Whitby Chronicle, 20 Sep 1895, p. 6

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-thé àloek en h omake ORwas Io h*'tood int 'bbut bringin't > ut you -think %ôb.concentrat W 0lu Li.wbeat oc hab ? Ho 14P hi kitchen lsugi rorateold man. little Day. dia ot opeakun ii lit j dciedty se pbe to ~. ~&Bp~O t he cupboard a pu @6gIbrown tableelu Weï mldv moal, "4I1dcl nét>ighbors continua' 106in' St on. anatiier1 'b, tdnt do* ne gooti, fur'E t6mru a Iiffe fller ô yoarsc eh-btlg.. soin. foîka aB>' lit. eMt»O"lu shundred y.a ý',r0~Mîk6d eld Day, dryl1>, ýe.lits huudred >'esruonceU 6 Dèy>' Knp will have bsd t Igt In ei theLb.bit 0 Mead ldn't hurt te give 'c m thb. reat ,,ing. r unt drive tbrough iL: I ain' Sbut tii. gaLes te geLte s tanè ,-Dore, heu vwili. ' te givet ÏUýifr teho iiocf hie farai, didi P'tquied Mrs. King. 'repliadold Day, "Sam's ea, sbig mit alal round. R lie id one w.>' sud vctin' 't'oth.r te&lon as 'aithinkin' and ae rFAybout the road ; 'aithini Ïne publie roadt trought *îin rm fixns' up the gate l thinge correspond pnrty go Dov.'sa loolieb rpan wbeu bý iudd Mr$..Ring, placîdi>', 4"' heoqly maxi tbataway. Al mpl>e wantste road wl 's àà," saiti oid Day, conter hoy 'al want'e iL. Hew many cii pipe sou p for me aron ? Rew man>' cf 'em wereu'l '<m belind Sam Dove ?" aln't gel»' toi ever give 'cmt > you, grandpapa ?" cricd lit Imil vobe. 'esr thati" ',exclaimed bM a, hi o'iihe' L.id block, sex is," ad the. cld man prouc, t ime you aln'L gunse let't wtiieit air eut heoy ?" V bet te alu'l, eaid litaI. Day. il, lot 'e»>' page Lrough for1 aion, mobhe, but you'Ul keop t aradpspp ut em, eh houe3 isirre.,'teald î11W. eDay. Davy wàaese 'v.ry s-mati t bt up at the. tableis me- Ily vithin Sigiit, but hie cit n. oye.s miled at bis grandp hoe home!>' meal, aud hie 1i- ad bobbed. under the, table evE t->theu n i»fuit appreciation 0Iý, intheboy up in suob ýh'Itik aýIlthe. eighbors >usrked Mre. Ring, raprovinu tebiggest mi ~y was tiinkin' e' cati olti te wapymoader as a'<ure 'mile aloc wop*4i hat would Carr 4';thsr the>' w bît ba>' rfild, unnin' ti i lwàÃ"'e s'. Gmeenouw Aà9 bAde denyl»' gag %00 >ople a igit î*r wus fer to tui &d>*k round tJ lool'. wo ýt* kuI4-rigbt eut Ibr ti » reit Wfi b l so dut * t. o ~, sam me Iè th erutl . levé 1vqa Auog 'emaAU cf My M1e aud s#12etf". l8 arymO ne, go the gpave. But they v. sort ol'took an up Sain Dore s e leder. Hello,, thar,ý Ok. yen &hut t4at gaLe Il' Lb. The old man's role rose Iute a parert roar sa ho uttored the laît wcrds, bis eyee the grew furlousi>' sngry Il"Yeu shet that ko0 gaLe," he oallod again, o r-go round by tin, the pike; that ainIt ne public road,'> irop Il iHo'.don. shut IL>" said the amai w.beypiering down towards the rneadcw. Un. kIl old yen nake bim 9ont boney ?" akdodDavy. IlQOe o' oap'n's mens ewerent t bu?" IlNo," said the. small bey, trnthfully; 4j'twasn't nobody but a nigger boy." I4 1tbought yen was gunno rais. the ttle roof off tbe bouse, the way yen hellored," kit recnarked Mrs. King, evenly. "lIf Dove ook can spare a two-miie road I sbould thiuk ana you could let Lb. bit e' meader