Whitby Chronicle, 9 Aug 1895, p. 7

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Dr. Il. F3p4l Resu Its Astonish MEN 0F SCIENCE. Sarsa.. AYERSparilla A MEDICINE WITHOUT AN EQUAL. St atefil eut c Weil Known Doctor A ~ ~ ~ ~~~, vv' : rap' i i it an equail mlit liav'î jîrAHso enu gli. 1i have t'ud iýi i tots iii ciranio caspws, -wlere ottier t r-atliei %%iii i lno a' ail, and lhave beesu hu ii -i have c. r niel, amji1 have proaches and abutrnenta wili cost little_____ tut 1-1iih-i i1i, i Si- tiîirougigîn is actin, over $500. t 4 m ! h ~ tai NI permaniient cures as isI A'r Sr~aiaiIl -Il1. F. MERRILL, M . Joseph Brown. wbese husband A SUFFERING ARMlY. Augista, Mu.was recently kilied ai. Locuat H IlI, has u BreD nlyaRlnlesFc *yr, received a pasa fron, the C. P. R. ta visit TheBreat arry a sufertessFe AyISo i arap r ie ManitouIin Island, where she and her asThenmrat ac cvofnduies fo a MIMfamrily wilspend a few weeks with friend. cerne Chases K. & L. Pils because the Admtitted at the Worids Fair. The Canailian Pacific authorities are foster parents of theur aches and pains ___doing what they can for Mrs. Brewn, and are the Kidneys, .Nhich, on accounit of a AV4yr's Pis for lirer anad bowels. are deserving of credit fer their kî1ndness. diseased condition, arc unable ta relieve The long drawn out Magristrates case the blood of uric acid poison, which is ___________________________ etween E. Pugh and Mr. E111s jr , has 1 depasited in the joints, praducing on the been set tled between the parties, but nowi flrst provocation irrii.ating aches and NEA.R THIE DARK VA.LLEY r hî r. urr uh r aigapins in the bouies, joints and muscles. ___ oundbefre SuireHolen. he cse he reason that Chase's Plls relieve and .\ Y 11.N; ;î u. RECI~D Fr ~ ond es pon Stur HodenIThi te a seatcure is their wonderfui power un restar- GIR, RSCED ROMcneghbo sanot g. taogii.heuttheseing degenerate Kidneys ta a perfect and AN ERLY RAVE qurs. Law is e a ong camute ne naturai condition, wîthoui. whîch the sys- A-N ARL GRVE.petty qures aîsa oigiaen em is supplied wth blood teeming wîth ______ natter which ide of the verdict ta yeurs. poison that adds fuel ta the fire of rheu- l'aie, Lîstlessanad Weak, the Victim e f a While druving along the Northcrn matuc complaints. demeralizing the en- Ilucking C.ough, she was Appareuutiy townline 0on Tuesday the lOth, Mrs. tire system and rendering it hiable te a Price Pugh and Mrn. David Pugh cellided complication cf diseases terminatiig in Goiîg ttti a Rapnd 1)ecine-A Case vehicles with Geo. Morgan when the dropsy, diabetes, or Bri ghi.'s disease. A cfloe uers. eEer ohe iifrerrgwa pstaa u aue %K ---- -- - :_ . -- ---l ý-- -- - _ nîasant feature cf these Pis is that, the Land. what hurt. Mrs. Price Pugh received hemotidyreeisenuag such a shaking up that she waa uncensci- constipation, Chase's relieve and cure ItL rruthe Cor nwall Standard. eus for soîne time, aud even yet is not I earlconstip rati c at theboelwhc I. 18 now a comnion thîng in thîs local- altogether recovered. The herse rau away esiycover-catome bfythasboes, Kine 111) te hear people acknowiedge the as auhed the vehicle Up somewhat. i er is; in act, e y Cares a peec W (b(Itidrful beneit they have derived frorn While the road where the upset teck cure for constipation. This is endorsed thle use of Dr. Willians' Pink Pille, aud place ts rather uarrow, the collision cculd b Edward Garrett, editor and propreo t is liai to be wenidered ai. that the have been avcided, aud the municipalitiese the Bradford, Ont., Weekly Wztness, druggista find the sale of this renîarkable are therefore net considered responsible. and thousa.nds of others. One pill adose. iuiedicine oo large and yei. constantly in- We are very much pleased that the ladies 25 cents a box. The cheapest medicine creaeing. We couid give and number esoaped more serions accident.