) 't> / <v J f I.ont t I f . ____________________ Missiohis~o~, 0fStouffvllle, is Put at )4r4', Cm.hs Mi, vd ScOtt, Janetvjule, bas been visitîng Mr. John Reid. Mr. Ptrc lFields of Listowel. is visit- ing old friends in town. Mr. S. E. Bragg, of Winnipeg, Man. is visiting at bis fatber's. Miss Lizzie Keith, Toronto, 'has been ViSting at Mr. C. Keith's. Rev. W. S. and Mrs. Pritchard are visiting relatives at Harriston. Miss Kate Welch, Oshawa, was guest of ber sister, Miss Lena Welch, Sun- day.. Miss May Bingham has returned1 from alengthy visit ta Marshalltown,i Iowa.5 Mrs. Wmn. and Miss Helen Knight5 are Visting relatives at Owen Sound1 and Meaford.1 Rev. R. Hopkins, Listowel, preach- ed in Trinity Chur-ch Sundav mong and evening. - onn Miss Estella M,\cKcown bas returned fromi a pleasant v isît wîth bier sister at Ornem ee. M rs. F. H. Mason, Miss Nellie and1 Mr. Fred of Davenpart. lau-a. are visit- ing relatives here. IMr-s. las. A. Yull and son, of La- Grange.,I!Il., are giiests o)f t beir aunits. the Misses McTavîsh. M-vrs. Wm. Dunn, of ( anaseraga. N Y., and daughter. are guests of lber sister, Mrs. R. Cherrv, Cherry Cot- tage. Mr. W. Lcckhart and wifu anil Mr. D. M. Lockhar-t of Columbus, (bo are guests at their father s. Mr. MI. Lac khart - Mirs. Wrn, McConneli and twa children, of Chicago, Ili., are- visiting Mrs. Wm. McReynolds. Mr. and Mr-s. 17. IBurl-e Simpson and Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Hamnlin, (Osh- awa, are enjoying a vacation on the New England coast. mne Methodist Sundav Schaol picnic at the lake on Wednesdav last passed off ver-y nicely without an accident ta mar the pleasure. l3etween 6oo and 700 took tea. -The Sunibeam. - a spicv little paper publishied by the O)ntario Ladies' Col- lege, Whitby, carne ta hand last week inter-esting as ex-er-. It cantains the report of the directars af the College, and several appropriate articles. The excursion ta Niagara Falls billed for Monday the 22nd would have been an immense success had the boa-t cal- led. but owing ta the roughness of the lake the preceeding day, and the dense fog prevailing thraughout Monday, prevented the Garden City fram mak- ing the trip and caused cansiderable disappointment. At present w-e cani- not give the date of postponment. Bowmanvilie base bail team played a game with the crack team of Toronto, the Crescents, on Saturday last at Han- Ian's Paint, on Toronito Island. The city papers say the game was witnessed by 1200 people and are unanimous in their declaration that it was one of the S best put up games played in the city during the whole season. Though aur boys lost the same bv the score Of 3 ta r they still have reason ta cangratulate tbemselves an the good shawing theN mnade. -Statesmnan. NEW RAVEN Mr. J. Ovons is visiting in Rochester -"My engineer tells bas been taken inta The contractors are VALENTYNrC MnI. jas. Miller's crops have evident- ly not suff ered from lack of rain. Like Dives of aid he bas found it necessary ta pull dawn and build larger. The many farmer-s of this vicinity, wbo "got out" the new metbod of en- suring short alsike by turning the sheep on it in the spring, would be much obliged if those same sbeep would aid in cutting that is left, as it ranges fr-ar two ta six inches bigh, The mast ignorant act of meanness ever penpetrated around ber-e was done some few weeks aga at Vallentyne. It appears that some years ago a certain J. P., of this vicinity allowed the life use of a diminutive littie lot ta bis brother. The latter, it is said, built a hause and planted a ver-y fine orchard in it. Upon his death his daughter was allowed the use at a nominal r-ent and before her- deatb she willed the trees ta ber- brother, who faitbfully tended ber in ber illness. He bas been the victim of many reverses and bas the use of only one band ta, supý- port a large family. He also plauited a garden on the plot. During the fun- eral of the deceased wo.nen two sons of the original owner camne up close to the fence, and before the hearse had pr-oceeded twenty rods began to tear down the fence and saw dowu the mag- nificent trees already loaded with fruit. Tbey even pioughed Up the garden, thinking, 1 suppose, that they could commit any means they desîred witlh impunity. However, thClr cousin al- tbough poor was able to ýdemnd JUS- tice, and they now have, to pay for the. trees and other dainages. Iýt is a shame that these villanS Werenot treated 10 a well deserved fleoggin.; altbough they are no disgrace W their à fÎ71ly ar ~e to the cominutntyaid 1aihou :btS*I1t that the poor mapn wtto-p.ys 1- debte has rights as wffu plorà td meanuess.