go; b. ,oth sidea folks le feared te paso tbrough on n'Lt scount e' Lb. Durm." bu>' "That Dorm aint ganse burt nobody," for said old Davy; "1tbar sin't ne more barm sa I in him than in a colt. If the>' set dewn old or) Lb. Durm at the. meetin' VLl bave my as say about Dove's doge." ar@, The old man was sittiug in the door way ncw, tbe sinail boy close besîde bim. "iLittle Davy's head wu restlng on bis up grandpap's knee, bis obina-blu. eyes were tbe olosed, bis br.atb wascoaming softly and ,der eveuly. Old Day looked down at Lb. littie face, and then bis; gaze wandered te- ,d," ward tb. wboat fields, yellowing -se rapid ly,, took lu the. eweep et, cern, saw Lbe t a turkeys buntisg werms in Lb. lau.. dV" "Wy," b. said, spoakiug te bitnself, tbe "leavin' the cap'n out, Lhoy ain't a bad n't set o'foiks, Efthey'd beniatisfied witb the fugt arrangement, aud takin' nothin' RAY but the strip o' woods from, Dcve, tb.>' on coula, a bad the. bit o' meader. But I vas ain't gunno give s piece o' road that's as fer neccssary as the. whele big bit, and bave ,et- it saiti that Dove give the. people tbe in, roai." thc IlHe's mighty littlo aud peaked ; l e, that wbat you're thinkin' of, fattier?" ood Mrs. Ring's calm voie oemebow seecmed te startie tb. old man. ilNo," o',s be oriod, rougbly; IlI ai't thinkin' o'l but. nothin' o' the, kind. He's big eneugb for the ô y.aris old," 0. 1Johnny werc bigger," said Mrs. King.l "Re bad stouter limaba, and wero't se ut- pan>' in the bcdy'. Davy meet akeers me Fo0 when h,'s undrcssod. Johuuy were big. and ger in every way." t a- 44Wal, Yeu didn't rais. bim, " said tb. old man, blunti>'. "Tbis'n is big enougb tb. fer me, sud a mighty spank little feller.i tti. B1os8 Yeu, ne; h. ain't afée.rp o' nothin'. He teck the. stick te Dove's dog. If that [ra. dog bad a bit hin-" The. old mâu's face teck on iLs expresson of bat. and rage. lre, IlLaws, iL did't bite hum," oried Mme. Il>'. King. "lJohn Peter eaa h.b'lieves the. ein dog wa. laugbiu'. Yeu neyer was down on anybody as yeu are on Dov.. If b. bas geL an ugl>' temper be ain'tthLb.osly 80- mas: round fix.d tbataway." thle IlNo," said old King, "and h. ain't Lb. y?"j oui>' man around has geL some say about a public road or ehocourob-Icrs. ef bat yen think this haro littie felier ain't ;atb teng, badn>L yeu botter put hiai on tb. car lounge yand.r, away from Lb. draft ? pap John Peter says ac he puts him in mid 1tle o' Benjamin Stoee ý h. .ays as Stone ler>' were tb. littîcat, peakedest felier he ever ef seen. Yeu woldn't know it now; wcighs 250 ponds, and is a-gunna git te b a coligres . " le - 1r17-iu ga 1.-d L.&ltieey in- vy Wal, mether, I ain't gunue do ne Lfdmanner o' fochish thinga skeerin'myseif L's about tb. boy," sale the aid man impat- lan iently. "lTii. Lordsf give hlm to us, in, whetiier to keep or pot I can't say ; but oi I knew for eue tbing that Samn Day. i. nd net gunne pint ne f un at me about the icg meader read on acceunt o' a little loUer rit liii. that. No, thel ain'L guano git the ras bit e' meader tbata*ay threugh littie the Davy. Mebbe after awbule as thoy eau iod put iu a gced flyin' mùaebune t6 carry 'cm odd over sud tb. cap'n eau give Lbe whol.eo' 01' the road sure enongh and mn the. flyju' imu machine jutte bargain" ý lo Il Yoa're bound for to keep tb. Du=i in; lu the. meader ?"' cet To titis question old Davy auqw.red le;tesWiy: ,.am'g* ooû!ghý l. bouse. 