Whitby Chronicle, 4 Oct 1895, p. 4

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Store loones. Rfceipts oarefully ýy prepared. 1IL LI8.S it Dru ggi8t, 14dical Hall, - Whitby romulc. OCT. 4, 1895. Ltt Oshawa Reformer gives ltc CHRON- 9-the bene5î of ils leadiug article laât ýk, on the asubjeet of the fars, and more ltïrly Wblîby fair. W. have not pre- et 1I'VLe<Oors coxumeuts upon Ibis _x ad*e are sorry for it, be- se tb:er' abtd b. sncb a contres-, be- titit, iteriivçcllve againut this show yeâxnd tsrtelended fiendship Ibis rt, e« staen as t0 au y or ail jgthe Whilby t otc-* o lemd an.y- thiat ve have ils besl inleresîs ~ttemayabaci weatbcr may attiidane t Whilby show ,bùtutonththird. As bptiued ont about equally e former is speaking at ~Rlietoetappeans b belleve er s-or ba4 weather had mil bo es ttesidance, but that Bow- wjtùt imes, and Port Perry wiIh 1*ý'W"Ce IC gung %osiionfor our X*tithe.lid of aricleitsreal #týji A, bO au coemalfest Iî "th Wblîby (air were to À mnienîgrant and rua ils Pi~'ckering, Whltby and a faîr aplece. irhich il -~ight t bave.. Taken as a te er'., article vonîci really tàt!,#,iïnd litaI it lu not quile ýéwWW esf wanl, and certainly dom mgt=emot'clemrly cnough for ptbigto 9ïe its influence felt- L 44*â*W-dé I, engiacer suggeuted to advocattý a change in 1mw Pm, etmunICipml councillors 'y ppropriafing publiec money Ide that Ibis sbould ail be m$Èicîpl englaceer,, or a quali- toucommisuioner. As il nelor la apt-lo lry for ail be oý,,irt 1money for bis quarter died or not, and a large .60 te eyila ppropriate in la ml il". tonto 1suit constituenla atemt in their demands, or who utMce. ia commisalouer or engi- *ýe rence or reputation had full tewould have a ood j ob doue UIdéewvas being la onut, and bis Mt',-'»ud b. uhorative, wh- L u*It ig or fa*vor. A few yarn ;*W 2kUtbl hàuduiug of our rouît. by iltn, oompetent men vouhît iargely thth reftat agitation for bette: coummoth anofficer mit mot ol>giiâbeï ndwhere ppointed pad-but we necd m~s seun of buain.ess capadity výàgoo&4nnl charge of ge te",At suy rate we give a fox vitl is laworth.. :n fiý'ë columu w. publlsb a lengthy q lt frointMr. W. J. Murray, oatf B~r okla, whicb lu writter E. som urecent 'Gter- CP but rebicb lsfrom pon tié old line lu- hilch figt ve are (r. Mrray several e. arcetier inud- >npany by tic olît y- fatbernt thel an- 1l g tte n , andi of., thse CuRoNSCex, tbim purattecifor heu tutI ofthie insinua-- d, knnw hetter, hlm-1 befibre, *viy :r«Mlîi. uuý &tofsIl, whett -te 8pbbfto get ithewO0 and h#ý béetl Woriited bsdlyW'ir4-titue. W. mean the . btjsl, eu nd àf4household- r«s Whn il ay tbe îe*.. ïd>. Smth,* Ohmsem. oanMonday the fllowing deputatOfi Wef l from thIis rldingut0 Otnw to present the dagims .r. WtU. Smlith,' M.eP, to the posi- J tion of Miilter of Agricutàý ln the Donlu- t Ion cabinet:~ Meurs. J. L. SmihJ. H.t Long, Peter Christie, Robert Miller, Wm. Real, E. H. Purdy, J. B. Dow, Dr. MtGil- llvray, W. Parsons. Tbe viewï of these gentlemen were heurt! bv Sir Mmaenzle Bowel', and not only the claIms of South Ontarlota rèpresentative but also of the county Itself were sbown forth ln their best llgbt. It was urged that Mr. Smith la pro. bably the only qualifed member ln the J bouse of commons wbo 1a a practical (armer, I and the record of this county i sweeplng prise lista ln agricultural products nt ail shows frotn the world's fair down to the amallest county show was dwelt upon. The I deputation further urgeci that there was a general feeling, one flot to be ignored, that a practical farmér must be namuec for t.his position ln the cabinet.t Premier Bowell in hie, reply made it clear that Mr. Smith's chances of being given the portfolio now were very slim, things beingt now dlvided up on the bais of so tmany places to each province, al'ility or experience having very little to do with it. Queec now holda the pl ce, andi it mulst remnain there for the pregent. He said he had flot tormed the present9 government; but if he should readi ust port- folios at any tinte he intended to appoint a practical man to this place. This, said onei of the Ieiding members ofthe deptitation toi us, was tLken to mnean that i f thie present1 goverament be sustaineci at next election ai farmier will get the place, and there can ble no donbt that that farmer will be from On.