uble sheet, eVT, ýPOWDER, 5c. .WD PkÀPEÉItg, 5c. )er .pckage, ut D»U~g Store, Souithl, 'Oshawa. KUG. 23, 1895.' PAGE' MMVE- Oshiwa subscribers mayltrusact auy business in or may c tain extra e,.Mm Rogers. -tb c1M ai M. E. -md cl«tohug. Fiimh lua dinuer or &mi cti4ta, or giase- v,-,ï latlng buy- e0ç dlce ring te sec Cof Ëel< ro.Oshawa as le mntli ver y cliesp for cash. mld 141C. only $5. Tbcy are mie apeclal offéesIluGens', S, d gansd iliver watcbes. l ome foaalewdays. Iinson wu a utewn on Monday m iBsq., vushome for ihe hall -C. Euh ljefi for Cleveland oi âmes, of Torceo, la vslding Mi pleï, of Picton, le spending a fei eu, o! Toronto.,epeut civie bol of Toronto, la vlsitng ber fiend ge itfor lis home inBatavii Qtierm of Torntso, was lu tow awkins bau gone to Sauli Ste rweohs. sspendlig bis holidaye in Ne iuia of Torante. was in.town fi âv, et Tonoto isl vliing Mi o~-e f Bowmauville. la vÃŽsitim Ltcn apet a few hldays wil Ijr o! Toronto, speni ibe bolidi of Toronto, spcn: ihe holiday B. J.Rogers V'Gold, o! Bltilisre, lu visiuir r. Mud Mms John Gould. iliur, bamisten, -eofTornto, Idays with Mis father, Dr. Cobwr et yà msgave Irypteasant4 atmo c« he« fieuda tsThnrmd s odemt cf, Ontario Busine 1 osetafwdaysiu o d E*, 'iTermte, who has be ildyat Oslawa-ou-tbe-lake b Drouto. ,udiardoofe Brampton, but fi e% dry gooda store, lu speudîi E BI wi T. 1 D A. c D. i J Ji is IL U sf w d. 'i i las r. ra Ikum n d Sherman, of May iu towui the gueta cf lIut ., ««e. R. Pye. and W. Harris on, where they bave been of the X..0.F. Mile Wilklinson, of Tor- cxmd. ot Newcastle. are Must, King et.,, eaut. *ves teday for Wilflams- i. bas seeured th1e poiion in ant Engliah l in t11gb )*%awhigh School eught t the gccd sbowiug <bat eat ibis ve'. examina- e*saMi cndidates will b. b'sL M4eiodist churclielclcwas waanihe lut las ?nday asuer. enc.iwu' one cf the laget =mM sisi ev'r held by that *L It beîug the firt day tbsnhe hoe labo, large crowds were aise oyd bmmves byhpt om wagon ib wu ý a&md tseoucly m d=e4 < lu asoatlngwusthe ide tW tsek ago . bar il sAde Oahawa Business Dirotory. L. VICKBRY. barber. lmco s treet. EOORS' LIVBRY, SiroSe street, north. rM. ROLPH, harness maker, Sirnoe street. -B. MOTHBBIL butcher. Ring St.. West. m. PÂyTTzRaON, Deutiot; office aven Rowsems store. , J. BTÂLTERa-Darni-Clplanes aud ergane,, Blýrcoe street. *C. wANNAN, Vetexinary Surgeon and Deutiet, King street west, Oehava, Ont.1 DoMMEECIÂL HoTzL-J. C. Woaau. propnietor. Miodern bestelry, neat and co!rtabl y equlpped. dingo, Suppers. etc., etc. Alo o e kinda cf flowers. euaà wa BooxaToR-FuiI Une o! bocks, statlouery aud fancy goode. E. B. Rogers, Sirncoe street. )saÂw Da GS'rona--L J Maxwell, dispensiuz chemist Pull Une of pure druge eand oherni- cale always on band. Fos. HouLDziN - Whitby-Oshawa stage lino. Leaves Oshawa at 8 a rn and 2 p rn, a.nd Whitby at 10 arn and 4 p mn cartewCagon, mandfailtkuneo ote ars sud slelghs, Repaining a speclaity. romq BiEwEEi, ps.inter and decorator. Dealer ln waU paýpers, oeiling decorationsi, paînts, cil, varnihlnes, brushies, wînclow asdes, etc. TAMis PELLOW, dealer in stoves, furnaoos, ti ware, etc. Large stock kept constantlyc band. Jobblng a specialty. Sirnoe strei north. LtnI L.K. MuiaToI<, B. A. - Barnister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Oonveyanoer. &c. Mouey te lend. Office aven Dominion Bank, Bince Street, Oavwa. M. B. MAr.