Whitby Chronicle, 2 Aug 1895, p. 8

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Mr, Geo, Masson la visitng bis aid frbends in QllngbeaealteretisWk ISL P ~ ~è t. c t L O U P town. ~~~~~~Mrs. W eires on Tuesday iand,)drs.R bet Tie iss N w on v ied re da ee 'r' (MO- Flint Of Montreal, la visiting at Mr. son's on Tbursday. oet on Sabbatb. ~v~KrJ A.ND HORSE 5Jh yads Mrs. Geo. Graham, of bito ndMs. Ms. Gibson has almnost entirely recovered Migc Ada Remington of Toronto, is visiting S. H., Graham, of Whitby, were vlsitlig re- after a prolonged illnesof several months. Mrs. Wru. Dickie, lativeù'bere a few asao Misa Mabel Tripp has returned homne from fro te nnyane f he Miss Christie McDougalî la spending ber holi. There are great complainte of wells giving the north, where she has been vifiting Texas Fly by using the days at Lakeflid, out lately, but we hope wItýithre tains wbich reb s Mr. Chaplain of the Cedar Dale works, is have fallen 80 freely lately they wilI sonbc Mr. T. Alln and sister, of Bowmanviile, TEX 8 L O/ T ENT. visiting in St. Catherines. repienished again. visited Mr. Jno. Lewis and family on' Sab. Mrs. las. Guinette and famiiy lett for Buffalo Q uite a number from here went on the Mr. T'ios. Lewis bas flot entirely recover. - A Sure Remedy. on Tbursday to visit friends there. Uni~on S.S. excursion last Wednesdayand a ed from bis late ilinessa, but la improving Mr.W. artr, f Bgnr, a aendng is a-larger number attended the Prince AIbert S. satlsfactorlly. -.-25 Cents per Tin. Mtlr. W. C ather, Mgnr. J. Carer.nbs a S. excursion on tuesday tis week. Miss Annie Weatheraîî, after a visit of Mr. A. Bale of Burns and Co's boot and shoe RAGLAN. sopie weeks witb ber sister Mrs. T. Wilii 4NGLD)FOOT, large double sheet, store, left for 'Jýronto on Monday. Our Lîla H. paid the boteikeeper a flying bas returned home. 8e for 10c. Mis Burt of Toronto, spent a few days re- visit last Friday afternoon. Messrs. Lawrence & Son, our popular PU3SIIINSCT OWD R, e. enty wtb er roterMr.G~o ButOn Sunday afternoon the inspector paid carpenters, have of late been working for an oz. 4 oz. tor 15c. A private excursion is being run from bere to our hoteikeeper a vîsit. Found al the gatesMrCunereaBroi. Nigaa ex Mndy y teme Edk. shut. Warner bas joined the Mt. Zion choir. anY OA.DS1ANDoP. PEor,15 . Nagrev. r.MLan oftCamuribureaice in Mra. Loren Hezzelwood, .Ohio, la here .on He will, we are sure, prove quite an ac- PA SAND lO pr package , 5 .thev.Pr. yLernourC lumusay enang na visit et her motier-in-law's, Mrs. William quisition to the saine as he is a good basa, W. A..pe Lukg, t th Pesye, of Elrclst SOo'ady eegoastrHezzeiwood. oh, pro fund do. l A.joLng a tEirs w&elc' v dcatio in Mtorek,. Mr. Loren Foster la away to Newcastle on The Emerson, Richardson & Co. have <>J~4~f ~Lo Tima o PrtHo e . a visit wittbbis frienda there. Hope be wili again commeiiced their regular trip to tbe Viu8 P u s r , Mis o hma fPraHp ssndin ejo bsecity, hrtey avso fetsodte V L~! ',~ t r ,ber hoidays ithber mother, Ma.1 1 a. ejo h sl.marks wîefre tyhave o o t es tood Bimcoe St. south, Oshawa. Silas Urqubart, of Eby's drug store, 15s pend. Mr. James Coucb star-ted of