Whitby Chronicle, 26 Jul 1895, p. 4

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POTTO UÛ FIN18H FOÂD PR'UBE DRY. NO MIXINO REQUIRE». 'Sticks to the vines.-Finishes the buga with one applica- tion. Tii. only safe way to....... "0s a strong poison ...... d Eu ... ...a tertilizer. 2j- cts. per lb. cost asi WILLIS, , C hem/st if Druggist, ïMedical 1Hall, Brook Street, Whitby. WHITB3Y, JULY 26e 1895. Short Notes. Eight murders a-c now attributed to Holmes, who killed the Pieizel children in Toronto last flal. A verdict of wilful murder bas been rendcred against him by the coron- er's jury, anîd lis extradition is to be asked by the Toronto authorities. The British elections continue to swell the majority of the Salisbury government, which was 175 yesterday. with only 77 more place:É to vote. in. The Conservatives have 53 majority over their alles, the Uniopists, and aIl the other factions comnbined. There are 67'o members in the British Flouse of Corn- mons, and of these the tories had, up to yesterday, secured 323, Or 12 less than hall'. Tht strength of the other parties so far is : Libtral.Unioaists 61, Liberals i40, National- Rts 59, Parnellites îo. Thc defeat of the Liberals Is a great disappointment to those who hoped to set the people risc in their migbt and destroy the house of Lords, anid it la bard to say what to attnibute lit to. That party ha-- been fast losing lits grip since Gladstone withdrew from active politics, aad rprobably was before. The British people 11k. a strong and stalwart goverr.meat, and believe ia an appeal to themn as votera wben- ever a government is in doubý as to its atrength in the bouse, or as to tht trend of public opinion. Lord Rosebery had a hold-on-to.power policy, which could only keep imi.up until bis majority would dwlnidle away, and he stuck to it until the lest minute possible. This was contrary to tht British ideas, and caused a great reverse. A singular feature about these ellectlons la tbat the radical. and labor agitatora have been nearly cleared out of parliament, snd those wbo are left have only won by clos shaves. Tht Dominion parliament was prorogued on Monday after a p.rhaps useful, but very wearlsome session lot neariy four nmtha. The. Manitoba echool question bau b... the ouly thi i g whlcb bas caused unususiecite- ment, but the eftect of brînglag It lut ptBc tklcaDminion politica basbeen su upbMvd sute su otDominionSjarlsment n U ilk"I owt wttmtt a mpromitsof w~2~i<. Lr~v ofp~ Bargain day, Saturday, July 2"b, at Wý Town council crowded out. WVII ppoat next week., 1Dr. J. B. McKay ieft on Tuesday mornlng for the west. Mr. James M Iller, Brougham, was in towfl Wednesday. Mr. A. -johnston, Greenwood, was here Wednesday. We are selling ladies' silk parasols at cost prices at W H Warren's. Misses May and George Connelly, Lind- rsay. vlsited Miss B. King here last week. Sec our flannelettes at 5c, 71c, toc; fancys at i2ic, x5c, extra wide, at WJ H Warren's. Mrs. Dr. Adams and daugliter are visitlng Mrs. Adams' brother, Mr. Geo. Huston at Providence, RI. MIr. Sam King has been ou a yachting cruise among the western ports of Lake Ontario for a couple of weeks past. Ni, J. J. Smith, Ottawa, was here this week, vsiting his parentîs and the amily. He lias lately deserted Toronto for the capi tai On Augusti î9h a grand demonstration will be held in Oshawa under the auspices of Victoria lodge No. 55, L. T. B. and the 34th batallion band. Miss Arriall arrived home frorn Manitoba on Tuesday night very miîch improved in health by lier sojourn thete. She had a .very' pleasant trip eastwatd. Remnants tweeds, cotions, shirtings, cot tonades, towellings, ribbons. laces, etc., re- duced to hall' price on bargain day, Satur- day, July 27th, at W. G. Walters'. Mr. Arthur Faîhen, Buffalo, la bi re on a bicycle trip. He will ride to Port Hope on the wheel, thence take the North