-Dealer iu Groceries. Fa.ucy China, Crockery, Tiuware, and Faucy Goods. Pure Teaa aud Coffees. Boys' ready rnade suite a specilty-very cheap. luOTion SALE-Tbe subecriber wiU be ln 0mb awast the Centrai Hotel, Briday of each weeIL tnom one ta 8 o'olock p.m., te make mn- anigemnts with parties wlshlug ta have sales. L PÂuAmAimsauctioneer. P. Là MBEET & týoNs-The leading tailoring aud gonts' !urnuishng housof Oshawa. Splendid assortrnent of tweeds, worsteda, trowserngu, shirts, olars, etc, aiwayu kept i stock. FELT BBcs - Watcbmakeru and Jewelen. Dealers in watches. clocka, jewelery, iliver- vans spetacles, etc. Engraving, gold and Silive.ratiugand oid gold rings made over. Flue watch, %ilck.&" jeweiery repatrlng a #Peciaityi. in dinected to food chpiug nov carnled on daiy e ônparb&g CeèbrtedJevel bna-nd etfo! r eti aaa soid by a&U firat-clase incea uWitby and Oshawa, and at our mila. Campbell & White. vum & flUwmnV - Importera aud deaiers i rmena', naaufaetu.renm' snd hous!uruih- igan splies. mmuutanetotlnwars.Baye- t uZiuf eadcher sontractlug don.. Pur- B"fl ndeienand lampe. À stock of bIoyces keptou baud. Our school re"oeued on MondAy. Mr . H. Ry1aud is te b. cSn <cacher for the re. muder cf the year. Mr. Thos. Barker la the owuer of a cYM pro- llfic cow. Shebugvec bith tofur clves in- aideofaà 1Wear. frob« M Bomauville, were vltmg P$ Ldre. vi-" Suaday. Mr. aadj>4rs.Hamilt en d MisseBares, al of Tec.*, erebeMSat nt secf Mr. sud W.eplnim'to ksw IhatUrM u sMoou cmOnesct wezi Airnenets are belnoe M*Aa f a fretd Mi 'h'0 n*Battalen; L0dge Ne., , L,.T,B.. Tdooto; a4 da Own1 Lodge' N 9,bT B IPort Perry;* Prince ArîurBau, ýto; Naval Dril lCorps, Tlor- ente; Venu; Centnal'sBand, Teroto; .Kln William Piccalo Baud, Toronto; Toronto Fife and Drum Baud, Toronto; Prince AlfredPlc- colo Baud, Toronto. The fallewlng is the list of primes -and ibeir wluneri: Band makdug hest appeaance iu parade, North Tarante Piccolo Baud, cash prime $po. Fancy drill competitlon -i Orange Battalion 825 ;2nud Naval Drill Corps $ro. zoo ynrds rac-xst Ralney, Ux- bridge; nd Sherwooî, Uxbridge. Farmer's1 race-Rainey. Uxbridge; Sberweod, Uxbridge.1 Ladies race-Mrs. Amory, Totonto; Mrm. Oea Lawrence, Oshawa; Mrs. Boucher, Toronto. Hlgh jump-W G Farley. Toronto; Raluey, Uxhnidge. Bicycle race. i mile open-A. Thomps, Oshawa; J. Simpson, cf tbe Ram- bienTornto J. Smith. Members bicycle race-. Smiîthrorouto ; W. Stewart, Toronto. One mile race, local-A. Thomps. In the moruing the Royal Oaks, ai Taranto, played1 tbe piano works juniors a game of base bail, ne. sulting lu defeat for home team Of 14 t0 15. In the afteruoon the South Parkdaies wene defeated by th1e Oioles, af Oshawa, by a acore cf 10 ta50 and the Riversides, af Toronto, defeated the Brooklu football club b ya score af z 10 o. Capt. Gnierson and E. Wbhiting performed thein duties as Judges lu a very Impartial manner. Mn. C. Boucher. of Toronto, wap secretary of the sports. Capt. Stanley camiuanded the Naval Drill Cor ps, and Cap t. Brum the Oranke Battalion. In tlhe base bail game iu the after- noos ai the end cf the 6th inangs the