Whitby Chronicle, 23 Aug 1895, p. 4

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Ibo* mne applic SIts cost Ibo les as s%ý dt EVW-i L 1Sp Chernlt d Drug g/st, XL6dical lHall, Brook Strut, m Whftb: WHITBT, ÂJG*23, 1891 erto n UXPres las great fault ho 'le ~eUX01ICL for '<blrutality or WbhIC1< at leges we have used Of Pot-esters hlm about Ui lb the rexslp. ur rferecesto hirn le X Iterfrote Ide, Iit erey hardabot >àIowàïg Dr. . hOnkethe Ui'liont then tIc for othe szd O ur reNrandccrywheie tsxpk eus ot Uic or eder f i doie ut cly theiseveasu BAvOte re kno they does e lagDr.n0.to made the î menwy eer=e -the Orderof ektus of sthepoirodranc te 0h hot casebY thesExpesas 9 Puts wOrdS flu an opponent's them down bis ýW -IUdtutonsof the 4»sd lite neut-ance 26vcr everything that and fi=- can destroy. lu witnessing the. ecis <bey accor4 11ike ap. plause tW aitwho perfortm wel, czhibiting uq prejudk. forany untittbe Wluner 1à, an- nounced Wheu a router is-given hlm. Tliiir cern ctit'ons are carried on I ie best of ,ooXfeeling among the competitors, and they ~eartilcoogratulate each other wben fine féats are performed. The following le the result of the competitions, éo far as people of -tht. viclnity art concerued : Highland costume, plain, J. B1. Dow, Whitby, silv7er medal. Camtp prcseni.ng bes appearance ln physlque-Roderck Dha camnp, Whltby, silver medal. Boys' race under 14 years, too yards--E. O. McCrohan. Whiîby, F. Shaw, Wlitby, Wm. Griffun, Whitby. Girls' race under 14, zoo _yds.-Annie An- derson, Miss MrCarrol, Mise Collins Vauît ttg-Chas. McGuire, Greenwood, A. O'Leary, Plckeritig. NOTES. Mr. Wm. Anderson, of this town, waS a cnlcosfigure on the grounds during the aternýoons He wore the kilts of the Duke of Fife, prcsentcd by the grandfather of the p resent dukc ho a Mr. Taylor, relative of Mr. Andcrson'e. The McDul tartan has clothed many a noble highlander, but we venture to say that few have set it off to bcuter advantage thon did Mr. Anderson on Motday. Rodericc Dhu camp, Whitby, easily won the prize for the beet physique. The band of the 48th H ighlanders gave a grand programme ofmusic. Thet Rivereides and Brooklin football the boy therefroni . îaA nibb*- ing a 1 Ino-baill' shai be réquIred W-bolai t over agaIn lu addition to, cÃ"nïtilbdtiiï tU tlýe gepn MI hilarity of tbe ~tai~.z~'An member shall be- al'owed' » _ use personal abuse îto tib boier or ginipirei,,pd 'hie- sazué priilege, shaIl beè<-eàtended to the wicket keeper and captalu. Geo, Mathison ia specially excepted frozu this ndle. 1. An>' menber bowling threo wIckets il, suc- cession wlll be required ho gel hinseif a new bat, if be can aford IL z6.-Tliat these ru les be strlctly adhered to, especially rule 16. 17.-That wtzere flot otherwlse piro- vlded for, the ruleof the Marylebore Cricket Club shahl govern, unlese by unani- mous consent. 18. Once a Veteran Rlwa ys a veteran. Reliefs-After the (aIl of the filth wicket in Uhc second innings, should any member fiud bimecif through exhaus- tion, nervous prostration, sun stroke, drougbt, or other causes, unable to field any lonrer, he shall be at liberty to appoint his son lu hie stead, (maidens not recognizcd) euch son to be uhder the age of fiftccn, and not transférable, and ho be knowu as rel iet BR.OUGHAIX. Miss Bertha Fuller bas returued home. Mr. Joseph Burk le laid up wlth a lame back. Master Allie Dewey, of Whitby, le visiting his uncle, Joseph Buric. Mre. Bateson, of Mariposa, je visiting with ber brother, Dr. Bateson. Mis E. James returned to her home in the 1teams played a draw of one goal each nt the CitY iuesoaY mornlng. n Atietc Prk n te monin. I th afer. Mrs. Dunham's brother, Mr. Sherrard, of - Atletc Prk n te mrnig. u te alerWaterville, Kansas, wihh wifc sud dau.ghter noon at Oshawa the former broke the tic by1 are vîsiting here. 1 to o.Mies Mintie Gerow has returned after The Excelsiors of Toronto, wou