Whitby Chronicle, 2 Aug 1895, p. 5

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May be trutbfnlly said of our prices for Silver Hàair Pins and Ornements, Bu. ver Mounted Bide Combs, Czarine Buokies, and Vail Holders.. These are al This Season's Good*p- and are very fashionable. However, ihey Must be cleared ouit and thus you (f get the advantage. JEWELER & ENGRAVER, OfficiaI Oou.ty Orgau.-Larg.st Crua tIOD Of @&Y local papertu cana". FRIDÂY, AUGUSI2 2, 1895. LOCAL LÂOONIOS. Saturday is special bargain day at W H %Vannen's. H andwood diniug tables, 4 leaves5. only $5, at W. Tilî's. Mr. W. R. Howse is expected to arrive back f rom Englaud today, Miss Nellie Peters, Uxbridge, speut Sun- day with relatives in town. Lodies, see oui laced kid gloves ouly si, regular $e25 goods. W H Warren. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. W. Scott, Newmanket, are the guests of Mn. and Mrs. Mai-shall, Green st. Mrs. Geo. A. Ross returned home from a month's visit to Brockville on Tuesday' night. County Treasurer McKay bas been badiy under the wea.rher this week, and is still sufeienug from lumbago. Miss Susie Parker, Toronto, a niece of Col. ODonovan, is visitiug lu town, the guest of Mn. aud Mrs. Shaw, Brock st. north. Mn. Frank Bryau, who left here about a xnonth ago to work in Cobourg, left Cobour-g last week for Port Huron, where he lias se- c ured a good position. Major Farewell visited Lundy's Lane, near Niagara, ou Tbursday last to attend thie u nvelJing of the monument whicb bas heen erected there iu commemioration of the fhght thene in 1812. Don't forget the date Aug. i2th. Excur- sion to Niagara Falls per Str. Garden City and Electric Ry. Adults S'. 25, children 75c. Prof. Pickard's baud wîll be ou board, 17 flrst class musiciaus. Tickets for sale a E. R. Blow's, C. P. Ry. ticket office. The ganden party at AUi Salut'. church on Wednesday uight was heldln arctic weatber, but was a succesa, simply because the pea- pie tunned out determined to enake it go. The mnost of it wus moved Inside, where a very pleasaut Urne was indulged lu. Mn. W. W. Caldwell, Chicago, a hale aud vigoroits octagenarian and former resident of \Vhitby, is here on a viiit to bis many old friends and acq uainance in Whitby. We frequently read that noue but youug men are recognized lu the west, but Mr. CaId- %vell went to Chicago ut slxty fkve and bas 41ld up bis end adrnirably. He carnies ou a large businessilu aintingaid painters' sup- plies, and bears the look of eue who was mieeting wlth deserved succesq. Everybody w as pleased teo meet the venerable gentle- man, and to hear bis matured vlews upon questions of mutual interest. Renneiner That Dr. Grant's '<Hairene" is gtaaranteed to stop falliug hair aud remove dandruif. Threshing Coal 1(x tons of fi-stclasa soft coal just receiv- ed per Schooner jamieson from Sandusky. Farxners, cail ou IR. R. Blow for your threshing coal: office opposite CHRoNICLE, Whîtby. - Civir IHoliday. The attention of oui readers la directed to the announcement lu our advertisiug col- unns of the Caledoulan gaines, etc., on ci '~ i c hol iday. It la safe te say that the celc- brat ion wilh be far ahead of any prevlous de- nion st nation of the klnd ever hehd lu Wbutby. Excursion to the Falla, Buffalo, etc. The Lindsay branch, C.M.B.A., of Can- ada, will give their annual cheap excursion t i Tononto, Niagara Falls and Buffao, Ou Thursday, Auguat Sth. Excursiolats will take the morning train of the. Whltby and 1I rt Penny braucbp, whlcb wiU connect at Toronto, ati o.zS a.m., wltb the excursion i voin to Niagari Falls. Tickets wiilJ aisebe good ou the afternoon and evenlng trns Of tPhe d ay before and on ahi mortl&* trains