Whitby Chronicle, 2 Aug 1895, p. 6

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Itab li al k, you voulil have velbm lo b. 6h. Most imrly, sMl- iw*bW.xlanltqo*her disagrs.able -uéon ln ealslmo.., tiUt ua 4biV, th iugplasud repulmivo be olioset aume, h.ovau t< he mot peérons, syuipathetle ~I~w~1v..lie vas a bachelor possa.. f.Wih Affooted qrumblinps, 4 d y r*6 r.alsipthy, h. lad taken in. tm 1 home lis orphan nîcce, Portia ÏM& .dlis twoorphs.n nephewa, Paul PXgétoU sud Ambrose Duchatel. Ho "* for and educated ail three, sas if tlBaY had beau bis own ohldren, and it w»A -u-leramtoed that ho intended te 41«lb hisvut estate eqnaliy amdng Ibem. ' mniIfu1 WMiflPortia had nicknamod h1%' $*. cousins 'a Day 11 and ."Niglit»" v4Da a uniPreston, tali, ilender sud far, with bine oye. and crisp curling bair of the paiesi golda.(Jalm, mweet- strpfa aute! as a womau, ho lad 'M*ne figure in ooel ge athlotics. He hâaIl neer rowedt hever hold a bat, nover butered for a walkiug match. "1Qneor ch»~,Ps ton," th. colloge oracle had .So»rWi&d 'lGou in or potiins but pluingi olàao. et that (.11ev bas Loi stlTinxxhini, Y014'11 bear (rQM ~in e of %hue. days.," -. htsr Çýà.morose Duobastel, a son ,,uiard Norr"s's muster who had mar- risila àPrenoiman ; the exact opposite te Paul in every respect. Ho wus rather uuderslsod, but broad shouldered and pow.rfuly bnilt. His oyes and hair ,,ve jet black, and bis complesien almost oriental in its dusky richriesa. Ho was a unbt.dathieto snd lad won a scoreocf -tium bs for physical exercices. On the other and lie was a carelesas eholar and hâdi been sent home lu disgrâce ut thc and of the. second terin. Ho wus univers- sIlydisliked for hie rigi> t.emper and demlnoerig manners. "IA nasty brute, tbat &.mbrose Duchatel," observed the cellege oracle, quoted abovo. " Ho moaool>' utters a word that is net a sucer. Mark what I osay, fllows 1 Tînt animal viii vear steol bracelets beore ho dieu." P1euni Proston left tic univeruity a weil- edual d daccomplished gentleman. fua of manly determinatiera te vin hie woW in the world by hie own efforts. Ambroe Duchatol lad managed barol>' te sorape through at the very foot cf hie oius. H. retnmned te hie uncl's Ionse, C . i. deddteenjoy'life withont asum- xug ay-of ite rosponstbiities. Ho broughi vfth him a budget cf debts vbioh h. ooilly plaood before his miel. f«r eement.. Lt in a singulur (set, &nda fortunate on. fer the bulk cf bu- M"sti>, that mmn whose ahrewducss is bleuded «wth selsheus, frequenti>' over- remoli ihms.lves, especuWailutheir.ecti- =as of other mon. This vau the case wlthÂAmroue. He look hie unclo te bo nau'IOw, ploefiaiedg and at th.ecame tïun> Weikg sud ho conftdently expecte to lhm tohMa eva vishes vithout "Ar!;e'yen ýawu.r," h. suid, witb a .*ùmu t lai should have wamued is r Sh$>. of perit bad ho net beon bUndod Sbsovu egotism liai your debta for .aoh yéer, ove>'sud above your jushffi- 'abei. expensesare larger t& tnle viole tout of your cousin Paul'a hition V" *I sav are that My cousin Pauni is n sit"reptied .