Whitby Chronicle, 9 Aug 1895, p. 2

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Restorea n.atural color to the hsair, and so o reventa it talliing but. Xra. ~ H.W. Penwick, of N.8,says: "A littie more tfal tW o ears ag<) MY l1air le an -hto Urn a yl~ ~gani ff onit.\- r4 ter t10 nsc, of Çne bottie of Aycr' s Ilair Vigor miv hiair was resto;red to its origiii color and ceased falling mnt. An Occasional applIication haq silice kqtt the liair in good condfition."M~ H. F. FENWICK, Digby, N. 'Orowth of Hair. "Eright years ago, 1 hi itlî varîio- ld 'Lnd Iost my hali-,N'.hich previ- 0Us1'y was q nite'aburîdant. 1 trited a. varioty of-preparations, lt lwitlî- out benéficiaàl resuit, ti:i 1I bogan ta fear 1 should 1w erntu1 a About six nîonths ago, TwLui n broug'it home a btttt: f(il'Aver's IaÎrli Vir, and 1 hegan at oiilCO to use !'t. In a short tir).pt'rw liiir began to appear, anti r my4 every l)ri)3POeCt of as ,'Nvth of lin îr as befort' i - Mrs. A. s'.! BUit, Jt(41\:-ia .0-',-W AYERIS LHtâ ViGOR ?REPARit nv 13 DR, J. C. AYER & CO., LOWELI, MASS., U .S. A. i.uer'a Pil cure .Sick Ileadache. i OORRESPONDENCE BOWMKANVILLE. Mr, Fred McCiung. Toronto, i bomie for vacation. 4 Miss Eva Moore, B3rookîrId, lias bu-ni visiting friends here. Mmc. jas. Gale is visitîng friends in P>ort Perry. Mr. M. L.ockhatuof Columbus, Ohio, is visiting his father in tawn. Mr. Couch, Raglan, bas been visiting Mn.> A. J. Saunders, Toronto, has been spending bis holidays au horrTe. Mn. S. Vanstone and daugbuer, Mmc. t Norticote, have been visiuing relatives in Toronto, Messrs. Howard McMux-ury and Mai- colm Galbraith are spending their holu- days in Kingston. Mr. W. G. Clark.e<if Coîborne bas been appointed Commercial Master of Pickering College. Miss Nettie Sherin, Napanee. and Miss Maud Mason, Peuerboro. are guests au Mr. Thos. Sherin's. Mrs. Gea. L. Quick, Miss Alice and Master Fred are visiting friends in Rochester, N. Y. Tie Garden City wiil run another-ex- cursion ta Toronto on nexu Wednes- day August 14th, leaving Bowmanville v wharf at 7.30. Mns. James Gale, editor of the West Durhami News. and Mn. Arthur Caw- ken are enjoying a holiday, taking in -the Mackinac trip. Miss Kaue Cuits of Belleville, daugh- ter of tic late Rev. Jas. Curts, Metho- dist minîsuer, has gone ta India as a missionary. Mr. and Mmc. E. E. Stoner of Win- niîpeg, Man., and Misses Annie and. r Edna Gould of Toronto, and Mmc. Mat-' tiews and son Harold of Montreal, are t: guests au Mr. Rich, Gouid's. The trade in umbrella rnending mnust be irnproving, the latesu to strike town being an umbrella menden with a horse end wagon in which weme a woman, dog and the necessany adjuncts to tic trade. There has been a great many tramnps in town Iately. Most of them are strang able-bodied men who no douibi tramp aroand thc country simply 1.0 get a living, and as long as oun citizens continue to feed them ticy may expect to be pestcncd with them.- Word bas been received of tic sale arrivai of Editor James and panty ln England. The Editor proved tic poor- est sailor of the party-, being sick neanly ah tice way oven. They had a veiry un- pleasant voyage. The remainder of the party stood tic voyage . pretty yvei and are now enjoying themseives among their Englisi friends.--Statesman.