Whitby Chronicle, 4 Oct 1895, p. 1

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VOL. XXXIX WIIITBYe ONTAIRIO, OTRIDAÂY, OTOBEIR 4,95 Tikon Iy trpriiu fil The people wiil be surprised when tbey find out we are selliug Sticky Fly Paper at Two double sheets for 5 cents. Fresb dalmation Inaect Powder 5c an oz. or 4 Oz. for 1.5 cents. Shoe Fly Poison Paper for ............. sc. Wllson's Poison Pads for.,-,............ Ioc. ->->. L A MB S - Juat arrived a fine assortment ai Hanging 'Lampa, Hall Lampa, Botrquet Lampa, Vase Lampa and Stand Lamps. The prices milI surprise yau. pe- Cali and See. t:ýrW . R. HOWSE'S STAND. THE CORNER DRUG STORE. MUCH HEA T, A t Littie Cost, La what yau will get by burning aur -* 0CD -Q.. WeIl Screened, Carefully Delivered, LOCAL NEW-S LETTERSe M.1Js. OWN LDIU. Mr js.McGregor, Miss Mary and Master jEarn are attending Markbam fàir this week. OBEONlCLE OoutPM;osNaaglCE. Mns. D. W. Caruthers bas returaed froni Markbam wbere she bas. been vlsiting ber - :0:- sister wbo mas ill. EROOILIN.Mr. Pat Ryaa, wmit bas been suffenirg BROOKIN. roni a severe attack af pleurley la> at tume Mr. Ed Halliday bas cammenced bis ai writing, somnewbat better, studies at Toronto University.1 Master Ed Hall left homne 6n Manda y for The bour of evening service lni the method- Toronto whene be intends takins abuan ist chunch ba% been cbanized i rom 7 to 6.30 'college course at the Shaw & E fOtt coîlege. o'ciock for tbe inter monlh.i Mr. Crawford. of Base Linp aat.had a The detectives bave bef t mucb more suc- cesaful ln putting a stop tu Ulic 7.ktality among the coma thau ail the veteinaries were. The municipal voters' lista are naw posted ln the usual places. Ail qualified voteira shoulcl ste if tbeir names are therein at on( e.1 Coakweli & Kemnpthorn waggau burned at bis fire a few weeka ago. He was evidently well satiFfied wltb it for be bas ordered another froni the same fim, Oun mechanica make a good article andi the progressive farmers know it. Quite a number of tbe boys and younig R v. T. Manning la canducting revival men of the village are nov engaged picking services at Aimonda this week. Meetings apples for the several buyera wbo bave been are being beld every afternoon and evening. in this district for tbe pust few weeks. So far the meetings bave been fairly well Mr. C. E. Scott neturned to Toronto on atte, ded and are interesting and profitable, Tuesday ta, resume bis atudies there. Dur- Rev. Mr. Abrahami andi others are assisting. ing bis short stsy in Brooklin be bas won for \"e anticipate goodi resulta from, the eflorts himself muny mari frienda wbo miii wisb Put forth. hlm full success in bis future work. He is One or two of aur patrons bave been batcb- deseivedly populan, not only in bis owu ing a scbeme wbereby the inembers and cbuncb but witb ail witb whmboh e came lu others are ta be benefittedi. We do nat contact. He atili nemaina paston ai the know juat what the scheme la, but we bave baptiat cburcb but wiii only be able ta be heard that this big doubie-yolked patron egg here once a month, and send supply for tht la expected ta burat next Thursday evening other Sabbath services. so if any disturbance ai the eartb and air oc- Wben Messrs Holliduy Bros. unnounced cura about tbat tume we hope that the good their euriy closing plan, lu the euniy part