Whitby Chronicle, 19 Jul 1895, p. 5

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C~T Il TJO. We ha"ve value. The. inonster stocèk f rich hig grades boots and shoea, ai! the laest 4Ueslgis, will besod t a cut rate on Saturdày, >juiy 6th. Chîd'sdonzoa ofors n hi& ycneap. may be truthfulîy said of ollr Prices for Silver flair Pins and Ornaments, Sil- 'Ver Mounted Side Combs, Czarine Buckles, and Vail Holders. These are al This Season's Goods-opo- and are very fashionable. However, they maust be cleared out and thus you get the advantage. J. Sm B.ARNARDV JEWELER & ENGRAVER, Omolial County Orgnau,-argesî Circula. tion of any local papor in Canada FRIDAY, JULY 19, 1895. LOCAL LAOONIOS. \ery pramising weather. To Niagaia Mondas'. Great trip. Mr. James WValters sails for England this week. Mr. Geo. I)ecker, Pickering, was in tawn Wednesday. Hardwood dining tables, 4 leaves, only $5, at W. Tili's. Mr. Thas. Morley, Toranto, visited Whlt- by last SurdaN. \V lH Warren is selling felt hats at excep- tionally low prices. Mr. A. H. Allin. Taronto, spent Sunday, with lits relatives in town. Very old joke This class ai weather will &poil ail the small potatoes. His Honor Judge Dartnell and Mrs Dart- tiell have gone ta Kingston ta spend a week. Mr Jno. McCullaugli, ai the camner drug store, attended a picnic at Oshawa-on-tlie- lake Wednesday. Mr G E Grosg îtook a cycling trip ta Tor- anto and Niagnra at the first ai the week and returned Wednesu.ay. Rev. Princip ai Han., ai Ontario Ladies' Collegs, will deliver a series ai fivè lectures at ('rimsby Park next week. Mr and Mrs. James Brown went north on Nlm)dav morîîing with the intention ai spend- nrg a few~ weeks at Bala, Muskoka. Nle'srst.1J. 1). I-owden and S. Coxwarth wesnt to winnipeg an Friday ta the exhibition. The latter taok a cansigniment ai hi, puize sheep and hogs ta put an exhibition. lThe Cibala, a well knawn steamer ai the Niagara Navigation Companys hue plying between Toranto and Niagara, was burned to the water's edge on Tuesday iiprning I ast. A% li te flag should have been hoisted over the jail last week, there being no prisoners for a iew days. This is the second tise this lias occurned during the last five years, bu-t ini the order ai things it seldons lappens. Mr. Griffith, seedsman, Baltimsore, accons- partîed liv lis wiie, bas heen visiting variaus sections ai Ontario, here and farther east, looking at the pea crap. He finde that the damage doue by the dIrought is worse tartli- er east than it is around here. Mn. and Mrs. Ihea. A. McGillivray set out irons here for tle aid country on Mon. day last. lliey intenq ed ta crasethc lake tram Part Hope ta Rochester an the Nantîh King, ater which they wibb spenci the bal- ance ai the week saiing down the Hudeon andi making their way ta Phibadebphia, tramn whcnce they eaul with the big Faresters' ex- cursiont t England to-moraw, July 2ath. The Whitby cricket club went ta Bain- manville on Thursday last and wnon a tino- innings match with cight wickets ta spare. We inou Id naw adivise Secretary Hay ta take lits strang aggnegatian aven and defeat the lii herto upibeatcn Pickering club, and then assume thechcampionship ai thfe wonld, with a statement annexed ta the effect that they arc prepared ta defenci it against alI comners. Lieut. -Col. N. F. Patterson visited Whitby on lhtirsday last, being an hie way with Mrs Patenson andc family ta, spend a holiday at Port Penny. The colonel reports tbat new hlebet plates bave been purcliased by thie battalion, officere and men, and that the colore for whidli the caunty council provided $200 inili arrive sliartly, inlen iliere inilI b. casne sort ai a reunlan luin oren ta present tIcs by Warden Goubd. R emember That Dr. Gnant's 'Hairene" 1is guarantecd to stop fallirig hair and rernove dandruif. Coaty news. Look caretully aven î,>-day's CHRONIcLE anîd note the fiue budgft ai newe front aven fi rty placesi, besides council meetings anid oîler county muattenu. This jourriab neyer ltt up during the dog-days. Grand Excursion ()h for Niajana