Whitby Chronicle, 9 Aug 1895, p. 4

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( lLlc i . ......'~. . îîeeds, and1 fresh ait that, it is milk. Oi toluncil n1 its great wisdom bias decreed th~ thle boys shall flot bathe in the lake to cle.- POi hTO BUG FINISH tlîkir hodies, and that milk shallflot be su 1) YFO VS 1)1, y 01 Sunday. They may flot have thei U E A I Y 1 U 1 1 V S ~ I U \ i o w r s, b u t w e ta k e th e w ill fo r th e d e e i Tlr aldermen are conîîng to the front surelt No MXINGRE(ýiRLi).ant] s hou Id soon earni their way into heave NI.) IX IU RE UIRb). 1 reason alone of thîcir works in the intt ests of'moraIitý and religion. Suich zealot s t I c \-,ý t o l i e v l il s . - I l li l h e sa n d d im a c u la ie m e n w ill s c a rc e ly ne e d 1 tue îug wît on aI)lica- .undergo the ordeal of rep)entance and fo th e m g s vIth o n e p pl c a -gîveness. If they could only fix it now 1 t i For Bicycle Ridera. lock up people's pumnps on Sunidays, an B-leriding bas becomie one of the most compel young folk to stop swinging on ti The il, "Wr o ........... i1 popiar fads that have carried peoples heads gates Sunday niglts, the code would i. tIsc st1'<wî. i "(Il..... ...... .........ava\ for cenitur jes. It is the most csî compiete. M'e do flot suppose the corinc 9 cost'yfeels that it cornes wihin the colleofil ..... .... ort I lt';cot a id. îoo; and il: s a wonder that the Iocking moral and relîgioris duty to try to stop th .\\îrt ut ( st îs rp of liundreds oif millions ofdollars in bîkes sale of intoxicating liquor on Sunidav, ertuuin the midst ofhabrd rimes has flot compiete- thing which to their knlowledge is cont lv sraded usiessof eerysor. I isah1 dne. No, it is the fear that fres 2 c ts. pet- I1).vsrrle usns o vrysr. ? Sa mlk maybe taken round that '.consumeî faut that la cauglit on and no mistake. lhen.,Poor people vwho have no refrigze tIPI and youiîg if both sexes have wheels ators wiliPfel aIl the better for it when the ini theur beads, and are anxious to get as- corne to die and find out afterwards thi tradille of a bike and fly away almost as if their souls have been saved by a town cour i refirnuain ies ter insofho iî o unav urtonfahesIL I thev bad taken win ),ld meni and womnerîcil who forbade them havinrg any but sou knlee breeches %vould look on their shrivelled doubt feit that there was great nlecessity fo utp or else piissy shanks. \'ounig nen and passing this ordinance forbidding fresb miil womerî are busy siudving tbe artîstîc and to many a burning lip on Lord's day C heînist &~ Drug gis t, aesthetic inhnnether %wear,iri ordier that beauty, There have been no complaints about mil] exercisean pleasure miay b combined. delivery on Sunday that we know of, bil Medca I{alEverybody is happy m-ho has a bike, and tbis is because pole are flot religîousi, ,Ae 'c l H llthose who bave flot feel that they at leatt up to the standardcfj u blessed towrr court bave something only second to heaven to cillors, wbo bave no doubt done ailtbey cat Brock Street, - W'hitby look forward to. We ail admit that we dote for us in the way of prayer, and are nov on the bike. adopting other and whoiesale means o -- But, as is always the case in this world, bringing about our salvation. We presumE the biking fad bas ils drawbacks. Unfor- to say that the counicil bas equally as muci -t unateiv a large numbher nfbhikers-a major- autbority to pass a decree tbat we shah aRI iyof theru-are just as 1,ig know-niotlîînlgs make a return on Saturdays as to tbe hil since the), took te idn as tlîey were be- of fare for our Sunday eating, because theN fore. In fact getting a weli tbeir beads mlight find il good for oursouls to pass order-5 - _______seems trot only te bave adiied none to their that everytbing else we eat on Sundavs sh.1l stock of brains, but to ii .ve taken away be soured and] spoiled as well as milk. Aý XVH 11131, AUG. 9) 1895. 