Whitby Chronicle, 30 Aug 1895, p. 5

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* 0 .'~.. IN8CÏIO ""lie Dffl in a tastefu ?.ay r 7e. l2~c per yd. per yd. 20, '2.5, 300. ottoli for 5c. 7c. per yard -hîldren's, at styles. s SI WH ITBY. ARRENO il-iosomne Us Iii Dres for 13ce. 44-iii n 2-5c to 900. SI. 1'rints- 1111l 17c, for t',Ilandker- jîFices. Table ifî'oni .1;c each. il and1( at very we are offering tfittiig, and m, Co. nager. $ ,wO351 1515042820 14,o01695 10,880,333. -A a'dress Agents, oronto. prompt/y, and at prices, ôy Jix IOWUSL Ag11_____,Wý JEWELER & ENGAVR t4on sofa»y 19oMIpaper tanOao. FRIDAY, AUGUST 80, 195.- LOCAL LÂOO]4IC3. MNr'. Windust, formerly Mrs. Cha, Scott, %vas here last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Farewell arrived home frein the seaside yesterday. Nless.rs. J. D. Paxton and Jno. A.nderson Pert Perry, were ini town Monday. Ir. and Mrs. Chas. King have gone on a trip) te Boston and New- York. Mliss Louisa Hubbard is spenclng a few davs %vith relatives in the township of Pick- e ring, Miss Flerence Greenwo-ed has returned home, after spending two mouths ini Rock- poert, Penn. Dr. (;rant's "Hairtte, " for the hait, is thu eorly preparation guaq~nteed to et &Jai litig hair, and reuxove en druif. biollead, ii suiphur. Ask your druggist for it. An excursion wiii be run to Toronto ou 1,.-bor day. Commodore Jackson Is iu cha.rge of the Garden City., and expects to leave the wharf at 8 a. mn. sharp. The ex- ruîrsion starts haïf an hour earlier than usual in order that the passengers may reacb the city in timne to set the Labor Dernonstration. This is a chance of à lifutime, and sbould be seized bv ail desirous of spending a pleasant day 's outing. A Bank Holiday. Monday next, Sept. 2nd. being Labor Day and a public holiday, wili of course be a bank hioliday, thus gîving until Tuesd4v to',pay notes faliing due on Sunday or Monday. Garden Clty Ho for Toronto excursion under the auspice -s of the Whitby W. C. T. U. An ex- cursion will be given on Wednesday, Sept. 4th, to Toronto and returu, from Newcastle, Bowmanville, Oshawa and Whitby. Returu tickets 50c. Boat leaves Whitby 9 a.=. Coal-Coal. I have comnpleted the purchase of a large quantity of fresh mined Scranton- Valley coal, which 1 cq n furnisb ta my customers and others at rèrmarkably low prices. Also a large suppiy of soft coal on band. Before buying giveme a cali. iL B.-Taylor. A capital testimonial.î I have màch pleasure in recommendig Mr. W. H. Piper's pumps ta gny party te quiring the saine, I also find him to b. a first claus repairer of any kind of pumps. He bas repaired several for me and tbey ail Work first chIRs. JAMES CAMPBEL.L, Whitby, 22nd Aug. 1895. Not conaected witb the. S. 0. B. The Pickering News thinks the True Biue fifé and drru bands which gave such rocky exhibitions in passin.g these towns on civic holiday were canriected wlth the Sons of )England, and xeads the S. 0. E. out of its affections.'We hope ii rnay uow restore the Englishmen to grâce, for we cari give posi-., tive assurances that the bauds were noue of' their funeral. Peeplng Johns la tôwn. The other day a waman in London shot at one of these disteputable characters. Tisl is what wiIl b. done ta saine of the. saie clan in this. town, if tbey keep up tb$t shameless practice. Wbat a poor sque4 0( a soul a main Must bave who sa far liO#c5 hxmself as ta peer thraugh,,a windew Irito tii. innier life of a primae bouse. It la ditfcàlt to identify on. ýwbo engages In tis ,Cow«&dY practice. The only way to rld one'ss elf of, th is parasite u pou the bounty of Saciety, Isto give chase,, over(ake A0iid .imbate. We would a'phaud the manti-bdwho 5tlioroughly drubbeda Peepl q uithat John's relations even unto the :hfrd St*'d fouLrth generations. .isq ikgb r a-J n £ o P1 v : w f and bas suti*e4 Car behind T. mercury rgMIïiï2 w hlch:nlý i manageu tg m,ý riotîced Iltt eniÇuj"C'41t r EUY', U Ilwdto go on hid, owu sgusncst Mote ý .