Whitby Chronicle, 2 Aug 1895, p. 3

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il Our village was visited by a little stranger Who made its home at Mr. T. Wilson's. Tom is seen now with a smiling face. Owing to quarterly meeting there was no service in our church on Sabbath last which made our village rather duli. Mr. Oscar Pckett's littie boy is in a very critical state of health. He bas undergone an operation and we hope he may recover, Miss Ida McLean, of Toronto, again charmed the congregation at thc even- ing service in the niethodist church Sunday bv singing a beautiful solo, -Ave Maria." Mr. Chas. T. Paul, of the Toronto school of languages, gave a very inter- esting address on -Tibet- Sunday evening in the disciples church to a large congregation, Mrs. W. A. Russel, Port Hope, while curling het hair the tongs slipped and the hot part struck just over the eyeball. Her physician has only slight hopes of being able to save the power of sight of the injured optic. -States- man. 1MAPLE GRSOVEC. Mr. R. Snowdon and wife spent Su day at Kirby. Mr. Jacob Stevens is nicely settIc in his new home, Mr. H. W. Foley has been to T, ronto for a couple of days. Miss Ethel Power visited friends l Oshawa last week. Mr. John Snowdon, wife and famil, visited at Pickering. in- led in Mr. S. Snowdon,- jr., has been con- fined to the house with sore throat, but is able Io be out again. Snowden Bros. have been busy with their clover mili for a couple of weeks. Service will be held in the evening next Sabbath on accounit of quarterly services at Ebenezsr in the morning. Visitors: Mr. J. Hyde, Berlin; Mr. J Thorne, Lindsay; Mr. Jennings, Whitby; Mr. Wm. Rundie, sr., Osh- awa; Mr. Alden and Miss Vinie Par- ker, Clarke Union; Miss Pearl McGilI, Oshawa; Miss Susie McGregor, Ottawa; Mr. A. McDonald, Providence; Miss Lena Davey, Orono; Miss Allie Souch, Town. ZNNIBKILLEN. H E, VER. IN rIONCr )Ro, L70 rears 'S 'c R ýlEND 'ADA. Ever Sarsapari lia I Olsease. It il a s at hot Mr. Marshal Crozier and Miss Em3ma Wil- liames intends spending a week at Mr. Ward's of BalIsam. Messrs. T. Redm2an, D. Ross and bis son Willie. paid our town a visft on Stinday last. BOUOO-CENTEE. Mr. John Sheil, chief engineer, Toronto, is visiting friends on Scugog, and while bere lie paid a flying visit to Tbree Rivers. Mr. Charles Sweetman, ot this place, bas entered in the bonds of matrimony. He and bis bride bave left for Bracebridge on. their boneymoon. SCUGOG. Visitors: The Misses Loftests, of Camp- bellford ; B. Doolittie, Raglan; Mr. and Mrs. McEwen, Novar; Miss N. Wallace, Farmers are threshing their alsikre but the yield is nof 80 mucli as anticipated. The recent raine wilI be apt to eçpoil ail the sinali potatoes. Quarterly meeting services wiil be beld at the Centre next Sabbatb at 10 o'clock p.m. Funny Things. - 03010. Mr. B, J, Hall, of Chicago, is visit- ing here. Mr. A.. Barber, of Cobourg visited friends in town. Mrs. J. G. Honey is visiting friends in Napanee. Mr. C, S. Thompson is visiting at Cobourg, Miss Lovena Truli, Bowmanville, is visiting friends here. Miss Lilian Gamsby is home from EOWMAJSVULU heart failure luat Sunday atron Miss Florence Remier, pr ince AI- We hope soon'to see himn in our midst bert, is Visiting Misa Veal, Lîberty St. 3.gaifl. Dr. L. N. Hogarth is spending a- Dr. W. L. Brown is resigning frô'r couple of weeks in Detroit, Mich. the laboring class