'what littie they previorislv lîrd. This is the we grow in grace we iearn by' dezrees what ______________case witb young men. T Iey try to ride ýa sacrifices we bave to make in the cause of couple of hundred mile'. a day with tbeir religion, we have to return tbariks to the Short Notes. spines doubied rip ike a cat in a figbt town counicil for its watchfulness over the ilmreisanohe hrrilenudertoreThey saiI hy everythin,-, (,i the road, and doings of be Sabbath, in order rhat the l'lvreis noter oribl muderto e-make evervbody bustle o ut of their way. good book may team witb good thinigs we cond i iis week, near Berlin. A party namned1 They go almost nakei, %, ih their great bave done and sacrifices we have made. Jeanierette was hammered on the bead and1 shouliler blades sticking ut<i-,ke plowsbares,_____________ bis irot ci. ît ber~ pîch A eigborand sornlewbat suggestive of the wings which histhoa ci i aberypach.A ieghorare said to be the attributri of angeis, flot The Chureb of Today wîtîi wîioni lie bail disputeil about the pick- fools. lhey rush int a tova like madruen, EDITOR CHRONICLE: SIR,-I notice that a îîîg if the hbernes is n ail on suspicion. reacb the botels just rit ineal hour, and oonroversy on the above subject is going rIlîe Doinion goverrinlent bias sent a Pnd stride into the <ining rooms without on in the CHRONICLE between Rev. T luttui ti thc Manitoba goverrniment asking coa or vest, and smelling ike a herse-pile Manning, of Whitby, and Mr. W. J. Not, thetît wimt tley are oing o of tmhe sweat and dirt in their nasty look- your Port Perry correspondent, and I feel thban atli ât t anîtoaregoeu nto do about it, ing shirts. They monopolize conversation, the temptation to take a hand in is irresistable. an lttet al t> eulbacovr o ethes prepar!ing and allow nothing to be heard or talked Pardon rny rashness, but, you know, fools rush a rrîrnret sng themwhae Donilon about but their bike exploits. They try to in wbere angeis fear to tread. When anybody iig the(Ioaboetgo- exercise their lungs to even Up witb their interferes with your Port Perry writer 1 bave no- Itlgt o(li alîu tit.bikîng legs. ticed that the aggresser usually cornes oui as dîd TIre lime bas arrived when it is again Guests at hotels anid public places are hn- a passenger in a train wbo was snoning londl 'v in ncccss.rrv to find pleuro pneumonia among expiressibiy disgusted every mealtime by bis seat as be rode along. His nasal effort re- these nasty, stinking bikers. They appear sembled the sonnd of a cross-cut saw : 'See- saw Canadiani cattle landing at English ports. to think that the etiquenne and tastes ot the. '-see-saw 1" and the passengers laugbed ant bis IEnglanil loec;n't believe in protection by counitry must be forced inioUne wlth t4e r,'imitation. Af ter a fnim- he reacbed a climax in dlites lut puts it on by reducing the value baif-naked, Ioud-smelling bodies and, ' his -~,ilù rng, and awoke with a big snort and a of the ilîport in thîs insnance, by having il roanners. What kind of lives thqe ",Yspden start. Keepnng