- tarlo. This would make the question oni7 one of time for Mr. Smith, and the promi- nence and friendly concurrence which the leadiug newspapers of tlie country have given bis naine for the place makes the thiug appear more eucouraging. We have now no doubt that our prophecy of five vears ago, that South Ontario's two noble sons shall be the boss farmers of the Do- minion and Province, will be very soon fui- filled. The following from the Montreal Gazette shows the rating Mr. Smith bas at a distance from homne andi among bis fellow members of parliament, beng probably (romn the peu of Mr R. Whit e. M. P.: The desire of the coustituents or Mr Wm,. Smith, M P., (or Soutb Ontario, that their member shoulci be appolnted Minster of Agriculture, is a natural and laudable onehit indicates the populmrity of Mr. Smith, wbo is a thoroughly replresentative and hghly successful fariner. Mr. Smiîth was firet retutned to the Elonse t Comnions in 1887 and bas gained for himself ln that body the reputation of an excel- ent speaker and an incdustrious representative. He bats admirable qualificritions for the position his constituent@ wsh bim to r-ccupy, and when a vacancy in tbe Ontario representation in the Government occurs. bis naime lu not unlikely to be considereci in the flling of il.. amseameat Bysl.rn Mutual Principle. EDITrOR CHRONICLE:- Sir,-As you are awmre, 1 bave been a reader of your piper for a greçt many years, and still have it maileci 10 my acidresu here, as I amn natural- Iy axous to bean news (rom my olci home. In looking over your issue of u few weeks ago I noticeci an article, under the head of "<Grave Yard Life Insunance," and a couple of wecks liter tbere appeareci a similar bcadiag yeî il reterreci 10 an eatinely difler- eut mater-liat unfotunate allai: ai Broug- ham. It la thc firsî article, ostensibhy yours, andi in tie public interest I ubaîl demI with. In that connection you tike ont wilf the remark that some ambitious and imaginmry smart min organizes a company andi (il with a tous 10 the people, and a superficial public go îbrougb the thiti ice and then won- cier tbey wene so foolisb. etc. Nu doubt Ibere lu somne trutb in tbis, that compmnies of ail kindu have fuileci, and wili agin, as it is but a carrying ont of lb. 1mw ofîthe sur- vivat o: the flîteut, or the weak having 10 give wmy to the strong. This iu truc of cvenything, and if that is 10 be taken us a guide there have been dollars lout through (ailures on the olci line plan to cents on the new. Von also preface the statement by saying you don't wish 10 bit any panticular com. pmny, of course nul, ih jusl happens su, that's ail, Ibat you make an unvmnnanleci at- tack ou tb. Mutual Resenve Funci Life Asso- ciation of New York; but bow you expect 10 illustraI. what yon evidenîly aim ai, by pointing.t10 one ef the sîrongest and mout progressive companies lu the world, I can- not very vehi sec, and 1 faucy lb. ice you are îrcadiag ou la this malter la ual onty so thu but transparent that even a superficial public (as-you are pleased to cail îem) ca r: dily sec thie doyen font at the boîloni. Nov, Sir, we shahl take up your objections (if yours lbey are) ad dcii wibb îhemn sereiqtim. You cdaim lthe association vas boomeci, aid consequently shoulît. b. uhunnei, mand you go so kir ms w condemn auytbiug liatIsl boomed. It lu almost neeles for me le, tell your intelligent readers tiat every business or enterprise must b. phced betore the peo- piI lua legibimate-vay, or more.morepro- gresiiive competibor viii soonhave its tInde. Not long age. yen ver. after tmre olier .dlItor'sscalp because ire dared t10 aayie had or ever wouhît baves large a ýcircula- tieones te CBuMoJrcLBa, but of course you did net aneante boom tie CgEoNtCLE or bavetic puiblic ainsi l. Vour readera rlIt r.ierefore, 'undcrslandtsat tiecOmre.affu- tuests atpply tb ail branches of trade *.afi commerc. ht esans.mtv tti fe, inance. Now, 1Mr.