An east wamd resident givee a bni ac-J'.Gentlemen-About three or four weeks ago fore au are given away. Tbey are izoinu cut cf a recent Suit umday nigbt camiping 1 had an attack of Itching Piles. I tried two off rapidly, therefere, *do net delay Send ..L.u pamt on he tree runiugtbmough M. or tihree differet remedies recommeiided by ing immediately il in want cf eue. D l h u ~ h~l' W. B. Fe te s propety. heyweroddugiosaas "the betotandi eniY cure,' etc.,__________ W. 1. Fe*i proert. Tey w . e lad-etc., but got nu relief. About the time I was ed witb about 2 weth cf provisions sud beginning t despair cf finding auy relief, with- OUTON a m le se t s y a v m S o u th shio re o f L ak e O n ttfi o tbey tome down thbe fonce and builti a pile cre, wbich Iaipesdte1ygv earecm ie udte e1u fra htistn eifsd ractcr. i vstingr here. laredcasud tbc nd lt ans mde mery. iohhvnstannlifnnd pransue 60 . &tgi tM.h.L.CuriceatN wNerO adjacent b rn a d ai e t eme r o ,J. DE AI. f ind ere last «week.tin l v iw y o y;A i4 and kidnapped a supplv f outr"Yn ther etuu6 royal feasti was ecen pre- The total receipte cf the Industrial Exbbi- .A .Cutc ie bisbohrare, amnin aIM *1 PVrssently the liquid refreshîuenta began $65990 75 last yOMr. last week. 9 " te asserti its influerce aud a froc figlit was Hoilo'way's <-3n Curejina svic for the M.andMm. . . ower Mor' neat in ordr. B ttles and clubs were remeTs1 cf corne ad warts. We have nover field, and Mr. and Mrs akoTo- ~ ~ t ê -~ used r dy ndmorn f the party were board et its tailing termv vntî os oto, baimve bnsenig a few. days ,,ý->- ll,ý -e 1 1ý,,,;19 pretty badly ho.udled. One ofl the part> kidil witb relatives here. . âlimr preseTited t he appearance cf a Waterloo Sir Hep.<,Ivig and Mies Terry opened lu t is.our sad duty to reportt4.,eatb aÃ-ï 'ité prs- fl veran. The reoidents of that locality montres , sday uigbkt lunMr. WilW adapta- of ouI bhigl esteemned citizel,,.'Mr. area patient1' awalliiig a return trip teidon of Ut»W . vrsn w passed a y lt the old 11,camp grouud"whholhem uab~ ud aU aummr omaum arme se Wednesday eventg ate b t >. pose nking it apec*all>' intet'Osting u1kluUtoasictthat-tbô colti baud of nionth's illness. Congeztigtot he1~~ *~~mti 1u t moer po hevilai e1reIM- luns set in eter a _séverea *t4c pt Dnngtecheeboard mqetiug . lvr ri i pite of m"eê 7.te day osi imp rtaîl tCioi-er ttd the most kindlyf Mv. Wsi._î vllngrthrndd theo'v- ' , ruseaeè The I ,.Uobohdafv dy. ao ~thM.1>ver fifty yea . * -~ jMcI1tyr vu .at iat h. had oui. ô iaa, b" >P Ae< cO W#Pontiauously in he»iï "W oip. 0 uoiQWa that fgva ýU ? . .-Dtig~i osYa cou e ni Uk tA h --.gv f t~~ PRZ _O8~4r Hôpkns:,Bufflois gu t of -1 A£ o n nen Miss E a C_____________________i 9 Mighty Âayo ec n ntu sv..n~le l mont Over 90,QUb110u.r i s m Torinto n wh, mae hé reltive 'Bfl. ohuei ian Ã".GVN .aiy beir living Ou the s'age are ftunud Ol Mr. Chas. Hor'n'has retiirned after ýaquî n e i j tr '. So are a41&' th1 neApjether be mt.d4 theipleasattvisit in Hamilton. STYLE AND AI menibers oft 0. Te pp Mrs. Parr and daughter, of Tara, are stjetecase witb the wiv, saisters and darighters of the un'iruited guests of Mr. E. Hastings. -T0- millions. Th y leihe1r seek nr desire Mr. and Mrs. Church, Petrolia, were Cre te, parade their rames ana affair belori. guests