mn mind the see-saw sl.rigbîeruil on !anding. live at home we know not, but -w dad, n ortegassengers shcnouîe rsyuck The peiipleîkilled by the, multi-murderer strongîy. They should Pt 'Piastld a Knot 1'" nrgr atiscnrvryuo that the oid-fashioned worid, o~ ent tra. h brbo ody Iwudntws cb lilies cor l nlt bave been of nuucb ac- dit ens, stili exists te somee t * t although misundersneod. I believe there are irue cbris- coutin or tbey wouîd have been missed now apparennly se far bthnd the bikers' dians, and rnanyu ot îhem-too halhowed, 10 lu rouer. It îs certain tbat so far as tbe îist ideas as te be invisible. This is about ail sacred, to criticîse. God lorbid that I shouîd aas ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~a ben opee b ate eeaiw aebsyo h ujc fbkn hs anything te injure ibeir feelings in the slighn- has eenconpleed he artes ereaitwe hve o sy o th sujec ofbikng hiest Nor do I wisbh o have what I may write ciooks excepnt te poor Pitezel cbildren, and week, but shail be ready to take it tup again etaken as persona] ta Rev. T. M.inning, as I have the .laughter of the innocent ones appears at any time. neyer beard anght but good of that reverend io have )eetn the lime wbeni he cemrnitted a- gentleman. The church et to-day bas hewn si %Iihmutfidhm u.Town Loeal.out a name for itseîf--engraved would perhaps Whitbys civic holiday wiil be celebrated be the proper word He tbat runs may read. Rememuber'the Wednesday night moon- That name is SOCIETY. BMlore long the very n a maniner- which will net be forgotten for light excursion on Aug. 14th, from Whitby, buildings wiil cry oui, as did many of their hory manîy a day. The Scotchmen of Central Oshawa, and Bewmanville. Gents 35c., headed occupants long snce : "Ichabod 1 Olntarioe[have twice held their Caledonian ladies 25C. Ichahed !" M1y giary is deparîed. According tanesbereandonsnc ocasongav a4th Highlanders Ba.nd. ne Mr Man ning the church of to-day is better limstiriteado hocso aeathan ta fysedy h odSehr hitrcday's fun and entertainment, but Civic rhoiuay will afford the first eppor- tbat:ofMyserdao y. TheGad Shepherd- bhis years celebration wiîî far snrpass any. îunity te the people of the county of Ontariolowas:myHwab h sheepknoemyvoi, nhaeyfl hing, of thie kind ever seen in Ibis section of of beaning the band of Ibis fa mous regîment.o f tbe flocks of te-day ? Seems te me thse Gocd le countîry.- It is expected Iban many The band] wiîî be in fnll regimentaîs an'] wîîî Shepherds saying has a vice versa meanlng. and bousands wilh cerne here from Toronto, furuish a choice programme of music during 9 ed;"h hpedkoscrvîe and verv bow railway fares have been oh- the day. and he follows us." Departed spirits of the Laitiedi rom ail directions. Thse kilt, the Excursion te the zooo Isla.nds migbty in prayer-ye Covenaners-ye. Wýs1eys knickerbocker, and the bloomer will be On Thursday, Aug. i5th, the Garden City -arise i See the charge committed to their ere in abundance, and we strangly urge wiil leave Toronto for the iooo Islands at trust 1 "Mv bouse shah! be caled a. hofte of ýhat prizes be offered for the handsomest i0 o'clock a. m., and will gather passeugers prayer !" Ye have made it an opera house 1 uit of eacb, We wouhd not wisb te have at Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville, New- Paid soloists ! Song services 1 Box sodiais on ie awarding dne 1 ts en hthaelcs,, otHope n obug fraUie ote-pmnipe# DshyshAmiso0fe 1 t C il s( n C a v a