the base- spendiug a few weeks withh ricnds in Toi - bail prize. onto, Ibuffalo, and Flesherton. A very cujoyable time was spent lu jas. That Sour Mik Hogles' Grove Mfouday sfternoou, when about thirhy-five assemibled in honor of Ml-s ]RI). CHRONICLE: SIR-AS there appears Gullock w ho returued ho ber homne in Osh- to be considerable misunderstanding res- awa, aller speudiug a month with Mrs. Dun- pecting the action of the town condil at its haru and oth er friends. last session bearing on the peddling ot milk THE MARKXETS. on the Sabbath, I beg through your kind- Toronto nes hosayho the clechors that the council dîd not pass any by-Iaw relating ho the mat- The followiug are highest prices quotcd: ter. The law rclating ho the observance of White wbeat 8oc, red 8oc, goose ooc., the Lord's Day is an enactinent of the Do- oats 40c, barley 46c, comnion peas 64c, minion Goverument, and has been on the rye 5oc, hav $13 ho $15, shraw $7.50, Statute Book for many years. Two or butter 17c, eggs ncw laid 13c, dresscd hogs three of the milkmcn told me that thcy $5.oo, pohatoe per bag, 40c. would prefer to pedde on Saturday night and flot on Sundsy ; and that they were Port PeITy. sahisficd that such service would accommo Faîl whesî 63C ho 64c, sprlng 63C ho 64c, date their customers nicely. goose 5,5c to 56, bariey 6 rowed 35c ho 4oc, The council on considerinç1 the matter barley 2 rowed 35C ho 40c, rye 40C to 42, Oats wcre also of opinion that rnîlk dcivered 2 O2c lcee es5ct 5 uni freali on Saturday evening would answer as 523 ho 255, iacedpa s 548C o 55 kh3,5cum well for Sabbath use as the saieernilk kept 5~h mî 8 o5,bcwet3Ch over frozu Saturday night mixed with the 38, beans $100 oo 51$.25, alsîke clover $4.00 morning's rnilk and then churned about in t0 4.70, red 5,5.00 ho 85so, grass seed $1.75~ the sun on Sabbath xnorniug. 10 $2.20, corn 5oc ho oo, sheepskins 40c ho If Saturday night's delivery would ans 6oc, wool 2oc ho oo, bides 5c ho 6c, beef s5 oo wer the public as well as Sunday pedd.hing ho 0.00, pork $5.oo, ho 5 50, turkeys ioc ho oo, 1h would only be extending to milkrncn d ucks ioc ho oo, chickens ioc ho o. geese 7c proper consideration by excusing them frorn ho oe, butter i2c ho î5c, eggs Joc t10iuc, lard carrying around rnilk on the Sabbati day. 12 ho i3c. potahoes 20c ho 25c, apples per Many howns have no Sabbath peddling and bush 20C ho 3oC., bard wood $4.00 ho *450, the citizens claim th--y are well served. soft wood $2.00 ho $2.50. Moreover, s goodly number of the rnosh prominent citizens in this town are too con- O . siderahe ho ask a iiilk-man ho cail a h eirA t O e T l places on Sunday with milk, and they are_____________ as well served as their neighbors who get hheir milk on Sunday rnorning. 1h le pos- sible that some citizens wbo have irnperfcct A Gold Filled Watoh nsed ta coat facilihies for keeping their milk miglit not a lot oit woney but now find Saturday night dclivery satisfactory, and if such le the case I arn saisfied the council have no desire ho interfère with the customn of Sabbath peddling. For rny own part I have no purpose to deprive any citi- the New Jeweler, Whitby, ies sII- zen of any privîlege that le essential ho hie n welfare, and I think I can say the same for iga every rnerber of Uic town council. Gents' Gold Filled Watch for... -91175 Yours very truly, - - W. B. PRINGLE. Ladies' Gllél 411dWatah ,. e t kt tkâadua cil assets are counted in bÙtintUMOýThe- world le mort- ýpro , aa- * t the 1 ëf lu «. eave several il.,ce, comipanies which ir risks by $1o,00o,0oo «,'d moyt1hat hoe to take flear- eh In rntomùoe I ust take a ofmilliosof-dollars s.nnually to premiïgtàs, vhkgb ever corne back i cases of. fire or death. No won - wol--fitidaitsÏif liard up these rer tbis itt not exactly what we set ïteýabout. The signe of the Urnes bi nu àl y who fauvy they ae safe in à of, insurance. We finf littie