Whitby Chronicle, 2 Aug 1895, p. 1

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Te VO XI.WHITBY, ONTARJOF0IDYAUGUST 2e 1895.,N.3 aM l 'l -m u il lAI CAI lwzi C î r nt1w-rd mI CNCasîLE CeaMSpolqNE RROOKLIpS. Miss Nellie Potts is homne from Toronto Mr. 0. Sebert attended the races at1 troit last week. Misses Ells and Lîllian Holllday are vis ing friends at Oshawa sud Whitby. Misa Lillie Wecdcck, cf Whitby, is visiti ber fniend, Miss Jennie Mdorriscu. Miss Brooks bas c!osed ber dressrnakii rosms over Holiday's store for s few weel De. isit- ting ,ing FMr. Wes Allen, cf Uxbridge, la spending s eeka kwitb Mr. joseph White and other re- latives. Miss Kilburin and Miss Mattie and Maggie AGARA isn't te be montioned in Scott, cf Toronto, are visiting St 3Mr. j. samie breath witb the falling cf Brooks'. ces cf Our Miss Reynolds, of Epsomn, and Miss Libbie e-A-ý 0IL]T SoâpS.Gould cf Uxbridgo, visitod Mrs. W. A. Hol- .-~-...iLTOIET S APS.liday this week. They must corne down, even if they Misa Jessie and Jennie Bell bave &rrived borne have te faîl down. Our Stock cf Toilet to spend their vacation, Tbey wlll reture to Soaps must be disposed cf te mnake Rochester lu September. room for other goods. This explains Mrs. Wheelock, of Toronto, and bier daugb. the stupendous bargains we are glving. ter, Mrs. Swintcn, cf Hamilton, bave been 'TTERMZ- SOAP boc. visting atibirs. John Michael's. 1TMIEAL Sc)AP, j cakes for 2,5. 3Mr. C. E. Scott aud Rev. 1. B. McLaren 1 a superfine line cf TOILET SOAF, 3 have botb returned frorn their holiday trips sud es for 25c., regular price 25c. per cake. occupicd the pulpits cf the Baptist sud Presby- A LSO terian churches respectivety last Sabbatb. ALSO *Mr. A. Ketchen bas leased bts farmn ow oc- * Always on hand le cupied by Mr. Wmn. Bell, te s Mr. Craig, cf -rsh Dalna/ian nseci Pozeder and- Scarbore. I arn glad te bear that iis net likely 'i kndscf L I ADSï ~that Mr. Bell will go very far when he makea bis Il kndsof L Y A D ailhemove. CORNER DRUG STORE. The Royal Templars will mako their meet- W. R.HOWS 'S SAND.ing an open one, after nine o'clock uext R. H WSEr STA D. onday eveniug, se that outside frlends mar corne le aud cnjoy the programme that wIbe given. O 0E Ibe Osbawa railway corpnsy are experieucng sorne difiiculty lu goîttiug crcissîug privileges the ernrkabe lw - frein the G. T. R., snd lu cousequeuce the shovel- atth eakbelwpie ers as the gravel pit near bore are cut cf wcrk that I arn seling Soid Oak for the balance cf the week. 11ict ýou Iceauti tul a fi ;k ilg 1 it 1u Ire ut) eI i a; 1 t t n.Cal***.l andi .i whic i we 'oce).y, '1 1 'F ntario. STORE, dvancing. JOH..N WAIN, r.SQ.., rresioent. REUBEN S. HAMLIN, ESQ., Vice-President. %V. F. Covan, Esq., W. F. Allie, Esq., J. A. Gibson, Esq. Robert McIeîosh M. D. Thomnas Paterson, Esq. Business flreotory. O'yY & C0O, grain buyors. DuR PÂTTziLSow, Dotiat; at Bobr'a hotel, T. H. MCMILLÂN, - - Cashier BEÂLL, S.- IaunrofciMainage Licou"s.. BRANCHES.-Midland, Tilsonbtarg, Novewsmftdence opposite Town Rail, Brookli. Hamburg, Wbitby, Paisley, Penetanguish- W A MONERLTT, D V S.--Gradnsteocf thse on-, enand Port Perry. tanic Votonlnary Coilogo, Torouto; Rouorary eue. *,.moibeo f the Ontario medicaoi elty. Drafts on New York and Sterling E.x- Treatia &Il disoa.seoa f thse dcmoutioated change bougbt and seld. Deposits roceived animuale by the moat approved methcd. Aise and interest alIovcd at highest current rates particulai attention tic surgical oeratione 3 ýi per cent. Cellections seicited snd aud detiotiry. Day corulght «aUu promptIy prornptly made. atteudd oc. Offloé aud resideuce Urookln, Correspondents ln Nov York sud in Can- Ont&aio. ada-The Merchants Bank of Canada. Lon- don, Eng.