1 dout büy animaIs-tO',pen 'm >ur up i» the bar» or stair. 'ex round the. le p6ac. Tiihe d«es a oile-long, s*bd if md thar ain't rooxu lu It fer the »urw and )=1 hroad. too. wby the rcad can 90. >»k, siit toc muet> fer 4,O>I4A1* my di. 'hcw, Ti. doge o' Dov,'s M worry tii, s'e bull m»ad-omeday ,ra ,&aébot the e, boud d.adIf h.da itDa" àu- If R wer.i> "Mal, e' -bwn#rthii- OMdMaYae rom Xi.v.g' --" im É mwn WUhot; ýôfn the smde ë anld r8 . itiithehabit ok n dailyvisits to- thé.meadow; h iioïltol M"ie <out who tii P,10$wrejh ear gates~~ ~~ su . O. t thexu. star. about to s.. if Lii.D rt» e-in u igbt, for taies hia& booiu growhýï4l regard te 1"-est about as; ?layful aa ea a mnnuiu round its mother,' solUoquised Day, or., watching hie propemty dewn lu the muadow env.loped lu a cotud <f dus$ ol hie ewn raising. «IH. ain'L old enengh. L t to turu into bull moat. But Deve est keep bis doge hem werrin' the critter if-ho don't want ',m tors Le pieoos. The littlo folle? woire gemn' ijute .bound with a stick ; be aiu't afeered e' nethin'; but thar weu't b. nebody'fer te keep thbe Durm back cf the. doge is lu bis way. Thexu doge ie wuth a beap o' moue>', the csp'» braga, but the Dorai ai't gunno stand back fer tbat. 1 reokon ho thinks be&s wutb mome'n a oser>' dog." Tbe eld man was standing at tii. enter gate ose day wbcn ho beboeld bis cnes>' lead his hors. hrougb the otiier gaLe, panse. a minute, tiion pull a rail from off the. fonce, leave tbe gaLe open bcbind hlm, bis* h-re. standing loose, and rus full apeed towarde Lb. oreek. Then up the xneadow, IIow fiying aiong at break neok spced, now paueing as instant te hemn the sod, Day King bohold tb. 14Oue o' thein Durud doge, " he mut tered, snd thon ho raised hie voice and >'lled, "lYen ehoet tbat gaLe, will Ycr 1" But Lb. oap'n did net bccd if h. hoard. "lThat bulls wntb morc'n a oner>' dog. Yen tech the Dnrm and l'Il have Lb. law ou yen." Old King's trembling bande tore s rail off tii. fonce beside bim, snd bo, too, uuhedl for the hollew, sbouting furiously that hc'd kill the dog at Lbe firet 115k. flalitway dows tbe bill be stod stiil as if somctbisg bad caught hlm and beld hlm fast. Beow hlm in tb.eiiollow be saw- a siall figure standing waving a little red cap at the. Durm. Tii.> brougbt the pus>' littie grandson home lu triumph te bise graudmoteer, a number et neighbore passing tiirougb the bit'o! meadew lu ime te witncstbe -cspmnl s victor>'. H. had net a scratch opon bis amal person. Ho wae ticclar- ing, througb bis tears, that ho weuld bavo bit tii. Durm if b&'d have cerne as>' nearer. H. w.. furiusl>' angrywitb Cap'n Dove fer killing Lb. Durin. The>' brougit the. old mas moe slowly asnd carefuli>', the eap'u tendeml>' holding up his e at. Tbc sudden siiock b.d made -uni faint. Hoea bati a boti