Falsa. July 22nd. Round tnpi 52 , childrnt 75c. by Steamer Gardes C it îy it ilectnic Rahlway. Boat leaves Newcastle 7 arn,, Bawmauvllle 7:0arn., OshIawa Si a.m., Whltby 8:30 .m. , French- tin'. Bay 9 a.rn. Sec lange posters for particulars. Grand Trunk Excursions ta the "Seaside." Jul y2th, 26th and 27th, ta Portland. Gooad ta returnstlll Aug. toth. Tickets irons Whitby and Brookls $i6.55,Mrtle aud( Pickering prao rtionately loin. .O e-xtra ta St. Joabrs, et Andreins and FMpnùc- ton, N. B. $2,oa extra toeWIaifax. Get tIbase tickets and particulars frein Stephear Mon, (opposite Hatcb's>, Whltby. Town CounciL. Met Monday nlght, A letier vas rend traxm Caunty Attrnuy Farewell calling at- tention af the COUOCIl t e i. ecelty fbav- l ng prisaners who are arrested bu warrats. aêarched befoire boing Iock.d up. HC- aime. spokre of thse aeceuslty of havlng drnken O= lookird allerocaluly blm la thb cooler. Cou. sur"sbrugtla a Weort (rom the.comuulucaoo fSte ad waterrron- mendingt te (olmiow gamotwts for sy-, ment t. J. T. M.<Thom *m#56P Specat brgais ingen'! ne lace upa&nd aters. Great bargains tthis, td yJUîy C LNeh tthe new red store, east aIe. Iw Mrs. Gerrie-Smnith, HaLnsiltou, is vîsiting Mrs. Annes. Milýs Russell, Blenheim, is visiting at Mr. ~S. Arnals here. Mr. C. A. Coakwell, Toronto, was home for a day or two this week. Miss Bessie Ba lantyne spent two days this week with her grandparents at Corbett)s Point. Miss Lizzie Gaodwin, who bas been teach- ing schni at Glen Robertson, is home tor lier halidays. Miss Claypole and Master Harold Frazer are off to Europe ta visit the great centres af Great Britain and France. M r. W m. Pr4,gle has gone to 0wen Sou n for his holida yr, and Billy Rooke i. takïng lits place in Gross & Granger's. Gentlemen, now is the time ta buy your hats, collers, cuifs and ties. Everything noby and up ta date at W H Warren'.. Dr. James McKay will go West un Mon- day in search af a suitable place ta practice bis profession. He wiil first take in the new gas regions ai Indiana. Mr Geo Grahamn, Toponto, spent Sunday here with the quili-driver of thjs great journal and passed on to the mnelancholy Scugog an Monâday or a week's fishing. Mr. Philip Hauser, New York, isspending a fortnight with the King iamlly. Mr. Lea. King is expected home today irotn the West, wliere lie has been on a long trip. Mr. L. T. Barclay, who is one af the Canadian representatives ta the Supremne session 1. 0. F. ta be held in England short- ]y, left here yesterday for Philadeiphia, ta taire passage ta England. Everybody arrnge ta go ta Niagara Falls an July 22nd. Nothing will b. left undone that will cantribute ta thse comioi-t ai ex- cursianists. "Do No Prias orchestrian band"" first class mnusic. It would be a treat these days ta borrow the boan oi a chunk ai the Osliawa bathing lin. and carry aur citizens down ta the bar- bar. We cail thc attention ai Commodore Jackson ta the advisability ai looking into this eclieme. He appeers ta lie devoted ta the sus mer outing business. Chef Constable Calverley was out lor a drive ta Kinsale and Mount Zion an Sunday last, and asongst others callcd upan Mr. Thos. Wilson, 7tli concesion ai Pickering, where b. secured came ai the finest heade ai barley we have seen for years. Mr. Wilson las some fine crops ai variaus kinds. On thc 3rd ai July Miss Laura Yarnold, larmerly ai this tawn, was marnied ta Mr. F. G. Prout, ai Boston, farmerly ai Bowsan- ville. Several tram Whitby and Oshiawa at- tended the wedding testivities at the resi- dence ai Mr. G. E. Gibbard, Toronto. We extend aur liest wislies ta the yaung couple. It is fia su bj ect ion joki ng when t wo poar little girls like tlie Pitzels are iound surder- ed in a nsost fiiendisl manner, but if they wcre as hosely as the pictures publisled of thern in the daily papere wauld indicate îliey should eitber b e ca lIed South Sea is- lanciers or cIse sent ta a face impraver ion a straiglitening up. Chas. Harnis, ageci 15, was tn-ieci before P. M. Haiper on Wednesday evening-for in- decent assault, but was again