On the day of lia excursion. Tickefts foin \Vhitby to Toronto, gôod for 1 day. $1.10; to Niagara Fis, go !or a -days, .;t- Buflao, good fora 2days,$4 i an ie- 1limit la excusve of the aenuof OthqeID-e vîous day. Chlldrans' tickets, bsrffce. Ti ckets may bs bad et U tIiCe atOW suo the train, but asegssIioold sk (fr#C. M.B.A. excurionticket $no~derto g.ttha c hea p rates. Ticketsb re gd to retùli by any regular train Wjtbin lb»e ilue,. lit. Pickerlng excudsiM$itswill ps-y WbltUy rates. Te enable vWstoiSto me. the aaa river aud Fallato tebbut-4valpec chcap rates ou the EIdtÏèRicItllwa y, whb skirts the river'frein Cblppewa te Qiu.e- ston wi111be granted -to Pstmnsor"w x cursion. Seo Targe posters for filiprlu lana. Thos, Huui ïon Mo r pss ai IiSY. Why lmprison. the POOr WI*. =01al htist a demnbMea' UeItYty bi bât Do'P*r- inflct sub uMui«t poor bavef are under the o, tb~he wibs they -baie ti î mk moutie ei. lnts o! butss4 # ýre onueahtbla a54tîPôftt$t ou medlume throà$lawlWe I Mlcbp ýn* ures lu hnVe1%. 'ruMt -dsafý.#tia life everv botur ,W1» « b bu* rptsAf Rate of waa.,n$if'V w l.~. 06tltiotà but It a*ng» D" toIa isýno-. IftCPe'ýD ed as, doubla £'ou àt*e ome and l aPeor gent.ud Yow «Will flad Our prices per cn. M.C0w 8any. other shoe store in 8weit aido Brock et. Scott repaira ail kindbeof putpa Wre la.apecti lbargain day at W H liasS Maud Annis la holldiaytng at BUr. lington Beach. Mr. Normnan McGillvray, Toronto, was ln town over Suilday. We are aeiling ladies',ikprsl tca prices at w H Warren'si aaosa S DeuY eveWllx Port Perry, was Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Fotheringham, Toronto. apent Sunday lat in town. Mr. B. Saund crs, Guelph, speut last week Visiting with friends ln town. Mr. and Mia. E. Harper have returned from a trip to Michigan to visit Mr. I. Har- per. Mra. Geo. B. RObson eud daughter, of Terre Haute, Ind., are visitiug at Mr. Wma. Robson 's. Mn. Cammtage, Niagara Falls, once of Whitbycommtitted suicide. at the Falas the other day by shooting himself. On August z9th a -g-rand "demostration wili be held lu Osha wa uuder the auspices Of Victoria lede No.55,L. TB. nd h 34th Batt. bau<. . n h The town baud played some lively music on Weduesday uight on the corner of Brocli and Dundas streets,' after which they did some serenading. Fine weatben: Arrange for the x2th Aug. to run the postponed excursisu to the Falls per Str. Garden City and Niagara River Electric Ry. Boat leaves Newcastle 7 a.m. Bowmaville 7.20. Oshawa 8, Whitby 8.30, Frenchmnan's Bay (outside pler) 9 o'clock. Mr. Comout, representing Messrs. Carter, Dunucît & Beal, ILondon, Eng., bas been here this week looking at the pea cropý.in which they are interested through Mr. J. H. Loug's agency. The prospects of the ci-op are most satisfactory to the big English firm, who were almost discour-aged by last year's sbowiug. They look for a big yield in this locality. Mr. Jno. Noble bas just - received at his lumber yard near uptown station a new sup- ply of pine and hemnlock lumube-, shingles (xxx A No. i cut for American market,) flooriug and sidiug. All kinds of builers' supplies, doors, sashes, bllnds, etc., furnish- ed at shortest notice. Sci-eeu doors, win- dows of ail sizes, and shutters made to order, Caîl around and seeour stock. JNo. NOBLE. The cnicketers selected to, represeut the county of Outario, past and present, made a ver-y poor showing comparatively against the Parkdale and Toronto clubs last week, the score of the former beiug under a hundred in each instance, while that of the other clubs was over two huudred in both cases. Cricket is one of the lost arts in this part of the country. Once upon a time Wbitby could go