*Editol', I preautmO you 1i4véit1l reports of 1894 tw Compare, s *Cl' PC0tw insurance men requfte, atnd,## you hre POW ing as .ait autborlty on aucli mtts ou ýcaIî- bot do wýlthout theas, and by nmlxing mattera badlys no doubt copled fioni nonm. old lUne lournalt you try to nuaLke the puiblie >beliaet the associatlbt isi.adly founded. I 9hal therefore q ote the foundalloil principle and let them decIde wheter that be true, ut merely your opinion (if It be youra), that lat bsdly founded. 4 «The foundation principle of lhe Mutual Reserve is to collecl (rom the memiters the actual sum requireci for the payment of ita current demtb dlaims and Iegltlm"te ex- penses, the ame equltably appôrtioneci among the membera, accordlag b lb. age of the meniber andi the amount o!inhléurance b elc by each." Can there b. any stronger or broader (oua- dation than this? Iu maklag il equltable the executive have covereci the wbole ground, by charging the older members wbo haci not paici the maximum, their propor- tion, andi this lu one of the stroilgest movea the ofilcers could make, an' la commended by many of the o!d members, and was 10 have been don. by our lite president about two years ago, and again recommendeci in June last. and was suggested, but flot de- manded (as you would have il) bv Comumis- sioner Pierce as bis tetter to our president shows. 2nd.-Oh!1 but you dlaim we have flot charged enough, and had t0 ask for more to save us from destruction. That certainly looks like a grave charge, and if leaving money in the pockets of the peopte lu a crime, and certainly one that can neyer be laid to the charge of our old line, friends, then we must plead guilty, and the economy of our system as compared with their, as - shown above , mill warrant mie in sayiflg that we shall always b. in that position. AI- ready the saving in premiums aamounts to forty millions of dollars thai policy-holders would have haci to psy old i ne companies for the same insurance, and the older rn- bers bave 6aved enough in the diflerence in preminis to carry their insurance to their expectancy of life, and it Is stili less thati they would bave bad to pay the olci Une rom- parties at age of entry. 3rd.-l would ask you if it lu to save the olc system companties (rom destruction that their rates bave been increased abobut 25 pet cent. in the past ten vears by reduted divi- dend ? lu il to uave-them (rom destructi-on that they have tackeci on ail kindu of so cal- led investment features with seductive names and taken millions from the people iin the name of lite insurance? Is it to save îhem (from destruction, tbat they pay large sumu of the peoples' n'oney to s0 calied commercial papers, suc as the Mlonetary Times, whose opinions (if they bave any) are mouldeci enîirely by the amount they re- ceive. and on insurance matters are wortb about as much 10 the public as a ten-yeir- olci almanmc would be for next yemrls weath- er. No better evidence of that la required than the (oct that ln May liat our Ontarla manager ofiered to pay thern the regulai rates if tbey would publish a certificate giver us by Superintendent Pierce, lnsuranct Commissioner of New York state, bearin@ .enîirely on the standing, etc., of the associa tion, mfter a thorough exaînination. Tixhi .wms 10 be without any comments from Mr McMurtv. This the public have at right to .as any reasonable person will admit. Thg ;editor. Mr. Headley, coulci not do so with fout consulting Mr. Trout, the proprietor and be, lu aIl probability, bis old4 liai friends! However, in the next issue tien rcame out a garbled report made up by<ils . orting il 10 suit our i!vals, andi not, lu thi -public intereut. Vet their attacks are put il Ycircular form, wiîh the hope of cirryinl .weight 10 boîster up a wornouI system. 