score stood i te o In tavor of Oshawa. Boue, the Oshawa pitcher waa a surprise ta the Soutb Parkdales A. Thempeon was a dark bons. lu the bicycle races. But very few tbought 11e bad any chance of winning, but the way h. captured the primes sbowed that if he was handled by sorne goad club he wouid malte a very sp)eedy man. D. Cinuarnon, the agent ton the Bimut- tond bicycle, had a very cheertul smile on bis face, as Thampeon rides a Brantford. Posters, the Ramblers> mascot, attracted as much atten- tion as anyoue an the ground. Marsaal Law- rence on bis white charger was the ladies' de- ligb:. The Garden CityDritl Corps, ai St. Catharines, arrived on tbe afteruaon train just in trne for tbe.dnill competition, but were unsuc- cessful lu obtaining a prize. .4. boy uarned Habbs was struck by a.bal and hurt somewhat. The electric railway caried large crowds te and fnom the park. Mr. Edrnandsou received rnany congratulations an bis fine nesidence and grounds. The crowd was very arderly, ouly one or two petty quarrels ta mar the gaod behaviaur af the visitons. F a ( '1 Mr. Christie opened school on Monday. Mr John English, Toronto, spent Sunday and Monday here. Annie Moore spent a few days vislting Mrs Kirby at Prince Albert. On Sunday N Phillips, of Toronto. visited Ida Madden, wbo is staying with ber aunt Mrs Malyon. On Tnesday three cf our boys, James Walsh, Geo Brown and Wm Flint, ieft to try their fortunes in Manitoba. I hope tbey will be successfül. jas S Baird, accompanied by two lady friends, paid a visit te Mr Kirby on Sunday and they were glad ta find the gentleman and bis family in their new borne. Our esteemed blacksmith and prophet, Mr Moore, bas bnilt sometbing in front cf bis bouse that would be a puzzle te name. Some say it looks l>ke a new kind of fence, but tbe generai public oeil it, "Wbat is it."1 Walter Ward bas a fine musical ear snd he bas b;een trying for years te get a whistle for bis traction engine that wonld satisfy bis refined musical taste. He bas found one at last. It is a great sight to watch iWalt withbhis broad smile and r0*dy face ail aglow witb pleasure as 1e ceés tooting- tbxougb the villa ge. The musie lus nearly as g ccd as that o f an orchestra cf buli-frogs andT penny whlsties. Council meeta the lafat Saturday ln August. Neanly time <lie latgrippe passeti througb the vllage again. Mm . b. zzlewoed, cf Iowa, .18 visittu;g friendsansd relatives oun<liewIsnut. Michaël Sweetmiin, *ho lias beenuder tbe Dr"s cari for isome tlvse pustt la improv- Mr. Wu. motgomerycf Bowrnsuvilie bigli scool,1 bas been vlsitig'frienda' on Tii e s bave et among thie sbeepr again on <lie i se- kfllIng some n. d Mr.Todd lia made a gocd utart oun the -lrIg e And goal broi ,Mr. Henry, Gemdesl,,frei Toroùto, 'andt &trs. ICellett. ft,ôi Port Per ry, weré vitit at Station Agent Harnlsau>s istWe4k- The niajcniyof pensons frein -<isý section attending the Oshawa or Whltby civlc cele- bration chose tbe latter for a day of piea. sure. Miesa Hattie Downey, frein Toronto, Io home ibis week for ber holidays, Miss Allie Dake came wtth ber te visit frlends cf for- mer years. bers, came here on Wednesday evenlng cf lasi week to pay'<bis ladge a visit. The lerige here .enter<ained their bnethren with