rev White and sister anrived home on Monday and were met at the even- ing train by a number cf their baptist friends and were taken te the church where a public reception was tendered theru. The cburch was suitably decor- ated with flowers, evengreens, etc. A sumptueus tea was served by the ladies, atter which a programme was rendered. An address cf welcomne was given by Cal. Goptick, supplemented by sonie appropriate remarks by Rev. Harris, of Greeuwood, wbo Lad accompanied Rev. Wbite across the ocean. On bebaîf ot bis sister and Limselt, Mr. White thanked tbe friends for the very cordial reception extended te them as weli as for the words cf sympathy and encour- agement. At frequent intervais th.e choir enlivened proceedings with happy song. We trust that sucb fiendly fer ling may ever exist between pastor and peop'c -News. C;tmat.0 iu*Uneu0*oS eaîtb, If cannot be donied ibat the influence of cliîma, éup(>n healtb fa great. sudfi is lu recog- ,.ILs of ibis tact tbat phy6icians send patienta suif ring with pulrnonary diséoases ia gréai dis- tatiu.es tfur "change cf Pir: ',But whau the sot- fee lt4.4ppn8tite t teepoor te Act upebn îLe. ativice bhI J-tis bsr4A-ndeedi But it e la'iot îse-esaniy bopele.e. Dr. Pierces Gflden Mveficali Viscovery co e olsad et suy medicinie suire. sàud îo le il unsandas whse caes were coîsiidereèl leeperate ove their livos. Up te a certain pointîn the progresi cf Con- msuiobn, Dr. Pieroe's Golden Modicai Dis ceîy mu a pr-sive rerne'y. But deîay je dan- veto la wlthm0.srps' i i i.cuU tous that lesd ta il, the'> Disovery" 1s the re- 'edy Wlth sv06Jnete cu o ir Weak 14 .uohn at e rmt yEery disi esse hai eu b. ee~hethi-%4uih thé kf My T thé,'. ~ohesAE "C. . Uood & 00,L0weH1> -syen:g t"Geiiteief:l feoithât I1canOt aeUg in favor of Hood'5s aTU&rMslFla or fre years I have buen troublêCl wlth serola In lumY neck and throat Beveral klnds of m8diGiles which 1 tried did not do me My good, aud whefl I coin- menced te take HOedi rSUMlua t*ore were large b=flh8 on MI'uiMO&0 ue tat 1 cOuld llood's5 Cures not bear the slightUt tolch. WJIU I1 bad taken one bottie of this medicifle, the sereflel had gone, and before I bad ftulshed the eond the buches had ontirely dis&pPe&Od." BI-ÀNCRE ATWOOD, Saugervifle, IMaiRe. N. B. Ifyou decide to taire Hcod's -Sarspa- rill do flot bo lnduced to buy sny othe r. Noo<LI's Pifllecume enstIpatioii by restor. tng the pCristàltIO action of the a11meftarycauM8 w~s sec, gendio MR. wu. Ross, OBOSS TE INCIDENTS OBSERVÂN'! Icanuot etcj eetiug City, wb about 750,000 iea, neading ro( and, in tact, e, cemfort sud ce visiters, but wi begun my lsnd te inake rMy le Oun first rail trom Liverpool thneugh bbe gr ef Lacashire. about a85imiles minutes. 1 ai car if the place obester, and sE out ot the Win, feggy, it lai distance, the Bnitain, and measure di8tai If Von ask a p~ a place he wil 40 minutes or ho. It seerne, drivers on th sonne cf the gu tiens, sud noi how rnany i but tbey kuew me te go. Manchester 700,000 (witi chief center eo iudustry. Or railway 5tatic tact that il la immense trafi size oe t is sh a cathedral 'ç haîf cf thé 14 repaired duri inspeet il. The river 1 the City, ilaa ll&e a canal t geed use of ai oluding their deal oftrade in Manchestd groat 16tree ."nlosSqure, Iestatue,.'J Royal Lnfirm statues, cf th, Watt, the i aud 8ir Boi Mancbester 1 connection i pleted s ship -of $15,000,00 f5l miles. I ozpectied te 1 brade. One eveni gardons, wbî 4 crowds of th and bas i rounds;, and *e " fuseSdaii Vis: he PerSi i c i fr~: s ..? 1~ -, --r.,, ~; I - - or 'or- lacSthatyox by the igbt Véry corier W. vers t our Loavy b- tien«. Yen 1 wish L1 Lad no cap.on;$ > pante weei ne boots or have se but enete ho muat b. i for "yis S*B --in -t ssgood" Saint' LV 1 4k

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