remandeci, and will prahably have ta answen another charge ai the came nature, for an offence cossitted 3onse tise ega. Wm. Harris, aged ioî, was also brouglit up on a charge ai plundening boat boauses at the bay, and a second charge ie laomirig up againct hins too, tan stealing a gun. Neither was sent- enceci, and ai course thse CHRONICLE Was in error in stating that sentence was passed on thens twa weeks ago. Baseball Match Satunday. A match will camne off ber. Saturday be- twecn Oshiawa andi Wbitby. Ganse called. at 3 o'clock. Admission io cents, ladies free. Civlc Holiday. Greatly reduceci rates irons ail points on the G T Railway ta Whitby and return bave been secureci by the cammittee. Tickets will lie good August i9)th and 2oth, and will lie fan the round trip, at considerable lese than cingle fane. Hard Times no Barnier. The insurance Cnitic sayc :-"Fram the statement ofithe United States LAt Insurance Company it is scee that security for the pal- icy holdere je ample, and the gain in assets shows that the liard times bave nat inter- rupteci the Compariy' steady pragress. lb. repart ai the exarninatian ai the Cons- pany's affaire, -made by the New York In- surance Departinent, certifies ta the excel- lent condition and eound business methods af the United States Lii.." cricket match. Our toin cick.ters visited Bowntanvible an Tbunsday Iriet ta play tise return match witb tlie Bowman'vible cleves and as the ne- suIt ai a tino Innings match the score stood: Bowmanvilbe, tst 'innings 29 runs and 2ud inninge 45 runs. Total 74 rus. Whitby, it inninge 46 rns and 2nd inniugs 3o nuns ton 2 wickcte. -Whitby wisulng by 2 runs and 8 iickcts ta spare. This je the second tise ihese tino teains have met thie geason, aur local teant wiuning an buth accasionis. For Whitby Rase, Geld, Dartucîl, Brough- ail, Willie asd Mathiseri plsyed well for their respective saures, and ior Bowinaville Morris, Fond, Loscombe and McLaughlin also played incli- No libel suit hme bbc weather clerk wus considerably n !ttlid ox'î eading opr rensanks of luît week asent bis sanlty and at odce sprung a leak for the besefit ai bis patrons lri this locality. Since tIses hh as actedmeet beautlfully, and marc promislng inatir 'oeuld sot be asked for. Our Impeachment bad been de- layed se long out ai respect for tihe w,; 'o aid age and pust services, that muici dam- age had been donc by renoan of bis cllatori- nees before ine braugbt hlm ta turne. 'Astla always thse case wtth tht.0 *Ung-tfut world, as sean as people get the. deslred nains tbrougb aur bDon iutervenionthey an swung round and ptam dup the ineather clerk, aserlg tsouriuak abouit him inere bthunctîri "rad cr#el. W'ar thug eedmuedfpr wàktUg & blic ofi te dntyw uilelnhoth Vr skia wmm beng brt blmsdW and.the ruti of us by droèugbt., Wbo ami Pety o«Ip?, Not asrnoyed by opposwtia We are flot anoyed bythe opposition we have ta comupete witb. e challri ed coin- petition, but it has flot been accepted. Don- gola le dongola; sheepalcin Ilaflot represent- ed as dangala at aur store. ,Caine and ln- spect aur goods and yau will find aur prices e per cent. below any other shoe store in Wbtby. M. Collins, west side Brock st. Scott repairs ali kinds of purnps. Col. J. C. Canner was in town Tuesday. Miss Louis McCann is itngaBufl aud Fort Eri.. tBf'l The Misses Hamnilton, Peterboro, are vigiting Miss Martin here. Mrs. Z. Blair, 'roronto, is in town visiting Mn. and Mrs. Col. O'Donovan. Mrs. G. H. Hami and her little son, re- turned ta Montreal an Saturday last. W. have a bandsomne lne af table linens napkins, towels and towelings from 5c. yd. W H Warren. Miss Mabel Mandiville and Miss Matie Erving, ai Olcott, N.Y., are the guets ai Miss Sadie Bugbee, Gilbiert st. We have a fine selection ai ready-made clothing in boys, yauths' and men's sizes. Cali and sec thens. W H Warren. Miss State, Rochester, ie visiting Mrs. Hobson -at the Bay. Mr. John Hobson, Barrie, lias aiso been home visiting his mother. The railway men ai the Midland division are holding a big demonstration at Orillia Saturday, and the tare tram here will be si for return tickets. Mr W F Billinge bas gane ta Oshawa ta take charge ai Mr L K Murton's law office for two manths whist the latter je in England on the Forester delegatian. Mr. T. S. Arnold left for Port Arthur yes- terday, ta meet lis daugliter who is return- ing irons Winnipeg, ater a prolonged stay for the improvement aiflier health. Criminal justice Auditor Murton was here Monday winding up the quarter's audit. His Colleague, Mr. Wr4ght, was unable ta at- tend, being in poor liealth at present. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Allisan arrived back frans New Brunswick on S turday, whither Mr. A. had gone ta attend the aniult meet- ing ai the bratlierhood af lacomotive en- gineers. Mir. McGregon Young, Toronto. was the guest ai Mr. G. E. Grass over Sunday. He is a nephew ai the at. Sir John Macdonald, and je passessed ai sucli ai the statesman's wit and love ai fun. Ntiagara Falls Excursion July as. The Newcastle brass band lias been se- cured for this accasion. First ciase musc- 17 instruments. Sparts In a league game at Uxbridge on Thurs- day last the Talaoos af Newnsark et were beaten by Uxbridge lacrosse teain by 3 ta 2. At Markbans on Saturday in a scheduled gamne in the Midlanddistrict series the Stouffv-ille lacrosse team were beaten by Markhans bY 4 ta I, in 44 minutes actual play. This pute Markham in the lead, hav- ing won 4 games and loet i. County vs. Toronto and Parkdale at cricket. Arrangements have been campleted ion twa matches ta take place in Toronto on July 25th and 26tli. The present and past playersofOntania caunty are gaing ta re unit. and make a consbined attack an the Toronto and on the Parkdalc clubs, W. have flot the liet who will represent this county, but it lias been decided that Jo. Clark ai Saturday Night andi Ai-tur Till wlll be ai the numben. Their presence an teans gives us full confindence that it will make a gaod shawing. He carried a club. Jno. Chare King, a cnanky, deaf aId barhlelor, was sent ber. tram Pickering for trial last week (see Pickering items) for ne- peated assaults an John Lynde. H. was an- naigneci before Hie Hor Judge Burnbam in the ceunty judge's criminal court on Wednesday, and convicted ai assault. The judgc nemanded hum ta Aug. 5th, in order ta, give bis a taste ai jail discipline, and if he can furnish sufficient bail for bis good b.- havior in future lie will be releaseci then. He appears ta have been determineci ta down Lynde, ton in making his second as- sault King had prcpared a rounded club witli a string tbrough the end ai it and loop- cd on bis wt jet. He looks ike a mari wbo will bave ta b.ebut up in futture. The Lady la Bloomers Uxbridge Tises: The Whitby CRoN- ICLE man evidently bas thse ladies' interests ai hcart, andi cbould lic sent ta Trouta ta cape witb Truste. Bell. H. describes the fret pain ai bloomners be sain as faliainsq 'We saw the rnwiangied bicycle girl inli bloomers, wbile on.an excursion on Tues day last, andi wcne riat at aIl shocked. If ine iere a warnn we would not inean ary- thing cise. The costume is handeome, coin- fotable, suitable, cool, anid imparts ta its inearer a beatty, vigorous lookc. Worn look 50 puny in thein long, trailing, tire- corne skirts that ine do not wonder, ai their seeking a nein style ai dnecs." W. heartily endors. aur catern'ssentiments. Oficourse, wornan likes ta nesemble -man,, as closcly as se car i wîî due modesîy, and we tail ta sce the lmmodesty of a inoman attiring ber- self suitable te ber occupatit u. We tbink Truste. Bell, inhose strong apposition ta bloomers is cncatiug sncb a sensation in Te- ronto, le anc oi those crnrks who tbink inamen have ne ights. Whltbyron-the-Lake. Lots ai nain down bere hast Monday even- ing. The boy are havirig flue tintes. - Visiters wclcamed The Pea-nut Nizie la not a baseball team, bear ir ind. Rev. Thos. Mmnninig paid thse camp a fly- lng visit Tuesday eveuing. John Brownr'. swing is thse thiug that attracts the attention of visitons. Fred. Yaies, Geo. Blown and Tommy Devereill's boys have pitcbed themr teint for, a week or tino. Thie camp ground le lit up at nlghts by a iakir's lamp and ne doubt a fakir woald 511l his pockets If lie were te stnike the. place any evenlng. 