shako-up, the. cap'» said. "cY..," muttercd elti Day, lecbiy, while motiier stroed dis clamai> bauds, IlI bollercd te hlm that 'd bave tii. law on hum cf b. stmaci Lthe Durm, andi thon I seen the littie fellr." "4Yas," h. addod witii a weak smiie, Ilthcy'll git the roadi af 1er ail through the. little fciler. Yon'Il b. plcaacd La bave ILtbataway, I mekon." Many a bey starts ont in lifewith tic -flrm deterînination of conquerlng the world. He menus te achieve success and wealth anti fgme. Hi$ inten- -tions ar-e rood, -anti bis wiJli lastl-ong. If lie bas the bodily the blooti, and cas be cureti absoiuteiy andi alwavs by .rifi.gand, enrichinqr tireF blood. The oui>' exception te this the case where the disease lias- been-neglected anti inlpr9perly treated until it la etronger F than the body-until-tlie body bas become se weak as-te bave.,lest tt>e àbilitytorecu- perate. Dr. Pierces Golde Medical Dis- covei-y wili cure e8 per cent. cf ail cases cf consuftption if useti accordg to direc- tiens. IL aise cures al l lngerl-ngcoughs, bronchiai audti tii-a afi1Llen.,_ ThereF la ne reascu wby the cild cf Ci-in,'Ùp- tive parents neeti ever, live,4 -etnn- tien if iLs blooti andi lunge are strnt eneti by tic proer ise ol ii" ÈQacev-- ci-y." Ail wh-> have an y, freaswitote ler conswnjtion, should: eati the chapters ou that diseafse in Dr. Pierce's Coimç>u çÀÙàë Medichi Ativiser. T7hisgemedical wotk of efoc paîges, prefuscly illustraied, bté. reaclieti a sale cf ever 60coP~le.- t will be, sent free of charge on récept of , 31 one-cesit otampa te cover coetni 0 tp ,and =Ia4ins' ,zi, Ww1ds*Ttf,ý~ ied wil bndL ôt'hnd$1r -is. busiios4 de m 'uoi * agodd attlng suit aniiot do ýbeter than to -gfre hlm i trial. À barber lshop wilf b*,orrie- -p "'t of tii. builig CanadinaOrder cf Oddfellowo wXEs some tijxa figeontb-cff from -connectien with the. 1Manobester Unity. The. grand lodgo oloffigef ithe Canadian Ordr eppesled to the B.M1.0. and Beard cf Dïrectors, Mad thé- woloomne news bas -ueen recoived tha~th CnadanOrder ha. beon re- Étord, to the mre priviliges with the. manohestor Unity as it once enjoyed.- Oleaner. Tony. No Ide% How nlcely Hood's Sarsaparilla bits tb. neede cf tbe people wbo ted il tlred out or run down from. sny cause. It sceme te cil up Lhe wbole 'nechanisin oft be body se that aml mois.q arnootbly- aud work beomes delight. Il you are wek, tlred and nervous, Ho's Farsapar- illa is mast wbat yen need. Try it.. Hood'a Pis cure liver iii., cnstipation, bil- loumnesa, jaundice, oick headache, indigestion. The autosemist party in Cuba wlll petition tbe Spadisb Government for a constitution similar t? ibat <Canada. /Toronto Waterworks. An Outbreak of Diseçse Feared and Great Precautions Recomxnended. ToRoNTo, (Special> Sept. 16--The accident wbmch recently occurred La the Toronto water- works conduit bas oreated a great deal of coiû- eternation, and an outbreak et disoase l8 pos- sible. Dociore are pruscrlbing the various pre- cautions te b. taken sud amesg tbem iL is etronRly recommendecl that the kidneyesbehuld b. kepý in a state of perfect regularity by means of