Whitby Chronicle, 19 Jul 1895, p. 4

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POtATO BUG FINISH. ý'B&DY FOR USE DRY. NO MIXING REQUIBED. Sticks to the vines.-Finishes the bugs with one applica- tion. The. only sale way ta ....... vu8 a strong poison ...... ..».**Worth its ...s. ...a fertilizer. 2j- cts. per lb. d.L. cosl asi WIL LI81 Chomist ïf Dru ggist, Medical Hall, Irock Street, Whitby.1 WHITBY, JULY 19, 1895. The »%UiTrade. There are so rnany things out of which rnoney. is made nowaday that a pretty good year la assured in this section of country. People rnay flot have as much rnoney's worth as was the case, but they can buy twtce as rnuch with it, and that sbould make things balance. People bave learned to economîse, and it la a good thing, for they willt hav*e very few debts to pay, and will be able to pay for what they want. When tblngs are booming large and long credits are (no freely aaked for and allowed. The trade thus fail will be worth catering to, and those who want it cannot find in the Province another advertising medium wbich covers so rnuch ground and so thoroughly as the CIIRoNicLE. We have the lists and WilU be only too glad to show them, or to coimpare thtmn with any other paper's cir- tulation. Next to circulation a paper should b. lnterestlng, and those who read the CHRONICLE will sec that it has news for overy part of this county and vicinity. Over slxty correspondents are collecting news for un ail the year. étb. CHILONICLE's advertisernents are 'More srtically and attractively placed in type than are those of any othcr local paper, and If the matter is weil written by the ad- yertimcr ibis fils out the last great point about succesaful advertising. If à, man bas Sthe goode 9f right quality and price and ,uiows bow to write bis advertisernent, we eau do the reet. lu merchandise there are only two classes ofmen who get wealtby-tbe man who ad- Uetises freely, and the screw who cheats aiud lies and makes every dollar he gets bold of a prisoner. The man wbo is flot posses- *èd of eiber oftbese quahities neyer succeeds Nery well and always wonders bow it is. If you want trade advertise, and do it 11h- orally and well. Tbe CHRONICLE can do the rest. lrouiating Their Desty. The faitbful followers of the Indian Deity, Oronybatekha, have hired a sbip with wbich to make a pilgrirnage to England and do bornage in cornpany witb the Foresters of Europe. From ail over Canada and the United States worsbippers have been surn* moned to accompany the Red God accross the ocean, and aIl is ready for saiiig to-mor- niw. Our Forester pilgrims do flot ask their British bretbren to corne to the Mecca, but are carrying the Mecca to thern. This is as it should b.. We could niake >no more seasonable suggestion. unless it be to buy a ship wtth the insurance rnoney of tii. policy holders, and let the Foresters' " machine"1 men saïl round and round the world continuously, doing bornage niglit and day to their Deity.. As it is they al bave to go to the HolylIsland li the St. Lawrence about once a week to worship, and it must be a dreadfultbing for tbose Foresters who aM 96 far away they cannot attend at the Mloy of HoUes to keep strongr in thc fsaîb, without evee bavlng prostratcd their bodies at DeIt Oronyrhatekha's feet. -This "ao a portable deity la capital. It COStsslotàfMOney, but il rnust be had. Ih M eyot SOp,ooo or 84o,ooo to send this slip- =odor p1ltuu witti their God to Europe but the b «gahg conferred upon the benight- ed bretbretInl. that quarter of the îglobe w iIli even once or twlce: round the worl. -Tii.7 S«ha# ui ifilon and a. ballaofmon"y *bà aft!r ee h scpedes Indulg;ed la, ~~, ab ulo the. more a inis. ýpk *d the more people are umbtgged i _________________________________________ Ruergve hsptll rM-- û e ourbot ten y crs but the' resi l 't behsrt both tue Libeansd XtlnIihut have become discredited as parties ýwia would bargalu for fusion on a basis of compromise. Mr. Gladstone evidcntly made ies life mistake when he made terme witu tue Irish. The people of Cuba are maklng a desper- aie -effort ,to shake off tue yoke of Spain. Tic oppressed inhabitants have found their colonial thraldom unhearable, and are strlk- ing for frccdom. Tii. unhaýpy people have taken thdr livcs in tucîr bands to, strike for liberty, and anc cannot but sym- pathise with theni. Many a worthy Cuban will glve hua life for the freedoni of 1i po- peNoblood i spiltinluthe fight for lbr ty but that of patriots. A more