asat Saturday marskes berbasitbgoo d rIts. ic ing bis bolidays i Toronto, Buffalo, and other on a tour towards Bowmanville, then norti k lvrbstke rpl rc points. to Blackstock, thence to Port Perry and and now the farmera are ready to seli at $5 ,, landed borne on the 3oth July. We hope a bushel whIle a few days ago you couid as Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Ryley and fam, who Mr. Couci was auccessfuil ln finding the fair easily secure neariy $6 for the saine seed. have been visiting fiends in Bethany and Lind- one, Sbowery weather bas alter a long vaca4~on 'CL' It '(d~say fortthe frastt wddin sin hae iune .C.cur Our merchants called tbe council together taken the place of tie droutb. Farmers WThe k placeudadving n Mr. JasL . Galabr and got a by-law passed giving them power have now somte hope of this season's roof _____place________________MrJas._________ to close thirar n veyFrda night at ___ ,aithougb the turnip crop is not ver-y being married ioMss0 acyo CdrDae balf-past seven, iu order that they cati have ___ih od ay '08RAWATie Women's Gulld of St. George's churci one night in the week for a ltIe recreation. Mr. Dove, our Young miniater, la quite AU G. 2?185 intend holding their annual garden party on Plesse govern yourselves accordingly. popular, He la a spleidid hand at visiting, 2, 189~Aug, Sîb, on Bishop Bethune College grounds. r Edn MYRTLE. carry ing aiong wî& bhim a very agreeable Rev.. Sycomore, of Whitby, and Rev.Mr sEdi Hodges is having ber bouse and pleasing manner, and bas aiready won Clark, of Osbawa, occupled the Baptist churci bricked up tis week and Mr. Gardiner (rom for biniself man:r friends. pulg!t iasr Sunday. Rev. Mr. Marshalla away Port Perry la doing the work. oiJ. N. Hortop la jubilant over the visitation An s iansriewlbehlinte Mr Lesley Briggs and famiiy (rom Toronto o anothrbb boy being added to is ing from past song services a musicaltries: ts in Dvd rggfo imps fwdaapibtese peamwihurance agentsad -7 store for ail wbo attend. Tie Simcoe st churci The religlous services in connection witb from r meetinpearance ereon suce OSHAWA. choir comprises sorne of tic best voices in town, the quarterly meeting ot this circuit will be artrly mwi ev etig asBedre on Sabtn. BUINS8NOIC.-Osaw abai-beaand nuder teleadership ofMr. V.Hunt b eld atBetbaný' churci ou Sunday next t H lratwhev.anecelenBrmofflatn B oe adv NOTICE.- Osayasbsinesimproved very rapidly. Mr. Ed. Carmichael ieft last week for Numbrs 13 dan eceletsemo0.o Mnr. . Bitbasa ettr n ta ee's atrio, owa iteniuto to ebLudoibe-ebss ad M3. .n.Brown preacbed vitir the CHRÃ"NIcL or may obtain extra M.RW.Blbaa etriibswesWaeloIo ,inndgosoptLnonhebefore, and the congregation likes hlm copies at any time, troni FE. R. Roger-s. Vindicator advocating s bospital for our town. and Chicago for a few days at eacb place. better esci time. Faîser wll o elltocai a M.E.Tic idea la a good one, sud wcll worti tic con- Mrs. Silas Ver-non was taken seriously il At tic epbwortb league meeting of last aysfor boys' ready made clotbiug. a stiration ofou rl nodb eofci tix val ueiw ea e o-ulaaM artaltweek Mn. Robt. McAvoy was re-eiected as If i's h a nice French china