ai ýpeople ai the neigbborbood wiii not tbiuk1 the summer, th9re ere niany wbo were Wggin'ps stan bhas corne nor tbat me are ta dubiaus as to t1e succesa tbat wouldi attend be visited by an eartbquake. aucb a venture; but it bas been euslly carried KNB TF out and ta tbe satisfaction ai ail parties con- MNN8E cerned. Nom that the marim eathen la over Mr. Peter Christie mas judge at carnngton tbe aId order ai thinga bas been resumed, fair iast week. and comniencing wltb this week their store M.Rbr n isJ qeco aln la open eacb evening tilt eigbt o'clock and, MspentbSundanwdh Misnd.abene.ofRgln ai course, later on Saturday's. sM.. oSndayM...th finds aaner tp My attention bas been drawu ta the fact that lu the officiai liat ai pediars who have complied wîth the law and taken out licenses there is flot the numne ai one ai the many outside men wbo bave been here with stoves fanuiug mnuls, clotb, tea and othen stufi, and the question mas asked as ta mby this la. Cun uny ane tell us ? It looks as tbougb bonest men wba muke their- homne in tisa caunty, and nuturully spend bere wbat money thcy cura, are tuxed for the pivilege ai muking thein living while tbe other fellowa go free. Bright aud Hard, Master Johnnie Vipond, tbe thirteen year C Free of Siate, aid son af Mn. John Vipond bas iust beene No Clikers. called on ta pas through a very unpieasaut Nam or aukrsC. eperience. About three weeks agaheuaci-j are 1)oiftS me amfrou ol dentuily cut ant ai bis legs, neur the kace, . J>ff-li-FUS A TRIAL-UM mitb a kuife that had Just been used toa ?2~3'IVE S A T1AL.CI~ crape away the discbarged matter frai sore shouider ou anc ai t be fan hanses. A N 0 CO ew duys aler the wound becanie very pain- a Je He DOWNE Y & fui and it was then discovened that biood t poiaaning bud set la. Since thea he hat OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. suftered thc moat intense agony but bis con- dition la nom imipnavlag and there la everym reuson ta, expect bis specdy recovery. t ChoioG farm to let. The Rayai Tenrpiarsand a large n-umtber oftheir frienda enjo yed a vèry pl easat The undersign mishes ta refit for a terni evening la the lodge room lest Monday. Ae ai yeara, lot 4, con. 2, Pickernfg, coutaining gaod programme bad been rrnged for the 200 actes. The farn la onc ai the' best iu tbe occasion and ail mbo bad promiaed mere t township, weli watlered, fenced and drulued, preseut ta take their part The reai abjectà good and canvenient buildings ; beautifuiiy ai thé meeting mus ta give an opportunity i baýcated on Kingston noud, inding betwcen for biddiug fureweil ta Mr. C. E. Scott, irbo9 Wbitby tomu and the village ai Pickering. bus been au tarnest, active memnber ai thet For particulars apply on the premises or ta council ever since comuing bere, and is nom A. A. POST, Whitby. leaviag, anly teniponanîliy e hope. T. et Sept. ufth, '95.