Whitby Chronicle, 2 Aug 1895, p. 7

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ro Cierk May C 1er k May - _ _- M-- u n o.ù ier uprepara- -.---cr'- LWJ V>'~ UItiens for uc almenis combined. People Use Toronto, areuitb uR . opper aud1Dr. Chama'sOtntment with confidence, because T îf oroa frnit .P ope in n éVerj unitîy someane bas, been boue- wiefrafrng. fittd lke Mn. Smupson, Berlin, Ont.whoinlide W. Dowswell has given his shop date of Feb. 8 W9 write.. that for a rnmbe a coat o paint.He says te ar he w" i-oiLled with Itching Piles;- they sb1d is .atof lavender witb orange i drmde *r ienne oftier s', ea te o d although qonofte hdazeos We mst ongatulte n. ddyquoied from hi@ letter. " Last fail I got a box We mst ongatulte r. ddyof Chase'. Ointment from Mr. Landreth's drug 8 upon the success bis pupils had at the store, Berlin. à applied accordlng ta dfrectionai receut entrance examinations. They "sumon found ' was what I wanted. Ouly Use part of ondr box when I waa weil as ever f me of It* return but eue applica- Lutbe Bowes has enkaged with a ofteOntmeut a&Wd il la right agate." "Hadb s wil frt ina ~merchant in Camilla, and will take Sncb expressions as ibis from thos. who usa Some fouri wiy ear eo MrinahtaIs enfer-charge of the telegraphing there. Cha5'a account for Ita populariy. Soefu er g r itesfe- Mrs. John Barry and Mrs. D. For- 6<EI'S ed from a eevere attack of la grippe syth have jusi returned from Wyom- which Ieft bis Iower limbe partially para-inwe tyhaebnvstngih lyzed. fHe ealled in ene cf the besttheg, where dathe hvebee sitDr.g wih _______ kuown physieians cf Essex couniy, wbo Bthe te' agtrMs r a appeared ta de ail that Iay lu bis power Boi.Mr. Wmn. Elford is convalescent.ý for the relief of Mr. Little, but te ne The people of titis place were Sorne- Mn. Wm. Jacks i8 visiting bis sii!e avail. For twe and a haf years lie suf- what surprisexd tire other day at the ar- tBadnMnio. fered the meut intense pain aud wu8 eau, rival home of Miss Minnie Birreil afteratBndMnioa fiuned ta his b.d for the prester pat of speuding a year azda ihalf in- Britishr Mrs. J. Y. Cole is visiting in Solina, tbe tiras. The dacior wau puzzled wiih Columbia and Calgary with friends,, Columbus and Oshawa. bis case aud as-ha aesmod Lb obtain ne r .T li adsse jie relief, h.o hsugoàd doctors for s pSrod. Dr. Sylvanus Rob1JW.d,- f Sti Paulo Mv. F. T.iick and siser k s. e The second dootor dld ne botter than Lb. visited here List week~ witkr friends. cîher, sud M r. tLi" reau.d to tb.one The'Dr. is a member-odtàe. StOU Le MisGrteCreeradMatr ws ho had firgt oallad in. Finally, du saurad a lo -t'êe vaIr isatue, nd rasalsc soee in are visiting their uncle in Toronto. ing of ever .obiinun relief4h. o ld b. working up a fine meUdi Aputee. He We weleome Mr. and Mrs. Hïeà 1 J, physician that ho did not e snýy fiter being an old Clai-mont: i>oy,, re are Hoîdge and family of VernonB. use cf takn iei mediolues, sud beIisved much pleased at hie succes& uarerly meeting erices mili be ho should Ue if ho did not obtealu relief o ,i e ntéieh&âcur*,eëet lu ashot Line.Ho b4~wetod~ ~ Mrs. John Cour îiy1 f1' T ,io- ed atremtioju hrc eenx litti moreth oe à keton, snd here with her niece, tur&G.b. Fou SundaP . -*h was anuajec o ty byhie a bb>rWieou akno Mnasrnng Tr oiwuw is tir e report of Hap. aud (oit bieSsef sa re Ile'=)"'tire old lady îripped4 on adef tonoho a ecn xmtahi R1is mît' and famlly bad' fl UP hope, plank iu the sidewalkan<i as a. rult publice chool leavimg....Rl Cry4ei-nýn; sud i i elgbore ail > t Iwua received a very-severe s"00,.P ý bÇ- ntt=Se .Eva Ctwqrth, Wilbu~rl.0 ruerely a question ot t m- he4 Mr. sides cutîing bet face. -TJrPB4d nI- ThlOmpeoa; Sr'III t4> Ir.,,- a4 LittJe's deatb mould relie,. hie suifr- imissioner had -theflj ebr e d..