ni k st ru IN t i thq or coh gej foi ae, rai iione, telegraph aid mailsere nsdwe ee eret appear thse glitter and gilding and cor- none îeegrpb ad milsare se' wbn iie r. . Pets and forms and figures would be instantly erte ns no cheap trip. There should and Mrs M A Childs is vtsiting fniends i abuisbed, and there would be a rush to get in nhid be an immense passenger traffic on Oshawa. Uine with those old-Iashioned, humble, lowly, r Canadian railways, aniy that they bar i Mr. John McNaughnon, of Hensail was in true Christian people who, though few sud de- it by rates Ibat are far in excess of the town tItis week. spised. have scnxght 10 serve Christ for tIse love set of carrying people, and whlch are alto- Miss Lettie Brown, of Sarnia, is visiting of his naine. lfe, sufferings aud sacrifices in cm ter out of proportion te thse pnices of Mrs. Chas. McCaw. behalf. I hope tIsat noihing I have written hem lier thiigs aI Ibis time. Railway stocks Mn and Mrs Dent, of Toronto, apent Sun- wsll lead te tIse slightest suspicion tisat I am a e getrng te be poor truck, but in la tthe day it Mr and Mrs Glig scoffer at thse conscientioui devotional methods tes whicli does it. Mr.Tho. Gleof <>îad Mng , w .i practiced ba any Irie christian. 1 aim but toexi Mr Tos Gle o DradMih. wt iipmés publicly my convictions upon tise chumofFo ýown this week,' visÏing his parents and to-day in a iew plain. blunt sentences. net tejn- niany friends. pered te suit any peusons projudices non ta hurt Thse weekly service in St. John's church any pers0n's feelings. was held on Tuesday nigîn this week n- V1ràs stead of Wednesday. Oshawa, Aug. 6, z89,. 1 Picnics on thse beach are very popularA this summer. Se many camnpers make t very lively for visitors. ~M~ES Baseba.ll is boeming; in tise sentis ward stWkt. present. Every night the boys înay be Fali wbeat, 8c.5C n h~t ~. seen practicing. If they keep ou tisey will gooSe wisoat, Boc : backwbàoatcc bar- be ableta play cisc champions beforo thse loy, slx-rowed, 45c to Soc; barley. two- season is aven, and beat tisen, tee. rowed, 4.2c; 130, Soc; t,35 te8; Tise sti. Garden City rau agnround wiseu Peas, e$Mail, 60c; mummy 5ac 6;t landîng the excursion crowd on Thursday poe, black oye, 65c ; binepse0, 60 oe60C ; night of last week, causlng a sllght dela. CIov«, Aleike, $soo te 5.0;4wrtlqs In tise efforUt t get tise steamer ashone a per bmbu, 3X te 60C ;' 147 $7 te '$;' a spile waa breken wilchis l, hwV W .-b.ed hay, $10 to $1; bIItr, x1C te re ing repîaced by a new one. cge, sic; drSffbodbogesPto$ý25 A sllght accident occursred on thse bau eb09g14 il, WOIght -M-$.5 - o . 1- 1 I ne east this week, wheu a hooewlth a twôat buggy centalniug two 18(1108 Ma swayi Thse foIkwlgg are hgetpic u~4 tisrowing bath eut. Fortuttatély they were ih wte=qustd net hurt aud as tise bore.wua Caa r bt bs ,ýrodCI1wd 8oc, om CM about hall a muile front wherete t "td oy01 0, at74 6fltlnPS 4ç' were able te reeme their journiey wfteU-t r-O 500. IsAy $ZVi tO$11, eUMW 173 any furtiser trouble,.. 11t 7 a U Sd d iO Tis Ton C~.d ~ ..