Whitby Chronicle, 20 Sep 1895, p. 5

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Z- INITIALS, MO NOGRk&MS, CYPHERfs> IN SCRIPTIONSB, Done in a tseu a. prompily, and ai Prices, by lowest lx &-_ ___ JEWELER & ENGRAVER, 1OItI CcuutY ortan.-"rgent Circula. tion Of &DY loal paper ta Canada FRIDAY, SEPT. 20, 1895. LOCAL LACONIOS. Scott repaire aIl kinds of pumps. Genits felt hiats at aIl prices at W. H. %Var- reIl, S. Big bat-gains at the west side boot nud Chioc store. Read the advertisexnenî.s of auction sales ini this issue. For sluggishi liver use Dr. Briglh's Erîg- lisli Lîver and Kidney Pills. There are a couple of Chinese iu towu, preparing to atart a laundry. l)eputy Reeve Edmonson, of Osliqv., at- teniled the show hiere Wednesday and Thurs- (la v. Mlessrs,. Mundy aud Nicholson, of Oshi.twa, m)(1 Clarke of the Pickering News, took ini thle, show. Mr. Jos. Hodgson, Toronto, was hiere Frîday. He ie attend ing military school aI ,Stanley Barracks, Toronto. Potatoes are an enormous crop around hiere. People are talking about lwo anid tliree hundred bushels per acre. WVe have brighîened up our stock of gents furuishinge with a nrew supply of collars, cuffs, lies and gloves. W. H. Warren. The country is fuît of apple buyers. 'Ihe prices vary fromn 75 cents lu $ti S per harrel for w inter apples. Many orchards are being sold in bulk for big suma. \Ve puplish the last quarteras list of con- victions lu another columu, by instruction of the cou nty officiais. We regret to see the names of many reputable citizena there, but people should net break the law and may thus Cave the officia] exposure. The laws of Canada are good, and he who violâtes them must be punished. Whlîby's tax rate has ranged about 24 inila fer years past, but will be hlgher this year. However, we are carrying no debt frorn year ta year, as turne ouite be the case in mauy other îowns we read of. Several municipalities who have been boomning themnsetves on the strength et their low tax rate, have been carrying over from year t0 ý ear iucreasing bank deficit, and many of thern are now unable to meet il this year %vith a raie Of 30 mille. W anted, An apprenîlce to learu the printing busi- tits, at the CHRONICLE office. To Rent. (ood stable, drive house sud yard, texl lot t foundry norîh, si per monîh. Apply to Wm Shaw or E. Stephenson. Where to go to-nlght. The social ut St. Andrew's church, under the auspices of the Daughiers of St. Andrew, i> the beet place we know of 10 spend tiîs V-ridayý evening. Interesting programme and rutres'trnents lu abundance. Admission I 'ý citts. Coat 1 Coal!1 j ust recei ved îhree cargoes, 400 tons each, r es h m ined Scranton coal per steamier Flora C'.irîei. 1 iarn now prepared Io aupply (lean. bright, carefuly screened ceai ut I ', est possible price. Office opposite THiE ('Ilti<oNICLE Whitby. E. R. BLOWV. Wedding bell,. Not long ago there aeemns to vave been a wvecdirtg in doildom. The J. C Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass., for the amaîl um of twetve cents, lu Clamnps, eend a beautiful doîl-bnide, wîîh a moat cotnplete and fashionable. trous- seau, Every little girl wishes te kniow ef thîîs latest event iu doti society, and wants lu a(d 10 her doit family,,- this latest and j, ui t lest of paper dolîs. B:cycle built for twe. Yesîerday morning à tandem bicycle id- tiby a lady and a gentleman passed tlirough town on the way west. The coe- t w mes worn by tbe wbeelers were a quiet, ~ray, the young lady botug ln bloomers.i Nothing ceuld have been mono sensible for I 1 e occasion-a m uddy road-than t he gar- nient this fair cyclist wore. On the road west of the town lu crosstng the street, walk- ing, thoiigh difficult to dlating-shwhihwas 'ter, thls yct unuanal garb cf womeà sportsmen seemed perfectty propon. Canada'& GroeattCouatyr Fair. The fatr at Markham on Oct. aid, yrd and 4th laexpectod tebe'areçord bieaker. The entries are larger than ever boforo at the same date. The managemnt nare #optbusy alletlng epace to exhîbîtorsandti or fine Ànew hall willI be cnowded wltb exiblîs. Thursday Oct. 3rd, le Children'a Day, wben al school chtîdron front the coucttts of Yok aud Ontario wlll be admittejo5m.J .. Hughes, P. S. 1.Torontbo,Vml1 deilver au address. The trials cf'spied are IbM ppd > prîzes and sboutd brlng out tmeofth P i n orsea. Cheap raes on, tbe ýG.T. R.froi ait poInta. Eve.Iybody SIIoudIJI ttend 1the Greateet CouutP aim là gâa. YoutgCaaden t:la Walter Candon, who goIt a aScrqw îUt Peterboro tut <al, h S5tiodW;9- here on Monday, wqrsi ine *wawo ai McGeany'a llveryu" a't had received is aies ,aâbn#, ameount ho cletd*f'ýàR proceeded te take ifié- lu tho meautitnteon ,Of the $,2 wit M. but as. the l1.4ev 4d'4 Chief Constabl'* he dr0otoo Caon was -etI once bo é oting, and ariakiduyt,,IieeDr.' 