dinner or anaatheton wd cn.Oshouit ie o r vleweek, but she is very rnuch betten at tie preaident for r895.A more competeut officen If you wiai to tic towu nd vxcsnity. Oshawa la RogicaYe, tie of writing. hntsgnlmncuo escndb tea st, or anytblng lu fancy china, or glass- and oui cîtizens are ever resdy and wiiling t hnti eteabant escrdi Ware, go to E B Morgan & Son. gve their support to anything that la lu tic lu- Mn. James Dixon is getting some better of this part of tic country, consequentîy he is terest of tic rown, and that would make our the typboid fever, sud ]lst weck young kept froni year to ytar in this official capa- aIt wiii pay any parties conternplsring buiy. îw p. baei vr epc.Mr etCalyMCen hobsbe iigwt iy tg au engagement or weddiug ring to see to -dt ueey n e:CarlyMCen wobsbeuivn i iy tir lrgestck f eItBrs.,Osawuasplaces tic coat of buildings and ueccssary flutinga Mn. Dixon for sorte time, was taken down Some diareputable char-acter took (r tbey lrg sltskonFtivery c hawa as. 10mccl oui requirements a: #3,5S0.This witi tic saine disease. C. J. Stevenson's binder one of the drive Gtey ie dl iamon 14. ony ssce y fr-ch amoun: be would raise by governanent and Mn. Robert Chishoîni and family returned chains and some other articles, a few nigits alson m ag 4K.omeseilvofslu entsre municipal "nats, private subacriptions, andialso from Kinmount lsst week wiere they have ago. Suspicion dotsaflot point towards any *lmadi nd'Boynes' ol s ialerwinGes.ocs',wt ted of benevolent societies whici have been living for some littIe time, and have person or persons lu tua neigbborhood, as Ltd «l nd Boy ' gld nd ilvr w tch s. oneandare doiug ut preseur sucfi good work moved luto Mn. Clinton Hurlbut's bouse. we daim to live among honorable prople. S«e tien. FeIt Bros. with nursing aud caring for their sick mnembera, We are glad to bave thc famiy locate here Thefts like tuis offert take place in othen He would also extend an invitation to tic towu- again. localities, but tis ilathie first we bave to dis- sbip of Eas: Whitby to ahane lu tbe cmat$, 10 MANOME E close froni icre, sud wc bave every reason Miss Fions Bennett la speudlng ber boiidaya malte up for their lack of intereat in thc pa. tu Toronto. Evident lytic wien had lu mind the case of tic Fine weatber ah present to spoil the amali to helieve some party outaide tic neigibor- Miss Ail Butiand left for Belleville ou Satun- farnily lu Cedan Dale, tiat one of oui local pby. Irish apples. bon ofKinaledidhi .hbeig day Wrgîr. iciaus attended by order of tic neeve of that Mn. aud Mr-s. Tios. Grahami spent Sun-SAN IE . Mmi H. Boue, of Toronto, la tic guest of municipality. After spending a preut deal of day lu Columbus. Miss Blakely la lmproving iu healtb. Mis. JohnBoue.ini tinl doctoring this famiiy be sent bis bill0 MssAn Pni ltiltuonina Mn Jas Blakely vent wild to-day over tic thc township council, whereupou that body Scott, aud Dora frienda in Toronto. bso e be r a ot MUn Closson and Misa Cloason are visiting pnomptly nef uaed ro seutie, claîinng, as vas ad- May Baya excuse me, I could not attend Mr&. 