Whitby Chronicle, 2 Aug 1895, p. 4

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pointedl at'tbe proÃ"fessing christisu. $ymaiy exemptions for the niezti efrht Yeas, ci cet of tihe clergY are t"enu,w Ithaiinda af tain arnsjattlfio-dm ain dgze~~ O UG FINI8H (4.terci is G t4 ieari 'p4Oîdw lksIlht'etc. Thib p1owv crtie, have o se ieavei; thtpogr, the ul- l t e U t o na s l g wi h h ÂDY PCVB SE DRY. ducated1and tise commôn opeanother etiselest, DeOentalge ~ugat heaven?# This la about tle substance of ass'd re- whtMr. Nott wrote, and it strikes me that ~ au ue NOMXN E UR D his article te about as ful of siander as it.ar ,vlede o cas holci. Thse churcis la flot ail tisat 71t. T S Erat, 50 $50 2y Sticke to the vines.-Finishes btI a iemi oocL And Dltchele 8 68o 2o 13 theý curc o to-day la better tis tén é GMill 7a 23 2900 20 the buges with one applica cîurciî of yesterday. General accusations Chai Bateinan, 59 2950 30 s toagainat the church as a whole means spec- Miss acson, 22 1210 6' liaccusations againat -indlvidual members Robert aleej> 3 8 0 of thse churcis, if they means aythingat ail. Em=asuel Siekep, Se X 4285 30 yh 11 safe way to....... Who are those individual members of thse James Willls, 49317 0 14* a atrong poison....... church that have 8o muc i nslncerity, rival- Geo. Cormacis, i51575 0 3 14V 17, hypocrlsy, etc I arn a memzberof theJStria, 110 5.500 35 102c ....Worth its cs scucado h clergy. A member of Allan Cameron, '1- 95 40 198 ... ...a fertîlizer.csia the churcis I do flot know thatI am guilty J LHurd, 3412W 0 07 ofteevices. I have, moreover, hadaL& B Heyden 22>t00 40 4c close acquaintance for many years with Wm-JeffreY, 106 5300 40 21 2 21 cts. per lb. thousands of church members, and though -jio Murphy 26 i300 40 520 noue of themn have been perfect, an immense j no Newport. 15 750 40 IM mnajorlty of theni have been honest, truth. Tboa Pindar, 84 4620 4o0 fuil' sooer, peaceful, conscientious people Thos Smith, 59 2950 40 li F j 8 Who sincerely desire to do riglit in ail Jno Smith, 140 7400 40 296o l P /lII Itbings. As a clergyman wbat are my fads ?J oshua Smith, 1 500 40 200 EtL.. L IS I know that with a few exceptions thse aim Mrs Jos Thompson 130 65o0 40 2o of My ministry l the sainie as tisat of other Wm ThorndylLe 94 4700 40 I88< cie rg-ymen. Wil I Mr. Nott state tise fads, H W Wilcox, 65, 2275 40 91< adpoetisat these fada are tise chief oc.Jno Lawrence, jr 7614 4025 40 16io Ch ftis f ru gst cption ot the clergy ? I would flot notice Donald Cameron, 25 8 5 '50 43 Cthme Drg is, adrcof Port Perry correspondent W J aliett, 33 14z5 40 74 MVedical Hll, the churcis by such one-sided sttes.~ Barnard Baker, 100 5000 6o .3o0c Take thse churcis ail in ail ht neyer was as Sidney Coxwortis, 68 37060524 good as it is to-day, and in thse main instead Go ei 7024 @ok tree, - Wlùtby of it beiný a matter of scorn to profess re- Matt MUT J 70 o 45 e2ligion, il is tie very opposite. Geo Siurtle , 9 2 5 0 38 6o 4 T. MANNING. EB Shurtleff, 24 1237 6o 742 S r rtu e. The Parsonage, Wistby JulY 31, '95. l Reymolds prop 65 2625 80 2100 Tow Lcas.Jas Reid, 20 900 8o 72 Mr. G. %'. Martin returned on Thursday Total exemption $48,131 lasifroi Nw Vrk, her hehasbee There was considerable discussion on a W'HITBYt AUG. 2, 1895. visiting. Mlrs. Martin rempins ihere for aponrsebyReeKginfvrf _____________short_____________ granting exemptions to Messrs. Farewell, shortlimeyet.Howden, Annes and Maynard, but tise pre- Mr. Jnio. G. and Dr. Win. Campbell, Chi- vailing opinion in council was tisai they re- A 00 7,1.cago, sons of our worîhy townsman, Mr. ceive as much benefit frorn sidewaiks, Reports indicate tisat ihere is a '.ery fair James Campbell, are expected to arrive here lighting, etc., as otiser raiepayers in tise Crop throughouî this county, the yield bei ng froni Chicago to morrow.ceteoth ws hevesuaid 900din any lac Alog te frnt ere If a sufficient number take tickets, a priv- the bylaw as introduced, and tise bylaw was goodlu anyplaes.Alon th frnt ereate pîcnîc excursion will be run fromn Bow- so passed. Tise council tisen adjourned. crop8 are as good we believe as the state of man ville, Oshawa and Whitby on Monday Some people looked for snow on Wednes- the land warrants. Nobody could look for next, per steamer Eurydice. Thse committee day night. every farmer to have a big crop in every 's working hard t0 bring the event to a suc- Ladies' shirt waists, in white and colored, field. and even Borne fields that are in good cesaful issue. at ouly 8i, extra value. condition go wrong ai trnes. 