êinbrcs. oaeesly. "But I do net prend te bis virtues." "Yonr vIole coilege career is eue re- coord of idieness, dissipation and oxtra sauce, ilWhioi m 'cousin hue religlonuel>' rc mrted ho yen, n doubt,' ansvered Am- "1,Tisa. virtuene people make go apios."l "Yen>'r cousin'e one (nuit of vhicl I onmipliin," said tie old mari, uternl>', 46is beon lu speaking of yen far botter tban yen have dcserued. But I havo ladl ape source ef informnation. Ambroe, yhave disgracod youmseif and yen>' "I obl*god te yen for yen>' geed ôpinion, Uacie," roplied Ambroe, tirust Jig bis bauds lt hie pookets and st.reiching eut ieilegs. I"But viti your 'Ud perission, suppos e v clos e toture and pmoooed te business. I se you have my accountsthiers befomo yen; sual vo dofer the moral aspect cf the casei, sud disue lie finuncialP Those fIl1o" haxve ducned me meut confound- edi>'; momeover, Unole, I am lu abject need of ahundred or tvo in ready oasai 'WglIad Nerris boul bis gaze upon the. smdiluae "0 his nophev for s moment, thon wMh lee smep orientous calun, dmev iàs cheek.book tehim. "04There,' h. uaid, lauding Ambroe th. slip ef pape>',Il"lu amcient te psy y.ur debta, vilh a balance for yen>' ovu bot o.vlhye u'u. isen Ma» hunko, Unl.," rospndei Amn. brout, hhmugng lie check into bis eoketi, ianê rieum. i"Yeu n relued muniR- oueý 1moment," umalth e olil IM ft berWord te suY$,Am- leà y'îor. mé*i st, 1 ktad mynw S son. ax yen .v.ry ailvanlage. I bar i.t,.lu hhelw'ova 4d~*g. 3ev haî* ye a~i&f pu, es bis oncl. spoke. For a moin h. somed daad il able t under- &"tan h. e AMsedthisereatlve's vords.- Thxe hook m&d surpris. somed te have strohu hl" dumb., Thon 'ho roover.d himmeif, and wlth a ,îe.ring amieà whioh seemed natural to hlm, ho bowed with mook humility te bis unolo and loft the room. On lhie way dovustairs he met Paul Preston. "Lot me conratulato yeu My fortunate cousin,ho lied, IlI have mast had an interview with our gocad unclo whe has eut me off wiih the traditional shilling, in abhor words, twolve hunclrod a year, full and duly paid; while y5u and the lovely Portia are te divide th.etate be- tween yen"' Paul hastened te his uncl's &part- monts, fiâ cf humble indignation. "lThero was a row, a nasty rew, too,' observed Hastings the old man's valet, who rogarded listeuing at the deor as a part of hie office. ,Mr. Nemie called young Mr. Paul a mitkoop, a fcol, an aS, aud-thengh 1 amrnonetaware ef the meaning of the term myself-a ninny- hammer." As faruas1Iceuld make out Mrr. Paul vas very angry becaue Mr. Willard intended to change his will. My rnoney is my ewn, shoutod the eld mari, fuions like, and don't yen try to dictate to moe l'il alter my will ai 1 pionce, and 1 wffl cg interforence (rom yen. Wei, tays Mr. Paul, yùu cari de what yeni ploase wit.h your own, Unclo Wil- lard; but yen will be serry, Unle ; 1 tell yeu, yen will regret wbat yen are going te de. on the follewing morning Willard Nerris was fennd dead in hie bcd, lain by a blow ripen the head, deaît by a hatchet left lying upon the floor a short distance from the bedeide. 