ý' f1 Do n-y 'a club any 1Ao¶eeri evat Apply ta Mrt. J Wýibbjty'aeW.t; Ï 8 andiq, là golng toýobesuerthan.erî isyea. God ban«. bicycl races sapecial- attractions. Se. advsem,~ luanother columa. zS0 tous of £rpt lss àoft coal just receiv- edpe fr= t aës & i---aSaudusky, onà.y Blow for your .UhlUt n~CORI Pffice oppsite CHRONICLE> XlghiiiauClb. The. reguhar weekly meetings of thia club wlh commence on Monda y evenlng neit. Pipera John and Donald Sutherland wlll be prescrit. Severai applications fot member. shîpe and other business will corne up. Members are requested te, attend. Labor D&Y." Monday, September :iid, Labor Day, by the grace of the geverument, wiil b. duly celebrated la town. Out local sports have arranged for a day of sports. In the marri- ing a base-ball match whili b. played between a pickëd team froin Oshawa aud aur local nîne. A amaîl ad mission fee wilI be charged ai the. gante. In the interest of manly sport aIl abl-bodied boys and men should b. on baud In the. moming. Ladies are ever wel comed, and given reserved seats free ýof charge. The gaine will be played on the ath- letic ,grunda. RxcnrÎlon taik Thé Garden City caried 6oo ta Toronto on Wednesday. Garden City wiIl run from these p/sManday Weduesday and Friday of nexi rneek for Sac, cents retun fates. Yesterday's excursion ta Niagara dld not draw enough passengers to induce the Garden Ci th ta cross ti. laice. 'Tbeimoiring was duit and peo- ple will not face a rough passage.' Next week tbe Garden City willl make tbree trips ta the city (ram Newcastle, Bowmanvilie. Oshawa and Witby-on Monday. Wednesday and Friday. The rush of work is naw over and people have lots ai lame ta take advantage ai cheap tnps. Bit7 Black ta tue rescue On Tuesday afternoon hast a couple of young ladies were driving dawn John street wben tbey feund they had lost control of their barse. When near the Paisley Hause Mr. W, Black, çf that hotel, who was stand- ing in the. doar, noticed tue bars. acting lu an- unusualf manner, and going eut into the road caugbt the animai by the bridie just as it was becoming unanageable. He at once discavered that a part af the harnes ad be- corne caught on the sbafts, which b. reIea.sed aud the hars. was bronght ta a standstil uet lu turne ta save an accident. -Napanee Express. More baller plate. The Marklîam Economist and Oshawa Refermer bave bath adopted boller-plate in- sides, and have corne out lu eigbt page foras. Bath bave, prhinted their whole,8heets bhereto-, fore, ndwe ,bardly se. haw ta cengraet -ttupon a big1"stroke.of enterprIîe In makt-L ing a <bange whicb ,willenable theite get. their issues bal( pria:ed lu a foundry In 'T4 routa. One by ane tbe papers wba devot their columus enýtireýly to localnews are tak- ing ,n -utii.patent- inside, an4 enlsrging to disgie the truo Mate of itss onte pulc,uniltiere Isa now siot an.uepaper in tweuîy which does not- give frotbaif te :wo- tbirds of is redig frùt>m ahaddy »lates at a few cents pet tolmna..: Many neÜwspapets are trying tocheapen tiiernselyes whilst put- tiug ou the, appearauce of enlas-gement, and the public viiil have to learu te - discrlsninate betwpen shaddy -sud genuine uews, the. sanie as tieey de betwéen shoddlye and gn nine cloti e - 'lbCiiSoNÎcLE pýrîiàset pages of local county news evety week, whicb entalls fat grestereirpensetbhan would fifling eut columus Wlth'b ou e r plate mater at aàbout,5 cents, per foot, and we believg w. bave- rlght on. ont side. lu eeposing the. OnWednesday Mr. W. RLfH nôV hua faiy and furniture ta.1 hbé:ô. c uencen bis daties as- o! tWi. Geaue-Lottrtdg.- BmwIu ilot To say it atr. t ~iooopeople toýbtay boots and ',shoutes t redtt"on oa s pet« cent. forth, iieKt 30 day. Per.,Geo,. G4jnpricht la tunlng twea:y-ftur' pianad, t 'the vcohiege thîs week. Parties wantlng t"ei proplerly tnned kmbndliy loive word at Mr. R. S. Cormack's bookstare. ah foar Tooo xhibition Cali at Stepbenson's office (opposite 'Hatch's> for those tickets and full* intorma- tion. -Office bours> 7 'R.m. tilli 8:30-P.n Partesp>ylng Stephqpson's ticketspeiu y a ip rvnd 'igoî ntbave meney refuinded followlng day. Coali1 Coral Just réceived tbree cargoes, 400 toüs each, freeb nilned Scranton coal per steamer Fiera Carveth. 