In"=ce companies springing up etIle nusliroms. There 15 ai- éevrchap ýwbo Wants to handie igê othereoplè's money, and a" tgis ,people's weak Bp lausble face on his ug hunt for things at vmi elps hlm along. We tom hat hundrede of such started during the adthat the rnost of t~z proces of liquid- igeuratiu bas passed. ity buy a hos for leas than hie Sa machine,ý or a house. But in lMe insurauce there muet be far bqy,,p4 in than le paid out, for Ueoeborne. Ttzc man fhbisurance company rnust àl*îà o,teoQoo a y cr, according LW4%o*owbich he cmt boornm Obst wall. People who lieve ty iflsUred ini thkze W', , -=ý rrance companies arc oâwsïvaking on thin-tee. It bends ta flo -thei start, aud finally lets agli wiUi a crash, and then lie snd y cisc wouders why lie was euch a venture on it. re no desire. W hbt one company n atiother but muet give au ex- two. Ro company wau ever htarder in this couuty than thc keserYC. Pund Life association Of rk. -W. anl know aU about it. i 0ý f millioùàs ,wasu teamalleat Icould spetk et. We make tlie rt 1<1la ematiding au lucrease lu te R uat'e af ftum destruction. M e Rarper la dead, snd I1<in e ttbinsuzuuiagute ad bilit e tber cheap lite lu- reF* uad. lu tacet for mn up sud tuck be<ween could blew itsel t<ie Ree ound'Gret ,r alwtluo1ac, sud <e L laqmû a Iî et a 1uroe fl WQvue mothe u GlaaenW. sudl wi ahitoy, Aug. 5thi, '95. Towul oais. Conuer gives a piece of blottiug paper sud a ruler with every purchase. If you wauh a good suit for a very low price go ho W. H. Warren's. Major Farewell le souuding the saltwatcr ah Ocean Grove, N. J. this week. 6 piece soiid walnut parlor suite, plush, with silk plush bands, for 832, worth $4,5, ah W. Till's . Just received fro.:n Louis Levin, of Berlin, Gvtrmauy, hwo cases of the lahesh styles in manties sud capes for this sessons wear. Our prives are the lowest. W. G. Walier's. Mr. R. S. Hamilton, B. A., Gaît, is lu howu this week vi iting hie many triende. He le always heartily welcomed in Whitby, and we are glad ho kuow that he. is highly suc- ceseful lu his uew home. A Glarlng case. We would respechfilly cali the attention of Deputy Pringle sud the courn ito the fact that clergymen carry on their avocation on the Lord'e.day. Hait? Betore buying a spray pump, be %gre sud sec tbe Anderson double actIou torve spray pump. The best in the worid. l'eu of thein bonght by the goverumnent for the experitaiet.nai fat-m. OnIy $13.5-1 each. L. Fairbanks, Whitby, agent. Coal 1 Coal!1 J et recei ved thhree vargoce, 400 tons ecdi fresb mimcd Scrantou voal pe- steamer Flot-a Carveth. I arn Dow prepared to supply dlean, b1riglit, carcfully svt-eened ceai at lowest possible price. Office opposite TUEs CUiIONICLE Wbitby. E. R. Birww. A Chall»nge. Thbe veteran vricketers eft <its towu, dis gusted wi<bh thepoor sbowiug oe t e yunger votarles of the game. have organieda club of their own in oret-dot-tedemonstrate 1te <lic YOuagst*r how (cricket) <'Solde arewen. o The names oet hocotfie ,bearers and Mens- bers are, for obvIOns ress suppréssed, but we are euabled t 'plac belote oui' t-ed- ers thertnies. L.-Thatt<i.club b. calisd the ",V«heaws'Cricket Cil, *.e-Tlat no et-e ie e ligible wltbqut bing able to pregeut a miedirtcertife,6testing <bt the ee- lasecher "Idecayedi " "brehen dewn,$" or an. fit for generat Purpomea, 3.-Thst ,vcry, ýpet-ou ng elctcd b. s'equfd to pgt7 ne subscrptiop.. Tiere wii le nu,,di.couat on thua.4.-T5at tif be -Clbolors be black aud bIne, andi kfflIckcroc*ers be pot, con- sldered ustitese. S.