0f the murderer there wus net the slighteet suspicien, until the valet, Hast ing's story hecame whispred abeut. Thon the fact that there ha been a bit- ter quarrel betwoen Willard Nerris and hic nephew Paul over a change whioh the old mani meant te make in hie wiil, leaked eut. Hastings- admitted that he had overheard high words; and after the fachien cf the machinations cf the de- mon cf scandai, it wau confidently assert ed, an the follewing day, that Paul Preston, knewing that ho was about to be- disinherited, had utterod threate againsi hie unole's life. IlÂnd, cf course" cried idiot-mumer, "6ho kiiled the old man. t stands to reaen. Who elso ceuld have donc se vile and useles aa deed? " Ambrose Duchatel reluctanti>' confesa- ed that ho wa.s aware there had beon hard feelings between * his uncle and hic cousin ovor a preposed chance in the former's will. I"But ho coold net, ho wou.ld net, believe that Paul ceuld raise his band against one who had been se kind te them both. In hie opinion," ho said, "4The murderer muet be some pro fosional criminal wbo had onterod lis uncle's bedchamber and after laying Mfr. Norris, had beon scarod away without securing hie boot>'." Specieus as tho>' vero, il was otserved that Ambrose Dndhatel'a word. threw atifi more suspicion upon Paul Preston Portia Allen had remained looke in behr. rous (rom the moment of the terrible disoovery of hem uncle's doath, until she was sumnmoned te appear as a w"tess beforo ttie coronor's jury. Her rich complexion had become as white as death, sud her large cyeiclone wth apeeaua i gitter iShowould inga, gave hie tectirnon>' servcd le isterigthon the ce u ginut Paunisud nien Ambre Duciatol vws caled, there ver fev in the room wlio doubted that Paul Preston wus the layer of lie uncle, and tiat Ambrose vas only tee veil avare cf his cousin'. guilt. Ln answer te thé questions put tohlm, he replied lesitatingly, tînt he knev bis uncie meant te chango lis will. Ho lad overionrd violent vende betveen hie cousin Pýu1 Proston and hie unle; and ho lad distinguisied the phrase, "IYen vil regret vînt yen are geing te do," in Paul's voice, and linal ho teok te be a threatemung toe. Ho wue about te louve the witnoe chair, vîen a piorcing, woman'î voice rang througl tho reom: "Ste>' vieme Yen are, and lot me ait ven cerne questions." La was PortisAllien, wvie, aring lu hb>' place, pale, vithi eyes liai flashed feveruhly, and oxtend.d baud isemed, to pin hlm te hiesonat. 1 19Tuis inquite îirreg," .saïdthe coroner ; I"butlas the tut isla 'wat we are loeking, aftér ail, voeounmake un *ueptlon bome. Go ou,.Yoong lad 4& soit yen, Ambrose Iuchal.l!cr«W oia,"i> ai»'uns! about t. wu "as n-luont gob meuttold 4you 'that ovlxtg tg thiel b.body .ciÂààbrmle'IDu"b 'W ù' sthi alun do., look ILk.àabad; but thtile "dentsud al thi r-mg la meon sup.rstiticon." Il by dar atomey," s"id Paulo Paus mag hie armabout. th. vaist of Portia., "I eau offer yen enly eue f.. in payment, cof your se rvxces-myself." "I acoept it" wau the reply. A DrYOU ONE 0Fc THE UN- FOR TUNA TES? Are vou Suff'ering when vou Should be Weil? SPaine's Celer>' Componnd wilI Be8tow the Health You Need, Men and women during the hcated terni cf summer. vie have those tired, luuguid aud deaponderiL feelings thnt in- dicato depletcd bloed, and a feeblo cendi tien cf the nervous aystern, need Pairies Celer>' Cempound, tînt remarknble nerve strongtheuor and flesi builder new se genemeily