67 îei e-uh! waatnotuitepls, V, JuSt ooe u tc flde 1n"k Of t« l th&e t a.stye c colora. W. Hf. Warren. Mr. JUO, IH., Barnes,'Chicago, who bas flot boon ln Whby fr > t ears, snbore ibis w«k'isltng ie mtherandbrothors. Mr. Warden Gould and Mm,. Gould visit. ed t0wfl on Wednesday and rernalnod dur- ing the fair. They were the guests of m r. and Mrs. Chas. King w hilat ln town. A Medicine wagon bas been ln town for two or tbree day. advertlulng the production of the Hot Springs Saltis Co, Tbc singlng and oratory of the party were botb good. 1The Oshawa people say that the Simcoe street Methodlst Cliurch choir will gîve us a good concert ln the tabernacle a week fromn Monday evening. This choir has a good name in Oshawa. It has a number of good 5oloigta. .Ret. Dr. Foster, late professor of philos- ophy at McMaster University, now holding the theological chair in Chicago University, preached a remarkabîy able sermon Sunclay nlght ln the baptist church as well as other- wise assisting the pastor, Rev. J. C. Syca- more, Iu the services. The text was : Mast- er, we saw one casting out devils lu îhy name : and we forbade hlm because he fol- loweth flot wlîh us. And Jesue said unto hlm. Forbid hlm utiot:- for he that ta nol against us ie for us." Luk.. IX, 49, 50. Thtuis a unique passage in the record of Chrtst's life and teachings. No one of any denomination or religious sect or for that malter the believer iu moral philosophy alotie but could have accorded with the talented professor's elaboration and ax'-u- ment therefrom for Universal love, faith and charity as the basis aIl good citizenship in this worlId or hope of continuance of a better life hereafter. The sermon was one ofthie ablest and well.îhought that has been preached In this town for some time. Remenber. The Daughters of St. Andrew and their social to-nighî, In St. Andrew's church, î5c. Fifteen months for $z aS. The Chronicle and Weekly Globe fromi now to jan. rat, 1897, for $1.25. Tell your friends about it. Grain, Seeds and Fat Stock. Messrs. T. G. Colwill & Son have opened -)ut business here as buyers of ail kinds of grain, seeds, fat stock aud meats. Their office is opposite Woodrufl's hotel. Threshlng Ceai îoo tons of firsî casas soft coal just receiv- ed per Schooner Jamieson froni Sandusky. Farmers, caîl on E. R. Blow for your threshing coal: office opposite CHRONICLE, Whiîby. A local game. On Saturday afternoon the îown basebal club played a scratch nine from the builders employed at the cellege. Tony Bandel did the caltling off, and he forced them to hit at every ball thal was piîched across or near the plate. The baIl was a new one, and was made 10 Ira vel many thousaud miles during the afternoon, and a large amount of sole leather was worn out in runnmng after it. The score was very close fr'm the irai, and until the last nnîng-,ithe viclory belonged to both ; but the îowu nine fiually made a rush sud won by 17 t0 14. The besi of good feeling prevailed throughouî Lthe game. Port Whltby. Miss Lizzie White was on the sick liti Iset week. -Miss Clara Chaney, cf Oshawa, le visitlng at Mr John Sawden's. Mr and Mns Wm Dickie, cf Oshawa, spent Tuesday at Mns Golding@. Miss Gertie Smith vlsited ber aunt, Mrs Richard Allen tact week. Misa Editb Gibson, cf Toronto, visited ber parents here on Sunday tast. Mn J B Hopk.ins, cf Montreal, ,epent a few days asat week at Mr John Blow'e. Chas-Appleton, epenator at Pogamasing, aud wife, are visiting hie parents here. Miss Georgie Galbraith, wbo bas been il for the past three- weeks, ie recoverng. We notice a number cf oun Port Whitby girls are attendiug the W.C.I. this