atrocioua murder tuas tiat of wbich the Hyarns brothera are suspectcd has corne 10 ligbt in Toronto. In tuis instance two ltte girls named Pitezel, aged ii and 13 years wcre murdered and buried in a cel- lar last October, supposedly b y a man from the States pasaing under th e name of Hohines, wbo la in jail aI Philadeiphia. His career has been traced and man y mur- ders are laid to bis charge, but in th la case Hol nies is supposed to have firai killed the father of the Pitezel children, aftcr which be brought theni to Toronto and strangled 11cm in a bouse he rented. Tic story bringa to mind tUic and familiar nursery tale of the Chilîdren of tic Wood. It la no wonder tic city of Toronto la made tie resort of murderera, for beaven and cartb comblned cannot induce a j ury there ta convici a killer. The large peti- tions igned there for the commutation af McWbernul'a sentence thc iberating and lioxizing of Clara Farâ, tue failure ta con. vici the Hyama brothera, and many otier sncb cases have advertised Toronto as be- ing as safe a place ta perpetrate a murder as Niagara Falls is ta commit suicide. Our Queen city should hold a hsuging match soon, including not only several murderers but also a dosen ,urymen, and if tie tuing la flot donc judicually we shall not be sur- priscd ta hear af Uic citizens rising in their might sanie day soon and lynching a few blood-tinsty monsters. The criais is said to be over in Ottawa, but it la not. As long as religions questions bold a place in politica--as long as differ- ences of opinion exist in matters of religion and conscience-there will be a criais af a more or less burning character. This Man- itoba malter is made Uic more complicaîed because Uic ialf-brecds u p tiere wcre pro- mised thc perpetuation of pnivilegea wiici are naw denicd ihem. The red mas, sud even tie moal remote extraction af poor La, appears io be always rcgarded by thc pale face as is meat, to rob and deceive as beat anits the Angio-Saxon's interesta. We have no doubt but Uic nndertaking waa that sep- arate achools would b. made a permanent thing among the pioncera of Uic Red River, and wc do not blame thc French Canadians for dcmanding tuait tc bargains of confed- eration be carried ont, or cia. tuat we un- confederate again. If a bar'an is ta, be broken there should be a satifactory settie- ment of sanie sort. Our national honon de- manda that much. We hope there may be no more separate achools ina Manitoba, but that hope of advantage is no reason for aboliahing guaranteed rigits. A bargain la a bargain. The Oshawa Reformer -caims thal Uic Grand Trunk Railway chargea ro cents per mile more than thc law allows for passera- gens traveling from that town ta Toronto. If tuis be truc what about Whitby, wiich pays for 33 miles and anc cent extra be- twcen Uic junction icre sud the union sta- tion, Toronto ? We are not very well posted as ta distances, but these railways are cer- iainly very high, and in dine will give jstrc4th ta an agitation for arq clectrlc track alang the Kingston road ta Toronto, whici we believe would prove a profitable invest- ment whilst collecting haif tic rates now ciiarged for traveling. Besides, tic trolley linea if established wonld run at tue moat canvenient houra for people doing business, wiereas thie G. T. R. makes its lime table largely ta suit tue thraugi trafflo from tic easi and wesi. Tic demarad of this age ia for cheaper passenger rates, and a cnt down would result in a ver-y largely increased patronage ta our railway lines. People cannai afford ta travel an higi rates an tic profita now coming from business, and have ta resart to telephone, telegrapi, mails, sud ait sorts of makeahifts ho save tic payment af h igi fanes for traveling. We do not be- lieve any country irathie worid has doue more for railways tian Canada, and now we pay probabiy the higiesi rates chargcd la any Uiorougily modernized country. It seema 10 us tualta promote tr-vel tue Cas- adian roads siionld cnt tudr rates. PubUe c Bhool Promotions. MODEL SCHOOL. I jr ta I ar-R McGeary, R Arnold, G Cas- worîh, E McAllister, T Plaskitt, E Scott, F Noble. A Robertson, W Murphy, R Wolfen- den, j Hawley. G Cormack.h un ta II jr- F Hartrick, H Holland, G Rogers, E Ard, M Piper, R Brant, H Howden, B Srnitb. R Hyiand, M Smnitb, A Sîeightholrn. 1h ar ta MI jr--H Wilson. T Bitton, M McGeary, M Cozwarth, P Piper, M Rogers, B Devereil, M Canden, M Murphy, M Devercîl, C Thani- son, TMcAltiaîer. III jr taIII sn-L Kean, H Pingle, L Nicholson, j Thomison, H Hy- land. R Sadien, R Clemence, L Arnold, E Scott. 