Do'ld': Kidney Pille, a remedy whlcb experience bas sbown te be equally effloacîcue in tbe latest as well as in the carlieet stages of kîdney trouble. Lt is aise stated by Lb. pby- siciastbat this season le ene in wbicb ,t b e kidneys are peculiarly susceptible te dieorder. The Tradea Congres at Cardiff adopted a resolution demandîng Lb. abolition et the House of Lords. Mr. Alexander Sandersos, Choudrant, La., sys : "Havlng used Ayer's Pis at least twenty-five yeare, I would eay that for ail dis- eases of tbe bowels, etooeacb, and liver, wbicb can be remedied by pis, tbese are always effec- tive. Tbey keep tbe systexu in perfect erder," There will be a good orop ef oaîs and peas about Orillia. Keep Ninards Liniment la the House Berlin'@ sewly feund flowing well la attraot- lng great attention. "LIt la a Great Public Beneflt."-Tbese sgi ficant word. were used in relation te DR. THOMAs»EcLEo'rnlcOiL, by s, gentleman wbo bad tborougbly tested ite merits in bie owu cae--bavisg been cnred by iL cf larnenees et tbe mne., and la an incomparable pulmonio and corrective.. Wallsceburgis population, 2,608, nakes it Lb. largest village in Canada. a Generous Offer. <Publisked by .Request.) Dear Mir. Editor :-WIil y ou kindiy in- forns the readers cf your valuable paper that I wil gladly send FREE te auy sufierer frem Lest Manhood, Nervous Debility, Night Lasses, Varicocele,. Lmpoency and the r--sults cf youtbful fclly, particulars cf a simple and inexpensive means cf self-cure which alter b.- iug humbugged and imposed upon for years byquacks and patent medicine sbarks, cured removes the tussors. At druggists or' by mail for 50 cents. Dr. Bwayne & Son, 1bUIldlpbla. Lymgn - -Sons & Co., Montreal, Wholes9aie AgonI& , untle lit. Ofce-'. rto ccpe Boart Hoe.94 WLty b>' Wewell & Btttle4s, next Royal Hotel, BrockSbt., Whtby. Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor in Cbancery, Convoyancer, etc. OMfic - In the. Offce south o e i.Post Office, in KMrillan's Blook, Broqk Street, Whitby. G, YOUJNG 8MITU. LL. B., Barrister etc ,-Mone> te Les». Issuer of Ma; à Lloenseo.~ Office - Bmth's Blook, son I& of Market,'Biock St., Whitby. DOW & Kc(,ILLIVRtAY Barristers, Solilcitors ln Ohancery, etc. Office in Mathien & Hawkenle new block Brook St., W hitby, south of Ontario bank. Drs- Warren ~Mooret J. J. Moore, M. D. Brooklu. Office ho uri 9. a. m. te 11 S.M. F. Warren, M. D. Whltby. Office hours Il am te 2 p.m. APrivate Telephone Communication. D. P. BOGÂRT, aI.D.,L.D.S. Phj ican, Surgeon and Accoucher etc. Office and Resldence next to Ail ýaint'es Church, Dundas Street, Whitby. N. B.- Dental Surgery inail its branches promrtly attended to. Dr. H. Wightmian DENTIS T. Over GrOBS & Granger'a.