Whitby Chronicle, 27 Sep 1895, p. 1

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'ô VOL. XXXIX. Talion - hy ~wpri:o The people will bc surpr-ised when they flurd out we are selling Sticky Fly Paper at Two doub.le sheets for 5 cents. Freait dalmation Iuscct Powder Sc an oz. or .4-og--f.or 15 cents. Shoe Fly Poisoan Paper for-----------......Sc Wilson'. Poison Pads for... ......--------OC. Ju arrlvcd a fine assortinent of Hauglng Lampa, Hall Larma Bouquet Lampa, Vase Lampsansd Stand Lampa. The prices wil surprise you. Cal sud Sec. SZe-W. R. HOWSE'S STAND. TH1E CORNER DRUG STORE. Bi'iok cottage FOR' SALE. A comfortable Brick Cottage con- taining nine roorna and summer-kitchen, wood-itouse sud carniage-bouse wltb stable attacitcd. Hard sud soft watcr. A good Furnace, wlth grate in Drawing-ronrn sud Library. Fine garden with choicest fruit- apples, pears, plume: peaches, cherries, gra es sud berrnes. Sîtuate near the centre oTetown. TERMS EA SY. G. A. CARSON, MD. Sept. Z7th, 1895. APPLES WHITBYu. àWANTED1 Il IaWi -AT THE- -AT- PORT PERRY!1 Branch factories at Deleware, Ailsa, Craig,. Brussels, Clîfford, Port Perry, Picker- ing, Wiugbam, Forcit, Bothwell. Chatbam. Ou and after titis date apples wili' be bought for cash at tbe factory. Appie cad be shaken off trees, and sucb apples as wind-falls and psckcrs' culîs will be bougbt. The very amail sud soft apples will sot be accepted under any conideration. AIl apples must be delivered lu bags. Apples will be bought until Dcc. i5th, 14~. L. MARLER, Sept. 18, '95--mo. Port Perry. MUCH HEA Ti A t Little Co8t, Io what you will get by Purnig our Well Screened, Carefully Delivered, Bright and Hlard, Free of Mlate, No Clinkers. are points we claim for oui Coal. .ýg*GIVE US A TRIAL.M WH1TBY, ONTARIO, FBRIDAY, SEPTE .MBER LOCAL NEWS LETTERS. IMioNîCLir ConnxsPONDINCE. Mrs. A. McCullogb la visiting relatives in Danlington. Mrs. J. Warder, of Mariposa, la visiting at Mr. John Grabam's. Mr. Thos. Grahamn is actigasj udge on ligita horses at Lindsay fqilr t h lu week. Mrs. Aaron Masters is very low witit s heavy attack of inflammation. We hope she msy soon recoven. Priday lait wss granted as a holiday to tbe acholans of the achool here in order to attend Port Peîry fair. Rumor bas it that anothen ho p is to be held in our village sho rtly. W e wonder wben sud wherc it will be. Mr. Hiramn Lamib lba valuable horse asat week. It ia thought the cause of its deatb wss a kick fonm another house. Mr. jas Mitchell is building s new brick bouse for Mr. Edwand Banrett, Grecnbank. We (ccl assured that when completed thte building will be something nifty. Mr. and Mus. Fxank Terwilligen, who have for the lait wcek becs visiting at Mr. IR. B. Stickney's, returned Io thein home in Prince Edwand county on Wcdncsday lait. Sorne of ou i cîteus ar-e gnumbling about lte ver-y changeable wealhen. We wonder whith Ie malter with oui weslhcr clerk that we are flot forwanned of the future. Mn. ,jas. For-nuwhbias been under thte iguardianehik of U-ncle Ssm for sonne lime backis vi<ilîug bene with hie brother Mr. Tbos. For-n. We welcome hlm bsck 10 oui midst. Quile s number fnom ber-e attended lthe Port Perry (air lait wcek. A lange amount of exizibita was taken from bere sud a nuin- ber of pries br-ought bsck. Our citizens also patronized Whiîby well last week. Titis week thc Uxbnidge le dr-swing lte at- traction ot ail. Que of oui eslcemed young mca callcd ou hie girl lait week aud took ber- tolte fuir, sud at Uic lime of writlnq he hai flot yet ne- luned. Pnobably there ns a litIle more in thc hiiug titan wc know of sud it might be that they are laking iu thre Mackiuaw trip. 