out into the world single handed and alone and beat big folks, but the glory of its past appears to be sufficient for our club, and no enthusiasm cas uow be stirred up. It was mucb the same with Pickering. Our western neighbors used to steal out of their caves among the clifu alongside Duf- fin's creek, and tor a season or two they al- most set the world afire. They, too. spend urne talking over the achievements of the1 past, but make no record of the present to1 furnish ammunition for future talk.t Cricket.t Pickering at Whitby today, Ligdsay at Whitby Mouday August 5th. Threahing Begun. The welcome hum of the steam tbresher la uow beard. Barley its turuing out mucb bet- ter than was expected. The Markets. Our market reports are corrected weekly. After th is week we shahl have tbem fnom ail the local markets where grain is bought. About a8 mil will be the rate By the time the 2% mils exempted by the local legisiature sud the exemptions nder Deputy Pningle's bylaw are struck off the farrn lands of this town, and the special tax for sprnukliug sud uightwatchiug are added ou, the business men of the towu wiIl be laid under Ievy this year pretty close to 28 mills. This is nather startling, and the worst of it is that the rate is likely to remain stationery, or else go higher for eight years to corne, as the exemptions both by parliamentary sud municipal legmslation hold good for that penlod, sud in ail proba- bility will then be made worse iustead of better. To have a coucil in 'future will arnount to little more than fulflUing a for- mula, sud every =ove that is made towards making the towu's position worse appears to be entirely successfuL It la uow pro- posed to attack the Pningle bylaw making the farm exemptions for eight years, and, j udging by the experience of the past, that will be the next shcaring bce the towu wifl be the victim oL One would have to be ex- tremely hopefu who holds optimistic views as te tiais town's future prospects. Fariner Uck's dog chase. There was a scene of great excitement lu towu on Friday night hast. Mr. H. Scott, the punipmnaker drove into town at a 2.40 gait, wlîh.Mr, Elmir Liek brlnging up the rear, gun lu baud sud It looking as i f war had been declared There was hustlng sud flylug about for a, considenable dîne before ayexplanation could be obtalned. It ap. pear tht w coÉt ing (roma Oshawa that evenaug a fox tertier deg set out te follow Mr. Scott's rig stear Trntou's corners. The terrier was a ittle frlskY, suad beaides did net know thai ampEmar Llck bha strong aversion to. ibe coe MSc, whlci hatred has beauInoas y eu=dryraldi made upon bis ihepod. ut Widusomau, fôor doge who ktaow lir. Llck's prajudios te stand upon thefr b flsud IIGOade by there, bat lu band, , itbout «Msingoe gun fl e tap s1fi lebeaefit Nov, tis fox terirWbtch lblown Scot vas sooeewbas frlsky 9àe4 KbitLkk's. aud took it InterhW bi , 'y.pàIbay for à vhlle wêlo etq l~p Rock, wbeseupdn Mr,, Àî 2zéà wit for the; u-roo# ___ $0 Seau, wbose pu * *~~a a a..4e clip. OvuatîW **# 7" scotit ai the dtIil* - cresonuirm Rau hMwte Of boots a~d shaê-now golng on at tihe ne,, red s.s4 t0tre for 3o dai *-Honeât bargaIna--nQ &eceetion, no olod s8t0ck citY gooda. Ever'y paifup todate. -Aguraitee we are away belo,, clty prices. Cail and aee if we are bonest about it. M. W. COLLINS, eaat aide, Whitby.0 Miss Flo Rae, Toronto, la vi"xiting in town. Saturday la apeciai bargain day at W H Warren'a. Urn. Wmi. Irwin, Newcastle, 18 visiting frienda In town. Mis. Grenside and chlid are visiring at the home of Mrm. Gros. Mr. T. Buckle, Port Hope, apent Sunday wlth friends in tow12. Miss Ethel Wilkinson, Lindsay. is visitlng at Mr. Chas. Mackey'a. 3rd