year. Miss E Atkinson, wbo bas been spending a two weeks' visit with ber frienda tn Ton- ento, bas returned homne. Allan H. Adam», the energedic librarian et St John's church, bas made a new bookcasc for the tibraries that were bougbî last fait. Miss Weodhouse, organiat cf St. John's chu rch was unable 1.0 attend te ber duties on Sunday moruing Iasr.. Miss Georgie Van- valkeuburg presided la ber place. Town Concil. The town conucil met Monday nigbî. The main business was te pass somte bye Iaws. Reeve King iutroduced and carried tbrougb a by-law to appoint a nightwatcb- man, and te lovy taxes lu paymeat cf hie aalary on ail proponty except vacant lots fronting Brock street betweeu tbe corner soutte of King Bros.' tanncry and the corner nonth cf G. V. Martln's residenco, and on Dundas street between W. H. Cnosby's coner west ofte residence cf Thos. Dover- eil, sam. Woe. )cCourt was appointed for co year at a salany of $36o. is duties in- clude that of nigbt constable. Hoe Jeaiso Io vistte - o ock-up at,,lem ifour tinteseacb night 10 sS, bow partie. conflned Ileere are gotitig1alonsd les bas autboiJy to arrout dlaoroypensonser,ýfspiclouis characters who may beprowllnga bot or vbo*may bt vlolathegany stattite. lais ç county or town bQ oun, SmithtiruIrecadar tbtx a y-IA toappoint a. collector Of la' eue te rni, James -?mIngle Wae appoWtgto 0tbe -position 51.asiaI!arv of tSc. Get your firoýl-m rtgs, trou or brick thrnaci, frt JMcl Méntyre. Dr. Henry Bright's EnglisII Liver and Kidney Pllus, are now belng lintroduced lae Caànada. Cou ho had of ail dealers ln nmcdi. Wý bave a splendid stock of ready.made clothlng ln boy's, youth's and meni s siseg and our prîces are the lowest in town. W. H. Warren. Rov. Geo. Stafford, or Bonuston, p ue,, preached in the methodîst tabernacle on Sunday nlght last, and delivered a very welI-thought discourse. About fifty couple attenc'ed the dance held in the muuic hall on Wednesday evenlng, and aIl enjoyed themselves immensely. The Whitby orchestra furnlshed music to the satisfaction oi ail. Oshawa le just now convuised over the great question of superiority among ils base- alilclubs. The Orioles art the regular club, and the Bones are an organizat on wlich sprung up to defeat the regu lars. A big ex- ctement was faked up by bogue money bel- tiug. and on Friday last war was declared. The bonies gang won. A correspondent coxnplains that other papers clip the CHRONICLE'S correspond. ence and pass it off as origýinal. We cannot stop it, and besides, we clip from other pap- ers ourselves. As long as the CHRONICLE publishes the news one week iu advance of contemporaries we are satisfied 10 let thein clip. Soine are not honest enough 10 credit our items, and most of theni make up al their local items with the scissors and pass il off as fresh news. Apprentice wa.nted. In milliner), departnment. Apply ai C. F. Stewart's store. Wanted. 1ooo people to buy boots and shoes at a reduction Of 25 per cent. ror- the flext 3o days at the wesî side boot and shoe store. Daughters of St. Andrew. .The Daughîters of St, Àirew re-sp(ecfully invite you--one and al-to attend Iheir sr,- cial in St. Andrew's clhurch this (Friday) evening at 8 o'clock. Programme and re- freshmerits will be supplied. Admission 15 cents. 1Coavcora.l ee teprhseo ag I have omeîeth ed puraseonfalre quanî wiî o1fcfrs i unedSht cranonileys cndoalthich t rcafrnishlu my prcus.Atorr ad othgespalyofemftrkal ow pric es. Als buying give me a cati. H. B. Taylor. The guitar. Prof. Watkins, head teacher of guitar and kindred instruments at the Toronto Conser- vaîory of Music, has been added 10 the staff of the Ontario Ladies' College, and will corne 10 the college every Wednesday. Ali pupils desiriug instruction from a superior leacher at mioderate prices should maire application ai once 10 the Rev. Dr. Hart, Principal. Chicago and Returu Ou October 3rd, 4th and Sth ticket agents in Canada will selI round trip tickets to Chicago at the lowest rate ever mnade te the Windy city. Ticket,% must read via Detroit, Wabash railway. Ail tickets arc good to returnupU t10October 21St ; solid through tiains. Diagrame of sîcepers now open. Fuilparticulars fJomn any R.R. agent, or