-Tbe Royal Bank of Scotîand. Special attention to collection of Farmers' L5,1Lts and 0ver'H,.S Sale Notes. MaaEr e. WARî REc We are now offering superior Manaer f WhtbyBr'ých. value in these firat-clas material, Ho For Idyl W /dl v-mae. hirts are 50c.'andc .GRA D '0 E CUR IONfroua 75c. to 81.10 per pair. Unde th ausice of he amou D. We have juat opeued a oask of 0. & P. Co's band. The membors of thebomang" & ub it L). 0. & P. Ce's baud, cf Bcvmnville, It is mery pretty sud very cheap. announco an Excursion te Idyl Wihd. on Rice La. on WEDNESDAY, AUGUST Mt. This yl heonee cf due best excursions for the summer as the beautiful grounds at Idyl WiId, wbicb la fast beocming a popular sms- mer resomt, bas heen ail fitted np sud every fscility is aflonded for the couvenleuce of picnic parties. The folloviug cbeap rates bve been secured for the trip, whlch yUl ho by apccial train to Harvood sud theuco by steamer, City of Poterboro, te Idyl Wyld. The pnice lucludes botb rail aud boat fo.sthe round trip, Port Union .. ... ..... Danharton.................. Pickeuing ................ - Darllugton ......... *Bovmanvilie ... 0..a........ Newcase . . Newtouvill . ..-... ... port Hýope..... Cobuour-g .. fte Chbdron al! F AMvvns at etHrwood, o 9:40 a-M., frOM wI vhll pace vil b.e Snv.yd b !xst t Fare T'Irn 81-10-P.7:15 W Yldyl WyId. fW. give a 5 per cent. dia- Rerembercout to OÀBH BUY- ERS n al r,ýWargoode. "-Store close sait 7p.M.sharp, . Tueady and Th=UrsdY .mng.- MmL RoleM ià ù4 * Ii tbis Geo. PblIp wv' rim ômn Geo. Youegs,- u. -RitP Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Stone are visiting friends lu Mars. Mrs. John Tbornpsou bas alrnost recover- Mr. Hallern and Miss Purdy, of Port Perry, were the guests of Mr. Rose on Sun- Messrs. Rose and Rennie have heen down interviewing Mr. Dryden, the Minister of Agriculture, on important business. What a difference there is between the honest, large-hearted, whole-souled muan who openly tells you of your faults wlth a suggested improvernent and the whispering, oily-tongued, calculating, crawling thing who is secretly stabbing you at every turu ! Last week Mr. Jos. Stone shipped a car load of sheep frorn here, but unfortunately he met with a very poor market. This would be a great disappointrnent but we hope that it is not an actual Icss, that bis speculation account may have t urned t he r ightinusay.io, r G Soe mAstnguisbled viern Mr. Geo. Stne, schoatbemsta teacher le Portd Perryg shve, tenvste ing t bis piendtanlyme bave btoneisiing befr adtheparenal borne.h Mr., Stne stkeow n lar and n ea as antd fI, istakiug sud sccessful thepacherf and i s honrt ikt.etepaec i birthav utrcie naudneo We ave judit tat ceivedan aund alec hr.it a e, roiy that wa erye tablfe the rdfre. ths erybly ut ceeed c ton tbel groun frte pow, ndt cheupthe told di lcoiseg mteadows sud te ms.akea ur these gladdening eflects are seen. Sorne clover thresbing bas been dcne arouud bore, and the yield bas been tbroo or four bushels Io the acre. This mucb seed t0 the acre if the price la at aIl fair will make a good paying crop in a year wben scme others are ligbt. Takiug one vear witb an- other, if alsike is gro*vn ou dlean fields it is To ba-mouize Mr. James McCreigbt, wbo la ncw kuowr as the peace-malcer, bas Iately coeeout lu a beautiful chie wbisker cf the lateat Ameni eau style. Mfr. McCreigbî bas filled the cf- ficeocf trustee but s short timo bore, but dur- iug this turne he bas shown hirpself a wou- derfully sbrewd sud business-like officor, sud we presurno be bas tidied Up lus beard te makre it accord with bis cwn idoas cf do- ing business. Holidays The Rev. J. M. Carneron lasbortly te beave for a holiday season cf thre eor four weeks, Mr. Cameron