- Work bas beRun on the new band stand, which wil be a creditvo, the towu. Tic stand when complete yUl <oi $îo.Cannington-doos otdç> a $hi iiù utby4p halvea.I 1ha The Salvation army lassies were in town on Monday with their brass band and gave a programme in the hall in the evening which was well received. Mr. Henry Morxison, of Toronto, made us a very pleasant cail on Mon- day last, The sudden death of Mrs. Saunders, of this place, occurred on Monday momning last. Sh. had been troubied with her hcart for sornie trne and re- ceived a paralyuuc stroke at the last. The farniiy h-ave the syrnpathy of the entire comrnîanity. Rev. Mr. Carsîveli, who occnpied Ail Saints' puipit for a numrber of vecars, w-as again with us lasu Snnday. Thie ,t igrega-tiutn were more tit de- liglittut to bear Nlr. Carsweii again. Flic vork intlitu. 11(w nethodi.4 chiirch is ptai\~ rîtgressitîg andi il nt.looks as titi uîrgh it wouid bu 'a i ertîîositîg eiiwe. Tiie ibantd piavud a shotrt prograni nie on t lit st rtut 'on Saturriay c'en ng. TFlic-siiaii bay and tl- pe-ople Nwiîh hîîîrser atnd rig-, got in ihvir -%ork anti tbe batnd scared a nuniber oifb irses. H3AMPTON. Nirs. G. A\vcry bas been îisiting rela- tuves ai T\vrone.' NI rs. C. Hatii . i ', i ilopc, cMieti on friends bere tlii uuk NIi vs L, G. Saiter i.- i kiti,,ng ber sister M - Uit t- lier l- \il*ktng frîends in Tornc nîoand 1)raytî -r. Nilsk Nt-lie Na-. iatrltn guest ît. Nîr. T. E i )îir atinual piuti4 x_ 1 buliîeid ai sti tra: friii bore t in the exciîr- -I) U t'it.lie titvi on hîtrý'- Nit. R . P Atd;-ut -andI parti pai(] Lis ad iiiri irltinu tdiv ii>rt u Ni is I.1. Aluin is visiting witi ber brother, NIr. W. R. Ailan, ai Toronto. Miîss Ethel Clark las returned from a pleasant visît witlb friends ai Oshawa. N u-n iSiOr Nrs Hckericlge, Ton)iiti,; NIrs. 1), Kîrkland, 0rono, at Ni r, -. . radlev-s-Ni rs. Botter, En- ti-ilt.at Nîr. T. \XVard's; NIr. W. J. Cile, b, at Ni r.. T. Coic-s. NIrs- W. G. Ville, (liao at Mr. G. Kur-lake's :Miîss ( i1 îlow-n. at Mr. F.J G(ir 5 ts:-NIis i.Exeter, ai Nli. UXBR[IDGE. Nir. Nlloc',\I. P.,- and Rev. Father Motrris, oif Newniarkei. were in iown Elast weel, for a dai's fisbing. NIr. and NIrs. F. H. Crosby and farnily- are spending a few davs 'in the conntry ai Mr. F. Dobson's, Reach. Mr, Joseph Ward bought a few bot-ses here yesuerday and shipped a car ioad. Good animnaIs are geting scarce.1 The marriage of Mr. W. Lousdale and Miss Bertha Galloway is reported. They are spending their honeyrnoon au Jackson's Point. Mr. A. D. Williarns is still seriously ili. The docuors hold out no hope of recovery. Hic three sous are hem. frorn the States fearing the worst. with rubber cernent, and looks very neat. It is lighter tan the ordinany rubber tire. Mm. Nix has also recently made a leather tire for a man near Manilla, the material used being collan leather. Both are muci cheaper than the negular tires, but their durability is the next thing to decide. We believe if the single tube rubber tires were me.. duced considerably in prie. they would be used much more extensively; the poorest rider would flot mind buying a new pain every year tien. Sake kMUadby SUU1 A couple of youngr ladies in tic west wand. while sitting at a panlor window tie other day, were horrified to sez- a big snak.e raise its head through a slat walk near tie ýwindow and look affec.. tionately at them. They hastened away for arms, and returned with a spaîde and an axe. One took a clip atý hus head with the spade and pinned hlmh to the'walk, wille the other chop- ped hlm iînto three inch pieces with the axe, sendlnj. the blade down at each aperture belveen the aIta. Alsike cloyen is tumning out Very well in this vicinity. Miss A. Brown and her brother Fred were the guests of the Misses Scott this week. e Mm. C. Asling has nearly completed his new stable. The- building is quite commodiaus, and a credit to the place. We are somry to report the illness of Miss M. McGregor. It is stated, how- ever, that the young lady is recoveming. It is rurnored that Messrs. Frank and Thomas Watson jr. intend suarting for Dakota to put iin uhe uhreshing season. Mrs. John Watson is siowiy rucover- ing from ber recent iiiness. \Ve hope ibai in a few~ more %veeks she wiil be resuored to ber wNonied bcaitb. 