«13-S.0, potatoos Per as40C- T e own co n isdtal 4w a i . a ot s l . - stiructing tetowip cIeik te O 1f Ik >.F& anits Whnit or 8 lans nolt t deliver «y mocc miIk on Saday -- aller Aug. le. th. May b. wulsa tta Mo cntw* Sâcu in -m îO »fl cf the town counicil to tegWtein.ta rd1o theLordadarand 1f way belo. ce-s and tbeymy bave O wrdote h.uatt t hlgbest judi aiSur fora d.d.;t.. in thse m=sttme thse qaqos nw" hebt near1y toceem UIUhiao b ti i. wbywtà(ea moite 4,o Fr9ns the ime- Sonouv. wtW the %Nht%ÀI4 7 ur hat ese ed.GR A SATURDAY, ug't. 3NWIDREW W. H. WARRE] Haywar seils the best goods, jmost of them for the .4least money. We are oonstantly on the look- Iout for bargains. Every week we go to Toronto and-bunt-the markets- and the cash enables us8 to, seoure m»y lots- of good~a Êt Liitpria.. That's why,-we oa oi 80 obesp. Evy 7w.ek Wif-fiu4 uS, withi new Hues of up-to-dAtegoo40 .t. Toronto prices. T~ia -week w. ibave . eourea Borne vI DRY MOOS DRY GOODS, - WHITBY. If'! ~R1 100DB BT0RE, o o o o o o o o o '~W. H. WARREN. SALýE Having had a large trade this spring, we find pile after pile of Remnants on our counters, consisting of Prints, Ginglians, Clill6s, Do1aines, Dress Goods In Serges, Henrietta, both in Black and Colored; Silk,. Flannel- lettes, Shirtings, Tweeds, Check and Spotted Muslins, Factory Cottons, White Cotton, and a great many other uines all of whieh will be SOL ID AA7rTj:yDQWN Corne and secure some of the Bargains befcYipe they are ai gone. 81 Rernember thte day and date, August lOth, 1895. .«U ROssD 'RING THE PRE SENT MONTH we purpose offering some Goods-44-jn Serge, reguliar 20e., for 15. 46-in. Amazon, -reg. 25e.,v for 20C. 38-in ail wool Serge, reg 25c, for 20c. 42-mn Shot Effeets, 40o and 45e, for 27c. 44-in Coating_ Serge, reg 60c, -for 43c. 44-lu__"_ ) Covert Cloating, reg 75c, for 63. 'lI Black Berge-_ froni' 25e , te 90è. Hlenriettas from 25o to $1. Faney Black from 25o to $1.e Prints"- Ail our regular 14je prints for 10c. Sateéns,. reg 15e and 17e, for 12jec. Duek Suiting, reg 15c, for 10c. Hosiery, Gloves, - Handker- -chiefs, Corsets, (in ail the popular makes) at, very low price'. Table Linen from 20c. Towelling from 5c. yd. Linen Towels from 5c each. In Men's Furnishings our stock is thoroughly aiisorted and at iér close prices. In Men's, Yonths' and,-oys'" Clothing we are offering the very best goods in the -market, well made and perfect fltting, and at prices that cannot be beaten. WARREN, WHITBY,'_ J L. A.Stewart, -CanadnMaae may . our- PiniF ver I1 - - Czar Hld This Sei and i Ho wi clearî gyet ti . i x r JEWEL Offiiai Couty tRIonCfau LOCk Moonliglin ex, Thsis season aIl ing out. Hardwood din at W. Tillis. Miss Eliza Se at Mn Wm Wick Now for thse City on Aug. i15t New stock cor Waltens'. Pricet Miss Theresa Visiting, the gueu $500 in prizes a Civic holiday, Ai me. Wednesday, ~ trip ta Tarante a Grass on thsela atjune ist, andc cf thse past. Conner, thse ne stock cf stationer present fine snack Uni Gross and day last te spen sug friends and r Guelphs. - Tise pramnoters taWkng cf gettlng harbor soon, the funther imrnpnvem The follawing luto town on si ~isre, CeaStu crane, sd Mr Mr and Mis W 'Ioge, mwed frc 'MitchI4l, on Pnii trip bt shlCe Mr W C Michel - the saie eveuin, w--efl away ona tneý our readers Sous. (rosisbicj enag býre Saturd strangers, and ai with thse grip thse aud its contents, worid ta conquen, (if sncb- feU at nia vénlety by passi hlm' tceacis othise thein sflving on I were.satisfled te aý A -good genenal Brewïn,. Byron St. zring ban& Fer everyyoee tisere wiiI be a j th furuiiss music lbitiion grounds,< Caledonian Ganes. Thèse. games s on , ivig' hcuda.i.. - tise 34 New Inua o Wrt. .--aie«.i gPgCIArL AUGJ8T The United Sta tes Hea-d office--INEW YORK City*, i ý 1 1 1 , . ý , , . ý , . ý Wu He REMNAlq 10 m NEW DRY DS si nul 9ALEx k,--e

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