Whitby Chronicle, 20 Sep 1895, p. 2

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J! PàseksBel ef lot' xi1bàx1ýÇDIoaencevillc, lORON THE LIP, F4,Rsparilla ~itbto~ sa. "I onsitei do<'- ElfO prescrabe4ý for me, but to Lrtoo& he cncer begau te ntê-the Flesh, fi *o my chin, and I suffered lna for 80ye0 long v ears. FiilaallI 'n g Ayýers Sarsapailîa. in t 01, W tWiouctvd a îCe&Improvement. a. nitt t aont-li o- o t 1w ah r' r uycl~begata Io la- i I sy pbeg:aaa to livaI ai a! itr thav, sarsapartila for six niut liî (la teeol te cancer disalileLreiii) *n vSaîsapaRfila Zittoqi .t the Word's Fiix iý pi:LX t zfi tula te thse Botrel$. t&XBMPONDENOE C ampbell, merchatt tailor, uesday morning frouai Mani- -luding t-be nîost- success!ul ip he bas yet hîad. W'ork rders wilI commence at once.. hales Kelly arrived home Sat- ) n bis ocean trip, having been ven weeks. Among other il brougbt- home for Mr. Cook< to from bis fat-ers (thbe lâte k's) statut-e. ,nrew 'Crawford, wbo was a y flfteen years ago when biE 'ved 't-o hicao, is in towr k on a. visit- for t-be first time iey moved away. His fat-bei i sùcesfulirat-be real est-atE Il.in Mr. D. Camnpbelils stert ,pidone evening ast weel e. man in charge crossed t-bt post a letter, and suspicior .rongy t-o a young man of leis lias, been auspec-tC of similai .t9fl8 in t-is and otber towns, teyinit-bis case the bilis bac 06ved from t-be tihI and t-ber el"sbQUt $1-35 in silver left Iujt might ot-berwise have beeu M)r. Bustin had put t-be $21 L'his, pocket- before .going tV î.becaus'umers atA 10W, , ýnow and f ros, ---1-1 é milder seasoi :iàe t-be fali flowers s raow t-e ast-ors, bablia C egorious in t-bei s rçMe.- A numbe ide - have gorgeou ~C'flowers, whic] f>t their grounds il le degree It- is as alit-tle work around laccomplish toward üty li,Lad homelike. Th eaoutiful should, always b aiay- people are under t-h s ma. t-be and pig pe lavoidabple odors in clos L-jueare a dangeroa. ~.»,Graham is onec masjýt- last taken act-io. *i;Jones, who built- Mr'. Grahams bous dtqnot- far away. Th ýj under t-be Onta*î ~c-and dlaims t-he -I>o remises are dange 'isealtis. The"c= im-before Police bMagh Ilanbas been s4jore t-&Iy. Sevefl -wftnems è, *Xtfilid, and it- ro m"sbk time belote a dc >aireIaWweth te uuqi, Pt te lies sthe petitlb4 roe s.. Soetih eagOshawa cou! 1I le 1Used thé, blllaid 'Ictnse, ande - 0a"e;i *~ere -are, at least. twodcubs hi thàt town wth billiard and oltb1 srn ning ini connectiofi, andwe have et on good authority that these places aie but dens of ganbling and vice, and there are rnany citizens of Oshawa who would giadly return to the old license systern. but it would do no good now, as these clubs once started are bard to stop. Be it far f rom us to uphold gambling of any kind, but we do flot believe in Jumpingf romherygpa into the fire. As it is at present, we have but one billiard rôom in towp, and that, be it said to the credit of the proprietor, Mr. Wright, is run in a very quiet and respectable manner, and is to a certain extent, governed by law as to titne of closifig, etc. Now, should a private club take hold of the room, it could be run ail night, and even ail day Sunday in spite of the law. At pres- ent the rooim closes at i i o'clock every nighit but Saturday, when 'it is closed at 9 p. ni.. and is not opened again tili Monday rnorning. We wouid advise the ratepayers to weigh this matter carefullv before taking any decisive step. -Times. OR ILI IA. Mr. A. P. Cockburn lias left Beaver- ton t-o take up bis residence in Toronto. What Kind la It. Messrs. Charlie Frost and Orville Tait killed a curious species o! snake near Wasbago one diay hast week. TEheN, ierc driving. and thbe borse, a generally quiet beast, shied to one side. Lookiuig oct t-be voung mnr spied on t-be roa(l the cause o! the horses un- easincss in t-be shape o! a good sized snake. renîarkable for lt-s color,-a hiright