*it- Horm Xabel Colwîlle4s-a Thom lugs. WhI iesislimbe te. Partisally soon as posibe, son l4 - .- o<>"* e.kobin para]yze4 he foula ume thon>, tmolnt te 0 .~Q~iÇ vr - hobble about the. bouse sud door yard, m i" but if ho Unadertook tk> wslk to the .tabIe Mn. Oi* is t4ý t dtng G-R fin h ho would b.@ooflnod to his b.d fra& Darions.R meeksft.r. ]RIS limbe grow numb m0d Mis ShsrdOf T=O 4 i cold. Duilug th. hottest aunzmedays Mr. Lairen.. 91 ho wasobliga $0 oit WU Id£blS1qt, sud' Thefagmn ý g, and hot elotias usi * din woi4 old of l sOhwtgn, -Kv, 3'MIIbut* r.4 th MatI onu '~0 eOf Lbhe Pil o evew Di'ozitbo, and wauabl get ont and do IIgbti or w bu hbelfa whi to h bd lo been able to doj - * ]e.-. O Ofti iued aid Pin Pll awhie longer, When he ^ fully recowed and dWall able te do any the bardest work on his farn, and in 0 winter ime worked almo e teadîîy 8ftw-loging and Wood..ohop n.Du lg the pait fal, ho laya eleasf quenîîy caught ont in th; hosvy rai \~ storin, when away froru home, but]1 - h ad 80 far reovercd that hie exposew, hav'e fot brOugiht any bad restste Du: i119 the Very eold weather of the pree winiter ho was bauling wood to Windsoi J a distance of fifteen mils. He lookse Present 88 if ho had hardly seeen a sic ~ K, ,~.<,day in hie life tinie. Mr. Little feels deêply gratefful ta Di Alm ost a Williams' Pink Pile and dlaime that hi I ii '(Ise of the pilla. 1He gives hie teetimon, ______________________ for the benefit Of others Who may b, siiliarly affiicted. Mr. Little's wif t A Terrible Oough. Wo Reut Night Who wae present at tbe interview, cor no: Duày. Giveu D by Doetorn. roborated Mr. Little's teetirnony and be lhaves he owes bis entire reeovery to thg A LIFE SAVED unek of Pink Pills. The entire famulj 13Y TÂKING reecued frora the grave by the timel' YsIII CHERRY tase of Pink Pille.M. Littie'. neigh. I1r~I~ RAI bore, we find that he ie a man of un. AYE ~PECTORA doubted veracity He bas lvdi se "Seera yersgoI cugh ae'vrecîd County ail big lifetiMe, and On his pre- "Seveal ea ao, cugh aseerecod, sent farm in Colchester North, about attendjed wth a terrible cougb that allowe for years. Heith urnedn o rue iio rest, elther day or alght. The doc. ouel hesprntneto tors, after working over me ta, the best ofl the Edgar Mille Sunday achool, and bis their abillty, pronounced my case hopeless, case je two welI known in that district tc ati said they could do noe more for mue. be disputed. Hie neighbore looked upon A frtend, learinrg cf lny trouble, sent me his cure as a most miraculous ans, his a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, whlch 1 death having been expected among tbem Uegan to take, and ivery soon I was gi'eatly for mn mnh eoeh ea h relltv-ed.3y the tire I ad used the whole may mnh eoeh o h boîîle 1 was comnpletelycu.ed. I have never use of Pink Pille. lind nuch of a cougb since that time, Sud I Dr. Williams' Pink Pille are sold only liriy belleve that Âyer's Cherry Pectoral in boxes bearing the firm's trade mark 6Eived nv lite. "-W. IL Wà.SD, 8 Quinby and wrapper, (printed in red ink). Bear .Ave, Lo ellMass lb in m id that Dr. W illia mes' Pink Pills are Ayers Chrry PectFa' neyer sold in bulk or by the dozen or Ayers Chrry Pectral hndred, and any deaer who offers eub- NIGHST AARD AT