1lier niother bas arrived front Michigan, and is nmow rnsuaiied as nurse. ()ur Sons oif Temrperance friends are getiing soifle intported badges foth e iilhcers. The programs giveri for tbe - -got-)d oif the <rter- are extiepui<inallv good oif late. Music predominates, and mnany <if tbe performers give cvidence oif good talent. We sec no reason w-hy tbere could not Uc a good orchestra organized in connection wiib ibis souc -, lu old forrnan excellent suhooi for a number of aur young niausîcrans. -journal. WRMITE VA LE NI r. and MIrs. Middieton oif Titri min aire visiting NIrs. Thos. Ward. \Ir. Tonm VWindsor. oif Woodstock, ir- rusticating wisb friends bere. TFlecniany friends<of NMr. E'1i Wilson wiil bc picaseti to iearn thiiat he lias benengaged a goo)d saiary sprn ciplo<f tbe public scbt»d au Little Cij rreni. NMr. and Mrs. Wilso,(n ieaî-e fo)r ubat place nexu weck. -NIr. W. E. Lount has reîurned fron a trip to Buffalot. M.\rs. Robinson and famllv ibis week ren-oi-ed un Niarkbam on accout o<f tbe better educationai facuities <if ubai ut mwn. Thev wili be vers- mach mic;sed bore. The choir oif the meubodisi cburch is berng re-organized wiuh the infusion <if c<nsiderabie neîî-binA<) anti a comiiet- ont <rganisi ut) take the place vac.îied îbrough Ms Picketu's renîo-ai. A greai improvenient xviii no doubt bu soon discernab)le. Qute a number auuended the circus performance au Toronto an Monday and describe the sighus as wonderfni to bebold. Mr. Wm. Hagerman was horne on Sauurday froni the city where he is au pre.senu engaged as an undertaker's assistant. He wiil likeiy soon return to his Whitevale situation as if flot s0 lucrative it is certainiy of a more con- genial nature. Hic retumn will be a source of gratification to those interest- ed in musical and church work, for to uhose bis absence causes a great blank, and bis cpeedy retumn ta those circles is a consunimation ýevoutly ta be prayed for. CERERRYWOOD. Messrs. Harrington and Atkinson, spenu Sunday au J. Collins. Miss Farrnery, of Green River, visit- ed at Mm. DavidIson's on Sunday, Seo !y New -fress!1 It used ta b. my mamma's old cashmere, which she hook ta pieces and dyed with Dia.m mrond Dy» and from Uncle Jack's aid coat dycd aven;xaom said 'twas easy te <bye. wfitli uý»n are miade for n - the. Fallse thi reat joy of bohh dog aud boy a happy reunion hock place, but when the return trip for Lindsay was -ar- ranged by some miehap tha boy and dog ised, aci other and had ta travol in différent coaches. The boy strnok bis homo a day before the sagaciaus -animal, wieh e a cos. betwoen a Newfound- land and an Irish poiuîter.-Watohman. The TideTuraI& Great Imprgvement in tbeo Healtb, of a W.!!. Kuown Peterboro' Lady. Mn. Percy Bell, Guelph, visited is mothen heme. Tic R, T. of T. picnicked at Pearce's Point Saturdav afternoon Mrs. John A. Bell is goî ng tos.tnicago to join her husband shomtly. .Mm. Gea. Stilwell, Kiilarney, Man., is visiuing au Capt. Gibson's. Mrs. Heiems, Walkerton, is visittflg ber father, Mr. John Barfett. Miss Melirase and lady fienid, of Peterboro, are visiting au Mr. John Gn ex-es - Mr. Bd. Taylori-of Oakwood, has the honor of having marketed the firdt