0. Hyiand. judgcd by tic courts, that ticy iad no legs] Miss Mary Weici, of tic Windsor hotel, the twelfti on account of corna.o Misa Lucas, of Toronto, la tic guest of Mrs. nigir 10 psy 11. 1f no lesal igi: there was Lindsay, la visihiug bere under the parental Ned Newton bougit a ncw shirt lust weck. T. M. Kinsum. moral rugit. Certaînly Mr. Belt la no: justificd roof. Tic oldest inhabitant cau'h remember wien Mm L. Wilcox and Mrs. Ali. Wilcox ieft for by pas: expeniences in expecting s large grant Mr. Geo. Ewers ia fixing over bis bouse, it happeued before. (3bioego ihbs eek. (rom East Whltby. Neverteles hic ides la a aud bas already added muci ta iii appear- Mr. Louis O'Leary iras been making ex- l.M.Brok, f rintl otlPot enygood one, and altiaugi it may seem a little ad- suce. tensive improvements on hia bouse, Mrs. j. . Book, f Oienal otl, ortPeryvanccd for tic town jus: at present, atil la i Mr. aud Mrs. Gilbert of Danliugton were Blakely bas painted ber bouse. t vas ln lova Tucaday. Worth dicssonl lu ail ifa difrereut pisss. We ire lut week visiting witi r Ms. A. Mc- Grandfatirer Towns la thre iappiest man 10 Miss A. Gibson, of Hampton, bas been visit- may not get thc hospital for a few yeas a et, an ud ce g h, -tyo Otain.H vstsbs ' tmg fienda Iu town. iu tbe meantime il would ho lu the lutereat of Choh Mi lding of Guelphisl vislîing ber brother tic healti of oui townspeople weee vsta cou- Miss Norma Ewers, of Torouto, la spcud- Young grandson Jas. Baird four times a day. 4r,.&, Fieldiug. forni stnictîy to tic sanitsry ruies tua: are witixin ing a few days irere witir her father, Mr. Mr. Newton iras renovated bis bouse (rom Re Coulthard la recoveiing from bis ifluess aur reacir. Since tire appearance of Mr, Belta OGea. Ew ers. top ho bottom. Paint, carpet sud ligit bas and la nov able ta be out letter oui attention bas icen drawu by ons af the Tic Rev. Mr. sud Mms. Oco. McCullogir made a great improvement ta thie Central ou Mv ~ ba on t Egau, eoccupants to a amail block of buildings on af Parkdale, were bere ou Sunday week: Hotel, iv uu.llsd frotgsdoutreai 8 tura ornngad eSmb st. whch amused fr toi e, t c-, visitlng witb their motirer. Mr. Jas Tirompson was fouud standing onuchi 'MussM. tJrquhart, of Exeter, la spendiug ber upper @eat.Probabiy tirougi i a oeh atr re n i the!enon d 30ri hadt selngJasdBphygas th ad e bolidys wltb ber mother, Mim.D. Urquirart. people arm eoploye<d ajonnd h ql-smm idaydu omel eîenaa iispae o ake Up. Cbause:b oepir vads tcfthr Miss DL Tiompson l5a pending ber vacation at nigia perirapa iS rmain onthepr arie rnw cultuehr..ofb-gr ayby e ous wtb -ber parents, Mr. aund Mms Geo. Tiompaau, The back yardsam aureacxceedlngly unaanitary Miss Jesse sud Master John Munro, sud Mr Wrn Grahamt bas beeh r-unniug down codition, Oui sanitary arneet a eMs ayLcy o e r r iiii nfeho ai te. Last spriug bis be à-, Mms._L, C. Smith and famiiy bave retuiued vMo annn.cuto rageet ,yb isMr Lcy fZpyaevsiigl is psvr hy club a match las: Saturday -sud __ef-a:ed tbemn byascore of no ta i . Mr. Albert Goyne, fonmerly tinsmiti viti E.verson and Hawkins, bas gone ta Drayton, viere be bas secured a good situation. R.ev. James Kim nsd Messrs. Dingie sud 'G<ardiner, spent a day ut Scurc.g rccently, sud baoughî bomne