'rTe beecit nul scason le almost on now and as Ihal nul lu in abundauce Iris 7ear numbere ane alneady beginuîng le lay in a store. A good plan would be 10 bhave s sort of picnic sonne Saturday in a woode near by and spend a fcw pleasant irours together galhering thcm. We were soruewhat sunprised Uic lait weck os beiug tbld tIraI ose cf our young ladies irad auddealy jumped Uic broom stick. Upea inquiny wc learued tiraItirhatsonne youug -lady had yet 10 sec tire reacher. ThIe fact la sonne of our people ca t always 1e41 wien they are on tire rigit track To-nifit-rr-da lasSon's c*f TéIirrpcr.- ous erater divisionsaremexeed. Thinsui bciug the evcening for thes -1jpontinï of Wficers etc., ilte hopedlinee hIbea large ianothervwiti the m, sud *1t1io 'uidoubt te meeting wM beh a grand succesu. Mr. Jocira Worden leaves thi swcek te r-e- suie iris studies aI Ana Harbor University, Michigan. A year ugo while tIrer-eire took sick and was unable 10 continue hie studies. Until the present time ireiras becs renew- ing iris irealtit ire. Wc are giad to say ire iu well again and able bo brave his taska. John ilansuenergelle and very promising young man, sud we hope ire may -be suc- cesaful in soon takiag Iis degree cf M.. D. Who wonld have thougint that Uic same old csbbage herd-the Standard correspon- dent- wonld busticate more Uisu once. But it11e Uic case, sud perhapa ire will feel ratier sore if ireIras 10 hast again. He tlls us "iftUiccap don't fit don't wear il" Wc can quote old mottos toc, our selection ie 4 4people who live lu glass bonae should uever thrcw stones." An if mine frent sIrould. practice wist ire preaches, snd preacit what Irepractices, ire would not feel like sIrootin~ off more tiran one. We leave tire reet 10 IrL gracions acceptance. P C GRtAHAm. Manoiiatea uies ietz Ifts. .S.P.xs, anohester, rep is, re- novates or re-fashions a&l sorts of rir, r-en- dsnlng thomIn l mmicases as gcod anad taihionable as when new. Or-ders solloited. Now le the filme to look over your furs for- their- satety, aud te bave them r-movated. ever tow an hamet. emach sants wMI ibH O NniayuroJMr. and M ssKitIs, 0 hgacuyIas i.~ HhuwcY * Ciave becs viliag thir frienduhber., OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. Mies Minnie, Leask le beome again, aller an extcnded visit 10 'fricîrsiluChticago. Cholce farm to Jet. . r.PsttycfiJieb ideli"asl.easlt 'Te undersîgu wietes te r-cnt for a 1er-r oseisl ie pL. sel ae cf year-s, lot 4, COU. 2, Pickering, centaining Mt., E .Duity, oür worthy iil carier-, »o acrea The far-,la onof thebeslllb inate srrunderthu doctor'scai=,otheaIt, townsblp wdli waîer-ed, feuccd anid dt4ined, few day9,bt llaiow Iptpro'vîng.. toiani cony é leul buldings ; beautjfùlly Tire'Rev. Mr. Le Royd, of Epseai, will Icatedou Klugmto road, windhrg btwm ntake the ervkee in tire Metirodiet chur-ch' Wbnîby town and tire villeof Fhr-bking. next Sunday, sud Mr'. Leltci will pr-cd ror paidcubarsapply -On theIrem-iisesor-t 10aunnversary sermons at Betiresds. A. A. POST, Wbltby. R IeoT>rno ocpç '~ç:.6îit '95.43-35. the, piî iofîîrp Pr«elt~rm*chUrcbi onI I ps'for Cu semépu wl Ie refcvd try tirsun&esgued s. nutil tev ocoI tOOà omn day- 0C1s ý h ~' daÃœgliter, Ma a"îîIe, ýwae 'uitd t mariagytine Rev.W. G. Hainna, te Dr.l Jardine, cf Sundèrlanpd. Tire bride's dr-esý1 wai of crcam satin sud flué old lace, .ýtThe1 brldesmaid Umss.L Resuor Martin, of Rose- - dale Toto, wgss,,,mitarly attired. 'si caricdlare bclut'of rosesand looked veuy beauliful. tire groom was suppotted by Dr. E. Fr-ssci Bowle, of Toi-oulo. AMer a sumptirous dinner Dr. sud Mis. jardine1 left- os a trip thirougin the Souttein States1 sud Maritime Provinces. (Tisa wsltei borne cf the bride until two years ugo, snd1 bot sIre sud Uhe groom ar-e wcll sud favor-i ably knowu tirer-e. Titeir many frlends ilu titis locality will unite in wishir'g tbcm a haippy sud prospeicus Career.) 