of Mr. J. T. Cole, Sunday. Lde .Dess thepule Their oommonsosei bir Mr. Arthur Clark, of Wybridge, is Lde rs lZI Tpublic. sbr'nkft senuîng RI SR U L N IC LTO tand their MOIeetspending t ~vacation at lis home here. le this very fact that rendors the appealr ance in print of an2 army of Plain people, Miss Ada Hastings lias returned For Sale byladn a matter of the utmolt importance, home after a prolonged visit with rela- ______________________________________________________When the mother who persorialy rears tives at Tara. NE AE.ber children; the hou8ewife who person. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mason, Friend- Eighty LIN. frY. alIy performe ber dometi0 dutiee; thc ship, N.Y., were guests of Mr. C. Ston- EihYthousand feet of lumber on a Miss Maggie Oke liu recovered fo working girl who supports herself-wbou bouse recently. single 800w may be' consîdered a pretty bier recetit ilineas. snob women take up thc peu in favor of a8 W welcome home again Rev. and Çod load. That qat ywas*locked a Mr. C. Trull'e faniily aeitriproviflg thing it masometihing to womankn qianitpatareinearand ra.Miss oc fethrlngvs f r. R.-Kenned's lumber and Wood yard from typhoid fever. npriclradmaukind in generRoya ihrlater th evonglit f a few days ago. It shouldble stated that Mr. H. Martyn pî Sunday with It May net mean much when a few sUZhya'wt eaie nDvrEgad the inuber was basswood. friendis at Newcastle. wonaen go before the publie in this man. The thirteen year old girl, Agnes Mr T. Ovenis and fauily have remnoved ner, for tihere are exceptions te every rul There ha% been no more important discnvery W Bernie, of B3exley, who was charged by to Rochester, N. Y. nen. But are aoe army of auc invention of Etesljay'e Lîver Lozenges. Their her parents witb being a frequniter o a Mis daWihe de asraund mn.ther enar a cf oure xetifa eh luineiscofieesnrd reenee theonarh bouse of ill-fame, was sent.enced 10 a tern iwotneV froin here, there and ycndcr- every person living. nal ef five y cars in tho Ontario ludustrial Torto.vst jhfred i romn everywhere-af armay numbakeriugepeniulo hebc lks Refuge for girlis by Magistrate Deacon o rteOVER NINETY TIIOUSAND îAcednu are etifio ikbea alce'se Saturday last. Mr. Wesley Harnden lereuovating hie c n rm f womnen Publicly Are en, zenes. te ihearwilce Ue Grce uenad fruit dealere com plain .when euch a arLfYEejyeîvrdzue.Teywl ueVn Grocerymen husesudLakShre.0cpe yM. akt ehad ti elwrhwiet Are yen tronbled with a tired feeling? Try of thc invasion of the town by fruit ai1îîdoated SppLauSoe.Tseexct gv ecordjosti as EeeLayuiver ILozenges. vogetable pediarii Tney etate parties Mre. L Vancamp wae caileTt ated au ea t, po e tereod.ta frein a distance corne ln and naload to her daughter, Mies Edith Rundie, who t sansNînety.eue thousand seven the detrirnent of those who psy rerît and ha.e typhoid fever 1111 ie1ani îhirty four wemen have, of [RS. M. 1. CRE-SSWELL, 23 years Diplo. taxes, while bouefittiug no one Ini partiec- Roy Leslie, the two-year-oid eon of îl.eir own free will, written letters cfM matisi, Midwife aud Trained Nurse; Gra- ular but therneelves. Thelie he shuid Mr. Samuel Lockhart, was taken eudden- gratitude te Dm. R. V. Pierce, Author of duate cf Sir P. Dunns Hospital. de Ail calis cortainly bu drawîî