con. See our fiannelettes at se, 734c, ioc; fancys at 12 MC, *5, extra wide, at W H Warren's. Messrs. V. B. Woodrufi' and Geo. Rice were at Detroit last week attendIug the cir- cuit race meeting there. Miss Edith Gross, who bas been spending a week visiting in Toronito, returned home on Tuesday, accompauied by Miss Gi-een. Mr. T. Tracy, Ph. D., professor of phil. osophy ln Toronto University, wiIl preach morning and even ing next Lord's day in the Baptist Church. Pastor Sycamare and Mr. McMaster, of Port Perry, are eujoying a two week's canoe trip on the lakes. The CHRONICLE was mistaken lu stating la'!t week that Mr. Perin of the Queen's hotel had been summoned before P. M. Harper for selling Intoxicants to Michael McSweeney. IL was John Sleightolm wbo was called upon to face the music. How- ever, our item was propbetic in a sense, for on Friday last Mr. Penin was officially cal- led upon to meet the charge stated. The hearng of the case took place at the police court Tuesday night, when James Sulis tes- tified that he was in the ban-oom of the Queen's on Saturday July 2oth, and heard Penin refuse to seli McSweenev drink. Slightholm stepped up shortly afterwards and bought a tumbler of been from Charley Stewart, who was behind the bar. Slight- holm stepped back, and allowed.McSweeney to down ,ht budge. The case now depends upon whether or not Ptrnn is liable for the conduct of his baitender. and also as to whether or not IL is a palpable shamn to sel liquor to any one who may buy it, and al- low him to give It over to another who is on the black lisi. There is no other business whichi resorts to so mnany schemes and pre- texts to evade the law as the lq uor trade. Magtrate Harper reserved bisd ecision for a week 10 consider matters. New Premises. Remnoved to new building neanly opposite Woodrufi's hotel. D. Mathison. July 16th, 1895.-33-2in. Basebail Match. The Oshawa baseballists dropped down upon this towu on Saturday afternoon last and defeated the Whitby club by 2o to ii. A neturn match is to be played at Oshawa on Saturday. Wait for it 1 For what? Why the lovely trip to Niagara Falls by Str. Garden City and Niagara Falls Electric Ry., on Aug. i2th. Everybody arrange to go. Bring along your baskets, bot water supplied free on board boat. See large Complete New Outfit. The Bell Telephone Company bas not only put lu new poles and wires bere, but bas extended operations to the central tele- phone exchange managed so eficiently by .Mr. J. E. Willis. A new and moderuized transmutter bas been put in whicb renders telephoning an art soon acquired. People can now tahk witb or witbout experience; aud an apartineut has been put ini for the special use of those who wish to tahk lu pri- vate. The result wilI nu doubt beo greatly; extend the use of the phone in town. Oh fo r everywhereý cheap. Tickets to and (rom England, Ireland, Schtland, B. Columbia Manitoba, Califor- nia-al U. S. and Canadian points. "Any- where, everywhere." Boat, rail or ocean. Call on on write Stephenson, Whitby, (op- posite Hatch Bros.) Choice of railways and ten ocean steamship liues, and al] thç boat Lines via Owen Sound (and C. P.RP-)Sarnia, Dollingwood, Port Hope and Toronto ; also, to Muskoka and upper lakes and sea bath- ing points. Th-ougli tickets to and <rom Pickering, Myrtle, Brooki, Whitby aud T'oronto, at rates guarauteed rigit See Stephenson, Whitby, before traveling. Entrance aud Public School Leaviug Examina- At the examinations hehd hene last June, 89 candidates wnote for the eut-suce centifi- cates, snd 4 for public school leaviug certifi- cates. 0f the formner 29 were boys sud 6o were girls. 0f the boys r.5 passed, of tbe girls, 38. 