prosoribed b>' the beet physi- cians. Siek hondaches, nervous prestratien, irritabilit>', langrier, uieeplescness, and a general feeling of mental and pbysical depressien are prevalent sud commen in tic bot weuther. Lite lu made miser able, and tieucaudu suifer intense ageny. Paine's Celemy Oompound quieki>' and curel>' repairs tic wasted, wno-ut, uer- voua action, and brings that sveet reet and refreshin¶ sleop Uiat makes rocovery Mon and wemen ail ever Canada are reguiari>' using Paino'a Oelery Compound for reneving their systema and ctoring tho nerye centres vitl sirengti and enorgy. Thc mediclue tint in tic past las done suci grand work for othoru, le eeriainly vînt yon ahould use. Painc'c Celery Compound cures poaitively and permanently. UXBRPIDGE. Mrs. E. J. Breen lu visiting ut ber mother'. lu Arthur. Miss Stuil, cf Oshawa, Miss Lindsay, ef Miltese, Mrs. Wholan and dangiter, cf Toronto, are thogness of Mrs. T. Me- Gattan. 1fr. Joseph E. Gouid lbaves le-day by bicycle for Chemong, a distance cf 60 miles or more. Mies Mary Gould is viting vithihem doer, Mie. Knapmaxx. ef Peterboro, at Ghemong Park. Mr.. Duncan Amuot, m»ther Of T. W.ý Ohapples M.P.P.1 a i peetvstn hem danghter-inIsvla. jMAr. Chapple.1 wbom we are sorry to learun bas' flot yet recoverod (rom hem receni ilhiéme. We are sorry te loaru that our -Popular momber, Mr. T. W. Ohapple, adaxiy have been compelled te bnoi hi proposed trip te tth. oid ceunir>' owisigte the continned lluese cf Mis, Ohppet but tic>' intend te sas>' fr a fév 'veeke ut Old Orchurd Beach assoon as Mme.. Chapple is able te tmavél. Their diéap- pointmaent le greater on account ot hav- ing made cvemy arrangement to ssii on tvo different eccaclons within the puet menti. Mr. Robert J. English, of Bheneotady, N -Y., after an absence of tvent>' years, viaited Uxbridgo yestomdsy but found very fov people vhpma ho knov. Mr. Englisi vas borninluhe double lieuseon Toronto street nov calod the Steppe ions., but iliri'yepars *go, vue héovas anyonng boy, hie people xnoved te Novw- markot, viere ies métier sïti lives. Ln thie thrt>' yenre Mm. Englihli as back hore oui>' once, and lIai vas tvont>' yeara age. Mr. B. O'Blern lest Ivo caIlle Fnda>' nighl b>'y poison. A noiglibor namned Stoner -h ad, hoon puhllu«gthé poison on hie potaloos -suad loft semée of1h on n pape' l. afonce ,orner. The ccvi gotr hirogi sd likeil ih np. Parie green is The. merobanis on Brook elmreéttecks notiort on 'Monda>' to éean the. etreet lu front of their préxuises and. thé resait la a decidedi myrovornfnt. &A man vae aise ptoa few days agotorake up thé sx tones, viti thé îesuit liai lii>.>'. l nov oome 4.gr.e of oomfortlunlraelllug oveui. ut. q!OMU,,ISSU ÎdaOf ZÎ lTiwd»...h WlxIleVbt,i n '~lutêowxxthis vs.k a youuamnln. tP-a ftirtaiou vith a cONDplepf >oo&ieoking gi.ls. His bât, t.er aîdiln are. thuamaun9l na bicyclIe, but, borrowlug a friegds viosi, ho osinyed te take a ride dowltàtovu. Comiug along 6th. front strict ut a nice gait ho spied his fair charmersaund at- temptedl to raiso bis bal lu' an elaborule bow. Lt is net recordod wbother the baud get as far as the hat or net, but the next Mment> Jimmy vent hoad over ioe in the ditol. Ho thinka thc bicycle muet have struck a sioe, but if ho had been hait Sharp ho vould net have pro- sented snob a oomplicatedl Case of wheel and man. H. got a Cooper te tighten hi, 'x ith a fev baud., and, aided hy a dra.i;l of Mansien Hon"se lmon Sour', ceu eovered. The boys sny Jimemy is ail Wright, but ho is net au expert on any vehiole with lou than four vbeels.