saine very fiue fiai as a momen ta of tison- day'aoutiug. MiïW., H. Wakey, of Peterboro, wio bas beon visitlug ln thc veat, droppcd off bers au bis vaI bome, ta speud a fcw daya vtih bis iter, Mm D 1. UnqubaitBagot st. Tb*. Oshawa tennis club vsted Bovmanvle last Frlday ta show the Bowmanville people îov loplay tennis, They accompîisbedtbeirmission viii great succeas, viuuuug evcry game. 14t. W. McFaddeu, farmerîs- of tic Pedlai Moisil Rooflug Ca..bas gone ta Toronto. Mn. MeFaddsu vas a prominent member of thc Cmadiar ader of Forcateis, sud viii be muci wuM. aed btai odge. Mu14. O'Bicn's piotograpi gallery vas a very bus,' establlsiment ou Saturday. Esci cm- ployce of tie McLaughin Carrdage Co. vas "pW"m bed. sud fr-arn tiese photographe Mr. wilmako % large group picture. Tic com pmny Iutend hu bave these pictures exiibitcd i tie <aiuswitb lieu diapla,' of carrnages, &c., mas," ho use tbem as an advcrtislug medium wub ticir agents. Prospect Park vas 'hirovu pèn ta tic public ou Fndyeveuung. Ticebad vas lu attend- mues, sud fully tva tiausauti pecqpIe enjoyed tic boumUss of tic park. Oshava citizen&s soved xrsiuattendauce boy appreciaive tbey are of Il>pay k tdias u been so geneiowily provnded fartire: pleasure. T imllvay kept Ivo cars so54 ibewbol ecninI car-ring people toansd Accordinc ta the lates IM siatonIes around tovu, Dr. Pattcijon 1t as good a fisismm asibe la a doutiat. As bi. F. KilSvaswu ra"011ion Iaotio tirsScugog experemoesoedele 0ee Ire and Mr. Patter-sou speni Frida,' iv ashi hb~s~~temm ast athet MTir. ues lsasuthie baud asus gseau i tirit ugements ompltd fortire selsidSm osAguiZgêb. 80".700 vialos i bo m 4-- d igm Torsto, su"a peua s" aimoRe bu in aa*setmmsy b. oppfal*0 Tirs pk lI cornebore i"aibav" e vugbois beb>- 10%sd tbe dus sbodd esisavos, a âm"u tbui ua s otgh s O944Il **0 m 1 to be mde .a oessAtourintb06F à botom 0%4e,1 Mm sbe ab. k tieDsIL ,, # S la. ,.x.. Oshawa Euainem iXroy. E L. VICKERY, barber. SimSe street. BROOKS' LIVBY, Slxnce street, narth. WM. ROLPH,. hamuea maker, Sùncae street. T. B. MOTHEESULL, butoher, King St,, West. Dia. PÂTTEESON, Dentist; offIce over Eavse's store. A. J. SBTàLTE-Daminion pianos and argans, Biimoos ar-ct. A. 0. WASINA, Vetcrinary Surgeon and Dentiat, king treet vest, Oshava, Ont. Ooumucuz., HoTuz.-J. C. Wooî, praprietor. Modern hostelry, neat and oamlortably equipp.d. D. M. Ton. -Caterer for Balle, Assembâes, Wed- dingo, Suppers, etce., etc. Also all kinds af Osi.awi Boaxmmau n e is faibocks, etatlanory su" fanoy gooda. FE. E. Rogers, Simacoe atiet. OsuÂv DEauG STou.Z.-L J Max'well, diapensing chemlist. Pull lins ai pure dinapaud chonxi- cala alwsys on baud. Jas Houx.zu- Whitby-Oahava stage Inu.. Leaves Oshawa ai 8 a m and 2 p m,,nd Whitby at 10 a m anad 4 p m. Josuu CEaxamarruhoiue a01fue carniages carts, av, u &honde af cutiers aid Jou Bmuwzao, paînier aid decorator. Da in vaw ppers, celllng decoraioon,,aM- ail, v=nshnea, brcinare, Audou iaace JaxU»s Pmuow, dealer in stoves, fuumacestiln-4 ea-c etc. Lurge stock kepi consiatl,' on bad. .obblng a speelai,. -eSimosaist" L. K. MNITa«, B. A. - Barrisier, Sùollcor Notas-y Public, Coivoyanoer, " . ouey tai lud. 02mi over