'tut people as a ruIe are toc îeady aI dealing with straugeèrs fa demoastiated by two occurrences witicb have lately çorne under- oui notice. TIre first cf these Iotine buying fr-cm travellers cf àaurber of Home Comfor-t staves. Last wintcr a gan'g cf ipéui pssed not fan (nom bhere with slelgit loads-o( these stoves, sud tIrcy proved lhcmnsetvcs 1 most, persistent sud successful sslesù»en. Wlrewtitcy. came to a bouse tbey would go: la and, tlxn s almoat foîcibly elscted, would' set up,,a sto$e,' bow off ils good points and swell ils pi-aises until a s94e was rnade-or- tbev werc put ont. Their* plan cf qaelling worked well, for tbey sold a great mo:ny-;ale titougi t îey charged double te price of anu ordinary store. Inl payment ýtiey usually took acotes, whrch wcre payable in urustuil- mienti cf (nom thr-e 10 fivc yesr-s. So far80. good for tIre puicitaset ; but pieseutly Irhe gr-ows tired of tIre stev e , in some casesa s0 tiied tIraIt e-sets il out <ois, and now.:is notîfieci tiat tire note te suppcsed' ta ke five years to, pay is already due. Re à left. now -witIr au upsatisfactciy stove and iidà- tinattIre terma c' f bis note bave turnýd triQ bis dîsadvutatge. ,Se tinat.j bis bargaùi4'wlebt aranaersis a ver-y poor n -bc4s arnotIrer traieller of thes gagns e bb arond.siellng dry gondsespevaynu trsse* asunits cf .C!othes,fo b1(ie luffuiauvry çomutucn o- *- hq'e te mvatr ay soon1 coreteéýa-re sumpeMt, wc bear qui«W whiapered.(ne but we caunot Uiink i posaibi ma or-w*omîau woéuld biu suci a fiendisb game asisii. ,Guy tt 00., gratin bayer-s. Ils P~TTUn5O, Dentiu;arBe-' ot liaiTirrsd.y, vs , metir BBAa, .-lme- Of Mer-lsaeLion leu-aeo.opÉte Town galI B;oezlln 189~. Happy jack' HardilIlul now beind Purdy's grocery counter. Rev. J. C. Corneron, of Uxbridge occupled Uic baptiet pulpit last Sabbath. W. H. Park, a former old resident, n0w of Manilla, was In town lait week. 1 Dled, ln Port Peiry, on thte i9tb mest., thte infant child of Rev. D. N. McCamus. Ex.-Capt. Bingitani, îcently a rnissionary froin South Africa, la visitlng friends ln town. Messre. Corbinon sud Davcy have becs' rcpaiîiag a culvert in tbe Scugog bridge titis week. Miss Reynold, of Oshtawa; snd Mns.;H. Boue, of Toronto, are gueste of Mis. C . Ne. 4;~ public inspection, and ai can sec 'tic Standard's, car ontu-tite truck. at rte that I monly a aprou may not. use tbe chitole âiDais,'bu analwvays -rï I wrnteî ansuuhaiftry toi wito question titetrutbfu ýinef li i 17 iem&f I Ti n-v Y-OUA FORi flic. àfe. del gle me-, iased pack- c loge ) a11v e are be wet rboône this Ml ~ d c.~rn ierrt v milch CO %A S, -n ,i t-, r matt st(x k, tort. kt 4< ) -'j 'Laét Frlday we htid a viint frotu a genti Mr. Isaac Vipond bas again retedMr tuanwbo w85anxio is 1() establish an appie Robi. Brabazon's tarin. Good farins are in~ evAporator bere, but he could not find asut demand this fall, and very bad to get. able building, and is sterting bis business in We were In error last week in aying the prince Albert. strip of land to be added to the cburch pro. Miss Barty bas been back fromi Toronto perty is eighty feet wide. We sbouid have for a few days getting ber bousehold effects sald fifty-seven feet. It bas since been sur. ready for an auction sale whlch will be held veyed by Mr. Yarnold, of Port Perry, and a eilh! next. week. Mr. T. H. Wilson willi deed of it procured. condlact the sale. Messrs. Haddcn took first prize on th~eir 'rTh royal templars will hold a special drauglit teain at Port Perry l'air-last wek.,ceting In their council room next Monday They are tis week showing at Uxbridge, evening, wblcb wili be devoted altogether to ater which they intend to take in Lindsay, progranmec Members have the privilege or Canningtots snd Sunderland (airs. Their grlnglllg friends witb them. horses are bard to bent. Messrs. Rogers, Ketchen and lM.cTaggart More fali wbeat than usual has been sown are éMmissloners to let tbree road jobs neit around here titis season. The acreage under TruedaY afternoon, Oct. I5th. Those in- this crop is of course flot 