-eews. on earth. Sold b yail dealers. Edman- if inst.ances of splendid resulta foliowîng WR wàg son, Bates & Ce., Toronto. the use of Pink Pilla, but so many cf TeAee oi oayBrim those are well known te many cf aur TeAeo okOut ugas readers as te neot need recapitulatien. Wm. J. Robinson was convioted befere .PARKELERS PILLa posases the peWer cf act- 11oevr, owand again a case cf more Judge Morgan, of steahing hams fro m ing specificalle upon the diseased orirans, lii wver.110WstirulatinR te, action the dormant energiet§ cf thaii usual intereat arises, and we wîll George Wood, a Weston merchant. The the systein, tbereby removing diseas. In guve the partîculars cf one cf these for ceunty authorities believe that Robinson tact, se great is the power of Ibis medicine to thie benefi. of thes public at large. Sanie is one cf a gang that have been operating cleanse aud purify, that diseases cf a'most )ars agit a yonng girl of 14, a daughter fer mcnths past. His record wil be se-ery name aud nature are driven froni the tf W. Lon ore a ellknow an lokedint, ad efort mae t apre-body. Mr. D. Oarswell, Oarowell P.O., Ont., (,f r. eonDor, a ellknon ad lokedint, ad efort mae t apre-wrtes: 6-1 have tried Parnielee's Pillsansd ind nîs1îected resîdent of Cornwall, began to bend seme of these thonght te hbave been tbem Rn excellent ruedicine, and ene that wilI sli, w erions symptems, aud caused her his confederates. In the meantime ha sei well." iii ther gresi. anxiei.y. She wa8 juat ai. wnll stay in jail, awaiting sentence until William Morton and W. S. Barry, customa t1ie critîcal perîod cf ber life, and medi- Judge Morgan returus from France. oificerfs ai Windsor, have been stiperauuuated. cal au1 was called in aud everything doue The tume ho serves now will be dedncted froru bis sentenee. George Kidd was ar- A uew dscevery cf great value-Eseljay's Il Burns on a similar charge, and bas been Eseljay's Liver Lozenges invigorate the 'i " 'ilretnanded pouding further developmetits. wes.k. //~ ~ -Economist. Hamîlton's civic holiday wua celebrated wiîb pICKEEING. picuics, gamces aud excursions. t' -Miss Maggie Linton, cf Whitby, is Few are the remedies whose beneficial visiting with her triend, Miss Alegra qualities and res.i monts bave made themn se III nk popular with the public, and increased from M r. Js Grdo wa caledte he ityyear to, yeSX their consumptien, whieb, M s a odo a ald o h iywh1ilst pesseseiflg the moat valuable remedial tlits week by the sudden death cf a rela- properties, are yet so simple in si3eir cern- tive. pound. and s0 easy t take, as The Qui nine proare byNorhro t&Lyman of A now storm in Jnly is of very rare Wine, p 'hiarticleNorhro , j ocurene n bi mde cimtecfousToronto. I earil s prepared from the occrrecein his1]0de clmae o ouspure Suiphate cf Quinine, combined with yet te sucb we were treated on Tuosda>' fine Sherry Wine, and choice aromatice, - -. orning. 