Whitby Chronicle, 6 Sep 1895, p. 2

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I)ýmww ()Sta >jýessCase. *' Oough. ,no Lest Ntght *WeGi up by xDooers. LJESAVED HERRY hsPECOA rmUï40, I caught a severe cod, tls tlle cough that allowed, ce r d a right. The doc- V*R4ugO&Ver me te the best ef r*ýp=onoed maycase hopeless, ii*Y ozd do ne more for me. Mbrning of- uy trouble, sent me &.7es9 Cherry Pectoral, whlch I wk'* sd very soon I ws greatly lyte ime 1re had used the whole Itciupletelyoured. I have neyer f & 0eugh &Ince hhat time, and I ýv titat Âyer's Cherry Pectoral WF. LWAED, S Qulmby ~ierîyPectoral 'MAIN AT WORL'S FAIR. ru,«Wbu Dca 7w P#%rhW$o. ESlcPONDENCE 4 .John Cuthbert was lhere on >[tis Eastwood, oet Whithv. is here ýi week witb friends. 1. red. B. Bunting, et Toronto, was er, a few days this week. ",MissGertie Gordon is new confined >iuer room witb typhcid fever. Mer Harvey, of Cedar Dale, was here lis week with bis sister, Mrs. A. 'iudlay. Michael Kain left with us this week corn sîaik ibat measures 1 1 ft. 7 in. fisis the iallest stock yet reported. Mrs U. S. Ackerman, et Toronto, ,as here last week attending the mes-ai o! the late Mrs. Gordon. David Annan and Sam Gimiet left 'ueday:for Bristol with a shipment o! àecp.. WnM. Vanstone bas rented the sbop bout to be vacated by Isaac Wise, and lî use the. same as a butcber's shop. ï. F.' Stewart bas been engaged by im to asitst in the business. Stephen Cronk and daughter Ailegra, lent lut '4eck in Wellington, Ont., lucre' abdut eighty et their relatives ecrbled te celebrate a re-union et ié Cs-onk fainily. jfie-Richard5on returned te Philia- rihaon Monday, after spending a *ýw.u witkhbis people bere. He Wýbjltdays cxtended ewing te the ý" ia, su sster, wbe we are pleased > 1« sl,$ ow progressinE favorally. J ",É,fan'Porter bas some notion -of P1 te Michigan this fail. Some g,ug l he'sold a farm eout there; and ýë urne'lias new been tbrown backc *>nI'41à handé. He will seli or rent ýC irt he 110w occupies here. $dW~e thirtccn representatives !rem- 'tg Mjy, townships in York county et&0t the Clyde botel, Toronto, ene y least week. aiqd discussed the toil- ,e question These men were al ~>sed io the townships assuming the ids,, and a motion te dbat cffcct was aniffieusly' Passe. Tbere is mucb ronger oMpsition te the abolition o! ,Ii than was at first tbought. ein Pzckcrlng are not much intercat- [u n the n matr provided we don't Lye toa aquue aud- maintain the :)Uge bridge,, Unlesa some arrange- ent cati be made by which thc bridge n b mado a coùnty affr, our coun.. wlll »kely oppose the changeý vigo. sty W uId It no ba gow ddao 4L, apublc pepUitag.ai, Brogham ~tin ,te t-,widw, woees aud have eý W4t#ep diomughly discw<sed, Our =CI1'ý _wUl b. u*ikd to act in the. *te oInD then why !not flnd I~IIÉ.~dk~, dath. Mn G. E --N,-ýia'Pôuhèras-here Suniday. W. J. " Bodeil visited the- city on Tuesday.' Mr. Robinson, of Reach was here over Sunday. Norman Morton is visiting with friends at Keswick. Miss Nettie Wilson, of Orillia, 15 with friends bere. B. Churchill, of Toronto, here witb friends. Mr. and Mrs. Henderson Cberrywood Sunday. Chas. Coleman, of Toronto, with friends just now, is now were at is here Fred. Mosgrove, of Picton. wvas here with his uncle last week. Lou Hubbard and V. Greenwood, of Whitby, are here with friends. Mr. Hutchisoin, of T.xbridge, is bere this week with bis uncle, Colin Phiiip. John A. White won first prize in a footrace at Whitby at the caledonian gam es. John Cowan and hi,- men are in King township moving and otberwise improving a building. The rumor te the effect that J. T. Jewell, our harness-maker, i ntends leaving Brougham, is taise. Thursday afternoon Mrs. Thomas Philip and Misses Martha and Euphemia Philip were'driving up the Brock road, when their herse took freight and upset the buggy. Aside trom the scare none of the ladies were hurt, while the buggy aise escaped mishap.