Whitby Chronicle, 30 Aug 1895, p. 2

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r Ban.- EQUAL laarie s ihôut an equ:îl inaud p'fgedLicl.e, and m~e~oug. Ihave watched ,Çbreu1e cases, where otier I -O 11 aVail. and have bee!t the reSUlta. No other biood 1 have ever used, aud I have la, s0 thdrough In Ita action, lwa~yprmanent cures as anllla"-Dr H. F. MERRILL, 1 à Mth. onl's a ir. t- fo, iê,er . ad bbwel* DENOE I&s. Hoppen bave returned op, West. in*h&as left our village after N'ab 4., - sud Miss Maggie 3ity over Sanday. >pened Monday vith a goed Il =otdepsrtmouts. ,,Muohlnea are now devouning bf an abundaut barveet bore. 1son -bdo family are witb Uetovell aud neighiborhood .,of Hamilton bave bough Bi-oe.' elevator ber. snd nov r,,ooaed ah the building. ,aWiéri cf Pont Penny, Who 'lhug, ah Thomas Puigh s for retured te ber home on mes mon have much time just bto croquet. Jobbith's iawn Ã"f,,pany handlfougbt bathies popular gaine. ihdy returued frein camping and litis reaumed bis farming The. 'est cf the camping party âmeo next-veek. shbam ha expected home frein try- aext veek. H. viii net nybýhorsos- Wben last beard enly' puncbased eue beavy _X cLean sud M. Henderson vere i-htby on lionday, sud were highly 'if,4.with the. caledonhan celebration 'Rsio of the 48tbH Rghlander's band )tirticnlaly enjoyed. J, - Winter, who has been erniloyed 6tmonths, loft liondav fer bis homo ýWoodatock. -W. hope te -bear cf bis cotne uccoe in the future. SPeter tieaper, Who vas engaged shingi m ig o-W cotabarn the othen day feUl Encan the roof, a distance cf soin. 82 foot, * '*kgtmg uponthe ground. For conaid- -rabJe thume be was nucouscieus, but vas, eter a hlm. reuived. Beyoud 'a svon. ealiking %p, the boy escsped* iujury. snd la now 'ýbfèe i ,go abott u tea s. Why h. feU!Peter knova not, but le cf the opinion *uat b. vas overcome by . the hast anà_fainted. -t va. anurnow os- MM CO<Wle0, O>ý orontot le visiting ber ~~ if te ltieu ef Miss tronte, m'iit»ig are hem' ad. MrN. Oook, anaged lady r.slding *bi une to lad i nd'break lier le, Under skilful smgoite~ran h adoin very nlbely. néon offered the Borkholder farm, Cher'ry- * ood4O0 .aoresýj for gâle by puùblic auôtion, bâ'not ',rea0blng' the reýse ibd, wge bought-in when it bad réaohed an offer Pied, ah Whitevale, bu the l7th imat., Mis Maggie Wialèy, aged 17 years. Thýe iitemÏbt was made ah- Markham où Monday afberoon. 'In their bereave. ment tbe osli f deoeaeed have the sympatby of the community. Mr. and lire. Thos. Ward have takon -pp reudeo i uToronto. lMr.-Word in- tendsî reading for matriculation and a lot clams certificate. Botb Mr. W. and his amiable wife vil b. greatly mlssed in the Vale, but we trust that the change may be ho their benefit. J.P. Laughlin recently met witb a ifl accident by being upset from a ad of hf ay. In falling lie alighte upon bis feet on the bard rosdway, and the bonesof oùe of bis foot were displaoed by the violence of the faIt. EH. will b. dis &bled for sorn. little turne. We ire&ret ho learn that the Whitevale cornet baud bas disbanded for tho Urne being. Mr. Wards ret-noval to the city snd sundry other refasi are assigned for the why and the wbereforo. W. trust tliat arrantiernents will very sbortly be nua.te whereby the oreaniza:ion will b. resun>ed. Mr and Mrs. Peter WVonch, of Chicago, are visiting with the formnera parenta, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wonch. Or young frieud Peter bas but reoently attained to the rank of a benedict, and we respect- fully beg tu tender our congratulations te hiru