Whitby Chronicle, 30 Aug 1895, p. 4

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BI~fftW: .Worth Its p~er lb. cdnt a - Whftby eveù emb r50t e £158u e prutY cQus5m' cesqithe ride. ',Iu he hçae K4wq do notssni that kinshl hua gene out ex- cept at weddlngs. e dae s«Y that the creise ain cBrUlarT than ever in ev7 other sage rocuunthip sud ,mat0tno The~eslqu#t$to hwklfi hob testored duÏÎ09g tiaRrlagtremoà,e.. Tl ,nmnt 1nxu and consnmilugfestreofh occasion has been abollslied. We saol uOt pâtt.d atiy weddîng In fmtre without s pre. airtue=en to the programme to be foi- Town LOcale. Scott repairs ail kinds ot pumpe. Mn. Dan Fultey, -uf Lindsay. ta viting bis bxother, Mr. lames 11oleY. Mm. Macrum ina8spending a tew weeks with lien sister, Mrs. 'nO. O'Connor- .Mina Betrice Dartnleilis avlsitlng with Mr. C. S. Eýastwood spent Sunday out of tOwn witb Mr. Chas. Mackev, Ot Kinssie. Miss Nellie Resu, accomponied by her two nieces, la visiting at hem father's Mr. jus. Resu. Get vour fire-pots, grates. iron or brick lugs"forîi âl kinds '<f stoves, ranges or tmats followed. afidjwp esp0WIEeq ddto ý>y the groomt thé groomsman, h e ie va~ltd and _Broughall, Drý. Mc ilivrty, Or. 1ter- rédfri thode 1prë,senî ,ln thé soplftbut a uetlhi theleag. ,The. decoaioswer. Most bestitul, and no were the.--prents, whikh, were n«o as numerous its bilgbit have bien expected i owlnË to Ààpéâat msuy send lng cheques lnstesd, wblcb wero Inâtended to bave trouble lu getting the. preaents seros the lune. Two cheques lu particular *vere for considerable sums. They wert: encorted to the aternoon train b many of their frleüe ftàld nun-*blie, Wzich wu-*asymbol webuope, of their-future purq. calpi sund happy lives, and as tbey left on Wbriif vwed- diag tn t agara Fall sud u.igbboring ice.amid thowers of rite thi.e tblem of =lut and good wlshes ut 6omt of friendu, we Could only loin witb the otherniln wishlng theni God speed. They returned to Wbitby the fore-part of this week prior to leaving for thbir future honme lu Marsalsl Minn. Mrs. McGonigle bas been une of V*htby'a muni popular young ladies, and la uf a mont pleas- sut disposition, whicb wii, wltliout doubt, taice sun-shine and happinesinto htr new home. Ths fakir et lest. - (buruaces, rrom j. sscintyre. Ne& xeris~ ook-maiflithbluebili, 1A prophetic feeling in out bottes seemed Ne& xerissi boksýmamcst, ý totell us'al summer that ibis town La 100 nusy l.nd,,violet, dituntltess. New magaz, good a supporter uf fakirs to mniss a wbolt. nes, daily papera.n o sadr eie easun 'a seancea, and on Friday night lest ator patterns. Mrs. Allun. one uft he fraternlty arrived here and oper- Mn. Jno. Noble has just received ai hisataed. He bsd just the same fake to a word 191im 0 d Moea]ule. lumber yard near uptown, st ation a new sup- that bas twice before been succestiful here. ~*dvar Blke eftCandaply or uine and benilock lîmber, sbinglesý After ligbting up leisureiy and indulging in ~'"tosek dmitaue ttu he(xx A No.t cut for Anerican markcet,) R littie cbaffing be announced that bis busi- ftà&gotô eekadmttace ntothe&efl00ig a11d iding. AHl dsofbhuilders' ness was advertising. Helied jewel .ry made ,,9qMO ona as a Home sup lies, doors, sashes, idecurthoui o a new metal, which bu alleged had e Obesýoused was in tee tsotstntc cendoors, wn te icvrdna evradwihi and t w, athouglit that ail the dows of all sizes. and shutters made to order, Uitile ahead uf gold. The name of this new tlde w- o en u gea Call around and seeour stock. JOHN NOBLE and beautiful metat is goldine, and he is r aro> n d Wa o a ew thepg r einebrmerely advertising for a company which ý ýXP1l1the succes ufHome Rule That Dr. Grant' s "Hairene" is guaranteed ang>ewelry oui ut iL. i-e wuuld n e i lWUdbe cmp me.Te Lu stop flighair and remnove dandruif. ayo L u eeywse l.. e compete falingarticles where the scheme of advertising o (riii lpat glideree. Mr. oaRnnt.ould be successful. He did Pot propose to bis paut no iabll Good stable, drive house and yard, next let everybody have iî-merely peuple of bt nuliression u lot to foundry