10oo cakes toilets soap ai i cent eacis, hr. and Mms James Brown have returned Our People are peculiarly blessed and 12oo very fine cakes toilet soap ai 2 for 5 cia. from their trip to Musisoka. favored> aud have every reason to be thank- Blue and pink apoîîed lawn I2ic., wa 2 Miss Violet Smith, Hamilton, is visiîing fui. Oy course we cannot expect to ever see cts. Lace mitts i0 ts. air. Colored and in rown, the guest of Miss Aggie Dow. thse daY when everybody will be able to get black gloves lo ct0c a rMisidachovam s $1 id ges for Soc s.Banhe Ad m, Port Perry, spe2nt Out of dett, or when everybody will have, a Saturday, Aug. 3rd, '95. Hayward. part of thia week in town, the guest or Mrs. ,ood fat bank accouni. We may have coin- Bicycle for Sale An nes. pratively lny ny be comparativeîy CrntMr. P. Burns has resigned hispoion n hleny, an d my ave yneeog okCne in go,d cond ton. Apply 51Tii' untrewrrooscon in apadmyhvsnsenghtknow Wolfendeî, & Sniiîs mnumental works, helîh.untrewrroas nacurto When We are well off and happy ; but the \hi~6ecesli anu aro uie puh superlative degree or these îhings neyer htb\6 icsodwan prrsuels. cornes in tbis world. We should learn to be Big excursion yesterday with silk plusis banda, for $32, worth $45, at cqntent when we have done our besi. Pro- There was a very larze crowd aboard the W. Till's. vidence Will take C-Pre of the rest. Garden City yesierda. 1 La trip to Toronto, Bowmanville is talking of buying a field Prices are likely to be better than for years sorne <sîîmrating the p1) .îî 8oo or more. weaî of the town for a park and exhibition '-bath as regards commodies which we have Stili Falling. grounds. ta selI or will require to purchase, and it The %%,,ter in Lake rio s siîlfaling Get vour fire-pots, grates, iron or brick ites a big difference t0 have big prices No -le of this generati n ~sw~mc linings'for ail kiiids of st0'ies, ranges or cemnglusu lwe f gures g Oout-. We dry land about the ik front as there is furnaces, from J. Mclntyre. can buy neary twike as much of anvthing fIr 1'1 o;, We are in receipt of some very large heads a dollar as was the case ten yeara ago0, \'etThe G T. R's. New Storing Ground. of barley sent in by Mr. Thos. Rotley, ten. farm produce is rated ai almosi the salve ani Of Mr. Jno. Burns farm, uorthwest of 'Value, and there are more kinds of produce 0A long string of ern ý\v hi)x cars ha stored Brooklin. ln demand. o the tnew railroaçl -tack rtrcenîly laid by Mn. A. C. Wilson speut last week ai Brad- If there is one po0int upon wvhich our fanm- the Grand Trunk e,>[r-)nro the harbor to ford. Penn., visiting Mr. James Johusion snd eri have recelived a more expensi ve schoollng Hey"den Park. famiiy, laie of ibis iown. Thejohnstons are thon any other, it ha to seli for a good price A large sale of coal ail doing well. Wben ot)ered. Iu îhnee cases oui of four Tise Rathburn Co., tisrough Mr. E. R. Miss Crowhunst, of Port Hope, ailier thoUe Whso will flot do s0 are the suflerers. Blow, hag sold about 300 tons of old stove spendiug a week lu towu tise guest of the We could mention scveral cases of laie oc- coal whicis has been laying at tise Whitby Misses Nicholson, returned 10 iser homne on curirence *here ihose Personally urged by harbor for some 'years, to Messrs. King Sunday last. US te Bel l season have neglecîed to do so Bros. for steami purposes. te their icss, sometimes serioualy so. Be- w. H. piper TE MRES aides tbis, bangiug onto saleable articles SelTUB ot ouarwu-ml ad uWABXTby . wlWpn they are binging good prices keeps Canada. Ten of these mills used 10 every Falwset hc iugwhat 85 business bacis aud holds money out of one of any otiser kind. Cbeap and drale.goseweat, ,c; buck w eat, o 8;5ar ciclto.Prices on application tise agendW.rH.le.goewat80: uk et c;br Piper.. Ailkinds of Dumos forent W. . y, six-rowed, 45c to Soc; barley.