4, \\\ . Ligell Resuit of a Neglected CoId. DISEASEjI LUNGS WMIih Dotori ailed te Help, CURED BY iTAKINQ S ectoral. n Iecîe ilt ilk ngIL wouild aN:j is s tCm 1 Ifois, afis a viI î ttho s1ghtuesexertion j site I n ie I en CofslSUtOd a Doctor i1ýlf-ind. Ml examninngniy ]lin gs, t t ho prt of tit left o,( was I)adIy alytect ed. NtMesoine muodicînie whleh 1 ool, s .but IL di not soesu te do au), gool. [Il, happeie o<l 0rcad Iu Ayer'i; of o effect hat Âypr's Civ:' y l laon otheN and Y1sleterrntnsi ed(î a i . A fti. t1k tg 1 few dises ' \z s r d. ve sulid le(for, 1 lî:si f! ho:bttlo1 ssred *"--A. LEELAItl ke (igevIlle, Ont. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral MIghest Avwdiî at World's FaI.r. Â sc r 's Pitti@Cure l'&digesio,, DUN BARTON. Mrs- W. Cmlî is with city fieude tis week. lParker andW it are rushing the ap- ple bulsîne juel Dow. jas. llit'hsarhjs lias purchaeed a new Abel tlreqliliug e~î Mfrs. (Dr.) I ales iâ in Buffao with. re- latives. Shie wîll rem-uai ntbere for a fort- n ighbt. Mrs Nt-nt, of Belleviil-., was witb Mr. and Mrs. Oco. Falooner loir a few days recently. Rtev. McKay occnpied tise preebyterian pulpit. on Sabbaths, and hreacbcd te large congregations. Hugli MoConocnie, traveller for Mo- Call Bras , Toronto, was liere dnring the lîreseuit week with Lis brother Samuel. Geo. Cowau's thresbing machine le In thIs neighborhood juet now, but je uot ou dutY' owing to the burning out of the boiler flues. New flues will be procurred su a day or two and everytbing be in splendid order agai.-News. ORBIENWOOD. \lrs . ' *l(Je, of Michigan, is visiting h rî:u'hre. E. Gleesou and wife spent the Sab- hà ~th day in ()shawa. I )tvitt and Foster are doing silo work à t Green River just now. F. L. (reen and wife spent a few sL.îvs with frscnds in the citY. Nirs. 1. McGulire bas bas returned lrmn tht' city after spendinz a imei with frsends. luhui Lawrence & 'Sons, of Kinsale, are completing a large poultry house r J. L. Green. The samne is being f~ ~~~B ?aast* tougl rom the trantIodIaloaià Tha* 3>,. Wwjllm, PInk Pilla are favorite Medicine * 1ià Brantford aa d ve nitY WilI b. leadily borne ont by tû local drugRîiate, sud that niuoh sufferin bas beêa l .lg1&ted by the use ofihe wor clerful healer, je amply ehowII by thi nuniber of atrotag statements in favor ( Pink Pilla froM -ttus section. And yE tue nucaber o! cases published ise Omatll i cOmpari BOn with the total number the have found beceflt frutu the use of tbi great blood buulder and norve restorei 1 t i true that Pink Pilla are nied inin tan Cames tO toile up the systeru, enrioh th hlood and stimulate the nervea where n serious ilînesa exista;- but it is equalJ truc that in many cases in wbicb the, have been uged, other modicines hav faîled, aud the resuit achieved by Pin] lilla Lnay very truly be characterized a. inarvellous. The editor of the <Janadiai N ationaiat came acroas just such a cias, recentlY. IL je that of Mni. 8. Somer ville, a wohl known and highly resecte( resideut of this city. Mrs. Somervilli loes not seek notoricty, but is williný tiiot a statement of what Pink Pille havq loue for ber shial be made publie in tbq liope that sorne cober sufferer may bo henefitted thereby. -My illnesta ai iret," said Mrs. 8-orerville, "'was a ser oua attack of typboid fever. Aithougi I reoovered froina