-Gla=Ct THE DOMINION GOVÈRN)ipxq,, HAS LET THE CONTRACT FOR WIDENING ITS OUTLET.-A PAGE FROM "HANS- ARD.' In answer to an enqu<iry made by Sir. Richard Cartwright, Mr. uimet, tbe Minister of Public Works, said: -The outiet of the lake is too small in the spring freshets, and the work to be done is to enable a larger amount of water to go through the outiet when the water is high. The bottom of that out- let will remain as it is, so as in the sumnmer time to leave the waters of the lake at the same height as now. This is to prevent a second flooding of the surrounding countries in June after seeding time, and also to improve the lake for navigation. Tenders have been called by public advertisement, and the cantractor has received instruc- tions ta go on with the work. There were same difficulties raised as to juris- diction. Complaints were also made that the result of these impravements wauld bc ta injure some people who had wNater power-s in the vicinity. and this had ta be inquir-ed inta before uindertaking a work which might in- val1ve future litigation. It has been cserla ined that na injury will follaw ta hnoe ut that, an the other hand it wîlil bc a benctit ta thie whale sur-round- ing distriet, whîch is a farming district of ven- grcat 'importance. Na part of the grant gues ta anybody far any water l)rivilege~s at the autset. The works consst in excavatîng supplementary l)~~~S14 ta 95 feet wide down ta low,% water level opposite the easter-n outlet of Lake Cauchiching into the River Severn at the nor-th end of Rama Island, so as ta increase the discharging power of this outlet very materially during the high water period without interfering with the sarne when the lakes reach their normal level. It will flot, interfere with navigation. The channel is flot ta be deepened, and when the water reaches its ordinary level the discharge will not be greater. It is oniy while the water is very high that the discharge will be greater. Four outlets havè been surveyed, but the improved work will only be made in two of tbem." Mr. Mulock: "While it is import- ant that the water be regulated sa that it will flot be too high and flood back an the adjoining lands, it is also import- ant that the level should not faîl tac law. If the scheme lowers the waters, without any provision for retaining the waters after the principal spring freshets are aver. it may happen that you wil] find the communication between the twa lakes absolutely interrupted for a certain season of the year. The prac- tical effect may be if you lower the water down ta a certain level and there is not sufficient supply ta the lakes foi the remnainder of the season ta make up the loss by evaporation and over- flow, navigation between the two lakes may be interferred witb, and vesse1s will not be able ta approach the hart> ours around the lakes. " sco'rr's SARAAPARILLA You may relieve y1.a lliý Uiona, but a&l the nuCÉ powders, sprys, salves and bhums on earth wont Cure Catarrhe ScoWu SarmaurMs aw-lit.becausOit acta con- .titutionally witih pure blood, reaching everY part of the stem, searohing out the fount of mucous acmuu]tiouS,ý removing the eau«. of their boing. The rason it cures catarrh la on a=cunt of the new12y discovered prepertiel it contains. SCOTIS' SKIN SOAP Preveats Rougb Sklia. Out of Sort.