boad of this beason's faX wbeat. He visited Lindsay on Tuesdy sd Wednesday and sold te Mr onO'Leary, the popular buyer for Dundas & Flavelle Bros. The price paid was 75c. a bushel. On the farrn of Mr. Thos. Ray, four miles senthwest of Lindsay, tha roturne from one field of aleike claver tusB year will pay the. rent and taxes. On the. sanie farm thie yield of hay is excellent, while grain and root crops are a good* average. The farn is Ieased by Mr. Walter Arksey and a partuer for a nurn- ber of years. Thorougli farming pays eveny tume. Mn. W. G. St. Johin, of Sunderland, has invented and pateuted a pea btind er wbich for qnick and good îvork is claini- ed ta exceli aill thers on thie market. Jr was racently given a vcry severo test when it was found that witb o e of tlîrse bundlers a boy eau with comparative ease do the~ work of three mnie. A Mariposa farmer named S. Wood- bridge, near flittie Britain, recently eut a fine 14 acre field of ateike clover whicb. when tlmre.aed yielded six atnd a balf bushels to tiie acre. Hagg ]3ros. pur- chased the seed, exohanging therefor a cheque for $500. Who says farming does not pay. M,ýr. Robert Corneil, thie genial insur auce mian, is carrying bis niglit aria rin a siugi, as the resuit of a painful accident On Sunday morning last It appears R{obert wa8 up betimes, and proceedeti to the stable ta look after the wants of bis horse. On thie way thither, atid in passing tlîrough the woodebied, he siippe1 on a nioist place on the flonr, alightim-w heavily on bis ehoulden and breaking, bis collar boue. While the accident wat, a very painfui one, Mr. Camaeil is not totRl lv disabled by any means, and je stili able and anxions ta attend to ail ariens iu bis lin. with neatness and dispatcb. Mn Chas. Budd, manager for James Carruthens & Ca., lias been through the district around Tanonto looking at the craps. lHe made exaniinations in the fields, and found tbe crope, especially the wbeat crap, in mucli better condition than currant *reports placed tbem at. Anound Markham whieat, peas, bariey, al)ti ( ats look welI, and hay bas been a fair crop. From. Lorneville Junetion up ta Orillia thre crops couid flot b. better, and froni Onillia down ta Beeton lie founid theru in excellent condition. A s4m fie of winten wlîeat taken froni a field near B3eaverton was verv fine, tihe barrieis baing plumb, and nunning as bigb as 58 ta the bead. Around Georgetawn the straw je rather short and crope fDot so satisfactory. Fishing on the Sougog is in full blast. That lake is swarmad witb gentlemen froni "the. othar sida," who came bers ta catch, or buy aur Canadian maekinonge. It je a pretty eight ta see tiiese Yankee fieb.iiawks; in searcii of thein pney, and >lucky ie that fieh that escape aithar thair lire or lucre. Tiie question je asked by timerous Canadians, 'lis aur oounDtry in danger from, those advonturers ?" But Mr. Thos. Paul ie thora aleu witbh hi light oanoe, the white saii of whicb flit. tors about amongst theni lîke a veritable 66will-a'.the-wiqep." Ile i.stars and Stripes at bis mast headP No but the grand aid Union Jack, in whioh hie heari i. wrapped echoas, "noa aurrender," while Tom Swain, at Caesara boldse i.kay Binder Central Prisoni Twî'ne. Make.1 Thi s Twine is pure, well-made, and guaranteed to bii:d mare sheaves froni each b-cil thutn any other make in the market. Price 7 ets. per lb. No second quality made at the. Central Prison. Ail finet-class. Leave you or lare ah once. J. H. LONG, June l4th, 1895. WHITBY.1 NOE TO CREDITONS 0fannlez. ed ýaskoursef aKsed. that e ail p ersn a ingdamsacionthe estate ofh Aeand er ieast lie het wnship af BOf, county of O tania. farrewoed. intestate. Yebruarv 4th. 1895. are on or before the lâth day.