suînewhere. Iv iii un Tuesday Iastallau died the fol- the Peopîcas Coramon t5ense Medical A.d pornptlv attedded te Greeni Street, Whitby. Appareutly aIl the big fiahi art- not lowin g day frein convulsione. The be- viser sud Chief consultiflg Physician te " rà I r caughit yet. Monday eveîîiig last, about reaved f amnly have the sympathy of the the Invalide' Heotel sud SurRicai Tueti- atrt aDr aulPt CrssCMr. ekes lunellat wighed ver ZNFIELD. te, f Buffalo, N.Y., thiatkiiig him for [44 nd Children. L cnai Crons Creeksa lunge tha weighed ovr ENTELLI).the cures effected ou thoinselves by bisM A N L 'cthr aroi 18 pouds, an trita8ured3 ft.',) inhes.'Favorite Prescription' and "Goldenfo ae ris 18hpounde, su asumed J fr. "ons( h Mr. C. Selby has retumned frein Eng - Medical Discovery." They bave donc flsh mamket for îc. per poumd. ùile ( land. more-tbea oanWofr odiinERVE forlapregomea Dopt.o the Axneicaîî vieltors at the Point %vouid .Me,. R. Camîpbell has been ffi but is cf eufforing, despondeucY and female C elV.Ly COMPOUND M Unons of MOIhr.Cs have gvnafblu untrtebat.ipoig weakuess have been raised te happinese eeihe An exehange telle cf a Il thutîder biýt- Miss J. Powell, Port Permy, le visiting and the full enjoytnents cf life. Tbcy in its section. A thunder or ball of tire Mr. J. Foreyth had a herse badly cut ailing sisters they experiences be pub- u 's Io nd8k i8ae8 inDatoeaan l is a eality theugh nut cf the character by a barb wire fence. ished throngheut the lad. Every oeetoi ai geuerall4' inagined. It is nut a solid Mme, J. Hurîbut sud chlîdren, aud __f___________________________ rouble, cure bail of Ae, but mierci y electricity in a Mme. J. Ornîisten have beeu viisiting at emedies and other physiciens and a vcry C H A S . S C 0 T T ,and bowels, tin e ephrialfoin Sumnietimes when 'tTrno large number cf thetxi had considercd " ph.lows intoteeat i 1vti stefitrntoMsm .~iîoh . Baîe theielves incurable and been flatly Pro- AUCTIONEER, WHITBY, ONT. toni s the Cid.Gl' po s sanoft e hit svitif i s e dfl nt A e r.oi aD . M u l age vi.sBraded ,To- ouuced incurable b-fore they commen- The undersigued begs te announce that he Ashon nd . Hmphge iaied o-ced the use cf the commen scuse discev- bas taken eut a iices for aulctoeerngan and this substance being fouuîd the igiior- onte faim. jes and fellowed the cemmon Bouge ad will be liad te fil oresfrtî lasa cf busi- "A Subscriber " wrîtee to eniquire hîow Visiters : Miss Phoebe Hezzlewoed of vice such as Dm. Pierce, will seud te Roy n ss. Heîs boiok rmtione k epta ta1. H. ong's , 0ianechaveuteJe ne neRaglan ; Mme. Loren Hezzlewood and sfng woman we wî writhmi. Re of.iceCOTe.e il infrmatiOnmav be btaicm it is that wîth flour at $5 per barrel-n chil dren, Hum boIt City, Iowa; Rev. Mm. sud his staff cf skilled specialiets annual- Whitby. Nov. 29,. 