and is leader of the Messrs. Lambert Alexander and Geo Mt. Zion choir. We understand he Freeland were in Port Hope last week. will be open to receive pupils on and Mr. and Mrs. jas. H. McGilî, of after Aug, 15t, '95. Washington, D.C., are visiting friends BOLINA in town.se Barley threshing has begun in the Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brimacombe neighborhood. and family, of Rochester, N.Y., are Mr. Herbert Reynolds, of Wiarton, viSiting relatives in town. abenhmafwdys Miss Maggi'e Lowery, of Newcastlehsbe oe e as has been visiting her uncle, Mr. Isaac Mr. W. A. Tom is doing a rushing Larmer, Centerville. business in the wagon trade. Miss Jennie Hooper, of Rochester, Mr. W. Carroll has secured employ- N. Y., is visiting her mother, Mrs. Geo. ment with the Pediar Roofing Co., Hooper, and other relatives nitown and has gone east to Trenton. Miss Nettie Coles has gone to Jack- There will be no service at Eidad on son Sanitorium, Danville, N.Yr, for the Sunday afternoon next on account of benefit of her heaîth, quarterly meeting at Hampton. Dr. jas. Bray, wife and daughter, of The. Sons of Témperance are pro- Toronto, have been guests of Mr. Jnogesn ily OnFdaiihthy nostr, owo paehiery.re enjoyed themselves immensely at a north.berry and bun feed, and this week they Mr. John T. B3urns, superin tendant have a spelling match from B. B.B1.'s of the printing department of the deaf almanac, 1895.t and dumb institute, Belleville, and1 Miss Burns, have been visiting his OLIN MA5OIR. daughter, Mr$, Fred Clarke, M~essrs D. Compton and R. Pugh spent Mr. Chas. McGill was presented îast Sunday in'Markham.h Week with a handsomely illuminated Mr. Fred Lawrence. of Myrtle. was renew- address by the citîzens of Peterboro, ing old acquaintances on Sunday last. r congratulating him upon his appoint- The Misses Blackburn, Mitchell and Wil- ment as general manager of the O)ntario liams paid Miss Harris of Greenwood a visit ban k.onFia st Mr. and Mrs. A A Gamsby, and fam- ily are camping at Morton Park, Lake Simcoe. Miss Nellie Hoskin, St. Thomas, is visiting-her grandfather, Mr. Thomas Doncaster. Mr. Wm Thompson has moved into his residence recently vacated by Mr. James Wood. The band expects to give an open air concertjin Bowmanville in the course of a week or two. Dr. M, M. Tucker, Messrs. William Thompson and S. Cuttle attended Mas- onic Grand Lodge, in Toronto. Mrs. James Kerr and daughter, Port Hope, Mrs. McClean, Toronto, former residents here, are visiting old friends. Miss Bertha Gilman entertained a number of her young friends Tuesday evening at the residence of Mr. N. F. Hall's. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Armstrong, and Mr. C. G. Armstrong, accompanied by their mother, are visiting friends at Bradford, Penn. Mr, Wm. Gorrili, of Solina, was in town recently. Mr, Gorrill is talking of erecting a dwellîng here, and again becoming a resident of our town. Seart Dsurbance ThoeIsmm boart &dfturbmno nw *M nuio. Prssmai"Y nMo4e.t UVlz hu. mr oimba, wM7, proesaS. 