and bis fair young bride upon the happy event which thus early resoued hiun froin the dangers of old bachelor bood. The storin on Saturday evening was accounpanied by very sbarpiigbtning. It struck and consumned a sbock of oats standing irnmediately in front of wbore Judson Pugh was at the trne walkinR, on bis brothers farin at Cedar Grove Mr. Pugh ws.s slightly sbocked frein the disoharge, and was considerably startled. à. ehock of grai was aisoestruck and con sumed on tefm of Faweett Wilson, Green River. On Sunday the iltb mest., the Rev. Dr. Potta, cf Toroato, occupied the pulpit of the inethodist cbnroh. Ris discours. being directed te the educational neede and institutions cf the methodiat body. The cungregation vas large sud appreci ative. We noticed that the choir gailery was well fllled. The music vas se6 ex ceflent as te gain the praise of the Rev. Dr. The CHRoNIice crrespondent was present haking notes, and' as ho bas been devoting soin. little attention recently te this choir, %ue are surprised that bis notes bave net been printed. SRobt.. Mimne, T. of the T. O., of Leisuro Lodge, Brunswick Hill, and Wma. Arm. strong, C. of the B. 0., Recreatiom Camp, Locust HIi, wero in the Vale on Satur- day in the intereets cf the nov order cal- led the Sons of Rest. Tbey met witb encouraging succesa, and tbink the field bore a good one for the organization cf a camp. We are net veny vell informed us to the objecte and working of this new institution, but its naine je a very alluring ene -. W9resumtha a-m.berdo. Miss Tatten ha visihing ahtlin. A. T. Gamaby'a. Mr. Little, Toron te, vas guesh at Mr. B. tutt'slast veek. n. Thomnas Vineon vasborne from the. oity Sunday week. Miss Gertie 8oth, Belleville, in vieit- ing ber sister, lire. Dr. Tueker. Bd. Jae. Gale, of the. West Durhami Neye, vas un hovu last veek. IIWe Glow, Port SHep., le iting ber gra'nflahh.r, Mr. John. Cooper. mm'.. *ed -aSud daugbtieFlornioe,, bave returusd from Pn &ne, Mr, WmMa'n4Ia, B0V 54O, sister, Mise B AÀGifford, viited ber son, B Oansoadden , Nwparkt., isseek Miss NoIl Lonadale,, cf Port Hope. and lins 8 B -Pebick, "HEiil's (Jrest.' Newtonville, *ene gues t hF L'Andrus recenhly. Rey. D MeGregor, M. A., Antwerp, Nov York, is visiting bis brother in-law, Rev. J A MoKeen. Mn. MeGnegor preaobed Sunday in- the Preebytenian churohes at Orono aud Kendall. . extend our bearhy congratulations to H Sinipson, principal of oNir achool, on baving von a fintoclase certificat., vhich b. did with honora; aise ho Lillian G=nsby, wbo waa .oncessfn1 in passing thde Junior Leaving. Mrn. and lire. H. McKsy attended the Sons cf Scotland demnoustration held at Wbihby on lionday l9th maet. Bey. H. M. Manning and family ne turned Monday frein their thnee weeks' outng ah Beaverton, and neit Sunday Mn. Manning vil again occupy hie ovu pulpit. roundaea Mnch surprise and regret was foît around tevu on Thursday morning last when it vas learned that Mn. George Richards bad been fonnd dead &bout 6 a. um., that morning. The deceased bas been trcubled for soe time with bis beaut, but bad been in as good healtb am usual for some ie proviens. having been euh fiahing the day before. Mr. Richard@, who vas in bis 68th year, batz beon a bigbly respected resideut cf Ux bridge for neanly twenty years, and in bis deatb the tovu loses oeeof its oldeet residenta. Barn struok The first severe tbunderstorm we bav.- experienced this surner struck thi8 sec- tien on Saturday afternoon, and caused conaiderable damnage. Ou the Centre road, a barn belonging te Mn. S. Ohrs- 1er was struck, and started te humn, but the fiames were eztinguisbed -befure mucli damnage vas doue.