bas culy beon here six montbs, bu. during this turne he has proved biruself a good preacher, a skilful manager suad wlthal a popuar paster. Ho will be mucb -nrissed wblbe away, tbcugb bis charge dur,.g this hume la te he taken by Rev. Mr. Loaak, of Toronto, eue who will aMly filI bis place Sprng wbeat aud est cutting'will ho zeo. eral this week. Mn. D. W. Lire vas holldsylog 1414 it Wbltby snd -Osbv. Trhere lu every appearance e! fau' old fWs uioued boom ln the division. Mrs. Edgar Horne, cf Uxbridge, bas hoon spouding veek witb frienda bore. Mr. sud Mrs. Jamues Ashton bave returu'ed, Lfter spendiug a week vlsitiug in Dariugton. The Rev. R. Horne la expected te preacb in the Presbyterian churcb next Suuday aîtMro. MBano ootbsb s. McBra lw aycfTo r t ba s. ChaesiGar5dayo. e iteMs Chre Gl endno evc nth ehd hre viii ho ne semrieingtbe Meotdif qrartoniy meeting at Saintfieid. Musa Minnie Loask left on Satuirday for Chicago. Dame rurncr says there lu sme- thing more than an crdinany visit lu the vind. Time wili teillIf she la night or set. Mn. sud Mrs. T. Warren, Sunderland; Alex. sud Miss Maggie Main, Seagrave; Misses Minnie snd Mable Han, Scngog, sud Mr. sud the Xi'sses Hoitby, Manchester, spent Snnday vith fniends bore. A number frein Sunderland, among vhicb vas otan gonial sud ever velcome friend Mc- Lean, paid car S. of T. division s fratemual visit ou Saturday evening. Mc. vas on bis vay to Borne point fnrtber te the soutb-west, sud if ho bas net yet got bosse again, bis frieuds ueed bave no (car as te bis safety as t f I It la vitb deep regret vo have to ebronicle the death cf Ella, second daugbtor cf Jason Stone, at the age cf 12. Only a 1ew day ago sho vas stricken vith typbcid fever olfa nalignant type sud modicai skill sud came- fui nursing proved to e ocf ne avail, as she passed avay on Saturday. It Is net '1db vorda wben ve say, the bereaved parents' sud familv have the sympatby cf every oe in the comnuunity. Oti dvic holiday lus ert WednsdY. Mis a trie Phillppo, Llndsay. is vishing lu tovu. Miss Frasikih basetimned home te Tor. Miss Blanche Adamsisl visitiug ut Dcv- manvihlo. Herbent and.Douglas Adams are camping at Wahbursa Iland. A motbey gagOf usbroils sicders atruck lova a bf« dys ago. Rev D C McDcwoll, of! Bevmlfe wu la tow Ms a* .k Mise nadden;, O! Stoufyliloe,lea aguest e Miss Ida Won=e. Mr and Mrm Argue soviusl 99Mu- John, I TI methodist Sabbath school in Prince Alb4t excurted to that great resort down the lake$)n Tuesday last. T4~ steamship on which were our town smen, Mesqa R McKrsight and Wm Rosa, sailed bas landU.lsafe1y St Liverpool, AtV*1 Sainî's church on Sunday August 4th, the Rv-d H. C. Benoit of Mentreal,0 Que. will PreIa~ at beîh morning and evening service. IatPleased te see Mr R eberît Brown of the st Crles la able to be around again after his illneSi, requin ng him te lay off giuty for about two ;'eeks. MlMs Effie Jones, eldest daughter of Dr Geo-Ioues, Irnlay City, Micb, bas this past weeIt-been visiting the famnilies of Messrs C W adW M Jones. T ',Band cf Hope picnic whicb was te have bn*beld cn Wednesday, bas, on acceunt cf the e'clement westher, been postpoued until Fridao f this week. same time and place. TWj ladies-one a vIiior-were eut rowing last Zturay evening, and le attempting te land aît 0*iVickery wharf, oecf tbe ladies missed ber fépting and fell mb bbthewater and received a duck#ýg. but was get eut safely none the worse for I'~ dipping, except the shock snd scare. Ccrr on. la ÏI' article last week ien'"The Churcb cf te- day" . _ copy reada : "but t0 corne right dowe ic0 chtity it is not in~ the chuireh cf to-day as it 0uajto be." As printed it left an impression diffes -t te wbat I intended. It reperied Mr. L. Sebert