'r« nednlbU» »bohutr&oùUb> . mm M 7un m ehfrm bvln IL Host-Never shall I forget the time when I first drew this mword. Chorus -When was that ? Host-At a raffle. gi h la The Misses Arnot, Taunton, were guests on Sabbath of Miss Arnot. Mrs. F. Robins and children have been visiting her sister in Rochester. Messrs. James and Lewis Montgom- ery, Chicago, have been visiting friends h ere. Miss Mason, Toronto, Miss McHowl, Caesarea, have been guests of Mr. F. Ro(-)g ers. The Misses Stainton and Mr. Stain- ton,'Z ion, have been guests of Mr. jas. Stainton. Mrs.. P. Bartley anti Mrs. J. B. Bartley, Blackstock, have been visiting friends in Hamilton township. Messrs. I. E, S. Virtu e, O. L. Byers, and W. D. Robbins have gone to Osh- awa, where they have secured positions on the electric railhiay. Mr. Jno. Young, Hamilton, is visit- ing his numerous friends and looking after the big trout in our creeks. He brought iu one last week measuri ng '1 inches in length and weighing 18 oz. Miss Minnie Jeffrey of Toronto, is enjoying the hospitaity of friends here, Mr, jas. Devitt of Lindsay, is spend- ing his. vacation among Cartwright friends. Master Roscoe Prust is on the sick list. Mr. Herb Prust has returned. 'fromn Toronto, where lie bas been writ. ing on his examns. Lively times at the division now. A six week conteet stieedLut Friday nigIrt, Bras-. M. Dunslow and T. Bescpcl are tise oetains. Our' quiet lir -'Village is enîjvened aliiost eveIy <y by persons on their oa t or lewis the lalce where quite a large r are, b MW rd to wîle aw«y the îhot s1foniVS 'and cool, shady revnhg5 lin "09n, boating sMd 00c~ial Mr9.-'UMbx0o i Chicagohmasre- tursse4 toirto acbomvszied by bier .rt 1 hlooe F414after suendhinot a,, who, u rableI Iry lift Sample of Mfr. Ceisary Pump, :R, Y, ont A-I hear that your friend X has 5)One to South America. Was it upon is physician's advice ? B-No; *his awyer's. Annie-Mr. Smith is such a nice mani. He said I had a voice like a bird. Lizzie-Yes; he told me you Isn't he rather fast?" asked the anx- ious mother. "Yes, mamnma, in one sense of the word, 1 don't think he can get away. That man causes me no end of an- noyance over a bill. Whv don't you sun himn and collect it ? Collect it ? How to make a new dress: Take the material for two skirts and miake the slee'ves, then take the material for one sleeve and make the skirt. That woman dispenses a great deal of social lemonade. What do you mean ? Simply that she is always say- ing sour things in a sweet way. Papal! What is it, Johnny? I read a poem in my school reader which spoke of tdogs of high degree'. WeIll? Papa, does that mean skye terriers ? Nibbs-What a perfect poem the count'is ricli wife is. Dibbs-Yes; the connt is tIse only man I know of who can malte poetry pay him thirty thou- Sheff-Oh Myl1 there's someffhing gonedown my-back, He-Itlo, one of those, thtrndering bugp, 1 Suppose. No; I ges it'-S one -0 t.hose lightnig bugs, She-Do ',you know. Hri y fÎ" e bua forblddein yo-* ue- hose ? U- forbiddenme the bouse 1 -I1never sl. cd tiimfi pbe hpim Heia»g.~tr 8 PalpItatIonor ftterinu or thie heai motibes- ing spoli aut uight, swelig or the tsansd ankless, horinaofebreath, pain lu the loftt aide, fa.ntlng msp, mean that the heaut*id opprs.ao-elrclatlon la out of ordat. ELAY 19 DANUEROUS Note thse pqp.rdatly ornlDgthe demies of mre one by eglee these warnlngs- resuit, st"i hartrb UmSoots Sasum-ilb cures hearbt iauS by equaiiziug thse eh% culation, re#Stong Dae power, .uplyiug Pmr blood Md releving thse hearbof 1(1 burdMs use SCOT'3SICKIN SOÂP T116 New S6!cRoeed<v le being Extensive- OITAW, .JuIy 29-Trhe marvellons reoover of Mr. G. H. Kent, off this City, froni B *t" disease by tse nue of Dodd'à Kidney & eîs l s(ll freh in thse memoisoff Ottawa people, and tise remiedy la belug f rMey reemm.ded hotte ly druggst ud-n&prlvate citizepe. TTh simlar wouderful cure.off Dr. A. G9 M00or' mlok, off Rlebrud, Qu»eo, aud of f M. APtbur Ool.yp Of Somerstt Manitoba, tesom iig of m aly otier, are g p r ly q e a 08vo off the. aaertluibaW Do reuidy of modem~ timme bus 9one o m inUsasf hrliy h as eve. trÎi, and b bomaooml alCli f W.d ce? trouble.It W-aaile, proviug.