-43-3in. programme mas made up ai reading, recita- tiana. und vocal and i nstrumental setections by the iollowing persans : Misses Gallowuy, Tenders for ol Mornîsan, Stevens and Holiday ; Rev. T. CoalW. Leggott and Messrs. Scott, bis, Pinie, Tfenders for the supplying ai the toma Morison, Milis, Hoiliday and White Bras, achoals mitb best bard stove coul for the James Winchester, mho came her-e last seusan ii be received by the uudenslgned inter frai Torno and bas since marked until tmelvc o'clack noon an Friday Oct. mith Mn. Chas. Simipson suddeniy c isappear- 4tb. Coul ta be properly acreened andedfa theprslut ueay Mn meiabedan t scl erty. JNO.EGON Simpson ment ta, Lindsay that day and left chaînua achol nopntyWhiby.Winchester ta, deli ver sanie pigsaut the Sept. u6tb, r8_5. station and dram the puy for them. Bath ______________________________ iese commissions mene attended ta, but the ianey mas nat bauded aver ta Mn Simipson, Tas mas expected. iastead ai doing this vi mpmWinchester ment home, turned al the live D UNI 'stock out it the fields, iocked tbe bouse UÂI± [ IUILI canefuiiy, leuvlng the key la the front' door and -he. took bis departune for parts u- knomu. Mn Simipson bas aboma the man mnany fa-yons and ia mucb disappaiuted, as meil as uuuoyed, ut tbesbabby treutt»ent be bus receivedi in retura. The relations be- tireen the two bud almuys been very frieudIy H a wril and the fact af Wincbester takinrg the moucy -has got in his- mc swsde i.'W .H. lamiuium ir.otory. FALI and WIHTRTFB IG"Y&COgri by Dit. Pa'rTEEUo, Dentist ; st 8.bozt'a hotel, Pilies ai thein. Beautifuil ta look ut. Lovciy ta bandie. Desirubie ta bhave7 Easy ta, obtain. Because wondenfuuiv cbeap. Vaun inspection invited. Bargains in Dreuss 00da. Wide wike Serges, al woal, ~inu , 45 cts,, regular 65 cts. Esîmniee Serges, al mool, 44 incb, 374 ct8u,, regulur 50 cts. .up. Hearietta Serge, al mool, 4o loch, 20 cen4s, tegiila 30 ets. up. Black HenrtntuSerge,, ail mool, 4 nh 25 cta.,, regitiar 35 UP. Back ilromcd ProseGOods5 «4 mch e c? regttlei'50 Ca Cavent Cloth, ail wooi, 44 lnch, 6,ficg90ç,jc Meitoru Serges, 44-la.P, esc, t regs check Sergei. 44.ht., 25es reg 35r ?ancy'TartliCbckt Inch. 30. reg 40C. Tweed -. U , 2 44. .*ets, rgmC5 BFiÂIL, S& - Isue a brIge ILiuse- j B.idonoeopposite Tolma l4Brooklen lsaBAETw coàuD.HOTU5iiOPo5O Ita deliver, or *OU ei aed. IBrooklU t'i@UOD,Oy On Cars'the a.lobra*ed 8orautou Ooël st'01*00 i uriosu fo;mosb.,(To be# ll teobeapet. sept. rd ilm, W A McNuuLr, D V S.-#nsduste Of thueiOn- I I«fo Verl$y OU Og, Toroxlt4S; 9onorûry, !eeeiqby ibo tboa umoese4 ujsoI4. 4&Iso auce ut Oakmood fuir as judges this meek. Mucb sympatby is feit for Mn andi Mrs Henry Bryant lu the loss af thein infant son on Saturduy lat. Mn. Thos. Welsb mas visiting bis brothers and sisters ut tbe Windsor botel Lindsay iast week, durng the fuir. Mrs M I Couley, ai Msdoc, la visiting mith ber parents bere, Mn and Mrs Gea Ewers, sbe bcing il il doctornug witb Dr. Archer. bina. J. Wilkinson bas lefi this place ta ne- side in the future with ber son Mn. Donald Christie ut Raglan. Mn. J. Fomle bas niav- ed inta her residence. A nunuben ai aur local sports are duiiy en- aoying a t rump ta the mood for a shoot. The firing ai gun-s îay be heard ainiostinl any direction ut the prescut tiue. Mrs. SkiU conducted the neview services at the Sabbutb scbool an Sahbatb aiternoon last. She la ml posted in scripture and tbereiore took up the mork fuliy. Nexi Sabbatb miliba, msianary Suuaàj witb tbp nuethodist andi'it ' ia'ýbaped, the', t- tendance' maýy' belarge. .TJbe 'ev Mt, Brycr. aiActo, mii *c th le jl>Jit in rv~uru. '_2, 4 Miss Muud Speitce lala in 4uàndine ut- tendiag the sick bed of ber brotber-in-ium, Mr. H. Shade, mbo- la 'very ill. Mn. Shude la meli knama la tiiese