-two- -short Note&, Piper Sutherland. On Wednesday ai Toronto tise coroner's Piper John Sutherland. of tise 48h High- landers will be aitishe Highland club room fury-reudered a verdict in tise case of tise de- ou evenyv Mouday evening until after clvic çeased Sarais James, oi Utica, wisose unfor- holiday lu fuli uuilorm, to furnisis music, tunitte fate was given in our iass issue. 1-fe Memnbers are requested to turu out. v'erdict sirnply states tisa se died of inflam- Coai 1 Coa.l I nzatUoà, sud blames no pei-son. Tise crown j usi receh ved thsree cangoes, 400 tons each, fresis mined Scranton coal per steamner Flora officer's, bowever, afe flot saiisfied, and are Canvetis I arn now prepanedti 1 supply alkng about arresting Voung Somnerville, dlean, brigisi, carefully screened coal at ber affianced lover. This voung man vol- lowest possible pnice. Office opposite THE unteered bis iestimony ait ise inquesi, ap- CHRONICLE Wbiîby. E. R. BLOW, rarently tiinklng, as msny winesses doC C hat le would tell such ihings as he saw fit: o-oal. aid evade questions wisich uîhght prove I have compieted tise purchase of a lange ýrublesome If cornectly answered. When quanîiîy of fresis mined Scrantou Valley ào got isto tise wiiness box ise found, as ail coal, whicis 1 con furnisis b my cuatomens h. others dotisai no person wishec 10o hean aand otisers at nemarkably low prices. Also mything tisai he waa willing 10 tell, whiîe s large supply of soft coal on isand. Before verybodv appeared determined 10 know buyiug give me s caîl. H-. B. Taylor. ,xactly what b. had made up isamind to The Wsbpsh Railroad appress. Ose sets sucis witnesses any day la uow ackunowledged by travellers 10 be n court, 'As s result of his fancied amart- tise besi route from Canada 10 Chicago, St. lâm'Sooecrviîîc aroused suspicion, and now, Louis, Kansas City, Old Mexico, Califoruja illox i-e awears lie neyer knew of tise sud west, nortbwestenn points. Its train i sà ondition, thse crown officers; appear to equipments hs îuperlatively tise fineat ln *lIev that be la flot stating tise trutis, sud America. Itha tise gi-est trunk hune passing ç nay be aresred beore the matter is lbat througis six states of tise union snd malringq 1b cf pbl)cy, ora harge of isaving direct conuection wiîis one hundred sud ther dvised or assistd iu tise crime of ninetees otiser ralroada. Tickets and lime- ~p~ton.tables of tisis great railway from n ticket agent or J. A. Richardson, Canadian pas.- ~ue.Sroehn or Hu sd Woeu. songer agent. N. E. Cor. Kisg sud Yonge street, Toronto. ýTbe signa af tise limes point 10 a very War or Peace I's aIl the sane. eeatchange i-n tise eut of wearing apparel The war In Ceres la uow over and the gring tise next five years, snd probably Manitoba struggle la on, as well as tise îtisin twa years.Tise growlng use of tise Britishs electioàs. Murdering la stl inl vogue ýèjcIe bas demonstrated tisaI neither maie and os tise increase. Tise man who thinka w refpsie attirîs «s'ow worn la suitable be kuews a solution of tise Manitoba scisool wId&Kwltb,, Men have te garter up question, doesn'î know how mucis he deemn' ,ý,pnt oftm ý" tme tlsey gel kuaw. Hou il wilI be deait wîth la a vered ýh iewhlish tends ta crease- and question for pelîticans. The-Brflabselecdonsu thsem mon cannet walk wefl ini are sure to go Coaserative, and conserva-. au4i fta far verse ta ride in them. tien: as carr4ed an to-day mean# rosi reforin. e sensiblt womnan hms We can stop murderig o soob citent If uc C h npron visa decs'eed sali every