-News. MIrs. H. Rogers has returned trom visiting friends in Brighton. Mrs. John Martin has enjoyed a very pleasant visit at Courtice. Miss Mary Virtue and Mr. Fred. Maroney are attending the model at Port Hope this term. Mr. C. and Miss Mabel Rogers bave arrived safely in Manitoba and report excellent creps. Visitors:-Miss Hayes, Prince AI- bert. guest of Mr. N. Byers; Mr. Brooks and son, of Lindsay, at George Preston's; F. R. Brown, Toronto, at his mother, Mrs. W. Brown's; Mrs. Pearson and Mrs. A. Rex, Toronto, at Wesley Oke's. They were down from the city at the interment et Mrs. Rex's youngest child at Bowrnanville. Mr. Fred Howard guest at the parsonage. - WlITEVALE. Blanche Boyd has returned te ber home in the city. jas. Dundas, et Toronto, was in the v'ale last week. Mary McPbee spent iast week witb triends in Hamilton. W. V. Hagerman, of Toronto, spent Sunday in the vale. J. D. McPhee, ef Toronto, spent Sunday with bis mnother and sisters bere. The roller milis were net seld on Wednesday, being witbdrawn upon reaching a bid ef $6, 200. A tafewell party was held in the bap- tist churcb on Thursday evening iast in benor of Mrs. McPhee and ber daugh- ters, Misses Mary and Haîtie, by their many friends in the cburcb and sab- bath school, and in the community generally. Miss Mary leaves this week for Edinburgh, Scotland, where she wiil in future reside. Mrs. and Miss Hattie will in a few weeks remove te Hamilton, The basement of the cburcb, wbere the gatbering occurred, and wbere tea was served, was beauti- tully decorated witb flowers, and the tables were laden witb good tbings, interspersed witb bouquets ef lovely flowers. After tea the chair was taken by the Rev. Mr. Sipie, paster of the churcb, after which a musical pro- gramme o! mucb excepllence as re - nmade the acquaizrtnceship sund -scur- ed the Ireadhp of ail daslu inch community, by-uer'klnd. sud 'obligin discliare cf the duties of thee positionï.,- BothltissesMan sd HadtiçwcrçU recipient oýf kli&dy wOrcdddeg aud valuablpresent s-rnthe ciass»s which thuytigh ie Sabbah ,cucl _y1 bptsu tb.-e, s The manyfriends of- Mn A.. D~ i' Iaiwere pleased to sée u llhsÇ;tt ddyi i ng this wèek pfter is aeeenss. Mr. Jaines' Madd, of' Rcachý- sold a vcry tfie- load ,of. ne*wf- lUwheat tW Gould Bros. the otherday. kt tested 63 Ibo, and was sold'for 6o cents. An Uxbridge twelve , as green as grass," composed of the business men of the town, went te Stouflviiie on Saturday and played an aggregation representing the business men of that town, who were guaranteed to muif everything that came their way. It wvas a great exhibition of our national game, and provided loads of fun for the large crowd of spectators. It was any- body's game from start to finish, the play being very even, but the Stouif- villeites semed to be luckier than their Uxbridge brethren and won by a score Of 2 goals to i. Strixo. A strike of short duration took place on the floom job Monday morning. The four laborers employed were get- ting a dollar a day, but came te the conclusion that the work was worth more and decided to go on strike until they received a raise, Consequently, when Mayor Gould, who is superintend- ing the job, arrived about baif past seven, the men were 1"1kiiling time. " He tnkd them $i per day was ail the town *ould pay, and two of themn re- sumed work. The other two could not see things that way and walked out, but their places were quietly filled. The job is a hard one and really worth more than the men are being paid. Accident. Mr. Geo. Gilpin is walking with the aid of a stick this week, and it is a wonder be is able to walk at ail. On Saturday evening about seven o'clock George was walking across Brock street in front of the Bascom House, and stopped to let a rig pass which was coming from the east. Just as the rig got by he started forward again, wben he was run into by another rig coming from the west, driven by Mr. M. H. Crosby. George was struck by the shaft and thrown beavily to the ground, the front wheel passing over his leg and arm. He was taken inte the Bascom House and a doctor summoned, but fortunately his injuries were flot seri- eus. His face was rather badly cut and bis leg and wrist hurt. No blame can be attached to anyone, as Mr. Crosby did not see Mr. Gilpin for the other rig, and the latter of course for the same reason, did flot notice the ap- proach of Mr. Crosby. Bion. On Wednesday nighf some person or persons unknown entered Mr. John Saunders' stable at Goodwood and took therefrom bis herse and rig. Mr. Saunders discovered bis loss early next merning and searcbing parties sceured the country roundabout ail day., They did net meet witb any sucdes, how-, ever, until the evening. Messrs. Sara. Dunsheatb and Ira Lamb, who bad been eut in the direction of Mount Albert, were returning home about dusk, and came across the missing- animai and buggy near My. Madil s farm, about three miles this side of the Mount. Tbe herse was unbitched fromn the rig and was feeding