parta, and it ilethee sincere wisb ai ail thut me muy soon heur of bis comnplete recoveryý. We are sorry ta note- thut Mn. Thos. Plut- ten intends ieaving aur midat, be bavlag reatcd a furn neur Oshama and miii movçe there ahortly. The getienul appearauce and genial smile of bis miii be gneatiy miased hene, atid it-ia boped that mbere be gaca he muy gala as mny frienda as be bus leit be- hiad. We wiabhlmiq every succesla bis aew locution. The udvice givea by your scribe a iem issues ugo us ta the advisability of baving sanie kind oi meeting bere ou Subbatbeveu- ing bus been uctcd upon. Service miii ta conducted on Sunday'eveninge as wel as» monninga for a short tne. Tt is bopcd, a large nunibei may tura aut eucb time la order that the meetings niay be kept bere l:: future. The Sons ai Tenipenance divisionmade'a, grand sturt oni Friduy eveaing lat. 'there mas a large represeutution aifniembet" und evcnytbing ment ou like a marniagc-'bellI, The officers elected for tbe ensuiug quarter. une as foiloirs: W P, IR M Haltby; H A, Miss V Fitcbett; R S, P C Graham,.;, A RS, Miss A Parkins ; F S, G Lyle ; Treas,W Dickson; Cbap, Mrs W Stubbs ; Con, Mmr R MHoltby; A Con, Miss Lbiunro; I 1SiE' Hodge; 0-S, J Williamis; P WP, ' ý n nysan. Remember Uic meetings-are ied eveny Friday nigbt. Visiting members i- mays melcomte. P C GLUiHAM. NamobStas ustue ecOIMY4 M.uu B- . Pmsxs Kaeheserrouawrd U»ate*s or ra-twus &il, sorte of:!wPs,. ru rderingeubo-i oto caeUs o auO~~5 tabuto ùàblle&Ohennew. (fiders. izoIoiteu som-,la lb40ime il oo.k over ,ypvuu f=rsfi theIftey, su4lo have tih.m rpj!aled. 'us Uzu'DSTL?8 TIO- ,iý IWStISU' Ci t.ana 5.vie mt libiiet illyh amr M&r. Richard Ward 9l filling bis sUao this Week. Mns. Ditigmati. of Pickering, Ja visitlng ber son, William. Mr. William Ward intenda bolding a sale on the 8th af October. Mr. John W. Disney bas hired with Mr. jas. Wilkln for a montb. Mir. Henry .Wilson and daugbter, froin Bosaauquet, are visitora at Mr. Thomas Wil- sonts. Mr. John Gardon.is leaving the Hicking- bottomI pl;ice and moving ta the Dow farm, on tbe seventb. R. 0. Ward bas seen a pile of things in bijs day, but oiily one- bas made any Impres. sion on hlm. Mr. Wilkinaon and famuly have removed to Rocheater. We wiah Mr. Wilkinson and famni1Y prosperlty ln their new bome. Mr. Richard Wilson la rnaklng prepara- tiona for the erection of a new bouse. Tbis mnakes the second new bouse for Balsamu this seasoti. Misses Sophia and Mary Ward miii open a dressmnakilng establishment this week at the nesideuce ai Mn. W. F. Joues. We wisb then succesin their undertakiug. 1Several teama tram bere sbowed thenisel- ves ut the Purt Perry fuir. Da not tbink any ai tbemn got the red ticket. Dan't gi.ve up ln despaîr boys, try again next year. tMn. J. 1. Baladoti we are sorry ta say, loat bis valuable brood mare iast week, by in- flammration. She bad taken pnizes ut Wblt- iby, pont Petrry, anid Uxbridge this year. Some implement agents are mean enough ta go ta sales and run down implements that are ta be soid In order ta seil their own. We tbiflk that this la a dirty nieun plece ai busi- ness. Mn. John E. Dlsneys -sale o a (n stock and impletfeats was a very succeagfllone. Thene was a langer crowd of peaple ut it than me bave wituessed ut any other sale arouud these parts. Mn. Disney had sanie fine horsts wblcb sold for a handsome suni, Hi% cuttie and implements sald well. Mn. Disney inietida ta ieside lu Uxbridge. Repart ai Bulsarn chool for the mantb ai Septeiber. Names ai pupils lu arder ai ment. 4tb class--Jennie Pile, Delia Wurd, Lizzie Ward, Willie Miller, Fred Disney, Fred Wurd, James Miller. 