the fever iL left ILs ef fect8 that have oaused mue many years o inisery. The doctor said that iny blood liai become impreguîted with poison andi tliat iL would take a long ime to eradi cRte it. The trouble seemod Lo lhave iLs cief seat in my limbe, whichi caused i agreat deal of pain. For about Leni vFars 1 continued doctoring, not continu- liv, but at times, and 1 tried rnany re tiledies without permainent resutilt. ThiE went on unLil the end of '9:3, wheu I ha. caille so micti crippled tip tiîat 1 despared of getting relief. 1 lhad read rnuch of the reînarkable cures tbrouab th2e use of Dr Williamns' Pink Pilla and becaie inter- ested in them. Unie day 1 asked My Ph 'ysîcian if 1 mighit try then. fe lave Ilîi permission and 1 began îIsing tbem. Bv thse tirne the third box was finished 1 found myself very much irnproved-in fact, the pains had entirely ieft me and 1 wae growing healthier and more fiesby. I oontinued ueing thse pilla until I bad taken six boxes more, when I felt that I was entirely oured, and was enjoyiug Ibetter healtb than I had doue for yeare. 1 amn satisfied that to Dr. Williams' Pfnk Pille I owe my recovery, and have im- plicit confidence in their curative pwer, and saal continue to recommenfdthecm to other sufferere. Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla are sold only in boxes bearing the firtn's trade mark atnd wrappcr, (priuted in red ink). Bear in rmud that Dr. Williamse' Pink Pilla are neyer sold ini bulk or by thc dozen or buudrcd, aod any dealer who offers sub- stitutes in this formin j trying to defraud you and ehonld be avoided. Thc public are also cautioned againet ail] other s0 called blood builders and nerve touice, put up in similar forma intended to de- ceive. Thcy are ail imitations whose makere hope to reap a pecuniary advan- tage from the wonderful reputation achieved by Dr. Williams' Pink Pille. A.sk your dealer for thei. These Pille are manufactured by the Dr William'8 Medicine Company Brook- ville, Ontario. and PScnienady . Y. Antgoniss. ToRx A. FORrT.1 1 WAB CIIRED et contraction of muscles by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Dalhousie. Mus. RAOHAEL SAUNDEES. etcurnge proper Xexerie iI power;. and the regiu1ar. and- coutiuu ti edftebt îioürlahing -f~o'mdee~ xseae. S côtts Euiso -4eW,'in c4n be aretd lh ungs healed, the cougla cured, bodily energies renewed and'the ýphysical powers mnade t'o assert themselves and JI11l the germs that are beginning to find lodgment in the lungs.ý This renowned preparation, that has no0 doubt cured hundreds of thousands of incpin' css.f osup pýtion, is simly Cod -liver O il emulsified -and m'ade ~a1atab e n esy of assimilation, combined with the Hypophosphites, the great boue, brain and nerve ton je. Scott & Bowne, Belleville. Ail DruzgXlsts., 50c. and $ 1 Two Farm to Rent. iroo -acres south baif of lot 1,5 ln sed con., Resci. SpCendid tillable land and inaa good state et cultivation- The 'grester part of the farta je under new seeds. GoodI buildings and orchard. Within 236 Miles Of either Myrtle or Manchester etevator. 