King for its Sunday trip to the iooo Islands, and on reaching Rochester will bike it again to Buffalo. Messrs. Lea King and Philip Hauserleave ibis morning for New 'York. On Tuesday these two young men and Mr. Jos, Levy, Hamilton, went out to Scugog and lowered the lake around Pine Point by hauling out fish, They brouglit home a 15 lb.hlunge. Master Vincent Fairbanks, grandson oi %Ir. L. Fairbanks, brought in the biggest hens egg on Monday that we ever saw. It mneasured 8 by 9 inches, and weighed 5V< Ounces. The man who says his hen can beat this will be open to suspicion from a point of veracity, until he can produce a double-yohker to substantiate his word. Bnidder Clarkr, of the Pickering News, wvalked right into our den on Ssturday with- Mu kinocking. As lie is no( big enougli to mIl the whole doorway atid did not darken the place we bore the siin-ill friglit caused by his stidden appearance the same as we do :hat of injured parties ,vh boIt in and ask to see the- who wrote i certain paragrapli. Several local and diilv newspapers have in a ccou nt of what is ' iie1tged to have been a iArrow escape for Mr-ý -John Hopper of this .own whilst at the ù)shawa railway station )vi Nlonday last. Mrs. H-pper has the best -tght to k-now, and she dec lares the incident w: s n of a sensationql kind at ail. She wos flot in immediate danger of an accident it ail, was perlectiy coZiiizant of lier sur- r. ,undings, and was neither shaken up nor rig h te ned. Basebail. Athietic Grounds, Saturday, Aug 27th, at o'ClOCK. Admission, io cents. Aug. ist is the day. It lias been decided to run the Garden iy to Niagara Falls on Aug. 12th, for the ý)enefi1 ol those who were so badiy disap- ponted on Monday last. W H, Piper Sella thc most popular wind-mihl made in Canada. Ten of these mihis used to every one of any other kind. Cheap and durable. Prices on application to the agent, W. H. Piper. Alkinds of pumps for sale. Coal 1 Coal ! j u st recei ved th ree cargoes, 400 tons each, fresh mmced Scranton'coal per steamer Flora Carveth. I am now prepared to supply dlean, briglit, carefuhly screened coal at lowest possible price. Office opposite THE- CHRONICLE Whutby. E. R. BLOW. To Rent, chea.p The second story of Ontario bhock (for- nierl ' occupied as residence by W. E. O>'Brien and family) in good order, suitable for millinery, di essmaking and living rooms. Grood front street and back entrance. Apply to E. STE PH ENSON, agent express, telegrapli, ,nd ticket office Whitby. Sports, In a championship lacrosse game at Ux- bridge on Saturday last Markham was de- feated by Uxbridge by 3 goals to 2, after 2Y, hours play, they being a lic at the end of two hours. The gamne was rougli throughout, two of the Markham players having had their heads cut open. Wa.r or Peace its ail the Sanie. The war in Corea is now over and the Manitoba struggle is on, as well as the British clectiotis. Murdering is still ia vogue and on the increase. The man who thiaks he knows a solution of the Manitoba schooh question, doesn't know how unuch he doesn't know. How it wilR be dealt with la a vezed question for politicans. The British elections are sure to) go Conservative, and conserva- tismn as carried on to-day means real reform. We can stop murdering to some extent if we nail every bhood-stained monster to the mast instead of making them recipients of syra- patby and outraged justice. Readers are favored with these philosophical observations purehy with a view to remindlng thees that E Hart stili selis the New Williams aewing m~achine, whicb la ahead of tbem ahi. An Argument in favor of ho««e of refuge. Dr. Chamberlin. inspector of pristns, was here on Saturday last, and inspeetedr tht county jail, fanding It tn good shape. l'he prison reguhations are beingeonsider- abhy changed under bis autborlty, and lu future il counties do not build homes for their poor and