- Whitby.1 W. B. YARNOLD, D. L.S8. CountySree and Drainage Engineer, PortPerOt A. A POST, Architeet late with Langley, Langley& Burke, TPoronto. Designo for Chuirces, Villas and Cottages a specialty. Drawîugs prepared for remodeling ezisting structures. Offic-First flat over WV . R. owse's drug store. te" O Box 202, Whitby. WM. CÂLVERLEY, ]IABNK5 IUKE, WHITBY. Having moved into ouz new premises, we are prcpared te extend the range of business. Ail work pertaining te, the harness-xnaking sud saddlery business will be done te, satis- faction. Oollars a specialty. CalI and isee my shop and stock. W. OALYERLEY, Second deer west cf aid shop. Dundas Street, Whitby cJNO. NOBLE, -DEALER IN ALL KINDS 0F- Lumber, -Shingles, Saah, Doors ansd Biuads, Turuing and ftt-sawiug. ,ggMAtl orders or information can be obtained from JOHN NOBLE, Dundas Street, Whitby, opposite Mr. A. C. Wil- son's àreuidence. WhitbY, APril 4tb. z144. wIïîitbu g irouîctt, ZztabHled 1856. *i ýper snnum in advance, etherwise tho-e ýoice cf biction. The. pubisherr. do not undertske -ýtoideliver the. paper at aypetoffice but Whitby. Any pape wh M fUs to eAch, Its destination wiUl be relaOd u c»notificatliï ona amatter cf coury, d~t IsIng ratés Unieseby con- trat;, 10 cents p#« lin.#'npsrloNdl, fietin,.. se as» nd -5 ents pr-Ilà& eacoub- qnn nertion ,oai 0 centspei; lino. JIHB STAZNTON,, Poremaxi. RaJiway, Time. abI* vie ~-X Jan a ~ob-4lMrch 41 priIlS-ma; y80 Bec. 5;4 ol Pour pIES? - J.W, umha Fort perry, Oer-Jrait. 29 XMarc!>9; ta>' 9 ;- lu> il; sep. 28; ]FOY. euL8. iiide CierkJria.8; oh 1U; Ma>' lth; Jai>' 12; Oct 14 ;»c 7 jân s; arh 14; My16 lui>' 18;Oct. 15; pec. Z,. BZIVN.TON-GeO. 1-. Bruce Bosvêrteii, Otor-Marh 16 Ms> 17; OoÏ, l6;-Dec, 19. jmaeîevz-p J Gilspie, Uptergrere, lork,-MIbwh 16; Ma> ' ; ct. 17## Dec 20- B>' order, 01er!> otthe #eace., O-tber 15th, 1894. New -lveéry and Sale- Stables I I j Dundas St., Whitby, J.» T. NEWPORT, Proprietor. C3ommercial men liberally deait wlth Teamîng doue at reasonablo p'Ces. Prelght and Baggage hauled at TessOn- able prices. A call solicited. LIFE INSURANCE. Manufactuarera' Life & Accident Insurance Co, Toronto. L.argest Capital Stock Lit e Insurance Co. on the continent. -Ninety per cent. o f si1 accumulations ci surplus is retnrned t> the policy bolders. Al daims are paid witbout delay or discount on preof of desth or maturity of endowmînt J. B. POWELLO Fcb. lot, 98. Agent.- Whitby. 10- Rest DISE CUFR AY CUI Cons f nd, rct o Ayrs Mrs. W. (~ tbis week. Parker au plé busines Jas. Richî Abel tbreblr Mre. (Dr.)1 right. Mme. Neat, anti Mi-. G recenti>'. Bey. McK puipit on Sa' cengregatien] Hugii M& Cail Bros., 1 present weel -G.o. Cewi thu neighboi duty Qwing boiter fduos. in- a day or opoddordi DENTIST. Cor. King & Yonge St. Toronto. For the. next thre. months 1 arn givng epecial attentien to ptients £ronms i-ÃŽ tance. A '91 rn.ilmkn ites im rubboeý, 88, ceflulcid 010.Gcdadfiefilg work. crowning by trut-claus. -operat " rsa thc Mosat ressenablo rates ,ii lu ii. ýoty Whon intCit *y ëaW in a" let, me eat ine M teth.' I maire.-ýûo 'eeIz' e, Dentist, aeuth eut core King audY on sis. tiTcre1to. ýW. ne WARNER. DZALEU I N GOAL, SOLE AGEItT in ithiby for the Office and Yard js w]h Mrs yd -bath day in C Devitt and at Green Rivr F. L. Gr, daswith fie Mrs.4 J. Mc from the ci vnth friends. John Lawr "are Cempleti foqr J. t. Gi-e *constructea fi and Ont OMMic of the. NaineOf L lu

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