north, si per month. Apply position. He firstijnduced peuple by on-n Po ý11.tXéstm ri u.ei Tey ar to Wm. Shaw or E. Stephenson.. ous looks andi words Lu pay ten cents each '>tof sendixig abnoad for prac- We othey llstcned mreveretly to Hait ? for a collar buttoti, and then gave each buyer t 14Vice sud thenmade up their Betore buying a spray pumup. be sure and see bis ten cents bück wlth the article. Nexî he â -fCanada's plans of goverument the Andetson double action lorce spray pump sold them 'for a quarter and gave the quar- tàloal wel sud good., Britain The besti n the worid. Fen of them boughi by ter back. He weni on to fifîy cents each, ikkç cre of'hemself. the governmneni for the exptrmrental farm. Only still psomising to surprise each buyer wiîh a 1 Wof the cause of Home Rule win- $13.50 eich. L. Fairbnks, Whitby, agent. peent, but it was now waîch chains tîtat Ï pecI.ed to. take a toboggan slide New Uniforms .rere being sold. Wben the buying become down the hull (rmnithe momient Mr. in our report of the civic holiday spor ta slack, be ied a knrot in the chains and in-. e41*4 amy to its assistance. Eachstwe efro omninthtW fr dicated byistl h apeal vube r: fi-'oft the Home Rulers were ls' ekw oglt etinte6~fr alkn thaIt a pleciaily vaab brigade which mîtrcled in new and .pendid prize wouid be gWe o tpe hs can to be leaders or else wreck the party, unfo Vs ith httod-twiccarhdknsinhe Aleraimh id t.. Gladstoue'a etiement left the Ufleise tharein t onewbihmchar- two knots ini bis chaîna, end got a lot more ,,t itbas turned out, with no lead-cacterite omrsiomn (1) Puneotem aes aete.Te h ipae hn t.ICh'b Tories have corne back to cle h miso u otc.W r oldtaetbem.anTeribd nspenaise wUit a prospect of xnany year, of happv to recognize the brigade, flot onilv as old watche and liad. ld isoenvalise nd the prospect ut strong and able a well dressed apnd handsorne company, but aogteatc îd I esee t tobe oun inbulged out-mnen oi position in our churches mht laeliailed with delight froin as one of t1ic Most competent~b n n and ini society. They began to covet that ;ruuBitish heant. As British senti- any town in the Province. gold watch. Tbe fakir tied tbree .knots in rows, -Home ftule is discredited, and The Woa.sh Railroad the nexi few chains, and the canriy old look& asif the latter cause will not is aow ackriowledged by travellers 10 be chaps put up their haif dollars and kept me to tue front for a generation, ex- thc tesî route from Canada 10 Chicago, St. their knotted chains away from peuple who trhapa by reason of the obstructive Louis, Kansas Cit.y, Old Mexico, California might bappen Lu untie u'ne or the precious adopted ini parbament by its pro- and west, northwestern points. Its train kuots whilst inspecting the goldi i e jewelry. ____equipments is superlatively the finest ti Finallv, wben every device bied been used America. t is the great trunk ine passing by which victima coubd be iuduced tu buy, through six staies of the union anîd making and wlen the cupidity uf the muai greedy direct conniecijun with une huridred anid and cuvelous hac been satisfied. the fakir nineteen other rairoada. Tickets anid ime- redeemed bis promise tbat each sbould bave tables of this zreai raiiway froin any ticket a present by giving eacb a box uf corn salve agent or J. A. Richardson, Canadian pas made out of grease and âine powder.of some senger agent. N. E. Cor. King and Vonge sort. Then be gave those witb kuots ju their. street, Toronto. chains a brasa peri wortb about $ft " ntg a Prospective pushers grr ss. Thus tbey bad a braizs stud,ia îltý Farmers intending tu have taîl sales wilI box full ut grease and a brasa peu each, andùcýl do best by cunsulting the CHRONICLE Con- tbe fakir had a pocket tul' utf yhai cerning rates for prnting sale bis. if ycu dollars. In an interview aftemwards the have anything to sel it will pay you to ad- fakir said that hie took $8o at Collingwoud vertise in the CHRONIcLE, that is, if youu wo nights previously. He bad been with want people to know you waut Lu seli The Sella Brothers' circus, but