-Symptoms Headache, loua of appetite, furred tangue, ana general indisqpos- tion. These symptorna, if neglected. develop into acute disease. It is a trite saying that au "ounce 19f prevention is worth a ponnd of cure," and a littie attention at thie peint may sire montha of sicknebs andi large doctor's bill. For tbis coruplaint take frooe two to tbree et Parmeled's Vegetable Pilla on going to bed, and one or two for tbree uights in succesion, and a cure will be effected. A good liniment for inflammation, rheuma- tiam, swellhnga, etc., is olive où weil tiaturated with catuphor. Out of Sorts.-SYmptoms, Headache4 lbas of' appetite, f urred tongue . and general indisposi- Lion. These symptoms, if neglected, develop into acute disuaee. It is a trite sîying that an 4ounce ai prevention is wortb a pound of cure," sud a littie attention iL thia peint may savu menthe of sicknes s ad large doctor's bill. For tbis complaint take froru two te three of Parmelees Vegetable Pille on going to b.d, and one or two for three nights ln succession, and a cure will be effected. How often wu pay a famus pries for the re- gretful recollection of a fleeting pleasure. A wide4p»eadhabit And one which we nearly aIl, bave le of giv- ing id vice. The tnoat of us place a igb vaiue on oui. own opinions, sametîme correctly 50 ai other tirnes these opinions are worth ne more tban the value oui. neigbbors place on them, an opinion :bougb wbich w-e nearly al hold and whîch undonbtedly containu a great deal, of truth is that ln the spring w-e require s'1orne medicine te assist nature in the remoyal cf al impurities frorn the blood. It in simply a question of w-bat ia the bot?1 Our local drug- gisa seem to consider Eaeljay'u Liver Lozengas the bout remedy fer this purpose, aud for bili- ons troubles, if w-e may, judge b y the -stocks tbey are layinT ln. Wi notieed them piled u in the Corner Drug Store, boas-, and Mr. J.Er WWils toc, la w-eU supplled. As one man w-ho used' them e rmarked "They »Il- heesuse thuy cure and are se pleasant te teks.» Onu box 25 centsflve boxes $1. Tailorasa»Y that th afaut ma ilu eofly pretty slow about payi cg ulp. Mlamdle Linimeat foirh.aaim Whec a mmn'@ tempir Ruts the bout of hlm It reveais the woet cf hlm. Meusrs Noebro LymUaSIca*.rM the ~ prietors e01DII. OMi'ELOaOV whe!Wnovbig od lÎWm., astte Our hall is to be, opened about Sept. Master Fred Smitb bas been nursing a lame ,ieg since the picnic. Visitors, Mr. J. and Miss 0. M. Sieman, Zion; Mrs. John Sanders, Pickering: Master John Little, Port Hope. Our picnic at the Willows last Thurs- day was a grand succese. Foot bal and boating were the chief amuse- nients. Epsom. Harvest ha. bogun in this vicinity. Mr. Chas. White ha. returned from hi. viuit to England. Mr. Jais. Hilîson sailed for hi. native land (England) lust week. Quite a number of our boys took ad- vantage of the excursion to Orillia, and report a most pleasant journey. Visitors.-Mra. T. Linton of Toronton is visiýing her father, Mr. R. Stittwell. M rs . Holtby ia aliso viiting at her form- er home. Mrs. John Foy i. staying with her many friends in and around Green- bank. What might have been a seriaus acci- dent happened our young bicyclist, Mr. John Terry. Mr. Elliott's buggy was standing in front of Mr. Asling's store, but as it was dark aur young friend did nat see it and ran into the rig with his bicycle. The moat serious injury, how- ever, was done to a coal oul can belonging te, Mr. F. Earchman, which was almoat split in two, spilling the contents. The bicycle and rider e8caped almost free of damage. CATARRi 0F TME IMEAD O F TME EARS * . 0FTME KIDNEYS O F TME STOMACIt *.BRONCIAL Mr. and Mr-s. Walse, Toronto, visit- ed Rev. Dr. and Mr-s. Marvin, at the parsonage recently. The salesman of the D. U. C. Ca. attended the market at Peter-bora last week but did flot make a sale. Wait- ing for better prces." ýÇierstinggame of football was played between Harmony and Mt. Carswell, in Mr. Mackie's field last Satur-day evening, resulting in a draw. DELICTOUS MAZAWATTEE TE AS, 15,0009000 Packdts SONd unnly in cyTOat Britain Foatherbono FOR GIVINO STYLE ÀND SHAPE -TO- Mma Thoî. Westlake brought fromn the- station Iast week a new Sawyer traction engine, mnaking tbe distance from Bowmanville in one bour and forty minutes., Recent vistors.