1r e u e>-tere4edcon obtain articulars from adver- lieve from observation there ns double as tiiettients now to DE: ound lu the usual much titis ,year as therehas bec:, of recent Placés- years. Fallwheat bas becrs à good crop for Hihaliday Bros. are seiling bats worth from the hast tbree or four seasons, wbile sring 85 cents to $2, at 5o cents eacit. These are wheat bas been poor, hence the reason for geuttine bargalins, and are going very fast. more being sown. Mti tics that were sold at frorm 25 cents to It is not nîwrnys a convenience to have a , cents eacb are now to be bird two for 25 nuniber of business men on a fsrm as will cents. o old trasb, but ail fresit, cean be seen frnm the followlng. Lsst week the goods. senior memiber of the firm of Hadden & j Messrs. O.lwards brothers, aud their- as- Sons soid somne lambs to one drover and re- sismànts are turning out apple barrels at a ceived money on tbem ; then a junior metm- great rate tbese days. They use only the ber, not knowing of bis father's transaction, bcst unaterlal and every barrel tbey turn out again sold them to another drover, and alsa js sreto bsatlsfactory. They expect to took morrey on them. Thus tbey were found maeup frôm 15,000 to 20,000 this fall. to give the saine Iambs to two dlfierent buy. Messrs. Frank and Ed. Bailey are kept busy ers. Fortuuately the drovers are good-nat- distrlbutit2g the barrels to orchards far -and ured meni, and no trouble occurrcd. near. Last weck the Rcv. Mr. Cameron wad rTe Brooklln and Norwood football teamns suddenly caled sway by telegrain to Ayr to will meet again la a ganse at Peterboro t0- attend the bedside of bis brother, who was morrow (Saturdar> afternoon. T wice before dangerously Ill. His brother, we lcarn, bas thc have playeu, the score being tied Iu since died, aud Mr. Cameron will probably b e Our boys have had vcry little be away for a few days yct. In conhéquence pra eltly u iiswl etanytI of bis absence on Sunday bis pulpit was fil- aga ust themn, but we wish them success and led by the Rev. Mr. Burns, of Toronto. hopý to sec thein brlng the tropby borne We» doue Renais withi thern. Our stockrnan, Mr. jas. Rerinie, bas again The cattie disesse (?) sens to bave run been one of tbe most successful exhibitors of its course again, for a seson. Those iai- beef cattie. At Toronto with 4 calVes, 2 malis that werc affccted appear to be re- yearlings aud 2 two-ycar-olds he csrried oùi covering sud there have been n0 new cases- prizes on thcms ail, snd at Montres!1 the same Nor'4 what is thre cause of titis sudden ces- and the grand sweepstakes for best beef sation ? About a week or ten days before It animal any uge, sex or brecd, beating snc b b came gencrally known that an Investiga- menai a01ORea & Sons witb 3 and 4 year- tdon was about to be made, ln wbicb dctcct- olds. He bas sold two of bis prize winners ives would playaspart, ani just as was the to P. Galiegar & Son for the Winnipeg fat case hast fal! under sinnilar circumstances, stock show at Xmas., for 7 cents per lb. live thte wbole trouble came to an end at once. weigbt. There have becs many théories as to what A lielyintrchngeof ompimets ookwasbe nature of titis sickness among thte A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~0s aieyitrhneo cmlmnsto nd is cause, but there la practically place lait Friday between Mr. John. McCuIlyoe lypifm-dpisna iitrd and Mr. Geo. Rose. Mr. McCuhly In cont- one ômn-poson--and oisn admIitred pany witb a neighbor was on bis way toUx- th p-ran aç.c. Loolng iInal t heredtaios bridge when 'hé met Mr. Rose, who aakedÏýd tO o, n pamsdr ng k linyiIitheacon- hlm to assiat him 1t i-resh. Mc«uly ,W- <berêon ot blapdr lbe aIsnyothiefr con- plied tirat In vlew of many untrutbful state- dulonposiadteel one o b ments made about hlm: by RSe he hadd<e- n I~befct u lner uctai'b e clded to have nothIng znore to do wlth imî,grm 'la"lgtpbthieeitneosk and would therefore notleud.. bria -bane 1* a Stteof a Iab lia our idet. ?rofesuibtral thresb. Rose then led ofi y aflnl in t m,~ a' aedtciosdoie female of tbe dog kiird, and a ýwordïv war n___»!1PCI 5U7otne , w car 3 not I~ ,Our fair ,.wai a, decîdcd succes-fiaci aud laîê argee sûcudance. '-Ev'f hi - pasaed off to'tic itisiifaciitlon !'