-itWsf l,*au. I able lui tb fuforms- off siekuo ~whlob *P- pois dwing Ibo "umer. the fautlà eamship tan 1 and otb wada aSes Mr. Arthur J. Manning, who recent- ly graduated from Ottawa Normal School, will teach S. S. No. 13, Mr. Reid having been unable through ilI health to retain the position. VICTOIRIA CORNERES. Some fromn here attended camp meetings held at Jacksôn's Point. Mrs. Robert Acton is on a visit to Allin- wood for two weeks. Mr. Edward Acton, of Marsh Hil l, spent Sunday evening bere. iss M ggie Madill is renewinj old ac- quaintance here. Alsike threshing is the order of the day. It is turning out very fair. One man off four acres had forty bushels. The other grain ie turning out f'airly. Mr. Reynold's flu wheat averaged twenty-five bushels to the acre, while the barley ran thirty-five. Onk Orohard I1= 5 And Cottages are on the Souh shore of Lake Ontario, at the New York terminal port of the proposed interna. tional railway ferry. They are among' a magufcent gxowth of oaks, making the hotel and beach unexcelled for a summer resort. It is known as the "Fisherman', Para- dise." There are surf and sti-water bathing, fishing, and ail athletic sports. Beau- tiful drives abonnd. No mos- quitoes. The Inn provides the best of service with mod erate charges, and specia rates by the seaison, monthor week. Opens early in June. For, rates, illus trated CIrcui BaiW. eto., addr.as, May 23rd,895.-2mosi. A bion, N . Y. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE TO OREDITORS. f MARGARET BIRRELL, Deceased, Pursuant to the "Revised Statutes of On- trio, z887," Chapter iio, notice le bereby given that al creditors and other persons bavipg cdai ms against the estate of MAR.- GARET BIRRELL, late of the township of Pickççring in the County of Ontario, spinster, deceaged,'who died on or about the îtb day of Mach A. D.,895, are required to send, by registered letter to Messrs. Dow, and Mc- GilIivray, Brook St., Whitby, Solicitors - for the Toronto General Trusts Company, the Adminltratore', with te wil and codidi anexed of the said Margaret Birrel deasd on or before the 7(13 day of Sej4embrA 1 , t h i n a i e s a d a d d r e e s e s w i t h f f paricuarsf:efr dcaims sud -of (hesecur- dtes (if any) beld by thein. And notice la -frter given that mter the sad last mentiosed date tiesaid Adminis- trators wM Iil Wocedtoditibute the. assets- of thse sald deceaee among thse persons en- titled tereto#, bavig regard only to tie claims of which otice shah have boe Wgveu,- as above, ré-quirçd ; snd ,the. aïd dminis- trt>swill not-be lhable'for tbeid4 assefaý or any part àthrecf to auy person- or pct&s,~ of whosclain or cdaims ntice shah neat Mrs. Colin Hamley, of Port Hope, is visiting friends here. Miss Edna King, Bowmanviîîe, visit- ed Miss Jessie Binghami last we(*,', Mr. J. Awde has returned firjma pleas-ant trip to his old homie, Mariposa. Mr. M. J. and Miss Minnie Werr ipent Sunday at Mr, E. Millson's, So- lina. Mr. and Miss Macklin, Cobourg, and M!iss