blood-staned Manster ta tise Imas o.enauorever be doomed lnriead of anaking tem reciplents cf sym- I patby aud outraged justice- Readm are udbted 1a~w et mature uhicis favorcd wftb these philomplobi ervattons th. limbe mutI be freely eCi- p 1rcly vIa svIcu te rcmludlgtsi i 4t ctotle t te allier partu of P. Hart UWM sells tise New WHIliamaý.osewlgB *rzta peslbrm their (une- machsin*, visicis la ahead oflsnall. L b*6 klithe o stae ane Sfor »b of »kîfMr.onuebraf«M .b uM nMa f Is in sieG*l. leiie .fr~tom~ t btfl i»Wt emb aJ'n b aftcr MnabMenceofssoMlme ~h*i to .SS ~aliweek witfien6 and' V he d i, ,t twoeai<,kec b ~ be kz** 0 t*- roweci, 42c; rye,-50v; 40ats, 35Ck ta 84m pes, amail, Goc ; mummy peua, 6 t, 6 pesa, black eye, 65c; bine pesa, 60 o a60C I claver, Alsike, $4.00 108$5.00; new patatoea, per bush, Soc te 6oc ; bay, $7 te 88; baied isay, $io (o $12 ; butter, 12C te 17C.; eggs, uic; dressed bogs, 85.5e ta $6.2,5-1 isoga, live weigbî, $S.o Toront~o The following are higisesi prices quoted: White wiseat Soc, red Soc, gooseoaoc., oas 40c, barley 46c, common pes 64c, rye Soc, bay $13 10 $15, straw $7.50, butter 17c, eggs new laid 13c, dresaed boga $.5.00, potatoes per bush, 4oc. '0' Alisier McAlister Yciur chanter sets us a' astir." Sons of Scotland- (GRAND GALA GATHERING -AND- CALEDONIAN GAMES -will be held in the- ZZHITION GBOUNDB, WHZBT," -ON- MONDÂ, AUGU13T 19t]4 10959 Toronto and Whitby's Civic Holidy under tise patronage of tise Goveraor Genert aI and Lady Aberdeen, and tise Grand Camp Of tise Sons of Scatland3 and under the join auspices of tise uiiitcd-Ctpetb Orer liTorontoj(wbîch - hold th4eir aminalt Excusionto WIthyon the - aloveo date> and Roderlck Dhui Camp, Wbltby. The 48th Highlanders' Rçgý,ment«-9I Band la fuil ntIon v wili (by er.nilcu Llcut.-COL D «vdeosdCalcens) b-, sent afldayl - Asplendid. seiea cfOpenair con-e teste & mu s mnir .M... -g. 40 ?o )o TEE JE! CII! GOODI o o o o o o o o o HaywardThe flon)t Forg3t seils the beet goods, jmogt. of them for the 4least money. We are oonstantly on the look- L Sout for bargain s. Every wreek we go to Toronto and bunt -thée.- miarkets and :the oeh-,eneble us toeure manIr 1o1tg o d at The "I haIf i.That's8 why Wê 0eau 8mu Eý-VU7rweùJlwm >fina U, ie A ug't. 3rd, Renat o urcsn, we fisin pleofte ieo DRY MOOS et Bak CardnadanMaagr Q uebeo B an k uildi g, T ro uto . offioe-NEW YORK. wefid il '95.pleo Pririts, Gi'ngliaffs, Chales, Delaines, Dross Goods I n Serges, Henrietta, both in Black and Colored; Silk, Flannel- lettes, Shirtings, Tweeds, Check and Spotted Muslins, Factory Cottons, White Cotton, and a great rnany other uines ail of wtuch will be Corne and secure some of the Bargains before they Rlemem ber DRY : GOODS STORE. * ed A sIBY WHITB y. ROS DRY GOODS, Now zi tMe lrne to 6uy Dry Goods. We are se/Iing- everything- ai reduced Priccs PrebaZalory to receivïng our Fai Stock. Dress Gooda in ail shades. Delaines, light and dark. Prints, Dueks, Ginghawms, Shirtings, Table Linons, Napkins, Toweils, Towelings, Gloves, Hosiery, Cor- sets, Handkerohiefs, Cottons, and Ready-made Oloth- ing are ail sellikg at reduoed prices. Our Gents' Furnishing i;took--ip very briglit, havig 1ately Mbeen improved by another consigu ment oôf - Shirts, Clas MMM Cuifs, Ties, Hose and .Hat8. We are selling Har4 a1nd S8oft Feit Hats, also Straw flats at remarkably low prices. We fail to quote prices for want of space. . t wil be to your -interest to examine oui stock and compare prices and qualities before buying elsewhese. r at 1< bac dai reg Nr are Gre mol nigi und suff, col. gue moS last thse beei figàs and Pro] L 1 --queE te st ihx REAT R-UIAN T ATURDÂy tving had a large trade this are ail gone. the day and date, Auqu-st 3rd, 1895. -C# WARREN:;OOD WHTByE. Lifewfq Insurance.,,o United States 1 e 4mwý Tnu spring, k- Remember S5 YO which will be ID I:) l', 4T*. m u IIT DRY u D :TIRUY wp,, IEL WARREN@ WARREN.-y WHITBY, off !ce--NFW

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