ORL'S FIR. stitutes in this forn isj trying to defraud MIGN S-T WARD AT WORL 'S FIR. you and sbould be avoided. The publie lier'. PU.Is theBest pFumUy Physi.. are also cautioned against aIl other so 1 called blood builders and nerve toules, put up ln similar forva inteuded to de- IS PARALYSIS CURLABLE ? ceive. They are ail imitations whose makers hope ta reap a pecuniary advau- tage from the wonderful reputation MR. GEORGE LITTLE, OF ESSEX achieved by Dr. Williams' Pink Pille, COUNTY, SAYS IT 18. Ask your dealer for tbem. These Pille are marnufactured by the ExpnieceDr William'e Medicine Compsany Brook- Ile Gîves Hlis Own Terrible xine ville, Ontario, and Schenectady, N. Y., to Prove the Truth of His Assertion and are eold only izp boxes bearing the -Suffered for over Four year- 6rn2'e trade mark and wrapper, at 50 Bath Iliruelf and Family Tbought Ce n L a box, or six boxes for $2.50. ThatOol Deah Culd nd ia b ey may be had from any dealer, or That aly eathCoul EndHiw ll be sent by mail on receipt of price. Sufferings - ARaiu Enjoying the Dr. Williams' Pink Pille may be bad Blessing of Souned Healtb. of aIl druggieta or direct by mail from Fror theEssx Fre Prss.Dr. Williams' Medicine Company froru Fromthe ssexFreePres. Pther address. The price at which the Life je truly a burden to those not pille are sold make a course of treat- blessed with a full measu81re of health and ruet comparatively inexpensive as strenuth, but when a strong man i compared with other remedies or medical brought to the verge of aluiost utter treatmeiit. heiplesese, when doctors fla nd there is appareuîly nothing te do but CLAKEMKONT. wait the dtoad summone that cornes but s.HpelftTuda mong once toalal, the case assumes an aspect fr . Hoperglet sT hr symrnin of extreme saduese.- lu euch a conditionfrWaacbr vithesstr as this dia Mr. George Litte, of the "Closed for one rnonth" reads the township of Choîchester North, find hini. placard posted upon our pri"iting office. self, sud recently the Free Prose hearing W B is uung snding caes-of ItchinS Pules that boul Lefied a&H other treaimeuis. To-day It is recog- nuied ram ocean ta cossu as an Infalible cure tor Iching Piles, Roemnatie Eruptiona and al To purify, vltalize sud enricb the blooJAand gi vo nerve, bodily and digestive srengtb,' Haad'a.Sarsaparilla. A. saihng yacht deuerted by smnugglers la de- tained at A.mhersîburg. Few are -the roinedies whose beneficial qualiuies sud rosi menite have made the m 50 popular witb the public, sud irîcreased from yesr ta year* their cousumpticu, Which, whilst poasesuiug the masi valuable- reumedial propee, are yet 50 simple in thieïr ceom- pound,. and soe eay te take, a The Quinine Wine, prepared by Northrop & Lyman of Toronto. This arilee leprepàred men the pure Soîphate cf Quinine, combine with Cue Sherry Wu1 sd chois.Arot'bafte, which relievesthe Quini'ne of iLs l'ltLer tamis,, aud dose net impair iu tb. leset degrea. the efflcaoy cf is action upon the patient; 4 l emali doses. trequèntly reestéd; éiegte the pulse, morse. Museular foessd in-, vigrse the toue oet therv'omut mr, nd ibus by tLb. gonýerai vhor *miliciri spre croates an apit.wbiob Rives tée-thé stoui. aoh toue audaiegansd fortiai. the "s, to gainat al l hosdieosAkfe Northrop & Qza'e<uinpine' ;:: eld by ail druggims. Lord sud Lady, Abrdeen S 1v Memuie Boweflsud Sen. 31r. DaIy have'-sono, teRe- lna. . Balý by Fat. Lt throeumnthe old lie weighed .aél le began ueng Bo>zz9 Er00o"mone s, thn alueelgflth =on thon incrg it iale hle body.Tireeffeet wma