3rd class-May Joncs, Alice Wand, Janet Buadon, George 1Fonrest, John GOrdon. 2nd class-Hugb Joues, Lleweilyn, Disney Roy Ward. Part il cla ss-Edna Pbilp, AIL Walker. Senior rat class-Janet Davideon, Newton Burge-ýs. Junior ist class-Viala Philp, Eva Burgess, Wilbcrt Dingman. ALBERT HUfiBARD, teacher. PORT pEfLt~y. Mn. George Barry ai Lindsay, is in town. > Wm. lrwiuniofNewcastle, la renewing Id fiendsbips la toma. Died, in Part Perry ou Sept. 3otb, Janet th di ai tc h: h tt a pleasant ta be able ta aay ail this afterc the fair season la aver, TbeB1ict Knigbt preached tWvlce lat Snday, jd lectured an Mondày and Tueti- Lay eveniuga. lie had large crowds and spoke wlth a fervency and pathos peculiar to bis race. Hia salles and witticiams nmade bis addresses lvely, and wlthal made sanie hard bits. Miss Thompson's Millluery Openlng. This young lady, who bas recentl:y started business la tawa as a milliner, exhiblted ta the ladies of this vlcinity IPriday and Satur- day bier first 'dispiay af rnllinery, and the large crowds andinuinerous sales shows lier efforts were appreciated. nhe large bats and nobby taques were prettily trimmned. Velvets are used an nearly everything. Chenille la also used very mucb for edging on bats. Chiffon wili be used for rosettes, and jeta will, also be shown an niany bats, also ospreys, qulls and feathers. Accord- iag ta the best city millinera, bats wiiibe prafuseiy trinumed and conîblnations af caîdra -are endless. There are few neir naines. Sanie pretty shades of bIne with staples of navys and browns. There wut flot a pattera bat or' bonnet ini the fine dis- play. Miss Tbompsan made severa1 god sales and took a numnber of orders. S e is ably assisted by Miss lottie Bond. A deputation frai SO*uth Ontario arrived lu Ottawa ou Monday ta Interview the pre- muer ln the interest ai Wm. Smitb, M. P., ta bave thut gentleman appointed ta the.vac- ancy ai Ministen af Agriculture. Their triait did not succeed, as th? preamer ga1ve tbe de- putation the very cunt repiy t bat t'the posi- tien belonged ta Quebec.'> Pet-se nally I sbould iked ta bave seen tbat position camne ta aur banner ridiug, and 1 further tbink Mn W. Smnitb wauld hiave filled It'accept- abiy. Reformera mith couservatives wauld bave been pleased ta bave seen aur member bonared with the title, Han. M. Smithý, Min- ister ai Agriculture. Bath parties, I beileve, would bave been se pleased tbat bis re-elec- tien mould be by acclamation. Messrs. E. H. Purdy, Peter Christie, H. Parsons and Wm. Real wene the members ai the deptita- tien frai this section ai the ridlng. joues & Co. opeulng. Last Priduy and Saturday this firin exhi- bited ta the ladies ai Part Ferry snd vicia- ity their nem full goada and'itilinery. Tbe large cromdsai ladies on bath days sbowed ta hsfin b as a trang hold amotg the* fair~ laxI dres abrîcâ the nemest thigs are mottied, tweeds, nigger heasls,4pg1iabh costume ciatha, clotha in , turquoise bite, bramas and greens, and iancy crepoas, black dresa goods ila figured and plain tnlm- mcd-la jet. The -dress gooda this scason are finer in quuli ty and prettier desigua th=a a ycur ugo. In the milliiaery deattent the beautiful trimmed buts and toques sbomed ta advuntuge as ta styles. 