greeni. The reptile was killed and brought to town. It measured 3 'ý feet and as big around in the centre as a smahl wrist. Messrs. Frost and Tait woul ( like to be enlight-ened as t-o its species. a Goed Swtmmer. Olhie Backman, late o! the News- Letter staff, who is puW~ng ina the suni- mer season on the Whbite Liner, Ma- jestic, is a particularly good diver and swimimer, says t-be Collin gwood Enter- prise. Wednesday of ast week he gave an exhibition while bis ship was- 1ina port. He took a beader from the dock into fourteen feet o! wat-er, brought up a large stone in each liand, and after dropping themn to the bottom, swamn after tbem and brought themn up r three times-and ail this withoct rais- *ing bis bead above t-be water so that he could take breath. He also made a dive from the bridge o! t-be Majestic, a feat- that few would care to take. «Tbat'a thes way thie Poney gees." L t- may be an easy enough matter for 1t-be lacrosse club to dlefeat- Bradford- - or B3arrie--at tbe national game, but rt-be unsolved enigma whicb at present ebaffles every member of the club is, wbo is the' individual pr indivi dï als who ehave been rifiing t-be pockets of the k players while at practice during the e evenings ? At various times since the rseason opened the dressing rooms at t-be agricultural grounds have been en- -tered and small sums of money, vary- ring from 5o cents to $6.oo, taken from L the clothes of the lacrosse boys. Only d recently 'Chid' Frost was robbed of six 'e dollars. Frank McPherson mourns Lthe loss o! a V and Bob Frost and n Dave Robbins bave said good bye to 5 five dollars bet-weeïl them. Not only at home, but abroad the thief also car- ries on bis pet-t-y roguery. The climax n was reached at Bradford two weeks t ago when Richard Henderson found ,n bis pants pocket without a lining Of $13 0 be left- there before -the match. And ik LS neyer came back. r Au Unwoloome Viattor. r This is not-t-be housecleaninrug sea- Isou; it is too bot. Neither is it t-be h time of year when t-be tidy bousekeeper Sengages herself ina any but very neces- sary housebold duties. When the ,d News-Letter called on Drs. Ardagb and 18 Ardagb in their down town office yes- e terday it struck the scribe as f unny that e the tidy sitting room should be in the state of chaos and disorder in wbicbh h found it. The doctor was about tc e apologize but the News-Letter's young ~man would not bear of it; he knetw e that- for some unknown reason things 'ls weré as they were.- Stili thbe doctor Df insisted and thbe young man listened. in It was like. t-is: On Tuesday one of a those pesky- critters, wbicb is flot a cat, !e but wbich night be taken for one, slip- Le ped--à intoR a-beof use nÉ ad frkendMr.,* $baÈnn»coan Me'. Isac Warner hadthe goP;4dk to find a I re i ahich ahiv -ef*S had made their houme, and eep>cntu : .. ting down - the tree he found' it to be well supplied with honey. Miss Camnpbell froni Ashworth, -wa in the village one eveniigý last-week, She rides her new wheel very icely and we ail think it a very good way to get about for a young lady, as she can go anywhere she chooses and flot be dependefit on anyone to drive ber. Q cite a number of farmners have their threshing done. Most of themn report very poor crops, but we must remem- ber that this year perhaps was speciahly sent to teacb those that will profit by it to have a little put by for a rainy day, in the line of fodder as well as mnoney. Q cite a number of young men from Leaskdale were seen in Uxbridge on Saturday evening, sorne of thern re- mnaining until it was quite late. We would imagine that they would try and( get home a littie earlier, as the young ladies wvould probably like to look fresh and bright Sunday morn- ing. and boys if you keep the 'm up you know they cant.