-Times. MUIi blown up Tuesday. evoning ah Udora Wm. Gor. don's ahinge iim*vasdamaged by the boiler exploding and a man namned Thompscu, cf Sutton, the father cf a large famniiy, was kilcd. It vas report ed bore yesterday thata 12-yoar-old boy wus in charnée cf the engin. and had gene avay for a few minutes ho get sometbing toe at. Two yoears Our readera viii remoember a panagnaph: lu last woek's issue about Richard Veitcb, cf Reacb, being taitene te North Torento as a vituess in a fighin -,eau. On Fridty nigbt last the nagi~a Nortb Tenante aenteuced Veitlsa4" su t, a mn named Lawrence. I te twe yoars in the centrai -for biting aý_ pioce eut! cf Veitch's face. -Thene wer é. 18 proviens convictions againet licCau'n. Got the berne About three veeke ago a -man namned Mitchell, Who speut somnetimne unlux- bridge a year ago mending sowiug ma- chines, hired a herse and buggy frm James Nekes snd in cempsuy witb Sid Kelly started off, as the Iîveryman thougbt, te mend a fev machines in-the couny. But- somne dsys passed sud the travellens did net neturn. Finà.lly the redoubtable Sidney came home titb a littie story te ftho effeot that be left Mit. cheli ah Markham and hsd gerne north far lin. Js. Hilson returne freinbis trip te Englauid neat veek. Mr. Thomas Watson, jr., started -for' liauitoba ouý'i'unsdsy lut. Mr. Levi Duncan's cMId fstili on?, tinuee veny shah. Mn Ahbr&liuofUhicatbu retùr2-. abroad h bas eenmarked4 w$th ~uu suioes, sudIl- ibis -go.uad o wth 1 i. splenu'd4 stum,- -e b s-tifi.r i& Titcuoare.vissiting Mrr. ,i*eoe . i. »a Misses Lena ana Ethel Benne, l or- 1o t have ý,boen viîtirg lira. J Rev. Wm. Keener, Prince Albent, bas lira. A. Doubt, Port Penny, is visihing Mrt. Geo. Hooper a1éd othtr relatives bore. Mr. Jee. Sando, Washburn Island, Lake -Scugog,. renowed acquaintances around town iast week. Minnie Kerr, cf Conlumubus, was guest cf Miss Ida Hoakin, Centre St. recently. Mis Maud Fairbairn iii amit ah a concert in the music bail, Oshawa, on Sept. 2nd. 1Mn. John Keachie, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mns. D. M. Tud, Osbawa, weno guensaof Mns. Chas. Tod ever Sunday. Miss Maggfie Coleman, who reoently ne- turned fnom Aima Coilege, Michigan, ha visiting Mrs. Allan Williams, Pont Penny. Mosans. W. H. Obartran and A. E. Wrightman caught a fish weighing 2j pounda at Sougog Lake. No doubt this is the largeat taken eut of the lake this season. Directors cf Agricultural Society are requeated te send in any namea and auh- soiptiena cf mombers they may bave in baud before Oct. lot as the secretary us stili short cf the requisite number te socure the governinent grant. The Courtice and Oshawa gun clubs bad a fiendly shoot ou Monday wek. t'ourtice teamn was compoaed cf R. Salter, F. Gay, J. M. Robert&, S. Brooks, W. Brooks. Osbawa, L. C. Smith, T. B. Mothersill, Tom Hastings, Jas Mackie, A.. Sykea. Each mnan bad 20 birds and Oshawa won by 15 points. After a short ilinesa John P. Rie. died on Thursday last cf pueumonia. Dec*ased was at eue turne a lange con- tractor, ho aise occupied a promineut position on the Union scoel board and took a very active part in the separation cf the higli and public achoola. Fie was for many yeara leader cf the Bible Christ- ian choir and teck great deligbt in al musical eveuts. Surgeon McLaugblin and Lieut. W. C. King of the 45 Batt., and Cerp. Chas. Windatt cf the Royal Grenadiers, bave been making capital scores ah tth. Ontario Rifle Asciatien's Tournament ah