ia- SMiriainWîfllatnis bastyphoid te ver. Mele are prek ivalent ilansd sround O P t e for will Veale erved on the jury ai Co- ing bourg at th. ement asles. gyhbwu alvn li koleton. ras Andrew Minty le drawing largeq an- MM ù i r uost of tities of milk daily to BIa ktockc âeese dld flot etrengthen or tatten hlm. A hie faotory. ~at ho did at bfrth...SeVen ouda at Fiahing in Lake Scugog àle rorted Ec tti tg a few drope lu mes botti, I'good. Some fine maakinionge have been againYteasrto ehdomu c 'ht.velono. Baby bega n to etouten aud la a~oughaî. a fderto aiL.soOTT' EjXVzký o SSeveral frorn hera attended, the church hre-opening at Mt. iHoreb, sud report A ut goodtme. Gea. McKay, of Bervie, )r Bruce Co., is visiting her father Mr. Bd. 4 at Ginu. Is especially tiseful for s{ckly, del k Mrs S Jeffrey, accompanied by Dr Mc- fails to nourish thetu. It suppli* Kibbon :a lit]5 girl, is away visiting formn, just the flourishment thy r.friend e in Toronto.tl y ia Rev. R L Edwards farewelled bore on health and strength. It is Cod.li ýe Sunday lust. We wish him succesin assimilate, combined with the1 y hie new spore, West Camphellford. most remarkable flutrients. >e Mr Roht Jackson visited Michigan on , June 8th ad bas returned witb Miss D n - e e s a e Alic Joa o21~f5that place, as his bri e.'t b epow e s cu kdV-l l ýe District division Sons of Tom perance ymet lu Blackstock Friday. Bro Ê3rook, eG.W.P., was preseut, but attendance cf ydelegates were meagre. Sacrament was diseued lu the Ennis- killen sud Cadmus Prebyterian church last Sunday, to exceptionally large con- gregatione. Five new members were ad- AND t mitted ou profession of faifh. P N W R S f Sos of Eugland excursion ta Fenelon sFalls was a decided success. The Pres- JTCHI.,qG PILmeI ) byterian Sunday echool excursion ta Stur- No tion, found alixs lu th i geon Falls was alo a uccess. Neary s ymptonis are a severi thr e h u dr d p rti ip a e d.v i r eterer b eco m s w a rm il s Mheehr. pll ae M reIl la Impossible ta or 1 r apeland Mr. Walsh held a during séleeî bcratch es mneeting in No. 9,echool bouse receutiy VI isery. fom thexcs sie8e cne~. Consrvaive are quie clifi ent of!everyother symptom ( electîg their man and are making fun of bo>î are fImmedif the Patrons putting a man in the field up the Mo1atur to help elect Mr Walsh. A mammoth P of 1 picnic le ta be held iu MeLauglin's woods ou Friday. Can- didate Torntou and Mr. Lockie Wilson, one of the orators of the order Rre ex- pected. -Wby not give Messrs Beith audHi WVash a chance ta have representarive men ou the platform to meet those men on equal footing. I Mrs Johnston, the owner, je living alone iu the Commercial Hotel. Some iqwn blackguards occasioually amuse theru- thie WOD.r selves by throwing atones at the house. eiciterle Poor Mrs Job n8ton has lber hands ful lun D ve 3 enaion charluaoter1e oppoeîng ths outrageous aud unmaruly conduct. These gentlemen (?ý wbo seeru infsta nt1., Newiarket-..T De determiued ta give Blacketock a bad Reie uttan-Mr. 8heppa,& name, sould be punished Severly for Re i f Bellevill-at Tenpleto t b e i r a c t e .T o tte n h à am .j e s S e & The anniversary of Cae8area methodjt Te.lbae r lae Ointmnt In me cbbS SOn bolnerin ai Ithy kIaDistees. Such ase curch wuas asuccese. O unday rn.t>.1<.PosbaU drug,înt& Pr' June l5th sermsns were preached by Rev. hSim DÂ NBÂTECSI Il , Tc W Kenner of Prince Albert ad ey R M Phalen, B.A.. Blackstock. On Mo- day te services were resumed wben a Alive To TIir Danger. good program wus given by the children