-of Auguti 1895, to send ta the undersigned Adrsijnistratar of the said Estate, their christian names and sur- names, addresses and descriptions, with.the ful particulars of their claiis or accounte. And that after the day last aforesaid, the un- dersigned Admninie3trator will proceed ta dis.- trihute the Estate of tbe so.id deceased amaong the pensona entitied thereto, having regard only ta dlaims or accoun ts of wbich be shall at that date bave notice, and wiliI fot be reýponsiblè for tbe said Estate, or any portion tbereof, ta any persn whose dlaim ehI~l not thenu bave been received. JUIY 81h, 2895- A. B. DOBSON, Administrator of Estate. Fordwick. Ont. MANLEY'S Like a Miracle Consumpion-Low Condition Wonderul Rosuits Prom Tkn Hood'ss au'sapailIa. Miss Hannah Wya&tt oritOnt. -Pour years ago while'in the old country England), n'y daugliter Hannali was sent away from the hospital, ii a verY low condition wlth consuxnption of the lungs and bowets, and weak action of the heart. Tie.trip across the water to thus country seemed to make lier feel better for a whule. Then ahe began to get worse, and for 14 weeks she was unable to get off the hed. She grew worse for five months and lost the use of lier limbs and lower part of body and if she sat Up In lied had to be propped up with pillows. Pliysicians Sald She Was Past Ail Heip and wanted nie to send her to the 'Home for Incurables.' But 1 said as long as I could hold my biand up she should flot go. W. then began, H0od'S"PrC ures Wo give ber Hood's Sarsaparfla. She is gettiflg strong, walk s around, 19 out doors eoey day; bias no trouble with ber throat and no cougb, and lier hentrt seexns W lie al] riglit arin. 8lie hasfisttts apetite. We regad ber cure as nothlng short of a mniracle." W. WYATT, 89 Marion Street, Parkdale, Toronto, Ontario. IIood's Pills are purely vegetable and per!ectly harmless. Sold by ail drugglsts. 25c. THE IOST SIICCESSFUL REIEDY FOR MAN OR BEAST. £Ootaln i Useffeets md never buiaeTu Re" d «Wbelow à KENDALL'S SPAVIN URE, DozIpAmnmdcmn CID., DH, 2%6.5'. Dmr BIra-Pleamom"me one ale ouiHoe Dokasu o1ie~Ihaveuod a gne5loLc au Ocoual S 9p*vavn d ftve boUàm scm-ad hS. IL keep é cm bctJ on au a i eire KEUILL'SPAVII RESR 1139.1. KZRDTlu. ,Dv'i e ttdnk 15 Ibe beatiLimmener BM ], FoS à y a rtta.r addrm -Pl I LQUS EAiNSG DYSEPSt__IAý Y 'Mr. MN. lBreen lias the contract for bild(ing the gravel road FishCery bridge. .Mr. lirc Brent of the Standard 13ank, K ni.,st i. l home spenditig h 1(1 da s. M r. \Vm. liCc~e as gone to 13ul lcvillu \whurc bu 1)irp<)ses residing at his datigliturs, 't!rs. 1nevIl To Make Pure Blood TherA i-; no mneitce befre the p.eople eq4Ial to it t Sariqaparilia. It ws t e standard spring menetine and blitorliirifitrt and it pt.t. sesses ;tecultar rnRrit wh;ri ',hers try in vail to reach. It really iraket oit- weak stmotig Do not neglect t tc îfy i or blood this spring. Take Hood's Sarmitopsrirba now. Rlooi's Pis ipetttiý, .. f t' tp c;tthartic witii e%,31v ne wtt trI- . bn . per îx Regins rrîtnrsters rztve the fair ' irectorm a rakingt er for keepiiig he show tî,,na o12Sun- lay. Wher. Baby was sick, we grave hé-r Camtoia. Whon she was a ChiLd, she cried ior Castonla. When sht. became Miss. shie cdun to Castonia. 'When sbe had C'id', -~e.snCastora. Farrners at Morden, Man.,ý.are cuTting oaUt and bariey. Minard'a Liniment Cures Distemper.

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