bas bcught the iOlega etel prperty. It is as rumred tat à. '-rooks, cf the Oriental, bas beugbt the Sinclâ* prcperty ce the south side of Queen st He -i2ands building a fine hotel suitable fer first clana ~mmercial trade and summer touriste, and it will the finest botel east cf Tornt. TlIp firemen's excursion takes place on vit holiday, Aug. 7th, nd preceeds per time able ail the way by train te the Falls, srrlvfng tbere at i11.45 a. m. and coming bctn#rcm Queenston by hoat te Toronto, whet sa special train will be iu wsiting. TlIM W F M S cf the mnetbhdist cburch pupoe holding a social in the church on Frld4y eveuing, Aug. 2nd, when an intcrest- ing R ram ewill be given aise an address iug ogM.-e by frmer pastor, Rev H M Maning. Adn sion ten cents. *afY lu May I wrote "e article on Port Perr as a $Ümmer rescrt, aud as a restail cf that ar- ticle 6)ere bas been aeveral American visitors bere "u summer. The fciilowing have been at the Qental hotel fer aonne davs . John Dignal, Clao M Smith, wife and son, Harry A Leugrani and lfe, Charles Lougran. AIl frein Pitts. racbt. lie cf Our local men wculd place on e a nice steain yacht capable cf held- ut fifty passeugers it veuld no dcubt tidy income, as wltb campera at tbe kt, camping grcund sud pleasure ex- s on the lako sud to distant points, s venue weuld ho realized, besides tbo ixlatiou mach a boat wctald be to our ibpfle. Why can't it h o ce iu good .,uonxt season's trade? é it ou good autbcrity that lu the case êxt I"ndian m Scugog fouud drunk svss, very sharp and strict measures "JtmlàY etILIZwVL - Oeayh1iu t Drproitable, to the naur-s men fbud givinq or melling te or Purcliâsing lu auy ,vay biqsor for tho Indiana. ÎLet thcse who bave heon doiug se for the-last yesr tàke warning lu gcod time asthe dopartmont have issued strict orders sud-they *i11 be carrlod eut te the letter cf tbe law. Sec. 94 : IlhO hable te imprison- ment for a-.termniet exceeding six mcuths sud net lessibas eue month, with cr withcut bard Iabpr ar te a penalty net cxceeding tbreo hunidre d dollars and net bass than fifty dollars, wit1i-costs cf prosecuticu, or be shah ho hiable te both penalty sud imprisonnmeut in the discrétion of the convicting magis- trate.' Sec. zc4: " Auy constable msy, without process cf lsw, arrest auy Indian wbom ho foud lu astate cfiutoxlcatîoti, sud couvey hlm te any hock-up, thore to ho kept until ho la sober ; sud such Indian sah, vheu sober, ho broagbt before a justice of the peaco or Indian agent, sud if couvicted of belug se found Iu a state cf intoxication, sball ho hable te imprisonount lu any coin- mon gaol, -fer s ternisot exceeding oe mcutb, or te a penalty net oxceediug thîrty dollars sud net bass than five dollars, or te boîb penalty sud impriscunouet in @he dis- cretion cf the magistrte or, Indisu agent.", Sec zoe5: 4' If sny Indian who bas hoon se convicted refuses, upon examinstion, te stato or give information ef the person. place sud tino (rom vhcm, wbeensd vheu, he pnocnned sncb intoxicant, sud if froin any1 other Indian. thon, witffin bis knowledge, fron whom, where and when sncb intoxicant vas originally procuned or received, lho shall ho liable te Imprisoumont as aforosald for s further period not exceedlng fourteew kdays, or te Sun sddltional penalty net excecilugt fifteeu dollmarsd netJiethmuthree"ol"'s or te -bath penalty, and imprissumutiii thre diacretioù ofthe uaglttat."I As thos. fines and penalties. are soyere It lu to b. boped th se pa ti s,' 1v bou su the pa t, have b eon , furnIisng" -ire wv'ater" *.teoiso SCUgo Indians vllIAoàevarsung 14. due tiare. The flolglt o la f muccousftd -osadiý-1 datesat 'theesuanne smiustion hmr, t0eghw 4 with niW mof ù<m ar dlyusch. To minmum iumhef madm