-Mrs. L. C. and Miss Pascoe, Enfield ; Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Worden, New Haven; Mrs. Jacob Orchard, Seagrave ; Miss Ethel Bur- dick, of Rochester, N. Y.; Mr. John Sharsel, Mitchell; Dr. Hogarth, l3ow- manville; Mrs. A. A. Bowerman, Port Perry. The Sons of Temperance intend spending a sociable time next Friday night, when a programme will be ren- dered after which the members will in- dulge in a raspberry and bun feed . Every member is requested to be pre- sent on this festive occasion as a (berry) good time is expected. VICTORIA CORNERS. Farmers are busy harvesting. Mr. A. Doty is sperrding a few days with his father. The sermon preached ta young men on Sunday was an excellent ane if some had flot gone asleep. Some of the L. O, L. who celebrated the i 2th in Orillia arrived just recently. 1 would advise those young men who brought their young ladies there to bring them home again. COURTICE Mr. Aif. Hall and Miss Bessie visit- ed at their home in Campbellford last wek. Rev. J. and M.\rs. Whitlock, Port Perry, were guests of MIr. R. Osborne, jSunday. Skidrt Boîte A llght, pliable, elastic bone made from quilla. it la soft and yieldlng, coufonning readily to folds, yet glvlng proper shape ta Skirt or Dress. The only Skirt Boue that may be wet wlthout lnjury. The Celebrated Featherbone Corsets are corded with this Material. For Sale by leading Dry Goods Dealers.j What is Castoria in Dr. Samuel Pite] and Children. It containsij other Narcotie substance. for Paregoric, Drops, Soot Iii la Pleasant. Its guarai Millions of Mothers. Casto feverishness. Castorla pr cures Dlarrhoea and 'Wl teetklng troubles, cures Castoria assimilates the and bowels, giving heal, toria is the Chlldren's Pa CastoriE. 06Caaoris la an excellent medicine for chil dru". Xothir have repeat*4ly told me of ità good eff oct upon their children.- DiL G. C. OwSoo, Lowell, Maffl 0Castorla la the boa: remedy for children oi which I arn acquainted. I hope the day ia not far distant when mother will oied he rea biterest of their chIldren, and use Castoria in etead of thevarlosqack flOsb 8mhie f destroying thefr ioved ones, by forcing opiumn. morphine, sootbing syrnp and other hurtfu agents dowfl their throats, thereby sendin Uhmm tOpremature graves.' Da. 3. P. Kncmozn, Oonway, Ârk T" Cmtau' Company, 1'7 Severe Pain in Cured by"The D.i vy ire wu afflced for Iwo years wirb a "n;eon mingmamy remedies sithout relief, pud ontgtotb" un dedso1these plaaeu 1 Sold Everlî-t' 'tTke Ta e Mrs. JUo.. Toronto. Mr. .d tToronto secq Meusrs Ladies --: Dresses% Mr. Ouimet. me that all that the calculations. Wurtele & Ca." iatory Sar a - ,ntetd wtth 1,-i with up stairi ying read rçs n boutt1 Lits (j A. EDY RL ta: a. iks ad . 1 R s W r.-! Nai ste rs ND A. Who tbie 0 i (t fary Imp, Mrs. Thomas Vancamp is slowly ne- caver-ing. Mns. Wm. Riches felI and sprained ber- ankle. Mn. J. Metcalf is recovering nicely fr-arn is minaculous escape fr-ar being killed by bis hanse running away. On Wednesday night last a tram.p broke into Mn. Geo. Pearce's bouse and took a pair of boots and some cans of fruit, intending ta bave a good time, but was caught and the pnoperty ne- cover-ed. *Recent visitons: Mns. E. Hall and son Madison, Or-ana; Miss E. Clarke, Pickering; Mrs. Burke, Oshawa; Miss Maud Power, Maple Grave; Miss Ham, Or-ana; Mrs. H. Peace, town, Mlrs. L. Courtice, Courtine; Mrs. J. D. Stonie, Oshawa; A. Manning, New-- castle. SUNDRLAND Mn. M. McPhaden was at Canning- ton on Saturday. Mr. Edward McCully, of Wick, was here on Saturday. Mr. josepb Thompson, of Creswell, spent Satur-day ber-e. Mr. Gea. Veale, con 14, Br-ock, was ber-e on Saturday. Mr. Bick and daugbter- were at Can- nington an Satur-day. Mr. Less Cliff, agent London Mutual Fire Insurance Co., was ber-e on Satur- day. Brock's county tax for 1895 i5 made up as follows: General pur-pose, $2,- 996.40; educational. $450. oo; total, $3, 446.40. ENNISEILLEMN. Mrs. S. Gamsby, Toronto, is guest of Mrs. W. Brown. Miss Nugent, MIlbrook, is guest at -The Maples. "10 Miss Richardsoii, Bethany, is guesti of Mis. C. WilUams, Mrs, (J)r.) Binghà m sud son, Can- nington, have. beenguestâ of Mr. Wm.