'Mtebats miii be langer thun evýen mitb ti-rbauà, and the neat taques miii divide thre fashion mitil the mide spneading saa.es. lFancy riblions and abaot effecta ini everyýthing are the'iead& ie i ieturcé& S ane ne m shades in bt aa bine, and grten mixtures -mith :navyse oëtA ài... -.,4...l huuie. - r Pegle baspuuld Upcampaud ene ata iýEy, quit or ivtiri. jet -, PeS"g pued p catp ad -onc ptogreat variety. Tr-hëealeà mere ~UtW~Tt~ ~Y' . mare numerans. tluaaataype Mnr. jno WiLsott>of Peterboro, mas atn ing, sha*iu g'tlt the itead. nil atteniding tbhTlzt6ral o! bis aunL. . Tiilney, us -up'té date l inte StYl1 The-yacht KaiUe bas been sitnlpped ai ber, mling, mitile ià- MsI>resfleld,1 salisand topes. The season bas eaded for ai $sWih iebsgo boatng-The Observer ext- Dr.. Meilow has macle somne imiprove- . Tmo'wmekaUigo 1 had a pe.rson mseute ta bis-office thut add very mucittta ence ta, two yotung n n u t Iti appearanCe. . ta ICartwrght fair ne of. il lTe iRacb, Port Perry and Scugôg1lasggested ,tiat.iit would be agcý ing club mibold itts- anuaulmýatch ut nt- jthe t aine rinnalor,'te ~eld thiscar on No. ~th. . houid inhert it if n m rr Whlbydu taion ts bngh' t abm intended ITemir end assureî raty ate tollr t bioug tck a geint'teititer ,On -titat assÙrancetl furnialinVa ad is giving greât bargains. msIsied aien o Caf mm seitîi.titan m ise-got tc he r-to Mt. John.Muber sud fanuily iroîu Deia*' tr-Up a'd.re-r1 mc'àre C' mjself itiite re ut't a m, mare,. 'bave moved to, tamu tao,'assiat ba iuae ofa mibiIam brother ilu 'tbe>'evapùrating marks. graýteM'tthe0bseeeditor ïI H e t Bbh and 'o c ntoaaeu ermn 'ahmwt"a t thb Eu fura?' kue ' u- muld ffunk , er, adeadeavored ta insti lti boys, o-mncy Mhi t. Don't"yau'care é,for fîý nl m iefoundatlon',.of tg, expenss?'. udvihoilutI* eveningof bisl piauing lii ias eeti a mtchùIl eyc sud bus a. kindi. lTeU Ammeeeâ ',*th e elare ai-iris formter pupWl. razd totit~ raud.Mr Crneiemii aî te Observer la mran -wito .c itae'Wfwtbe I~keii a bs-etesive tom- arde 'aifecellent litemr ber y~5~Icitôice Zaglisit, or' lhê cet, if. 'Diedi, t Soiyu, ou'Sept. uý9tb,>, Joan., be- ' bitter and .'ve.noiùquâ', nvectiVe loved wlfe of Mr. John Watson and winaier sarcas.': I ami'piease tte' pf Chief Constable DMcKnîgbit,'.aged 69 years è d me tam- t., gel, nesl , io and 4. unontha. ' 1' back'doors andkeyhlsI,1 Cbmuisoiaaer, Wm. Batenuat -mas -basy) 1atmwhen desz rb g i.Ster last wcek puttiag, na.,ta uem'bridge in-rthre . peopl L'&fron dor yse i Scngog roadmay, ne an titis toma, -Th lr à >"OtSici n4U ~ ftY stractltre mas a lutIle -obiiof shape for yeaisls' -I am _ lways 1-gl4 1ï6 bucit, à '-ii Mr. Bjateman ba ieelc'd - lui#,t1 and sbaped thinga.ï -. tos..AsbeisaufoI' auê4 Mn D.Witeyexibt~'bsfine driver are tkifio th" meW. 1andýpe at'tie Cannùinglan fuir and -took second astdôài-,aù'k ' 1-4bè driver, and Miss Whitney got second prizet 'me ~2eu~sti~ as lady driver, This young lady bas. taken I'fluiýObàerveèr( >seàl Imo'pnlzs tbis fIl. ,Ifse improves làu îitrsý - "P4 4 hext year as sbe W pb& "'<e'anhs Pw~t2u Miss W..mWI b'..bard . t: ba, tOr ùÀpe fuir. .i- 9r'l ' f ao o2 Wilsn B ..oai tot$ihafve'trea 1 tJ1 effl '4. 