-Journal. DANGEROUSCONSOLATION. Ali lgt igin a Day or Two, But the Day liever (urne. "All right iîn a day, o- t-wo" is t-be thought- t-bat consoles everv one who is sufferang from any indisposition t-bat- does flot pros- trat-e h 1in. ln the case o! a Per on bed-- ridden for mont-hb with dîsease o! t-be Kid- neya being asked. l)d you flot have an7 warnang of thia,,conodtin youtaare now in? "Yes, I was b)ot .credl at tirst wit-h back- ache, wit-b occasional head;aches, but did net consider myiseif sick or t-be necessit-y o! medicine furtber t-ban a plaster on my back or rubbing witlî rny favoritc liniment. It- was mont-sbs efore 1I heýan to realize that it was useless t-o !urthur force nîyself t-o ignore my condition. The hackache had become a p-ain .în t-be ba, k and idies, weak and tîred feeling, hig -colored. urine îvith obstructions and stoîppage, pan in t-be bladder, palpitation o! t-be beart-. poor a ppetite, indigestion, and a dulI, languid feeling. witi, entîre lack o! energy.' I lad t-be frst- signal o! distress from t-be Kjdneys-Back-ac,/o' received the assistance 'o! Chases Kolney-Liver Pilla, t-be a!ter st-at-e o!frniserv and suifer- ing wotild have been avoided. A few doses dispel first symptoma ; delay re- suit-s in liver, beart- and stomacb becon- ing aifected. It- is uselesa te ex ect te over.come t-is complication wi eut a persistent and regular use of Chase's K. and L. Pilla. Price 25C., sold by al dealers. Edrnanson, Bates & Co.,oronto. CLAREXONT E. Derush, o! lxbridge, is here wit-h friends. Mrs. Fletcher, o! Toronto, is t-be gucat o! Rev. Brown and wife. E. Bell, o! Ubiey, Michigan, is hère wit-b friends t-biS week. He likes thbe stat-es very fuch. Jamnes Evans is somewhat better and able t-o be about. Mrs. Evans. is also much improvecf ira ealt-b. Mrs. Cooper is baving some needed repairs made t-o ber property in t-be nortbwest ward. The bouse is being reconst-ructed, one might say, and when complet-ed will be a ver>' cosy residence indeed. Rev. McLean bas accept-ed t-be oel t-o t-bis charge. and t-be Wbit-by presby- tery bas confirmed t-be same. The in- duction ceremon>' will take place wit-h- ira a few weeks, t-be date o! wbicb wil be announced in due time. We ahl re- joice t-bat Mr. and Mrs. McLean are t-o be permanently wit-h us. Burcb's circus was bere on Saturday and gave a performance bot-h aft-ernoon and evening. When t-be part>' bad -left several articles belonging t-o t-be board- ers of t-be bot-el were missing. How strange t-bat such characters are always found foibowing a show. Mr. Burcb, bimself acted t-be part- o! a gentlemu.n. A legion o! t-be Select Knigbt of Canada bas been organized bere with a good membersbip. The following of- ficers were elect-ed :-T B WiIlis, pasti commander; W F Eastwood, corn mender; W W Rawson, vice comman- der; jas. Lennon, lieutenant coruman-* der and solicit-or; T B Hughes, record- er; N Burt-on, coilector; Alez Wilson, treasurer; Jas Leggatt, Aide; George Wilkin, inside sentinel; Henry Elson,ý .outside sent-met. Tbey bave engaged Bundy's bail wbere t-bey vill meet- firet: Wednesday of eacb montis. Tisere àa prospects of a very large lodgeere.- News. IbCfore, nCX;tsprlflg., îTiit trm 'are bmùrened dow*n with them hItact. ueo. Kerr is in the City a few- daa titisweek taking ln the exhibition.»G Uerbert-Dertnell,, ofRlhndHi, $ attending to the business of the Toron- to Financlal Corporation here in Mr,. Kerr's absence W E Vanstone, the eastern butcher, cut bis hand severely the other day with the cleaver. Seven. stitches were necessary in dressing the wound. The hand is progressing as nicely as could be expected. loved wife of John Parker, Dunbarton, Pickering township loses one of its most respected residents. The sad event transpired on Friday . of hast week. Mr. and Mrs. Parker were married in the June of 1851, and sinice that time have resided at Dnnbarton, witb the exception of two years spent out o! the township. Deceased was nearly seventy years of age and was a daughter of the