1The boysin Pote's tent are lIving bighI. 1Tihe menuw la up ta theistesi style. Fièh for b4ris$tào4- fiefor, dimner, and- flsh for spo OuSnay iW bavea ag, Thse"Sansd Rats se oejyte"vs Tbe ae p a >nlghâ ad p early in GREAT J ULY ý -q>AN SALE.-~~ '~Imperative purpose to seil goverfls ail prices. Ceet sinke out of sight in -this Sale. If saving is making meney, this le eertainlycoiflifg it. Don't fail te share in the Bargains of the GREAT CLEÂRING BUMMER. SALE ak LIST to the dirge of Low l>rtceq .. Job lot of Dress Goode, 500. to 75c., redueed te 250. and 850. White Swies Skirt Embreidery 75c. to $2.00 at 500. Job lot of Purees, worth 85c. eaeh, Belling at 25C. Great value in- Remuantsi Remnants Remnantsi Remuants Rezunants Grey Cottens .1 Shirtings. I Flannelettes. I Cottenades. I Embroideries .1 1 w. Friday and Saturday SI:ECIAJLS., AU fancy Parasols reduced te one- hall priee. AUl Remns.nts reduced to one-haif regular price. 20 pieces Oream and White Laces redueed te ene'half price. Stainlees Black Hose only 5 ets. per pair. Saturday and Monday SSPECIALS. Mon's and Boys' CIothiog. Boys' Navy Biue Berge Suite te fit ages 4 te 10 years, reduoed to Good Tweed Suite, 2-piece, 4 to 10 Men's $42.00 13uits reduced to $9.00. ciý10.00 " di 4. 7.50. Men'a $6 Navy Serge Suite reduced te $8.75. Knee FantsC-YD 5e,60e., 75c. and $1. 0. :F. .STEW-4jV.A2:RzTS. Ail Our Stock of MILLINERY te be bieared out at ceet pries. Job lot of GENTLEMEN'S TIES, worth frem 25c. te 86c. ; ail te gor at 15c. MEN'S UNDERSHIBTS & DRAWERS, worth 60c., to be sold at 25o ORDERED OLOTHING at great reduetiene. HALIFAX TWEED SUITS..... ......$OO BLUE SERGE SUITS ....... ........ ............ $12-00 Special line SCOTfCH TWEED SiJITS, werth $20.00 fer $ 1 5 -0 0 Donet ]Fai1l to attend the Clearing Bale at Em Go. ST TEWR ~Sm WALTERS > )34 'the moral ýmake our itseli with tfor weak say that I f rmy duty ;ut5day li- tty nearly the job, is a back mn. tory. EN Saturday> and Monday Special $1.05 Pan-ts. fer reguiar $ 1. 50 working T ± ante. in $1.85 for neyer rip. everyday l'aute. at$1,90 fer geed $2.50 Tweed l'ants. for 2 $2.50 fer Black' .$8.50. Worstedl'ants, Worth Saturday ndM dy SzSPECIALS. 25c., regular 40c., White.,Btrsw,,, 50e, "75o.,best iutowzI.ý H[ardand S6ftýHtésin, ai ttheWe4 styles. LAT)ES' BEGULÂB 300. Blouse Wa,-ists RIEVUCED TO 3Q OPPORTUNEr for every porson town to buy goods ~ OiVE-HALF SRegular Prices 2 TWO DA YS. Paie bine, navy and white etriped Zephyre, regular price 25c., re- dueed te 12jc. A.meriean Liant Clotho, ligbt and dark colore, regniar prie 20c., Bargain Day price 10e. 20piece light and dark Dresa Geeds re- dneed te j regniar prices. ViMtria Lawns, 42 and 44 inches wide, at 5 toiSe0. yd. 12ic. Prints ail rcdnoed ta 9je. 10c. Prints reduced te 8c; 1 piece Butchers' Biue Duek, warranted fi-et coler-, regniar price 20c., redueed te 100. Double widIth bine and whitce tripe Zephyr, reguiar price 20c. do. 25c-, rednced te 15c. O-The above prices are for Bargain Pays ONLY, Saturdy aud XIfouday, Juýly 2Oth id2i. wa G. W~LT~ - - JUST RECE te*eDen't bey' Pure, New -Made ' ChinaGla~ware a, Dinner 'and 'Tea S ChieFal;»ily, Gr, Ch~j5 orCash o befare cailing sud O1~e.s. A Lai of .1- ry of-. E.9 Bargaîn and L ves ber gees far toinards cstablishing thse standing et a business bous. in -the comntunity, anid tbe.good-wl-and favor we have been shows indicate that those who bave dealt inith us have been ernlnently satisflcd sWith their transactions SIF YOU - HAVE NOT SEEN the Bargaine w. are ofinsg ln Watches you bad better'corne and se. We can give yen g00d Watches from ç4-.75 UP. We give yen easy ternis of payment and take your old watçh in exchange. pe- Repairing promptly dn. We have aie been 81D- pointed agent fr it or-piano 06.l (:eý Ëtt (Ë#roilt*tlt. à-v ýâ

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