agred, they will at least be conipell.d to support thein wel inl JaIL The. prison garb ls to be removed fron th=u, -and tbey are to b. fed as their age or condition requires. If this goes on counties wlflsooa 6usd that it yull pay theun to establishproi reefiuges 9for the ueedy and laf6irm, suati, tii. muney spenupon tise,wui ve a fs better rettw'n. Dr. Chambet euo of forcing counties to do thiiugbt -tbli^ thlng wltb thse poontb a, nuire-powerfül et- ~ameî wth ii.a 0 Sgcuuty couriciller tmreasonIngCold suggpst. [t touches the. pochtt whitstae4.eer dowss tiss thse hest and lua amore tea4o kR Icty. sabd *won P ""111161 anld wust - orWestern poýis-. 1itrain Amoica, ', t in thé.gratrun tî e in.PM111g tbrough i: xstate. of the union atnd makinq direct connection with. one hundred ana nineteen'other raliroads. Tickets and time- tables of thfs great railway from an y ticket agent or J1. A. Richardson, Canadian pas. senger agent. N. E. Cor. King and Vonge street, Toronto. ADMINISTRATORSI NOTICE TO CREI rORS. 0f MARGARET RIRRELL, Decea-sed. Pursuant to the "«Revised Statutes of On- tarlo, 1887," Chapter ixo, notice la hereby given that ail creditors and other persons having claims .against the estate of MAR- GARET BIRRELL, ate of the township of Pickering ii the County of Ontario, spinster, deceased, who died on or about the i9th d ty of March A. D. 18%g, are required to send by registered letter to Messrs. Dow and Mc- Giliivray, Brock St., Whitby, Solicitors for the Toronto General Trusts Company, the Administrators with the will and codicil annexed of thesaid Margaret Birrel deceased, on or before the 7th day of September A D., 1895, their names and addresses with full particulars of their dlaimrs and of the secur- ities (if any) held by them. And notice ta further given that alter the said last mentioned date the said Adminis- trators will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the pet-sons en- titled thereto, rnaving regard oniy to the claims of which notice shail have been given as above required ; and the said Admninis- trators will ot be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any pet-son or persons of whose dlaim or dlaims notice shah flot have been received by themn or their Solicit- ors at the time aforesaid. Dated at Whitby the 25tb day of July, A. D., 1895. The Toronto General Trusts Co,, Coi. Vonge and Coiborne Sts., Toronto. Administrators with the will and codici! annexed. DOW & McGILLIVRAV, Brock St., Whitby. Solicitors for Adm'rs. -U I :F iN1-A. N* CIA. L Your Dollar Elsewhere. Your Dollar here. How much it will buy. ..........- Sjuat a«. The. Cruets,.... Butter Coolers Pickle jars worth $,5.oo for $250 Il 4.50 2.25 ci 2.50 <'1.49 29'Repairing prombily doe. AGENT FOR{1 Heintzman Piano Co. Goderich Organ Co. Chas. A. Couu.i, DIAMOND :-; HALL, East side Brock St., Whitby. Ho For Idyl WiId I GRAND '00EXCURSION Under the auspices of the famous D. O. & P. Co's band. The members of the D. O. & P. Co's band, of Bowmanviile, announce an Excursion to Idyl Wild, on Rice Lake, on WEviDNESBDAY, ÂUGUST 7th.1 This will be ont of thc best excursions for the summer as the beautiful grounds at Idyl Wild, which is fast t$ecoming a popular sum- mer resort, bas becnalal fitted up and -every facility is aflorded for tht coavenience of picnic parties. Tht following cheap rates h ave been sccured for the trp, whicb will be by special train to Hqrwoo and thence by steamer, City of Peterboro, to Idyl Wyhd. The price includes botb rail and boat foi tht round trip. Part Mine Port Union... ............ Dunbarton . ......... Pickering ...... .......... Whitby -s à........... Oshawa ............. Darlington ................ Bowmanville .............. Newcastle................. Newtonvilt.... ... Port Hope........ ..... Cobourg ......... . #oo SîI.o...7,15 I-10 ...7:25 1.10@. o7:31 1-05 ....o7:45 1-05......7:55 1-00 ......:07 1-00----.8:14 908:25 go ... .8:40 600.9:10 _AM-Cbildren Half Fare. -I% Arriving at Harwood, on Rice Lake, at 9;40 am., from whicb place excursionlats will be convey'ed 'by boat to Idyl *WyJd. Take your lunch baskets sud go. Atauge- ments have beta amade for bot water futr- niabed free, and those who wlah can bave dincer and tea et thse hotel at ssc. each. This being one of tht hest fish'mouda lus this part 6f the province, Uas. who d.lightý in thus sport eau bave, a day's fiÏhilg., Speclal amrangements have been nmade. for oasts iud fiisig tackles, lTe baudwill- accompany the. exsion, D>* ' Iiaf- terisoontihe Steamer Ctyr ?utcrbor wfll inake trI arouni tis e, tsking ijubi- Eïl..'. MgAri, Secy. ON SATURDA 1950 Having had a large trade this spring, we find pile after pile. of Remnants on our counters, consîstiflg of Prints, Gingliaffs, Chales, Delaines, Dress Goods In Serges, Henrietta, both in Black and Colored; Sïlk, Flannel- lettes, Shirtings, Tweeds, Check and Spotted Muslins, Factory Cottons, White Cotton, and a great rnany other lines all of whieh will be SOLZID D OWNt Corne and secure some of' the Bargains befôre they are ail gone. #j Remember the day and date, July 271h, 1895. «C* ~TID REu DR Y GOODS, TUE lI! DRY 100Ds o o o oWoAo-o oe Now is the tinte i buy Dry Goods. priccs preparalory zto Drese Goodis i ail shades. Delaines, light and dark. Prints, Duoke, Ginghams, Shirtings, Table Linens, Napkins, Toweils, Towellinga, Gloves, Rosiery, Cor- sets, Handlkerohiefs, Cottons, and Ready-rnade Cloth- mng are ail selling at redueâd prices. Out Gents' Furnishing stock is very'- bright, h dng h~ti been ixnproved by another consigninent of Shirts, Collars, Cuifs, Ties, Rose and Rats. We are seling Hard and Soft Feit Rats, also Straw Rlats at remarkably low prices. We fail to quote prices for want of space. It wifl be to your interest to examine our stock and compare prices and qualities before buying elsewhese. wu A>THE Ha.M NERI H ayward flonyt FOigote Esells the best goods, most of them for the least mouey. We are oonstantly on the Iook- ' outfor bargaius. Every week we go to Toronto and hunli the markets ana the cash enafles ms to meure many lots' of gooda ast haif price. That'e why we can se»-, so ohesp. Every woek will fùIn us wiIh new lUnos of up-to-date ooda ut Toronto pric os. This-, week ,we bave secured - somo speola pluma, aumong tbem: Ore=,, 'wVUte sud blsok Salts io:Bi>bo, il5 ~ ...1 5.»2. - L5 VARREN DRY : UOODS Notice to Creditors. In the maller of the estate o JOHN MED- LAND, laie of the Township of Whit- b,', in the Coutlo Ontario, yeoman, decea-sed. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to tht provisions of the Revised Statutes of On- t ario, 1887, Chapter iio, that all persona having claims or demanda againat the ts- tate of tht said late JOHIN MRIDLANDP who <ied on or about the twenty-fifth day of October, A. D., i8çîi, are required, on or before tht aixth day of August, A. D., i8j to aend by post, prepaid, or>deh-vtr to jotù Medland, te younger, BrookliluP.O., bt. the sole surviving executor, who bas j>Ov the st wlll snd testament of tii..'said Johu Medland, dtceased, UsaIt usmés, addresses, sud occupations, with funl atcular of their cdaimsand statements' of their, ac- couuts, and ;tht nature of the- securities, if e.ny, beId by them. 7- A>sd notici le rëbyftir veta afttr Sncb satlu t oneLd datethe said IH ITBY, :STORE. ROSS, -WHITB Y. Bindor sTwino.§ Central Prison Make. Tis Twine le pure, well-made, ana guaranteedto bind more aheavea from 1 oci bailthau any othei maire in the market. Price 7 'etgw. 1per lb. No- Beouê qua is ae- at the Central Prison. -Âu fMrt-olass Leave YOU or .8ati once. J. ,H. LONG, JuIy - 27th,- STGn19 ai tc tc t' t2 h si k We are seiiing everything ai reduced receiving our Fait Stock.

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