tbe action ut the Cli RONICLE dlaims Lu have the largeat cet- Ontario Goverriment ini sendiug detectives tified circulation ot any paper lu the world to disband tbe gang of fakirs with that show in the following p lace Whitby, Oshawa, had compelled him and others tofIeld ont *Taunton, Columb us, Raglan, Brookt, for a Lime. He says that every mari be deals iMyrtle, Audley, Greenwood, Balsam, Ash- wilh knows he is a fakir, but tbey always biirn, Utica, Epsomi, Greenbank, Wick, think the point ini the game bas fiot corne Blackwater, Laytou, Pinedale, Seagrave,ytfogeigtariiad btbewl Sonya Port Perry, Shirley, Scugog, En- continué Lu make thein a preseut ut bis guod field, Prince Alber-t, Manchester. Hence, money for a wbile longer. In other words, we cari confidently dlaim that the CItRON.lbe saya, they teel that they are sda smart ICLE is the best advertising mnedium in thie thev cari taire a banid in bis gamne anid be ai. counly ot Ontario. We aim Lu give sais- wy ae onutfontetc hth facton ithdesptchandat coserats. i nows he is cheating men who would be as School Notes dishonest as he is if Lhey knew how. -schoojâ upened Moriday lasi with a fair ai- GREECNBANK. tendance ail round.1 Labor day is a holiday for our achools. The , Mrs. Stone, Scugog, la visitiug lier frierida short Note&. Ue~ports tr opicrespoudents aIl oven thîs out!y point- to a splendid harvest, the et fui yean, Pumers wlo have turesied- *«t 'god yoldýof ueampl. Tliin l M thçq *t«botC4adca, sud es- e, m ii"rtvn l on- teachers arelaborers i New seuI have been placed in the second and tird forms of the collegiate. Messrs Ormision and Fergusori, trustees. ad- ,iressel somne appropriate rergrks tu ihe sîn- dents of the W.1.. at the upening session. Will Remmer. a former pedagogue uf Picicer- iniZ. is ri,,w;i student ut the W.C.I. He will bc a tower of strength as hait t-ack on the football Mr W H Greenw<,od c ommande ihe senior Henry sai. pupils dtuing lime model ierzasad A W Smith is second officer durig Miss Borruni. man's indisposition.1 Organization of the tonus of the collegiate in- aluitie bud to be delayed largely until yesterday,, owîng tu tbe delay ln forwardi-ng depamimenti returus of the recent teachems' exanis. Septeanber number of the Delineator In the Septenuber number ofthe Delîneaton wbilc a lled thue Autumn Announcement Number the. display utffashions for the com-. ing, seasha Is exceptionaflylargeland tue aVîyls are haudsouieenougb to ul t the most exactiug tante. The. issue la abiso uotabbe for the vanley aud quallty. et ItS readiug maLter. Mr&. ?ryor's artIces ou tue social code con- tinue, snd thus mouth thc Debutanteîlacon- Sidered nl umnt interstlng way;AM»Y Raysou, a ftQous gratduate of Gitncom- leze,, wnltet of a girls. lite tb<re aud ah New- barn, the two beat knowu ,Engl!sh colIcee(or women ; Edith M. Thoffias aucoùcil wihD.S. R. .llott.. taiks of woeuen as à wrttr, snd Mary-$esiok Wot$uian practié- elly treta ofplui needlewoUiaa tnsn loyl hr.S.Berortbabenvitg ber friends bere. Miss Aby of Toronto, is visiting at ber sister. Mrs. W. Whiteford. Birt.-On the 31st iust., the wife pf Thomas Brent of a daughter. Mr. E. Hilson, who was seriously iii for a tew days ls improviug again,. Norman Cragg, another of our boys, bas been successful Bt tbe recent exarc mations.' Congratulations. The W.F.M.,S. of the Presbytean cburcb sent a bale of clutbing to the Indians uf the North West last week. Mr. Bedford, a member ot the legal pro- fession, froni Toronto,, sud,1fmily, were the guesta of Mrs. McKitrick on Sunday. .Mr. John Wbhiteford's bouse In the south ward.lias, been reshingled sud geuerally, renovated tbroughout, wbih.makea qlt a Improvement. Our esteed. frleud, EdwaTd Bewell,. contemplates lesviug t1us Iocslttyll next nprnug, baving rented s fan ,for a .terni of ye*rs inu tbe tôwnobip" of Brookt near tui vil- lage ot Wfiltid. Tiiere.was qut ,a sev*Sr . trost one pwrn-~ lng eàrly an week lu Somne locâbties that datuagçd the low * huckwheat and gae- den stuflTt, appes lkasif w rt>b4 (<ost .very montlr »' ,'~- ~t» s ~ h.