- Journal. A GeoeusOffer. (Pubh.shed by Request.) Dear Mr. Editor :-Will you kindly in- ferrn the readers cf yeur vluable paper tbat I wyll gladly secd FREE te an>' sufferer frein Lest Manhood, Nervous Debility. Nigbt Lesses, Varicocèle, Itnpotency and the r.-suits of yeutbful fOlly, particulars of a simple and inexpenslve means of self-cure whxch aftcr be- ing humbugged and inposed upon for years by quacits and patent Medicine sharks, cured ire ie a (unr weeks. I have nething te seilier give, away, ner amn 1 advertising an> patent medicine business, but wil be pleed te hear frei n By sufferer anxieus te find a cure fer bis cemplaint. te whem n wl exgpain ceefiden. tially how und by niat means I was cured. Huedreds havé been cured threugb rny ad- vice. Ceos enothing te lears whiat Ilpaid bue. dreds of dollars te find ont. Address confi- dentially and enclose stamp if coeveejent. D. G. OWEN. Toronto, Ont. Riverside P.O. Thé ucw street railway ut Belleville viii open for traffe eon Wednesday. 1 WAS cunsu of a severe cold by MIN. Oxford, X.8. R.. F. HveoNq. 1 WAs CUERD et a terrible upruin b>' MIN- ARD'8 LINIMENT. Yarmouth, N.S. FRD oux.coli, Y.A.A.C. I wAs cunun ef Black Erysipelai b>' MIN- ÂRD'8 LINIMENT. Ingl"uIlle. . W. RUGGLus. Tic electric launet> ai Mohawk Park, near Brantford wau bumned. To 0>0.55.the systM Effeotuali> yet gentlv, wheu costive or bilieus, or vhen the blood a impure or iluibte pormaneutly cmr habituai constipation, te saakon lb. kîidusys and liver te a hoalIL>' actitvit>,theut irritatîng or weakening tbem, te diapolhoadachea, coldi or fovorsn u Syrnp of I-qg& th~~ud uother ooil battle oa baud lu Totail>'D.af.-Mr. S. B. -Crundeil. Port 'Perr, write. -. "I coutractod a severé iold lust winter, which resulted iun ny becoming totuli' deaf in oeecar aud partiali>' se iu the ther. Aftertri n rn roiedies, and censultiu severl octers, vihont ebtaining an>' relief, 1 nus advised te try Dx. TouAs'l, FOeuxcM Om. ILvarmed theO011 and poroa litdecof lx into me ar, and before one-hlfithe bottle vus usnd my bearîng vwucomploI>' restored. I have hourd' e t ercesses of dmafucssbeing cured b>' the use ef Ibis medicie." A bîg gin factor>' on an island in Haxuburg horber vas btirned. Thé Sanit Ste. Maris Caral vilprobabi>' ho opened lu Augiuat ulnard!sLliment cures argetla !M:ea The nov station of the H., G. & B. m Hamiltos la comuplote& tiugig; Meut If alovod te often bleed am bloeding, Ixoa emoves tho-ti for 50 cents. J Agente. Plie.! itense,, Pue&. itchiug sud 'ci, whv t te~aL . 18 JOUX a. * *JEWML,Q.aCe, BrsirCounty Crrn'Atorne, anil O=Unty êâoioior. 