èéxùlt sud visitons. ýTbe main. building pfeseni a fine apïrne~îi h in bibîts, while the stock àbowed to0 ad Vàntâa la titeir cornfortable stle ' The ýexiibit< Wa shecp were C. 'r. Garbutt, tRobcgL Wm. Reynar Jo easa, L'u?é~ Leask suad Christie Bros. laID swlà&ej Park, L Burscttî W C Heard, A A Brygi and Chr>stie Bros. were exitibitors. T fine-.t lot of poultry ever sitown ut a' cour fuir, was on exhibition. Tite buIIdipg, n, filled wrth double rowsà. Wm.'Rodér'l J. H-aytroftagnd F Ercnrtb 'ýcîpal exhibitors. lu cattle Robt :Ws.hI Jâs: Leaik, Jmo Adams, Mis-ilodgscrr, Bongaýrd, James Rose, Geo Steele aod M Cranidell shqwcd fine animiaIs. Tire "c*lr tors ini boises were,' Na Claugitton,- - Adams, Oco Byera,,Mis -Harper, Jno 'a uliaw, R Haddes;, W G Barres,. Ciii Bics, J A Stalker, S Barrett,< Bates, IM Watrd, J J Christie, C LAsling, J Ward, ý Baladon, I Bowes, AIex Grey', J. Cook, Obver, Geo Hadden, H:'Plu'mb, 'S-Stws GoHughson, 1TrRundle, W' i*ezteew Jas-Coates. For particulars -rcfèr.to prize liÃŽt linttis Issue. Ai1hittock -ol-u hîbiti'on was firat-chues, sud tIre'judges,,: no-easy job iaiviqg ont thre ticktstÃ" wiuers. li te carilge'building tlWq Daugirin works, A -W Allita, àd J, Si,ýa * Son s soWed fine wr rk. tan g ée 9l Clark had made preparations, for -an. hibiit ofcoocisng stoves and 'rangies, ýâm1_ and cold water batits. Tt-,eg(ý,çiewe're Iaycd ou thre road uotarriving uÛitl Satun pieces, etc.' A.--urg e éxhiWWlt in~ bter sud'rcheese, Courtico-& jefrj ýHugn Luc-as Ïbowcd several sers o ôij R Cà Bàceldanice arrane d «uia Rer. J. Hector, the Black Kuigit, wll 9peak lunlte town hall next Mouday and Tuesday eveuinge. Miss M. M. Campbell, who Iras juet gîad- uated as nurse from Toronto general bospit- aI, 19 visiting Mis. J. W. Allson. A ucw groom lu lown operated ut Plack- stock fair for te fr-at turne. Thte hostlers over there did not catch on vcry wcll. Whio got thte jai of plume nt the close of Ilite fair lait Saturdayi Werc ltere any leather> sciapa lu k boysleYarn,.yutrî. Whor were those stragglers on Pcrry street lait Sunday morrring betwcen 3 and 4 '- dlock. Too -late for respectable citizenesund r-ater eaîly for hawks ? W. H. Clark bas for sale titîce good sec- ond-baud paîlor itesters witb. ovens, wbrcb ite will seil citeap for cash.> Caîl and Inspect tem as they are good bargaius. Mn.. Mahier le now placing anotber evaporator la bis works ou Lilla street, aud wlll uise 306 busitels of apples per day. Far- mers, irurry along yonzr apples. .- P. C. Fairweathrer, of thc Toronto police force and Mrs. Fairweathter, retuned home on Wedncsday aftei a lcngtity visit to 'Mis., F's parentl., Rer. J., and Mis. Whitlojk. - " Whiîc Chief," a bomse owued by.livcry- man Vanslckler, had one of Iris l -egs brokenà on Monday white beiug drives te ala. Velerinary Surgeon Onr Grahnam b as:trul bis care. witb (air prosbecta of îecovery. Several d ys ago a certain capti u d bis chum, from Wbitby, were out duck sitootiug, and instcad, of- a duck' got a& (p)lunge. Both ffred aI flying ducirs, firIug so bard tbey, thse tnir aim and upset,, wlit îresul$&a' ad aove. Meaas"d uosiuiptfllui M~a str boys lu '*toWn who, areý amit &Alecks,--ud, only for Uic espéc 1 I bave f«rîh.ir parental shonld -naie t.irer. Li-t'.wveeka local, fituin afipasted.ou~U boardsa arge ilklstrated -p>oster ofa certaiàn bt-udc underweir. A féw,> boyaïdn4ý6wa, ufants nie nop 9tttute 496-by «4ý l'W à ,ý 1 "f'

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