quietly by the side ef the road. Mr. Madili bad noticed the herse during -the day, but thought it beionged te a party o! fish- ermen. A couple -o! eut sheaves and an oid quilt, wbich did net beiong te Mr. Saunders, were found in the buggy. Tbey have net as yet been able. te dis- cover the miscreants, but if ey are, caugbt they wiIl probably spend a few years in Kingston. Crfew. We tbink a curfew by-iaw or some-ý tbing et the sert, is badiy needed 'in Uxbridge. Alrnost any evening chiid-, ren et tender years may be seen loiter- ing on the streets or standing in store doorways long after their proper bed-; tim e. If parents arc net able, or arc tee careless, te look after the welfare. of their children, the authorities should' take the matter in band. Fer the edl-, fication of those who think suclu a by-, kaw wouldi flot be, successful, we give1 the following from Uic Toronto,'uc tien Leader: "Has thc curfcw by law~ donc auy lgood.d#'uring -the pasti elve- montbs,? Han it accosnplished- the purpose for which- it vis, fmed? These questions wl be' aàswt,,ed' in Uic affiuuÀiveby ninetenthsof>1torbtc>it Junction. , People'Who were , ttc y, opposed: ta h whçn ik was passed, are' now, boudestI*lu their--praise of . It bas been Temarkaluly succesèfàuU În*t - comnplishiug ls puspose. ~hvsu~ iquirles =d kncow ,wh é f, 1 speak. Not .a re cbildrea oft I" w1~i under" xtiàn di4Qt It fi'îieto lin t ther È4 M9 telan-e P, 'Mitchell >spent Sunday. withý friends hliee. ~i aigbrhue Belle Liscombe i aighrhu panted. s Wesley-Gee, of Toronto, fs borne at present. Mes. Fitzgerald and son are visiting friends herei, Stewart Bros.. of Fruitland, are visiting frieuds here. 1'A. Law, of Oshawa, spent Sunday with bis brother Geo. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Gleeson, spent Sunday in Oshawa. The cernent contractors are doing a rushing business. Miss E. Lyons, of Oshawa, is visit- ing ber sister, Mrs. E. Gleeson. Rev. J. Harris and wife are now on their way frorn England. 1 1 J. A. and R. B. Harris have strte to the Whitby collegiate institute to pass a term. F. L. Gleeson is on the sick list and has gone to Toronto. Hope to hear of an improvement. KEIGHRLAND CREEKL J. Gormley bas returned to bis duty as scbool teacher in this town. R._Coranýis' busythsbi =He has engaged the moon to run the ma- chine this season as bis terms are $i an hour and two heurs at night are worth one in t-he morning. Nelson Hawkin's threshing outfit sailed out of town iast week en route for H. Westney's. Now, Rob and Wm., it does look bad for two married men to go prowl- ing along the dark roads late on Sun- day night after cburch is out. It makes one tbink the company at home must be awful dry. MARK IT WELL A Ibevolopument Peeuilar te the Present Generaticu Usager..,sa"d Ofteu Fatal. A% each generation cornes and goes it is marked by changes, developments and discoveries unknown teoits predeces- Sers Frem a physical standpoint one of the most te be dreaded conditions and peculiar for its rapid increase during the present generation, is wben the mmnd labers under the delusion of persecution, continuai restlessness, pain in the back and head, twitching of the muscles of the face and bauds, furred tongue, breath foui and heavy. nausea and further indications of stomach troube. There may be de- lirium, convulsions or sinking speils. Medic'al authorities appiy different names to the conditions that are unintelligibie te the average reader. The actuai fact is the demoraiized and dangerous state of the system is due te the accumulation of "Bdy Poisont" in the blood that sbould and wouid be tbrown off by the Kidneys if in a healthy condition. In order te re- store bealtb, strike at the reet of the dis- ease with Cbase's Kidney-Liver Pis, the only medicine known that will conitrol the changes gelng on in the wides enabl- ingthemn tofjirnish for the .oe systern blood free from disease-breeding poison, building up the shattered condition of nerves, and reiieving mental depression. Price 25é., seld by ail dealers. Edman- son, Baites &I Co., Toronto. The Bust Fill.