111 an la IV jr-S Hughea. W Bell, A Davîson, A Wilson, C Paxton, H Bravener, A Dewey, E Sturgess. IV jr ta IW en-E Rosa, N Lswlen. R Stephenson, M Hoyî, M Wismen, j McAndell, L Westlake, E Strain, R T-' "- A Dixon, F Yaîca, c ex Xcl~eiou, citera MeCl gel -Jr <I11ta or I-Percv. w IL Piper repalin id na.H selle tic beat pumup lu Use marketzi references:. J. K. Gordonu, Wm. Newpert, and dozeuai of otiers. Sec his Pume, before brayl-ng. Get your fire-pots, grates, iron or brick lininga for aIl klnds of stoves, ranges or furnaces, froni J. Mclntyre. The. Wabash Railroad lu now acknowledged by travelîcra ta be the. besi route froun Canada to Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City, Old Mexico, Calafornla and West, northwestern points. Uts train equipnients is superiatively thc fincat in America. i is the great trunk lîne passing through six states of the union anad rnakin~ direct connecton wlth anc hundrcd anM nineteen ather railroade. Tickets and tune- tables of ibis great railwaty froni amy ticket agent or J. A. Richardson, Canadian pas- senger agent. N. E. Cor. King and Yongc street, Toronto. Saturday napa 33-inch. flannelette, regu Ian prices 8c and roc, for 5c and 6c on Saturday. Ladies' blouses, the 7,5c and $z kind, for 5oc and Î5 oni Saturday. New dresa ducks, negu- larprice rsc, for 8c an Saturday. Eng- liaI Oxford shlrting, regular price i2ic, for Sic on Saiurday. Men 9 Oxford shirts, regular pnice Si and $1.25 goods, 5oc on Saturday. New belt bucklcs, belt pins, etc. E. R. B. Hayward. liera are sanie anapa. The CHRONICLE and Weekly Globe to the end of the year for 3o cents. The CHRONICLE anad Weekly Mail and Empire to the end of the ycar for 50 cents. ThIeCHRONICLE a-id Toronto daily Morn- lng Star or Evening News to thc end of the year for 7 cents. Wbaî better rates could anybody asIr ? Send li your orders, and il you are a sub- acriber, seaid tbern to your frienda. Oh for Rverywhare 1 Oh. for cheap tickets to and from Eng- land, Scotland, Ireiand1 B. Columbia, Mani- toba, California, ail United States and Cana- dian points, anywhere, everywhere, boat, rail, or ocean and ail the boat lines via Owen Sound & C. P. R., Sarnia, Colling- wood, Port Hope anid Toronto. Also to Muakoka, upper lakes and ses, bathing points. Rates çuaranteed rigbt. Tbrough tickets from Pickering, Toronto, Myrtie, Brooklin and Whitby: SecEB. Stephenson, Whitby, before traveling. Board of Education.- Thc board of education held a special meeting on Tuesdny night to pasa upon ten- ders for repairs for the achools. The kalso- rnining ai the model achool was awarded to P. Warem at $17; painting thc collegiate institute to A. C. Wilson ait $49;.pointing cast wall of collegiate institute to Thos. Devercîl $8 ; new scats for rat and 2nd forms of thc collegflate institute to R. S. Cormack for $39 per seat, to b. sinag le seats with double desks; two furnaces for the model school to J. McIntyre ai $167, to be Pease furnaces. The repairs to thc Bay school to be donc under the cornnittee's supervision Trustee Rosa enquired about the rernoval of apple trees froni thc playground of thc col- legiate anstitute, and it was explained by Trustee Ferguson that the trees lnterefcred with ball-playing, and were rernoved after mnany complainta froni pupils. War or Peace its att the sarne. The war in Corea is now over and the Manitoba struggle la on, as well as the British elections. Murderrng las il in vogue and on the increase. The man wbo thinka lie knows a solution ai the Manitoba school question, docsn't know how much he 4oesn't know. How it will b.deait witb l a vexed question for politicais. Thc British elections are sure to go Conservative, and conserva- tisi as- carried on to-day means real .reton. We cau stop murdering ta sorue extent if wc a evey lod-stained monster td*o'as fnsedo!making theni rcciplent4 of syrn- pathy and outragcd justice. Readcrs are favored witb uhese pbilosophical observations purely with a view to rerninding tlern that E Hart slil sella thc New Williamns sewlng machine, whicb la ahead of thern ail. Thc August number of thc Delineator is called tuie mideunimer nuniber and contains a large variety of intercsting matter suitable for the. season. Ladies wbo have deferred completing their sumzncr wardrobcs will be particularly pleased with this nuniber, for thc styles were neyer more daints and ap- -propriate. A special article is devoied to dressing for atout ladies, and anotlher to baîhing and swirnrning, wlth illustrations of the latesi fashions i bathing costumes. Mrs. Roger A. Pryor's article on the. etiquette of letter writting bears thc staMP Of autbority, and will be ieipful ta, every anc wha reads it ; and the. paper on art needlework in the employrent series wiIl direct the attention of rnany wotren to this occupatoYa as a means of livelihood . The. Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby Ont., la lnterestlngly de- scribed by an ex-graduai., tie popular kindor-garten sertes la COntinud by Mrs. Sarah Miller Kirby, and :Hfarriet Keiti Fobes contributes an artlstic palper in Uic sertes on burat work. Tiiere la a very prauicl pperon leanlng and renovating arlacfeatuearand eglaves, and a variety of useful Information l isven Ithe montiilv tatk around the tea table. Tih cusekeeper will find some new receipes in sensaaabIe cookery, and mmcii tuat will help ta make lousework easier ln tblngs the. housewlfe slould know. There la also an excellent article on the newest bookcs and others on floral work for Augusi and the relations of motber and son. New design§s are ihastirat- ed and descrlbed In kitatatting, lace GREAT RE-4 SATURDAY E AU A~' osrv July 2Oth, CCTI may our pin: ver Czaî This Se and Hum clea g(et 1 1950 Having had a large trade this spring, we find pile after pile of Remnants on our counters, consistiflg of Pnts, ingliaffs, Clialks,Dolainos, DrosGod In Serges, Henrietta, both in Black and Colored; Silk, Flannel- lettes, Shirtings, Tweeds, Check and Spotted Muslins, Factory Cottons, White Cotton, and a jýreat many o ther lines all of which will be SOL:D D WhT. Corne and secure some of the Bargains bef'ore they are ail gone. Remember ŽW ]D R E W si JEWE OfficiaiCana tion of un FRIDA« LO00 Very prornh To Niagaiza Mr. Jamnes week. Mn. Geo. D Weclnesday. Hardwoodd aI W. Tîll's. Mn. Thos. by last Sunda Mn. A. HA with lis nelati' Very aId jol spoil al l e sa His Honorj neillbave gon, Mn. Jno. Mi store, attenda lake Wednesc Mr G E Gri auto and Niat returned Wecl Rev. Princi Coilegs, will ai Grimsby P Mr. and Mi Monday mort ing a f" wem Messrs. J. wcnt ta winn: The latter ia shecp sud ho1 Tii. Cibota, Niagara Nava bctween Toin ta the. water À white-fia1 for a few d thiabhmsoccuz but in the oi Mr. Griffith panied b bis sections o! O loaking aituth damage donc er easi than il Mr. and M out froni here day last. Tii froni Port Ho King, after w suce ai Uic w and niaking t whencc thcy cursion t a The. Whitb manville on'~ innings mt -W. would n bis surang ag hitherto upb< assue the i a statement me. prepsred Lieut-Cal. ow. Thurada M»L RO DR Y GOODS, TRI III! W~We ]EL WARREN@ 8s, WHITB Y. STORI, Now is thete ime to buy Dry Goods. Prcs breparatory Io D ress Goods in ail shades. Delaines, light and dark. Prints, Ducks, Ginghams, Shirtings, Table Linons, Napkins, Towello, Toweilings, (3loves, llosiery, Cor- ing are 'ail selling at re WHe 4>THE : N.EWN Hayward s e% the beet* goods, most of them'for the east mouey. We are- S.o ut for blrgais. E-very week* wesçg'o-.oTorointo aud bhunt -the uMarkets anýd the cash ýen&ahios Uis 11 mm'., DIIy lotsi of go<>dss half Prim,. Tha1'e ivhy wo eau sou so chesp. 4yeryy week wilfl nd U's wilh new linos Of ;p-to-date good* s t Toronto Érices. This we.k w hiwo eo e ýOome /Ufituutftanu xoeuu ±i mUaae uI iiUt adaced prices. Our Gents' Furnishing stock ia very- bright,' hàving i.ateIy been improved by another oonsignmenit of ýShirts9 , Co1hârs, Cuifs, Ties, Rose and Ràats. We are-selliug Hard, ami Sof Feit Rats, also Straw -Rats at rema:rkably low prices., We fait to quote prices for want o-f space. L wifl be to your intereat to examine our stock and compare prices and qualities before buying elsewhese. WARREN, DR Y : -GOODS Notice to Creditore. In lie maiter oflthe estale of JOHN ME!) LAND), tae o/mte Townsip Of J7iî- by, in lit? Couniy of Ontai, yeoman, deceased. Notice is hcreby given, plusuat to tse prvdons Of the Revised Statutes of ou-- fao, 7z887, Chapter uzoý that all persous.a havlug claire or demande a agawst thbe - tate Of tue Sad late JE ~IAi wuba died.otor aou etc.tweuty-ift-dà7 <if fOétoberý .ADet1il. are reàZ41 ni . WHITBY, STORE. , rýPrison Make. 91athia ét Thin. la p r tnv aw£àU-a Tlç fo>lowj .WhfIc wlus OatB 40ct bi e e.c, bi the day and date, July 2Oth, 1895. «C We are selling everything ai reduced receiving- our Fa/I Stock. WHITBY. 9DS

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