0O -S2outh Wlng Of court Roue, Wbitby. ,rr-JAZMES aUTLEDuB, Baiier, oe. Office formera, oconplod t»' Farewell & ftutledge, neit »oyal Béiel# Brook Sb., Whitby. DAVID ORISOTON,9 B. A., Âttorney-at-Law, Solicitor in Ohancer>', Cenvoyancer, etc. Office - In the Office seuth e1 the post Omoie, in UMMila'o Bloek, Brook Street, Whitby. G. YOUNG SHKITH. LL. B., Barrister etc -Moncy te Loan. lin$r ef m&1 n 'Licenses. Office - Smith's Block, SoýJh ef Market, Biock St., Whiiby. DOW & Mc(dLLIVRA«Y, Barriuters, Soliciors ln Chancer>', etc. Office iu Mathi»on & -Hawken's new block Brook St., Whitby, south et Ontario bank. oolJNTX o, 'TAU. 0 M2. lObl Wlt.> OI!z lunese 8: Juy;S..s ct ;Nv.; Dec. 4, lrk,-.a.4 ardi01; Ma*y4; July .9; PORT Pemix - J. W.' nruham, port PeMr, Clerk-lazt. 29; 1Marob 9; Ma>' 9 l> Il; Be". 28; Nov, 18. tjxnmeu-JosOPh 3, GouLd, tfxbuidgo. Clrk-u. 80;Marzch 10; May i5th; Jul>' 12; Oct 14 ; Dec. 17. CàffmneTon-George 8mith, Canninglon, Jan. 81; Marci 14; May' 16; l> 18; oct. 16; Dec. 18. BuÂvmmon-Ge. F. Bruce, Beavert9n, Clark-Murai 16; Ma>'17 Oct. la; Dec, 19. <lerk,-Msoech M6, May 1 e Ot. 17; Dec 20. By order, J. Fi. PAREWELL Olerk oet1h. Ïeuco. .October 151h, 1894. Drs. Warren cd Moore,61 NewLiveri à0asSio Sies J. 3. Mdoore, M. D.,y. Warren,' M. D. Brooklin. Whltby. m" Office heurs 9. a. m. te il a.m. Office heure Il &a.m te 2 p.m. ~, Privale Telep/zone Communcatwn. D. P. BOGART, MI.D.,L.D.8. 1 Physican, Surgeon and Accoucher etc. Office and Residence next te Ail gaint's Church, Dundas Street, Whitby. K. B.- Dental Surgery in ail its branches premçItly attended tc. Dr. H. Wightman DENTIS T. OvorOoa&OTno' 1Wvitby. W. B. YÂRNOLD, D. L.SB.. (Jnei Surveyer and Drainage Engineer, Port PerryOnt. A. A POST, Architect laie with Langley, Langle> Bu.rke, hironte. Design& forChres Villas and Cottages a upociali>'. Drawlnge prepared fer remod lnzeitn structures. offie-Pirst fiatiove W. B'. Hewse's drug store. iliP O Box 202, Whiiby. WX. CALVERLET, Having moed mie our new promises, w. ane prepared te extend th» range ef busines. Ail work petaining tote habMos-n and saddlery business will lo dons.toiosa faction. Coll arsa peciai>. ',- .and0se.1 MY ehop anditock second door wvoit ofol@dshow Dundas Streetl, Wiiyf JNO. NOBLE,' -DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF- Raab, 1>0W.aas EfMd i TumulngMd Fret."vitg. SAil orders or information can be obtained from JOHN NOBLE, Dundas StreetWb, opposite Mr. A. C. WII. son's resdno Whitbyp April 4th- 1894. &A 1 L"- 856 'effice u de-b4 nol n--Z+k Dund.as St., Whftby, 3 . T. NEWPORTp Propriotor. Commercial men Iiberafly deaIt wih Toamlng do". at roul. pries. Frelght and'B gflehauled ait reuson- able priceo. A ce sohiciied. LIFE INSURANCE. Manufactuirera' LI1% & Accident Insurance Co., Toronto. Largest Capital Stock Lif e Ixisurance Co. en the continent. Ninet>' Per cent. of ail accumulations et surpluin reiurned to, the polio>' holders. AUil aims are paid withoui dola>' or discoaunt on proof of deaith or maturit>' of endowmont Peb. lot, 98. C. J. B. POWELLT- Agoni. Wbitby. IDENIrLST. Cor. Min & Yonge. Bt. Toronto. 'For éhe nexi lb>'.. e Onuls IaÎ=ii ipecial aeplientetionih(o=-,& ds- vprI~~~G àropixgW ossuvprer ai W. . ARNER SOLE ýAGENT, «Celebrak GOAL. East STANTON# f 'i fle TFro L bloc aira brex hei1 lier wail tonc and ï veeti prmu Of hi

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