94- 1d'~ ~ cilrn dollar cheaper than it was a ruenth ago- and Mme. Smith aud chiîd, Lions Head ; ly treat and cure more cases than ûifty __________________ u .C so bmead stili selle at 1'2 cents a luaf We Mm. and Mme. 0. Hezzlewood, Oshawa, other physicians attcmpt tic cure in a Ie8i give tho conundruru up -,but probably if e - yms~M n Ms .lifetime. WfoiRN BNK BFCANJeU the boutt s7 evemy une who buys bakers bread wuuld Dtet at Mr.J .De';Me. M.nOmmîs tou'sA;O O AI wih1 maquit pay spot cash for it-ur even psy atthe MmacsnDetMies Aeh s M Omitou, lAsydoTnOKatREEm.u Jsa~twhemoth2r*Uob end of a mouth-our local baker'e woîild Mr nds Ashton m P Ua Don ueilMr;J. Wbcu Dr. Pierce publiehed the firet HEAD OFFICE, OSHAWA, ONT. lneeto hi bde be able to seli bread s cent or twu cheap- S.At;r P . cone edition cf hie work, The People's Cern. tead o eva tau er the yeam round, sud then bhave mourd Arthur mon Sense Medical Adviser, lie anueun- eUiuOI&1ed0 profit than they are having uow. The T]OE ced that after 680,000 copies bad been Capital Authorized $11009t000 mobnwon y lineet milan n f or the dead heat'e Mr. J. Movse and Miss Ada have re- sold ut the regular price, $1.50 per cepy, Capital Subscribed 500,000 agenta ddau theïrtboh th erbs bread le what keepe the prîce up. moved to Bowmaflville. thc profit on which would repay b4n fer imOT8eras" Telittle 2.yeam-ol-)d son cf Nlm. sud Mr, Wmn. Fraser, Grafton, was ,guest te retDu. J.f F. anKINCHeUCpialPad-p 73O Mme. W. J. Williatneun, noth ward, had of Mr. W. H. Hicks, last week. pcnded in produciug it, ho wetild distri- Reat 100'1000w.Copà ny a narowescpe fonidroningWedea-bute the next ha.If million free. As this BOARD 0F DIRECTORS.ta m n da nrw g.esc ap ein reungh elities- Miss Ada Hoar and Miss Minute numbercf copies bas already been eold, jonRt;.CowAN, EsQ., Presidelit: do a momlavniz th apple h itle fel Werrv have been visiting their aunt, ho je uow dîstributing, abeolutely free, REUBBN S. HÂmLIN, EsQ., VicePresldelit. 01 o watem, lef t cuteiide to watem herses, andlw aspvig itauppenabke Mrs. )J. Charlton, of Toronto. 500,000 copies cf thie Most complote, lu ,W. F. Cowau, Esq., W. F. Alfin, Esq., J. A. by sorne meaus fId1 in. Au eider cbild Mr. Robert A. Philp has purchased a tercsting, * - -- - and valu- Gibson, Esq. Robert Mclntosb M. D. witnessed the accident, and at once gave dweiling from MmI. S. Bîngham, which able coni COUPON mon sense Thomas Paterson, Esq. the alamin. Mme. Williameîrn was speed. he iuteuds in the near future placing on mnedical 1 NO. B- work ever T. H. MCMILLAN, - - - Cashier iby un the spot, aînd noue tee accu, as the the samne lot as his carrnage shop. published *-- -, -the re- BRANCHs.-Midland, Tilsonburg, New cbid ws ucoucice wen ake eu. Ateman llnss f sverl weksMm pieut ouly beiug reqnired te mail te. Hamburg, Whitby, Paisley, Penetangtiish- - himor theWorlds Dispnsary ed.icl -eue,AtPobrt Pe-rry. adStrigE->uIU on qm of ereil wrtful sding it, pliablet elastlQbbpýe imde (rom t i., soft and -edD5c~onfoflng io folds, yet xglht proper )jhapt î DreSS. b onlyi Skr octhatiïW b m Le OelèbrELtéd etebOl te are 'oorded' With tbis >rY Goods Daop kr.owfltO ame-" L. 66 Our pbyUlClAfl5 luths hlW'5ds mmntbavm SLccagbiy ftdrzs ence lu their otU0ý _w aud aithcugh Vs e eamoeg ~ mediSi suplleat 8kJuIstg 1îrodîictByet-WsW fesMO coîln bati favor upen it. UmTE 11oeieLA~DupEwsIftT, UMI. Nu ÂIJ.EN Cwa SmT r me, Dry bo e OIL .by ati ~hr5preSomeiln forInat neithe? On)IUm,4-QP1II< or * t la brhoSS sul>stitut@ pthIit Syrupssand Castor 011 antcO 19 thirtY IyeatS'useby boria destrOYWOYIIIBand ana"s orevents vomitiflg*Su ud ibd COIlc. CaistOi~relev , onstip'onland #liatlOcY fo4 regulaC5 the stomach aithy and ~ti5 le.Cs ?,afacea-the MotherP3s1ed ,bëne mmmwiý this