175 acres, Lot r2 in 6tb Con., Reacb; zxo acres cheared land, the test woods-sud pas-, Lue ; 4o acres new seeds, 33 acres cf new summerfallow, land iu firsi class state cf cultivation. Wlthin 134 miles of Port Perry and i mile cf Manchester. For further in- formation spply te ScHEULE0FrETURS 0FCON VIT IONS Made before Justices of the Peace for the County of Ontario, transmitted by Justices whose naines are hereunder writtenr and published by me under the provisons of the Staitutes cf aad and Ountario in that behaif. THOS. GRAHAM, Bulfor 8rle Tboreugh-bred Shorthora Ter x nz t tisas of Srvcem'm Whhsby ue2,X9-f Farm for 8aIe or to&fient othpart Ltz6 and 17o Con. 2, Town- ship of Brock containin 18?5 acres; 13 clere; wtbn ni le o Blaekwater JicttIon, G.TR. Possession tô'plowïgiven- at once. Appiy to ROBT. BRABAZONP Wick. S. BRANT# We have ePnetSl- tien in town cf thoue PA RER8, WALL' - oegain~ t.Jobe J~ohnson; j, in Our ,midgt whil?. laid off froo &q. at Satva,'4 Corners, ahavlng tii. miofortuine et gêttug $ d- cof bis finors badly -eton-,& utig e chine.1 g We are glad to be able to say that Wil- liham Taylor ilalowly Imuproving aà fter ii osevere attaok of typhoid fever. Hie Dtnany friendes of'thus place- are longing for t blis complote recovery. A good old tinie moonlight excursion wonL from bore on Tuesday eventng lait 'vhere overybody enjoyed themselves to- their utincet, at least if they did net it y was their own fault. Everthing went e hovely until the eclipse covered the moon 0 (thon the goose inng low) for Lbey could Ynot sec Lhe way to geL in to the moutti y of the river, but after a lot of rambling le they aIl got in quito safe. Wc hear that some of our boys bave nbeen getting into trouble over t4ie old ewater melon trade. 0f course we admit that tbey are very nine, but it wouhd look muci botter if you would just put iu ea few for yourselves and thon save al 9this trouble. Not saying that you mean eany bian by it, but it would look a Rood ed(eal better if you would leave tihe vines ealone sud flot destroy whe.t you cannot teat.-News. OIREEN RIVER. Wf; were glad to sec C. W. 1)oten iu our midst hast week. M1rs. Hutchinge le busily engage(] en- tertaining bier sister thie week. We are sorry te lParti thsat J1. Dsfoe is s home nursing a lawine baud this wet-ai We are gladt i ar that Tommy and Speedlisîrn are doing well in the nortli west. Any nice girls up there Tommy ? Owing to one of Jobls eomforters mbk. ung bis appearance on Joily Billes face, bue was afraid Lo show himsecf on Sunday. Jamnes Torrance, the prop. of the Franklin flouse, Marklharn, bas purchased frorn Sandy Dunlop the speedy gelding, IDaniel Superior, by Superior, No. 2780, hemi by Winfield Scott, No. 1819. Thse uew iron bridge boere bai; been completed aud is a firet class job. Tie abutmnute will be built at oace and traf. fie over the new structure vçill soon fol- low. We are ail p rond of our new bridge; even if it did take sorne Lime te oonst.ruct it.-Newî. An oId squaw, Kewacndoquab, died receutly at Walpole Island, aged 100 yeare Mtinard'a Liniment la used by Physiolans A Sandwich mnan bas a 35, year old horse that eau trot s mile in three minutes. *Ho0w to Cure AU Skia Disease. AiMPIY aPPlY " SWATNB's OUîTTMNT " No hternal medicine required. Cures tetter, eczema, itob, ail eruptions on tic face, handa, nose, &coieaving the akin clear, white and beaithy. Ù;~t great healing and curative powers are poeseded by ne otber remedy. Asi your drugoeist for SW&YNEC'8 OmiNTNT. Lyman, Sono & <J., Montreal, wholesale agents Sir Arthur Eltbank Havelocko