mnioet w"ýdL. Port Poix-y Business Dlretory. W. L. PARRISH, HAFD WA R E, PORT PERRY. RAB/S OBEENý CHURCH'8S Buçg Finish See what we have te kili the ~P: ESS Copany# Furniture Dealer. Undert»ikers, Picture Framing. igood Work. and Low Priées. Jessop Furniture Co., Several went to see Barnum's show. Mrs. Perkins bas gone home. Many spent Iast Sunday in Kinsale. The Misses Birkett cf Myrtie spent Sunday here. G l ad to see Mrs. Scott is recovering froin hber recent illness.. Fcotballers over 21 gained i to o, anctber, match to-night, come along. Mr. Perey Brav la visitlno' hi& L A4tiu.. s thoirough cciat -of blsommue -Theboiok bas been doue by')4r. Waram of Wbitby. Word bas heen received cf the death ef Mr. Sandons late Of this place. Sfio died snddenly-wlth heart trouble. Deceaàed vas a sister cf Mis. Trhes.Puckerin. Mlach synpathy is fot by al forte bereaved ees. Congratulations te Mater Ed. McBrady sud W ll Mc u up on avig passed the entrance oxamase creditabhy. Both boys did weli as thoy have hoon vorking under disadvantages. The achool sent ne others. this year, but voepect s large clam next yoar. Mn. MadilI, teacher east u.chocilias been succesaful in passing botb pupils hoe sent -feor outrance sud as tbhis h bis , a tternptte- auccess isanother evideuce et bis tealu ability, It aise feflecti ret 'p g h pupils, jabez Lynde su'ai ubi.DO Trip te Uzbatigo, On Mouday last Cousty Clou-k Fareveinot Reevo King, Er-Depaty Reeve Rou sd the editor of the CIiROmcLa drovo ont te ux-, bidge ou the Invitation cf M.H .GosldJ, putj w«ideo fthe ceuusy, topay him a vilsit sud imade lndulgo lu smre trouting sud other sports.'a'vO3 CotÏuty Trosurer MKy vste lbae acè ml conaued the nartv hiSt *t,,c.,s a ,,, K4 J. 1 lBiei-the us-hearty Wvol buày, proupor Ex-Reevo e' called upon, DIcGevau'bro T. C. Nichoîlh thom ail unes, rue e~ dusuka splay TIu NIA the Pric LLawing-rooJm outesa as. The Alsike growing is rather a nov tbiuk lu prices are frorn $2 2.50, $25, this township, but it bas been gene into $28.50, $80.00, 085 andud preîîy generally thîs year. Messrs. Guy &Co. bave slready recoived a large quan- wards. tity at their elevater bore. Johns n. OnWedumesday eveuing the Presbyterisu C. E E. J. o o. seclety elected these offi.2ors fer the balance cf the yoar :-Prosideuî. Mr. James Smih; vice- prcsideut, Mr. J F Pi- escrotary, Miss jenste Bell; treasurer, Miss Maggie Bell. DO N'T F0 RG ET Dr. F. H. Starr, whe spent s few weeks lu New York state recently, bas decidod to le- t.bat these cate there, at d bas chosen the tcwn cf gooda are rny own make. A.U Bath for bis practice. Ho Ieft fer that p lace on Wednesday memning, sud tbcugb net upholstering orders given te certain that ho villi romain tbere, will try it mae ha8 my own supervision, long enougb te sebehob likes it. We re- gret bis departure very much, but wish hlm abundant success lu bis new field. SO N Out cf the eue bundred applications roceived E. e>, JO H N S N foth priucipalabip cf car acbocl, the board of t1ea.ding trustees bave selected Mr. M Holmes, ef Potro- Undrtaerlia. fer the position, a à sslary of 84,%Per Undrtaersnnum. Mr. Holms luthe holdo&, cf-a secou IN~ THE COUNTY. clasa certificate sud bam wrigen for bis artmi s _____________________________sunmer. He is not s nov n inluibis couny as be tanght at Codai Dale a few yearsgo. WESTERN BANK 0F CANADA§ bad anice lotof early a Mr.CJn bspcr soutb cf the oernetery. Semetime boîveen sun- @et cf one day sud sunrise cf tbe next al vere HE.