2 4th. Fromn your cold and heartlesu ne Imark tint "E. B. Harper, the great insur 1 acc magnet lu deaci." One would suppos, 1thal he, ton, wms an objection ; andi yoi furîher utile witi the usual Inuendo, sudl tas h 'lu s sd," or 'lit la whispered,"» o Swben on. wants to gel in a stick lie,- 'it i tbelieved," that he was worried 10 death ti trying 10 correct bis mistakes. Whmt hosbe covering every corner andL-providing Ifi every contiugeacy, bas given îothe world system upon whicb stads one of the. stromq est and lu mâny respecta the greatest insu~ ance company lan the vorId. He, h rthe. trend of public opinion W smach au0e le ent Iat nov tt'od Ue cols, .and notta aV re fighting for their.1hves,ànd- as tepb educale theesselves on insurauce, mattera, rproportion Win hi lb. ld aystem be reelite to t ti.'aI Iyour reply ta yor Bvooklina»fsp e ICKST. t .~..Ã"HILLY NIGTS. ..GENTrLEMEN ....... LADIES'- FURS. *..DRESS GOODS.**** ...NEW GOODS ..... DRY. ..,,.GOODS. Poulets Wbcat la holding firm at (romn 6o to 65 cents. Gen. Nelson, A. Miles bas been appointeci commauder-iu-chlef o! the Unitedi States artny. Mr. A. Blne, of tic Ontarlo Bureau of Indus- tries, bas been througi aorthwestern Ontario, and says Ihaboundinluminerals. The legislaturs of Texas bas pisseci a special set to preventi the Corbètt-Fitzsinimotls prize fight at Dallas ina t it îe on Oct. 3ist. Geoirgetowa la champion 0f the Canadian La cross association for 189'. Batimore won the national bascishl Ie>gue championahip Lord Salisbury is tilking about mang a numb)er cil embers of-ibe House ofLords elec- tive. and alsu of gtving Irelanci a degee of local goverumetit. COLUIUS. Miss I. M. Allun visiteci at Mr. jas. Stocks' hast week. Miss L. Fielduslu ii, wilh inflammation of th. huntgu. SMr. Robert Wilcoxson's bouse lu uearing completioti. S e ' rKa . - . Nqa* n P c 1 R ' se t t Sunday at br fti MîitKi. M HObs Miss M. Sportricige bas gone 10 liv.i -Pickering, after spcnding a few veeksata Shome. Messrs. W. Wotcn, of Mankhani, J., Wot- ton, froni the west, and Wm. Wottcn, of Caflwri,,bt, spent Suuday. with- friencis bere. un Suntdîy evening, Mrs. Allia conducleci a song ser-vlcbý, the epwortt league. Tii. basentent was filed and lie service vas ieartlly eajoyed. We are sorry 10 report liat our school 'teacher, Mr' West, la very sick vlth typhoici ,.fete. Scbool re-opened, on Mouday, Miss Baý Élfour taklng cèhargt. on, Mouday, two of Our Most estimable .Young Mei làî 6r Toroato6, Mr. Albert or * uistoî 10 ' attend kuox Coliege, 1-andMKr., Thomas- iôbb~ o a_'tten fuiea oge. Ait wish tieïn igcce"s lu their undertakingu. Mx ,H. Aun, TrtiÉity medical col-» 1lege,&caled on rtn' s here ndwas nisimproving suffi-, et drives. will remind housekeepers thât B1âakOts "nd BedOomtort' ers are recquired. Those Whio buY ,iow will get them at the old low prioe. who want a nioe, fatylieli looking Overcoat or Suit will dO well to look in and see. ou? Grand Assortmeflt and get prices. Not a bit too soon to be looking- after them. Prices are going Up rapidly and later mqde goodSsare not slo Weil fin- ished as the firat choice. By ail meane bhuy now. We are fully prepared. 'Fur Capes. Iu olr. Fr CPS. Just received a fulli une of these goods in ail the leading shades in Serges, Crepons, and So1iel Cloths._ Just reoeived another shipment of Fali Goods ; full of bar- gains in ii allines. Me RO088# .. .CLOTIIING. The Unaited Sta tes Life Insurance Co. HEead office-kI L. A. Stewart, NEW YORK City. - Canadian, Manager. New Insur-ance -Wrltten. In Inu In 1882 ................ $ 2803517 1887................... 52,O 1892........<.. 14PO01695 Local Agents wanted in ail. represenied dis/tic/s. A",ddi-ess Rie De, &STÂNILEÉY, speetor ofÂgns Rooms 6 and 7, Quebeo -Bank Buildijq& Toprouto.-. JUST REOEIVED-~ Pure New M~de Chea Ct" ou1buy beéfore calim De~ pro ~r. tion F Hard at W. , Ladi< G. Wat For Iisb Li, Boy't ycarso Gel linings furnac, Mr.J on vet Auders J. an only 8 grey' s, ters' - Tic pany r the mo profila We 1 issues time fi week. Ther Campl day uni ed but of laid Mr. spenta since wetcoe vere 1 and-pI uimpi corde Reser k Appre Stew~ -- reduc at th, Ai stroy the f Evex no i mari '. intel neil muai 1cm: laay jsel ANDREW ýNew

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