Dominioni Bank, Slmooe Bireet Oshawa. Crokuy, Tinvaus, snd Pm cod&.Pr Te "Codoca Baya' =y zuda ui AvuCTrON&zru-Tir be bes- vlUb. lu 0" = a M he Celaml RotaI, Piday 01 «Oah eue motao ockpm.Z tomal»Sra- A &açMSczts vttIsWMauO I to 4irv4 mi. 1 Mr. R. W. Ewena, general agent -for tic Noxon Mauufacturing Co., spcnt Sunday at is home ber-e. Ou Monday be, accompan- îed by bis wifs, took lu the Barnumt sud Bailey show ah Toronto, Mn, sud Mr-s. Michael Mar-nien sud sou Thomas left here ou Thur-sday week for Michigan. We ail ver-y rucb bate ta part vithi hem, but suci is thidi calling, sud we wisihirhem God's speed. Mns. Peter Chrishie gave tire young peo- pie quihe a fancy psrty anthie lawu lust Fr-- day evening. A large number ver-e preseut, especially froni Port fer-ry, sud all enjoyed tircmselvee imrnsnseiy. Miss P. Bir-kett, of Cockermouth, Engiand, wbo bas for some time been visiug ber brother Wm. Birketthber-e, lcft on Mauday week l'au British Columbia sudthbence ho Califorria. We visb ber a sais jouruey. Mr. John Boys hbas afiue large nev bain erected upon hia faim. Tic building is large sud wyul easily sud convenieuhiy ac- comodate s ver-y large crop. Thre atone foundation la ver,' spaciaus aud artistie, sud Messrs. Wnt. Speuce sud Jonahan Lane hrave made a great iteprovemeut iu tire looks of thein places, by the enectian ai new feuces. Tire change is altogetiér too gicat aud il in, tierefore, necessar,' tiraItthe boys sbould p ull some afi k dovu again, so look ouI, buethreu,,,fr tbe occasion, WM arc sors-y la note tiat so mai,' are on tire sick lirt. Mu. Tiras. Smith, si.,ad Mr-. W. C. Heasd are at lhe tite of gr-'ln ver-y 1ev. Weho e t,'may ron b. ei agl.Misa MauiaPeassqiasbcnver-y il but tistougir tireéklfùl treatment af Du. Grodamof 'Tor-onto, $aieî$smproviug. Tire -asof Tenspeance lodge bas foi-tire "umc=Pntnssbeen su#poWded. Thre ist Ofits e etae ras or tira..e egaged id tire fs-w oila4ad cannot attend vs-ye ugLy. ¶tvastherefôre tirought advws able ta adjour u util aftes tire busy "u. Tirs neau meeting w$ lb. op -tire asat Fudsy levetrint IlaSepteuzier, And it s Ioped a las-g nomber *01l aus «o. norses witn fiue kuce action sud (air--sped for thie pick of wbicb he refused two buudred dollars. (Oui correspondent will confer a gîcat favor by viking every week.-ED. CH.) MTJRRAT'g TA IL ORING King Sireai rmui ]Rouse RicoOwa People of Oshawa did ual uuderstand wiy Fasiionabie Clothing, or asuy style desired, could flot ire hurned out as cieap as Iltake Il aa.yau gel itl" viat hey haie beau usc ho. oe y s Toiey r eae ow il care don bnys Nmo sac easo We vrclarecoshal- tempioyed.orWeooneveu clae ; n av- noeher-aian orgooae horedsveae noue. Wle cluseo ah r sua OÂLL AND E out assortmenh of Gooda just r-eceived. N. B.-Par"ie purchasing goode fs-on us for makjig np, cau have them eut fre of charge. Under the auspicçs, of Victorja Lodge No5 * L.T.B. , Oshàaýa, anithe 1~OPETPARK,, -'OSHAWVA, TuE ARCADES for this week. AGredï 7 piedeg of Stripe Lawns, reguiar 12 % C goods for 7 % c.( , 6 pieces of Whihe Gîound Muslin, witir colorsd spots, rcgrtlar 25c."N gooda, for i5c. i 44-incir Crejponnes, lu pluk sud blue, White Ducking, regular 17c. goads, reduced o o 1c. 1 Our $2.50 Parasols reduced ta $1.75. Ouri $i.So5 Parasols reduced ta $1. 