su d pee h b M r Bru e, he upt Mà M inneapolis P eople kaking E nquiries w ith Rev M r K e uner. M usic for each servicere ad t a Ca a i n D co ry was furnished by the Blackutock choir. MINNEAPOLIS, JuIy 22-There bas beon au unusual number of denths froni beart disease in ibis aityduring the laut few months and iu mauy caes he victime were uncasciuseof 'au. ~ beiug siferera from the clread complaiut. Post muortemne have shown lu se0eraI instanoos Like the Toucl o f tule4 'iot..raebl ads heperate fithing of the Skm Âflayed by quliesba"o boeu inattwe witb regard te the Peet 1inethoda cf cure and the new Can"dan C" 18 e' a ntm t - T h o oc gzi ze mfi e r-im aedy kno-w n "a td'a Kidney %-P 1 s .oacPt a substitutei Ail Druggists. 50C. and $1. eha4 xedigypif and arnçjyj fil ir hsdo.me 18and tem ." ýe priqcip 5 iehI~, Ixchl wo~tat ni;;h:-shen the a~ nbed. o terrib le la the ltchlng r t, requ men s ýs he parts until they are Bore- ul S nd turno ture 113end ed. FemaJes are P( iarly atffect ]smn uhearable irrtaton sd troUtlU' rhese of Mthîuig Piles Or IrritationIl au anof lately allaYed and< Ij~Cki red byçhaC' stal top ti basf te moresaand ulcer, ,et f Its ffme frîydifferent as ~ ls efeoe sd smptoMe are exaeotlyde ftehlg ;t e ieCree ncrawU. etuailz ssebo thea MM is~ unmntst aafford relief froin this tornent REFBBNOEB. art, Mr. K:ftto. Hamailton-ILr G. Dee. *Mr. «McDona L in. j Cltr-Wm. Walkei% ton, duggUt. Churchi -Dai ase. anin, .,Rdn& Brad1orga Davis, J. Rd. 2ade eXpress o Icif pîe but It la eq"m-?t iREzema, ItcoZ , hinf Pioh.le, hemm 're, 60 Cents. ý Rhiam rOute4 Ont,, 5j Âgntefor DoM1Wl. Oesim MAN LEY'S Ceilerv 1Y jCOMPOUND t iprietor. t wmtL ruce@ atrms1 NCEJ. ý.ccident irito. ti rari c v ( o. cent. of aIl Ded to the aid wittiont deatb r EL L, tWhity. oFs. roronto. amn gxvrg 1uw a ii in rubber, ver filng terators at the City. me exain- ,r charge. asàt corner 1ERM W. have the pîneat Beles- tIon lu town of those BEUTIFUL Agi LL Pe8toMAREfiS I I ERICAN Borders to Mach& Corne e arly and get/irat clroice. P. B. WARAMI, Brneold- Stand, BokSt., Whitby Back ini Whftby. WM. TILL$ Undertaker, Calilnet Makep, (Iphoister,. And dealer in Furniture of ail kin ds, The Subsoriber begs to aumunce that loelias again opened busineesin hie old stand, and lias placed therein a choice, utylieli and complet. stock of NEW FURNITURE'l 0f every description, Which will be iold at a amati margin en coat. A.nother bale cf thrage ceebrated milzed Mattrasses #SM5, Worth 85.00. Ses - those Tapestry or Carpet Lounges at #5, worthf Hardwood Sideboards, 14j94 glasi, for 8.0 worth $12. 9ýe A fuil stock ofOofn.d Caakets, and aFrtQla Wbitby, Oct. 12, 1893, RADAM'S - MICROBE KILLER II.,-EMEDYd,... J. B. EDGÂ1ý,Xrha~W~ M. K. acted marvelously lu' any.çase-oZD-, NOTICE TO OREDITORi9 Irn the malter o//bd estatd o S YLV4PAiXS BRO ffN, ate aoftMe Towns&p 5Of Pic- kering, in the- Coun< q/ OnlaHtU, yeu- man, deceased. Notice is hereby, given pursuant f0 lliê provisionfs of tire Revised, Sttes-of' On- inria, 187 ýCh-,Pter iro, ihai.al ,pensoUs. tate of the said'laie Sylianus rw ie died, on -or ablout tihe- wenty-&jtir 3a;of ApnilA A.! . ,areqtilred 'on orfre 7É20 I3mulion .licate children when their other food es in a concentrated, easily digestible need to 'build them up and- give thetu liver 011 made palatable and easy to Arnau wél sey o dit iver is jutChronieanC"yagh anc LES, VJOOD, ETC. elebrat- OAL. 7hast of 1ER. n rdiug to r H, w'btby, rut Loan 1 LOWEST 1

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