lunch, etc. The Rev T. L. Brown, frein Smith Falls, was vlsiting bis relatives Mn. and Mrs. A. L. Courtney. fon a short time laat week. Mn. Cncwn was oeeof the travelling preachers an the thes Whlîby circuit some twenty- seven years ago, Thiq circuit was 80, large at ihat imture<at two paid men were cm- ployed besides a nîîmot-r of local heipers. andý got of a le oiy a,' oniewhat- scaned., by tlie way, one cf our îewflsbPfth herse must have got iscared nt <bat sanie at, he came home nexi mernng wih -a ken'pair cf shRfis. AUDLEY hi ce] ai' ii at inl f(n eni Saine of. the fni mers have finiahed bar- fa 'est. t Mrs. W. Leask la visîting iniends in th Peterbona. Mrs. J. M. Real and family are camping C at Beavertan. Miss Nota Burnet has becs helldaying ata Cannington.k lobs Whiteiond, Brookliu, wue in tawu on Tuesday. h Misa Jessie Rennie la vlsiting ai Mn. Jabn C ..ee's this week. i John Beare, mn., bas been on the sick list, s but is iiow impnoving.b Mies Rase Brown, ai Toronta, wac lu aur village as Sunday. Birth-On the 16th mins, ibe wife ai Alex. Gordon, jr., oais daughier. c Miss Willena Throop bas gene ta Peter- boro ta reniais for corne time. John Ewis, jr., ofiUxbridge, ana bis new muade bride, spent Sunday under his father's roof- Fred. Walker sud bis bosein friend, Andy b Reid, ai Tornto, were at Mn. Ewin's over ,Sunday. t Mn. and Mrs. N. D. Russell, Peterboro, f, have becs speuding a few days ai the home F oi Mn. John Thraop.8 Mrs. W. Real wbc bas been fanrmorne time residing with ber son the Rev. Josepb Real,t la new on a visit ta bher fienda here. We aBfer oun congratulationtot our friend1 Geo. Miller, os bis sucees lun the necent ex-t aminatiaus for second ciss teachere' centifi-i cate. Mn. Allas foreman oi Kerr's tbread works, Toronto, sud famiiy, sud Un. Robin and iarniiy, Toronto, wene visiiing ai W. Wbltefond's ist week. During the terrifie ihundensterin <bat swept aven ibis section an Satunday isu, Mn. W. Alrhu-rst's bars was stnuck by light- ning, but iortuuately little darnage was donc. W. C. Robinson aud Chas. Blar, twc limbe cf the law, the former front Detroit sud the latter irom Bowmanville, have becs spendiug a few days with thein relativea and friencis in this neighbarboed, sud îhey ap- pean ta, knew how Ia put iu a joliy good tume. Our euterprisiiig stacknian Mn. James Leask lu fitting np scame faurteen of bis best caitle ta show at the Tarante sud local faire. Mr. Leask bas been remarkabiy suc- cessful lu the pst lu ibis hune, sud ne douit. ibis wilt be no exception te the raie; "he goes te witi. At a meeting ai <thc trustees cf the m'4o disi churcli held on Mondayý eveung,1 ws dec;ded te cinculate as subseniption t<e s èif sufficient ecocuragemzent would be o0ee teI warrant the erectian ai a new- chqrch udnet summen- We understand tlie latesi' proposalisleta purchase tlie cottage hoiel prapenty as a building. site, and ne béttýer ceuld be faunri for tlic purpose. is tor hld at theat utifulresidêce of Mrto.. Sldatte eauisfrefur-ther oifiMr. o.Selreblsfrfrtr lotiIE» 7th, Florence E. Sarles, aged 22 years. Wh<tby. goose weat, Soc bnckwheat, oo c; bar Ieye i-whe, 5c to c; bearley. twoba- rowed, 42c ; rye, 5oc ; oats, 35c to 38c ; peas, small, 6oc ; mumny peas, 6o te 65c ; pças, black eye, 65c ; bine peas, 6o to 6oc ; clover, Alsike, $4.oo to $5.oo; new potatoes, per bag, 35C to 5oc ; bay, $7 to S8; baied bay, $xo ta $12; butter, 12C ta 7C; eggs, iuc.,1 A LETTER LOST OUT 0F TOUR' A1LPHABET Ifro on uyus.W ar helargeata- frmtutof HigarsudtPubleihocs6Bock aud so ighsundpplsinti. eountBooWe and tç every suple'telar ouuinsp-eet Scnibllg an Ezrç ispeçcks. W Sçbave the bet lise hete mabetk. We laet i lvet ries..'