late John Tingle, of Scarboro. Some six years ago Mrs. Parker was stricken with paralysis, and since that time has been gradually failing until death reiieved her. She ]caves three sons and two daughters, ail residing within the neighborhood with the exception o! John, who is an Montreal. Her husband, who is in his 82nd ycar, is feeble in both body and mind. Chas. Andrews, who bas bad charge of the Gordon bouse stables and yard for the past number of years, died sud- denly Wednesday morning, aged 71 ),cars. The old man has not been in first-class heahth for some weeks, but did not complain much and attended to his duties as usual. Wednesday morn- ing lie arose as usual and atter opening the stable, proceeded down the back street shortly after six o'clock to brijag the cow from pasture. When at the bars to jhe east of the Engiish church yard the poor old man felI over, and before assistance could be procured, he breathed his last. Heart trouble was undoubtably the cause. Charlie was a rernarkable man. Altbough o! rough exterior, he possessed a heart much larger than most people. In earhier life be was addicted to drink, but dur- ing the trast seven years be has flot touched intoxicants of whatsoever form. By steady application to business, the old man has saved up $i,200, and as he left no will, bis people in the old country if he bas any will be adyertised for. -News. To Down Bpooks. A wealtby bachelor declared that a borrid hag had glared at him throuigh the nigbt. Hi% frienda laugbed at hlm but ho insisted that tbe bouse was bavUted. He grew iii, complaiuing of extreme besvipesa in the stornacb, bis appe. tite f ailed, ho grew sallow, eniaaiateil ud de- spondeut, beleving hoe was going to die, the apok being a waraing, and declared he coula hoar funeral belle ringing in hie ears, -and even hinted at suicide A fa-fend induced 'hlm to use Dr. Pierce's Golden Medicoal Discovery, and hol rapidly grew well, spockg sud ail his distressiag symptows disappearing. A. torpid liver and dyspepejas caueed 1*18 suffering and the mediojue cured botb. A pamphlet free or a large Bock, on Liver aud Storaach disesa ud huw to cure them (136 pages) for 6 cents iu stamps. Addre8s World's Dispeusary Medical Association, Buf- falo, N.Y. Dr. Pierce's Pleasat Pelleta cure constipa- tion, biliousuless sud deraugemezats of stomacb, liver sudoobels. Over 80,000 men and 15,000 herses will take part iu the Germen army's autumu mauoeu- vers. 2 Negleetu aMdthRi euit.. Neglect cold iu the head and yen wiil surely have catarrh. Negleot nasal eatarrb sud yen will as surely înduce pnlmonary diseases or catarrh cf the stcmach witb its disgu.stirg at- teudauts, foui breathi hawkiug, spittiug blow- ing, &c. Stop it all by usau, Dr. Cias Catarrh Cure, 25 cents a box cures. F'ave new warsbips have been erdered by Japan te be bufit la the <Clyde ship yards.. l e4ft~ ~ gje stso, tr,' 'I4 ýs$etAid Soc'letyof the mCthodlst c>erch, intend gevingthefr anauàI. 4hicken pie banqeùet on the eve ninge-i . o'r Thnkgiving day. Rev-f C.O.Johnsthfl -of Toronto, has con-' sented to deliver one of bis admirable lçcteeres, at cloge of supper. Particulars later. 1 Aouple assmb lative esid tenceppf couple ands.mes taton lst ed- o Mr.esdtoprticiae tin tenjoym eflt neda the wedigofteir teldestdaugh- ofte wEd n Mr.f tr edeck Smih. te kl n Mas.imresieyith. b Re S. G.wa Rore A plasntieb was. Se. RMr. Smitbas ben r was nit.Mthe metisthchrcl i-eenor- Il As eIlasEver After Trakiflg Hood's Saru.,.-!p-arilIa somne years and at ber niarriage was Cured of à 8erloUS Dlcet:lso. presented by the congregation with a àq,~sfeia rot~htI 2na purse of rnoney and an address as aBltSa e as fe ifor i v ars , a .