1 arn now prepared ta supply dlean, brtght, carefully -screened coal at Iowest possible price. Office opposite TEKc CHRONICLE Wbitby. E. R. BLOW. G T R Annual Excursion Aug. 3otb and 3ist and Sept. ist and 2fld, goad ta rçturu tili end of Sept. i7th. Rate frein Whby, Pickering, Brookliluaud Myrtle te Kingston and returri, 84; Ottawa, $5; Montreai, 87; Quebec, $9. Also, Sept. 2nd and 3rd, good till Sept. 22nd to returri, Portlafid, $13 ; St. Andrews, St. Johns and Monctotl, $14.50; Halifax, $17. Alisoa excur- sion ta Manitoba and Assa. points Sept. 3rd, good fpr 6o days only, $28. Buv those tickets (roux E. Stephenson, teiegraph, ex- press and ticket office (opposite Hatch's), Whitby. A Pickering mans death Tuesday's dispatches froin Oswego con- tain the following :-A mari namned Kemp- thxorn, 35 years oid, went ta the bouse of Mrs. Hattie Keller, in the town of Scrlba, N.Y., and cômnmitted an assauit on her. She seized a shot gun and ordered hlm to leave. He refused and she shot humn as b. lay on the bed, biawing a haie tbrough his body and killing him instantiy. Albert Kemup- thoru, the. murdered mari, came froin Dui- ferin's Creek, 4o miles east of Toronto. He was formeriy a raiiway mai,ý and bas a brother, George, at Toledo, Ohia, an officiai, in a railway yard. Froin what Mrs. Keller said, and the gossip of neighbors, it le be- lieved that Kempthorn bas been a frequent visitai' a: ber home. Kemptiiorri was un- married, and a butcher hy occupation. Mrs. Keller le under arrest. It la dlagraceful The sidewalks af this tawn are almoat im- passible, by reason of the caws being ailow- ed ta mun at large. it le a rernarkabie tbing that no township or tawn witbin twenty miles of here allows cows ta mun at large ex- cept Whitby town. Garrdeu aud field crops have been almost destroyed ini many iu-] stances by the breacby ones, wbich class le9 by far in the. majority. -This nuisance andi, damage has become unbearable, and wben- every other municipalfty bas adopted means ta stop it this town sbould follow s-uît.,A petition should b. circnlated a: once ashding the towu council ta take another vote upon the cow question a: ii.appraacbing,,electlau' , and we feel certain the dedision aext Urne'i will be ta shnt theni.Off .'ftôm: runningý-aI' large. Two years, a :)tîeietvaé,oý qoa' a majority: la fàv6qr -oot and we doubt natuaii t o than wipd outwhéu#MetifbIl-i Tire town was etartled on T1,,,U4g liu onleamning that Fred. Gboni O *kuown grocer,, bad been , fatally huéi ruuaway. Deceased ha d purebiased barrelhed.a quautity of apples at Mr-. Sîewart's residence on Plu;e st. tue da3 viausly, and ou Tuesday, moruing therelitscompauy witha boynatned Li haul away the apples. He-drove a bora deinocrat, but did. ne: drive into tihe g4 wbere thie appies were, presusnabhy b. thse wagon bad uew tires and he diii not tîocn ýute i awil tniu 6ý backed the wagon up to Mr. Stewart*!s gate, and sat upon the dashbard wi, baack tote idasbboard , whilst Young lôad thse barreis.. Whieu r$qa Law camè froin the bans. ,tbey tiatice the hiorst -,ad ýrrIWwere gttBp,ý fi=d Flaietev J notwdthat'it-ra~rn s.~, ~PM, 9 iii Oln Tanano, oly sud e. 0n' *ô pHa ilb e'outl".~ou i ~ 75à.,50é., 'àâd 85. DresGoolgWôrth 506., 40.and i#.,al 10go a&i .25.. iper 7Qy&4ià orb*lltdL flduet riea$UMmetGôoosmai -go ont. B et i hie. îaigl Bl.vn. 0 MPRTÀTZ~ -W. haveJ40t openea up New il a , t ri 1ëwu4Sn~S', _Worlda #Golf(l. The6e good. are *te heâtlo be hat i n th. trade. a, .~~na1.t»î~1~.a .h oommeoed Lseilthe egooda.,When you waut s tiaaeiai il-m*ù --<t.- O E. p O.,. ,TWQ SATU RDAY August 011010Em 75c. 600. 550. 500. 40c. 37j. .3506 ÂIa. ~-t DA7YS. m*-AN D 24th MONU! and 26th. SUTMMI&R- -O ~25 ýnds New thi8 season's styles. Tweed effeots, Serges, Grpone,"menta 0f course there were other Bargain Dey Sales, but neyer c0U8 atý e1~ ýgant values were given as at this oxie. 90c., 85c., 75e., 60e. 50e0 5,, 0. Everybody should take advantftge cf our'Bargain Dàys. -egv goode than you cati buy in the city. Wha-t we ativertiSe -we have in are not laie in eoming. ~eye~Nvy Sege...e....t... .......40 é[en UÀflWoI T1weed ute.....4,0e Yffu can't bet ly.or<>ve II foràbiv lùeý bu-,*eare' having argain _,DaYs now.êwy ra saveyomoy.- ~wtt ~G. r - - 1 )- 5, Coffe., tvý B it la-m'a and

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