-4uy ember liý ot p Pearin g mre hoet one u*bLaloýf et Juat*thhk. ita j>t aince ~E started that you could Sôe such low prices. "ýe not on1'. s»Il Jewelry cheap, but also, for ho je ea'iefied with a tait- living. Get othera' prices, then cail on us CoC)M R5 THE NEW WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, DIAMOND HALL, - WHITBY. EXEI.U TORS' SALE -OF VALUABLE- Farm and Village- Property without reserve. Pursuant ho Uic powers and directions contained lu Uic st will and testament of Francis Jordan, deceaed, there will tie offered for sale by Public Auc- tion, by Thos. Poucher, auctioncer, ah Wil- sen's9 hotel, Claremont, ah 2 o'clock, p.rm., on TUSDÂY, SEPT. l7th, 1Ù95, thlollowiIig valuable fat-n, namely: West -Y4 ofthei west %~ of Lot No. 2, aud the wesh .Y4ofthie wetl 34 ot No3, aU inthe 3rd Cou. in Uic Touwhip of Uxbridge, lin<lic Counhy of Ontario, contaiuing zso acres be Uic same more or leus. Ou tho pr=nises <liere are aqrood trame oeeasd a hafsoy dwelling, kitchen sud wodhed atce 2 good bat-s with atoe stabling underj. neatli. Both lots are watered by a runuig streaza ; 2 ct-cha-ds ; alo aquantity otgoo cedat-,,8 ot- x acres, and about 8 or xc acres ot liardwood. The propcrty ila eiglbljy sftuated about,3 S milsora Claremout sta- tion, C.P IL sud 5 miles front Stouffvill, G.T.. Sou, a geàd Clay l-Iô ;'pait-y, teegd ; toriing a inost de-sirable Mrperty foraycoe desirag te putciss AUse a liosel 'and lot l laie èVilage et Tes-epet cent. at Uic rimeof sale !d 30.petcent. addtom lbnia TO~ U~ REOYTWERCL911? We. beg leave to inform the residents of thé, town of Whitby and surrounding country that in connection withý our General Dry Goods Stock we have opened out a superior uine of Ready Made Olothîng,, To any person desiring such we would the sort we seil. Say, corne and see Il is good for Mien, Boys and Children, styli8h and well made, fits too ,*costs no more than the common sorts do either. Look out for the Great Display on'f**- SATURDAY, GC±--NO TROUBLE TO SHOW 3WilD1R E W DR Y GOODS TUE Il, 100DB BTGRI, o o o o o o o o o ~W. H. WARREN. AUGUSI l7th GOO D S iD A D E DYM D AND READY-MADECLO THING. RLOIG ssc 8PgEIML AUTYU(JT W.H.WARREN. wu DODIT H. WARREN WHITBY, A Haywaàrd He z.çi st o t&w foe and 911adsk «l t ow -trices fo / oo4s you waz1nt. now 1,so dea of w UIRING THE PIREAENT MONTU we purpose offering some '/very Special'-Bargains. See a few of our prices : lu Dresa Goods-44-in Serge, regular 20c., for 15. 46-i. Amazon, reg. 25c., for 20c. 38-in ail wool Serge, reg 25c, for 20e. 42-mn Shot Bfets, 40e and 45c, for 27e. 44-in Coating Serge, t.eg240e, for,4-."44- Covert Coating, reg 75c, for 63. In Black Serge. fronx25 to 900. Henriettas from 25e to $1. Faney Blaek from 2et 1 rns Ail our regular 14ef prints for 10e. Sateens, reg 15e «and 17e, for 124e. Duek Suiting, reg 15e, for 10e. IHosiery, Gloves, Handker- chiefs, Corsets, (in ail the popular makes) at very low pr.ices. Table Linen from 20c. Towelling from 5c. yd. Linon Towels from S5e eaeh. In Men's Furnishings ou.r stock is thoroughly assorted and at very close prices. In Men's, Youths' and Boys' Clothing we are ofeéring the very best goods in the market, well made and perfect fitting, and at prices that eannot be beaten. The United States L. A.Stewart Lite InSura in NEW YORK Oity 'i .....e........... ..... - ànýaan Manage>r., o"t j. e stick$ i t hel tion.- The only s use a istr'o The Bet'ui fid vth th, Dr., Sou evil da' catiad alm to this yel lya u hundi-e pay tli da~s out to v arm bad the" an mUtuýal everyw wa s a andma finau'h. scaci leuat value, lit-e an mý > 1 - l OUme FRI Excursit Toroi NiagE Renie Garden Niag. Aug. 29 Go t Aug. 29 Sec o 2oc. ah' The 1 of Uic s See selling i Anytt theni frc Mrs. town ah nel. Mr. spcnt t Mrs. Fr Misse spent S visiting tc, m( series, i Rev, Harris, the bibil Eàglan< iyear, Saturda k at W.-G lù. J. * niglit w Christm Mr.-Ji lumber Ply of pi <Xxx A flooin supplies cd-at s cldows of Cai at-o To ReUit Good lot tofro to Wm. Appeaisji lu Co inayor a ,j I <le tarin bas beer - at elevet ýfn ace toe, ta shores to Thé tc people -t tliey we -_Sund"y -but ist 1 1 Di pri CT 160q *-Ob*. f He lleqd oflice-1 r no YET 1 DS si 119 9ALEx ".- WARREN,, WHIT-By

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