~s slight token of their indebtedness to time I haVe been unablO t ta ysW:4e'! ber for ber effaciency and faithfulness. up. I was in bed for tiWOO wcc-7; d:gtiit SOLINA. tîme 1 hacd leechOea ~pin d aderdsed inoae Mr. Jeasie A. Jamea, of Bowmnanvi1e llo, it deioded Srsatrilabla derIfasd was guest at Roselaudvale Sunday. teppr eie et- ote oa Mr. Jno. VanNest jr., bast a cow at week through overeatang of rape. HO' 1' DeuyReeve and Mu. Paseoe and S r a a il MiBMaggie have been visiting friends a s pa fl ut Markbam, Scarboro and elsewherc. Rov. Jas Thompon, of Newmarket,-S wihl preaeb ut Aduent chureb, Sunday CR next at 10.80 a. ni , anad the following relief before 1 had flnslaed taklng b-alf of -z bot- Sunay.tle. 1Igot so inuch help faon m kgt..',,first The romains of thbe laie Sanuel Frayne L)ottle thea s ecnd bote I fte r^ I sîncu who died at the residvnce- o! bis <aughter, 1tak iuag tle. econdbûte I led -s J - or Mrs. W. Jollow, w eu-o interred in the ~ddnfYle"GOMXIEPT r Bethesda cemetery oun Friday îast. H-Od'B Spille are Proniptawilcfo ea.uy o!actiOn. Sold by aildruggi!ntt-. Before going on a sea-voyage or into the country, be'sure and put a box of Ayer's Pilla in your valise. You may have occasion te F a thank us for this hint. To relieve constipa-ç tion, bitiousraess, and nausea, Ayer'a Pills are li the best in thbe world. They are aiso easy tu - take. Great daunage has been done by a hurricane KNAX> and tloo'i in thbe vacinity of Lisbon. & ~ CUIR Wiaen Baby wa s slk, we gave her Castorla. When aile was aChMd, ah. crled for Castorla. When she became Mislas he clung te Castorla. When aile kad Cildren, aile gave theml Castorla. Aldborouizh pestoffice, in AIiborough town- ship, has been closed aft-er an existence of aeveoty-five yeara. Pinarda Linent LmemnsFlu Binder s Twino, Cen tral Prison Make. Thtis Twine is pure, well-made, and gnaranteed to bind more sheaves from esoli bail titan any other make ini the market. Price 7 ets. per lb. No second quality made at the Central Prion. Ail first-elass. Leave you oriers at once. J. H, LONG, F'OR MAN OR 8BEAST. e ook .d ob~ e ý 1 b a»ve gre t cfM o 0=%alsBçn CewIthg Ceesilta a 5840551 Stàa". ad e boWUS cured ber. 1 KENDALL'S SPAhI URES DeJ ýeea- hvoreew«'ra1 b-ttbsof Tm hnk It the bet Lni m t I ever a ve osr&- unomddom GuarlaoneM" Os an da f tioù Baâr 5piavinos. Hve recoùzneaed Ilt tu = Zral tyrtends whoaremuch plomad wtM audkeplt. espetf a31LT t I In bis VEGWPABLE PILL, Dr. Parmoeehbas à ua' ri ý given te t-he World thse fruzits cf long seieutifte lied nj= o cke« reseaueh in thse wbele reahun cf medica ew ae duian cooubiued with neW and. valuable discovoesw neyer before kueovn te man. J'or Delicat-, aud Debllitated Constitution ,Pameleo sPilla seit ____ like a chïrtu. Takon in «maildsmpest-ecot iu both a t-cule and a aimnliat, -mildly excit-_ ing the seoretiena cf tise'bodyr, glilw toue and; m à 1he Britia sh oe"laiofr the êdvauoe- muent cf Science bas deelded-t-o meet in Toc. - ont-o in'1897. Uklràbe Kibler penetrates tise systm ih U life-givng comnti epiep ,klhliug -ail dise so-e 9 ABI lOB rtiseiov poesibl~ loti *Eighty t-houý single scow mn good load. I M.r. R. Kanne a few days ago the lumber wa The thirtéo Bermie, of Be ber parents w bouse of jhl-fai o! five years Ref uge for gi ,Satarday last. Grocerymner o! the anvasao Veý-etable pe froro a distani the detrimen taxes, whale h ular but tht certaanly be Apparentl: caucrht yet. dusk, Mr. . Cross Creeka 18 poundsa The fasb wai, fisb rmarket the America bave given a Aýn exebsu that was fot in its sectiou ta a reali ty generally i hall of fire, spherical 1 ploya into or sarad, o! and t-bis su' ant supposi '4A Sub! it is that 'W dollar chea bread stili gave thsecc eV-ery one puy spot e end of a 1 be able te, er the yea profit tisa honest M bread i', The Ii birs. W. a narrow day mor W by seme W witnessea f h lf ily on th chiki wei Thse usui happily saelf agai Mr. E drugis oe sday cf his H te preet dlock, the-rmo ment5, atien Si erb' his tha heartyý Up Wl Oshaw and p 1 une' 14th, 1895. WHITBY. 1

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