Governor of Ceiyon, will aucoeed Lord Wenlock as Govera. or of Madras in December. Corne early and getjlrat okoice. P. B. WARAM, Bryan's ord Stand, Brook St., Whitby H. SCOTT--1, PIUMPMÂRER, WHITBY. (Successor to H. Thompson.) The Subscriber bas again opened business here. His office wilI be t E. R. Blows telegraph office, factory at Mrs. Newbery's bouse on Brock Street, south. New Pumps manufactured and old Punipe repaired. First class material used and work warrant- ed. Wells dug or cleaned out. Orders Foie. ,195 DOMINION BANK9 Capital Paid up, s$1,500,00Ã" surplus, -$19500 000 whitby Âgnoy. General BAVINOBS DEPABTMZNT. Interemi ailowed et high.ut e ornt rate. No notice of wlthdrawa1'JequbIr 19. J. THOINTON9 Manager. RADAMP8 MICROBE KILLER REMEDYS J. S. DGAR, Merehant, Wind- M. K. acted, marvelousty ln uMy case.e Was given up to die frein a-Cori Dvspepsia s»d Lver trouble -withci Amn au wellI as everntow ; it-le truly- T. IL. LUIO XI, CbiroHitcougjh snd enmoÃbji lcngere rf niy wife to an Wm. RdaniMerobý- 120 riNG' STRET , Oook- Fo6r sal;-, i ail Office of the Clerk o! the Peace, Sept. Name of Prosecutioh. Name of Defendant. oh n Ferguson ..i Lewis Sebert Johu Ferguson...Daniel Whisney... \Vr. Aukinsou . .. M L Crandeil .. .... Annie Robertss.....Monroe Street ........ Lornuzo.Kester .. Jaies H ioks. ... las l-aciley...Medstner . . las Hadley...J e s Rowan.... -GeoAvey......Henry Bsrgius......... sE jBreen .. .......P Carke...... Peter Whitney... Lewis Veltch.... Samuel Clarke...Edwin Wilson.... Gowar Baker ... Wes, and MichaelBar liabeth Trarirsen.. Nerman Dearborn et- Wm. Hainan_ et~ .E dmondson-,. SuturDiokie . -Anale Fankln..... James ng2 u........ AudrewHmdro.. ...m.,"Y.. . LUwresrAbabm.. Job s Buehb.. * Jobl i# hmmu.9...... lOth, 1895. JOHN B. FÂREWELL, CLERI< OP THE Py£EÂOCUIrnqoO i I Nature of Charge. Bresch cf liquor license act. pointing a revolver....... trass............ breach of gmainst....... 0 49 S assault ............... ........ selioquor 4utlng pioh'bited houI thzeas.nng to mmuat. .... obuoene ugte ... . tTOS~fl 9 994et,9 4 4, IR' treapous aDît Iowa by-law, Date ef Conviction. JuIY 4.. uly 4.. Iuly 6.. April 23. ... Aug 30 .. .. AuR 22 .. .. lune2 July 6.- JU1 4 .. Auag 9 ose $Mg 3.-.. 3tl M V R M& ML Saral Name of Couvicting 1Justice. John Nets and J W Cura.... Wm Bateman sudJ W Curts Wm Batema..... Brereton Bunliug. ... B Buuuîng and G Parke GSo Parker. - D 8 Brncedl aye. Y1 C Campe..........p Wi»Bc oeian *. 0 0 0 A W rewel..... G 8 Orlerien @#@#spots@.. 1. - , a 0 ift 94,: 48 d Arnount of Penalty, Fine or'Dsig se fine... ta fie... an d comte and.d.. &a5......... 00' *;, I2 49*9 9*9*... $25 sud damages *07.30.. ~*au4,c~Ys .~ ~ 25 OSUtS 99 95 99 $1 .. ~' *'1 ~ ~:~j _ T"ine Whou te be paid te sad 30 4S78 3o days foei wit imaWI Tia. wbeu pand Aug, 13 -g - may 3o Âig3z To whom puid over'by s98.4 Justice.asd when ) uine 3 9 Borders to Match b. wet Le Bol itut4 ~e on .)nlto. gis-s ý a li fi Ils ile oirs ut e- il i. CI 5105 hart--. t R. 4b, Loa n uIp ef rsown flotie, (4004 1 I wA8 oUREDof lame back af ter suffening 15 yeara, by MINARD'S LINfMENT. Two Rivera, N.S. ROBEnT ROSS. I wAs ouunn ef Di pitheria, after doctore failed. by MINARDS LINIMENT. H. SOOTT, Whitby and Obhawa. 'Il S , 1. - Vi- Banking Buoinew Aug. 22nd. i8grr-.18 ý:t ( l fl LOWEST :-: PRICES,