J. A. Richardson, Canadian Passenger Agent, northeast corner King and Youge streets,j Special Mlsslonary Meeting, On Friday evening, Sept. 27th, at 7.45 a a special missienary meeting wlll be held in the hap tist church under the auspi. es of tbe wemen's mission circle. An excellent pro-1 gramme bas been provided. Miss Pearl Smith M. D>., wbo wlll shortly salI for Imdia, Mrs. C. J. Holman. Rov. S. S. Baies B. A., chairman of the Baptist Foreign Mission Board, Rev. Mr. Southamn, of St. Jehu's church Wbitby, and othens are expected to speak. Special music will be supplied front visitlng fiende. A collection will bo taken up ln bebaîf of missions. The public are mnost cordially iuvtted. War on Peace it's aIl the same. The war la Cerea le now over and ghe Manitoba struggle is on, as well as lte British elections. Murdertng lestilin vogue and on the increase. The mnan who thinke he kuows a solution of the Manitoba school question, doesn't know how much ho doesn't know. How it witl be dealt witb le a vexed questîlenfor politicans. The British clections are sure tço go Consenvative, and conserve- tiem as carnied ou to-day means real neforse. We can stop mundering t.o sente extent if we nail every blood-staiued meusete Ite mas: instead of makiug them recipientq of sytie oathy and outraged just1ce. Readors-are' favorcd witî these philosophical observations purely with a view -10 neminding thent that E Hart still selle the New Williams sewtug machine, wbich le ahead'of them aIl. Seelag the. hedges. Iu cempany wIth Manager Jno.. Burns and a detegationfront the county of Northumb- erland we bad the pleasune thenothor day of inspectlng a 'number of farine wboe the Whttby Hcdge Compauy bas bedge fonces lu course of growth. The fireI fro- vtted waa that of Mn. Chartes Coakwell, southý of1 Brookla, wbero about 24o rode-,of boney tocust may be seen of one and! twoqyeare growtb. The plants. arc vigovrouâ, large stzed, and oven, and )Mr. Coakwell la wfl satisfted with their progros,. . So great fatth bas be-lu tins bedge that ho removeil A'fine now of evongreens lu ordor to replacé-.ft wltb tbIs hedge. Neat wevisittd tbp fanm cf . John- Vlpcndi, where badges ait, to b. fotw of one, two iïud'tbr"e , -aY growil. Tbese are ait ln the ope en l , wl hno protectIon front eltber lUv.etock or wlntor weiMer, andh each çar'a pis atsng toilà platlnly eiiae Tho ire#yoarold ,jlanto #re.,frfi' w tà ,seven fe.i ii4, an m f ý ...... VL LIýý Wednesda,y Meing >@. te - -l, JI, SEPT*. 25th and TlUrsday, coriaIyinvite our rnanv friends and patrons to corne and c. t l jaç±t Di-ýyAa 0f inest Frcnch, British and German- Novelties in Milliî:ry, , L±oî~s i Dess Goods, Laces, Ribbons, Trim- ~~~-î~vyrJe»udbring 'our friAnud$ wfth y' ce. F. veSlt0rs STE VART weIcomè..~~~ -will make it a point betore leaving the town w. Go Ea0 WALE S , .MAGNIFIçENT DISPLAy. .0........ F NEW ............. The contents of 50 cases, imported direct from France, Germany and .Englaivi, now on exhibition in our various departments, con8isting o~f Fanoy Silks;, Black and Colored Surrahs, Ponge Silks, Silk Velvets, Yelveteeni, Table Linens, Shawls, Travelling Bugs and Buggy Bugs. Autumn'8 Fairest and (Z-DDRESS GOODS.,21D UNDREDS 0F YARDS cf new weaveis and styles, a display that is certain Wo invite the en- thusiam cf evyery lover of beautiful Dreas Fabrics, Biis Soleils, Estaneene Serges, -Benriettas, Matallausie Serges, Priestly's Coutille, -Brocades, Metians, Plain and Figured Creppons. w Q3',w aufIe,~ ALL new correct sttyleisteruflas-,'à OM4and at isch ... LOW PRiCES... tb prove a surprise every purchmsr. 9.TFLvery Departmenit f un of the nee4 ai tc'of the eson :-Ùlovets, oery, Lçkd -"wer, Comse, Lace, Ri)>bons, Trii an.dý CA?!ES. II~ YiIêitao Ar gainsw. aire effering un ail kinde 1cf *We suc have,* fun! -une cf SPECTACLES. W. can suit ýpuy oye. Coute ana, se.. Our Btcook cf- WANTEL[ 203000 bushels EB 13000-, B ô, 000 2,000: 'B b 'or "ute CIL A UTUJMN and WINTER UOODS. ElYou are, welcome tQ corne and inspect- and a Grand, Display whether yoa-buy or nt. W . G.-WALTEýR S-, Wht týo mo8t Fiwhionable GOLF CAPES JU" drop M* ana ue and, 26thl tý3rAH are wllletby 1 V "li\,."-

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