1- lesire tbey shouid,ý be prodd tIivè of <00dk Rave tbey?7 That la a' queti14~l~ lave mnyreiader» ajud -the pUb1iC tcbftbBWýt.ý At any rate I ,can say conscdint[6u1y tX articles were wvrltten toa dO'kOOd.. hthr bhat good bas been accompisabed may -be een sonietime. 1 well ýknôw-I have hàt*4 nanv critics. Several hâve' critticisn4.riiY articles witil a good AhitIà&8faâ,tbGlf'1 criticisme were productive of gocÙ,tô nl&j'aélf especially, wlth tbe'ultimate result that with. ny idess and the honeat criticlatns have1ýât,';. least been weil digested. Others cri 1s wvith anôther abject ln VI e-of cajling,< ridicitling, and 1 may Bay by' eingi"éfen-' sive. to compel-mte ta stop wlttfil fr the~ CintOXICLE.. What were tb'eir -tesn? Saine of the meanest criticista hâve- beéni-- fromr church mernberà, ail in-iiy own t0wüe and the reasona they give aiet, that I arn flot a cburch member, a professing chrisigi. Sanie say I amn ot a moral' man, 'othetià aSY it la like Satan reprovingiin. 'If'1were .à prafesaing christian the sanie persolit wop1d cait me a traitor, as sanie have acknsow- ledged tbey would have dôue -Wbeniconer '- ed. Othera say if I were living.- hi 'stither tawn it wauld came with better grace. 14ice argumenta, are tbey flot? Suppos5e Iaa flot a christian, or a moral mati, but that 1 arn a sinful being, do twe- wrongs ake a,- rlght? The question is,~ do tbýo$e' éils-I write about exiat ln aur tawn ? 1 have wrWt ten saine articles that have ln some 'Way- made sanie men wbo carry blgh 'beada-feel as If tbey were the anea referïred ta, oril have written sornetblng that bas eut a fflend. or frienda of tbeirs. in -ail niy Items 1 cat truly say 1 have neyer wlllingly tied In any -way ta offend or wound the feelings of mali, woman or cbild, and if as', tbe>rnsy t'bink 1 have been utûluly sever. it waistosbow.such a persan or persons the wrong si4e oôf tliéir. liv es.. Wbat pleases my nelghbor n iay not' please bis frienda. Take any mitrter of thé daily press. Holw aften you find wbat aie bis views are flot the viewa -of the public.- For the future, la any articles I may write 1 aàk the public-to believe-th-ai myab ject is td do goôd. 1 try ta do niy best at ayiatè. A funny tbing ta me la, 1 have wrltten many. articles that bave miet witb the appro 1val..of the-public and ail the readers of t ispaper, andi fot aword of crediit la lgivend 'put jeat let me write au article like,,one or twoa of re- cent- datceand tbere ta weepîing, wailing,-and gnasbing of teetb, esecaly the 'latter,, With a grateful heart 11tlik my mnan3r, _frend whio-havegiven' tnêthelrshpportanit, meed ofprÏsiefor Ymyb~unble. iioÙgherutid efforts la enideavarigtygie aufj snin- teresting andeidaff ble hudgètofnewvs. i' aà sdurcè o0f. satiftiàý o n ta know the publi-c a apprecate-my"uml efforts as is wittiesàe in*te large riamber-of 5subscribmr't]le pro- tprietors' of titis piper have secured in ither laIst'few -moinsin dus v1ciitr. For lie f.- tttre if the public resd articles -iii this cofitùm thiat in their 'ýjudigmenït _tbéy. inay.thlnik ar1e 'îharsh, bear la mid ibère ia a reasoiv(,or, it, thougli týbey.-may -not see'it at-the'tirie. -,In" zslôod mseasantheireul reasons W' Il be nndt infants dne nor 1 1 1 Yi, si si Il qi

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