'leobe sure the "lbeautifuli" whicb relieves the Quinine cf its bitter îast.e, did net descend in suffîcient quantities te and doos not impair i n thc least degree the Ifo t ;a Aïadow of herlformer self." make sleighing, but we had flurries suffi- offic6cy of its action upon the patient; while t hi-lpber Butit pperedte b us- centte sy tat newfou.Tbewbie sall doses. trequeutly repoated, sttengtholt i,,hul fir.Butit ppere W e ue-the pulse, increase muscular force, andin Isanid week. af 1er week ahe continuai substance was noticed in varicfls parts cf vigorate the toue cf the norvoui stom, anti t .giiw îreunil it was evident she the t ownlship. thug by the general vigor which it imparta. t. tw wfatging i, nto a decline. A hack- This ie an .ge of surprises, 80 mucb 80 croateos an appelaite. wbicb grives tote a otom- ngcough set in, sud the poor girl, who that ene sbould net nov wonder ati any- tnaaih tou &ilud nrgys d fieses. sys O W Sfourrerly plump aud healthy looking, thing. Perbapse iost mvero nervous Nerthrop & Lyman's Quinine Wine; soit 1ithb bright rosy cheeka, began to waste shock experiencod in this village for by aIl druggilte. uway, and ini a few niontha wua merely a years, was that Occaaioned W. Logan's Th okfsuvYgfrte wsel udiadow of ber former self. Her mother shop front the other d"y St receivine' bTheo wekc uy(fr the P L nert.om"te I ad about lest all hope cf saving the witbout the slightet wVDhtgv a nev OOSL brudgeasver tied ..R rSt hm 3 ,iu ng gi rl's i e, the doctors being a papsr- cf pa&int- Frank vas the artiat and did fi"t ueA »Musa. eui.ly unable to do anything tic cheokthe bis work witb thse deftneem of a profos- '0 @CJ lUIIDSs. ravages of the rnystorions dises-se. At sional brusb slinger. Siuîply apply "SwAvW.i's UUnwM Nu length the mother's attention wus direct- W. J 0 'Leary, of1ithé Wester h ns1t«nsI mueile racuired. Cures totter ed to Dr. Williams' Pink Plls, and she plowed up tise bal »U :A ,mwicfh s0uigiis, a» n * s t im* '» i sud decided te give them a trial. A. box wu8 Our hors. fs-niera vers vont A former bW lemvly, à ise udinclivisia a taken, and, as tise girl did net show s-ny ~tic speed ibeir hormes, sud Ibis buA» ae Pm.eUO noot; isoweoy. =aYom visible signa cf improvement, lber motiser ho hopes te, eut tiberefroul & god yiald &q Wlt fer i&yMU'5OUITIES. Lyman: was on thse point of discontinaing tihe cf buckwheat. Tise track vwals eSs& aCO-, mntrs1,holost gen t4s Ou t-foedsi rcbafltS. medicino whon a neighbor persuade hoe acodnbtor vs»taxugu_8I l7eed'tb obaupegiauo that a single box wu' net a fair trial, and revenue derived froSikt O Psy h. reut induced her to- continue tise Pille. By of thse ground usai, hgeost.h.VIlo P#Q U. old in the huad"NugiluBali I the lime a seond box wuas complerend tiser. vanmre imrovemont uotiéoable Bd ward Boone, o nt ~~DPW.lsa~ eif pedl u..N and there vwu 3oyin t-bat emmmi bouse- T., viseiss boesfa- 'lMay x5lo, teo0;v eis fa»I w'w hold, and no more persuasion wus needed tel pth ie otht dau 0b0ê1# ti Xi. % i!Z OUOibiI te continue tise treatinent. Thi e c ta- ia ~ ehot~~4IUP M fS.U tise Pink Pillaevastison contlnued forthst- beetion acin'îu4 wstw#74d'il- - - *t tormenntis., by which Urne the. young tise erope. UneS*àI .:ru girl hWdcompletsly recbvered ber sit-h CrP8 u tW -wg Jmh"b rid y- and strsngth. To-daythe ina-thle V mney h pictursetissalthtis, sdam o olor in ber Wil" uim 4 6t -o k c tess u, asbrigisti etla vwsboetbar bioiuu s l I. -- lhissasoomnucd. TO