Long Branch the past week, the luat winning a silven and the firat a bronze medal on the closing day. They ail won good cash pnizes and stand a good chance cf being on next year's Bisiey teain. This will b. decided in the D R. A. matches this week ah Ottawa. -Statesman. "This amteoutty that 1 have suffer*d roi oommended fer t", ern. ulitb ut noie o! tiien IWme tMtiI t*iMd ÇÙ'Obatient, vhlch bueompletely cured mes. Uas. JQHN GERME .. fttDps, l. Dnggl SoMbjaIIii £~ USA -Mr. R'chard WeStaway, 'Port 1ope, TheMçthodist choir has accepted an ïtvitetjpn to sing at the Tyr#e Har- vest Hiome, and daughter, have rrturned homne to Akron,! Ohio, after a pleasant -risit, among friends in this vicinity.ý The Sons of Temperance re-opened division after their sumnmer holidays on Monday evening. Grand Wor thy Pat- riarch, Mr. -a.Brooks, of Toronto, was present. Mr. Adamn Henry has been very 111, Mr. Robert M orton bas had a paralyetie stroe. Mossrs. John and William Stewart have gone to Manitoba. Miss Ide, toacher of our school, has ne- turned froin West Toronto. Miss Farley and Mn. Gilbank, Toronto, are visiting Mn. Robent Morton. Mns. W. Dinginan and dauRhter, Misa Maggie, visited at Mr. John Stewart's, rect3ncly. Mr Hugh Ard narrowly escaped hav- inga a erioe smash-up with his traction engine recently. Miss Eva Wilkitisoii who- has been visiLîng her brother, M r. ý%rt- Wilkinson, nas returned to Torinto. Miss Sarah McGrath was summoned to Bethany recently tro wait on her father, MNI. Thea. McGratli, who was veryii with congestion of th e lungs. Th2t serotuloug taint %ýich bas been i your' blood for Vears, will be expelled by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, the great bl3od purifier. Mrrskoka bas twice as many tourists thia year as last. When Baby wuas ulk, we gave her Castorla. When she was a Child, ule crted for Castorla. When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla. When she had Children, she gave them Castora MT A E H Creswicke às the new U S Con- sul at Barrie. K[inard's Liniment Cures -Ditemper. 0f the 25 iinsttea in tbe Barrie jail, 14 are vagrants. 25 Cents va. Kidney Trouble. For 2 years I was dosed, pilled, and plaster- etl for wealc-back, scalding urine and constipa- tion, witbout benefit. One box of Chbe'v Kiduey-Liv r Pille relieved, 3 boxes cured. I. J.. Sith, Toronie. Binder s Twille. Central Prison Make. This Twine is pure, weil-rnade, al guaranteed to bind more sheaýves from eaoh bal 'titan any other niake in the market. Pri.ce 7 cts. peýr lb. No second quality made at the Central Prison. AUl first-olass. Leve you oriers. at once.. JH. LON'G, June l4th, 1l895. WHITBY.; 6 "C. L BoO aod Ju41,M t. For Ave years lu have br of ëFt«scOm~a ln My neck and throt. 8eea kIno ofe medicines whlcb 1 trled dld not do m1 good, md when I o. mee o4$Bk,& ROOd's oesàp&Wa there were large~~~~ bulhlO li3O 0SzS that I eould llod's~ ures- not bear the .lIgtOSttOtteJL lMenlIMhd taken oneO bottleofo! hua ide, the soreness had gone, and belorb 1 had fnlshed the second the bunches bad enth'ely dlsappeared." BLANCHE ATWOOD, Sangervlle, Maine. N. B. il you decide te take Hood'i Sarsapa- rilla do not be luduced to buy any 9ther. HoodI's Puis cure Coùstlp;atîof by restor. 13 çg the perlstaltie action of the allmnentary cana. --- ------ IFol tu 1utli REIEDY AST. woebliaêoea i eau lut'5 M-00 O.nadian seurities wers- in better deuseur mSody, aud .ti nresogoralfm CI ithe head--Nasal Bau iv'a instant relief; speedily oures, Nevei jai. i t 71 ki

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