Tryptiena Westington have been visiting at Mr. S. V. Hoars. Mrs. Benj. F. Gardiner, Cobourg, was home Wednesday attending the funeral of her grandfather, Mr. Coram. Miss Lizzie Philp, Whitby, has been visiting her brother, Mr. R, A. Philp, who has been iii, but is some better, Tyrone Division annual picnic Aug- ust 6. Concert in evening. Further particulars next week. Miss Nugent of Lindsay, guest of Miss Berta Brent, sang a solo with great effect at the Sabbath evening ser- vice. John H. Hoskin and W.n. E.* Bing- ham intend leaving for the far famed wheat fields of the' great North West shortly. Sunday, August i îth, the junior Epworth League takc the evening ser- vice. The meeting will be interesting and profitable, and all are invited to * Castorla la DrI. amuel Pltcber'aJat and Obildren. It contain nither DUWeIS*D other lNarcotie substane. *Is la ara for Paregorlc, Drupe Sootbing Syrumian 4 r êoe L it la Pleasant. Itsa atela hry~a Millons of others.Castoriadeeosoma~~ feverisbness. Castorla prevent& vomitg or CuiD curesDIarrhoea and WInd Colle, atrarJe teethlng troubles, cures constipaf'on- and fftqueuy Castorla a-Ssloilates the food, regula*es-thse ola and bowels, gilvlng healthy a"n ai atural iisilep.a torns ls the Oblldrisn's Panacea-the oto'sPl-d Castoria. 04cB.toeialeuan.xcsentmodd f.S~ dieu. Iffthoeshave repsttdly tom me et Ita g«4 scupon ercbldreu.- Dm. G. 0. Omaco% "Ori l stolalaosbeg usd7forehidiemet w" I lam aquafbte&d1 hapthe day lu ot fat &"m nwhuimotsoewlIonsdomya Intoeetftlichldramad v u aroeilu. steM of thvbsaouquaongawgc; deulgtelovdoa 1yoelglm morphine, uoobgouyrupsd other hurtfui - eMdowu te& gr ti4 era- th=mto aematcr.gra*s&,' "Ouvrift mnu" . mS l AD&slUsth*î s - -, -, - Cam AUteï Ueitegihsws Soldi Il w4rc Scisoo Mr. and Mrs.-Wm. Long, are visit- ing friends in Detroit, Mich, Miss Ettie Kirk is visiting in Tor- onto, guest of the Misses Wilkinson. Mr. J. M. Vincent, of Hamilton, is visiting his uncle, Mr. A. Pollard. Mr. D. T. Allin recently visited his sister, Mrs. R. J. Rowe, Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. Blake Crawford. of Toronto, visited at Mr. I Walter's re- cently. Mrs. Wm Hockeridge and son, are visiting her mother, Mrs. D. Kirkland. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sampson, Escam- bia, FIa., have been visiting friends Mr. J. Compton has been visited by a number of ladies lately but as the berry season is about over John will be somnewhat lonely. Mr. Joseph Jones is engaged with Mr. D. Mitchell for harvest. Joe intends giving the boys a binding bee and a good time is ex- pected. Featherbone Skirf Bone A light, pliable,,-elastic bone made from FOR GIVIYG quilîs. It 15 soft -sud yieldlng, conformlng readily to folde, yet glvlng proper shape to Skirt or Drea.; STYLE ÀND HAPE The only Skirt Bone. that may be wet witbout injury. .-TO- The Cel.brated Featherbone Ladie Dreses% corsets are orded with tUis For Sale by leadlng Dry Gouda Dealers. /?EEDY ST. r bister, Your Finroo tha.rhad CURE. Apr 3,g'n leOf Yut IHaf rem nand iieI.d Pitg"tud witM (l Box six 1 m l 1 1 IL Mrs. jas A Lawrie has been visiting her father, Mr. Wm Patterson, Whitby. Mr. Frank Morgan, Sixth Line, has recovered from a badly sprained ankle. Messrs. Frank Stutt and John Gilfil- lan spent Sunday week last at Maple What,,is 1 c i 1 Feâthe"rbone -Skift -$one

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