hwo t» Ir thelusMe nS l= " mincie Mis. ots Wsly gae ti% .S4s~tspbwmoe topubuhib ,an.oouthtm'sDms even sitronger expreshioni to her apprecia.good. Judge Dartnell hasauooomplished tien of thus wondei'fil iMedicine. She gis purpose in gettinq on these matcbe& f urther said thstinîk Pilla had greatly His sole dettire was to oreate smre inter. helped herseif. She had been sufforing est in cricket in the connty. We àre in- f rom- the effecta of an attaok of la grippe, formed that Ulbridge will at once orga.U. and the Pink Pilla had reatored ber to ize a teamn, while tihe Whitby and Pick- health. Her daughter also expressed ber ering clubs will at once commence con. gratitude for the extraordinary change stant practice. When these Toronto this medicine had wrought in lier healthl. teazns play the return gamea they will In the case of young girls who are find theCOounty men much more worthy pale or sallow , listisa, troubled with a opponents.-News. fluttering or palpitation. of the heart, GRHCENWOOD. weak and easily tired, no time should be Wm. Harris, L.L.B., is lole on a visit lest ini taking a course of Dr. Williams' thisweek. Pink Pis, which will speedily enrich Ms icz fWnsr svstn the blood, and bring a rosy glow f healthwth Miss MlTaito.Wnsri istn te the cheeks. These puis are a positive wt isM at cure for ahl troubles arising from a viti Mjrs. Holly, of Toronto, i@ visiting withi ated condition of the blood or a shatter bis friends in and around Greenwaod. ed nervous systeni. They are a speciflo Pengelly Bros. are doing a rus1bing" for troubles l)ecutiar to feinales, correct buisiness in tbresbling aisike. Tbey have ing suppressions, irregularitiea, and ail pîircbased a new etigiae froam London. forma of weakn8sa. Ihi a daisv'. Manufactured by the Dr. Williams ' Miss L. K. Foster, of North Bay train- Medicine Co. Brockville, Ont., ardn scbool, accompanied by ber niece, Schenectady, N. 'Y., and oold in boxes Miss Editb Prinless, is visiting witb ber (neyer ini loose formn by the dozen or sîster, Mrs. W. J. Devitt. hundred) at 50 cents a box, or six boxes Go air los aItroil i for $?,.-0. May be had of al druggists pGeo. Sd riner, on o nsemvserofly dis or direct by mail from Dr. Williarns' &perdfo eea odyo ai Medicine Company at either address. week bias returned, but bias taken up bis abode with Sruitl Cochrane, of Green- .0-0 wood. WVe of Coopertown are sarry to CLA.REMONT. Miss se trustworthy a clitizen, but what David Les ttie is eut visîting at Wm. is our. bas is attiers gain. Scot's.J. E. Devitt and W. W. Faster, con- Ed. Derusha, of VUxbridge, waa here tractors and bu 1lMers et cancrete cenent one day lagt week. walls, silos, 11.g pens, floors, troughs, cia- The recent cold anap has had the effect ter"s, @e., wili soau bave Jackson Bra s.' of putting off harveat for a few day8. silo campleted and ready for inspection. Mis Lara eir ofPrice lbet ~Tbey are uaýng an iînprovemneut in this Mis 'aua werofPiAlrtitT s -ile,'wlielifar exceeda ans' ai their for- at present visiting wih s. E Pugh. mer structures. As tblis' silo is iocated The Dominion Bridge Ce. bave been in aur village i. is qjuite convenient for awarded the contract of erecting the iron farmers te iinspect. as tbe day is near bridge at Green River. The price agreed I wben tliese structures wiiI entirely take I id Ur Notice of Trans fer of Tavern License. Public notice is bereby given tisat I have