Ãemret'W RO8aI?8' 80(1K 8Prim. ROS. Oseder8otbo!PeOfiE, ositAWA, - - ONTARIO. TA4IL ORING .. STORE. na. aMr*" t a i -Y pecials )r this week. c W E. DYER, 4b e OSEAWh 0OFFC. -K- *Baie Block, just uortb of the post cf- « fice. Inspecter cf Agencies of Aid * Savings & Lean Co., Toronto. Agent * Sun Life Assurance CompanY cf * canada and th1e Employers' Liability 'Corporation of LONDoN, ENG. 4- //., 't /~ Misa Katie Tbompsen, Pickerng, is vlslîing Most of Audley' atieuded the civlc holiday elebratlans at Whitby on Mouday. Miss Saien of Green ivood, bas tain change d Mn. F. T. Sruth's bousebald.- Chas. Neal aud simien of Kinsale, wenè nenew- ng aid acquaintantits hene on Sunday laBi. Several inoni ber. enjoyed a pleasani eveniug L Mr. Gibson's an the sixth on Mondîy even- ng. Miss Kate McBrady entertained a few of ber tend& on Wednsday evening last. A most mjoya>.tiurne was spent. Schaol re-opeued an Monday mnorning wiîh a hir attendatic , anid again the f ailiar sound of îhe old l'e; keepe aur trne f un us and reiterateG i.e o.d tune of wark. Several of aur people have 10$ sbeep recetitly- :hapmau Bras. bave lest 3, weli marked with ing lu lefit ar, aud Thos. Puckerin and Wm. )avids each repart a toss. Anyoue recagnizing ny etray osnes will do a kinduese ta let îhem .uow. The resuits ai tbe depanimeuisi exams have been published, and we see aur ped., F. M. bhaprnan, bas been successfutlu inei partial Matnsculatian. Congratulations. But we aie amry te note that Mn. Ira A. Lawrence aud Milss M. Orviti failed in their sud snd 3rd res- pectively. The examinations were very bard bis year. and we believe the 2ud class Aigebra vas ne: a inn. test. ,Bath ai these pupils were good students, and we are sure tbey wili aver- orne the (allure by their previously shows puel. (ou rab (allure of its stiug wben you raise your head still bighen. The bis of the previaiasly mentioned gardes panly are out,' and ose af the mos: successfal affains since aIdes Urnes le pramnised for us on .he3oth a. at the besutiful grounds of the 4cuy homestead, owned by Mr. Wbitfield af Whitby, and fixed up lu grand shape, will be the scene ai the festive gatheriug. A grand football tournamneut is expected. as extensive prizes are given. A fine programme and a tes are ather attraio<js. The Audley choir la under speexal training for the occasion, sud expect ta da justice toalal. The othen Sabbath Sehools on the circuit have beld socials and gardes 'parties aud geueralty PAudiey bas îurned out ta ste theni. Now we invite the other appaintments ta corne ta aid us, and renden back a liberai f eel- ing. Admission fée la ou the bills witb att the panticulars ai the affair. Van may see thern anywbere or by wniting te the secre:ary, Ira A. Lawrence, Audley. I f'o Ai] pri A] 10 SI cc c ai, i w C. Ti . ecesfaiStipe