-Mr.WS. Vauder,' sydney (rçig, "Ont writes;"W been usiug Paieles!. Pilleasi~dîmtic far tie but Pilla we ever uaed." PeFr Del. and Debiiitaled (ouln&titIonu #usapilla boli a Ioule aud àa stimntdMkt miidly et lb. secrellous of tte bodytli gtoue *ior. Paul Gee, of Lonuam, Ito., la a -ceogred 85 yearaof âge, *he, hm thlty-olgiîChfl dlstrîbuted o ver V irgfu q il udM WSSOUILý mort, ýhave, %nby Sundey last wift Mes. -Hoémf; gertha, D v nppt o' Tofwuito, l spefiing afe a ys itf A.Leh- 1.Rev, -Mr. Percy, of Stouffvllle, called -on,$. B. Hîoover on Saturday last. A. B. Nighswander, of this place, spent Sunday last with P. S. Barkey, of Dixon Hill. Quite a large number of the friends in this section attended church at Ringwood on Sunday evening. Mrs. A. Heisey, of the 7th con., Markbam, spent a couple of days with her aunt Mrs. H-. B. Lott, last week. Miss Nettie Nighswander, of Mark- ham, is spending a couple of days with her many friends in this vicinity. Miss Spink, of Toronto, and Miss Robinson, of Markham, are visiting some of their friends in this vicinity Rev. Mr. MeLean, presbyterian minister of Claremont, preached to a full bouse in this place on Tuesday night iast. We trust much good may resuit from his labors. 'The general topic for the last three "or four weeks was, 'II arn going to tbe Northwest," but alas! when the time came to go only one went, in the per- son of H. Nighswander; but there is another young man in a small town flot very far distant to the west of us who has made up his mind to go east and to judge from his regular visits to this place he means business. That right, John, go ahead. TYRUNEC Labor day was generally observed. Many of our citizens attended Salem harvest home. A-good programme was rendered at the open session of the Sons of Tem- perance Thursday evening. Mr. G. H. jardine is standing a siege of typhoid fever. Others like- wise afflicted are regaining strength, The boys who went fromn here to the Northwest have succeeded in getting situations though many poor fellows are said to be walking about witb noth- ing to do. When Baby wua slck, we gave her Caatorla.. When ulie waa a Chili. ah. cried for Caatorta When ahe beoume Miss, she clung to Castorlai. When ahe had Chfldren, ahe gave th-m Caatorla. The Y M 0 A. of Cambridge, Maus., raised 830,000 for the erectioon of a new building at a banquet one evening luat week. Minarda Linime.ntLum--berman'u Friend Binder s Twino.î Central Prison Make. This Twine is pure, well-made, and gua.ranteed to bind more sheaves from eaoh bail than any other mike in the market. Price 7 ots. per lb. No second quality made at the Central Pru»on. Àil first-clasa. Leave you oriers at once. J. >H.L1~G June l4th, 1895. 'WHITYS 0- -lý Bt cog~ iW !,unwlc After the G ri p No Strength, No Ambition Mood'aS&Srflparlfla Cave Perfect Healthe The. foilowilg lettel' Io from a well-knowu merchaut tailor Oft-t George, N. B.: 'os. 1. Hgood à COo.weIl, 3ass. : ..Gentleuin-I amn gb4 W uay gt Hood'o samaparlIJ sud iEood'8 PilM have done me a great deab Of good. 1 bad a severe attack of thie grlp in the winter, sud after gettlng over the foyer 1 did net ieem to gather strength, and had noani loRood's Sarsapvarilproved to ho juat W a ed.ThoG results were very satlafacey, snd Ireconiemd t. "medicine to an Who areaMoted wlth nhoeiattam .or other Hoodals Cures ambctlna cau ed.y oson and poor lood. I alwaya lkeep Kood'eS amaparlU Inmy house andnueit heuî1ne.d a toute. W. 8180 keeJn Hood'a Pilla on baud snd thlnk hlghly of them.'l J. W. DYKEMAX, St George, New Brunswick. Hood la Puis are purély vogetable, andl do net purge, P rpaier. 5*14 by iM drugglata *lorTi Thc Prevaienc eYmaleý ouIii W fo lp Resuit larg t fram :thei lys, * Gibney hsd in the garbý corne tp towi dao, who 1Wv of Midland, - Vide. mondi 'wrigit anud ber aÎuter, Itreet. Mi8g Evi N. F. Pati ed ie. Ti cauod, but i Last Tue~ the residen4 Tecumgeth five dollar n rmade the thought DO familY wern returning in Bomne per8oi and exaruin drawers in ing, howel ehortly ait, heard nosea stairs tc in~ ed two me, WEDdow. T. corne toth througb a 1 Mr. Axmgtrc thank the ( the five dol the afternooî Ab. Greer ai Constable Sound, wel] brother of north on a whiskey pedi son.- Greer son and the from the con ter fired thi ilenderson i wounded. 1 fair:-4"So n last week's a. wise, and P4 to the priso tended coi that Borne e Goverument constables ai their duty 1 justifled in very natural chance offers killed was- d but chance, does not in fonce. We Greer ha. properisities the di8charg and snohbeb derstand wh tained in su( the facta Wei ties. ÂAt an conveys a 1 should profit thing may ' flllfity frorr rageons affai The story or The rmysti aboute Of Wj Who disapp4 A.ugust 15, been .ost in been cloared anugly houi mother onti ouwsaat loata

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