made application fer the tiansfer cf town tavern license No. 36o now held by John Smith cf the Raîlread House, Whitby, to me, MAN LEY'SI ce] le)ry coMPOUND Whi"tby Ageucye General Banking Business Trans".ted. BAVINGS DEPABTMENT. interest afloved st highast curreut rates. No notice of vihhdrawai required E. J. THOINTON, WO_ are paying the highest price fOr- M. J. FY, WhiapiOnt Augut is, 185-352in.Cures Blood and 8kmn Disea8es. DOMINION BAN K. WESTERN BANK OFOANADA@ Capital Paid up, $195009000 surplus, - - $1,500 000 HF." OFFicz, OSHAWA, ONT.. Qapitai Qapita IRest a Subscribed 500,000 ùl Paid-up 373eOb 100,000 BO4RD 0F DIRECTORS. We have the' ?inest Selec- tion, in town of those BEAUTIFUL AMERICAN WALL 20. yEAR8AGOý» a divr of the greatest possible benefttonakd was mdin Medicine.. Physicians universallY recog- nized its benefleent'resuits and welcomed it as one of the most valuable remedial agents thatlias been devel- oped in medicine, because it covered such a wide range olusefulness and brought into requisition the Most remarkable food-medicine in existence. This discovery Scot's Emulsion -u and this wonderful nutrient was Cod-liver Oil,bu until it was madle available in Scott's Emulsion it was almost useless, but by their process of emulsifying it and making it palatable and easy of assimilation, and adding to it the Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda, they have given the world a remarkable curauv,,,e agent in al wasting diseases, both in children and aduits. Scott & Bowne, Belleville, AlilDruggists, 50c. and $1. T. H. LUSCOMBE, Beariater, kondon : « Cbronic cough and hemorrisages from tise u u g e r u r y u m y w i f e t o a u n e s r y g r v e but tbanks toM.MyK. she is as ven asev. Rads.m Microbe Killr, Go.. 120 KING STREET vEST, T0R0NTOà OIT? W. . HOWSE'8, HI0Y JOHN CowAN;, EsQ., Bresident. RzUtBEN S. HÂAmLiN, ESQ., Vice-Presldçeiý W. F. Covvan, Esq., W. F. Allun, IEOq., J. A. Gibson, Esq. - obert Mclntosib M. M~ Tisoma Pateorson, Esq. T. H. MCMILLAN, - - Cashier BRNCHEnS.-.Midi.fld, Tiljsonburg, N. Hamburg' WhitbY, !PalsleY, pet-a»gu1b. eue, aud l'rt Fry Drfso ew York andbrIg and g ouh ad sold. t poom cit4 Cu enterest- aUowed s-t lbs-~r -. _ -imlâJ%ýt*b.nrm s5i&e d'ýa Alsik s: Cover. Our supenr~Q PA PERS, ret . Id it t ETC ER. uri~ te , be lice5 anoe -WITH- Borders to Match AT LOWEST :-: PRICESO Corne early and getjlrst choice. P. B. WARAM, Bryan'5 old Stand, Brook St., WII$bY Back in Whitby. WM. TILL, Undertaker, Cabinet Makep, Uphoister, And dealer in Furniture cf ail kinds. The' Subsciiber begs to announce that he has again opened business in his old stand, and bas placed therein a choice, stylish and complete stock cf NEW FURNITURE 0f every description, wbich will be sold at a emali margin on cost. Another bale cf those ceiebrated Mixed Mattrasses 88.25, worth $5.00. Sec idoe Tapestr or Carpet Lounges at $5, worth $8. Hlardlwood Sideboards, 14x24 glass, for #8,60, worth $12. Unidoetaig Ke ÂAf'u.l stock of Coffins and Jaskets, and a Firet-OlaSs HEearse. Wbitby, Oct. 12, 1893. RADAM' S MICROBE KILLER REMEDY. J. F3. EDGAR, Merchaut, Winu- Bor: M. K. acted rnarvelousiy in ny case of. chronic stornach and bowel trouble. sbire, Que.: Was given Up 10 die froim a complication f. Dyspelpsia and Liver trouble with consumption Amn as well as ever now ; it is truly wonderful. 1 Wm. IRM

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