Lawns, regalar 124C goads for 7%~c. 6 pieces ai White Ground Muus, with caiared spots, regular 25c. gaods, for- 15t. 44-inch Creponses, in pink snd blue, reduced ta x9c. White Duckiug, regialan 17c. goods, reduced ta 1%C Our $2.50 Parasals neduced ta $-75- Our $.5a Parasols reduced ta $.oo. Ail 12%ci and 14c. Pnints at i price, roc ChimezettB, regulan 35c. lise for 22C. Ladies' White Linen Cuifs for î'c. Ladies' Stripe Skirts, - regular 45 etc., for 30 cts. 1Summer Goods reduced to a ice that wifl tempt every one. The one price Cash store. 'hl:. HilerS : gail at PELLOWS5 and sec his Wrought Steel -AT- SP50.Oo. lse his COAL 011 and GAS STOVES -FROM- $5.50to 025-00. shawa Steamship stock to select fri-latee desgus» and finishes. Prices right.- Undertaking department Éfiy sto&k- ed, and embalrning accordizlg to latestý methods. Luke -Bro8.-, -rmpl O8aw&.tb The ioseph Bail '-M achine imam A, u~ inicçizv n i tF PEA. H&RVM ilESTBSfr. ý MÃ"WE~. ~ ~-~uL~! CEAMP T' -' j;- SAMTFIMLD -ESTAbLiLbkujsm, Lm.- ama". Ontario@ 1 1 1 1 - - -- 9 1 1 M 1 1 et ;l 1 1 1 1 Ie that we are making- of Rings.-ts qa la nt ta be fand lu the coutiY. Hee yoD au have a stock <c slect frein <at Luptac- [îcally limilles. Amasg the b eau' fùand realy antiltic hinge are cur 5k Rubv ad Pearl Set Rings. figEgagCeenisd Wedding Rings a specialtY'. N. B. -A new ln. of Silvrware lmt open- ed out, ai 0 BOYD'8 oJeweiflf store. ]KING STREET WEST, --OsiiAwA. DO TOU DRINK T"A??1 Let us assume as a faci <at yon do. W. nearly al d. The great essential, therefore, le <o kuow whcre te, get the best TEA for the ieas$ mouey. JAPAN TEA-We havejuai purcliased frein s wholesale Tes Ho use, 2.5 pack- ages of fine japan lres at very close figures. It le equal in qaflty to any 5ac. Tes on <lie market te-day. -W. are cfferng it at th. vey low price of 25c. per lb. or 5 Ibo. for $1.10. This lu an excellent bargnin. Caîl sud get a sample sud tny 1<. SWe want Butter, Cheese, Eggs, sud ether farin produce, for which we psy bigbest pnices. 1 Beaton's Grocery, Sîeamship Tickets Europe hy the beat lises an the Atlantic. pecial nailway rates, Oshawa ta Montreat. in onnectien with Steamnsbip Tickets. janadi.an, Express Co. Gaads fanwarded iail pascenger trains ; aleococlleeted and de- ivered toalsî parts ai the tawu wiihont exr barge, e-Maney Onders on sale frani eight a. n. unti eighi p.m. Give tben a triat sud yeu vîll alwà ys use theni. 3reat North-westernl Telegraph Company Fonward messages to-all peint af Canadi ind U. S. Messages received pronptly 1elivered. W. P. 8TERICKER, Agent. lOshawa, 1 Ln 1 1 ils ty in le ik) el - 1 1 Why does Thos. Puckerin wear so blond a smile? Oh; its a boy! Mr. Rollin Logan, Oil City, is visit- inig his relatives here. ,Several enjoyed Niagara on Monday last. No gettingy left this timne. The Misses Elliott, of Toronto, spent Sunday here. Miss S. Elliott goes back with them. OPPSIE-PSTOntario 1 - ni 1 THE CORNER SHOE STORE, sOS HA WA.~E Leather Steadily Advanciiig. Wboiesale prices for footweargn are 20 per cent. higber. Our immense stock îs selling j fast at old prices. Save money by buyiug ycur The cpportunity will soon p s. Oue pricqto al. Cashdw. ,M Our rate of profit ïi the1sIn~, tii district. t IE.EPS u 00 l GREENDANX E E RoGmts.