0f tbe 89, 29 wdid (rom the town,. sud ig passed . 5 were from the outside and 34 passed. The 4 poblc school leaving candidates were from Clanemont sud two of thein pass- cd, John McFanlaue gettiug 673 marks sud Maggle Gnegg 612. The number nequired to pasa at the entrauce exanis. was 422 ; to pasa the leaviug exaina: . 612. Several f-chools greatly distinguished theinselves. Two pupils of Mr. Underhill's, Brooklu, took scholarehipa, eue of Mm. J. H. Le'la, eue of Mr. Eddy's, Claremont, sud ene of Mr. Jas. Brown's, Wbitby. The nanies of the succesfafl candidates, with their marks sud the names o! their teachera, are as folws ': Mn Brown, Henry-stî. aud Medel, Whitby- G R Blow, 422, Gordon Johrnson38, Eddie Nicholson 47r, A Taylor 42, 4ay Arm- Ibtnoug 449, Magie Britton-56e, JaBle Dewey 422, Clara J ery 424, Sâdie -joues 487,~ Janet McKaY 496, L4 PhllpeaU 47;# Ada Tremeet 4.22. Mu,.Gaie, Dufferlu-at aciooI, -Whltby-V eCconri 4 4tiasa, eG Van,. ken- burt 48, MWils0u 4=2 MrU IotOn, Seanerai.acol, Whtby.-. N ;see 42 ,Josle NeWuoMe425, - Mia M Palour, KIyrile-Roy Ellerluy 477t iit E c gradi L. Wmllficeuav &u c tEAT JL Fr/day and Saturday kil fancy Parasols reduced to one- hlai!price. ARl Remnants rednced to one-half regular price. 20 pieces Cream and White Laces redueed *0 one-half price. Stainleie Black Rose only 5 ets. per pair. Saturday and Monday Mo's and Boys' Cloting. Boys' N~avy Biue Berge Suite to fit aee4 *0 o10 -yeare, redueed *0 <*od ~wedsuite, 2-piece, 4 t*010r meulé 41t.0 suite meeed*0 $-000 ,-6 . 100 " " " 7.50, men'g $5r Navy Serge Suits reduoed to $8.7-6. Kne PantsCY,-j* -50c.9 60c.5 750. and $1. 'Imperative purpose to seil governs ail prices. Ceet sinke ontt of eightiniii his Bale. If eaving is making meney, ihie je eertanly Coinaing it. Den't fai te ehare in the Bargaine of the GBvkiAT O LEÂBING BUMMERBALEor. L 90. Me 4 d1rge of Low l>rtces. Job lot of Dresmi Goode, 500. to 75c., reduced to 25a. and 85c. White Swifis Skirt .Embroidery 75e. to $2.00 at 50c.1 Job lot of Purses, selling at 25c. worth 85c. each,1 Great value in- Remuants Remuants ReMnants Remnna.ts Remuants Grey Cottons. Shirtings. Flannelettes. Cottonades. Embroideries.1 c» All Our Stock of MILLINERY to be blesred out B*-Oost primas. *Job lot of GENTLEMEN'S TIES, worth from 25a. to 85c. ; ail io gsm at 1 5c. MIEN'S UNDERBHIIRtS & DRÂWERS, worth 50c., to be sold st 2&w OIRDERED CLOTHIINO ai greai reduciions. BLUE SERGE SUITS...... ........ ............ $12-W~ Special line SCOTCH TWEED SCIITS, worth $20.00 for .$15.OW flbnpt Faul to attend the Clearing Sale at - Fm sTE rwJ1 RTlS» WALTE RS'% Bargain $for every person town to buy goode OiVE-HALF : Regular Prices 2 T147 DA YS. Pale bine, navy and whie siriped Zephyrs, regular price 25c., re- dnced te I 2jc. American Llam Clotha, ligbt and dark colore, regular price 20e., Bargain Day price100. 20 pieee liglit and dark Dr.,. Goods re- auedtojrogular priee.. Victoria Lawna,. 42 and 44 inéhee ie 100. Prints rcdnoed to, 8c. 1 piece Butehere' Biue Dnck, warranted fret celer, regular prie 20e., redueed te 100. Double width bine and white stripe Zephyr, regular price 20o. do. 25c., QrThe above prioes are for Bargain Days ONLYI Saturday sud oudaày, Âgut rd ,sud'5b Saturday and Monday $1-.05 for regniar $1.50 working j$1.135 for neyer rip everydsy Pants. at 1.90 for good 82.50 Tweed Pants. for 82.50 for Blaok Worsted atwoh Sa turdayadMn (j SP]ECIÂ~ son~ sTyles. 80.Blouse. DIAM-N.A GL ftTh * Nv *Jerorys tro e of 1 W. G. m«iêý T T077 4- il - -72 IIALIFAX TWEED SUITS .. 0 0 $10.W (ieý . Special Pants. AN Q c p tg li c tg il p 7 s CF. Ë t (t#ront*tlt. 4-C ý*r OPPORTUNITY

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