> 4' k F~w of the Snaps :~ E ýBeiat Prints for 1 Oc. per yard. «Rta+ fhambrhiava for 1on nr yard. Bee OhlliB fr U. per yd. Be~tZephrs, 2iopet yd. A special uine of Summer Gloves- for 10à per pair. Black Çotton Hose 10c., 1210, 15c. Black Taffta(les0,25 3c Cold Taffétta Glovesi 250, 30c. Black sud Ooiored làce Mitts 16, 20, 250. A~~~~~~~~ -pei1 JneofCblden0,H^,(al iz.)fo 1 i- e m . A few of those nice, Cool Teste left-6 for 250. -- Now is the time to buy you'r Cottrins for fail. -A"âplendl-daclotton A SapOnefo ~o wrm ut., .7A* n worth 8c. (ask for it.) wbën buying a' web. We are selling Ready-rnade prices that defy competition. -P :T ]D IREW DR0Y GOODS 3ROCK STREETI muE 'E, o o o o o o o t> t-> Clothinz in Sfor 5c. l1' va.V< Men's, Boys' or Ohil&iren's, at Corne and you will ge th"'e ltetYirs M. A ND REA DY-MA DE IRO0 s-s5 CLOTHING. WH ITBY. siGRI9 DRT w'~W. H. WARREN. SPJECIMA K(JGUST DU W. H. WARREN. SALEe 'RING xTHE PRE SENT MONTE we purpose offeripg'some very Special Bargains. See a few of our ppuces: Iii Dres for 20e. 38-in alPwool Serge, reg 25e, for-20c. 42-in*,Sfhot ,Effects, 40e and 45e, for 27e. 44-in Coating Serge, reg 60e, for 48e 44-in Covert Coating, reg 75c, for 68. In Black Serge- frin2e o9 Henriettas from 25e to $1. Faney Black from 25e to $1. Prints- Ail our regular l2kc printe for, 10c. Sateens, reg- 16d an& 17e, for l2jc. Duck -Suiting, reg 15c, for 10c. Hosiery,. Glovýe, Halndker- ehiefs, Corsets, (in ail the popular makes) at very low - pri*ea.. Table In Men's Furnishings our stock is thoroughly assoitBd and at very close prices. In, Men's, Youths' and Boys' Coingw. tà ffrn the very best goods in the market,éwell made and perfect fltting, and at prices that cannot be beaten. .w. Il":1 H ~'WAR REN, rani! Haywad Ne ù s/~i/m tiefors.,n fortispgods you &att WH ITR-Y,ý- ife I1 rac Head ,offie-b l NIEW XOIR,0 L. -1St WVvartl, -Canadtaxr L ne INITLI MONO CYPH] ORES'] INSCE Done in a tasE andes i JE S,- BE JEWELER & EN( w JE ï,4t 0f(t u« o f mu101..apB FRIDAY, AUGUS Mrs. Windust, tormerly was here last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Farel froni the seaside yestemdal Messrs. J. D. Paxton ai Port Perry, were in town ài Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kini trip to Boston and New Y Miss Louisa Hubbard days with relatives in the' eririg. Miss Florence Greenwi borne, after speriding twý port, Penn. Dr. Grants "Hairene,' the only preparation guar Iing hair, and remove d nu suiphur. Ask your d An excursion wilb be ru Labor day. Commodor charge of the Garden City leave the wharffat 8 a. Mi. crirsion starts haif an b,ui in ourder that the passenge city in ime tu see the Lai T-biis is a chance uf a lft seized by ail desirous of a day'a outing. A Bank Holiday. Monday next, Sept. Mri and a public hoiday, will holiday, thus giving uni notes fallîug due on Sun' Garden City Ho ýfor orou.to exe auspices cf the Whitby culrsion will be given on t 4h, to..Torunto and retui flownmyle, Oshawa gu tickets soc. Boat leave-4 Càai-coaL 1-have, comnpleted thE --quantity otfeaimn &Nal, -wbich 1cn un sud-others. -at r&uarkat a large supply Of aoft cc b, riggie.me-a cati.. I1,have mâcli -peasuf Mr. W. H. Piper's pnmj qurng tue sanie, Iamisa casrepairer ut any kiuc epaired several f or me finaL clasa. JAMÈS CAM Not connected with theu. 89.S The Pickering News, 1 fife and dmun bands wl exhibitiolis in passiing t]: holiday we.re ëOunecte( Eugland, and reads ith affecions. We peiL -Engliabunen tu grac, tive assurances that th their funeral. Peepiug Johds lu towu. The othen *day awm one uftbtese dismpua is what wlll bu dune Il clan in this. towu.,,-if -shaies pmaçce. - a oul suamat ha-a hiümgcif sic peer thnux -iuner lie of a ptivae i o ideutify 0one.w» -eu practite. The onlY Wl thiaparit._-uPou thet gie~i cntu fu ;iintm na otow Teoko Ila tacucas mutems nom Il' - .1 m ,brompily) pricese A Snap-One for 8c. worth iuc. Fui j a& u 1 Linen from 20c. Towelling from 5c. yd. Linenl.-T-ow,ý4-1rom 5c-each. 1 1 REMEMBER .momm& qi D

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