00. Alli 2Xc snd 14c. Prints at i price, 'Oc Chituezetta, regular 35c. lhue for 22C. la that we are making of Rings. Ih'a equal Ladies' White Linen Cuifs for ige. i not ho be found in tic couuty. Here yon can bave a stock ta select from tiat la prac- Ladies' Stripe Skir-ts, regular 45 ct5., hîcaîîy limitîcas. Amoug tire beautifu 1 aud for 30 cha. r-ealiy artikhic thiugs are aur 15k Ruby and AilGode edeedto Pearl Set Rings. frEngagement sd AU Summer Gosrdcdt Weddiug Rings si speciaity. price that will ternpt every one. N. B.-Adew line of Silverware Just open- The one price Cash store. KING STREET WSTOHAA DO YOU flou.MiUor& ~,DRINK TEA?? Wc neaîly ail do. Tire great essential, ther-efare, is ha knov virer-e ta get tire best -?EA forthe lest money. JAPAN TEA-We bave juat purcirased from a vholesaie Tes Houa., 25 pack- ages of fine Japau Tesa a very close figures. 1h is equal lu quality ho auy _%oc. Tes on thc market ho-day. We arc offeriug i1h ut he ver-y loy price of 25c. per lM. or 5 Ibo. for $1.10. This is au excellent bar-grin. CaIl sud get a sample and hry it. W' We want Butter, Cheese, Eggs, sud otirer far-m produce, for whrich ve Cali at PELLOWS, and see his Wrought :S -AT- 9 50.00. 180o his. COAL OIL and GAS STOVES8 -FROM- qp5.50 to 025-00. Ticket Steshi Steamiip Tickets Europe by the beat Unes on tie .Atantic. icecial railvuy rares, Oshava ta Mantreal, lu Dnuection vith Sîeamsbip Tickets. ;anadlian Express Co. Goods farwarded ai au scufer trains ; aIso collected snd de. vee oalPartsofa. he havi wiîiout extra, large. <W-Money Orders on alie front elgit a. 4until egt pjn. Give thies a trial and you ll always use tbem. Fmat Northi-wesltern( Telegraph Oomýpa,ù ivward messages ho ail point CLa 2da id U. S. Messages received proi>,J ivered. - W. P. 8TERICKER, Agent, ~ce opposite the Post Office. 0 * e OBEAWA OFFICEc. 'Bale Bbo'ck, just norti of tire post of- Sfice. Inspectai of Agences of Aid Savings & Losu Ca., Toronto. Agent iSun Life Assurance Company of Canada and tire Employers Liability Corporation of LOIr-DON, ENG. Luke Bro8,, L O8hawa i ps geatpue.q BOPOnSEPSOFC, NIA the PricE B Uý OA: And cake -Fr -ali Otario, THE CORNER SHOE STORE, GE-OSHAWA.-Eý Leather 8teadlly Advanolng. M Wbolesale pruces for footwearu Save moncyby buysng your The opportuarity villapaaa Oïe pf-te té lI miidZtn _'M Our rate ai profit is thre loweat lu titis district. IT I<B.PS US POOR. We bave always a generIan sd vauied stock ho select front-latest desigus sud. finisies. Pricés rlgirt, Uudertaking depailment fÙUfy stock- cd, aud embalming according ta latest Pimethoda i fictus-e framlng facto-rydoue. prontptv asud atis- The iosephHal Machine *ork, -ESTÂBLISBIED 15. i.., L~ PEA EAJWESTEJ TJnreshin~ Maobijie Leather aîid RulihAl n Si mai * unde, Cal thre je Or-de and 1 Band Lieut sent A testa fling, hornl jurilpi bicyé ailof M4 Chief meml Most brav aud pecte q Sp R., t fram Scart Augu Il Garni A4~ Jue>. ci ý 1 - i 1- I I m "Rri IGOI&J W. E. DYERI STORE. Specials Grocery, ý Oshawa, 1 GRAND DEMON8 T8,A TION

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