&D OFFICE, OSHAWA, ONT. careftilly gathered sud talcen away, by acie neu w'ao evidontly did not vaut to give Mr. Spencer any trouble lu the mnatter, Ho is sncb a kiud- Capital Authorized $1t,00,000 earted mnutbough, that ho feit aligbîed in net Capital Bubscnbed 500,000 baving been asked te give bis assistanc e. Hil particularly auxicus that ho sbould be allowed te Capital Paid-up 373,000 belp in the gatbering cf the fruit tbis year, in fact ho insista Ibat he shah have s baud in il. Reat 100,000 Should cîher parties tbiuk differeutly ho is pre- BOARD 0F DIRECTORS. pared to assert bis rsgbts vigoronsly. W. A. H. B U And cake dowu. 1< Itll Stck-re gha wa. irks, riape rs, W'ILL p ochi, cj. 1 1 1 - WICK. 'l-ý-J E S S 0 P:ý--ýD 0-.*à.-- -à. Mi- - ý w. J. NOTT) MANAGER. 1 la PORT pimay. fouud a large psrty cf business men cf Ux- bridge, and some municipal, officers frcm the neighborlng places, and ai were rcyally en- tertained by tbe warden and his excellent wife. Tbe Uxbridge orchestra Cave a pro- gramme cf beautiful aud well rendered music, which was occaalosslly -varied by reading, reciting, si nging and cards. Ou Tuesdsy morning we paid a visit to, Mr. Charles Gould's fine large farm sud gave smre special attention te bis silo in which one liundred tons of ensilage ws stored Iast faîl. The silo la coustructed cf plank like a cisters, 13 (t. in diameter by 28 feet In height, ut stood cn end at cne end cf tbe large stable just outaide the building. It la rocfed, and the corn fa 'cut sud elevated into it witbeut trouble. Mr. Gould bas fed bis stock from it ail winter, and durlng the dry season this summer, and bas about twenty tons cf ensilage still stored inside, some cf wbich will be left over. The cattle eat it mixed witb meal uight and mcruing, and in incat cases bad licked the manger eut dlean. It would psy farmers- to visit Mr. Gould's barns aud inspect blé daij-ying methoda, wbich are sucb as cannot belp making a profitable retnrn Next we drove five miles west te, Widdi- field's pond, te beguile the festive trout. Tbe weather clerk was again cognizant of car wbereabouts aud intentions, sud seught te repay us for recent attentions we have editorially infiicted upon hlm fer neglectlng te seud rain, se be ordered a gale ou, whicg lasted the wbole day snd part of the night, lnterspersed with cold wet showers cf s damp description. The trout appeareci te ha-t e retired tesa warmer climate for the day, and although the pond is alive wlth thenâ tluey decliued te leave thei- quarters snd emigrate te Whitby' witb us. As regards ourselves personally, they nover even gave us the desirable sensation of a nlbble, i- tbough the Other membera of the party caugbt about two dozen. Our catch coS- sibted cf two > mal sucfrets, wbich lookéd like twiss, and as we thougbt Soine fond parent rnight miss ibesi sadly, -vo -restred tbem to their native element Cosnàty Clark Farewell sud Warden Gould m-boiNOMtal and perseveriug flubera. su'd neither Jun Ér cards could beguile tbem fromthatpursuit. We inspected -3Mr. Widdifield! breedmng ponds, lu one of whicb aseoooweeauoy trout are summering, and-in another5000yérling about the lengtb cf one's fin ozer. Some of q(-redoUmny ho loklng te us Io express au opinion upon the question Of trout fishiug, snd we do flot hesitate a mom- ent to gratlfy that wdls. We know 'tbat mauy, or at leaat soveralp eear-e badly' addicted te this aileged 1i. s port. Tiifiy dote upon it. We have kown mens te Iéav&' homse at mldnigbt and arrive -an boibefre.- dayligbt at a stream wbor trout aresupp- .Sý ed te reside. Tbey Would fish ail day àïïuÇ, two heurs alter dark ouaà eld lunch flsvo11ro& with wet f cet and mosqu!ho- bites.. 12',O r5, trout wcid be ondispiy ,next mornig, one 'or every heur snd a hàSs flshi 9gm men sane smen, or at lest 88e ow, oe~ Points. As for us we beg lo twftt A-Àd3êý ho utterly dog-onnod i vowý 1 ibout F:11:1 'Furniture

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